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Deliverable One: Memorandum and Workflow Analysis Flow Chart

Rasmussen University Online

LaToya T. Benson

Healthcare Strategic Planning and Marketing

October 23, 2022


To: Professor Dawn Ide, Chief Executive Officer

From: LaToya T. Benson, Strategic Planning Manager

Date: 11/21/22

Re: Business Planning and Strategic Planning

Business and Strategic planning are necessary to increase revenue and address potential risks that can negatively affect
client relationships. Both can also help healthcare organizations prepare for future disruptions or crises. 

A business plan is a framework of strategies and initiatives to start a new business. It outlines the services planned to be
provided and how you intend to run your company ("Business plan vs. strategic plan," 2022). It details the financial
aspects of the healthcare organization, such as its revenue streams, operational procedures, and resource allocation
("Business plan vs. strategic plan," 2022). It specifies when and how the organization plan to see a benefit from the
investment. A business plan has short- or mid-term goals that define the steps necessary to achieve them. It usually
lasts up to 12 months.
A strategic plan, in contrast to a business plan, details the objectives of an organization and the steps it will take to
achieve those objectives. ("Business plan vs. strategic plan," 2022). A strategic plan is a business framework that
existing companies implement when they want to improve their business processes and streamline their operations
("Business plan vs. strategic plan," 2022). It defines your organization's future, setting goals that will move you toward
that future and determining the major projects you'll take on to meet those goals. It also includes sustaining that strategy
focus over three to five years.
Adopting telehealth and telemedicine services is a focus area in the healthcare industry that could help our company
increase revenue and client satisfaction. More outstanding communication with our clients' patients through telehealth
and telemedicine services can lead to improved revenue cycle management, increasing revenue (Adepoju et al., 2022).
One way to do this is through virtual check-ins, a messaging function within a telehealth platform, or video visits with
patients that can save time and avoid unnecessary office visits. The benefits of telemedicine go beyond offering
convenience to patients and reducing revenue loss for the clinic. Telemedicine is a promising investment that may
prove to be worthwhile in reducing overall healthcare costs (Adepoju et al., 2022)
To ensure a strategic telemedicine plan is adopted in the organization, the following questions below must be
considered and addressed appropriately:
 Is our telehealth strategy embedded in our organizational strategy? ("Strengthening your telehealth," n.d.)
 Do we understand patient needs and preferences around virtual care, including differences by population
segment? ("Strengthening your telehealth," n.d.)

 What is our plan to educate and engage patients and monitor their experience and satisfaction?
 How will we research vendor products and technology relevant to desired telehealth applications?
("Strengthening your telehealth," n.d.)

 What is our plan to monitor and track performance? 

 How are we aligning measurement with other quality improvement initiatives?
 Which of our current systems support integration with telehealth? 
 What is our plan to address interoperability issues?
 What do we know about telehealth's payment and incentive structure now and in the future?
 In which specialties or sub-specialties do we need to build capacity for telehealth services?


 How will we conduct operational training for physicians, other relevant providers, clinical staff, or patients?
("Strengthening your telehealth," n.d.)
A strategic plan that addresses the listed questions can deliver the destined vision for the organization.

Workflow Analysis Flow Chart

This work analysis flow chart shows the communication hierarchy through the

organization concerning the project. The CEO will be responsible for figuring out how all the

pieces fit together, implementing a plan, executing it, and overseeing the organization's operation

following its overarching strategy (Hayes, 2022). The CEO will also be responsible for

managing a company's overall operations (Hayes, 2022). These operations will include

delegating and directing agendas, driving profitability, managing company organizational

structure, and process, and communicating with the board (Hayes, 2022).

The Account Manager's role is to identify those key customers that generate maximum

revenue and profitability compared to regular accounts. They will act as a bridge between the

company and stakeholders on the customer side. Build and maintain strong relationships with

key business clients. They regularly communicate with clients, resolve queries, and increase

revenue by promoting product innovation.


The Strategic Manager will develop and direct the organization's strategic and long-range

goals, including proposals to enter new markets and expand existing market presence. The

Strategic manager will also oversee this process within the organization (“What does a strategic

marketing manager do”, 2020).

The Project Manager is responsible for developing efficient project management methods

to achieve the highest customer satisfaction and gain more revenue resources for the business.

They will analyze the current market trends, perform data and statistical analysis, and generate

opportunities to close more business partnerships.

The Financial Analyst will be responsible for analyzing financial statements and

predicting the company's future performance (“Financial analyst job description”, 2022).

Including forecasting future revenues and expenditures, modeling capital structure, and

budgeting. They will be responsible for keeping track of a company's financial plan (“Financial

analyst job description”, 2022).

The Marketing Manager will be responsible for developing, implementing, and executing

strategic marketing plans for an entire organization to attract customers and retain existing ones.

Their responsibilities revolve around performing research and market analysis to identify new

marketing opportunities, producing sales forecasts and risk analysis, overseeing the budgets and

schedules, determining customer needs, and setting goals in adherence to the company's vision

and mission (“Marketing manager job description”, 2022).



(n.d.). Blackboard learn. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from


Adepoju, O. E., Angelocci, T., & Matuk-Villazon, O. (2022). Increased Revenue From

Averted Missed Appointments Following Telemedicine Adoption at a Large Federally

Qualified Health Center. Health Services Insights, 1–4.

Business plan vs. strategic plan. (2022, October 14). Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

plan-vs-strategic-plan-whats-difference \

Financial analyst job description. Corporate Finance Institute. (2022, April 23). Retrieved

October 23, 2022, from


Hayes, A. (2022, October 21). Chief executive officer (CEO): What they do vs. other chief roles.

Investopedia. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from

Lhh. (2022, February 3). Marketing manager job description. LHH. Retrieved October 23, 2022,


Strengthening your telehealth strategy - (n.d.). Retrieved October 23, 2022, from


What does a strategic marketing manager do. Zippia. (2020, October 2). Retrieved October 23,

2022, from


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