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Structures to remember

Structure Meaning Example


admit doing advise doing advise sb to do / not to do agree to do allow doing / sb to do appreciate doing ask sb to do / not to do attempt to do avoid doing

beg sb to do / not to do begin to do / doing

cant help doing cant stand doing consider doing continue doing / to do convince sb to do

delay doing desire to do demand to do decide to do / not to do deny doing dread doing

claim to do

encourage sb to do enjoy doing expect to do expect sb to do

fail to do finish doing forbid sb to do forget to do forget doing hate doing

help sb do / to do hesitate to do hope to do hope sb will do

intend to do instruct sb to do invite sb to do insist that sb do its no use doing its not worth doing its no good doing

learn to do like doing love doing

mean to do mind doing miss doing

need to do / need do

offer to do order sb to do / not to do order that sb do

plan to do postpone doing practice doing prefer doing permit sb to do

persuade sb to do promise to do / sb to do prepare to do prepare sb to do pretend to do pretend not to do

quit doing

recall doing refuse to do regret to do / regret doing remember to do / doing remind sb to do report doing require doing require sb to do resist doing resume doing risk doing

start to do / doing stop to do / doing

suggest doing suggest that sb do

tell sb to do tend to do theres no point in doing threaten to do try to do / doing

want to do wish to do wish sb would do wish sb did wish sb had done seem to do would like to do would prefer to do want sb to do

verb + preposition

accuse sb of doing act on sth admire sb for sth adapt to sth agree with sb on/about sth amount to amuse at sth apologize to sb for sth appeal to sb apply for sth approve of sth argue with sb about sth arrive at arrive in ask sb for sth assure of sth attach sth to sth

base sth on sth beg sb for sth begin sth with sth believe in sth belong to beware of sth blame sb for sth blame sth on sth boast of sth borrow sth from sb

care about sb / sth care for sth care of sb / sth charge sth for charge sb with sth comment on sth complain to sb about sth communicate with sb compare sb / sth with compete with comply with concentrate on sth

confess to sb confine sb to confuse sb / sth for consent to consist of consult sb on sth contrast sth with sth convert sth to sth cope with correspond with count on sb cure sb of sth

decide on on sth defend sb / sth from demand sth from depend on deprive sb of sth despare for sth despare of sth die for sth die of sth differ from

disgust with dismiss sb from dream of / about

economize on embark on emerge from encourage sb in engage in sth entitle oneself to escape from exchange sth for exempt sb from experiment on sth explain sth to sb

fail in sth finish sth with free sb from

get engaged to get married to get rid of sth glance at guess at

happen to hear of / from hope for

include sth / sb in inform sb of sth indulge oneself in insist sb on instruct sb in doing interfere with sth invest in

get involved in

knock at

listen to live on long for look at look for look after

mention sth to sb mingle with mistake sth for sth

object to occur to operate on

pay for part with participate in

persist in point sth at / to prefer sth to sth prepare for sth prevent sb from pride oneself on prohibit sb from protect sb from provide sb with sth provide sth for sb

quarrel with

react to reason with sb receive sth from rely on remind sb of remove sth from rob sb of sth

satisfy sb with sth say to sb separate sth from search for sth sell sth to sb / for $ share sth with sb share sth among sb shock sb with sth speak to sb spend time on sth / doing st stare at sth / sb stand for sb smell of sth steal sth from submit sth to sb succeed in suffer from surrender oneself to

talk to / with sb about sth tell sb about sth thank sb for sth threaten sb with sth

think about / of tire of sth retire from turn sth into sth

vote on sth vote for sb

wait for warn sb of work on sth worry about sb / sth write about write for sb write to sb wonder about

verb + adjective


become feel get go grow keep look prove remain seem smell sound taste be turn

adjective + verb

able to do anxious to do

boring to do busy

common to do

dangerous to do delighted to do difficult to do

eager to do

foolish to do furious to do

good to do glad to do

hard to do hesitant to do happy to do

nice to do

pre-occupied doing proud to do pleased to do prepared to do prompt to do

quick to do

reluctant to do rude to do

strange to do slow to do sensible to do

usual to do unusual to do

adjective + preposition

accustomed to afraid of ahead of angry with sb angry at sth aware of sth

bad at bored with busy with

capable of careful of certain of challenging to clever at close to concerned about / in contrary to conscious of content with consistent with covered with cruel to curious about

dear to deficient in dependent on different from doubtful about

eager for envious of equal to enthusiastic about efficient at enthusiastic about excited about

faithful to famous for famous as far from familiar to / with fit for sth fond of fortunate in full of

good at grateful to sb for sth guilty of

hard on (kho tinh doi voi) harmful to honest in

identical with indignant at (phan no) ignorant of sth independent of indifferent to inferior to intent on interested in

jealous of

keen on kind of sb to do sth

liable to sth

married to

new to

obedient to sb obvious to sb

patient with sb pleased with sth polite to sb popular with sb previous to sth proud of sb / sth

qualified for sth quick at sth

ready for sth reluctant about sth

responsible for

rude to sb

safe from sad at sth sensitive to sth short of sth short for sth (viet tat cho) similar to sth skillful at sth slow at sth shy of sufficient for (day du) sorry about sth sorry for sb strong in sht sure of sth

tired of sth

uneasy about sth useful to sb

valid for worried about


in the class in the centre in the middle in the morning in the afternoon in the evening in June in 1998 in summer in the past

in the future in the same way in the same year in the mean time in case in this case in touch with in the street in the end in time in the way (chan loi di) in the sky in the air in the world in order to in addition to in harmony with in the news (duoc dua tin)

ON on the table on Earth on Sundays on Christmas day on my birthday on Friday mornings on March 2nd on the occasion of on the way to on time on purpose on the corner of (two streets) on the right on the left on the second floor on sale on foot on the whole on the other hand on television on the phone on fire

on the same day on the contrary


by the window by the way by accident by 9 oclock by taxi


out of the room out of town out of date out of fashion out of money out of work out of the question

out of order


during the meeting during the night during the party


from 1998 to 2010 from Tokyo to New York from time to time (thinh thoang)


at 6 oclock at Christmas at night at the same time at the moment at noon at the cinema at last at the end of at work at school at the top of at 6 Hilton street at times at first at least at most at once


made for the police (danh rieng cho) made by hand made in China made of gold made from eggs, flour, and sugar

-------------------1. S + V+ too + adj/adv + (for someone) + to do something (qu.... cho ai lm g...), e.g.1 This structure is too easy for you to remember. E.g.2: He ran too fast for me to follow.

2. S + V + so + adj/ adv + that +S + V (qu... n ni m...), e.g.1: This box is so heavy that I cannot take it. E.g2: He speaks so soft that we cant hear anything. 3. It + V + such + (a/an) + N(s) + that + S +V (qu... n ni m...), e.g.1: It is such a heavy box that I cannot take it. E.g.2: It is such interesting books that I cannot ignore them at all. 4. S + V + adj/ adv + enough + (for someone) + to do something. (... cho ai lm g...),

e.g.1: She is old enough to get married. E.g.2: They are intelligent enough for me to teach them English. 5. Have/ get + something + done (VpII) (nh ai hoc thu ai lm g...), e.g.1: I had my hair cut yesterday. E.g.2: Id like to have my shoes repaired. 6. It + is + time + S + V (-ed, ct 2-ng t chia th qu kh) / Its +time +for someone +to do something ( n lc ai phi lm g...), e.g.1: It is time you had a shower. E.g.2: Its time for me to ask all of you for this question. 7. It + takes/took+ someone + amount of time + to do something (lm g... mt bao nhiu thi gian...), e.g.1: It takes me 5 minutes to get to school. E.g.2: It took him 10 minutes to do this exercise yesterday. 8. To prevent/stop + someone/something + From + V-ing (ngn cn ai/ci g... khng lm g..) 9. S + find+ it+ adj to do something (thy ... lm g...), e.g.1: I find it very difficult to learn about English. E.g.2: They found it easy to overcome that problem. 10. To prefer + Noun/ V-ing + to + N/ V-ing. (Thch ci g/lm g hn ci g/ lm g), e.g.1: I prefer dog to cat. E.g.2: I prefer reading books to watching TV. 11. Would rather + V (infinitive) + than + V (infinitive) (thch lm g hn lm g), e.g.1: She would play games than read books. E.g.2: Id rather learn English than learn Biology. 12. To be/get Used to + V-ing (quen lm g), e.g.1: I am used to eating with chopsticks. 13. Used to + V (infinitive) (Thng lm g trong qk v by gi khng lm na), e.g.1: I used to go fishing with my friend when I was young.

E.g.2: She used to smoke 10 cigarettes a day. 14. to be amazed at = to be surprised at + N/V-ing: ngc nhin v.... 15. to be angry at + N/V-ing: tc gin v 16. to be good at/ bad at + N/ V-ing: gii v.../ km v... 17. by chance = by accident (adv): tnh c 18. to be/get tired of + N/V-ing: mt mi v... 19. cant stand/ help/ bear/ resist + V-ing: khng nhn c lm g... 20. to be keen on/ to be fond of + N/V-ing : thch lm g ... 21. to be interested in + N/V-ing: quan tm n... 22. to waste + time/ money + V-ing: tn tin hoc tg lm g 23. To spend + amount of time/ money + V-ing: dnh bao nhiu thi gian lm g.. 24. To spend + amount of time/ money + on + something: dnh thi gian vo vic g..., e.g.1: I spend 2 hours reading books a day. E.g.2: She spent all of her money on clothes. 25. to give up + V-ing/ N: t b lm g/ ci g... 26. would like/ want/wish + to do something: thch lm g... 27. have + (something) to + Verb: c ci g lm 28. It + be + something/ someone + that/ who: chnh...m... 29. Had better + V(infinitive): nn lm g.... 30. hate/ like/ dislike/ enjoy/ avoid/ finish/ mind/ postpone/ practise/ consider/ delay/ deny/ suggest/ risk/ keep/ imagine/ fancy + V-ing, e.g.1: I always practise speaking English everyday. 31. Its + adj + to + V-infinitive: qu g .. lm g 32. Take place = happen = occur: xy ra 33. to be excited about: thch th 34. to be bored with/ fed up with: chn ci g/lm g 35. There is + N-s t, there are + N-s nhiu: c ci g... 36. feel like + V-ing: cm thy thch lm g... 37. expect someone to do something: mong i ai lm g... 38. advise someone to do something: khuyn ai lm g... 39. go + V-ing: ch cc tr tiu khin...(go camping, go shopping, go fishing...)

40. leave someone alone: ai yn...(give me alone: ti yn) 41. By + V-ing: bng cch lm... 42. want/ plan/ agree/ wish/ attempt/ decide/ demand/ expect/ mean/ offer/ prepare/ happen/ hesitate/ hope/ afford/ intend/ manage/ try/ learn/ pretend/ promise/ seem/ refuse + TO + V-infinitive, e.g.1: I decide to study English. 43. for a long time = for years = for ages: nhiu nm ri (dng trong th hin ti hon thnh) 44. when + S + V(Qk), S + was/were + V-ing. 45. When + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 46. Before + S + V(qkd), S + had + Pii 47. After + S + had +Pii, S + V(qkd) 48. to be crowded with: rt ng ci g ... (The street is crowded with people) 49. to be full of: y ci g ... 50. To be/ seem/ sound/ became/ feel/ appear/ look/ go/ turn/ grow + adj (y l cc ng t tri gic c ngha l: c v nh/ l/ dng nh/ tr nn... sau chng nu c adj v adv th chng ta phi chn adj) 51. except for/ apart from: ngoi, tr... 52. as soon as: ngay sau khi 53. to be afraid of: s ci g.. 54. could hardly: hu nh khng ( ch : hard khc hardly) 55. Have difficulty + V-ing: gp kh khn lm g... 56. Ch phn bit 2 loi tnh t V-ed v V-ing: dng -ed miu t v ngi, -ing cho vt. v khi mun ni v bn cht ca c ngi v vt ta dng ing, e.g.1: That film is boring. E.g.2: He is bored. E.g.3: He is an interesting man. E.g.4: That book is an interesting one. (khi khng nn nhm vi ed, chng hn ta ni : a loved man c ngha ngi n ng c mn m, tc l c ngha B v c ) 57. in which = where; on/at which = when 58. Put + up + with + V-ing: chu ng... 59. Make use of + N/ V-ing: tn dng ci g ... 60. Get + adj/ Pii

61. Make progress: tin b... 62. take over + N: m nhim ci g... 63. Bring about: mang li 64. Ch : so + adj cn such + N 65. At the end of v In the end (cui ci g v kt cc) 66. To find out : tm ra, To succeed in: thnh cng trong... 67. Go for a walk: i do/ go on holiday/picnic: i ngh 68. One of + so snh hn nht + N: mt trong nhng... 69. It is the first/ second.../best + Time + th hin ti hon thnh 70. Live in: sng / Live at + a ch c th/ Live on: sng nh vo... 71. To be fined for: b pht v 72. from behind: t pha sau... 73. so that + mnh : .... 74. In case + mnh : trong trng hp... 75. can/ could/ may might/ will/ would/ shall/ should/ must/ ought to... (modal Verbs) + V-infinitive

1. Remember: - Remember doing sth: vic lm ri v by gi nh li. V d I remember closing the door. - Remember to do sth: nh phi lm vic g. V d Remember to close the door after class. 2. Stop: - Stop doing sth: dng hn vic ang lm V d I stopped smoking 2 months ago. - Stop to do sth: dng vic g li lm g V d Im working in the garden and I stop to smoke. 3. Regret: - Regret doing sth: vic lm v by gi thy hi hn.

V d I regretted being late last week. - Regret to do sth: Ly lm tic phi ni, phi lm iu g. V d I regret to be late tomorrow. 4. Go on: - Go on doing sth: tip tc lm cng mt vic g V d I went on talking for 2 hours. - Go on to do sth: lm tip mt vic g khc V d After discussing the English speaking club, we went on to sing. 5. Mean: - Mean doing sth: mang ngha V d Getting bad marks means having to learn more. - Mean to do sth: d nh V d He means to join the army. 6. Try - Try doing sth: th lm vic g xem kt qu ra sao. V d This machine doesnt work. We try pressing the red button. - Try to do sth: c gng lm g V d We try to work harder. 7. Suggest: Ta c 2 cu trc cu vi suggest: - Suggest doing sth: V d I suggest him applying for another job. - Suggest + that + clause (ng t trong mnh vi that dng should do hoc nguyn th khng TO). V d I suggest that he (should) apply for another job. 8. See, watch, hear - See, watch, hear + sb + do sth: lm v chng kin ton b s vic. V d I saw her go out. - See, watch, hear + sb+ doing sth: lm v chng kin gia chng s vic. V d I saw her waiting for him. 9. Love, hate, cant bear, like Love, hate, cant bear, like + doing: ch s thch. V d I like getting up early. Love, hate, cant bear, like + to do sth: Cho l, cho rng l mt vic tt cn phi lm. V d I like to get up early. 10. Used to - Be/ get used to + doing sth: quen vi ci g V d Im used to getting up early. - Used to do sth: vic thng xuyn xy ra trong qu kh.

V d When I was a child, I used to walk with bare foot. 11.Sau allow, advise, permit, recomend l tn ng th b tr l to infinitive nhng nu khng c tn ng b tr s l V-ing. V d They allow smoking. They allow me to smoke. 12. Have sth done = get sth done: lm mt vic g nhng nh hoc thu ngi khc lm, khng phi t mnh lm. V d I have had my hair cut. 13. Have sb do sth = Get sb to do sth: Nh ai lm g V d: He has his secretary type the letters.

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