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November 17, 2022

It is Imperative We Grant Subpoena Powers to Investigate Our

Elections Before It’s Too Late
Dear Mr. Speaker,

Some of us signing this letter have confidence that the reported 2022 election results are accurate, others
think there was substantial fraud, and yet others think there was enough fraud to sway the results. The
reality is our elections are not safe, secure, or transparent, which has caused the people of Michigan to
lack confidence in our elections. Unfortunately, it will only get worse in the future following the passage
of Proposal 2.

In 2018, a ballot proposal amended the Michigan Constitution to allow an individual to vote the same
day they register to vote and allowed any registered voter to vote absentee for any reason regardless of
age and circumstances.

In 2020, absentee ballot applications were sent out unsolicited, and the signature verification process
was relaxed improperly by the Secretary of State, creating an election system ripe for fraud.

In 2022, the Promote the Vote ballot Committee misinformed Michiganders about what Proposal 2 did,
including misguiding people about Photo ID requirements being put into the Michigan Constitution
when it does the exact opposite. Also, there were 600,000 additional people in the qualified voter file
that should not have been on the voter rolls. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson has lost 5 election lawsuits
during her time in office, which she has not complied with in many circumstances.

Mr. Speaker, we have a choice to make: either we accept the alleged outcome and move on, or we
investigate why the majority of Americans, according to a November 14, 2022 Rasmussen poll, have
lost faith in our elections to some degree. Their representatives not having an interest in addressing these
issues is a big reason they are losing trust. Since controversy ensued after the 2016 and 2020 elections,
our elections have only become less secure with the passage of Proposal 3 of 2018 and Proposal 2 of
2022. The time to act is now to give the people of Michigan a sense of peace that we did our job to get
to the bottom of ensuring our elections are secure.

Despite what media and critics perpetually say, this is not an effort to reverse election results or
overthrow the government. Engineers from our communities would argue we should first identify the
size and scope of any problems that exist before fixing a broken system. Given the clear appetite from
the Legislature to address election-related issues, ballot committees putting proposals up for a vote, and
the people lacking confidence in our elections, we must conduct a proper investigation without delay
and give answers to the people of Michigan who are demanding action.
We formally request subpoena powers be granted to a commission to investigate the 2022 election and
are ready to head to Lansing on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.

On behalf of the people of Michigan, we anxiously await your immediate attention to this matter.


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