Ch-4 Class 11 Presentation

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Physical Education & Sports for CWSN

(Children With Special Needs- Divyang)
Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education

Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special

Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics)

Concept of Inclusion, its need and Implementation

Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counselor,

Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education
Teacher, Speech Therapist & special Educator)
❖Adaptive physical education is a modified
program of games, sports and other
development activities that is suites to the
interest, capacities and limitations of
student with disabilities
❖Itis done for students with special needs
so they can also enjoy the experience of
sports and recreation.
❖Students who are differently abled and
require special service to be able to
observe and realize their maximum
Aims of Adaptive Physical Education
❖ To help or aid differently abled students to achieve
physical, mental, emotional and social growth
proportionate to their potential through special,
planned Programme of regular physical education
and recreational activities.
❖ To provide equal opportunity to the differently abled
students to participate in physical education
programmes, safely and successfully, in a least
restrictive environment
❖ Ensure services to meet special needs
❖ Develop motor skills
❖ Enhance self-esteem and self-image
❖ Participation of students in physical education
❖ Improve physical fitness
❖ Motivate students to protect themselves
❖ Promote sportsmanship qualities
❖ Develop knowledge of good mechanics
❖ Improve social adjustment
Special Olympics Bharat
❖ SpecialOlympics Bharat is an officially recognized
Programme of Special Olympics International which
operates in India.
❖ Itwas founded in 1987 as Special Olympics India, and
changed its name to Special Olympics Bharat in 2001.
❖ it
is recognized by the government of India as a National
Sports Federation for the development of sports
opportunity for the people with intellectual disabilities.
❖ The special Olympics Bharat Programme has so far
drawn a number of coaches to work with 850875 athletes
across the country.
❖ Special Olympics Bharat is a National Sports Federation
also registered under the Indian Trust Act 1882 in 2001
and is accredited by Special Olympics International to
conduct Special Olympics Programs in India
❖The mission of Special
Olympics is to provide sports
training and organize sports
competition throughout the
years for children and adults
with intellectual disabilities,
giving them continuing
opportunities to develop
physical fitness, demonstrate
courage, experience joy and
participate in a sharing of gifts,
skills and friendship with their
families, other Special Olympics
athletes and the community.
❖To transform communities by
inspiring people throughout the
world to open their minds,
accept and include people with
intellectual disabilities and
thereby celebrate the
similarities common to all.
OATH “ Let me win. But if I cannot win, let me be

brave in the attempt.”


Its goal is to provide chance to differently abled

people to develop physical fitness and focus on
their holistic development
❖The Paralympic Games is a major international multi-
sport event involving athletes with a range of disabilities
including impaired muscle power (e.g. paraplegia and
quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, post-polio syndrome,
spinal bifida), impaired passive range of movement, limb
deficiency (e.g. amputation or dysmelic), leg length
difference, short stature, hypertonia, ataxia, athetosis,
vision impairment and intellectual impairment.
❖There are Winter and Summer Paralympic Games,
which since the 1988 Summer Games in Seoul, South
Korea, are held almost immediately following the
respective Olympic Games. All Paralympic Games are
governed by the Inter National Paralympic
❖ The ceremony typically starts with the hoisting of the host
country's flag and a performance of its national anthem.
❖ Unlike the Olympic Games, immediately after the national
anthem the athletes parade into the stadium grouped by
❖ Since the 1988 Summer Paralympics, the nations enter the
stadium alphabetically according to the host country's chosen
language, though with the host country's athletes being the last
to enter.
❖ Since the 1988 Summer Paralympics the host nation presents
artistic displays of music, singing, dance, and theatre
representative of its culture.
❖ Finally,
the Paralympic torch is brought into the stadium and
passed on until it reaches the final torch carrier often a
Paralympic athlete from the host nation who lights the
Paralympic flame in the stadium's cauldron.
❖The closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games takes
place after all sporting events have concluded.
❖Flag-bearers from each participating country enter,
followed by the athletes who enter together, without any
national distinction.
❖ The Paralympic Flag is taken down.
❖Since the 1988 Winter Paralympics, with some
exceptions, the national flag of the country hosting the
next Summer or Winter Paralympic Games is hoisted
while the corresponding national anthem is played.
❖ The games are officially closed, and the Paralympic flame
is extinguished.
❖After these compulsory elements, the next host nation
briefly introduces itself with artistic displays of dance and
theater representative of its culture.
❖The IPC is the global governing body of the Paralympic
Movement. It comprises 176 National Paralympic
Committees (NPC) and four disability-specific
international sports federations.
❖ The president of the IPC is Andrew Parsons. The IPC's
international headquarters are in Bonn, Germany.
❖ The IPC is responsible for organizing the Summer and
Winter Paralympic Games.
❖ Italso serves as the International Federation for nine
sports (Paralympic athletics, Paralympic
swimming, Paralympic shooting, Paralympic
powerlifting, Para-alpine skiing, Paralympic
biathlon, Paralympic cross-country skiing, ice sledge
hockey and Wheelchair Dance Sport).
❖ The Deaflympics are games for deaf athletes

❖ The earlier name was international games for deaf

❖ Those games are organized by “The international committee of sports for the
deaf” since the first event and they are sanctioned by the international Olympic
❖ The deaf Olympic are not guided by sound for example, the starter gun,
bullhorn commands or referee whistles
❖ The Deaflympic were held first time in Paris in 1924. It was the first ever
international sporting events for athletes with disability.
❖ The Deaflympic winter games starts in 1949. Then it was gathering of 148
athletes. Now those games are grown into a global movement.
❖ To qualify for the games, athletes must have a hearing loss of at least 55
decibel in their “ better ear”
❖ Hearing aids, cochlear implant etc., are not allowed to be used in competition.

❖ Alternative methods are used to address the athletes. For example the football
referees wave a flag instead of blowing a whistle, on the track races are started
by using a light, instead of using a starting pistol.
Concept of Inclusion
❖Itis an approach to educate both normal and
student with disabilities or with special educational
needs together.
❖Inclusiveeducation means normal students and
special needs students learn while sharing the
same physical space and interacting socially and
ca be stated that in this education differently
abled children are educated with normal children
within the same roof.
❖In Inclusive education , student with special needs
spend most of their time with non-special needs
1. For self esteem
2. For better social skills and
3. Greater sensitivity
4. For better understanding of
strength and weaknesses
5. For better sense of
6. Higher academic
❖ Each and every individual has
❖It may be seen that differently
abled individuals are less
❖After inclusion in a regular
school the students with
disabilities have shown
improvement in self-
❖They display qualities of self-
❖Opportunities to have better social
relations among students with disabilities
and without disabilities.
❖Socialskills are learnt properly through
observation and imitation.
❖Students with disabilities get a better
understanding of the world around them.
❖Feel exhilarated about being part of the
regular community.
❖ Communication skills are improved a lot.
❖Students without
disabilities become
more sensitive by
learning along with
students with special
❖They understand how
words can hurt.
❖They practice patience
and learn empathy.
❖Students with or without
special needs in inclusive
school learns that each and
every individuals has
strengths as well as
❖ Theylearn to appreciate
these differences
❖Itteaches the value of another human
beings, no matter what that person look or
sound like.
❖Students with special needs enjoy the
feeling of belongingness, being loved,
having relationship and friendship with
students without special needs.
❖Students without special needs also show
increased awareness of tolerance and
better understanding of other students with
special needs.
❖Inclusive education is
beneficial for the
students with special
needs because
research studies
conducted in this field
show that these
students have done
academically well than
in exclusive education.
School Counselor

❖A school counsellor is a member of the

education team who provide valuable
assistance to students with special needs.
❖Carries out development programmes
related to stress management, anger
management, conflict management and
positive thinking.
❖He also helps them with their academic
goals, their social, personal and career
❖ Concerned with gross motor skills and mobility of
the children with special needs.
❖ Role of physiotherapist is to assess and manage
children and young persons with movement
disorders, disability.
❖ Aim is to help the children with special needs to
their full potential through providing physical
intervention, advise and support.
❖ A physiotherapist concentrates, in particular, on
problem that affect muscles, bones, circulation of
blood and lungs.
❖ He evaluates movement and function of the body
of children with special needs with particular
attention to physical mobility, balance posture,
fatigue and pain.
❖ He also use a range of techniques including
massage manipulation, exercise and movement,
electrotherapy and hydrotherapy.
❖ Helps children with special needs in performing
self-care skills like eating, bathing and
grooming, that is, activities related to motor
❖ He also helps children in participating and
interacting with others in play.
❖ He helps children in adapting to regular school.
❖ Aids for writing and other classroom activities
to help them to participate equally with other
❖ He also helps in improving motor skills and
❖ This can help children to learn, to grasp and
release toys and other objects.
❖ He also work on hand-eye coordination to
improve skills.
❖ Need to determine the abilities of students
with special needs.
❖ Need to determine measures to be
implemented to support their participation in
sports and fitness.
❖ Helpstudent with special needs to improve
physical fitness.
❖ Help in Improving eye-hand coordination,
flexibility, muscular strength, endurance and
even cardiovascular efficiency.
❖ Provide physical activities to reducing
anxiety, stress, tension and depression.
❖ Helpin developing a sense of self-esteem,
which can be important as student with
special needs may often feel isolated and
removed from the group.
❖A Speech Therapist in school
provides treatment, support
and care for students with
special needs who have
difficulties in communication.
❖Help to gain ability to
communicate through
speech and language.
❖Help such students who
have fluency disorder like
stoppages, repetitions or
prolonging sounds in words.
❖ A specialeducator or education
teacher often help has students
with varying learning, mental,
physical and emotional abilities.
❖ They may assist in the areas of
physical skills, learning through
play, communication, improving
social and emotional skills.
❖ special
educators main
responsibility is to assess their
students cognitive abilities.
❖ They also create and apply
curricula and activities to meet
the requirements of students
with special needs.

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