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Yes, adding dis to ability can be a matter of choice sometimes as believing in or focusing on their

weakness or disability for not able to perform certain activities like normal people creates a natural
barrier in the minds of people between disabled and abled, like happen in the story Derry focused
too much on his face and other people’s opinion that he was not able to communicate well with
others and created a barrier between him and people. This restricted him to unleash his true
potential or things he could do very well.

However, people judge a person based on his appearance so when people see a disabled person,
they tend overlook every other aspect and focus on one which make him different from them as a
result they focusing on his disability, things he cannot do like normal person and overlook things he
could do way better, thus looking at the disabled person most of the times with sympathy, giving
him peculiar looks.
Driving question: How can we as a team change the vision of society
that-"Abled does not mean enabled, disabled does not mean less
able, choosing to place dis in the ability is a matter of choice"?
In order change the vision of society first we must understand the current view of society about
disabled, we must redefine or define what is meant by disability, understand people opinions on
being disabled and find ways to improve the vision of people towards disability or disabled people,
so rather than looking at them with sympathy they must give them a bit more of equal footing. As
the result of discussion each problem was discussed.

Disability is not able to perform certain activities like normal person due to physical or mental
impairment. However, adding dis to ability can be a matter of choice sometimes, focusing on their
disability creates a natural barrier in the minds of people between disabled and abled and restrict
disabled people to unleash their potential. people judge a person based on his appearance so when
people see a disabled person, they tend to focus on the point which make him different from them
therefore they focus on his disability, things he cannot do like normal person and overlook things he
could do way better, thus looking at the disabled person most of the times with pity. People find
disability a bane as a normal person who lived his life doing things normally without any physical and
mental hindrance is unable to imagine himself disabled however people who are born disabled find
it normal after some point in life as they accept the reality. Normal people find it difficult to accept
life of a disabled and are unable to vision them as equal though disabled people live normal life,
instead cussing or regretting over things they cannot do, they find their passion which help them
reach great heights and do things even better than a normal person. To change people’s vision
people must be shown such things so that they could imagine disabled and able at a bit more of a
equal footing

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