Questions About The Silver Lake

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Questions on the text: Samara Van Wijck: Perdó per no haver-ho

pogut enviar abans, no era a casa ( el meu. pare estava en Barcelona)i no vaig poder fer-ho fins molt entrada la
nit, t'ho envio ara, espero que serveixi. Gràcies i bon cap de setmana!!

Chapter 1

1.Why were Eddie and Jon surprised one day?

They were surprised because their parents bought an old wooden cabin on Silver Lake in the
Catskill Mountains, north of New York.

2. What was next to the cabin in the Catskill Mountains?

Next to the cabin there was an enormous abandoned old house, three floors high. The house
was separated from the cabin of the boys by some bushes and a wide path.

3. Why did Mum say, … “it seems that no-one has lived here for a long time”?

-She said this because they didn’t find the cabin in good condition and it smelled.

4. What did Eddie like best about the cabin and why?

-Eddie liked best the big window because it had a perfect view of Silver Lake.

5. What did Eddie suddenly see?

- He saw flashing light at the other side of the lake and light from the house next door that
was signalling back.

Chapter 2

1.Who did Eddie see while Mum was cooking breakfast?

-Eddie saw two boys. They were sneaking around the house next door.
2. What surprising fact did Eddie learn from Richie?

-Eddie learned that the house next door was haunted. And that there lived a criminal.

3. Who was Jack Devlin and what did he do if someone made him angry?

-Jack Devlin was a gangster in the 1920s. If somebody made him angry, he killed them, put
them in a block of cement and dropped the block in the middle of the lake.

4. Why was Eddie worried about telling Jon the story?

-Because Eddie didn’t wanted to give him nightmares.


1. How did Devlin make his money?

-Devlin sold illegal drinks and drugs. He also sold illegal rifles.

2. Who was Scarpelli and why did Devlin kill him?

-Devlin killed Scarpelli because one day Scarpelli left Devlin and went to be with his
enemies. (he became a traitor)

3. Devlin and his men killed several people at the wedding. What happened to some
of these people?

-Develin put their bodies in cement blocks and dropped the blocks in the lake.

4. Why hasn’t anyone bought Devlins house?

-No one wants to by Devlin’s house because they are afraid of Devlin’s ghost.

5. Where may Devlin’s treasure be buried?

-The treasure may be buried in a bay on the other side of the lake.

6. What did Richie and Eddie see while they were swimming in the lake?

-He wanted to use his dad’s boat to go to the bay on the other side of the lake and try
to find the treasure of Devlin.

7. What finally happened to Devlin?

-Richie and Eddie saw a big block of cement under the water, the block was big
enough to hold a child or small person

8. What finally happened with Devlin?

-Scarpelli’s cousins came from Italy and killed him as revenge for killing Scarpelli.

Chapter 4

1. Where did the boys go in the boat?

-The boys went to the bay on the other side of the lake.
2. Why were the boys frightened of the man in the wood?
-The boys were frightened of the man in the woods because he was holding a rifle.
3. What happened to the oars of the boat?
-The man with the rifle threw the oars of the boat into the lake.
4. Explain briefly how the boys were able to return home.
-Eddie and Leo swam for a few minutes and finally got to the oars. Then they swam
back to the boat, climbed in with Richie’s help and rowed home quickly.
5. What suddenly occurred to Eddie later that night?
-The man with the rifle (who looked like a criminal) was the one who probably sent
the signal across the lake on the first night at the cabin.

Chapter 5
1. What was strange about (a) the signal from Devlin’s house and (b) the platform?

-(a) The house was completely closed, so who sent the signal? (b) Most of the homes
around the lake had wooden platforms. Devlin’s platform was the only cement one.

2. Who did Jon and Eddie see in the supermarket?

-Jon and Eddie saw the scary man from the day before in the bay.

3. When did Jon and Eddie see the man again and what was he doing?

-Jon and Eddie saw the man again while they were driving out of the parking lot. He
was on a big black motorbike.

Chapter 6

1. Why were the boys happy to see the weekend visitors at the lake?

-The boys were happy because Silver Lake felt safe and normal again in the vacation

2. Where did Richie and Leo take Eddie?

-Richie and Leo took Eddie to an old boathouse at the back of the house next door
(this time without Jon)

3. Someone was using the boathouse. How did the boys know this?

-They knew that because the lock of the house was broken and there were beer bottles
and empty boxes from McDonald’s. There were also cigarette ends everywhere. ( it
was full of junk)

4. What did the boys find in the boathouse?

-The boys found an old metal box with bullets inside.

Chapter 7
1. What was dad surprised about at breakfast time?

-He read in the local paper that the police were looking for a drug ring in the Silver
Lake area.

2. What did Jon and Eddie hear and see while they were sitting on the beach?

-A boat exploding.

3. What did the police do at the lake?

-A policeman jumped into the water and after a few seconds he reappeared and shook
his head. Then he disappeared under the water again. A few minutes later, the police
started to put something into a big black bag.

4. Who did the boy see at the boathouse?

-At the boathouse, the boys saw a man. He had dark hair and a dirty beard.

5. What will the man with the beard do if the boys talk to anyone?

-He will come and cut out the boys’ tongues.

6. what did the boys decide to do?

-They decided to keep quiet and to meet in the evenings, far from Eddie’s cabin.

Chapter 8

1. How were the boys affected by their experiences? give three examples.

-Eddie didn’t want to be in front of the cabin because the man in the boathouse might
see him. One night, Eddie had a terrible nightmare. Leo and Richie were also having
nightmares. (any three of these could sleep well)

2. What did the boys decide to do?

-The boys decided to go to the police station, but without their parents.
3. What further help were the boys going to give Captain Dearing?

-They were going to identify the two criminals. They were then going to give a
written testimony.

4. How did the boys react to the situation?

-Richie’s parents looked worried, but not angry, and Leo’s mother was very calm.
Eddie’s parents asked a lot of questions.

Chapter 9

1. What did Captain Dearing do with the boys when they arrived at the station?

-Captain Dearing talked to each boy separately. Leo went first into the room with the
criminals behind the window. Richie second and finally Eddie.

2. Who exactly did Eddie see behind the glass?

-Eddie saw five men, then he saw the man from the boathouse, Jack Devlin and the
man from the bay.

3. What did Corley do when the police tried to arrest him?

-Corley shot at the police with a rifle, fortunately no one was injured.

4. What were the two men arrested for?

-For the murder of three men and for running a drug ring.

Chapter 10

1. What good news did Eddie get?

-The police finally discovered that the Devlin grandson was hiding drug money in the
old boathouse. Each of the boys was going to get $1,000 for helping the investigation.
2. What did Eddie do with his money?

-He bought a computer. He spent many hours working and playing on it.

3. What happened to Develin’s house?

- The house was sold and a nice family moved in.
4. What did Eddie and Jon do the next summer?
- Eddie and Jon had water-skiing lessons.

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