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Cellulose (2014) 21:1143–1148

DOI 10.1007/s10570-014-0165-y


The dynamic development of exclusion zones on cellulosic

Belkis Sulbarán • Guillermo Toriz •
G. Graham Allan • Gerald H. Pollack •

Ezequiel Delgado

Received: 27 August 2013 / Accepted: 6 January 2014 / Published online: 17 January 2014
Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014

Abstract The dynamics of the development of solute the rougher the surface, the thicker was the EZ formed.
exclusion zones produced by water in contact with Both the accessibility and availability of the hydroxyl
various cellulosic surfaces are reported. The term groups on the cellulosic surfaces also influenced the
‘‘exclusion zone’’ (EZ) refers to the ordered water thickness of the resultant EZ in the sequence, cellophane
volume present immediately contiguous to hydrophilic [ CA0.94 [ CA2.51. The surface of cellulose acetate
surfaces. As such, three examples of cellulose-based with the greater substitution degree (CA2.51) produced
films, i.e., cellophane, cellulose acetate with 0.94 the thinnest EZ. The diminution of the capacity of these
degree of substitution (CA0.94) and cellulose acetate cellulose derivatives to instigate water-molecule order-
with 2.51 degree of substitution (CA2.51) were com- ing is considered to be due to the hydrophobicity
pared by exposure to sulfated-polystyrene microspheres imparted by the acetyl group content.
(2 lm diameter) suspended in water. Zones that were
not penetrated by the microspheres were observed in Keywords Water-ordering  Exclusion zone 
each case and measured by means of an optical Cellulosic surfaces  Surface roughness 
microscope. The thickness of these exclusion zones Crystallinity
adjacent to the cellulosic surfaces increased progres-
sively with time and reached a maximum value of
190 lm after 1 h of exposure. Zone formation was
influenced by roughness, crystallinity, and the degree of Introduction
acetylation of the surfaces. For the cellulosic surfaces,
Water, which is involved in a wide variety of
biological, physical, and chemical processes, has
B. Sulbarán  G. Toriz  E. Delgado (&)
Departamento de Madera, Celulosa y Papel, Universidad dipole–dipole interactions that make water molecules
de Guadalajara, C.P. 45110 Guadalajara, Mexico self-associate by hydrogen bonding, forming three-
e-mail: dimensional networks (Vogler 1998; Lombardo et al.
2009). Extensive ordering of water molecules occurs
G. G. Allan
Department of Chemical Engineering and College of the near hydrophilic surfaces and is known as the ‘‘fourth
Environment, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, phase’’ of water (Vogler 1998; Zheng and Pollack
USA 2003; Chai et al. 2008; Pollack 2013). Ordered water
has a hexagonal crystalline structure similar to ice, and
G. H. Pollack
Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington, its viscosity, freezing point and permittivity are
Seattle, WA, USA different from bulk water. Biological tissues, gels,

1144 Cellulose (2014) 21:1143–1148

and natural as well as synthetic polymers have cellulose fibers can also affect bonding. Initially, there
structured water adjacent to their surfaces (Zheng are long-range interactions between water and fibers,
et al. 2006; Chai et al. 2008; Pollack, 2013). which create forces that compact fibers as water leaves
The ordering of the molecules in water by a surface the web, forcing the fibers into intimate contact. When
can create a zone from which solutes of different types water drains off by the application of vacuum and
are excluded (Zheng and Pollack 2003; Zheng et al. pressure, more water–air interfaces appear, thus
2006; Pollack et al. 2009). The thickness of this increasing surface tension. Then, the capillary and
exclusion zone (EZ) can extend to hundreds of surface tension forces, together known as Campbell
micrometers from the surface (Zheng and Pollack forces, bring fiber surfaces into more intimate contact,
2003; Zheng et al. 2006; Chai et al. 2009; Das and facilitating short-range interactions. However, the
Pollack 2013). Such long-range water ordering has nature of the short-range mechanisms that lead to the
been confirmed on hydrophilic surfaces as diverse as extensive development of networks of hydrogen bonds
mica, quartz, clay, sand and glass by the use of a between fibers as the water content is reduced down to
variety of spectroscopy methods and novel instru- 8–10 % is not fully understood. Questions therefore
mentation (Das and Pollack 2013). Several of these arise as to how much fiber surface is really in close
studies have also shown organized water extending contact in order to favor the formation of hydrogen
into the bulk for at least 50–100 nm (*200–500 water bonds, and whether this kind of intermolecular force is
layers) (Zheng et al. 2006). Furthermore, a comparison sufficient to account for the exhibited paper strength.
of bulk and the water in the EZ illustrates that the latter Moreover, the location and role of the remaining water
has a reduced adsorption of infrared radiation (infrared in ‘‘dry’’ paper (7–8 % moisture content) remains
images), negative electrical potential gradients, and unknown (Delgado et al. 2011). For these reasons, the
shorter relaxation times in nuclear magnetic resonance existence of ordered water near hydrophilic surfaces
experiments (NMR-T1) (Zheng and Pollack 2003; may influence the bonding of cellulose fibers, espe-
Zheng et al. 2006; Chai et al. 2009; Das and Pollack cially in the consolidation stage of a sheet of paper
2013). The decrease of relaxation times in the EZ (Delgado et al. 2011).
implies that the water therein has a more stable It can therefore now be hypothesized that the water
structure than free water, is similar to a liquid crystal, adjacent to the surface of the cellulose fibers may
and solutes are excluded therefrom because free water possess certain ordering that favors interfiber bonding.
is more easily available for interaction (Zheng et al. As a result, the bonds between ordered water mole-
2006; Vyalikh et al. 2007; Chai et al. 2009). In cules could act as bridges to join surfaces hundreds or
addition, water within the EZ absorbs UV light at the thousands of nanometers apart. This sort of water bond
wavelength of 270 nm and this is interpreted as a bridging may act in concert with other short-range
‘‘signature’’ of the ordered nature of water in the interactions such as electrostatic attractions, polar
vicinity of charged or hydrophilic surfaces (Chai et al. interactions, hydrogen bonding and van der Waals
2008). From all of these observations, it is concluded forces (Delgado et al. 2011). It is also possible that this
that water in the EZ is physically and chemically bridging phenomenon has an effect on the exclusion or
different from ordinary bulk water. repulsion of a variety of polymeric additives, organic
In the formation of a paper web from an aqueous or inorganic fine particles, and other particles sus-
suspension of cellulose fibers and additives, water pended or dissolved in the fiber slurry used to form the
serves as a transport vehicle for the accommodation of sheet.
the fibers and the development of adhesion between The general objective of the present study was to
cellulose surfaces (Hubbe 2006). Adhesion between understand the nature of the EZ produced by water
cellulose fibers is essential for the development of both molecules adjacent to cellulosic surfaces. To pursue
the dry and wet strength properties of paper and this objective, the following studies were undertaken:
paperboard (Hubbe 2006; Delgado et al. 2011). It has (a) characterization of the solute EZ (size and
long been accepted that the main basis of bonding development with time) next to cellulosic surfaces;
between fibers is the formation of hydrogen bonds and (b) establishment of the effects of surface
between the hydroxyl groups on the cellulose surfaces topography and surface hydrophilicity on the size of
(Hubbe 2006). However, the surface roughness of the EZ. Surface hydrophilicity was calculated by

Cellulose (2014) 21:1143–1148 1145

(Image J). The program measured the distance

between the film surface and the near edge of the
excluded microspheres in the media.

Topography of the polymer surfaces

Fig. 1 A schematic illustration of the chamber used to place Surface topography was measured by atomic force
microspheres in contact with the polymeric films microscopy (AFM) and a Veeco Dimension 3100
measuring surface crystallinity and relating it to the scanning probe microscope (SPM) in the Nanotech
accessibility and occurrence of surface hydroxyl User Facility at the University of Washington, USA.
groups. Due to the difficulty of studying this phenom- The system was operated by a NanoScope IVa
enon with individual cellulose fibers or fibrous Controller, integrated with a Dimension Hybrid
networks (e.g., paper), regenerated cellulose film XYZ Closed-Loop Scanner. The cantilevers (tapping
(cellophane) and cellulose acetate films were selected mode, silicon, from Nanosensors) had a typical
as examples of cellulosic surfaces. resonance frequency of 250–300 kHz. All measure-
ments were performed in the wet state. Roughness
was determined from records obtained in the tapping
Experimental mode (height image) (Yuliwati et al. 2011) and is
defined as:
Materials ZLy ZLx
Ra ¼ jf ðx; yÞjdxdy
Four types of hydrophilic surfaces were used: (a) Naf- LxLy
0 0
ion 117 (Sigma Aldrich, Toluca, Mexico) was
employed as a reference; (b) cellulose acetate where: Ra is the mean roughness. This is the mean
(CA0.94) with a 0.94 degree of substitution (DS) value of the surface relative to the center plane; f(x, y)
(Fluka, Toluca, Mexico); (c) cellulose acetate with is the surface relative to the center plane; Lx and Ly
2.51 DS (CA2.51) from Sigma Aldrich (Toluca, are the dimensions of the surface.
Mexico); and (d) cellophane films from Artefactos de
Papel, S.A. de C.V. (Mexico City, Mexico). Monodis- Cellulosic film crystallinity
perse, sulfate-functionalized polystyrene micro-
spheres of 2 lm diameter (Polysciences, Warrenton, Measurements of crystallinity were carried out in a
PA) were suspended in deionized water (1 mg/mL). powder X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD SIEMENS D500
Model Kristallograph) with a Cu Ka radiation
Exclusion zone observations (0.1542 nm wavelength) at the University of Guad-
alajara, Mexico. High angle XRD data were collected
A strip of each polymer film was placed along the from 5°–50° at 0.02° increments and 1 s count times
length of a circular cavity carved in a glass plate as using films placed on a quartz sample holder. For
shown in Fig. 1. The suspension of microspheres was cellulosic films, the crystallinity (%) was calculated as
then added. The concentration of the microspheres described by Segal et al. (1959):
was 1 mg/mL.
Observations of the formation of exclusion zones  
ðI002  IamÞ
were carried out with an inverted microscope (Zeiss IC ¼  100
Axiovert I35) equipped with a 109 objective. Video
recordings were taken at specific intervals during a where IC crystallinity (%); I002 is the crystalline peak
total of 60 min of exposure, and recorded with a of the maximum intensity at 2h between 22° and 23°
digital camera (Scion Corporation, Inc., color digital for cellulose I; Iam is the crystalline peak of the
camera, Model #CFW-1312C). The EZ thickness was minimum intensity at 2h between 18° and 19° for
determined from the images using a software program cellulose I.

1146 Cellulose (2014) 21:1143–1148

Computation of the number of available surface

hydroxyl groups

In order to calculate the number of surface hydroxyl

groups per lm2 a crystal lattice model was used for
cellulose I in a wet state as previously reported by
Houtman and Atalla (1995). The lattice had dimen-
sions of 37 9 29 Å2 and included five cellulose chains
with seven anhydroglucose units per chain. This
model would represent the minimum surface area for
an idealized cellulose surface since the cellulose
molecules are then in the most compact state. This
calculation indicated that 9.78 9 106 hydroxyl groups
per lm2 are available for interaction with free water.
Accessibility and degree of substitution were
considered in the estimation of the actual number of
Fig. 2 The time course of the EZ thickness generation by
available hydroxyl groups on each of the cellulosic different film surfaces in contact with a water suspension of
surfaces. Accessibility was related to the amorphous 2 lm-sulfated microspheres (lines are drawn only to guide the
part of cellulose, defined as (1—the crystallinity eye)
index). Finally, the amount of free hydroxyl groups
was calculated from: (40 lm) for CA2.51 films at a 30 min exposure. It can
# available OH IC also be noted that EZ of cellophane, CA0.94 and
¼ 1  ð3  DSÞ Nafion seemed to converge after 60 min. In longer
lm2 100
experiments (90 min) with all the surfaces (data not
 9:78  106
shown) the zones became separated again, denoting
where IC crystallinity (%); DS degree of substitution their fluctuating nature.
(there are three available hydroxyl groups per anhy- These observations can be explained as follows:
droglucose unit); 9.78 9 106 is the amount of Nafion has surface ionic sulfate groups that can
hydroxyl groups per lm2 in a wet cellulose I lattice. interact instantaneously with water, which allows for
the early development of an EZ. In contrast, the
cellulose hydroxyl groups on the surface take more
Results and discussion time to interact with the water molecules in the
aqueous phase. The more substituted the cellulose
The aim of this work was to define the exclusion zones derivative, the longer it took for the hydroxyl groups
for cellulosic surfaces and compare it with that of the of the water to interact with the nonionic surface and to
extensively studied Nafion (a chain-end sulfated develop an EZ. The fact that exclusion zones seem to
perfluorohydrocarbon). The establishment of the converge at longer times is ascribed to the ability of
exclusion zones took longer times with cellulosic the less substituted cellulose acetate to rearrange its
surfaces than with Nafion, on which the EZ began to surface hydroxyl groups, and also to the fluctuating
develop instantaneously and grew rapidly (Fig. 2). It is nature of the zones. Figure 3 shows the optical
also shown that the more acetylated the cellulose micrographs for each film tested after 1 h of exposure.
surface, the lower the thickness of the resultant EZ, The EZ is clearly thicker for the less substituted
and the longer the time needed for development. cellulose derivative, and even thicker for the Nafion
Nafion showed the largest EZ when compared to the film.
cellulose acetate and cellophane films. The latter The topography of the cellulosic and Nafion films
started to form a measurable EZ after 10 min of was measured in order to determine whether a change
exposure. The EZ for CA0.94 films reached 50 lm in in roughness was related to the extent of EZ formation.
thickness after a 20 min exposure and a little less The effect of surface roughness on the EZ thickness is

Cellulose (2014) 21:1143–1148 1147

a b c d

Fig. 3 The exclusion zones generated by different film surfaces in contact with a water suspension of 2 lm sulfated microspheres at a
60 min exposure time for a Nafion, b cellophane, c CA0.94 and d CA 2.51

interactions between the hydrophilic groups present on

the surface and the water molecules of the media. In
fact, in our assays it was observed that a swelling of the
surfaces occurred before an EZ could be detected.
Certainly, more data on this phenomenon needs to be
acquired before any further conclusions on this issue
can be drawn.
The thickness of the EZ as a function of available
hydroxyl groups on the cellulosic surfaces is also
presented in Fig. 4. The actual surface availability of
hydroxyl groups depends on the number present and
those left after acetylation and their accessibility. It
has been demonstrated that surface accessibility is
higher for cellophane than for cotton and that was
Fig. 4 The effect of cellulosic surfaces roughness (horizontal
attributed to the lower crystallinity index of cello-
top axis) and surface hydroxyl groups (horizontal bottom axis)
on the EZ thickness (error bars represent SD of 10 EZ phane (Östenson et al. 2006). Consequently, the values
measurements) of the crystallinity index were utilized to calculate the
degree to which hydroxyl groups in amorphous
noteworthy since the EZ extends for many microns regions are available for interaction with water. On
even though the surface roughness of films is within the other hand, according to Houtman and Atalla
the nanometer scale. Moreover, for the cellulosic (1995), a crystal lattice for cellulose in the wet state
surfaces, the roughness decreased with increased with dimensions of 37 9 29 Å2, which includes five
degree of substitution. Also, for the cellulosic surfaces cellulose chains, has sufficient space to accommodate
under study, larger EZ values corresponded to a 692 water molecules and has 9.78 9 106 hydroxyl
greater roughness because the layers of structured groups per nm2 available for interaction with free
water fluctuated more and created a wider and more water. This case would be for the minimum surface
diffuse EZ (Fig. 4). area, i.e., for the best packing of cellulose, and this was
On the other hand, the Nafion film has a low surface the value selected for calculations of the OH avail-
roughness (46 nm) and generates the thickest EZ ability per lm2. For the cellulosic materials studied
(220 lm) although the swelling in such films is here, the cellophane formed a thicker EZ than any of
negligible. Thus, the effect of swelling of the cellu- the cellulose acetate films, followed by CA0.94 and
losic surfaces needs to be considered and may prove to then by the more substituted CA2.51. The large
be a more significant parameter, since it is implied that fluctuation of EZ size exhibited by cellophane stems
the appearance of an EZ is a consequence of the from multiple factors that may include roughness and

1148 Cellulose (2014) 21:1143–1148

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of Mexico (CONACYT) and by an NIH Transformative grant 1524/zpch.2007.221.1.155
awarded to Professor Pollack. The authors acknowledge the Yuliwati E, Ismail F, Matsuura T et al (2011) Characterization
Nanotech User Facility at the University of Washington in of surface-modified porous PVDF hollow fibers for refinery
Seattle, USA, for experimental support during the AFM wastewater treatment using microscopic observation.
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