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and chemically synthesized nano-selenium (Nano-Se) par- sample (upper nasal or deep pharyngeal), and health status

ticles were used for comparison. Characterization of BNS (control or diagnosed with BRDC). To evaluate and compare
particles revealed that they were monodisperse and homoge- the metagenome of each pooled sample, the variable region
neous spheres with an average size of 139.43 ± 7.44 nm. In (V1–V3) along the 16S ribosomal RNA gene was amplified
the mouse model of intestinal oxidative stress, BNS particles by PCR. These amplified products were sequenced using nex-
were found to protect the mouse intestinal barrier function and t-generation sequencing (Illumina MiSeq) and sequence reads
preserve intestinal redox homeostasis more efficiently than were analyzed by WebMGA and GreenGenes to identify the
SeMet and Nano-Se. In vitro experiments with porcine jeju- bacterial taxa present. In order to assess the similarities or dif-

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num epithelial (IPEC-J2) cells verified the stronger epithelial ferences between sampling sites, we needed a measure that
barrier-protecting effect of BNS particles against oxidative would reflect changes in the metagenome as a whole, simulta-
stress, with reduced cell apoptosis and an improved cell redox neously accounting for differences in incidence of all detected
state. Biogenic nano-selenium activated nuclear factor (ery- bacterial taxa. The Jaccard distance between samples is such
throid-derived-2)-like 2 (Nrf2) and increased the expression a measure. Jaccard distances between sampling sites for the
of its downstream genes, including thioredoxin reductase-1 same animal group were small relative to the distribution of
(TXNRD-1), NADPH dehydrogenase-1, heme oxygenase-1, intersampling site distances between animal groups generated
and thioredoxin, in dose- and time-dependent manners. In by permutation (P = 0.00069). In summary, bacterial popula-
contrast, SeMet and Nano-Se merely enhanced the activity of tions were similar between upper nasal and deep pharyngeal
the selenoenzymes TXNRD-1 and glutathione peroxidase-1, sampling locations. These results demonstrate that shorter,
indicating the role of selenium donors. Moreover, knock- less invasive nasal swabs produce results similar to those of
down of Nrf2 significantly blocked the antioxidative effect of deep nasal pharyngeal swabs.
BNS, confirming that BNS protects the intestinal barrier from Key Words: bovine respiratory disease complex,
oxidative stress–induced damage by activating Nrf2 and its metagenome, 16S sequence
downstream genes. Our results suggest that BNS is a prom- doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.042
ising selenium species with potential application in treating
oxidative stress–related intestinal diseases.
Key Words: biogenic nano-selenium particles, 043 Metabolomics uncovers serum biomarkers that can
intestinal barrier, oxidative stress predict the risk of retained placenta in transition
doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.041 dairy cows. E. Dervishi1, G. Zhang1, R. Mandal2,
D. S. Wishart2, and B. N. Ametaj*1, 1Department
of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science,
042 Evaluating the metagenome of two sampling University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada,
locations in the nasal cavity of cattle with bovine 2
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
respiratory disease complex. T. G. McDaneld*,
A combination of direct injection and tandem mass spectrom-
L. A. Kuehn, and J. W. Keele, USDA, ARS, U.S. Meat
etry with a reverse-phase liquid chromatography and tandem
Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE.
mass spectrometry was used to detect serum metabolite signa-
Bovine respiratory disease complex (BRDC) is a multifactor tures in 20 cows that expelled their fetal membranes normally
disease, and disease incidence may be associated with an ani- and 6 cows that retained placenta. We aimed to identify serum
mal’s commensal microbiota (metagenome). Evaluation of the biomarkers that can predict the risk of retained placenta (RP)
animal’s resident microbiota in the nasal cavity may help us in transition dairy cows. Blood samples were obtained from
to understand the impact of the metagenome on incidence of the coccygeal vein once per week at 0700 h before the morn-
BRDC in cattle. Our objective was to determine whether me- ing feeding at 8 and 4 wk before parturition, at the week of
tagenome populations of the nasal cavity vary based on sam- RP, and at 4 and 8 wk postpartum. We studied perturbation of
pling location. Therefore, 2 sampling locations (upper nasal serum metabolites using an AbsoluteIDQ 180 kit (BIOCRA-
and deep nasal pharyngeal) were evaluated. Nasal swabs from TES Life Science AG, Innsbruck, Austria), which contained
calves were collected when the animal was diagnosed with metabolites related to AA, acylcarnitines, biogenic amines,
BRDC after weaning in the feedlot. Samples from healthy glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and hexose. Univariate
cohorts were also collected for each time point evaluated in analysis of data was performed using Wilcoxon–Mann–Whit-
the feedlot to compare metagenome profiles of healthy and ney test provided by R (version 3.0.3; 2008). Metabolomic
sick animals. For each animal, 1 swab was inserted into the data were analyzed using the MetaboAnalyst software. Statis-
nasal cavity approximately 6 inches for sampling of the upper tical significance was declared at P < 0.05. Results showed
nasal region and a second swab was inserted approximately that cows with RP were characterized by a decrease in lyso-
8 inches for sampling of the deep nasal pharyngeal region. phosphatidylcholine (LysoPC) a C18:2, C20:3, C20:4, C28:0,
Samples were pooled in groups based on when the animal was and C28:1 at 8 wk before parturition and during the week of
diagnosed with BRDC (1, 2, or 3 wk after weaning), type of diagnosis of RP (P < 0.01). At 4 wk prior to calving, LysoPC

a C20:4 and C28:0 were decreased. Concentrations of phos- to early predict the risk of metritis in transition dairy cows.
phatidylcholines (PC) changed after calving, with 12 and 4 Results indicated significant (P < 0.05) metabolite alterations
species of PC elevated at 4 and 8 wk after calving, respectively at −8 and −4 wk and at disease diagnosis in premitritis cows
(P < 0.05). Cows with RP were characterized by increased and those that developed metritis compared with healthy
concentrations of sphingomyelins in the serum at 8 wk prior CON. The multivariate analyses also demonstrated consistent
to parturition (P < 0.05), the week of RP (P < 0.05), and at 4 disease-dependent clustering with fairly similar set of metab-
and 8 wk after parturition (P < 0.05). Amino acids Lys, Ile, and olites distinguishing premetritis cows from healthy controls
Leu were greater in cows diagnosed with RP during all exper- at −8 and −4 wk. Among the metabolites that distinguished

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imental time. Biogenic amines, acetylornithine, asymmetric premetritic cows from healthy CON at −8 wk, oxalate, orni-
dimethylarginine, total dimethylarginine, carnosine, creatin- thine, pyroglutamic acid, glutamic acid, and d-mannose were
ine, and sarcosine were greater in RP cows during diagnosis ranked as the top 5 in variable importance in the projection. A
week (P < 0.01). It is intriguing that pre-RP, RP, and post-RP similar set of metabolites (except oxalate substituted by phos-
cows showed an increased concentration of Lys, Ile, Leu, and phoric acid) were ranked as the top 5 at −4 wk, indicating that
acetylornithine during all experimental time points studied (P those top 5 metabolites can be used as predictive biomarkers
< 0.01). Moreover, LysoPC a C20:4 and C28:0, ornithine, and at −8 and −4 wk before the incidence of postpartum metritis.
Asn decreased before parturition and at the disease diagnosis Intriguingly, multiple metabolites, such as galactose, phos-
week (P < 0.05). In conclusion, RP is preceded by and associ- phoric acid, oleic acid, urea, and oxalate, were identified to
ated with alterations in multiple species of AC, PC, LPC, AA, be different (P < 0.5) even at 4 and 8 wk after parturition.
and BA starting from 8 wk prior to parturition. Alterations of The significant alterations of serum metabolite concentrations
serum Lys, ornithine, acetylornithine, LysoPC a C28:0, Asp, and disease-dependent clustering around parturition indicate
Leu, and Ile might be novel serum biomarkers for prediction the potential of these metabolites to track the progression and
of risk of RP in dairy cows. development of metritis in dairy cattle.
Key Words: dairy cows, metabolomics, Key Words: dairy cows, metabolomics, metritis
retained placenta doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.044

045 Genomic characterization of intrauterine

044 Serum metabolomics fingerprinting during the pathogenic Escherichia coli from cows with
dry off period identifies metabolite signatures metritis. Z. Ma*1,2, A. Ginn1,2, R. Mir1,2, M. Kang1,2,
that can predict the risk of metritis. B. N. Ametaj*, K. N. Galvão3, and K. Jeong1,2, 1Department of
Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Animal Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, 2
Emerging Pathogens Institute, University of Florida,
Canada. Gainesville, 3Department of Large Animal Clinical
Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University
The objective of this study was to screen transition dairy cows
of Florida, Gainesville.
during the dry off period for identification of metabolite sig-
natures in the serum that can be used for prediction of risk of Metritis is a major disease in dairy cows causing animal death,
metritis and give insights into the pathobiology of the disease. decrease of birth rate and milk production, and economic loss.
Blood samples were collected from coccygeal vein at 8 and 4 Antibiotic treatment is generally used to treat such disease,
wk prepartum, disease diagnosis week, and 4 and 8 wk post- but it is associated with a high failure rate (23–35%). The rea-
partum. Gas chromatography mass spectrometry was used to son for the treatment failure is not clear. Our hypothesis is that
identify and quantify 29 metabolites in the serum of 20 healthy pathogens in the uteri carry extended spectrum b-lactamases
control cows (CON) and 6 cows that were diagnosed with me- (ESBL), which give resistance to ceftiofur, the common anti-
tritis. Data were analyzed using univariate and multivariate biotic used to treat the disease. The objective was to investi-
analysis. Results showed that 16, 12, 14, 15, and 10 metabo- gate the prevalence of ESBL in cows with metritis and char-
lites were significantly altered at −8 and −4 wk, at disease diag- acterize the isolated ESBL carriers. Our study investigated the
nosis, and at +4 and +8 wk around calving in cows diagnosed prevalence of ESBL-producing bacteria in uterine samples of
with metritis versus healthy CON. The multivariate analyses cows with metritis (n = 24), and whole genomic sequencing of
indicated consistent disease-dependent clustering with fairly the isolated intrauterine pathogenic Escherichia coli (IUPEC)
similar set of metabolites distinguishing premetritis cows was conducted by Illumina MiSeq for further genomic char-
from healthy controls at −8 and −4 wk. The utility of these me- acterization. We found that the IUPEC-causing metritis had
tabolites as biomarkers of risk of disease was assessed by the a high prevalence of ESBL (70.8%), which may explain the
area under the curve (AUC), and AUC values of 1.0 and 0.969 failure to the treatment. The pathogenicity of these IUPEC iso-
were observed at −8 and −4 wk, respectively. Overall, results lates was investigated by invasion assay, minimal inhibitory
of this study indicated that selected metabolites can be used concentration (MIC) test, and antimicrobial susceptibility test.


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