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Enhancing security

and privacy in
authentication systems

by N. K. Ratha
J. H. Connell
R M. Bolle

Because biometrics-based authentication offers limitations. Passwords and PINs can be illicitly ac-
several advantages over other authentication quired by direct covert observation. Once an intruder
methods, there has been a significant surge
in the use of biometrics for user authentication acquires the user ID and the password, the intruder
in recent years. It is important that such has total access to the user's resources. In addition,
biometrics-based authentication systems be there is no way to positively link the usage of the
designed to withstand attacks when employed system or service to the actual user, that is, there is
in security-critical applications, especially in no protection against repudiation by the user ID
unattended remote applications such as e-
commerce. In this paper we outline the inherent owner. For example, when a user ID and password
strengths of biometrics-based authentication, is shared with a colleague there is no way for the sys-
identify the weak links in systems employing tem to know who the actual user is. A similar sit-
biometrics-based authentication, and present uation arises when a transaction involving a credit
new solutions for eliminating some of these
weak links. Although, for illustration purposes, card number is conducted on the Web. Even though
fingerprint authentication is used throughout, our the data are sent over the Web using secure encryp-
analysis extends to other biometrics-based tion methods, current systems are not capable of
methods. assuring that the transaction was initiated by the
rightful owner of the credit card. In the modern dis-
tributed systems environment, the traditional au-
thentication policy based on a simple combination
of user ID and password has become inadequate.

D eliable user authentication is becoming an in- Fortunately, automated biometrics in general, and
ftcreasingly important task in the Web-enabled fingerprint technology in particular, can provide a
world. The consequences of an insecure authenti- much more accurate and reliable user authentica-
cation system in a corporate or enterprise environ- tion method. Biometrics is a rapidly advancing field
ment can be catastrophic, and may include loss of that is concerned with identifying a person based on
confidential information, denial of service, and com- his or her physiological or behavioral characteristics.
promised data integrity. The value of reliable user Examples of automated biometrics include fingerprint,
authentication is not limited to just computer or net- face, iris, and speech recognition. User authentica-
work access. Many other applications in everyday life tion methods can be broadly classified into three cat-
also require user authentication, such as banking, e- egories 1 as shown in Table 1. Because a biometric
commerce, and physical access control to computer ©Copyright 2001 by International Business Machines Corpora-
resources, and could benefit from enhanced secur- tion. Copying in printed form for private use is permitted with-
ity. out payment of royalty provided that (1) each reproduction is done
without alteration and (2) the Journal reference and IBM copy-
The prevailing techniques of user authentication, right notice are included on the first page. The title and abstract,
but no other portions, of this paper may be copied or distributed
which involve the use of either passwords and user royalty free without further permission by computer-based and
IDs (identifiers), or identification cards and PINs (per- other information-service systems. Permission to republish any
sonal identification numbers), suffer from several other portion of this paper must be obtained from the Editor.

614 RATHA, CONNELL. AND BOLLE 0018-8670/01/$5.00 © 2001 IBM IBM SYSTEMS JOURNAL. VOL 40. NO 3. 2001
Table 1 Existing user authentication techniques

Method Examples Properties

What you know User ID Shared

Password Many passwords easy to guess
PIN Forgotten

What you have Cards Shared

Badges Ca n be d uplicated
Keys Lost or stolen

What you know and what you have ATM ca rd + PIN Shared
PIN a weak link
(Writi ng the PIN on the card)

Something un ique about the user Fingerprint Not possible to share

Face Repudiation unli kely
Iris Forging difficu lt
Voice print Cannot be lost or stolen

property is an intrinsic property of an individual, it A problem with biometric authentication systems

is difficult to surreptitiously duplicate and nearly im- arises when the data associated with a biometric fea-
possible to share. Additionally, a biometric property ture has been compromised. For authentication sys-
of an individual can be lost only in case of serious tems based on physical tokens such as keys and
accident. badges, a compromised token can be easily canceled
and the user can be assigned a new token. Similarly,
Biometric readings, which range from several hun- user IDs and passwords can be changed as often as
dred bytes to over a megabyte, have the advantage required. Yet, the user only has a limited number
that their information content is usually higher than of biometric features (one face, ten fingers, two eyes).
that of a password or a pass phrase. Simply extend- If the biometric data are compromised, the user may
ing the length of passwords to get equivalent bit quickly run out of biometric features to be used for
strength presents significant usability problems. It is au then tica tion.
nearly impossible to remember a 2K phrase, and it
would take an annoyingly long time to type such a In this paper, we discuss in more detail the prob-
phrase (especially without errors). Fortunately, au- lems unique to biometric authentication systems and
tomated biometrics can provide the security advan- propose solutions to several of these problems. Al-
tages of long passwords while retaining the speed though we focus on fingerprint recognition through-
and characteristic simplicity of short passwords. out this paper, our analysis can be extended to other
biometric authentication methods. In the next sec-
Even though automated biometrics can help allevi- tion, "Fingerprint authentication," we detail the
ate the problems associated with the existing meth- stages of the fingerprint authentication process. In
ods of user authentication, hackers will still find there the following section, "Vulnerable points of a bio-
are weak points in the system, vulnerable to attack. metric system," we use a pattern recognition frame-
Password systems are prone to brute force dictio- work for a generic biometric system to help identify
nary attacks. Biometric systems, on the other hand, the possible attack points. The section "Brute force
require substantially more effort for mounting such attack directed at matching fingerprint minutiae" an-
an attack. Yet there are several new types of attacks alyzes the resilience of a minutiae-based fingerprint
possible in the biometrics domain. This may not ap- authentication system in terms of the probability
ply if biometrics is used as a supervised authentica- of a successful brute force attack. The next two sec-
tion tool. But in remote, unattended applications, tions, "wsQ-based data hiding" and "Image-based
such as Web-based e-commerce applications, hack- challenge/response method," propose two methods
ers may have the opportunity and enough time to that address some of the vulnerable points of a bio-
make several attempts, or even physically violate the metric system. The section "Cancelable biometrics"
integrity of a remote client, before detection. introduces the concept of "cancelable biometrics"

Figure 1 Fingerprint recognition; (A) input image, (B) features

and discusses its application to authentication. Fi- the ridge direction at that location (e). However, due
nally, the section "Conclusions" recapitulates the is- to sensor noise and other variability in the imaging
sues discussed and summarizes the proposed new ap- process, the feature extraction stage may miss some
proaches. minutiae and may generate spurious minutiae. Fur-
ther, due to the elasticity of the human skin, the re-
Fingerprint authentication lationship between minutiae may be randomly dis-
torted from one impression to the next.
We present here a brief introduction to fingerprint
authentication. Readers familiar with fingerprint au- In the final stage, the matcher subsystem attempts
thentication may skip to the next section. to arrive at a degree of similarity between the two
sets of features after compensating for the rotation,
Fingerprints are a distinctive feature and remain in- translation, and scale. This similarity is often ex-
variant over the lifetime of a subject, except for cuts pressed as a score. Based on this score, a final de-
and bruises. As the first step in the authentication cision of match or no-match is made. A decision
process, a fingerprint impression is acquired, typi- threshold is first selected. If the score is below the
cally using an inkless scanner. Several such scanning threshold, the fingerprints are determined not to
technologies are available. 2 Figure 1A shows a fin- match; if the score is above the threshold, a correct
gerprint obtained with a scanner using an optical sen- match is declared. Often the score is simply a count
sor. A typical scanner digitizes the fingerprint im- of the number of the minutiae that are in correspon-
pression at 500 dots per inch (dpi) with 256 gray levels dence. In a number of countries, 12 to 16 correspon-
per pixel. The digital image of the fingerprint in- dences (performed by a human expert) are consid-
cludes several unique features in terms of ridge bi- ered legally binding evidence of identity.
furcations and ridge endings, collectively referred to
as minutiae. The operational issues in an automated fingerprint
identification system (AFIS) are somewhat different
The next step is to locate these features in the fin- from those in a more traditional password-based sys-
gerprint image, as shown in Figure 1B, using an au- tem. First, there is a system performance issue known
tomatic feature extraction algorithm. Each feature as the "fail to enroll" rate to be considered. Some
is commonly represented by its location (x, y) and people have very faint fingerprints, or no fingers at

Figure 2 Error trade-off in a biometric system



all, which makes the system unusable for them. A ing a particular operating point (i.e., a detection
related issue is a "Reject" option in the system based threshold). Very low (close to zero) error rates for
on input image quality. A poor quality input is not both errors (FAR and FRR) at the same time are not
accepted by the system during enrollment and au- possible. By setting a high threshold, the FAR error
thentication. Note that poor quality inputs can be can be close to zero, and similarly by setting a sig-
caused by noncooperative users, improper usage, dirt nificantly low threshold, the FRR rate can be close
on the finger, or bad input scanners. This has no an- to zero. A meaningful operating point for the thresh-
alog in a password system. Then there is the fact that old is decided based on the application requirements,
in a biometric system the matching decision is not and the FAR versus FRR error rates at that operating
clear-cut. A password system always provides a cor- point may be quite different. To provide high secur-
rect response-if the passwords match, it grants ac- ity, biometric systems operate at a low FAR instead
cess but otherwise refuses access. However, in a bio- of the commonly recommended equal error rate
metric system, the overall accuracy depends on the (EER) operating point where FAR = FRR. High-per-
quality of input and enrollment data along with the formance fingerprint recognition systems can sup-
basic characteristics of the underlying feature extrac- port error rates in the range of 10 - 6 for false accept
tion and matching algorithm. and 10 - 4 for false reject. 3 The performance num-
bers reported by vendors are based on test results
For fingerprints, and biometrics in general, there are using private databases and, in general, tend to be
two basic types of recognition errors, namely the false much better than what can be achieved in practice.
accept rate (FAR) and the false reject rate (FRR). If Nevertheless, the probability that the fingerprint sig-
a nonmatching pair of fingerprints is accepted as a nal is supplied by the right person, given a good
match, it is called a false accept. On the other hand, matching score, is quite high. This confidence level
if a matching pair of fingerprints is rejected by the generally provides better nonrepudiation support
system, it is called a false reject. The error rates are than passwords.
a function of the threshold as shown in Figure 2. Of-
ten the interplay between the two errors is presented Vulnerable points of a biometric system
by plotting FAR against FRR with the decision thresh-
old as the free variable. This plot is called the ROC A generic biometric system can be cast in the frame-
(Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve. The two work of a pattern recognition system. The stages of
errors are complementary in the sense that if one such a generic system are shown in Figure 3. Excel-
makes an effort to lower one of the errors by varying lent introductions to automated biometric systems
the threshold, the other error rate automatically in- can be found in References 1 and 4.
The first stage involves biometric signal acquisition
In a biometric authentication system, the relative from the user (e.g., the inkless fingerprint scan). The
false accept and false reject rates can be set by choos- acquired signal typically varies significantly from pre-

Figure 3 Possible attack points in a generic biometrics-based system


... 1 FEATURE 1 ... 1 MATCHER

1 -I I
2 4 8
1 3 5

sentation to presentation; hence, pure pixel-based metric feature is presented as input to the sys-
matching techniques do not work reliably. For this tem. Examples include a fake finger, a copy of a
reason, the second signal processing stage attempts signature, or a face mask.
to construct a more invariant representation of this 2. Resubmitting previously stored digitized biomet-
basic input signal (e.g., in terms of fingerprint mi- rics signals: In this mode of attack, a recorded sig-
nutiae). The invariant representation is often a nal is replayed to the system, bypassing the sen-
spatial domain characteristic or a transform (fre- sor. Examples include the presentation of an old
quency) domain characteristic, depending on the copy of a fingerprint image or the presentation
particular biometric. of a previously recorded audio signal.
3. Overriding the feature extraction process: The
During enrollment of a subject in a biometric au- feature extractor is attacked using a Trojan horse,
thentication system, an invariant template is stored so that it produces feature sets preselected by the
in a database that represents the particular individ- intruder.
ual. To authenticate the user against a given ID, the 4. Tampering with the biometric feature represen-
corresponding template is retrieved from the data- tation: The features extracted from the input sig-
base and matched against the template derived from nal are replaced with a different, fraudulent fea-
a newly acquired input signal. The matcher arrives ture set (assuming the representation method is
at a decision based on the closeness of these two tem- known). Often the two stages of feature extrac-
plates while taking into account geometry, lighting, tion and matcher are inseparable and this mode
and other signal acquisition variables. of attack is extremely difficult. However, if minu-
tiae are transmitted to a remote matcher (say,
Note that password-based authentication systems can over the Internet) this threat is very real. One
also be set in this framework. The keyboard becomes could "snoop" on the TCP/IP (Transmission Con-
the input device. The password encryptor can be trol Protocol/Internet Protocol) stack and alter
viewed as the feature extractor and the comparator certain packets.
as the matcher. The template database is equivalent 5. Corrupting the matcher: The matcher is attacked
to the encrypted password database. and corrupted so that it produces preselected
match scores.
We identified eight places in the generic biometric 6. Tampering with stored templates: The database
system of Figure 3 where attacks may occur. In ad- of stored templates could be either local or re-
dition, Schneier 5 describes several types of abuses mote. The data might be distributed over several
of biometrics. The numbers in Figure 3 correspond servers. Here the attacker could try to modify one
to the items in the following list. or more templates in the database, which could
result either in authorizing a fraudulent individ-
1. Presenting fake biometrics at the sensor: In this ual or denying service to the persons associated
mode of attack, a possible reproduction of the bio- with the corrupted template. A smartcard-based

authentication system,6 where the template is Figure 4 Example of a randomly generated minutiae set
stored in the smartcard and presented to the au-
thentication system, is particularly vulnerable to
this type of attack.
7. Attacking the channel between the stored tem-
plates and the matcher: The stored templates are
sent to the matcher through a communication
channel. The data traveling through this channel
could be intercepted and modified.
8. Overriding the final decision: If the final match
decision can be overridden by the hacker, then
the authentication system has been disabled. Even
if the actual pattern recognition framework has
excellent performance characteristics, it has been
rendered useless by the simple exercise of over-
riding the match result.

There exist several security techniques to thwart at-

tacks at these various points. For instance, finger con-
ductivity or fingerprint pulse at the sensor can stop
simple attacks at point 1. Encrypted communication
channels 7 can eliminate at least remote attacks at
point 4. However, even if the hacker cannot pene-
trate the feature extraction module, the system is set. In a smart card system where the biometrics tem-
still vulnerable. The simplest way to stop attacks at plate is stored in the card and presented to the au-
points 5,6, and 7 is to have the matcher and the da- thentication system, a hacker could present these
tabase reside at a secure location. Of course, even random sets to the authentication system assuming
this cannot prevent attacks in which there is collu- that the hacker has no information about the stored
sion. Use of cryptography 8 prevents attacks at templates. Note that an attack at point 2 of Figure
point 8. 3, which involves generating all possible fingerprint
images in order to match a valid fingerprint image,
We observe that the threats outlined in Figure 3 are would have an even larger search space and conse-
quite similar to the threats to password-based au- quently would be much more difficult.
thentication systems. For instance, all the channel
attacks are similar. One difference is that there is no A naive model. For the purpose of analyzing the "na-
"fake password" equivalent to the fake biometric at- ive" matching minutiae attack, we assume the fol-
tack at point 1 (although, perhaps if the password lowing.
was in some standard dictionary it could be deemed
"fake"). Furthermore, in a password- or token-based • The system uses a minutia-based matching method
authentication system, no attempt is made to thwart and the number of paired minutiae reflects the de-
replay attacks (since there is no expected variation gree of match.
of the "signal" from one presentation to another). • The image size S = 300 pixels X 300 pixels.
However, in an automated biometric-based authen- • A ridge plus valley spread T = 15 pixels.
tication system, one can check the liveness of the en- • The total number of possible minutiae sites (K =
tity originating the input signal. S/(T2)) = 20 X 20 = 400.
• The number of orientations allowed for the ridge
Brute force attack directed at matching angle at a minutia point d = 4, 8, 16.
fingerprint minutiae • The minimum number of corresponding minutiae
in query and reference template m = 10, 12, 14,
In this section we attempt to analyze the probability 16, 18.
that a brute force attack at point 4 of Figure 3, in-
volving a set of fraudulent fingerprint minutiae, will These values are based on a standard fingerprint
succeed in matching a given stored template. Fig- scanner with 500 dpi scanning resolution covering
ure 4 shows one such randomly generated minutiae an area 0.6 X 0.6 inches. A ridge and valley can span

Figure 5 Bit strength in the naive model
gular difference of up to half a quantization bin (±45
degrees for d = 4).

Plugging these values into Equation 2, for d = 4 and

m = 10, the probability of randomly guessing the
170 d 4 • exact feature set is 3.6 X 10 - 26 = 2 - 845. The log2 of
d 8 ---¢-- the probability of randomly guessing a correct fea-
160 d 16 • ture set through a brute force attack for different val-
(jj 150
m ues of d and m is plotted in Figure 5. We refer to
~ 140 this measure (in bits) as "strength," and it represents
~ 130 the equivalent number of bits in a password authen-
l? tication system. This should convince the reader that
~ 120
0:: a brute force attack in the form of a random image
tIi 110 or a random template attempting to impersonate an
100 authorized individual will, on average, require a very
large number of attempts before succeeding.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 The foregoing analysis assumes that each fingerprint
m has exactly m minutiae, that only m minutiae are gen-
erated, and that all ofthese minutiae have to match.
A realistic strength is much lower because one can
generate more than m query minutiae, say N lOla /, and
only some fraction of these must match m minutiae
about 15 pixels on average at this scanning resolu- of the reference fingerprint. This leads to a factor
tion. The other two variables d and m are being used of about (::;,","1) 2 or a loss of nearly 64 bits in strength
as parameters to study the brute force attack. We form = 10withN'olal = 50. The equivalent strength
start with 10 matching minutiae since often a thresh- thus is closer to 20 bits for this parameter set. A more
old of 12 minutiae is used in matching fingerprints realistic model, which carefully incorporates this ef-
in manual systems. Ridge angles in an automated fect, is described below.
system can be quantized depending on the tolerance
supported in the matcher. A minimum of four quan- A more realistic model. In the naive approach, we
tization levels provides a 45 degree tolerance, while made several simplifying assumptions. In this more
16 levels provides roughly an 11 degree tolerance. realistic model, we will make assumptions that are
more realistic and will analyze the brute force at-
Then, the number of possible ways to place m mi- tack model in more detail.
nutiae in K possible locations is
Let the reference print have Ny minutiae, and let
each feature of the minutiae include a ridge direc-
(~) (1) tion which takes d possible values, and a location
which takes K possible values. Then the probability
that a randomly generated minutia will match one
and, the number of possible ways to assign directions of the minutiae in the reference print in both loca-
to the minutiae is d m . tion and direction can be approximated as:

Hence, the total number of possible minutiae com- Nr

binations equals Pest = K X d (3)

(2) A more accurate model would require that we con-

sider the probability of a minutiae site being pop-
ulated as a function of the distance to the center of
Note that it is assumed that the matcher will toler- the print (they are more likely in the middle). In ad-
ate shifts between query and reference minutiae of dition, such a model would require that the direc-
at most a ridge and valley pixel width, and an an- tional proclivities depend on location (they tend to

swirl around the core). In this model, however, we But matches of m or more minutiae typically count
ignore such dependencies and use the simpler for- as a verification, so we get:

While the expression above is valid for the first gen- (8)
erated minutia, when creating the full synthetic set
it is undesirable to generate two minutiae with the
same location. So after j - 1 minutiae have been For convenience, let us assume thatNq = N r = N,
generated, the probability that the jth minutia will so the above equation can be rewritten as:
match (assuming the previousj - 1 minutiae all fail
to match) is bounded from above by:
(K - j + l)d
Since P is fairly small in our case, we can use the Pois-
Thus, while generatingNq random minutiae we can son approximation to the above binomial probabil-
conservatively assume each minutia has matching ity density function:


Typical parameter values are K = 400, N q = N r = This summation is usually dominated by its first term
50 and d = 4. Note that brute force attacks with N q (where t = m ) . For typical parameter values the sec-
excessively large (close to the value K) would be easy ond term is 10 to 20 times smaller than the first. Ne-
to detect and reject out of hand. For this reason there glecting all but the first term may make the overall
is an upper bound onNq that still enables an attacker estimate approximately 20 percent lower, but for or-
to generate the facsimile of a real finger. Using the der-of-magnitude calculations this is fine. Thus, we
values above we find Pest = 0.03125 while Phi = rewrite the expression as simply:
0.03561 (14 percent higher). This is a relatively small
effect in itself, but important in the overall calcula-
tion. (11)

Therefore, the probability of getting exactly t of N q Because m is moderately large, we can use Stirling's
generated minutiae to match is about: approximation for the factorial and further rewrite
the equation as:
Pthresh =pt(l _p)Nq-t (6)
This derivation breaks down for small K because the P - ----;===--- (12)
ver - ~(27Tm) e -mm m
minutiae matching probability changes depending
on how many other minutiae have already been gen-
erated as well as on how many of those minutiae have and regrouping to emphasize the exponential depen-
matched. However, for the large values of K typi- dency:
cally encountered (e.g., 400) it is reasonably close.
_ e -Np (eNP)m
P --- (13)
Now there are a number of ways of selecting which ver - ~27Tm m
t out of the N r minutiae in the reference print are
the ones that match. Thus, the total match proba- The logz ofP ver (bit strength) is plotted in Figure 6
bility becomes: for N = 40, d = 4, K = 400 with m (the number
of minutiae required to match) between 10 and 35.
For a value of m = 10, we have about 22 bits of
(7) information (close to the prediction of the revised

Figure 6 Bit strength in the more realistic model
sites K are increased, the strength also increases.
Both these factors directly affect p, the single mi-
nutia matching probability, which shows up inside
the exponential term ofP vcr' Second, there is a strong
140 . - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - , . . - - - - - - - ,
dependence on N, the overall number of minutiae
in a fingerprint. For high security, this number needs
120 to be kept as low as possible. This is one reason why
the probability of break-ins is much smaller when
0'iii 100 good quality fingerprint images are enrolled as op-
posed to using poor quality images with many spu-
S rious minutiae (yielding a higher overall N). Often
~ 80
practical systems reject a bad quality fingerprint im-
0:: age for this reason instead of taking a hit on the ac-
tii 60
curacy of the system.
40 It should be pointed out that the brute force attack
break-in probability is not dependent in any way on
the FAR. That is, if the FARis 10-6 , this does not mean
15 20 25 30 35 that, on average, the system is broken into after
500000 trials. The FAR is estimated using actual hu-
man fingers and is typically attributable to errors in
feature extraction (extra or missing features) and,
to a lesser extent, to changes in geometry such as
naive model). For the legal threshold of m = 15, finger rolling or skin deformations due to twisting.
we have around 40 bits of information (represent- The statistics governing the occurrence of these types
ing a number of distinct binary values equal to about of errors are different from those describing a brute
140 times the population of the earth). For a more force attack.
typical value of m = 25, we have roughly 82 bits of
information content in this representation. This is WSQ-based data hiding
equivalent to a 16-character nonsense password
(such as "m4yus78xpmks3bc9"). In both Web-based and other on-line transaction
processing systems, it is undesirable to send uncom-
Studies similar to ours have been reported in the lit- pressed fingerprint images to the server due to band-
erature, and these studies evaluate the individuality width limitations. A typical fingerprint image is of
of a fingerprint based on the minutiae informa- the order of 512 X 512 pixels with 256 gray levels,
tion. 9,10 These analyses were based on the minutiae resulting in a file size of 256 Kbytes. This would take
frequency data collected and interpreted by a hu- nearly 40 seconds to transmit at 53 Kbaud. Unfor-
man expert and involving a small set of fingers. Fur- tunately, many standard compression methods, such
thermore, these studies used all the ten types of Gal- as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), have
ton characteristics, 11 whereas our study is based on a tendency to distort the high-frequency spatial and
just one type of feature (with no differentiation be- structural ridge features of a fingerprint image. This
tween ridge endings and bifurcations). The purpose has led to several research proposals regarding do-
of these studies was to quantify the information con- main-specific compression methods. As a result, an
tent of a fingerprint (similar to our naive method) open Wavelet Scalar Quantization (WSQ) image
rather than set thresholds for matching in the face compression scheme proposed by the FBI 12 has be-
of brute force attacks. come the de facto standard in the industry, because
of its low image distortion even at high-compression
Examining the final equation (Equation 13), we ratios (over 10:1).
make two important observations. First, in both the
naive and the more realistic model, it can be seen Typically, the compressed image is transmitted over
that adding extra feature information at every mi- a standard encrypted channel as a replacement for
nutia (e.g., raising d) increases significantly the (or in addition to) the user's PIN. Yet, because of
strength of the system. Similarly, if the spatial do- the open compression standard, transmitting a WSQ
main extent is increased or the number of minutiae compressed image over the Internet is not partic-

ularly secure. If a compressed fingerprint image Our information hiding scheme works in conjunc-
bitstream can be freely intercepted (and decrypted), tion with the WSQ fingerprint image encoder and de-
it can be decompressed using readily available coder, which are shown in Figures 7A and 7B, re-
software. This potentially allows the signal to be spectively. In the first step of the WSQ compression,
saved and fraudulently reused (attack point 2 in Fig- the input image is decomposed into 64 spatial fre-
ure 3). quency subbands using perfect reconstruction mul-
tirate filter banks 19 based on discrete wavelet trans-
One way to enhance security is to use data-hiding formation filters. The filters are implemented as a
pair of separable ID filters. The two filters specified
techniques to embed additional information directly
for encoder 1 of the FBI standard are plotted in Fig-
in compressed fingerprint images. For instance, if
ures 7C and 7D. The subbands are the filter outputs
the embedding algorithm remains unknown, the ser- obtained after a desired level of cascading of the fil-
vice provider can look for the appropriate standard ters as described in the standard. For example, sub-
watermark to check that a submitted image was in- band 25 corresponds to the cascading path of "00,
deed generated by a trusted machine (or sensor). 10,00,11" through the filter bank. The first digit in
Several techniques have been proposed in the lit- each binary pair represents the row operation index.
erature for hiding digital watermarks in images. 13,14 A zero specifies low pass filtering using hO on the row
Bender et al. 15 and Swanson et al. 16 present excel- (column) while a one specifies high pass filtering using
lent surveys of data-hiding techniques. Petitcolas et hl on the row (column). Thus for the 25th subband,
al. 14 provide a nice survey and taxonomy of infor- the image is first low pass filtered in both row and col-
mation-hiding techniques. Hsu and Wu 17 describe umn; followed by high pass filtering in rows, then low
a method for hiding watermarks in JPEG compressed pass filtering in columns; the output of which is then
images. Most of the research, however, addresses is- low pass filtered in rows and columns; and ending with
sues involved in resolving piracy or copyright issues, high pass filtering in rows and columns. Note that there
not authentication. An exception is the invisible wa- is appropriate down sampling and the symmetric ex-
termarking technique for fingerprints proposed by tension transform is applied at every stage as specified
Yeung and Pankanti. 18 Their study involves exam- in the standard. The 64 subbands of the gray-scale fin-
ining the accuracy after an invisible watermark is in- gerprint image shown in Figure 8A are shown in Fig-
serted in the image domain. Our proposed solution ure 8C.
is different because, first, it operates directly in the
compressed domain and, second, it causes no per- There are two more stages to WSQ compression. The
formance degradation. second stage is a quantization process where the Dis-
crete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients are
The approach is motivated by the desire to create transformed into integers with a small number of dis-
crete values. This is accomplished by uniform scalar
on-line fingerprint authentication systems for com-
quantization for each subband. There are two char-
mercial transactions that are secure against replay
acteristics for each band: the zero of the band (Z k)
attacks. To achieve this, the service provider issues and the width of the bins (Qk). These parameters
a different verification string for each transaction. must be chosen carefully to achieve a good compres-
The string is mixed in with the fingerprint image be- sion ratio without introducing significant informa-
fore transmission. When the image is received by the tion loss that will result in distortions of the images.
service provider it is decompressed and the image The Zk and Qk for each band are transmitted di-
is checked for the presence of the correct one-time rectly to the decoder. The third and final stage is
verification string. The method we propose here Huffman coding of the integer indices for the DWT
hides such messages with minimal impact on the ap- coefficients. For this purpose, the bands are grouped
pearance of the decompressed image. Moreover, the into three blocks. In each block, the integer coef-
message is not hidden in a fixed location (which ficients are remapped to numbers between 0-255
would make it more vulnerable to discovery) but is, prescribed by the translation table described in the
instead, deposited in different places based on the standard. This translation table encodes run lengths
structure of the image itself. Although our approach of zeros and large values. Negative coefficients are
is presented in the framework of fingerprint image translated in a similar way by this table.
compression, it can be easily extended to other bi-
ometrics such as wavelet-based compression of fa- Our data-hiding algorithm works on the quantized
cial images. indices before this final translation (i.e., between stages

Figure 7A, B WSQ algorithm; (A) compression, (B) decompression









Figure 7C Analysis filter hO Figure 7D Analysis filter hl

0.9 0.8

0.6 0.4
w w 0.2
::J 0.4 ::J hl
« hO ~
> 0.3 0
0 -0.4
-0.2 -0.6
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 5 -4 -3 -2 -1 o 2


2 and 3). We assume the message size is very small com- coding characteristics and tables are not changed; the
pared to the image size (or, equivalently, the number tables are computed as for the original coefficients, not
OfDWT coefficients). Note, however, that the Huffman after the coefficient altering steps described next.

Figure 8A WSQ data-hiding results; Figure 8B WSQ data - hiding results;
(A) original image (B) reconstructed image

As mentioned, our method is intended for messages • Generating a seed for random number generation
which are very small (in terms of bits) compared to and then choosing sites for modification: Sites from
the number of pixels in the image. The basic prin- the candidate set S, that are modified, are selected
ciple is to find and slightly alter certain of the DWT in a pseudorandom fashion. To ensure that the en-
coefficients. However, care must be taken to avoid coder actions are invertible in the decoder, the seed
corrupting the reconstructed image. To hide a mes- for the random number generator is based on the
sage during the image encoding process, we perform subbands that are not considered for alteration.
three (or, optionally, four) basic steps: For example, in the selection process the contents
of subbands 0-6 are left unchanged in order to
• Selecting a set of sites S: Given the partially con- minimize distortion. Typically, fixed sites within
verted quantized integer indices, this stage collects these bands are selected, although in principle any
the indices of all possible coefficient sites where statistic from these bands may be computed and
a change in the least significant bit is tolerable. Typ- used as the seed. Selecting the seed in this way en-
ically, all sites in the low frequency bands are ex- sures that the message is embedded at varying lo-
cluded. Even small changes in these coefficients cations (based on the image content). It further
can affect large regions of the image because of ensures that the embedded message can only be
the low frequencies. For the higher frequencies, read if the proper seed selection algorithm is
candidate sites are selected if they have coefficients known by the decoder.
of large magnitude. Making small changes to the • Hiding the message at selected sites by bit setting:
larger coefficients leads to relatively small percent- The message to be hidden is translated into a se-
age changes in the values and hence minimal deg- quence of bits. Each bit will be incorporated into
radation ofthe image. Note that among the quan- a site chosen pseudorandomly by a random num-
tizer indices there are special codes to represent ber generator seeded as described above. That is,
run lengths of zeros, large integer values, and other for each bit a site is selected from the set S based
control sequences. All coefficient sites incorpo- on the next output of the seeded pseudorandom
rated into these values are avoided. In our imple- number generator. If the selected site has already
mentation, we only select sites with translated in- been used, the next randomly generated site is cho-
dices ranging from 107 to 254, but excluding 180 sen instead. The low order bit of the value at the
(an invalid code). selected site is changed to be identical to the cur-

Figure se 64 subbands of the image in Figure SA

rent message bit. On average, half the time this The steps performed by the decoder correspond to
results in no change at all of the coefficient value. the encoder steps above. The first two steps are iden-
• Appending the bits to the coded image: Option- tical to the first steps of the encoder. These steps
ally, all the original low order bits can be saved construct the same set S and compute the same seed
and appended to the compressed bit stream as a for the random number generator. The third step
user comment field (an appendix). The appended uses the pseudorandom number generator to select
bits are a product of randomly selected low-order specific sites in S in the prescribed order. The least
coefficient bits and hence these bits are uncorre- significant bits of the values at these sites are extracted
lated with the hidden message. and concatenated to recover the original message.

If the appendix restoration is to be included, the de- attack on the signal from the sensor (attack point 2 in
coder can optionally restore the original low-order Figure 3). We propose a new method to thwart such
bits while reconstructing the message. This allows attempts based on a modified challenge/response sys-
perfect reconstruction of the image (up to the orig- tem. Conventional challenge/response systems are
inal compression) despite the embedded message. based either on challenges to the user, such as re-
Because the modification sites S are carefully se- questing the user to supply the mother's maiden
lected, the decompressed image even with the mes- name, or challenges to a physical device, such as a
sage still embedded will be nearly the same as the special-purpose calculator that computes a numer-
restored decompressed image. In practice, the er- ical response. Our approach is based on a challenge
ror due to the embedded message is not perceptu- to the sensor. The sensor is assumed to have enough
ally significant and does not affect subsequent pro- intelligence to respond to the challenge. Silicon fin-
cessing and authentication. Figures 8A and 8B show gerprint scanners 21 can be designed to exploit the
the original and the reconstructed images, respec- proposed method using an embedded processor.
Note that standard cryptographic techniques are not
Using this process only a specialized decoder can lo- a suitable substitute. While these are mathematically
cate and extract the message from the compressed strong, they are also computationally intensive and
image during the decoding process. This message could require maintaining secret keys for a large
might be a fixed authentication stamp, personal ID number of sensors. Moreover, the encryption tech-
information which must match some other part of niques cannot check for liveness of a signal. A stored
the record (which might have been sent in the clear), image could be fed to the encryptor, which will hap-
or some time stamp. Thus, if the bit stream does not pily encrypt it. Similarly, the digital signature of a
contain an embedded message or the bit stream is submitted signal can be used to check only for its
improperly coded, the specialized decoder will fail integrity, not its liveness.
to extract the expected message and will thus reject
the image. If instead an unencoded WSQ compressed Our system computes a response string, which de-
fingerprint image is submitted to the special decoder, pends not only on the challenge string, but also on
it will still extract a garbage message which can be the content of the returned image. The changing
rejected by the server. challenges ensure that the image was acquired after
the challenge was issued. The dependence on im-
Many implementations of the same algorithm are age pixel values guards against substitution of data
possible by using different random number gener- after the response has been generated.
ators or partial seeds. This means it is possible to
make every implementation unique without much The proposed solution works as shown in Figure 9.
effort; the output of one encoder need not be com- A transaction is initiated at the user terminal or sys-
patible with another version of the decoder. This has tem. First, the server generates a pseudorandom
the advantage that cracking one version will not com- challenge for the transaction and the sensor. Note
promise any other version. that we assume that the transaction server itself is
secure. The client system then passes the challenge
on to the intelligent sensor. Now, the sensor acquires
This method can also be extended to other biomet- a new signal and computes the response to the chal-
ric signals using a wavelet compression scheme, such lenge that is based in part on the newly acquired sig-
as facial images or speech. While the filters and the nal. Because the response processor is tightly inte-
quantizer in the WSQ standard have been designed grated with the sensor (preferable on the same chip),
to suit the characteristics of fingerprint images, wave- the signal channel into the response processor is as-
let-based compression schemes for other signals are sumed ironclad and inviolable. It is difficult to inter-
also available. 20 It is relatively straightforward to de- cept the true image and to inject a fake image under
sign techniques similar to ours for such schemes. such circumstances.

Image-based challenge/response method As an example of an image-based response, consider

the function "xl +" which operates by appending
Besides interception of network traffic, more insidious pixel values of the image (in scan order) to the end
attacks might be perpetrated against an automated bio- of the challenge string. A typical challenge might be
metric authentication system. One of these is a replay "3, 10, 50." In response to this, the integrated pro-

Figure 9 Signal authentication based on challenge/response






cessor then selects the 3rd, 10th, and 50th pixel value possible because we have a large number of pixels
from this sequence to generate an output response and many simple functions can be applied to these
such as "133, 92, 176." The complete image as well pixels.
as the response is then transmitted to the server
where the response can be verified and checked
against the image. Cancelable biometrics

Other examples of responder functions include com- Deploying biometrics in a mass market, like credit
puting a checksum of a segment of the signal, a set card authorization or bank ATM access, raises ad-
of pseudorandom samples, a block of contiguous ditional concerns beyond the security of the trans-
samples starting at a specified location and with a actions. One such concern is the public's perception
given size, a hash of signal values, and a specified of a possible invasion of privacy. In addition to per-
known function of selected samples of the signal. A sonal information such as name and date of birth,
combination of these functions can be used to the user is asked to surrender images of body parts,
achieve arbitrarily complex responder functions. The such as fingers, face, and iris. These images, or other
important point is that the response depends on the such biometric signals, are stored in digital form in
challenge and the image itself. various databases. This raises the concern of pos-
sible sharing of data among law enforcement agen-
The responder can also incorporate several differ- cies, or commercial enterprises.
ent response functions, which the challenger could
select among. For instance, the integrated proces- The public is concerned about the ever-growing body
sor might be able to compute either of two select- of information that is being collected about individ-
able functions, "xl +" and "xlO + ." The function uals in our society. The data collected encompass
"xlO+" is similar to "xl +" except it multiplies the many applications and include medical records and
requested pixel values by 10 before appending them. biometric data. A related concern is the coordina-
Financial institution A might use function "xl +" in tion and sharing of data from various databases. In
all its units, while institution B might use "xlO+" in relation to biometric data, the public is, rightfully or
all of its units. Alternatively, for even numbered not, worried about data collected by private com-
transactions, function "xlO+" might be used, and for panies being matched against databases used by law
odd numbered transactions "xl +" might be used. enforcement agencies. Fingerprint images, for ex-
This variability makes it even harder to reconstruct ample, can be matched against the FBI or INS (Im-
the structure and parameters of the response func- migration and Naturalization Service) databases with
tion. Large numbers of such response functions are ominous consequences.

Figure 10 Distortion transform based on image morphing

These concerns are aggravated by the fact that a Example distortion transforms. In the proposed
person's biometric data are given and cannot be method, distortion transforms can be applied in ei-
changed. One of the properties that makes biomet- ther the signal domain or the feature domain. That
rics so attractive for authentication purposes-their is, either the biometric signal can be transformed di-
invariance over time-is also one of its liabilities. rectly after acquisition, or the signal can be processed
When a credit card number is compromised, the is- as usual and the extracted features can then be trans-
suing bank can just assign the customer a new credit formed. Moreover, extending a template to a larger
card number. When the biometric data are compro- representation space via a suitable transform can fur-
mised, replacement is not possible. ther increase the bit strength of the system. Ideally
the transform should be noninvertible so that the true
In order to alleviate this problem, we introduce the biometric of a user cannot be recovered from one
concept of "cancelable biometrics." It consists of an or more of the distorted versions stored by various
intentional, repeatable distortion of a biometric sig- agencies.
nal based on a chosen transform. The biometric sig-
nal is distorted in the same fashion at each presen- Examples of transforms at the signal level include
tation, for enrollment and for every authentication. grid morphing and block permutation. The trans-
With this approach, every instance of enrollment can formed images cannot be successfully matched
use a different transform thus rendering cross-match- against the original images, or against similar trans-
ing impossible. Furthermore, if one variant of the forms of the same image using different parameters.
transformed biometric data is compromised, then the While a deformable template method might be able
transform function can simply be changed to create to find such a match, the residual strain energy is
a new variant (transformed representation) for re- likely to be as high as that of matching the template
enrollment as, essentially, a new person. In general, to an unrelated image. In Figure 10, the original im-
the distortion transforms are selected to be nonin- age is shown with an overlaid grid aligned with the
vertible. So even if the transform function is known features of the face. In the adjacent image, we show
and the resulting transformed biometric data are the morphed grid and the resulting distortion of the
known, the original (undistorted) biometrics cannot face. In Figure 11, a block structure is imposed on
be recovered. the image aligned with characteristic points. The

Figure 11 Distortion transform based on block scrambling

blocks in the original image are subsequently scram- has been partially answered by a number of tech-
bled randomly but repeatably. Further examples of niques available in the literature (such as finding the
image morphing algorithms are described in Refer- "core" and "delta" points in a fingerprint, or eye and
ences 22 and 23. nose detection in a face).

An example of a transform in the feature domain is Feature domain transforms. We present here an ex-
a set of random, repeatable perturbations of feature ample of a noninvertible transform of a point pat-
points. This can be done within the same physical tern. Such a point pattern could, for example, be a
space as the original, or while increasing the range fingerprint minutiae set
of the axes. The second case provides more brute
force strength as was noted in Section 4 (this effec-
tively increases the value of K). An example of such s= {(x;,y;, OJ, i = 1, ... , M} (14)
a transform is shown in Figure 12. Here the blocks
on the left are randomly mapped onto blocks on the However, this point set could also represent other
right, where multiple blocks can be mapped onto the biometrics, for example, the quantized frequencies
same block. Such transforms are noninvertible, hence and amplitudes of a speech pattern. A noninvertible
the original feature sets cannot be recovered from transform maps this set S into a new set S in suchI

the distorted versions. For instance, it is impossible a fashion that the original set S cannot be recovered
to tell which of the two blocks the points in com- from S I, i.e.,
posite block B, D originally came from. Conse-
quently, the owner of the biometrics cannot be iden-
tified except through the information associated with S = {(x;,y;, OJ, i = 1, , M} ~S'
that particular enrollment.
= {(X;, 1';, 0J, i = 1, ,M} (15)
Note that for the transform to be repeatable, we need
to have the biometric signal properly registered be- Figure 13 shows how thex coordinates of the point
fore the transformation. Fortunately, this problem set S can be transformed through a mapping x ~

Figure 12 Distortion transform based on feature perturbation

- ?

? I 1-:.B, 0

• .~


Figure 13 Example of noninvertible feature transform

,-------------+ X4

I I ~
x, : x3 !
I ~ I ~
: ,------------------------------ X3
I ----------------------------~------_ _-------- + ~

x, or X = F(x). This function of x can, for example, inal features x cannot be recovered from the X val-
be a high-order polynomial ues.

N N Similar polynomial noninvertible transforms

X = F(x) = 2: Q:/lX" = TI (x - f3,) (16)
n=O n=O Y = G(y) and e= H(f:J) (17)

The mapping x --;> X is one-to-one, as is seen from can be used for the other coordinates of the point
Figure 13. However, it is seen that the mapping set.
X --;> x is one-to-many, For instance, the output value
X 1 could be generated from three different inputx's. Encryption and transform management. The tech-
Hence, this transform is noninvertible and the orig- niques presented here for transforming biometric sig-

Figure 14 Authentication process based on cancelable biometrics





MERCHANT ~=====~~=:::~~=~'fv';;;;::::~~~!'"-ICREDIT

nals differ from simple compression using signal or leads to a possible distributed process model as
image processing techniques. While compression of shown in Figure 14. The "merchant" is where the
the signal causes it to lose some of its spatial domain primary interaction starts in our model. Based on
characteristics, it strives to preserve the overall ge- the customer ID, the relevant transform is first pulled
ometry. That is, two points in a biometric signal be- from one of the transform databases and applied to
fore compression are likely to remain at compara- the biometrics. The resulting distorted biometrics is
ble distance when decompressed. This is usually not then sent for authentication to the "authorization"
the case with our distortion transforms. Our tech- server. Once the user's identity has been confirmed,
nique also differs from encryption. The purpose of the transaction is finally passed on to the relevant
encryption is to allow a legitimate party to regen- commercial institution for processing.
erate the original signal. In contrast, distortion trans-
forms permanently obscure the signal in a noninvert- Note that an individual user may be subscribed to
ible manner. multiple services, such as e-commerce merchants or
banks. The authentication for each transaction might
When employing cancelable biometrics, there are be performed either by the service provider itself,
several places where the transform, its parameters, or by an independent third party. Similarly, the dis-
and identification templates could be stored. This tortion transform might be managed either by the

authenticator or by still another independent agency. Cited references
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violation concerns. pp.35-42.

Accepted for publication April 24, 2001.

Nalini K. Ratha IBM Research Division, Thomas 1 Watson Re-

search Center, 30 Saw Mill RiverRoad, Hawthorne, New York 10532
(electronic mail: Dr. Ratha is a research staff
member in the Exploratory Computer Vision Group. He received
his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Michigan State Uni-
versity in 1996, working in the Pattern Recognition and Image
Processing Laboratory. His research interests include automated
biometrics, computer vision, image processing, reconfigurable
computing architectures, and performance evaluation.

Jonathan H. Connell IBMResearch Division, Thomas 1 Watson

Research Center, 30 Saw Mill River Road, Hawthorne, New York
10532 (electronic mail: Dr. Connell is a
research staff member in the Exploratory Computer Vision Group.
He received his Ph.D. degree in 1989 at the MIT Artificial In-
telligence Laboratory, working with Rod Brooks on behavior-
based mobile robot control. His research interests include robot-
ics, vision, natural language, and complete artificial intelligence

Ruud M. Bolle IBM Research Division, Thomas 1 Watson Re-

search Center, 30 Saw Mill RiverRoad, Hawthorne, New York 10532
(electronic mail: Dr. Bolle is the founding
manager of the Exploratory Computer Vision Group. He received
his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Brown Univer-
sity, Providence, Rhode Island in 1984. He is a Fellow of the IEEE
and the AIPR and is a member of the IBM Academy of Tech-
nology. His research interests are focussed on video database in-
dexing, video processing, visual human-computer interaction, and


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