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Good evening, everyone!

So today we are going to discuss about the

cardiovascular system and how the drugs affect the cardiovascular system.

Just a quick review about the cardiovascular and how it works to our body and
also how cardiovascular system acts to drugs.

The circulatory system works in tandem with the cardiovascular system to assist
the body maintain a stable body temperature, fight off disease, and attain
homeostasis, or a state of stability between all of its systems.

The circulatory system consists of four major components:

What does the circulatory system do?
So atoang heart and blood vessels make up the circulatory system. Ang function
satoang cardiovascular system is naga provide ug oxygen, nutrients and hormones
sa muscles, tissues, ug sa tanang organs throughout the body. This supply of
nutrients and the removal of waste is the main function of the cardiovascular
system. Another part no satoang circulatory system is to remove waste from cells
and organs so that your body can dispose of it.
So atoang heart naga pump ug blood sa body through a network of arteries and
veins (blood vessels).
The circulatory system provides blood to all the body's tissues so that they can
The circulatory system circulates oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide. provides
nutrients to cells. transports the metabolic byproducts to the excretory organs for
elimination. defends the body from infection and disease.
Antianginal agents are used for treating angina pain and preventing an angina
A medication known as an antianginal is used to treat angina pectoris, a sign of
ischemic heart disease. Antianginal medications are hence drugs used to treat or
prevent pathological disorders linked to coronary insufficiency and the related
ischemic heart disease.

So ang angina guys kay chest pain is brought by inadequate blood supply or blood
flow to the heart's muscles. Though, usually it is not a life threatening pero it is a
symptom no or a warning sign na you may be in danger of having a heart attack or
stroke. Angina pectoris, a type of chest pain or discomfort, is frequently caused by
ischemia So, ma manage ning angina through medications and healthy lifestyle
adjustments, which also lowers the chance of developing more severe issues.
Angina is a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. Angina
is a symptom of coronary artery disease.
Angina pain is often described as squeezing, pressure, heaviness, tightness, or
pain in the chest. It may feel like a heavy weight lying on the chest. Angina may be
a new pain that needs to be checked by a health care provider, or recurring pain
that goes away with treatment.

Angina is also called angina pectoris.

Unsa ang hinungdan sa angina?
Angina is usually caused by the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscles
becoming narrowed by a build-up of fatty substances. This is called
atherosclerosis. Things that can increase your risk of atherosclerosis include: an
unhealthy diet.
1. Stable angina - For example, pain that comes on when you're walking uphill or
in the cold weather may be angina.
Stable angina pain is predictable and usually similar to previous episodes of chest
pain. The chest pain typically lasts a short time, perhaps five minutes or less.
Chest pain or discomfort associated with activity or emotional stress is known as
stable angina. Poor blood flow through the heart's blood vessels is the cause of
2. Unstable angina (a medical emergency) - The pain doesn't go away with rest or
the usual angina medications. Dli siya mawala maskin mag take kag anginal
medications or mag rest ka. So, kung ang blood flow dili mag improve, the heart is
starved of oxygen and a heart attack occurs. Unstable angina is dangerous and
requires emergency treatment.
3. Variant angina (Prinzmetal angina) - The main symptom of variant angina is
severe chest discomfort. It usually happens in cycles, usually while you're sleeping
or at rest. Angina medicine may be used to reduce the pain.
4. Refractory Angina - Despite a combination of drugs and lifestyle adjustments,
angina attacks are frequent.
Mechanism of Action
By increasing myocardial oxygen supply, lowering myocardial oxygen demand, or
both, antianginal medications can successfully treat or prevent acute ischemia
Antianginal medications are used to treat symptoms right away and stop angina
attacks. It should be possible to lower the chance of having a heart attack or
stroke if your risk is high by using a medicine and lifestyle change combination.

Antianginal agents are drugs used to provide immediate relief from angina
symptoms and prevent angina attacks.

Angina is chest pain or discomfort that happens because of reduced blood flow to
the heart. Angina results from an imbalance in the oxygen supply/demand ratio.
Due to the lower oxygen supply and greater oxygen demand, there is increased
pressure on the heart. Constriction of blood vessels and formation of blood clots
may be the major reason for disturbing the oxygen supply/demand ratio.
Antianginal drugs act by:

Increasing blood flow to the heart

Increasing oxygen supply to the heart
Dilating the blood vessels to reduce the load on the heart
Preventing clot formation in the blood vessels
Reducing oxygen demand by decreasing heart rate and contraction
CHILDREN: Because they can lead in potentially harmful increases in blood pressure, they
should only be used for congenital heart defects and cardiac surgery.

ADULTS: should be informed on the various drug forms, as well as how to administer, store, and
recognize the symptoms that call for immediate medical attention. To increase the
effectiveness of antianginal therapy, lifestyle changes such quitting smoking, eating a low-fat
diet, and losing weight should be promoted.

Older adults: Safety measures should be instituted as they are prone to adverse effects like
arrhythmias and hypotension. They should receive initial low dose because of probably hepatic
and renal impairments which can interfere with metabolism and excretion of drugs.
Use during pregnancy is not established.
Sublingual nitroglycerin is most effective for recurrent variant angina.
Continuous infusion or transdermal patch for unstable angina.
Incontinence example is leaking of urine that you can't control. That is one of the most
common embarrassing problems. Loss of bladder control.

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