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Salvatore della Valle

Dr. Norris Duncan

BIBL 1413-2

16th November 2022

Reading assignment chapter 16

1. The Authors are:

a. Paul – He is usually known as the author of Hebrews as his theology in certain

areas of Colossians, Philippians and Corinthians lines up with other theological

areas in Hebrews. Although, Hebrews took a while to be part of the canon of the

Bible no one knew the author. Also, Paul’s letters were easy to determine his

authorship whilst in Hebrews, no one knows exactly. Paul had a rugged style

whilst Hebrews had a smooth Greek style. Furthermore, Paul talks about his

apostolic authority whilst Hebrews talks about the authority of others.

b. Barnabas – he spent a lot of time with Paul which could explain similar Pauline

theology, but he may have physically seen Jesus whilst the author had to rely on


c. Luke – another companion of Paul he can explain the Greek style like in Acts, but

unlike Acts being Gentile, Hebrews is Jewish.

d. Apollos – he would explain Pauline theology as he was a companion of Paul and

a student of Priscilla and Aquilla. Apollo has a refined writing style like in

Hebrews and since he is Alexandrian, it would explain the use of Septuagint in

the Old Testament. Some people draw parallels from Philo in allegorical

interpretation of The Old Temptations. However, Hebrews takes the Old

Testament as history rather than as an allegory and lack of early tradition leaves


e. Silvanus – Only because he was a companion of Paul and not much else.

f. Philip – Same goes for Philip

g. Prescilla – She was a companion of Paul and a teacher of Apollos. She kept

herself anonymous because no one would accept the letter authored by a


h. Clementine – The similarities between 1 Clement and Hebrews makes his

authorship possible. But there are many differences and Clementine probably

borrowed from Hebrews.

2. Jesus had superiority over:

a. Old Testament prophets – Jesus is the son of God and rightful heir to the

universe; he is God’s last and best word.

b. Angels – Christ is the divine son whilst Angels are just servants of God.

c. Moses - Moses was also a servant of God, Moses also died in the wilderness due

to his rebellion.

d. Joshua – Joshua brought the Israelites to Canaan; Jesus brings his people to

eternal life.

e. Aaronites – The Aaronites fail to grow whereas Jesus is the start of new growth.

3. Aaron vs Melchizedek:

a. Aaron:

 Christ has a divine oath whilst the Aaronites do not.

 Aaronites are mortal whilst Jesus is eternal

 Christ is sinless, Aaronites are not

 Aaronites focus of earthily symbols while Christ focuses on heaven.

 Christ voluntarily gave himself as a sacrifice which only had to happen

once, Aaronites constantly have animal sacrifices.

 The Old Testament talks about a new covenant taking over the old one.

Since the Aaronites are so focused on the old covenant.

b. Melchizedek:
 Melchizedek was a priest of God like Christ.

 His name translates to ‘king of righteousness’ and he is the king of

peace which are characteristics of Christ.

 Melchizedek lacks genealogy and death in the Old Testament is in

similarity of Christ and contrasts all the deaths of the Aaronites.

 Melchizedek receiving the 10 th spoils of Abraham represents Christ’s

authority over Aaron.

 Same authority is when Melchizedek is blessing Abraham.

4. Failure to grow can result in apostasy and it can lead to salvation no longer existing.

5. Heroes of Faith:

a. Samson – God gave him mighty strength to free the Israelites from the


b. Samson – He demonstrated high levels of respect and obedience.

c. David – David as well showing levels of respect, obedience and trust in God.

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