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Level 5 Certificate in

Teaching English as a
Foreign Language
Table of contents
Before you get started 03

How does assessment work on this course? 04

Assignment A 05

Assignment B 08

Assignment C 11

Preparing to submit your assignment 15

How to submit your assignment 16

Troubleshooting problems submitting your assignment 17

Before you get started

Please read the information below before attempting any assignments.

The reputation of this qualification is dependent on our students' academic integrity.

The TEFL Academy does not tolerate plagiarism, nor the use of third parties, electronically
or otherwise, to produce assignments. If you take any text or teaching ideas from TEFL
books or websites, you must provide a clear indication that you have done so and reference
such items properly. Work submitted for the assignments must be your own.

If you are found to have sourced any part of your work from another student's assignment,
your enrolment will be cancelled without refund and you will not receive a certificate.
We appreciate that some students study this course with a friend, and indeed would
encourage you to work in this way. However, assignments must be produced entirely

You must not discuss the assignments on open forums, nor publish any part of your
assignment or the assignment instructions or documents. You must not request to see
others' work, nor offer to show, give or sell any part of your own work to others.
Any student found to have purchased copies of our assignments from essay mills, whether
or not they have used that material in their own assignments, will be immediately expelled
from the course without receiving a refund.

NB The instructions for the assignments are changed periodically. All students will be
notified of changes prior to them occurring. After an assignment brief has changed, we will
accept the previous assignment up to TWO WEEKS after the change date to allow students
who were already working on the older version to complete that assignment.

All course data, including test scores and assignments, will be stored no more than 12
months from the final day of enrolment on the online course. Students will be notified by
email of this deadline 30 days before deletion. Students who wish to retain their online
course content beyond the 12-month storage date will be required to purchase an
extension. Please contact for further information regarding
How does assessment work on this
To complete the course successfully you are required to complete and pass three
assignments as well as completing the ‘Test your knowledge’ tests for units 1 - 10.
The tests are automatically marked and you will need to achieve 70% to pass each test.
Your assignments will be marked by a course marker.

When each assignment has been marked, you'll receive feedback from the TEFL Academy
and will receive a pass, merit or distinction grade. The average mark of your three
assignments will determine your final grade.

If you did not pass on your initial submission, you can resubmit your assignment. You can
submit an assignment a maximum of three times in total. An assignment which has already
been awarded a Pass cannot be resubmitted.

You can continue with the online course while you are working on Assignment A, but you
must pass Assignment A before you can submit Assignment B. You must therefore also
pass Assignment B before you can submit Assignment C.

Please allow five full working days after the day you submit your assignment for your work to
be marked. This means an assignment submitted on Monday will normally be returned on
Tuesday of the following week. However, please be aware that marking may take longer
during busy periods. You need to figure this into your course time.

Each assignment is designed to help you revise and consolidate what you have learnt so far.
We strongly recommend that you work on your assignments as you go through the course,
rather than leaving all the assignments until the end.
Please be aware that if you have not completed Assignments A B and C and allowed
sufficient time for marking within your six months, you will need to apply for an extension.

You need to pass all the assessment criteria to pass. If you do not pass all criteria you will be
asked to resubmit.
Assignment A
Your assignment task:
This assignment aims to develop and assess your ability to:

● Select and analyse appropriate vocabulary from a text for pre-teaching.

● Present two of the vocabulary items you have selected.
● Include eliciting, explaining, pronunciation drilling and concept checking for
both selected vocabulary items.
● Plan appropriate reading tasks for stages 3 and 4 of the standard procedure (i.e.,
the first and second reading tasks)
● Extend and practise productive spoken use of vocabulary from the text, related to
family and daily routines, in the follow-on stage of the lesson.
● Create a bibliography.

Download your files:

To complete Assignment A, you are provided with models, templates, and a checklist to refer
to prior to submission.

Before you start to work on your assignment, you need to download the files and save them
in a folder you can access. You will find these links in the page for Assignment A when you
get to Unit 5.

Step 1
At the top of each template is the class description and the reading text.

Each lesson follows the standard comprehension lesson procedure described in

Unit 5:

● Lead into topic (warmer)

● Vocabulary pre-teaching
● First reading
● Second reading
● Follow on activity (communicative speaking task)

You do not need to provide a full lesson plan for any of the lessons.

Below each text, there are two or three sections for you to complete, each
focusing on one or two stages of the lesson.

For each text, you need to plan only the part of the lesson specified in the

● Vocabulary pre-teaching (Text 1 template)

● First reading (Text 2 template)
● Second reading (Text 2 template)
● Follow-on activity (communicative speaking task) (Text 3

template) Read 'Advice on Approaching Assignment A' before you


The checklist and 'How Assignment A will be Assessed' documents show what
you need to include and what the marker will be looking at.

When you are ready to start, use the templates you have downloaded for your

You must complete and submit all THREE templates and a bibliography.

Step 2
Read Unit 1 on Lesson Planning.

Read Unit 2 on Vocabulary Teaching, and relevant parts of Unit 3 on


Read Unit 5 on Teaching Receptive Skills, particularly the sections on reading

Step 3
Complete the Vocabulary pre-teaching planning table (for ten vocabulary items)
and Teacher language document (for two vocabulary items) for Text 1.

Complete the two reading tasks for Text 2.

Complete the follow-on stage for Text 3.

Step 4
Please ensure documents are CLEARLY labelled as below. Please note if your
files/documents are not clearly labelled, you may be asked to re-submit.

When you have completed the templates for Text 1,2 and 3, use the checklist to
ensure you have done everything required.

Read ‘How this assignment will be graded' before submitting your work.

Submit your assignment on the templates provided – other formats will not be

All materials must be properly referenced in a bibliography. See Referencing


Note: Before submitting the documents, convert them to .pdf format. We will only
accept files in this format.

To complete this assignment you must submit:

File Naming convention
1 x Text 1 template PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AA_Text

1 x Text 2 template PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AA_Text


1 x Text 3 template PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AA_Text


1 x Bibliography PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AA_Bibl


*Should you be required to resubmit, you would submit a new file(s) following the same naming
convention except updated to Submission2.
Assignment B
Your assignment task:
This assignment aims to develop and assess your ability to:

● Produce a 60-minute PPP grammar lesson plan for an elementary (A2) class.
● Demonstrate the ability to develop a clear presentation stage, a board plan,
timeline, and controlled and freer practice tasks.
● Demonstrate the ability to give clear instructions and clarify meaning and
understanding (concept checking questions)
● Grade teacher language appropriately for students’ level.
● Explain the appropriate use of activities and resources.

Download your files:

To complete Assignment B, you are provided with models, templates, and a checklist to
refer to prior to submission.

Before you start to work on your assignment, you need to download the files and save them
in a folder you can access. You will find these links in the page for Assignment B when you
get to Unit 7.

er AssignmentB_Step1_Model3aMaterialsContPractice_ModelAnswer
In this lesson you are introducing your students to the first conditional. This is the
first lesson that they have seen conditionals.

Step 1
1. Read Unit 1 on lesson planning.

2. Read Unit 7 to look at how to teach a grammar lesson. There is also a

short section on PPP in Unit 6.

3. Research the target language: the first conditional for events that are
likely to happen. Because this is the first lesson with the first conditional, you
should only be teaching the structure using ‘if’ and ‘will’. There is information on
conditionals in Unit 7, but you will need to do some further research. Don’t forget
to reference your sources.

4. Read Advice on Approaching this Assignment carefully. Download it and

save it to your local drive.

5. Look at the model assignment, which demonstrates how we want

you to present your work.

6. When you are ready to start, use the templates you have downloaded for
your submission.

Important note
● The model assignment is for a completely different target language and a
higher-level class – you should not copy anything directly from the model.
● While you may use or adapt practice activities you have found elsewhere,
the presentation stage must be of your own design. It is not, for example,
acceptable to use a video or PowerPoint presentation of this language that
you have taken from elsewhere.

Step 2
Please ensure documents are clearly labelled as below. Please note: if your
files/documents are not clearly labelled, you may be asked to re-submit.

1. PPP Grammar Lesson Table completed for your lesson. This is to help
you analyse the language and plan how to teach it. It will be helpful for you to
begin your assignment by completing this form. (See 'Notes on teaching this

2. Lesson Plan and Paragraph. The lesson plan, followed by a paragraph

(100-150 words) justifying and explaining your choice of teaching aids, activities
and materials for this class.

3. Materials. Copies of all materials you would give or show the

students (worksheets, visuals etc.).

4. Teacher Language. Show the actual words, in direct speech, you would use for:

a) Eliciting the target language and form, and concept checking in the
presentation stage. You will need to include some predicted student
responses. (See the examples shown in Unit 7.)

b) How you would give the instructions for one of your tasks and how you
would check that students have understood what they should do.

5. Board Plan(s). A board plan (more than one if you prefer) showing
what you would write on the white board during the presentation stage, with
example sentences, time-line and reference to form and meaning.

You cannot submit a PowerPoint instead of a board plan.

6. Bibliography.

Links to any images will only count as one reference.

Step 3
Use the checklist to ensure you have done everything required.

When you have finished your lesson plan, look through 'Lesson planning checklist
and how this assignment will be graded' before submitting your work.

All materials should be properly referenced in a bibliography. See Referencing


Note: Before submitting the documents, convert them to .pdf format. We will only
accept files in this format.

To complete this assignment you must submit:

File Naming convention
1 x PPP grammar table PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AB

1 x Lesson plan and PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AB

paragraph _LessonPlan_Submission1.pdf

1 x Teacher language file PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AB


1 x Board plan PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AB


1 x Material file PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AB


1 x Bibliography PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AB


*Should you be required to resubmit, you would submit a new file(s) following the
same naming convention except updated to Submission2.
Assignment C
Your assignment task:
This assignment aims to develop and assess your ability to:

● Evaluate and exploit published teaching materials, online resources and authentic texts.
● Match materials and methodology to students’ needs.
● Design teaching activities of various types for advanced students.

Download your files:

To complete Assignment C, you are provided with models, templates, and a checklist to
refer to prior submission.

Before you start to work on your assignment, you need to download the files and save them
in a folder you can access. You will find these links in the page for Assignment C when you
get to Unit 10.

Step 2: Selecting and exploiting
authentic materials and using the
internet for teaching
Select a suitable authentic* listening or reading passage that you have found on
the internet that you could use for a listening or reading comprehension lesson.
If you choose a reading text, submit a copy of the text with your assignment.
If you choose a listening text, provide a link, but please also provide a full
transcript. You must include a list of 12 vocabulary items (words or phrases),
which it would be useful to teach, at the bottom of the document or in the
materials file. You do NOT need to provide a lesson plan or description of your
comprehension lesson.

* An authentic text is one which was originally aimed at native or proficient English
speakers, and was not designed as a piece of language teaching material.
'Listening material' includes videos.

Step 3: Create three follow up tasks to

exploit the language and/or topic of
the text you have selected
Create three separate tasks that develop your students’ understanding of the
authentic text that you have chosen. The tasks do not need to be part of the same

1. Dictionary activity. create a task that requires your learners to use a

dictionary to complete. The focus of this task is to practice dictionary skills.

2. Internet research. Create a task that requires your learners to carry out
research on the internet to develop your students’ understanding of the topic.
Ensure that your task includes more than one website that you have selected for
your students. Furthermore, students should be able to use other websites which
they have chosen.

Please note that search engines, such as Google, do not count as a website.

3. Follow up task. Create a speaking task that brings together everything

that the students have learnt in the text and the other two tasks.

Step 4: Essay
Write an essay in which you cover the areas specified in the template. The total
length of your essay should be between 500-700 words.
Step 5: Checklist
Read ‘How Assignment C will be assessed’.

Use the checklist to ensure you have done everything required.

All materials should be properly referenced in a bibliography. See Referencing


Note: Before submitting the documents, convert them to .pdf format. We will only
accept files in this format.

To complete this assignment you must submit:

File Naming convention
1 x Evaluation PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AC

1 x Authentic text PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AC


1 x Activities PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AC


1 x Essay PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AC


1 x Material file PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AC


1 x Bibliography PDF Yourfamilyname_Yourfirstname_AC


*Should you be required to resubmit, you would submit a new file(s) following the
same naming convention except updated to Submission2.
Preparing to submit your assignment
● We suggest that you create a folder on your computer where you can save all
the documents you need to complete your assignments.

● We recommend that you save a personal copy of your assignments just before you
convert them to PDF and submit them for marking. This means you have a copy that you
can edit if you need to resubmit your assignment.

● Keep your personal copies of your original files until you have passed each assignment.

● If English is not your first language, please check your language carefully. Your marker
will be looking for evidence that your English is of a higher level than the students the
lesson is designed for.

● Please ensure that all documents you submit are clearly titled following the
correct naming convention so that your marker can identify them easily.

● If you use any pictures or base any of your teaching ideas on activities you have found
elsewhere, please reference them correctly. All materials should be properly referenced in
a bibliography. You will find a referencing guide in Unit 5 alongside your first assignment
to support you with this, if you need it.

● When you have finished each assignment, ensure it meets the requirements of
the checklist provided before submitting your work for marking.
How to submit your assignment

● Once your documents are complete and you are ready to submit, convert them into
.pdf format.

● Please make sure each file is clearly labelled and numbered following the correct
naming conventions provided in the assignment details.

● Scroll down to select the button 'add submission' that appears at the bottom of this page.
Then follow the on-screen instructions to upload all of your PDF documents.

● You can upload up to 10 files, all of which must be PDFs.

● Although each PDF file needs to be uploaded as a separate item (not as a Zip file),
please submit them at the same time as you can’t return to this later to add extra files.

● Once you've uploaded all your files, follow the on-screen instructions to submit
your assignment for marking.

● Please see the video in the 'Getting started' section of the course for detailed guidance
if required.

● If you have read the instructions, watched the video, but still have questions
about submitting your assignment please submit a ticket to Student Support.
Troubleshooting problems submitting
your assignment
How do I save my documents as a PDF file?

If you are using Microsoft Office (for example, Word or PowerPoint) you can save your
document directly as a PDF by selecting ‘Save as’ from the File menu. When the ‘Save as’
dialog box appears, select PDF from the ‘Save as type’ drop down options.

Alternatively you can also print to PDF format. When selecting ‘Print’ from the File menu
choose ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’ as the printer.

If you are using a MAC, open the document you want to save as a PDF. Choose File, Print.
Click the PDF pop-up menu, then choose ‘Save as PDF’.

I am using a MAC and cannot open Word documents

A .docx file will open quite happily in Word for Mac, of course, but it can also be edited in
Pages. The following websites have further instructions:

How to open a .docx Word file on Mac, iPad or iPhone

How to open a Microsoft Word document in Pages on a Mac computer, and export a Pages
file back to Word

Cloud Convert is also a useful resource for converting documents.

Can I edit the file for my assignment, or reverse my assignment submission?

You will have the opportunity to review any file you have uploaded before you confirm it as
your final submission. If you have recently uploaded a file to an Assignment Summary page,
but have not yet submitted this file for marking, you may choose to edit or remove this file.

If, however, you have uploaded an incorrect file and have subsequently confirmed this as
your final submission prior to the due date, you must lodge a ticket through Student Support
to request your submission be reversed.

How do I re-submit?

If you did not successfully pass your assignment upon your first (or second) submission, you
can resubmit. When doing so, please do not delete your original submission files from the
Assignment summary box. When you upload your new files make sure to give them a new
name by adding the new submission number to the filename as shown in the Assignment

Help! I can’t find my feedback

Click on your profile icon on the top right hand corner and select 'Grades'. On the next
screen select your course, scroll down past the test results and the Assignment feedback is
at the bottom of the page.
Common challenges that students experience

1. Forgetting to upload a file when submitting an assignment.

2. Forgetting to click the ‘Save changes’ button after uploading files.
3. Forgetting to rename their resubmission document.

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