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Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras

Worksheet N 9
English level IV group: SLG 17
Teacher: Luis Alfredo Salas Suárez

Alexander Acosta Solano.

WORKSHEET; writing and speaking production



1. What is healthy mind?

 It refers to how a person is mentally, that is, how they feel emotionally,
physically, psychologically and how their harmony with others and with
themselves is. In addition, having a healthy mind affects the way we think,
feel and act when we face life. It also helps determine how we handle stress,
relate to others, and make decisions.
2. Why is important to have a healthy mind?
 It is important because in addition to being present in our children,
adolescents, adults and old age, it helps us to have:
Good physical health helps us cope with the stresses of life, reach our full
potential, and have good relationships.
3. What do you do to have a healthy mind?
 Normally I exercise every day, I sleep between 7 and 8 hours, I eat healthy
meals for myself, I avoid stressful moments or those that generate negative
4. What things are good to have a healthy mind?
Among those things we have:
 Exercise.
 Eat healthy.
 Maintain emotional ties.
 Be optimistic.
 Sleep well.
5. What things are bad for your mind?
Eat junk or unhealthy food.
 Stop exercising or do not exercise.
 Drink alcoholic beverages.
 Sleep a little.
Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras
Worksheet N 9
English level IV group: SLG 17
Teacher: Luis Alfredo Salas Suárez
 Stress.
 Become too overloaded with activities.
6. What sport or exercise do you practice to have a healthy mind?
 Normally in the mornings I go for walks or jogs, I also play a little soccer or
just ride my bike through nature.
7. Give some tips or advices to have a healthy mind
 Identify the factors that generate stress and avoid such situations.
 Have a schedule to carry out activities so as not to overload.
 Have a healthy diet.
 Exercise.
 Stop eating junk food.
 Have a good relationship with others and with yourself.
 Manage the moments where negative emotions can be generated.

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