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When to terrorise talent PAGE 17 Articles PAGE 20 Career skills: Getting things done rice 28 nga com vnonaconétcon Dilemma: Mission: Impossible? Page 22 PCr eo ace Cus aL Core ee Cea Pucca ccd Te cd ec Pr aR oes directly, tem Unit2 Preview Management styles Reading Vocabulary 1 Opinions differ about what is the best way to manage and motivate employees. Which of the following statements do you agree with? Discuss your views with a partner. a Employees cannot be trusted and must therefore be closely supervised. b_ Staff should be allowed to organise their own work. © The best motivation is money and recognition for meeting targets Fear and management [Ed Read the text about leadership on the opposite page. What motivation techniques are mentioned? Ey Read the text again. Are these statements true or false? 1A photographer witnessed the manager kicking David Beckham. The manager lost his temper because the team lost the match. Management tactics are easier to identify in business than in sport Patterson encouraged his employees to make themselves indispensable When business is goad, fear is used less as a management tactc. Fear may help some people to reach their targets Both company empleyers andl artists shaee the same fear of failure What fears make people work hard? Can fear motivate people as successfully as rewarding them? Synonyms [Bl Match the words from the text with similar meanings. 1 inspire a technique io eae 4 ba fou a 2 jo ¢ eine — Management Fear and management When to terrorise talent The football dressing room remains the last refuge of old-style management techniques ins mos beavifal Gnd footballeremenged. fom his house on Monday morning t¢ allow the rl fo photograph a wound above his Ich eyes Sir Alex Ferguson, anager of his then team Manchester United, had 2eotball oot, which it the Bekbam ebro in sports, more than inmost bus esses the management acts are out inthe open forall 10 see, Not_many anagem ty to strangle ther subord hats ae” Bobby Knight Former basketball coach a Indiana Universi once id But she ability t inspire far has always been an eset tool of management Tots of sucesfil chic exectves rule ty temor, Nong ft must be areas te standard see by fun Paterson, who baile NCR ean fhe 204 century When aman get indispensable, lets re him” he ould apparent say. One NER cxeatve disamered he ad boon red wen he found his desk and chair in flames “on. the company lawn Modern awe on constructive. dismissal ployee harassment have put at nd fo such fin However, terror in the workplace is ‘onomie upswing. fear goes under found. Workers are scarce, and there Fore poweruls oses must handle the Talent with care. When times tan tus the bolance of power swings. As Hank Paulson, chaitman of Goldman Sachs put in in-a-speech that upset his sta i almost crery one of cur businesses, there ave 15.20% ofthe people that really mid A0% of the value” In other words fo. are lanely redundant and had beaver shape up Sst Motivating talent Does far really motivate? In sport ays seat Shook, who teaches rsa tional behaviour at Harvard ‘Basines Glossary indispensable can’t do without i emotional kick feeling of excitement neurotic ina state of ansety {ragile egos. very sensitive people School, “fear can become a barrier 19 taking sks yet ean provide the essen emotional Hck needed 10 mee chal Tenge” Coaches need to strike the right balance (andthe right player In order" to" develop talent Yer use in, the bosrdroom, far ean be disastrous Tony Couch, 2 head hunter at Egon Zehnder in” London, resale dhe board of lange frm ith 3 thet exeutve who so" dominated his Airecors that they rarely questioned or pany depends on having 4 qe ead ida stesdy market” he. argues. im Collins. aathor-of a book that explains why” some. firms stceed ‘making the jump “fiom ood 10 great fd other fl, found that the ay Finns that he surveyed. He found that the inal. succes firms pe productively neurotic. At vcr, for ‘ample employees wory all year a the prosper of ther annal mestn wih Bail Gates where even being shouted st wrould ek hurt os ec 3 seeming 0 ie'an ide The driving fear of failure, poins out wy Collins, § not unique t! corporat ie, selfemploved, and live wah fonsant fare he says. "But Tm sel afaid" That kind of ear commo tong creative rite and also np fessional services where the person the of agile egos have to Unit 217 Ei Complete the sentences with the words below. manager subordinates coach chief exeeutive (CEO) workers stafT directors employee ‘The new .manager_ improved morale in the department. 2 The praised his team upon reaching the Cup Final. 3 Ourboard of — meets every three months to discus state. 4 The factory went on strike because of low pay 5 ice Went up when the new ‘was appoinied. 6 Thave to do the appraisals forthe six who report to me. 7 An aggressive management syle led to an increase in turnover. 8 Bey in the company gets health and safety training El Complete the article with words from exercises 1 and 2 Sometimes more than one answer is possible Getting something done is only half the job. Keeping staff happy at the same time is every bit as important. ‘any "managers. believe that getting work done trough others requires free How of AY kisioniiition iid pei, Gradictive Felationships with Rather than treating a climate of /__ , they give clear instructions and realise deadlines and take care to ‘constructive eriticist and not : employees. They work towards [SES pores working eetronment here feel valued and trusted. Some PSUS Pay hat cue not 0 echices 25 this rarely © fd often causes stress and loss of confidence among. the Managers who succesfully maintain the Balance of power will not lose thir authority even when cers ‘members take control of project, This si eatmaceeec ti pointy pee tang an economic upswing when employees can easily find work with nother company: Speaking In what ways can successful leaders win the respect of subordinates and exercise authority over them? em Unit 2 Vocabulary 2 Speaking Collocations Match each of the following verbs with one set of nouns. set meet make take 1 a chance 3 a mistake an opportunity judgement « position 4 lias 2 point acall 2 a deadline 4 a precedent a need anexample the cost an objective ‘expectations a limit EL Use some of the collocations to complete the dialogues below. 1a Are you sure these figures are correet? They look a litle high to me. b You're right. think | a in the calculations. 2 a What do you think of their proposal? Too risky, We can't a fon an unknown supplier 3. a They say they absolutely must have the final version by Friday. b Weill never be able 10 a like that! 4a Its the first time we've agreed to pay expenses on a project like this. b_ Yes I know. I hope this won't a that well regret later, 5 a Tmnot sure if we should sell now or wait until the market improves, 1b Yeah, Its difficult to know wich would be the best 6 a Tr looks like we've used almost all ofthe budget, Right. We'e going to have to ‘tight on spending from now on. HR manauer at Rading Grown, (Ee David HARBeavES HS the AR Manager at Radius Croup, hear him talk about managing people. Before you listen, answer these questions. 1 Do you think there is a secret to successful leadership? 2. Doyou think that life inside an organisation is in any way similar to life inside a family? IFso, in what way? Now listen and answer the questions. 1 How does David motivate his staff? How does he monitor progress? ‘Why does he arrive early at work? How does his team make decisions? What does David think the secret of leadership is? ‘Work in pairs. Tell your partner about a very good manager or teacher you have known. What made him/her special? Unit 219 Leadership Vocabulary: Leadership Grammars Articles veer skills: Getting things done weg: | Email making a request earns ae y Hl Use the clues to find the words in ths puzzle. al ability TAL esis 5 tine iit E sive someone work 10 do a «have control over z D 5) appreciated E rmoxivate R i complete the sentences with on, in, by, into, to, with or of Janice is very good at dealing ith problems in the workplace 2. "The manager needs to take contol the situation immediately 3 management aren’ careful staff wil go sks & A iiend of mine recently asked me . g> business with him. Today's management session will cus marketing steps. Managers need to make company information more accessible safe I don't think a good leader is someone wha rules tester A good leader should be open new ideas. ‘What do you think is needed to succeed business? 10 (fd say your way of managing staffs similar mine BI Match the verbs and nouns. tal a a balance 2 tend. D arisk stike example set al a problem resolve © anevent found a company mnie 2 20m Unit 2 Language focus Practice Articles Read the extract below and underline all the nouns. Which nouns are preceded by indefinite articles a/an, the definite article the or no article at all Does fear really motivate? In spor, says Scott Snook, a teacher in ‘organisational behaviour at Harvard Business School, (one of the most Fanious business schools in the world) fear can become a barrier t taking ‘sks, yet can provide the essential emotional kick needed to meet a challenge. Coaches need to strike the right balance in order to develop talent? ‘The indefinite article a/an refers to ~ non-specific singular countable nouns (He's a good manager) ~ jobs and nouns of nationality (Ive a sales executive) ‘The definite article the refers to = nouns already mentioned or specified (I gave the report to her) = nouns that are one of a kind (You can read about it on the internet) = the superlative form of aciectives (t's the best job I've had.) ‘There is usually no article with ~ general plural and uncountable nouns (Criticism doesn't help.) ~ abstract nouns such as talent, success (We should develop our talent) For more information, see page 157. Complete the following article with either a definite or indefinite article or no article at all (O). vom Ute nuuaue deck Look atthe use of antics (the or nc ail a al) i the ‘Shes Oy ese er ei te es SReNS eal ea 1 hn etn Sime Ga fan ace romaine de ted et bee te mage Dae areal ave op ter not armani fam epee enfant mg oe 0 oe ote bs Chern sero nner Nevpaper area onthe train this moming was very estve out management to. 101 ont know of many really strong ede in the wor at he momen. six people tlk about the qualities of sucess leader. Listen ind mateh each speaker with one ofthe quai 9 Abity develop went bb Setfconidence Ability te unplesan desisons i «_Cariy of though © Abiiy tue people fF fecive communication hil how we ajaves fom the auossipt on pages 8081 © comple the sete 1 impanant fora marge gi eer insacons sa 2 isin i singe manages ave be propa ode wih 3 Thee reno sandal soon: args ee fi he mst : Solon reach parc station 4 Ales ate ane deal wi eand 10 fy need ‘Steatiew poise 1 Agood manage develops his/her team and it) of ober pecplessuees 6 Pes winout his quai, no manager ca survive, Career skills Listening 2 © Speaking Culture at work Getting things done Management is often about getting people odo things effectively and on tine. Ovrect odes can demotivate subordinates as they give them no cole but go 2s they are told A softer approach ito focus n the positive outcome ofan employe competing ots ewould be 0 get hep if you could get the report dane by Fridy ‘ By phasing instructions as question, an employe feels espected ad invoved inthe decision-making proces. Would you mind working ate next week? [Hl Listen to the three shore dialogues. Which of the following phrases do the speakers use? Is there any way you ent ? 1 dow’ sappose you could. ? Do you mind 2 Would you do me afavour and. ? as wondering whether you could . ? Would you mind. ing? 1 really appreciate if you Ie be agren help if you could Read the instructions below. How would you rephrase them to make them softer? Practise with a partner. Get it done by Friday. Tell her to come and sce me. ‘Mail it to my home addeess. Don't waste your time on that. Enter all that on the data base. Look at the following situations. Imagine that you are the person's manager. How would you approach these situations? What would you actually say to the person in each case? 1 Bill Jarvis is a young engineer who has only been with your organisation for four months. He has an independent approach to doing his work ‘You asked him to hand in a repo three days ago. He has not responded to the several emails you sent him to remind him, 2 Janet Feynman isa young junior manager in your department. She gets ‘on with most people inthe office. However, she has recently had some conflict with Katia, one of her colleagues. A new project has come up and you need Janet to work on it with Katia, Being direct Indirect cultures instructions are very short. This ean be seen as impolite and aggresive by people from indiret cultures, where instructions are usualy polite requests. Can you think of examples of each culture? Hew ‘might this diflerence cause misunderstanding in multicultural teams? Unit2m 21 Writing I Read the article about choosing a leader. It contains twelve proofreading mistakes. Find and correct them. The Economist Leaders Tough at the top I Business Choosing leader eet a companies worse than they ya et chain Sree cay gene ace ishconpaniessomeines appear oseether eden ‘unsatisfactory ways. They rarely advertise for a boss or seetstyone om snaercouty pation sea ‘ee ote chefoeeutes ofthe PSE Dofus sh, More thy ae appoint anyone who fs been he CkOaf anther age pc compnnyOfenine ened Deting a lene hs alae ten ty eae eo reget ls wo que dient ails Uke oe cay satire loafeletingand mat mane lake lodapc of hein Bt etc edge eo sole onchig ing eey hes teyens hes take susan wre dcuin wc may ay dansgethebsnes Fhe wrong Renyganseh as Cie iets ad ate have tad odor ohoseneg the ox test bu fed te hedge Bi Franz has written an email to a colleague. Rewrite Franz’s email ‘using a softer approach to ensure that he gets things done. Then ‘compare your answer with the suggested answer on page 90. eee Dear Mike I'm going to be ot « conference for the res of he week Dod wif few hings fr me while am avy, wil you? ‘Ask Jason Block to leave his report on my desk for when I ge back. Aso lt the soles team know tomorrows meeting has been postponed until next Wednesday. Franz. Unit 2m

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