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Charm City Blues: A Crime Noir Game

The Objective of Charm City Blues is to fill the Case Track of the Suspect before the Hour Track returns to 12 or the
Suspicion Track of the Suspect is filled.
36 Cross Hit Point (HP) tokens 6 Character cards (large) 30 Investigation cards (small)
34 Fingerprint Clue tokens 4 Suspect cards (large) 20 Encounter cards (small)
20 White Case Track cubes 20 Location cards (medium) 14 Suspect Deck cards (small)
15 Black Suspicion cubes 4 Turn Action cards (medium) 6 Virtue cards (small)
4 Character pawns (blue, green, red, 1 Hour Track card (medium) 6 Vice cards (small)
yellow) 1 Hour Track (medium)
4 d6 Ability dice
1 d20 Clue die

Setting Up
Shuffle the Location cards and deal them in a 4x5 grid in the center of the play area to form Charm City.
- If two Locations on the same Trolley line are dealt next to each other, move one above or below its current spot

Deal 1 Character card, 8 Hit Point tokens, and 1 Turn Action card to each player:
- Split the Virtue and Vice cards into separate piles. Then, starting with the oldest person, have each player pick
one of each and place it on their Character card.
- Place a pawn of your choice on the Location listed under the Character’s name.
- Place the Clue tokens and cubes within reach of everyone in separate piles.

Place the Hour Track to the right of the city and place the marker ring on 12.

Split the Investigation deck into five piles (by Location name), shuffle them, then place them face up below the City.

Place 1 Suspect above the city. Shuffle the Suspect deck and deal 12 cards face down on the Suspect card.

Shuffle the Leg Up deck and place it face down below the Hour Track. Then deal the first 3 cards face up below it.

Place the Encounter deck face down below the Leg Up cards.

Spawn initial Encounters by pulling the top cards from the Encounter deck:
- 2 player game: 2 Encounters
- 3 player game: 3 Encounters
- 4 player game: 4 Encounters

Spawn initial Clues by rolling the d20 and placing a clue token on the Location with the number rolled on it:
- 2 player game: 3 clues
- 3 player game: 4 clues
- 4 player game: 5 clues

The player who has most recently seen a crime noir movie goes first. Play moves clockwise.

Play is split into three phases: the Suspect phase, the Vice Squad phase, and the Time phase

Suspect phase
- At the beginning of each round, pull the top card from the Suspect deck and resolve its action.

Vice Squad phase

- During your turn, you may perform up to four actions listed on the Turn Action card. Actions may be done more
than once per turn.
- In order to fill the Case Track of the Suspect, travel to Locations with clue tokens and Investigate them. If you
succeed at then Investigation, add 1 cube to the Case Track based on the Ability used and gain 1 Clue.
- The number below the Ability symbol on the Character card signifies how many dice to roll (i.e. a Fight ability of
2 means roll 2 dice when the ability is used.)
 In order to succeed, you must roll equal to or greater than the number listed on the Investigation or
Encounter card.
- If you lose all of your Hit Point tokens, you are out of the game. Your HP may not go above the starting value.
- When Suspicion points are earned, place them on the Suspicion Track of the Suspect card.

Time phase
- At the end of every round, move the Hour Track clockwise 1 hour.

Ability Dice
While Investigating and fighting Encounters, you will test your Abilities. To test an Ability, take the number listed on
your Character card below that Ability icon and roll that many d6. You may roll up to 4 total Ability dice.
- If you roll equal to or higher than the required number on the card, it is a Success. If not, it is a Failure. Follow
the text on the card based on your result.

Each Suspect has a Case Track that must be filled in order to win the game.

To fill the Case Track, move to a Location with a Clue token on it and pull the top Investigation from the corresponding
Location type deck.

If you succeed at the Investigation, place a cube on the Case Track of the Suspect and keep the Clue token. If you fail,
resolve the text on the card then place the Investigation on the bottom of the deck.

Once a Clue is successfully investigated, roll the d20 and spawn a new one.

Encounters will spawn throughout Charm City as the hours pass.

Once an Encounter is spawned, take the card from the top of the Encounter deck and place it face up on the Location
specified in italics.

Upon entering that Location, you must stop and attempt to complete the Encounter by succeeding at Ability rolls.

If you defeat an Encounter, place it in front of you and continue your turn.

If you fail an Encounter, lose Hit Points or gain Suspicion Points as called for on the card then move to the Location
you began your turn on. Then continue your turn.

If an Encounter spawns on a Location a player is currently on, place it on the bottom of the deck and draw another.

Leg Up Cards
Once a Leg Up is used, place it on the bottom of the Leg Up deck.

You may only pick from the Leg Up cards revealed below the deck. Once one is removed, draw another to replace it.

Non-Turn Actions
Non-Turn Actions do not count towards your 4 action limit and may be performed at any time during your turn.

- You may trade Clues, Encounters, or Leg Ups with players on the same Location.

Team Up
- You may team up with a player on the same Location as you. When teaming up, you have two choices:
 Gain 1 Ability die, or;
 Utilize your partner’s Ability score for that Ability test.

Special Actions
Certain Locations have Special Actions listed on them. These may be performed as a turn action by following the text on
the card.
Turn Actions
Move 1 Space
- Move either one space up, down, left, or right by foot or take the trolley. When riding the trolley, moving to another
location on the same colored line counts as 1 action.

Investigate a Location
- Pull the top card of the Investigation deck for that Location type and test your Ability.

Perform a Location’s Special Action

- See Special Actions above.

Virtues and Vices

Using your Virtue does not count as an Turn Action.

Vices will affect your Investigations in certain Locations. Be sure to take these into consideration while working with
your fellow squad members.

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