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September 1995

Process Industry Practices


Design of Pumping Systems That Use
Centrifugal Pumps

In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice

has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over
this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or
application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be
made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from
time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as
normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally
correct and may be substituted for those named. All practices or guidelines are intended
to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To
the extent these practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable
laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate
professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the

©Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The

University of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin,
Texas 78705. PIP member companies may copy this practice for their internal

3pr96 Minor format changes.

2pr96 Minor format changes.
Not printed with state funds
September 1995

Process Industry Practices


Design of Pumping Systems That Use
Centrifugal Pumps

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................2 List of Figures
1.1 Purpose ...........................................2 1A Pump Operating Ranges as a Function
1.2 Scope ..............................................2 of Flow Rate and Suction Specific
Speed ηqs (In SI Units)........................ 14
2. References..................................2
1B Pump Operating Ranges as a Function
2.1 Industry Codes and Standards .........2
of Flow Rate and Suction Specific
Speed NSS (In Customary US Units)..... 15
3. Definitions...................................2 2 Vertical Vessel Reference Levels for
NPSHA Calculations............................. 16
4. General Design Principles.........3 3 Horizontal Vessel Reference Level for
NPSHA Calculations............................. 17
5. Hydraulic Selection Criteria ......4 4A NPSH vs Flowrate for Various Speeds
at ηqs = 175 (In SI Units) ..................... 18
6. Net Positive Suction Head 4B NPSH vs Flowrate for Various Speeds
Considerations ...........................7 at NSS = 9,000 (In Customary US Units)19
5A NPSH vs Flowrate for Various Speeds
7. Heating/Cooling Jacket .............9 at ηqs = 215 (In SI Units) ..................... 20
5B NPSH vs Flowrate for Various Speeds
8. Driver.........................................10 at NSS = 11,000 (In Customary US
8.1 Electric Motor.................................10 Units).................................................... 21
8.2 Steam Turbine ...............................11

9. Energy Evaluations ..................11

10. Application of Specific

Pump Types..............................11
10.1 ASME B73 Pumps .......................11
10.2 API 610 Single Stage Pumps .......12

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Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps September 1995

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this Practice is to provide designers with requirements for design of
pumping systems that use centrifugal pumps.

1.2 Scope

The requirements in this Practice cover general design principles, hydraulic selection
criteria, net positive suction head considerations, jacket and driver considerations, and
energy evaluation for design of pumping systems that use centrifugal pumps.

2. References

Applicable requirements in the latest edition (or the edition indicated) of the following industry
standards shall be considered an integral part of this Practice:

2.1 Industry Codes and Standards

• American Petroleum Institute (API)

– Std 611 - General Purpose Steam Turbines for Refinery Service
• American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
– B73.1 M - Specification for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for
Chemical Process
– B73.2 M - Specification for Vertical In-Line Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical
• Hydraulic Institute
– Hydraulic Institute Standard

3. Definitions

For the purposes of this Practice the following definitions apply:

High Stream Factor Plants: Plants in which the on-stream time must be 97.5% or better at
design capacity.

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September 1995 Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps

Intermediate Life Plants: Plants with an expected economic life of less than twenty years.

Long Life Plants: Plants with an expected economic life of twenty years or more.

Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH): Total absolute suction head, in meters (feet) of liquid,
determined at the suction nozzle and referred to the datum elevation, minus the vapor pressure
of the liquid, in meters (feet) absolute. Datum elevation is the suction nozzle centerline for
vertical in-line pumps and the top of the foundation for other vertical pumps.

Net Positive Suction Head Available (NPSHA): NPSH, in meters (feet) of liquid, determined
by the purchaser for the pumping system with the liquid at the rated flow and normal pumping

Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHR): NPSH, in meters (feet), determined by vendor
testing with water. NPSHR is measured at the suction flange and corrected to the datum
elevation. NPSHR is the minimum NPSH at rated capacity required to prevent a head drop of
more than 3% (first-stage head in multistage pumps) due to cavitation within the pump.

Relative Density: Ratio of the density of one substance to that of a second reference
substance, both at the same specified temperature.

Specific Gravity: Dimensionless ratio of the density of a fluid to that of a reference fluid. For
design of pumping systems the reference fluid is water at a temperature of 15°C (59°F).

4. General Design Principles

4.1 All potential system flow paths shall be examined.

4.2 Pumping system curves shall be developed for all flow paths, piping configurations,
and process flow characteristics. Relative time duration for each flow path shall be
4.3 Pump(s) selected for the system shall:
a. Provide the head and flow required for all flow paths, piping configurations, and
process flow characteristics.
b. Be manufactured from materials acceptable to the process. Materials shall be
corrosion resistant.
c. Have mechanical features that maximize reliability and minimize maintenance.
4.4 Flow control systems shall ensure control of the flow within the acceptable operating
range of the selected pump(s).
4.5 Net positive suction head available (NPSHA) for the pump(s) shall be adequate for all
operating conditions, including startup and shutdown.
4.6 Adequate driver power shall be available for all operating conditions. Driver power
shall include allowances for industry accepted variations, such as tolerances for head,

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efficiency, and manufacturer’s rating of National Electrical Manufacturer Association

(NEMA) motors.
4.7 Pump(s) shall have a shaft sealing mechanism that is adequate for all operating
conditions. Sealing mechanism shall have adequate cooling, lubrication, and support
systems that are consistent with process conditions and seal requirements.
4.8 Arrangement of suction and discharge piping shall not introduce turbulence that may
reduce the pump’s performance or increase maintenance. Arrangement of suction and
discharge piping for pumps in wet pit sump installations shall not permit gas
entrainment and shall facilitate maintenance of the pump.
4.9 Careful consideration shall be given to operating requirements to avoid selecting
pumps that present critical speed problems in the designated speed range.
4.10 Design data that verifies that the design of the pumping system conforms to the above
design principles shall be developed. Data shall be subject to a formal review by the
purchaser prior to release of the design for procurement/construction. Data and its
formal review shall become a permanent record for project, operations, and
maintenance purposes.

5. Hydraulic Selection Criteria

5.1 Pump(s) selected for the pumping system shall have head capacity characteristic
curves that rise continuously as flow is reduced to shutoff.
5.2 If pumping system is designed for pumps to operate in parallel, the head rise to shut-
off shall be at least 10% of the head at rated capacity.
Comment: Pumps without a substantial rise in the pump's characteristic curve, as flow
is reduced, are more susceptible to operating at dead head (shut-in) conditions if run in
Comment: It is not always possible to achieve a continuously rising head
characteristic curve with low flow high head pumps. It is rare when pumps with this
characteristic must run in parallel. They respond satisfactorily to flow control.
5.3 If available, pump impeller shall have a best efficiency point (BEP) that is between the
normal and rated operating points.
5.4 Normal operating point flow rate of the pump shall be greater than the minimum
continuous flow rate specified by the pump vendor and less than the flow rate at the
BEP for the selected pump impeller.
5.5 By using an impeller with the maximum allowable diameter, a pump with a constant
speed driver shall be capable of a minimum head increase of 5% at rated flow rate.
5.6 Minimum diameter of selected pump impeller shall be 105% of the minimum diameter
impeller for the generic pump curve for the specific pump.

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Comment: Suction recirculation increases as minimum diameter impeller is

approached. This can result in increased net positive suction head required (NPSHR)
at the same flow rate and less predictable performance.
5.7 If the pumped fluid has a variable specific gravity, the head required to be developed
by the pump shall be based upon the lowest specific gravity and the greatest system
differential pressure for the required flow rate.
Comment: “Specific gravity” is used throughout this Practice in lieu of “relative
density”. Some commonly used equations would otherwise be affected by the shifting
temperature reference used in relative density.
5.8 If viscosity corrections are required, head, capacity, and efficiency corrections shall be
the responsibility of the pump vendor. These corrections shall be calculated in
accordance with the Centrifugal Pump Section of the Hydraulic Institute Standards.

5.9 Pumps with suction specific speeds ηqs greater than 215 (NSS greater than 11,000)
require specific approval by the purchaser. A quotation for such a pump shall include
minimum continuous flow rate, maximum operating flow rate, and operating

Comment: Suction specific speed ηqs (NSS) is an index of pump suction operating
characteristics determined at the BEP with the maximum diameter impeller. Suction
specific speed is an indicator of the NPSHR for given values of capacity and rotating
speed and provides an assessment of the pump's susceptibility to internal recirculation.
Suction specific speed is calculated by the following equation:

ηqs = (N)(Q)1/2/ (NPSHR)3/4

where ηqs = Suction specific speed

N = Rotating speed in revolutions per minute
Q = Flow rate per impeller eye, in cubic meters per second (gallons
per minute) at the BEP with the maximum diameter impeller
= total flow rate for single suction impellers
= one half total flow for double suction impellers
NPSHR = Net positive suction head required in meters (feet) at the BEP
for the maximum diameter impeller

Comment: Suction specific speed derived using cubic meters per second and meters,
multiplied by 51.6, is equal to suction specific speed derived using US gallons per
minute and feet. The usual symbol for suction specific speed in US Customary units is
Comment: Industry has extensive published experience that indicates that pumps with
high ηqs (NSS), defined as 215 (11,000) and greater, have reduced reliability.
Refer to article in Hydrocarbon Processing, April 1982, titled "Centrifugal pumps:
Which suction specific speeds are acceptable?" by Jerry L. Hallam. At off design (off
BEP) conditions, these pumps are susceptible to both suction and discharge
recirculation, that may result in high vibration and poor seal life. Pumps with high
ηqs (NSS) should not be accepted for services with widely varying operating flow
rates. If no reasonable alternative to a high ηqs (NSS) pump exists, steps should be

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taken to ensure pump operation at or very near the BEP. Consider a controlled bypass
or a complete shutdown if the pump is used in a batch operation. Vibration
instrumentation should be considered for proper monitoring of these steps.

Comment: Inducers have been applied successfully up to 580 (30,000 NSS) although
the more common range is 290 to 580 ηqs (15,000 to 25,000 NSS). When
considering inducers, particular attention should be devoted to the NPSHR curve
shape and the manufacturer's experience. If possible, vessel heights should be at a
level sufficient to avoid the necessity of inducers.
5.10 Normal and rated flow rates of pumps shall be within the acceptable range in
accordance with Figures 1A and 1B (for SI and customary U.S. units respectively).
Pumps with flow rates outside this range require specific approval by the purchaser.
Comment: Figures 1A and 1B may not be applicable to inducer designs.
Comment: As shown on Figures 1A and 1B, the acceptable range of flow rates is
reduced as higher suction specific speed pumps are applied. It is recognized that the
damage that may occur to a pump at high suction specific speeds is also a function of
the energy density level of the pump. Therefore, Figures 1A and 1B should be
considered a general guide.
5.11 Pump vendor shall state the minimum continuous flow rate required by the pump and
whether this flow rate is based on hydraulic stability or thermal limitations.
5.12 Minimum continuous flow rate of the process shall be equal to, or greater than, the
minimum continuous flow rate required by the pump.
5.13 Determination of the minimum continuous flow rate of the process shall take normal,
abnormal, startup, and shutdown conditions into consideration.
Comment: Pump operation below the stated minimum continuous stable flow rate
causes increased process fluid recirculation within the pump which may result in
increased noise, high vibration level, and bearing and/or seal failure. Pump operation
below the stated minimum continuous thermal flow rate may result in gasket failure,
seal failure, or flashing in the pump casing. An orificed bypass line or a valve
controlled bypass line may be used to increase the flow rate to the minimum
continuous flow rate.
5.14 If process or operating practice cannot ensure the minimum continuous flow rate
required by the pump, a minimum flow bypass or instrumentation to alarm or
shutdown the pump shall be provided.
5.15 Unless otherwise specified, minimum flow bypass shall be routed to the suction vessel.
If the system provides adequate cooling for the recirculated fluid, consideration may be
given to routing the minimum flow bypass to the pump suction line.
5.16 Bypass routed to the pump suction line shall be connected at a point that is a minimum
distance of 10 pipe diameters upstream of the pump suction flange.
Comment: Bypass control is often used on high specific speed pumps, such as axial
flow pumps, because the power requirement decreases with increased flow.

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5.17 Size of the suction vessel, thermodynamic properties of the pumped fluid, and amount
of fluid to be recirculated shall be taken into consideration to determine if a cooler is
required in the bypass line.

6. Net Positive Suction Head Considerations

6.1 Requirements for calculating NPSHA and for margins between NPSHA and NPSHR
shall be strictly applied. Additional margins shall not be applied without specific
approval of the purchaser.
6.2 NPSHA shall be calculated assuming the following:
a. 110% of rated pump capacity.
b. Lowest liquid level in the suction vessel.
c. Operating condition with the lowest NPSHA.
Comment: Operating condition with the lowest NPSHA typically has the highest
temperature, vapor pressure, and viscosity and the lowest liquid level.
6.3 Lowest liquid level in a vessel shall be defined as the bottom tangent line on vertical
vessels with pump inlet piping connected at the bottom of the vessel or at the takeoff
level if the inlet line to the pump is not connected to the bottom of the vessel (Figure 2)
or the bottom inside level of horizontal vessels (Figure 3).
6.4 For existing vessels, and if selection of pumps is limited, the liquid level may be taken
as one of the following:
a. Elevation of the minimum operating liquid level if vessels have level control.
b. Elevation of the low alarm setting if vessels have level control.
c. Elevation of the automatic shutdown level if vessels have a level controller, low-
level alarm, and automatic shutdown device.
6.5 NPSHA shall exceed NPSHR by a minimum of 1 meter (3 feet) from minimum
continuous flow to 110% of rated operating point. Use of an inducer to meet this
requirement requires approval of the purchaser.
Comment: A 1 meter (3 foot) minimum margin is desirable because NPSHR of
individual impellers may vary significantly. NPSHR is determined under ideal pump
operating conditions, and at the stated NPSHR the pump is already in cavitation with a
3% head loss. Cavitation damage can result in high energy density impellers at head
losses less than the normal 3% used in standardized testing.
Comment: Using the equation in 5.9 of this Practice and the 1 meter (3 feet) margin
specified above, the minimum acceptable NPSHA can be estimated with the following

NPSHA ≥ [(N/ ηqs)4/3 Q2/3 ] + 1 (SI Units)

NPSHA ≥ [(N/ NSS)4/3 Q2/3 ] + 3 (Customary Units)

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Using an assumed pump speed, the minimum NPSHA can be estimated and used to
determine the preliminary elevation of the suction vessel.
6.6 If the margin between NPSHA and NPSHR at 110% of rated operating point is less
than 1.5 meters (5 feet) or if an inducer is used, NPSHR testing shall be performed.
6.7 If the pumped liquid has dissolved or entrained gas, the NPSHA used to select the
pump shall be one-half of the calculated NPSHA.
Comment: Some common liquids in which the NPSHA may be adversely affected by
dissolved gases include carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, amine, etc.
Comment: Published articles related to this topic are as follows:
"What NPSH for Dissolved Gas?" by Irving Taylor, Published in Hydrocarbon
Processing, August 1967, Volume 46, Number 8, Pages 133-134.
"Inert gas in liquid mars pump performance" by W. Roy Penny, Published in
Chemical Engineering, July 3, 1978.
"Accounting for dissolved gases in pump design" by Mao J. Tsai, Published in
Chemical Engineering, July 26, 1982.
“Cope With Dissolved Gases in Pump Calculations” by C. C. Chen, Published in
Chemical Engineering, October, 1993.
6.8 NPSHA used to select the pump shall be indicated on the data sheet.
6.9 For uncontrolled applications, i.e. cooling tower pumps, in which the pumps can run
out to the end of the curve, NPSHA shall exceed NPSHR by a minimum of 1 meter
(3 feet) from minimum continuous flow to the end of the curve.
Comment: Uncontrolled pumps typically operate at the end of the curve because of
conservative system design factors. This results in specifying a pump with a greater
head requirement than actually exists in the installed system.
6.10 NPSHR reductions or corrections for hydrocarbon liquids and hot water are
6.11 Elevation of suction vessel shall be set to meet the requirements for margin between
NPSHA and NPSHR specified in Sections 6.5 through 6.9 above.
Comment: Figures 4A, 4B, 5A and 5B are attached to give to the engineer
establishing suction vessel elevation an appreciation of the NPSHA that must be
provided at various flow rates and pump speeds to meet ηqs (NSS) limitations. For
planning purposes, the preliminary vessel elevation should be based on the NPSH
requirements shown in Figures 4A and 4B, with ηqs of 175 (NSS of 9,000) as a
reasonable approach. This allows the selection of a pump without exceeding the ηqs
ó 215 (NSS ≤ 11,000) limit (See 5.9). It may be more economical to raise the suction
vessel than using a larger, slower speed, or double suction pump. For example, for
pumps with identical process conditions, a pump that operates at 1770 RPM versus
3560 RPM increases cost from 40% to 100%. A pump that operates at 1180 RPM
versus 3560 RPM increases cost from 100% to 300%. Drive motors that operate at
1180 RPM are also significantly more expensive compared to motors that operate at

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September 1995 Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps

1770 RPM or 3560 RPM. Often suction vessels can be raised to provide adequate
NPSHA at a reasonable cost. By adequately addressing these issues, the overall cost
effectiveness and reliability of the pump will be enhanced.

7. Heating/Cooling Jacket

7.1 Pump shall have a heating/cooling jacket if conditions require it.

Comment: The following are the types of jackets typically used on centrifugal pumps:
Stuffing Box Jacket
Seal Chamber Jacket (Fully Jacketed Only)
Pump Casing Jacket
Bolt On or External Steam Jacket (Casing)
Bearing Housing Cooling Jacket (Oil sump fin tube is preferred. Cast bearing
housing jackets are acceptable only with Purchaser’s approval.)
Comment: Jackets are used to remove or add heat to the local area to which they are
applied. High temperature liquids that flash if heat is added, such as through rubbing
friction or mechanical seals, require cooling. High temperature liquids that solidify if
the temperature decreases require the addition of heat, especially during startup when
piping and pumps are at ambient temperature. It is advisable to hydrostatically test
jackets prior to shipping the pump. Leakage to the atmosphere could be hazardous in
some processes.
7.2 Use of a heating/cooling jacket shall be considered for the following conditions:
a. Temperature of pumped fluid above 150ºC (300ºF) unless metal bellow type seals
are used.
b. Temperature of pumped fluid above 300ºC (572ºF).
c. Boiler feed water pumps.
d. Dead-ended seal chambers.
e. Low flash point liquids.
f. High melting point products.
7.3 Cooling/heating jackets or inserts for seal chambers shall be provided by the pump
vendor if specified by the purchaser.
7.4 If the temperature of the pumped fluid is greater than 175ºC (350ºF), the pump and
seal vendors shall be jointly consulted about using cooled flush or running the seal
chamber dead-ended with jacket cooling.
7.5 Cooling/heating jackets for seal chambers shall have connections arranged so that the
entire passageway can be mechanically cleaned, flushed, and drained.

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8. Driver

8.1 Electric Motor

8.1.1 For applications in which the pumped fluid has a variable specific gravity, the
rated power of the motor shall be based on the greatest specific gravity.
8.1.2 If viscosity corrections for the pumped fluid are required, the power
requirements specified in sections 8.1.4, 8.1.5, and 8.1.6 shall be increased an
appropriate amount by the pump vendor. Start-up at cold temperature when the
viscosity of the pumped fluid is higher than under operating conditions, shall be
taken into consideration.
8.1.3 Use of a variable speed motor may be considered under one or more of the
following circumstances:
a. Increasing flow rates cause increasing system resistance.
b. In slurry service when reduction in pump speed reduces erosion and
eliminates throttling valves.
c. Process does not require a constant head, which is typically controlled by
Comment: The primary benefit of variable speed pumps is the reduction of
energy requirements due to the elimination of throttling and minimizing
erosion in slurry pumps. Variable speed pumps in constant head system
service have no advantage.
8.1.4 If the end-of-curve power is less than 4 kW (5 hp) the next standard size larger
motor shall be used.
Comment: The purpose of this requirement is to overcome startup problems
due to slow acceleration of small motors in overcoming inertia and drag of
seals. Seal drag increases as suction pressures increase. Failure to consider
these factors can result in tripping the driver before operating speed is
8.1.5 If the end-of-curve power is between 5.6 kW (7.5 hp) and 75 kW (100 hp),
motor shall be sized to cover the full operating range of the rated impeller from
shutoff to the end-of-curve without the use of a service factor. End-of-curve
power is defined as 120% of BEP.
8.1.6 If the end-of-curve power is greater than 75 kW (100 hp), the motor shall be
sized to cover the end-of-curve power or 110% of rated power, whichever is
less. For applications that are expected to operate at the end-of- curve, such as
cooling water circulating pumps, motors shall be sized to operate at the end-of-

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September 1995 Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps

8.1.7 Motor and coupling shall be sized to meet any known future increase in power
or head requirements. Future increase in head requirement shall be able to be
met with a larger diameter impeller.
8.1.8 Motor shall have adequate power for initial run-in on water with the pump
throttled to 50% of rated capacity. If this requirement results in an increase in
motor size, the larger motor shall be quoted as an alternate.
Comment: The purpose of this requirement is to verify that the motor is
adequately sized for water runs. However, if a larger motor must be furnished
solely for water runs, it should first be verified that a water run is planned, and
if so, alternate methods of accomplishing the water run should be investigated
before deciding to use the larger motor. If water runs are not planned for
startup, other methods of ensuring cleanliness of the system must be used such
as a blowdown with compressed air.

8.2 Steam Turbine

8.2.1 Steam turbine drivers shall conform to API Std. 611.

8.2.2 Steam turbine power rating shall be 110% of the greatest calculated power
requirement of the pump, at any operating condition.

9. Energy Evaluations

9.1 Selection of pumps and drivers shall take into consideration cost of energy in the plant
in which they are to be installed along with a payout period consistent with the design
life defined in the project premises.
9.2 Efficiency of pump/driver used for the above selection shall be the efficiency that
occurs at the normal operating flow rate and at the resulting head for the diameter of
the impeller selected. Hours per year of pump operation shall reflect the design stream

10. Application of Specific Pump Types

10.1 ASME B73 Pumps

Unless otherwise specified, application of ASME B73 pumps shall be limited in

accordance with the following tables:
Table 1

Characteristic Limitation
Maximum Temperature - °C (°F) 150 (300)

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Maximum Discharge Pressure - kPa (psig) 1900 (275)

Maximum Suction Pressure - kPa (psig) 500 (75)
Maximum Rotative Speed - RPM 3600

Table 2

Type of Pump Intermediate Life Long Life, High

Horizontal ASME through A-70 Plants Reliability,
High Stream
Vertical In-line ASME Factor Plants
Flow - Max, Cubic Meters/Hour (GPM) ASME Standard 135 (600)
Head - Max, Meters (Feet) ASME Standard 120 (400)

Table 3

Type of Pump: Horizontal ASME Intermediate Life Long Life, High

A-80 through A-120 Plants Reliability,
High Stream
Factor Plants
Flow - Max, Cubic Meters/Hour (GPM) ASME Standard 450 (2000)
Head - Max, Meters (Feet) ASME Standard 60 (200)

10.2 API 610 Single Stage Pumps

Unless otherwise specified, application of API 610 single stage pumps shall be limited
in accordance with the following tables:
Table 4

Type of Pump Intermediate Life Long Life, High

Overhung API Plants Reliability,
Horizontal or Vertical High Stream
Factor Plants
Flow - Max, Cubic Meters/Hour (GPM) 1140 (5000) 680 (3000)
Head - Max, Meters (Feet) 300 (1000) 215 (700)

Table 5

Type of Pump Intermittent Service Long Life, High

High Speed, Single Stage, or Reliability,
Integrally Geared, API Intermediate Life High Stream
Plants Factor Plants
Flow - Max, Cubic Meters/Hour (GPM) 80 (350) 57 (250)
Head - Max, Meters (Feet) 1525 (5000) 1370 (4500)

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September 1995 Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps

20 100 46 100 106 215

20 260 81.5 260 111 100
71.5 215 72.5 100 110 260
115 215 88 215 128 100











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Figure 1A: Pump Operating Ranges as a Function of Flow Rate and Suction Specific Speed ηqs
Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps September 1995











0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Figure 1B: Pump Operating Ranges as a Function of Flow Rate and Suction Specific Speed Nss








Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps September 1995









Note: When using this curve for
SI Units double suction pumps,
divide the flow rate by 2.

2960 RPM


NPSH - Meters

1470 RPM

980 RPM

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Q - Cubic Meters per Hour

Figure 4A: NPSH vs Flow Rate for Various Speeds at ηqs = 175
Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps September 1995

Note: When using this curve for

Customary US Units double suction pumps,
divide the flow rate by 2.

3560 RPM



1770 RPM
NPSH - Feet

1180 RPM



0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

Q - Gallons per Minute

Figure 4B: NPSH vs Flow Rate for Various Speeds at Nss = 9,000
Note: When using this curve for
SI Units double suction pumps,
divide the flow rate by 2.


2960 RPM

NPSH - Meters

1470 RPM

980 RPM

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

Q - Cubic Meters per Hour

Figure 5A: NPSH vs Flow Rate for Various Speeds at ηqs = 215
Design of Pumping Systems That Use Centrifugal Pumps September 1995

Note: When using this curve for

Customary US Units double suction pumps,
divide the flow rate by 2.

3560 RPM


1770 RPM
NPSH - Feet


1180 RPM


0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500

Q - Gallons per Minute

Figure 5B: NPSH vs Flow Rate for Various Speeds at Nss = 11,000

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