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Reasonable Adjustments and Special Considerations Policy

The TEFL Academy recognises that reasonable adjustments or special considerations may be required if:

• learners have a permanent disability or individual learning need/s

• learners have a temporary disability, medical condition or learning need/s
• learners are indisposed during the course.

The provision for reasonable adjustments and special consideration arrangements is made to ensure that
learners receive recognition of their achievement, so long as the equity, validity and reliability of the
assessments can be assured. Such arrangements are not concessions to make assessment easier for
learners, or to give learners an advantage over others.

To complete this course successfully, all students must pass every assessment criterion, regardless
of individual circumstances.


The TEFL Academy Level 5, 168-hour on-line teacher training course is assessed in two ways:

1. End of Unit online progress tests.

There is no time limit on these tests and no grades. Students are simply required to pass all
assessment criteria tested.

2. Three submitted assignments.

The assignments require students to demonstrate their understanding of course content by producing
effective lesson plans and teaching materials. Students can pace themselves as they choose, when
preparing these assignments.

Because of the flexible nature of our learning materials and assessments, we do not anticipate that we
will need to make special adjustments for the assessment of individual students, other than granting
additional time in the circumstances outlined below.

Course length

Students have six months to complete the online course. Most people complete the course well within
this period, but, if necessary, they can apply for an extension, which they will normally pay for.

Version Feb 2022

Reasonable adjustments and special considerations

We will consider granting additional time for completion of the course to students who have a formal
assessment recommending special arrangements, and for students with extenuating circumstances.
The nature of the assistance provided will depend on the needs of the student at the time of
application for assistance.

Definition of reasonable adjustments

A reasonable adjustment is any action that helps to reduce the effect of a disability or difficulty that places
the learner at a substantial disadvantage in the assessment situation. Reasonable adjustments are made to
an assessment for a qualification to enable a disabled learner to demonstrate his or her knowledge, skills
and understanding of the levels of attainment required by the specification for that qualification.

Reasonable adjustments must not affect the integrity of what needs to be

assessed. Definition of special considerations

Special consideration may be applied to grant additional time, if there are extenuating circumstances
that mean the learner is unable to finish the course in the usual 6-month period.

For example, special consideration could apply to a learner who has temporarily
experienced: • an illness or injury
• some other event outside of their control and which has had, or is likely to have had, a
material effect on that learner’s ability to complete the course in the 6 months.

Special consideration should not give the learner an unfair advantage. The learner’s result must
reflect his/her achievement in the assignments and not necessarily his/her potential ability.

Version Feb 2022

Process for requesting reasonable adjustments and/or special considerations

Students who are entitled to extra time according to the criteria below should send an
email entitled RA/SC Request to Student Services:
The request must include:

1. Student name as registered on the course

2. Student ID number
3. The reason you are applying for extra time
4. A scanned copy of supporting evidence which may be:
• A formal assessment of the learner’s needs that includes a recommendation that extra
time/assistance be granted
• Medical certificate
• Psychological or other professional assessment report
How the TEFL Academy will deal with requests

We will acknowledge all requests within 48 hours of receipt. In most cases, we will be able to provide an
outcome within the timescale as well, but in more complex cases which require input from experts, it
may take longer. We aim to have issued outcomes to all requests within 5 working days. If we are unable
to respond in this time, we will provide you with an estimated response date.

The TEFL Academy will consider requests for reasonable adjustment or special consideration on a case-by
case basis, and we will take into account the particular needs of each individual learner when making a
decision on whether to grant the request. The nature of the assistance provided will depend on the needs
of the student at the time of application for assistance.

Version Feb 2022

Contact us

If you have any queries about the contents of the policy, please contact us on UK
+44(0)1273806380 IE/EU: +353 (1) 554 6227 or by email on

Please note:
TQUK/Qualifi approved centres are only required by law to do what is ‘reasonable’ in terms of giving
access and providing additional assistance to students with specific learning needs.

What is reasonable will depend on the individual circumstances, cost implications and the practicality and
effectiveness of the adjustment. Other factors, such as the need to maintain competence standards and
health and safety, will also be taken into consideration. Because of the online nature of this course, we
are not able to provide learning materials in alternative formats.

Version Feb 2022

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