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(BAC 4500, BAC 2206, BCT 3106, BIT 2206, BIT 3205, BIT 3205A, KCA 398,

The main aim of the project units is to give learners the experience of developing a software
project with focus on development, installation, operation, maintenance and administration of the
software. The projects are a requirement for the undergraduate programs.

Suggested areas are;
(1) Information system development for a real client
(2) Mobile computing systems
(3) Web applications (for two trimester projects)
(4) Projects suggested by Faculty


The students are expected to plan their project and execute it in the following manner;
(1) Supervisor Allocation – A supervisor will be nominated for each student by the HOD
Projects and Attachment. This will be done at the beginning of the trimester. Change
of supervisors mid-stream is prohibited.
(2) Ideation – This is the conceptual stage. The student should consider a solution to a
problem facing a real organisation. A list of ideas in the form of a short abstract may
be written and must be presented to the supervisor. The student is expected to have a
note book at every visit and write the suggestions.
(3) Proposal – This document provides the background, problem, solution, justification,
literature review, importance of the study, and so on. A schedule and budget are also
expected. The student MUST discuss the proposal with the supervisor
(4) Proposal Presentation – The first of two presentations, this is a requirement. and
constitutes the course work
(5) System Requirements Specifications (SRS) – This is a general document for the system
requirements and will include the purpose, general system description, functional
and non-functional requirements and so on. The document MUST be discussed with
the supervisor
(6) System Design Specifications (SDS) – This is a more technical document detailing the
logical design of the system. This document MUST be presented to the supervisor
and discussed
(7) System Implementation – This involves coding of the software (In some systems
hardware may be set up and configured). If multiple components are needed they
should be designed and tested separately then intergrated. Supervisors should be
consulted in this stage also
(8) Testing – This involves confirming that the system works, validation, verification and
(9) Final Presentation – This is the second and final presentation. In addition to the
powerpoint presentation, the student must have a working system. The student
should demonstrate that the project objective(s) have been met.
(10) Documentation – The student will present for marking a final project document. The
document will be spiral bound.

Assessment will be in the following manner;-
a) The student MUST make the two presentations , the proposal presentation and the final
presentation. Both presentations should be before a panel made up of faculty supervisors.
The presentations constitute the course work of the project (30%)
b) The student should present ALL the required documents and in good time
c) The document and other work done will constitute 70% of the final results.

A guide is given below

Ideation Proposal Proposal SRS SDS Impemen- Testing Final presentation Documen- Total
presentation tation tation

10 20 20 20 20 20 10 40 40 200

80% - 100% Project is excellent, it is professional in presentation and execution.
Could even be used for publication or has publishable content. Delivery deadlines
exceeded expectations.
70% - 79% Project is very good. Presentations we very good. All objectives were met.
Deadlines were met.
60% - 69% Project is good. All objectives were met. Deadlines were met.
50% - 59% Project is fair, most goals were met. Deadlines were mostly met.
40% - 49% Passable project. Minimum goals were met. Some deadlines were met
0% - 39% Fail. Most goals were not met, implementation does not work. Deadlines
were not met at all.

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