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I. Subject: Speaking One
II. Study program English Education
III. Semester/level One/Basic level
IV. Unit Two (Family Life)
V. Topic My family
VI. Time 90 minutes

VII. Course description This course prepares students to be able talk

about their family effectively and confidently
in English by developing their vocabulary,
pronunciation, and basic grammar used in
that topic.

VIII. Course objectives After completing the course, the students are
- to recognize family members in English
- to request information about family
- to describe and to illustrate family members

IX. Materials and a. Handout

equipments b. Active speaker (audio player)
c. Recorded voice of native English speaker

X. Procedures/activities: (60 minutes)

1. The teacher introduces the topic which is going to be the focus that
is „The family‟ and explain the importance of recognizing
information on family members (5 minutes)
2. The teacher explains phrases and vocabulary required to talk about
family such as nuclear family and extended family members, etc.
(10 minutes)
3. The teacher gets the students to listen to the audio recording of the
phrases and vocabulary to know how they are pronounced in
English. (5 minutes)
4. After the students have listened, the teacher has them repeat all
the speaker says to practice pronouncing each phrase and
vocabulary. (5 minutes)
5. The students are then split to sit in pairs for having skill getting
activity that is interview to practice talking about family life. (15
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6. To make the students able to use the phrases and the vocabulary
in real life, the students are asked to listen to a conversation
between two people who are talking about their families. (5
7. After listening, the teacher explains expressions and vocabulary in
the conversation. (5 minutes)
8. The students are then split in several groups of two to practice
speaking creatively by using expressions and vocabulary of
meeting new people in role play activity. (10 minutes)

XI. Evaluation (20 minutes)

To determine whether the objectives of this course have been
accomplished, language game “Find someone who owns the
handout” is given to the students by using the following procedures:
1. All the students‟ completed handouts are collected and distributed at
2. Make sure that the students do not recognize the owners of the
handouts they are holding
3. The students circulate and try to find the owners of the handouts by
addressing questions of the half-dialogue role play e.g. would you
mind telling me about your family?
4. They need to match the answers they hear from their interlocutors
with the answers in their handouts.
5. If their interlocutors‟ answers do not match with the answers on the
handouts, then the students should continue to walk around asking
the other students to search for the owners of the handouts.
6. As the students find the students who are suspected to be the
owners of the handouts, they have to ask the students e.g. is this
your handout.
7. If the students being asked say e.g. yes, it‟s mine, they then need to
put their names and signatures on the handouts as an evidence that
the students have succeeded in finding out the owners of the

XII. Extra class work (10 minutes)

1. The teacher explains grammar rules which have been used in the
topic i.e. compounding adjectives and nouns, as well as articles.
2. The teacher gives the students extra-class work to do at home in
the form of exercises about the grammar rules.

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