SEO Experts

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Seo Experts 

at (product) (2016–present)Mar 18

What did you learn too late in life?

1. Stop posting everything on social media.

2. Most people don't love you, it's just a symbiotic relationship.

3. Don't force ANYTHING -relationships, conversations, meeting up with someone, etc.

4. Get up every day and find your drive then use it to propel yourself through the day.

5. Money does NOT give you true happiness; just an illusion of it.

6. Most people don't even know what true happiness feels like.

7. Don't outgrow your youth. Live it, at the right time.

8. You can sacrifice a lot for someone you really care about, but they'll still leave you.

9. Pilot your emotions most of the time. Don't let them control you unless need be.

10. Whether you believe in science, religion or nothing at all, death is NOT the end.

11. Invest in good memories whether you have money or not. You'll need them as you grow old.

12. It's all in the mind.

13. Love yourself, but don't forget to reciprocate it to others. Treat everyone with kindness even
when they are mean to you. Kindness is strength not weakness.

14. Do good to others and expect nothing in return. It's not a trade.

15. Keep your heart, mind and body clean. Always avoid negative energy.

16. Drink a lot of water OFTEN.

17. Eat healthy - veggies, fruits, yams, etc.

18. Exercise often. Go for a run or hit the gym.

19. In the end, you will realize it's all meaningless. Our endless endeavors to get rich, getting
worked up, wanting attention, life and the likes. As we say in our language, " Yote ni vanity."

20. Do not chase anyone who wouldn't do the same for you.

21. Just because she/he looks at you, doesn't mean they LIKE you in that way.
22. That girl/boy that dresses funny, looks funny and talks funny...that "uncool person" in school
that nobody wants to hang out or be seen with, ....hate on them now, but you won't believe how
good-looking they'll be in a few years.


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