No Security

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No Security


No Security

Caleb Stokes

Hebanon Games
Written by Caleb Stokes
Edited by Caleb Stokes, Ross Payton, and Thaddeus Stoklasa
Layout by Ean Moody, Ross Payton, and Caleb Stokes

Christopher Cirillo: Title Page, 4-5
Steffon Worthington: 71
Caleb Stokes: 28, 46, 52, 102, 133, 134
Caleb Stokes and Ean Moody: 92
Georgia Historical Society Online Photo Archive: 38
Ean Moody: Cover, 1, 2, 11, 43, 48, 49, 53, 61, 62, 77, 93, 94, 99, 102, 114, 115, 116, 131

Copyright 2013 Caleb Stokes

First Edition 2013

Printed in the United States

Many thanks to all the Kickstarter backers. This dream could not have come true without such an outpouring of
generosity. I wouldn’t have even rediscovered gaming without my good friends Ross Payton, Tom Church, Aaron
Carston, Jason Ariciu, Thaddeus Stoklasa, Andrew Grattendick, and David Dobelman. This book is as much
yours as it is mine.

Thanks to Ean Moody, Violet Kirk, Steffon Worthington, and Christopher Cirillo. You saved this from being a
Word document in my “Ideas” folder (AKA the graveyard).

The RPPR listeners have been enormously supportive, and I look forward to putting them through my death-
traps for a long time to come.

Finally, thanks to my folks for making me a nerd, Splenda for getting off the friggin’ keyboard, and Sara for being
the best woman a husfriend could ask for.
Table of Contents
The Wives of March 1
Bryson Springs 48
Revelations 61
The Red Tower 93
The Fall Without End 115

The world is not just, but we need to think it is. We think that hard work is rewarded, but the idle rich bankrupt
the country, destroying the wealth of millions of innocent people. Children go hungry because their parents
cannot find work and our answer is a pittance given to charity or welfare. We justify our indifference by blaming
the victims for their lot in life. Any who speak out against the current system are branded as dangerous radicals.
We persecute them because in our mind’s eye, the critics threaten our way of life, not the businesses that gutted
the economy in the first place.

Did you think of the Great Depression or your own life when you read the last paragraph?

Our beliefs in a fair and just world keep us going, which is the greatest cruelty of all. To persevere in a world
ruled by chaos and pain while believing it is fair requires more than willpower. It’s a delusion, a fairy tale we are
told as children, yet we never give it up. Philosophers call it the just-world fallacy, but it’s really an illusion more
addicting than any drug. No matter how wretched life becomes, we cannot give up the belief that good is re-
warded, evil is punished, and all things work out in the end. We need to think that love awaits us in this life or
the next because the idea of greeting death alone is too terrifying to contemplate. Fear not. No Security fixes that
existential crisis.

Death is no longer the worst case scenario.

Caleb Stokes has created a menagerie of cosmic horrors that do more than stalk and kill hapless mortals. They
drag victims into the sky to an unknowable fate, trap them in a hellish ‘family’ older than civilization, and worse.
The antagonists of this book are as dangerous and nightmarish as anything out of Lovecraft, but no player will be
able to guess what they are or what they can do until it’s too late. Teach your players what fear really is by tossing
them into the dark with the inhabitants of this book.

Know that the players can’t rely on the tried and true tactics of other games. There are few grimoires or tomes in
No Security and burning them won’t solve any problems. Dynamite and Tommy guns are too expensive for the
protagonists. It is the Great Depression, after all. The would-be heroes of No Security live in horror stories even
before the scenarios begin. They are part of the forgotten masses in poverty struck areas like the Hoovervilles of
California, the meatpacking district in Chicago, and the boll weevil infested farmlands of the Deep South. All
they have left are their hopes that life will get better, someday, and the belief that things can’t get any worse.

When they encounter the thing from beyond time and space, the ultimate horror of the scenario doesn’t come
from the revelation of its existence. It is the truth. The dark stretches out forever, lurking at the edge of vision,
always ready to swallow up another victim. Even if the player characters survive No Security, they will never for-
get what they have seen. The lies they grew up with will longer no comfort them. In some ways, life is the worst
case scenario.

Enjoy the book.

Ross Payton

A Systemless Apologia from the Author
Ron Edwards is famous for bluntly stating the following in an essay of the same name: “System matters.”

I agree, and so do many other gamers. But as the book you’re reading might suggest, I have my reservations. Sys-
tem does matter, but it doesn’t matter all that much.

“Blasphemy!” cries the browser skimming this introduction in the local game store. “Poppycock!” exclaims
some…Victorian time traveler reading an RPG book, I guess? To those with understandable reservations about a
book of horror scenarios written with no particular system in mind, I have but two humble requests.

First, finish reading this introduction so that, even if you disagree with my reasoning, we can enrich the field of
tabletop gaming with our intellectual discourse.

Then, please buy the book anyway.

System Isn’t Sacred

Mr. Edwards, in the same essay that sparked this little rant, provides the example of Herbie to prove his point.
Herbie is a brilliant GM that can tweak even the worst systems to make them fun for his players. But Ron points
out that his players should imagine how much better Herbie’s game would be if he weren’t wasting his talents
compensating for poor mechanics.

This argument relies on the assumption that Herbie will only screw with the rules if they’re broken. Tabletop
RPG history, despite its relative brevity, has proven this false. Most RPG Kickstarter campaigns now offer con-
version guides in their stretch goals. The amount of “homebrew” material available on the internet dwarfs the
content available from actual publishers. The scenarios in this book have been playtested in systems and settings
as various as Call of Cthulhu, CthulhuDark, Trail of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Esoterrorists, GURPS, Nemesis, Savage
Worlds, FateCore, New World of Darkness, Chill, Monster of the Week, and many more. I didn’t write the book
with half those systems in mind; some I hadn’t even heard of.

Players are going to hack, remix, and transfer published adventures to other systems whether they need to or not.
The only difference between No Security scenarios and those other cases is that this book stays out of the way.
The adventures operate in a certain fictional genre, but beyond that the GM’s inevitable tinkering is presumed.

Games as Fiction

Systemless game writing emphasizes gaming as narrative. Who among us hasn’t read and enjoyed a scenario we
never got around to playing? Well, No Security seeks to function as a closet drama as well as a great game. Each
scenario is immanently playable, but the mundane mechanical concerns are minimized to avoid distracting too
heavily from the prose.

Mechanical systems are very often married to fictional worlds, and some groups can have trouble stepping out-
side these comfort zones to find more examples of the experience they’ve come to love. Which brings me to my
next point…

It’s no secret that No Security is heavily-inspired by Lovecraftian themes, but horror games like Call of Cthulhu
remain titans in RPG history because they invoke a certain mood. Yet at this point, many gamers have had longer
relationships with the monsters of their preferred mythos than with their spouses. When players can recite the
vital statistics and entire history of a mind-flaying abomination from outside reality like they serve as the thing’s
family physician, that thrilling terror they came looking for isn’t likely to happen. Familiarity usurps tension, and
another good horror scenario winds up dead on arrival, killed by player expectations.

No player is going to see No Security coming. The monsters are brand new and will wreak havoc no matter what
system they’re thrown into. It’s a way to reacquaint those groups so jaded by repetition to the fear of the un-
known that got them into scary games in the first place.

And finally…

Copyright and game licensing is, like, really expensive. I can’t afford that shit, so I just made some stuff up.

In all seriousness, I hope No Security provides your gaming group some tense, frightful, and fun nights of role-
playing. All of us here at Hebanon Games truly appreciate your support and can’t wait to hear about your expe-
riences at

Now please go buy the damned book.

The Author
Wives of March

Wives of March
The Wives of March is a horror mystery set in Barefoot Crossing, a sharecropping community on the
outskirts of Savannah, Georgia. Three to six players take on the roles of investigators examining the
murder of a Methodist preacher. They accidently reveal an ancient, inhuman conspiracy in the process.
Thematically, the game confronts players with a supernatural evil masquerading its actions as the
banal atrocities so commonly perpetrated by mankind.

This adventure starts with an overall description of the setting and plot for the GM’s use. Information
for the players can be found in the gameplay section, the details of which should only be revealed to the
characters though roleplaying.

Wives of March - No Security

July 1933: Barefoot Crossing, GA:

The Depression hits the South hard. The drought And by all accounts, he might be telling the truth.
of ‘31 reduces cotton yields by half, and financial The Unifying Word provides work and food to all
desperation leads to an excessive planting of the those in the congregation with need. Attendance is
lucrative cash crop in the following years. The spectacular, and many have moved to the otherwise
market flooded, sharecroppers find themselves destitute Barefoot Crossing to bask in the bounty
receiving mere fractions of the former price per of its spiritual wealth. Remarkably, even the land
pound. Forced to last the winter with far less food appears to be recovering, reporting some of the
and stuck with fields drained by continual use, healthiest crop yields in all of Georgia for the past
entire communities get caught in a death spiral of two years. The March family has become the pillar
poverty. People flee to the city’s slums only to find of the whole area, purchasing a huge plantation
50% unemployment rates. Children starve. Disease home and farm with funds generously donated
runs rampant. Landowners go bust and sell out to by the congregation. Though still suffering from
those peers unscrupulous enough to survive. The the hard times gripping the rest of the nation, Mr.
new paymasters demand only one thing of their March is set to lead the people of Barefoot Crossing
beleaguered tenants: more cotton. to prosperity like a divine savior.

Boll weevils continue to plague the crops, reducing But sorrow merely uses hope to sharpen its blades.
the state’s production by over 30 million pounds in When March is found in his study with a stomach
the 10 years since their arrival. The cotton saps the full of buckshot, the whole community launches
soil of nutrients even as it starves the farmers, only into an uproar. Who would want to kill such a noble
to die inevitably in a swarm of hungry pests. And man? What will happen to the Unifying Word? Will
still, the landowners demand the farmers repeat the fate of the congregation mirror that of their
the process. champion?

There isn’t much of Barefoot Crossing left: a dry As the community of Barefoot Crossing recruits
goods shop, a post office, some ancient plantations. those capable of finding answers, they may not
Everything else is made up of dirt roads and small, like what the unfortunate investigators uncover.
failing farms. The philanthropy of Dashell March was neither as
selfless, nor as human, as it first appeared.
The only hope comes in the form of the Unifying
Word Revival, a Methodist ministry. Holding
services every Sunday under a massive tent, the
minister Dashell March claims to have chosen
Barefoot Crossing by providence. Supposedly,
the devastating forest fire that wiped clean the
property the church now rests on spoke to March
with the voice of God, like the flaming bush spoke
to Moses. Founding a church in that failing rural
community was his divine duty.


with its own pain. The family’s reluctance to take

GM INFORMATION interviews only manages to stir the feeding frenzy:
why keep the accusations so secret? Why not let the
The Tragedy public help find the killer? The mobs are geared up
On a quiet Sunday evening after supper, a single to execute every black man they can find in hopes
lamp burns in the study of an ancient plantation of getting the killer. Why hold them back with the
home. A gunshot rings out. A woman screams. The silent treatment? What is the March clan trying to
screen door smashes open, and a young girl with hide? Is it something to do with their money? Are
blood all over her church dress goes sprinting they trying to cover up some scandalous sin?
off the porch into the night. Minutes later, a truck
screeches to a halt on the main road. The man A month after his death, Dashell March’s murder
inside knows that to be caught alone with the remains as mysterious as ever, tempting more and
terrified creature huddled in the road is to invite more interested parties to come tug at the threads.
death, but he can already see the torches and If someone actually manages to unravel the whole
lanterns amassing at the top of the hill, rolling web of intrigue, they might not like what they
towards the road like an angry wave. He opens the expose beneath…
door, the blood-soaked girl crawls in, and he speeds
off as fast as the old truck will carry him, praying Or survive long enough to tell anyone about it.
it’s too dark to make out the color of his skin.

Dashell March is reported dead the next morning

by his family, his body found gunned down
behind the desk in his study, murdered with his
own shotgun. The media reaction in Savannah is
immediate and ravenous: the death of Barefoot
Crossing’s savior is the most deliciously
tragic story in a nation already obsessed
Wives of March - No Security

And they are older than recorded history.

The Monsters:
The Companions “March” is merely the latest permutation of
countless aliases. Their true names have been lost
The Companions are complex and subtle monsters to history along with the language that once spoke
with a history stretching eons. The origins and them. Those that would have known what to call
mechanics detailed here are enough to play through them long ago decomposed down to carbon in the
scenario. For a more complete exploration of the remains of a nation so old it isn’t known to have
immortal couple, please check out the short story “A ever existed. But they remain, the eternal He and
Cult of Two” at Smashwords. She – The Companions.

Dashell March is not dead. He quite literally lives on The Companions predate the invention of
in the bodies of every male member of his family. agriculture by an age. They lived in a time where
Lydia March, though alive, inhabits an identical fate. brutal death was the norm and survival a moment-
She comprises the female half of the March family – by-moment struggle. If disease, predators, warfare,
the entire female half. or other accidents allowed one to survive into
maturity, mating was at best a pragmatic concern
Put simply, the males and females are all clones: to replenish the ranks of the tribe, at worst an act of
the same man and woman, identities masked desperate slavery and force.
by varying ages, diets, disguises, and scars. The
entire March family, all the Carter children, all But the Companions were in love. Theirs was
the Lee children, and many other undiscovered a deeply passionate romance in a time where
clans around the world are genetically composed the savage conditions made such a concept
of only two people that differ solely in terms of unthinkable. Considering the non-existent records
bodily experience. Mentally, they all share the same of the period, it’s quite possible they invented love
memories. as a concept; and considering the daily strife
required to stay together, it may well have
The Monsters: The Companions
been the first form of insanity. Like all firsts in In whatever amounted to language for them, the
the world, the Companions’ love was terrible and terrors out of time agreed to the terms.
bloody to behold.
The Companions returned to the world, and the
To defend His bride, He fought with ferocity Hell behind them shriveled to nothing in their
unheard of in the tribe’s memory. He even wake. The forbidden paths collapsed at their
eschewed the sacred rights of conquest demanded passing, no longer necessary. The entire non-space
by ancestral law and killed all of His slave wives. ceased to exist in the world as a physical place, the
And when the tribal elders objected to His entire fathomless cosmos now carried inside its
blasphemy, He killed them too. new hosts.

She was just as vicious; Her devotion grew Returned, they looked into each other’s eyes and
inseparable from the ruthlessness required for saw them free of humanity’s defining fear. They
survival in general. She learned dark arts, picked celebrated, and their coupling made Her swell
forbidden herbs of the forest, and hid flint blades with life. It was their first child: the beginning of
throughout Her leathers and hair. Competitors millennia of regret.
seeking to steal Her mate found themselves
poisoned and convulsing by the campfire. Rival The child was not human. It wasn’t even natural.
warriors that tried to usurp His place in the It was one of the Un-things, making good on
hierarchy were found screaming in the night, the bargain. A universe with stars wasn’t meant
cradling missing appendages and bleeding out. She to contain such darkness, and flesh couldn’t
came to be worshipped as the most powerful witch hold such pure, abstract negation. The creature
in the land. writhed on too many limbs and screamed shrill
nightmare sounds from countless beaked mouths.
Their love was so fierce it refused even the In their attempt to put the abomination down,
interference of death. And as the Companions aged, the Companions were killed by their own spawn’s
they sought to defeat mortality itself, the one true tentacles and claws…
threat to their union.
… Only to be born again out of one of the thing’s
That early in man’s history, the things that prefaced countless black orifices. Confused and screaming
the human age still lurked in the dark corners of with the voices of babes, each lover had to relearn
the earth. Un-things and not-Gods that murdered to open their eyes. What they saw was their
even the comforting definition of language, opposite transformed into an infant, writhing in a
creatures of the void forced to retreat from an muddy pool of pestilent afterbirth next to them.
encroaching reality they found abhorrent. Back
then, there were still places that housed such There were more of the Un-things to bring into
nightmares, places that would become the basis of the world. Countless more. And death, even if
every subsequent culture’s idea of Hell. Forbidden carried out by the same unholy seed infesting the
paths still connected our worlds in those times, pair, would not free them from their contract. The
though they were secret and tenuous even then. nightmares from before time would respawn the
Companions into the world ceaselessly until the
The Companions, brazen in their love, strode bargain was fulfilled. As this terrible truth dawned
down the secret ways and made a deal with the on the adult minds trapped in the frail infant
Un-things. They would carry the monsters back bodies, the lovers realized what a terrible mistake
with them, serving as the bridge into a reality that they had made… and how far away they were from
denied their forms. In return, the abominations the nearest village.
from the darkness before history would teach them
how to defeat Death.

Wives of March - No Security
The dark creature resurrected them every time Despite the risk of their passions sparking anew
they died, but it was no nursemaid. They were and bringing another monster into the world
left to starve, only to be birthed anew atop the (which happened, many times), the Companions
emacaited corpses of their last interation. Over and were driven back together. Spawning such eerily
over and over. identical families inflamed superstitions quite
easily back then, and things only grew worse
Nomads eventually found the infant pair amidst a as the pair’s immortality deepened. They grew
field of tiny skeletons, but by then it was too late: increasingly distant and alien in their thinking,
the endless minds housed inside the babies were each copy possessing untold knowledge but
already quite mad. distracted by the memories of a thousand deaths.
The Companions could only speak and relate to
The love of the Companions, once strong enough each other. Their wish to stay together forever was
to escape death itself, had turned to an equally thus granted, an exponentially expanding madness
powerful hate under the hot sun, biting predators, cementing their bond rather than passion.
and endless hunger. By the time they were rescued
and allowed to grow, each had already suffered They have persisted this way for millennia,
countless agonizing deaths. They separated preferring the endless cycle of proliferation to the
in disgust as soon as they were old enough, agony of renewal and starvation through their
determined to find partners that would not remind dark spawn. Despite their best efforts, they’ve
them of terrible agony for all eternity. been culled many times over: starved during the
fall of Rome, hunted down by holy orders, plagued
But as He tried to sire a new heir and She by the Spanish flu, etc. But they always return –
attempted to birth her first human child, both sometimes gifted a different skin tone or features
brought new insult to their existence. No matter by their dark patrons. Their work fathering the
how many wives he took, they birthed only girls… apocalypse never ends.
the same girl. Girls that said hateful, jealous things
to their mothers as soon as they could talk and The Companions accept their roles as harbingers
referenced the old ways as if they’d lived through of doom. They will either spawn an army of
them. They grew into a coven of identical toddlers monstrosities that will consume the world, or
that knew more of the dark arts than the most they’ll drown out every human bloodline with their
ancient witch doctor. seed. Despite the hatred they feel towards each
other, the couple grows more dedicated to this goal
She got the worse horror of being the mother of with every century. It’s the only chance they’ll ever
Her former husband, a devil child whose cold eyes have to know death.
had seem more death than the worst warlords of
legend. Roleplaying Companions
If they sleep together, the Companions will bring The Companions can present a challenge to
more nightmares into the world. If they sleep GMs. They are neither so human as cultists nor
with other humans, they reproduce only copies so mindless as monsters. When roleplaying a
of themselves, complete with the same haunting Companion NPC, the GM should remember that
memories of every previous version. It’s a there is likely no tactical lesson that the eternal
nightmare existence, offering complete isolation lovers have not learned many times over. In most
even as it denies solitude. situations, they have epochs more experience than
the characters they face.

In The Wives of March, the Companions plan to

speed along their own deaths by spawning as
many of their clones as possible in an isolated
The Monsters: The Companions
location. They do this by building a network of If all goes according to plan, after a family has
human confederates through financial, emotional, matured, the clones disperse and repeat the
and physical coercion. These humans spend their process elsewhere. The Companions have been
lives serving as the surrogate parents of various working on this conspiracy to hurry along the
clones, their livelihoods dependent on their ability apocalypse for centuries, but world events,
to obscure the truth. Once someone joins the family, superstitions, and brave investigators have thus far
they can only leave in a casket. Most don’t realize kept their numbers in check.
this until it’s too late.
Exposed, the Companions will first try to
The clones themselves are birthed in the stonewall inquiries through lies, silence, and
most discrete environments possible. Female political pressure. Failing that, their considerable
Companions will impersonate women of loose accumulated wealth makes bribery an option. In
morals in far away urban environments, returning rare instances where investigators can’t be fooled
home with good news for their fake “husbands.” or bought, the pair will then tap deniable assets
Occasionally, a male surrogate willingly serves as (see The Deformed, p.21) to coerce silence
father to an entire harem of female Companions, through intimidation or assassinate troublemakers
but only the most deluded or sick men find this outright. The failure of their deniable assets
little fantasy enjoyable after encountering the means discovery is inevitable; the Companions
dead-eyes and perfunctory love-making of their then prepare an ambush for whatever response is
many wives. More often, male companions will visit incoming, every clone at their command executing
human prostitutes, monitor them in secret for the suicidal violence in sudden, rehearsed unison. The
duration of a pregnancy, then send deniable assets goal of this process is to cause as much damage to
to kidnap the newborns (see The Deformed, the investigators and surrounding area as possible
p.21). The male half will also seduce deluded or to discourage pursuit, allowing clones of various
desperate women into becoming a wife, promising ages and sex to escape. Finally, years later, survivors
them a lifetime of financial support in exchange start the process anew somewhere else.
for their discretion. Those aware of the truth from
the start are paired with male surrogates in sexless Mechanically, Companions are merely human.
marriages that serve as a cover for the children. They have neither special resistance to damage
Those that believe a Companion truly loves them nor unique attack abilities. If the rules set supports
only discover the truth after giving birth to a clone, magic, Companions know pretty much all of it,
but by then it’s too late to escape. but they resist using it in most instances for fear
of making themselves more noticeable. Young and
The Companions avoid outright sexual violence. elderly versions of Him and Her are naturally more
This has not always been the case, and it surely weak and frail; their muscle development and
isn’t due to any ethical impulse; they are inhuman coordination still follow human timelines. However,
monsters comfortable with every imaginable sin. in both hand-to-hand combat and melee weapons,
They abstain because such horrific crimes risk all Companions are peerless warriors, especially if
exposing their plans, and spur otherwise docile able-bodied adults. They’ve had centuries to hone
financial slaves into rebellion. All humans that join their skills, find physical pain boring, and harbor no
the family eventually come to suspect the truth, fear of death.
but they remain silent primarily out of fear. So long
as surrogates maintain secrecy and foster clones
on paper, they aren’t forced to do anything against
their will. Only in the rare instances where threats
of poverty prove inadequate are cooperating
humans threatened with murder.

Wives of March - No Security
PCs must find some weaknesses if there’s any hope could be halted by nothing more then their
of besting such experienced killers. Thankfully, own ennui. After all, the plot of The Wives
the source of the Companions’ power can also be of March represents the thousandth or so
exploited to destroy them: attempt at speeding along their own demise.
Perhaps the mere presence of investigators
1. The unwieldy weight of their lived disheartens the Companions to the point
experience makes adapting difficult for of surrender; what is the point of fighting
Companions. Generally, treat any skill that’s when they can just die and start anew? The
been around for a thousand years or more entire clan won’t succumb to this nihilism at
as mastered, anything newer as a “fad” the once, but it can take out a few targets if PCs
clones are just getting familiar with. For talk up the hopelessness of the situation.
instance, while they can use firearms, the
Companions aren’t nearly as supernaturally 4. The two halves of the Companions hate
skilled with them compared to other each other. Each harbors a millennia’s
armaments; the pair was just getting used worth of unresolved grudges, both real
to muskets when repeaters hit the scene. and imagined. But as each pair requires
An even better idea would be to take the the help of the other to stay free of their
fight to the streets using cars. The newer the monstrous child’s womb, they are forced
technology, the better off the PCs are using it to swallow that resentment a thousand
in a contest. times every day. PCs that recognize this
perverse “staying-together-for-the-kids”
2. The Companions do not have a hive mind; dynamic can manipulate Him to attack Her
they merely behave in remarkably uniform and vice versa. After all, there is nothing the
patterns engrained by centuries of shared Companions will fight more fiercely for than
experience. A male companion will only getting free of each other.
gain the experience of His dead brothers
between death and rebirth. Even then, He 5. More poisonous than their relationship to
must wait a year or more before biology each other is the Companions’ relationship
allows the infant body to convey anything to their true children. They need to keep
learned to other living clones through one of the creatures close at all times (Clue
writing or speech. Female Companions 12E, p.42) lest they be trapped again in
suffer the same restrictions. Without another cycle of rebirth, abandonment, and
traditional communication such as letters starvation in the wild; yet the abomination
or phone calls, one hand of the conspiracy scares them more than anything else. The
doesn’t know what the other is doing. Thus, creature has no care for its parents’ safety (it
players can divide and conquer, gaining the can always make more), and it would much
benefit of surprise many times over if they rather kill them than be restrained again.
are clever. Letting the baby out of its crib, so to speak,
is the most devastating attack available
3. The sheer volume of memories triggered to PCs, but the violent repercussions of
by everyday associations can slow the loosing such a horror on the world are likely
Companions down, especially in stressful to reach far beyond the Companions (see
situations such as combat. This can provide Expose, p.44).
a bonus to PCs, even though witnessing the
result will likely cause deep psychological
scars (see Optional Rule: Suicide Fugue
State, p.10). This could also be an
excuse for GMs to exercise a little mercy:
the relentless onslaught of the Companions
The Monsters: The Companions
In terms of narrative, Companions reveal In The Wives of March, a Companion might express
themselves primarily through perfection. Brothers some of the following ideas to PCs before silencing
and sisters playing games never fight or disagree them forever:
about rules. The use of local accents and customs
are exacting enough to imply a purely academic • Offering victims one last chance to “join the
understanding. No one ever displays unpopular family” as a mother/father.
opinions, and family members operate in harmony • Remarking that they haven’t had so worthy
and eerie unison. They are disconcertingly eager an opponent since Ferdinand II.
to please guests if they believe they can be brought
• Musing that it has been a long time since
into the conspiracy. Homes display unusual
they scalped anybody and wondering aloud
splendor, usually employing as decoration the same
if they’ve still “got it.”
inexplicable antiquities with which clone families
maintain their wealth. • Critiquing the PCs tactics, including an
argument for the use of the Tetsudo
The physical similarities of the Companions often formation. Bemoaning the shield’s fall from
betray them. Though they can shift skin tone and fashion.
features according to the design of their dark • Apologizing for all the hostility. Claiming
children, their genotypes remain purely identical things would have been much easier for
for hundreds of years. Attempts to disguise this everyone if slavery were still around.
fact are just as telling to those already clued- • Assuring victims of their envy. They’re about
in. Body modifications are commonly used to to take a journey they imagine to be truly
create the illusion of difference among members, wonderful.
masquerading as amputations, tattoos, and
accidental scars. Hair dye, regimented over-eating, • Giving characters a choice, the choice the
anorexia, false glasses, and deceptive cuts of Companions face every day: feel the sting
clothing are also widespread. of the knife, or go meet their dark offspring
When characters talk to a Companion, they never
speak to the actual Him or Her; they speak to the Optional Rule: Suicide Fugue State
cover identity being played at the moment. After
millennia of persecution, the pair never breaks If the system selected for play utilizes fumbles,
character. However, in those rare instances where critical failures, or botches, GMs should consider
“the jig is up,” most Companions cannot resist a bit punishing the Companions for failed dice checks.
of conversation before going in for the kill. They’ve It might even be a good idea to set a certain range
had no one to speak to for centuries other than the of possible dice values as automatic failure for the
one they’re cursed to hate forever. Exploiting this Companions, such as a 1 on a d10, or 0-10 on a
impulse is usually the last chance characters have d100.
to turn defeat into victory, but never believe that
the clones aren’t aware that pausing to chat is a The reasons for this are two-fold: firstly, the
bad idea. They just don’t care all that much; there’s mechanic will make the game a bit easier for
always next time, after all. PCs likely to be outnumbered and outmatched.
“Nerfing” the Companions ensures the pulp
adventure experience that some groups prefer.
Secondly, such failures are easily in line with the
narrative. Everyone gets lost in the past sometimes,
and the Companions have a lot of past to get lost
in. Stressful situations may trigger decades’ worth
of associations within them at once, effectively
overloading their minds. This glitch might be the
Wives of March - No Security
only chance PCs have to survive an attack. In games 8. The Companion mistakes the PC for a
with a madness mechanic, a failed Companion long dead human lover, one who briefly
attack should just mean they rip into the PC’s sanity distracted them from their endless pain
rather than their flesh. and temporarily restored their humanity.
The Companion rejoices and shouts for joy
When a Companion fails a roll, pick one of the in the language of their love affair. It tries
results off the following table or roll a d10. to embrace the character, looking hurt and
confused if attacked or scorned.
1. The Companion starts muttering to itself in
a dead language, talking to someone only it 9. The Companion mistakes a PC for another
can see. Companion. If in combat, it will move to the
character’s side and look for a new target.
2. The Companion carves into its flesh with a If out of combat, it gives the PC an order in
sharp object, seemingly fascinated by the an ancient language, looking confused if the
blood spilling out. It watches the crimson player ignores the command.
trickle, ignoring all other activities, even if
other wounds are being inflicted on it at the 10. The Companion drops to its knees, starts
time. chanting, and prepares an honest-to-god
magical spell. The air kicks up around it
3. The Companion is crippled by a sudden as magical blue ley lines start spiraling
surge of memory. It falls to the floor and outwards from the ground. Its eyes turn red
curls into the fetal position, completely and roll back in the sockets. The Companion
catatonic. can’t defend itself in this state, and letting
it finish the spell is a very, very bad idea (at
4. The Companion is drawn to stare at the sun the GM’s discretion, of course).
or moon, falling into the religious awe of
its proto-human origins as an escape from

5. The Companion completely forgets how to

use all modern technology: crashing the car,
tearing off clothes, using a machine gun as a
club, etc.

6. The Companion, having lost all grasp

on standard human behavior, begins
unreasonable negotiations for peace. For
instance, it might try to apologize for killing
a character’s loved one by paying a blood
debt to the chieftain in the form of fatted

7. The Companion is somehow reminded of

the futility of it all and violently commits
suicide with the nearest available weapon.

History, p.12). Just be open with players about
GAMEPLAY how you intend to tackle historical issues and urge
INFORMATION players to pick a realistic employer for the time
Character Selection
The Problem with History
Characters should all be people who are recognized
for finding hidden information, enough so that It’s fun to delve into the past for a game setting.
they might be hired to look into March’s death. It provides escapism by separating us from our
Private investigators are the obvious choice, but lived experience with a vast gulf of time. It allows
there are many other aspects of the situation under us to make the setting more alive than any purely
examination besides the murder itself. Nearly any fictional place, using history to infuse the locations
learned profession would do. Trusted community with vitality and depth. But placing a game in the
doctors might be consulted, or local historians, past (especially America’s past) also forces us to
amateur journalists, thugs willing to do some deal with the undeniable racism and sexism that
extra-legal snooping, etc. So long as someone might ruled in those times, issues which justifiably still
realistically hire the PC for their discretion and cause a lot of discomfort today.
investigative abilities, a character can come from
almost any 1930’s occupation. Thematically, The Wives of March seeks to
engage this subject directly. Part of the terror the
Aside from having a realistic skill set, players Companions represent is derived from the casual
should be concerned about which faction would cruelty that is so ubiquitous in mankind’s past. Yet
hire their character. This is something players it’s possible to go too far with such material and
should pick for themselves. There are four possible sap the fun out of the game.
employers, and what follows is all the information
players get before deciding which one they’ll work There are a few options for dealing with this
for. situation. The simplest is to ignore the subject
completely, never mentioning a character’s race
• Rathbone, Rathbone, and Wilks: the most and keeping occupations open to all sexes. While
prestigious law firm in Savannah, charged this might hurt verisimilitude, it will sidestep any
with executing the March estate. delicate issues that could come up. Never sacrifice
fun for realism.
• The Prophetic Baptist Assembly: concerned
with possible violence towards the black
The other option for “ignoring it” is to make all the
community as a result of March’s murder.
PCs share the same race and gender. Keep in mind
• The Chatham County Sheriff’s Office: that this only prevents PC-on-PC conflict; issues
seeking March’s killer. might still come up in interactions with NPCs.
• Atticus Wambles: a carpet-bagger claiming Furthermore, practicing eugenics during character
to be March’s illegitimate son and seeking a creation (i.e. “All of you have to be white males!”) is
portion of the inheritance really tasteless. Make sure if the characters all share
the same race and gender, it’s just a coincidence of
It should be noted that factions will not hire player choice.
indiscriminately. It’s unlikely a prestigious southern
law firm in the Jim-Crow South would hire anyone This writer’s preferred option is to incorporate real
of color for any reason. It’s equally unlikely a black historical struggles into the narrative as another
pastor would trust a white man to protect his flock. source of conflict. Female journalists are even more
A lot of this is going to depend on how the GM admirable for doing the job in a time as patriarchal
intends to deal with issues of race, gender, and as 1933. Black investigators that risk their lives
class in the game (see The Problem with against the institutional hatred of the old South
Wives of March - No Security
AND eldritch horrors are that much more heroic. Plot Hooks (Getting Characters Together)
In general, the story will be richer for including
The game starts on a Saturday afternoon. Players
such delicate issues alongside the escapism of a
begin at the location of the faction responsible for
supernatural investigation, and refusing to “white-
employing them. Since their bosses want them to
wash” the uncomfortable truths shows respect for
succeed, characters should be provided all the clues
the gravity of such issues. The only downside is
available at that location immediately. NPCs will be
that this approach requires a lot of maturity from
more reluctant to give information to PCs working
everyone at the table.
for other parties, but it’s still possible to get those
clues by visiting that location later in the game and
First off, make sure everyone takes care to avoid
making dice checks. For instance, someone working
racial and sexist slurs of all kinds. Abstract such
for Columbus Rathbone will learn everything his
language where it would naturally occur in a
employer knows at the very start, but that doesn’t
paraphrase, whereas all other character dialogue
mean the character can’t go pump the Sheriff for
can appear in “direct quotes,” so to speak. Keep in
information later.
mind that RPGs are a primarily verbal medium. A
racist NPC is still going to be using the voice of the
Once their employers brief the characters,
GM to spout their hate; make sure no one starts
encourage each investigator to attend the next
finding their buddies loathsome when it’s the NPC
service at the Unifying Word Revival
that deserves a lesson in tolerance. Abstracting
(Location 0, p.14). It’s the best way to see
hate speech helps make this distinction clear.
what is going on with the March family and hear
the gossip from those closest to them. Once they
In general, everyone should enter the game fully
arrive at the service, make sure that the one
aware of the first maxim of a writer’s workshop:
clue everybody notices is the presence of other
the author is not synonymous with his or her
investigators. None of them seem to really fit in, for
characters. Even if a player wants to play a racist
some reason…
and/or sexist character for the sake of realism,
make sure it’s understood that flaw belongs to the
Once everybody is aware of all the characters on
character rather than the person rolling the dice.
the case, it’s up to players to decide between being
Leaving nasty words out altogether helps remind
cooperative or cagey. If they talk things through,
everyone of this fact.
they’ll realize none of the factions are really at
odds. Working together only increases everyone’s
Though realism is nice, players are much better off
chance of success. If they still insist on working
using their more enlightened place in history as an
alone, the GM has provided an opportunity and it’s
advantage. After all, even the most small-minded
a matter of player choice.
character is going to have to cooperate if they want
to survive (which could make for a nice character
arc towards tolerance, incidentally). Characters
should use their anachronistic acceptance of each
other as a source of power over the prejudiced
environment. A black investigator can pick up
gossip in the West Savannah slums; a white
investigator can interrogate an upscale antiques
dealer; a female investigator can shame the
“chivalrous” officer into letting her see the police
report. But only by cooperating together can they
put all the pieces together and get a clear picture.
Prejudice separates people in the real world; use
acceptance to strengthen the bonds between
characters instead.


0. Unifying Word Revival Dashell March – pastor of the Unifying Word
The Unifying Word Revival isn’t an actual church. Revival Church, deceased
Services are held under a gigantic tent set up in a Lydia March – wife of Dashell and matriarch
field by the main road entering Barefoot Crossing. of the Church
Pews are moved in by truck. The stage and altar, Lorraine Carter – wife of Dave, church
such as they are, get reassembled every week. patron, and pregnant with her fifth child
Attendees park cars and wagons in the area Dave Carter – husband of Lorraine, church
surrounding, and the popularity of the services deacon, and “father” to Carter clan
are making the area quite a spectacle on Sunday Annabelle Lee – widowed church patron and
mornings. The congregation is entirely white, but mother of four
a number of local black sharecroppers make extra Atticus Wambles – possibly a bastard son of
money setting up the tent before everyone arrives. March; claiming inheritance for mother
Many then return to their own church Becky Spratt – impoverished church
(Location 2, p.18), but a few can be found attendee and mother to Claudette
smoking in the makeshift parking lot as they wait Claudette Spratt – teenage girl suspected of
for services to end so they can strike the tent down. shooting Dashell March
As such, The Unifying Word Revival is strikingly Alphonso Banks – black sharecropper that
progressive for the time and allows access (to some assisted in Claudette’s escape to the city
degree) to all races. Theo Phillips – pastor of the Prophetic
Baptist Assembly, concerned for Banks
Since the tragic passing of Dashell March, his Columbus Rathbone – lawyer hired by
eldest son (Dashell March Jr.) has become the Lloyd’s of London to invalidate March’s will
pastor. In his 30s, the young man bears a striking Sheriff Reed Ritson – beleaguered lawman
resemblance to his father and commands the tasked with solving the March shooting
attention of the crowd with the practiced ease of a Caiden Garrod – visiting Lloyd’s of London
man 20 years his senior. investigator gone missing in town

0A. Well-behaved Children Players with any kind of skill in history, especially
Anyone that attends services regularly will notice theological or local, will notice that the attention
the remarkable discipline of the children at The is that much more odd. The sermon itself seems
Unifying Word Revival. With very few exceptions, downright archaic, both in terms of vocabulary
the typical shenanigans of bored church kids are and religious doctrine. The lesson is academically
absent, regardless of age. No one is fidgeting in dense, makes almost no mention of current events,
their seat or messing with stuffy Sunday clothes. and employs few modern metaphors. Those
No one falls asleep or tries to sneak a funny book familiar are reminded of John Wesley’s historic
into the hymnal. Parents are free to devote their full writings upon landing in Georgia in 1735.
attention to the lesson; in some cases, they actually
seem less attentive than the children. There’s 0B. Pastor’s Pets
nothing overtly supernatural about the lack of bad The front pews in most churches are typically
behavior: perhaps The Unifying Word is merely reserved for the pastor’s family. Lydia March
doing things right or the community is particularly – recognizable from her photo in the Savannah
godly. Still, characters will have a tough time papers covering her husband’s murder – sits on the
remembering another congregation so… focused. left-hand pew with her son’s wife, grandchildren,
and extended family. It seems as if the March clan
stretches onto the right-hand pew as well, but
Wives of March - No Security
there are a few faces that don’t seem to belong. A to operate a communal farm to which everyone
dark-haired woman corrals a whole group of young in the congregation contributes labor at least one
girls to sit down, and a couple which appears to be day a week. In return, the church takes care of the
as old as Lydia fills the rest of the space with their whole community’s food needs, and the Marches
sizable family. Some of the March children seem themselves donate any other money or services
peppered in amongst the right side, mingling with required by needy members. By expressing interest
the other families. in joining the church, characters can be told where
the farm operates and instructed to go sign up for a
Asking around the church will let players know that shift (Location 7, p.27).
the two families on the right are the Lee and Carter
clans. They are long-time favorites of March’s, 0E. Church Gossip
and a few of the back pew families backhandedly There has never been a more readily accessible
express their resentment towards the favoritism. source of intelligence than church gossip.
Questioned subtly enough, these malcontents might Characters that insinuate themselves into the meet-
even give up where the pastor’s pets live and-greet session that occurs after the sermon
(Location 8, p.31 and Location 9, p.34.) ends can learn a ton about Barefoot Crossing. This
source is available to investigators of color as well,
0C. Rough Crowd seeing as they are moving about the crowd loading
The people of Barefoot Crossing apparently pews and breaking down the tent. Listening in can
live hard lives. Facial scars and eye patches are reveal the subtle resentment some feel towards
disconcertingly common. There are a number of the Lee and Carter families as well as the existence
cleft palettes amongst the congregation, slightly of the communal farming operation. Other gossip
more than the PCs can recall ever seeing in the includes whispers about the continuing scandal of
same place. A few amputations dot the crowd, even Dashell’s murder. Rumors about an illegitimate heir
a few children missing arms and legs. The majority seeking inheritance circulate and get scolded for
of the crowd appears healthy and happy, but even being disrespectful. Parishioners complain about
considering the rough existence of a sharecropper, the slow progress of the sheriff’s investigation and
the community seems unsettlingly prone to express hateful, unreasoning suspicions toward
disfiguring accidents. On the other hand, no one the black community. Everyone resolves to pray
likes to see a little girl walking around with one that Lydia’s troubles in seeking the elder March’s
sleeve of her dress empty. Perhaps the characters inheritance are soon resolved.
are being unfairly prejudiced or alarmist…
The otherwise positive prattle of the church
0D. Collections and Tithes families grows downright venomous on the
A few coins are to be expected in the collection subject of Becky Spratt. Her absence at the
plate: enough to show piety, not enough to make morning’s service seems simultaneously offensive,
the hard times harder. But everyone in the tent is predictable, and welcome. More Pollyanna-ish
putting a disconcerting amount of money in the attendees commend the sense of mercy that
collection plate. There are a couple of ten dollar compelled the Marches to let such a piece of white
bills in the mix, and any character not emptying trash into their church. Younger congregants
their wallet as the plate is passed receives side-long remark that they don’t miss the daughter’s “slutty”
glances of disapproval. How can these struggling black singing during the hymns and gossip about
farmers afford to tithe so much? What makes them her having something to do with the “negroes” that
so enthusiastic to do so? killed Dashell. The general consensus seems to be
that everyone would like the Spratts to stay in that
Questioning attendees after the service reveals “little swamp shack they call a house” every Sunday
that the church “takes care of everyone.” Pushing (Location 10, p.36).
the issue reveals that the Marches use their land
(GM NOTE: In game terms, GMs should use the to ingratiate herself with the PCs. She’ll offer to
murmurs of the crowd to clue investigators in on help with any businesses they operate in Savannah
what they may have missed during the service itself. (she seems familiar with them, somehow) by
More importantly, the bustle and chatter of the introducing lucrative new clients or becoming a
congregation is an opportunity to spot investigators patron herself. She’ll introduce single investigators
working for other factions and speak with them to eligible suitors and southern belles in her family.
without attracting too much attention.) She may even invite them over for Sunday dinner.
It’s clear by the end of the conversation that the
0F. Greeting a March whole March family is either on the investigators’
If the characters work their way to the front, side or really wants to get the investigators on their
they can greet Lydia March or one of her adult side.
children. Immediately upon making one-on-one
contact, characters notice the sheer intensity of 1. Offices of Rathbone, Rathbone, and Wilks
a March gaze. It seems to both look past and into The offices of Rathbone, Rathbone, and Wilks
them simultaneously. Characters with experience are housed within a renovated townhouse in
in war might recognize the stare in victims of downtown Savannah that predates the Civil War.
shell shock, whereas the more religiously-minded Inside its warm walnut halls, the Depression might
might be impressed by what appears to be a deep, as well be occurring on another planet. Servants in
fathomless piety. Either way, the eye contact that full formal dress answer the door and serve drinks
occurs during conversation – though not in any to the firm’s lucrative clients. The hallways reek of
way outwardly inappropriate – leaves a nagging cigar smoke and money.
sensation of awe in any who experience it.
Columbus Rathbone is the only lawyer not out of
March children, when speaking to an outsider, will town on business, and he urgently needs someone
eagerly and politely introduce PCs to talk to Lydia. to help with the most lucrative contract in the
If characters comment on the sermon or express firm’s impressive history. He’s been subcontracted
interest in the Unifying Word, the matriarch by the prestigious Lloyd’s of London to help with
will generously greet them and ask if they need a claims investigation regarding Dashell March’s
anything. The church is there to serve, after all, and will. The pastor was known to be well off, but
she wants to see that everyone has their essentials nothing ever suggested he possessed enough
taken care of: Dashell would have wanted his wealth to have multiple accounts with the most
family to work through their grief by rededicating prestigious banking and insurance operation in the
themselves to God. Of course, Lydia needs to know world. While Rathbone is not the executor of the
where the investigator lives so the charity truck can state himself, he’s been promised a considerable
add their address to the rounds… fee if he can help the Brits resolve the issue, and
complications with the previous inquiries made
If characters are open about their role in in the last month have caused him to seek outside
investigating the March murder (revealing that help.
they work for Rathbone or the Sheriff, for instance),
Lydia offers any assistance she could possibly give 1A. The March Will
and thanks them for their service. Even if working
For legal reasons, Rathbone does not have Dashell
for a faction openly hostile to the family (such as
March’s complete Last Will and Testament.
Pastor Phillips or Atticus Wambles), mother March
However, he has been informed of the particular
insists that Dashell was a godly man with nothing
clause that is causing concern for Lloyd’s:
to hide and expresses hope that the investigator
will stick around after realizing the baseless nature
“I, Dashell Mann March, do hereby bequeath my
of claims against her family. In either instance,
residuary estate, constituting all property and
Lydia March does everything in her power
money held in escrow by Lloyd’s of London, under
Wives of March - No Security
the consolidation of the Unifying Word Revival Rathbone’s first suggestion for investigators is
Church, and in the name of Dashell Mann March, to to familiarize themselves with the March family
my second wife, Lydia Fille March. In the event my (Location 0, p.14). He also suggests ferreting
second wife does not survive me, the aforementioned out a paper trail on the family by sifting through the
residuary estate will transfer to my first wife, Chatham County Records Office for deeds held in
Virginia Gurwilon Maia. In the event my first wife the family or church’s name (Location 5, p.23)
does not survive me, the aforementioned residuary
estate will transfer to my third wife.” 1B. Missing Predecessor
Lloyd’s of London’s reliance on Rathbone is new.
There are records of a divorce between Virginia They originally paid to send their own investigator
Maia and Dashell March in the state of Missouri to the states and merely used the law office for its
dating back to 1918. However, authorities in the in-house wire service. However, Caiden Garrod has
region report that Virginia Maia has been missing been missing for over a week now.
and presumed dead since a house fire in 1927. The
mere existence of this former spouse makes the Rathbone has been stymied in his attempts to
case a delicate matter: a pastor having undergone access Garrod’s room at the Hotel de Soto. The man
a secret divorce is a massive scandal. Revealing this paid for his accommodations a month in advance
information to the public would make both Lloyd’s out of his own pocket, and the prestigious hotel
and Rathbone liable to a civil suit neither could is refusing anyone access until the payment is up.
hope to win. More importantly, why bequeath all If, somehow, the investigators were to stumble
property to an ex-wife rather than the children? Yet through the locked door and into his room, there is
despite all that, the Missouri wife isn’t the problem. nothing Rathbone could do to stop it (hint nudge
wink). The firm certainly wouldn’t care to know
The third wife in the will is never named, and anything discovered within because they are solely
Dashell’s marriage to Lydia is still active and focused on the results of a successful investigation
recognized by the state of Georgia. Who is this third (HINT NUDGE WINK).
wife, and why was she not named when March
updated his will a scant three months before his Rathbone provides the address of the Hotel de Soto
death? What was Dashell March hiding when he as well as Garrod’s room number
was unexpectedly gunned down in his study? (Location 6, p.25).
Rathbone wants to know. If there is any illegal
1C. Accusations of Misconduct
activity being carried out via the will, the document
Complicating the disappearance of Caiden Garrod
becomes null and void. That would mean the assets
are accusations that he may have stolen from
held by Lloyds’ of London (which are apparently
his employers. It was discovered only after the
vast) revert immediately to the bank, and all
investigator’s departure that Garrod accessed a
property held by the church would go through
vault in a Swiss bank owned by Lloyd’s using false
probate in Georgia before moving to next of kin.
credentials. It’s uncertain yet what he may have
Columbus Rathbone would not only be entitled to
done there or if anything was taken, but it certainly
the percentage fee paid by the state, it would net
casts suspicion on the man’s sudden vanishing.
the lawyer a huge bonus from Lloyd’s and their
professional gratitude. While the firm doesn’t
want any part in illegal activity, the partners are 1D.The Atticus Wambles Angle
seeing dollar signs. Rathbone and his cohorts Finally, Rathbone is concerned about recent
will be extremely grateful to anyone that can claims in the press that a northerner by the name
reveal March’s transgressions while maintaining of Atticus Wambles is the bastard son of Dashell
discretion and the appearance of working for the March. Though the young man has remained
family. vague in the press and cagey about hiding
his presence in town, it’s possible that
his claim could be true, especially in the light of Unaware of the situation but completely certain it
March’s suspicious will. The lawyer has no idea could spell death for the young man, Phillips urged
where the young man is staying, but he encourages Banks to run anyway; the white woman could
investigators to question the man if they see him take care of herself. Banks remained unconvinced,
and provides a photo pulled from his newspaper arguing that he had to help her or he couldn’t live
clipping service. with himself as a Christian. He begged for money.
Phillips gave him what little he had and hasn’t seen
2. Prophetic Baptist Assembly Banks since.
The Prophetic Baptist Assembly serves the black
Recently, the pastor has heard rumors that Banks’
sharecropping community outside Savannah. It’s
bed-less ’24 Model TT was seen in Savannah. He’s
modest in every sense of the word, though they do
scared that the young man is still around town. The
operate out of a building unlike the Unifying Word
mob is already screaming for justice and needs no
Revival. The sudden popularity of the neophyte
excuse to kill a black man without evidence; if they
white church is a matter of some concern among
discover Banks in the presence of this mysterious
the black congregation, but most are wisely
white girl, there’ll be no stopping them from
determined to mind their own business. Pastor
lynching an innocent man. He wants Banks found
Theo Phillips, however, has put out some subtle
and smuggled out of town for his own safety.
inquiries into the community looking for help into a
delicate matter.
While the reverend is doing his best to track
Alphonso down through his own means, the angle
(GM NOTE: The danger posed to a black community
he can’t pursue is the rescued white woman. He
in the years of Jim Crow was omnipresent and
encourages investigators to attend a service at
brutal. Reprisal could occur for completely imagined
Unifying Word (either as worshippers or hired help
offenses and was almost always outside the due
to strike the tent, depending on race) to see if they
process of law. Any characters employed by Pastor
can discover the identity of this woman
Phillips need to have history that explains his
(Location 0, p.14).
trust for them, especially if they are from another
race. While the pastor himself is a progressive and
tolerant man, the risk presented to his congregation 2B. The Missing Bluesman
is too great to seek help from anyone but the most Reverend Phillips knows that Alphonso Banks is
trusted of friends.) making a name for himself in the West Savannah
Slums as a blues singer under the name “Country
2A. A Late Night Confession Large.” If Banks is trying to make money to support
the woman he’s taken under his protection, his
Pastor Phillips is concerned about a member of his
only real option is taking gigs at juke-joints in
congregation, Alphonso Banks, who came banging
the area. Phillips, obviously, can’t be seen in such
on his door in the middle of the night over a month
disreputable establishments without drawing too
ago. It was the night of the murder, and Banks sat
much attention, but he hopes investigators might
on the porch shaking and covered in blood. While
be able to find Banks by asking around about his
Phillips couldn’t get many details out of him, the
blues persona or just scouring the streets for his
panicked young man managed to get out that he’d
distinctive truck (Location 11, p.38).
gotten in “some trouble with a white girl out by the
March place.” The pastor immediately advised he
get out of town – out of Georgia, if possible – but
Banks refused. He said the girl was in a real bad
spot and he was the only one that could help her.

Wives of March - No Security
2C. Garrod’s Questioning not have been loaded. Lydia March, after hearing
What sparked Phillips’ urgency is an interview the shot, rushed into the room to find her husband
he had with Caiden Garrod two weeks previous. already dead. She then heard an engine starting up
The Englishman seemed unaccustomed to the outside. When she went to the window to see, she
racial divide in the South and had a conversation witnessed Claudette Spratt getting into a “getaway
with the pastor as an equal. This peaked the holy truck with a negro man.”
man’s paranoia, and it only deepened as questions
focused increasingly on Dashell March, the Unifying While the presence of a black man has been
Word Revival, and the shooting. Concerned for the leaked to the public (or perhaps just sadistically
safety of Banks and the community at large, Phillips imagined), Claudette Spratt’s presence has been
feigned ignorance at every turn. Garrod eventually kept a secret for the sake of sparing the family
left discouraged, but not before revealing he was any gossip that might result from a young woman
working for Rathbone, Rathbone, and Wilks. having been left unattended in the house of a
Nothing about the Brit’s pressing interrogation married man. Lydia insists that Claudette was
implied the relaxed inquiry of an insurance merely there as a guest for dinner. The pastor
investigator, and Phillips thinks there might be often had her and her mother over for supper to
something to discover at the law firm (Location 1, help alleviate their crushing poverty. Additionally,
p.16). After all, if incontrovertible evidence of Claudette is reported to be a sinful and indiscreet
wrong-doing can be proven of some other party, young girl; Mr. March used the free meals as an
it might distract the increasingly bloodthirsty excuse to minister to the teen. Claudette Spratt is
press from directing suspicion towards the black still missing.
Ritson’s prevailing theory – an alarmist,
sensationalist, and completely unsupported
3. Chatham County Sheriff ’s Department
hypothesis – is that Claudette Spratt is under
Located in Savannah proper, the Sheriff’s the thrall of the black male driving the truck. He
Department is far more sophisticated than any thinks the black man used the girl to break in, the
other law enforcement agency that might be found robbery went bad, and the pair fled. He’s afraid
elsewhere in Georgia. Still, about all this amounts this is just the beginning what is “surely” to be a
to is a few functioning jail cells, some desks, and a long and bloody crime spree by interracial Bonnie
reception area. While more equipped for murder and Clyde copycats. He suggests investigators get
investigation than anyone else, the department a fresh perspective on the case by re-interviewing
is still woefully understaffed and poorly trained. witnesses after Sunday services at the Unifying
Couple these woes with the distance from the Word Revival (Location 0, p.14)
station to the crime scene and the odd political
pressure coming from all sides, Sheriff Reed Ritson 3B. Becky Spratt’s Statement
finds himself out of his depth. If he doesn’t get a
lead soon, an angry mob is going to take all the To Ritson’s credit, there is at least some
credit for finding the killer, whether they actually corroborating testimony to back up the claims
do or not. He’s calling in outside help in the form of in the police report. Becky Spratt, Claudette’s
consultants to supplement his inept deputies. mother, gave a sworn statement two weeks ago
that confirmed her daughter’s wild ways. In the
deposition, the woman admits to attending dinner
3A. Police Report
at the March home multiple times and bemoans her
Sheriff Ritson begins by familiarizing investigators daughter’s “consorting with the lowliest trash in
with the police report from the incident itself. On all of West Savannah.” Upon reviewing the report,
a Wednesday evening six weeks previous, Dashell investigators can copy down directions to Spratt’s
March was shot in his study some time around little shack tucked away in a swamp
9 p.m. The murder weapon was March’s own (Location 1, p.16). The officer taking the
shotgun, which rested above his mantle and should
notes did write in the margin “Under duress?” It 3E. Protection Order for Wambles
might be worth checking up on. As an afterthought, the Sheriff will tell investigators
to watch out for Atticus Wambles. The man is
3C. Lydia March’s Statement currently in town filing a civil suit against the
A few details from Lydia March’s account of the March family under the claim that he’s Dashell’s
murder stand out. The presence of a negro man illegitimate son from a previous marriage. Some
obviously received the majority of her emphasis. northern lawyers have already filed a restraining
Sheriff Ritson doubts that a black man from order with the Sheriff’s Office requiring that
Savannah proper would be familiar enough with Wambles be kept 500 yards away from all members
March to plan a robbery, and he can’t even fathom of the March family at all times. The order was
the notion that it may have been Claudette’s idea. granted in Indiana, so there is no telling what
Thus, he suggests his private investigators check evidence of abuse was used to sue for the order –
at the Prophetic Baptist Assembly (Location or indication if any was provided at all. Regardless,
2, p.18). The church serves the rural black violating the order would complicate matters in an
sharecroppers around Barefoot Crossing, and as already tangled situation. The sheriff informs those
such it’s the best bet for finding someone that in his employ that Wambles is currently staying at
knows the mysterious man in the truck. the hotel Le Fruit de la Rose (Location 4, p.20).
He urges everyone to make sure he stays away from
Lydia March also made out the make and model of the March family, even if his name comes up in their
the getaway vehicle: a bed-less ’24 Model TT truck. inquiries.
The Sheriff suggests that if no one at the church is
willing to talk, characters should ask around about 4. Le Fruit de la Rose (Atticus Wambles’
the vehicle in the West Savannah Slums (Location Room)
11, p.38). It’s the only location nearby where a
While it doesn’t share the legendary quality of
black man could hope to hide, and if he’s gone to
the Hotel de Soto, Le Fruit de la Rose is a pleasant
ground in the country or left the state, the case is
alternative. It sports a popular restaurant next to
hopeless anyway.
its lobby and fine service despite its location in a
less-reputable part of town. Atticus Wambles has
3D. Letter from the Governor
been trying to find a lawyer he can afford to hire.
Eugene Talmadge, the governor of the great state He wishes to sue the March family for the entirety
of Georgia, has sent Reed Ritson a letter. It can be of Dashell’s estate, arguing he is the man’s firstborn
spotted lying on the Sheriff’s desk, but he’s just heir. His claim is based on being the beneficiary
as likely to show it to characters to emphasize the of his mother, who he claims March neglected and
importance of speed and discretion. The governor abandoned.
is a personal friend of the Marches (asking around
reveals that they donated quite generously to Until such time as he can secure counsel and begin
his campaign and are very civic-minded). In the filing papers, Wambles gathers evidence against the
flowery language of a politician, Talmadge promises March family. Since they might recognize his face,
to generously reward anyone responsible for seeing he needs outside help to do so.
this “grievous crime against Christendom avenged”
in the same breath that seems to imply anyone 4A. March or May?
incapable of the task can expect unemployment
Wambles is in his forties and not hard up for
very soon.
money; he owns a lucrative shipping business up
north. However, no wealth could ever ease the sting
of what his father did in abandoning his mother.
His entire adult life, he has employed a national
news clipping service to look for mentions of his
Wives of March - No Security
disappeared father. Much to his surprise, they
found a hit three weeks ago... though only for two The Deformed
out of three names.
The Companions maintain a contingency of
specialized soldiers to dissuade any curiosity into
Atticus claims that Dashell Mann March was
their affairs. Though all versions of He and She
originally named Dashell Mann May. The portrait
share the same martial prowess, this tiny squad
printed of March standing at the pulpit is identical
of duplicates knows from birth that this life is
to his childhood memories, and Wambles is
dedicated solely to the protecting the clan. Their
convinced he has finally found his quarry in death.
births are never reported. They never attend school.
The scorned son doesn’t need the money from
They spend their whole lives in the most isolated
the March estate and has no special hatred for the
residence the Companions can secure. Each
other members of the family, but he is determined
member’s first mission is essentially His or Her
to get revenge for what March/May did to his
debut in society.
mother all those years ago. He plans to bankrupt
the corrupt and fraudulent church that he suspects
Though meant to kill or intimidate everything from
March founded solely to hide his former crimes
law enforcement officials to military personnel,
(Location 0, p.14).
the Deformed do no actual training for war.
The Companions long ago realized that physical
4B. The Fate of Gibson, Indiana
perfection does nothing save reveal their identical
Wambles was born in 1902 in Gibson, Indiana. nature. Malady and misfortune are far easier to
It was a coal-mining town. His mother, Bertha pawn off as unique. As such, every member of
Wambles, had been previously married, but her the Deformed has clearly visible, self-inflicted
first husband died in a tunnel collapse a few mutilations.
short months after their wedding. Left alone and
without any means to support herself, she soon They pluck out their eyes, brand their faces, and
found companionship with Dashell May, a foreman scar their flesh. They starve themselves or gorge
at the same mine. They married quickly: he took to manipulate their weight. Amputations aren’t at
care of her finances, and Atticus was born shortly all uncommon, and each is performed in isolation
thereafter. without anesthetic. To the Companions, pain is no
more than another hellish tedium to be endured.
The marriage was loveless from as early as Atticus
could remember. His father maintained a constant If witnesses manage to survive an attack by the
attitude of approachability and humor at work, but hideous death squad, they only ever report the
he’d immediately become cold and distant upon assailants’ distinguishing deformities, never even
returning home. He rambled about nonsensical noticing an otherwise perfect resemblance to many
historical and quasi-academic subjects, then grew other functioning members of the community. If
furious when Atticus and his mother failed to show ever captured, the Deformed have no ID, no records,
interest. The two sisters born in subsequent years and no one that recognizes them. They never, ever
suffered some sort of mental imbalance that kept speak under interrogation, passively staring at
them from laughing or crying. The pair rarely even nothing no matter what tortures are inflicted. Once
spoke to anyone save themselves, and they seemed this disconcerting tactic drives captors into other
to hate their father almost more than they hated rooms, the modified Companion bites off its tongue.
their brother. Of course, all of this weird behavior
was stamped out in public. Dashell insisted his Every Companion, even the ones passing off
family maintain the appearance of perfection at all as normal citizens, goes through each day with
times… or else. memories of having lived multiple Spartan lives that
ended choking on blood.

In 1912, when Atticus was ten, he returned home him. But Atticus doesn’t think it was a coincidence
from school to find his mother nearly beaten to that the former white church and its pastor,
death. Later, she would claim that two men came by Thomas Atkins, suffered the most damage in the
that morning. They looked like professors and had bushfire. The abandoned son has no way to prove
a lot of questions about Bertha’s husband. In the it, but he suspects his runaway father set the fire
middle of the questioning, Mrs. Wambles claimed to carve a place for himself in the community, just
that both her daughters suddenly went running out like he destroyed Gibson to cover his escape from
the back door. The two men gave chase, ignoring the law. The Atkins place has since recovered and is
the woman’s screams. again a functioning farm run by the March clan
(Location 7, p.27). Wambles wants to go check
No more than half an hour later, Dashell May it out, but he fears he’d be recognized.
came home early from work with only one of his
daughters in tow. He proceeded to beat Bertha to a 4D. Meeting with Garrod
pulp, screaming that she had “ruined everything.” The best lead Wambles has is Caiden Garrod. The
He then packed a bag and left with the girl. Lloyd’s of London investigator, despite the conflict
of interest between his employers’ motivations and
As young Atticus was tending to his mother, shots Atticus’s case, met with Wambles and discussed
could be heard in the distance. Apparently, there matters a few weeks previous. Mr. Wambles got
was some altercation with the strangers at the the impression that Garrod was legitimately on
coal mine. The firefight spread into the tunnels his side; the Brit seemed interested in everything
and dynamite got used in the wrong vein. The coal he had to say and spared him the usual disbelief.
mine burned with nearly fifty men still inside. The But shortly after agreeing to meet again in a safer
town of Gibson still burns today, no more than a location, Garrod disappeared. Wambles has been
smoldering crater with a spiderweb maze of hell unable to reach him at his room in the Hotel de
blazing beneath it. Atticus managed to help his Soto for over a week and fears the worst. While the
mother escape the inferno only to watch her sanity man is too paranoid to go investigate himself, he’ll
whither away until she committed suicide when give characters Garrod’s room number and suggest
he was fifteen. Dashell May was never seen again… they search the room. (Location 6, p.25).
until Wambles found a picture in a Savannah
newspaper nearly two decades later.
4E. The Deformed Attack
(GM NOTE: March and May are the same Companion (GM NOTE: This event only occurs if PCs find and
under a different alias. It should be noted that talk to Wambles as a secondary location, not if he
Wambles is not the Companion’s biological son: the hires them initially. The illegitimate heir is under
first husband conceived Atticus before his death and surveillance, and while talk with strangers in the
his mother never told the truth. Atticus’s “sisters,” on hotel lobby can be dismissed as friendly chatter,
the other hand, are female Companions and part of seeing the “new members” of the Unifying Word
the conspiracy. That is why they never bore him any Revival pop up at Wambles hotel in the same week is
affection and disappeared with their “father.”) too much of a coincidence. The Companions decide to
put a scare into Wambles and the PCs to get them off
4C. The Fire of ’29 the trail.)
During his weeks in town, Mr. Wambles has only Wary characters can notice an odd group of
become more and more certain that March is the unfortunates loitering around Le Fruit de la Rose,
man he is looking for. The holy man apparently dispersed around the lobby, in the restaurant, and
settled after witnessing a wildfire as he “drove on the street outside. Each appears to be noticeably
through” Barefoot Crossing. March frequently cited scarred in some obvious way (see The Deformed,
the event in his sermons, claiming that the fire p.21). One woman is missing an arm, another
was a signal to him that the people needed is morbidly obese – there’s a man with an eye
Wives of March - No Security
patch and another barely conceals the burn marks bookshelves might as well be holding up the ceiling
covering his head under a fedora. If they’re noticed rather than resting underneath it. Between the
at all, characters can see that the group obviously incompetence, deregulation, and outright graft of
looks to a hulking brute propping up the lunch local officials, proper paperwork was only ever a
counter for leadership. The man-mountain has a polite suggestion for citizens of Chatham County.
startling cleft palette that dribbles as he nurses his Only the fastidious and paranoid bother to get their
tea, and his eyes can be caught straying towards forms filled out, and even then the records are
Wambles when he’s not launching discouraging thrown onto the whims of whatever disinterested
glares at anyone who tries to start a conversation. clerk gets charged with filing them. The document
a man needs might very well be there, but finding
If characters don’t notice the Deformed, or if the anything means a long, sweaty day in the stacks.
Deformed don’t know they’ve been spotted, they
will wait until Wambles returns to his room with 5A. March Birth Certificates and
the PCs or goes to some other secluded place. Once Marriage Licenses
isolated, the whole group will attack in freakish,
March’s marriage to Lydia occurred in 1925.
uncanny unison.
Care appears to have been taken to transfer this
document to Georgia from Kansas – which is odd
Seeing this human hive mentality in action strikes
– but their marriage is still remarkably fresh for
a blow against any sane person’s mind, and actual
people of their advanced age. The March children
blows are soon to follow. While the Deformed don’t
don’t appear to have had their birth certificates
want to kill Wambles and the PCs yet (it would
re-filed since coming to the state though, and all
draw too much attention), they intend to terrify
appear to be single on paper. Anyone that’s seen
and cripple anyone looking into the March family.
the family’s pew at the Unifying Word Revival
Their broken frames don’t disguise the ferocity and
knows this isn’t true; Dashell March Jr., for certain,
tactical precision of their hand-to-hand attacks.
was seen holding hands with a woman wearing
They’ll keep attacking relentlessly until their
a wedding band… a woman that looked like a
victims are at the point of death. The hare-lipped
younger version of his mother.
leader then lisps a warning: “Stay away from the
Marches or you die. Get out of Savannah and don’t
5B. Lee Birth Certificates and Husband’s Death
come back.” Finally, the raiders do their best to
escape, leaving Wambles and the PCs broken and Those that noticed the favoritism shown towards
unconscious. the Lee family might be inspired to look up their
paperwork (Clue 0B, p.14). While their direct
If PCs manage to best the attackers’ simply connection to the March family isn’t immediately
astounding hand-to-hand skills, the Deformed that apparent, investigators with a keen eye notice
can flee will do so. Any captured by the police say similarities between the family’s address and the
nothing, no matter the interrogation method. Any Church deeds (Clue 5D, p.24) as well as the
killed don’t carry ID on them, but their corpses close proximity of the signing dates. Intrinsically,
provide a whole new set of problems to everyone the family’s documents don’t make mathematical
involved. sense. If the dates on the Lee birth certificates
are correct, of the four children in the family, the
5. Chatham County Records Office youngest is two months old. That means Annabelle
Lee had the child when she was forty-six years
Were it not for the efforts of the Historical old. Furthermore, her marriage license notes
Preservation Society and the building’s utility that her husband, Frank Lee, died in 1928. But
in financial disputes, the Records Office would there are no records of a Frank Lee having died in
have likely decayed into a heap of rubble years Chatham County that year. If characters have the
ago. Housed in one of Savannah’s oldest civic wherewithal to call for Annabelle’s maiden
buildings, the dusty file cabinets and mildewed name in other states where March was
known to have lived, they find more information in 5D. Unifying Word Revival Deeds
Missouri. A kindly clerk will inform them that there For a church that holds services out of a tent
are no records of a woman with that maiden name, every week, the Unifying Word Revival owns an
but they do have an Annabelle Cipolla married to a alarming amount of property. The largest tract of
man named Frank Cipolla in St. Louis. Frank Cipolla land is the Old Atkins place (Location 7, p.27)
died in 1915 under mysterious circumstances. If and was purchased for pennies an acre after being
asked, the Missouri clerk doesn’t think the couple ravaged by the wildfire of 1929 (Clue 4C, p.22).
originated from his state; there are notes that The March clan also owns the homes of Carter
Annabelle originally came from Indiana and went (Location 8, p.31), Lee (Location 9, p.34),
by the maiden name of Rosetti. and a few other family farms in the area. In regards
to Lee, the church owned the home from the very
Lastly, the family’s address is listed start. The date of sale for the Carter home is the
(Location 9, p.34). same day Mary Beth and David filed their marriage
5C. Carter Birth Certificates,
Marriage License, and Felonies 5E. Alias Deeds (if known)
Those that noticed the favoritism shown towards If characters have already discovered Caiden
the Carter family might be inspired to look up their Garrod’s bibliographic notes (Clue 6B, p.25),
paperwork (Clue 0B, p.14). While their direct they can find more revealing information. Garrod
connection to the March family isn’t immediately discovered that the past few years have seen a lot
apparent, investigators with a keen eye notice of property change hands in Chatham County. In
similarities between the family’s address and the addition to bills of sale for all the March property
Church deeds (Clue 5D, p.24) as well as the and that held under the name of the church, every
close proximity of the signing dates. A number failed farm in Barefoot Crossing (of which there
of other inconsistencies and red flags show upon are many) has been quickly bought out after
further investigation. The marriage license for foreclosure. The same names that purchase the
Mary Beth and David Carter is dated Oct. 11th, farms also deal with very lucrative storefront and
1929. If the birth certificates of their children are dockside properties in Savannah.
to be believed, this means that 3 out of 4 of their
children were born out of wedlock, the earliest A particularly sharp mind can spot similarities
over a decade before the pair wed. There are also amongst all the owners, and anyone familiar with
notes that indicate David Carter’s name should the March Will (Clue 1A, p.16) finds one of the
be stricken from all ballots either as candidate or names (Gurwilon Maia) familiar. All the names
voter. Further inquiries are to be directed to the involved in the Chatham County land grab share
Sheriff’s Office. Characters with the credentials eerie similarities: the last names are all names of
to follow up on this find that Mr. Carter has an months in varying languages (March, Mars, Maart,
impressive list of felonies on his record: assault, Marz, etc) and the middle names translate the
assault with a deadly weapon, burglary, and a typical gender assigned to the first name (Dashell
number of domestic disputes with various women. Mann March, Steve Macho Abril, Liam Kerl Januar,
His criminal career only appears to have died down Tony Ragazzo Augustus, etc.)
after marrying Mary Beth.
The system is too perfect to be coincidence. The
Lastly, the family’s address is listed huge amount of property being purchased in and
(Location 8, p.31). around Barefoot Crossing is either the work of a
single man using systematic aliases or the focus of
a vast conspiracy whose members use their own
names as code.

Wives of March - No Security
6. Hotel de Soto (Caiden Garrod’s Room) picking the lock, scaling the building to the window,
Savannah’s finest lodging establishment boasts or kicking the door open. Even then, characters that
gourmet chefs, professional service, and a lavish failed to notice their tail will be quickly attacked by
décor. Only the city’s elite can afford the decadent The Deformed.
accommodations, making the De Soto’s restaurant
infamous for hosting negotiations of high finance 6B.Bibliographic Notes
and political power. The hotel’s reputation for As an insurance investigator, Garrod was a
excellence is only matched by its reputation for consummate professional. The man did his
discretion. homework on the targets of his case. Amongst the
nonsensical scraps littering the room, investigators
Behind a “Don’t Disturb” sign, Caiden Garrod’s can find a wrinkled sheet with bibliographic notes
room couldn’t further undermine the building’s for finding documents at the Chatham County
opulence if it tried. The bed and desk are littered Records Office (Location 5, p.23).
with documents, scraps of torn paper, and barely
legible notes. Dirty clothes are strewn about In game terms, possessing this sheet of paper
everywhere. There’s an elaborate hierarchy of provides all the clues available at the Records Office
names and strange tribal doodles painted onto the without a dice check and in much less time. Garrod
walls in ink and…something else. The bathroom used his knowledge of the Lloyd’s of London
has been converted into a makeshift dark room. A accounts to discover all the aliases operating in the
half-finished plate of food that’s been sitting on the area and every paperwork inconsistency.
nightstand for over a week writhes with maggots.
6C. Annotated Photograph
6A. Tailed In the bathroom-turned-makeshift-dark-room,
If players advertised their interests or otherwise PCs can find Garrod’s cover. It appears the Brit
revealed their identities, the March family will tail was making inquiries of the Marches disguised as
them (see The Deformed, p.21). They know a reporter for the Savannah Daily News. The ruse
that Garrod was staying at the De Soto, but they seems professional: the dark room has a complete
don’t know in which room. They’ll hang back outfit, forged press credentials, and “drafts” of
and monitor any characters looking for the man, a human interest story on the Unifying Word
striking if they find the room. Their hope is to Revival. Pictures of the congregation members
secure whatever evidence the Lloyd’s employee hang about the room. In the sink, one photograph
gathered against them. has been extensively annotated and modified using
information Garrod found in his records research
If the characters haven’t revealed themselves to (show players the handout “Sunday 6.25.1933”).
the Marches yet, they’ll just notice a number of On the back, the amateur detective pasted a copy of
mutilated people looking suspiciously attentive his “caption notes” taken when the photo was shot.
outside the lobby. The sight of so many suspicious It reveals the addresses of the Carters (Location 8,
people with cleft palettes, missing eyes, and p.31) and Lee’s (Location 9, p.34).
amputated arms is enough to put the most tolerant
of people on edge and warn them to use subtlety.

Discovering Garrod’s room number requires

knowledge gleaned from Columbus Rathbone
(Location 1, p.16), Garrod’s key (see
Clue 7E, p.30), or successfully persuading
the front desk manager (not easy without some
elaborate deception). The room is located on third
floor. Gaining entry requires acquiring the key,
6D. Annotated Contents of Bank Vault Under
Alias Any characters with a background in art history
A typewritten inventory of items in a Swiss bank recognize this as a list of some of history’s greatest
vault sits submerged under a tide of documents lost masterpieces. If such treasures truly survived
on the bed. The list is written on official Lloyd’s squirreled away in a secluded vault, the contents
of London letterhead; it appears this is the vault would be worth millions of dollars.
that Garrod used his credentials to access before
coming to America. The vault apparently belongs 6E. Folio of Portraits
to a Finnish national named Abel Homme Iokakuu. Sharp-eyed characters notice that the vent grate
The inventory is heavily annotated in Garrod’s own underneath the nightstand sticks out. Tampering
handwriting, which appears in parentheses: with the screws reveals that the grating was
removed and improperly replaced. Inside, a rolled
• Owner: Abel Home Iokakuu (account up artist’s folio has been concealed. It appears this
number the same as the March case, in bit of paranoia was done in a hurry since “rolled-up
reverse. Can’t be a coincidence. Must check inside a vent” is the absolute last place one would
on holiday) want to store some of the more aged contents.
• Spanish Land Holdings (El Castillo! I thought
it was a dead end, but those paintings in The folio contains dozens of family portraits.
the cave…I MUST REMEMBER. Was there The artistic medium varies from oil painting to
really something in the woods, stalking watercolor to photographs of sculptures and
me, the entire time. What does it know? woodcuts. The perceptive notice an eerie similarity
Is it the thing from the painting? I MUST between all the images. Mothers look like time-
REMEMBER. WHY CAN’T I?) lapse photos of daughters, even as paintings
• Assorted Family Portraits (dear god! What is turn to black-and-white photography. The bust
going on!? Needed for evidence) of a patriarch bears striking resemblance to the
• Five Faberge Eggs (missing for years!) younger brother in another painting. Identical
• Gold (stamped as CSA currency…how? Why twins abound. Nobody ever smiles.
ship overseas?)
• Assorted Mesoamerican Objects (the Those with a working knowledge of art can arrange
infamous La Noche Triste treasure?) the pieces in a rough chronological order. If this
• Turkish Tapestry (lost in the Vault of is done, it becomes apparent that some of the
Snagov) portraits were taken simultaneously. Italian and
• French Tapestry portion (Missing Bayeux German brushstrokes, contemporaneous in art
section? Impossible!) history, are used to depict families with identical
• Altarpiece (“Raising of the Cross” thought features in strikingly different locales. Regardless of
lost in bombardment of Brussels) time period or setting, everyone displays a startling
• Numerous paintings (I should have taken resemblance to the men and women of the March
these too, but I’m no thief) family.
o “The Fisherman’s Daughter/ Mender
of Nets” (Jules Breton, missing WWI)
o “Time Saving Truth From Envy and
Discord” (by Nicolas Poussin, missing
o Miscellaneous works (BY Sandra
Botticelli, lost since Bonfire of the
o “The Circumcision” (by...Rembrandt,
lost in the 18th century)
Wives of March - No Security
6F. Recreated Cave Painting die, by the end. Just those two.”
As Garrod’s global inquiry into the Marches grew
increasingly strange, the man’s calm seemed to 7. March Farms
degrade. The slovenly disarray and the obsessed The farmland formerly owned by Thomas Atkins is
world travel certainly suggest this fact, but nothing largely unused. Granted, its previous owner sold to
advertises the educated young gentleman’s descent the March’s at a cheap price when fire devastated
into madness quite like the walls of his room. much of the acreage, but years have passed since
Above the bed – using paint, ink, food dyes, and that day. The areas cleared by the fire now offer
other less-savory substances – Garrod spent his rich, fertile soil in countryside otherwise drained
nights in Savannah trying to recreate a painting by cotton, yet huge tracts have gone to seed or
from memory. Though players have no access to been left as piles of ash. The only landmarks on
the original, the insurance investigator actually the massive property are the barns for the food
did a passable job (see The Monsters, p.5). growing operation, some forest that survived
Characters with sufficient knowledge of the the ’29 fire, and the dilapidated former Atkins
occult, anthropology, or archeological can learn residence located on the outskirts.
a bit from the mad scribbling. The note about the
vault contents (see Clue 6D, p.26) indicates The only people ever present are the volunteer
the deeds he found led him to Spain before he field hands from the church and a single member of
made his way to America. Apparently, the insane the March clan operating as foreman. Though many
mural is a recreation of what he found there. If are suspicious to see outsiders at the farm, they
Garrod accurately mimicked the style and his won’t be outwardly hostile. Most merely have too
label of “El Castillo” is to be believed, the original much to do to waste time on curious parties, and
paintings would be more ancient than anything they have nothing to hide besides. They’re merely
ever discovered and located somewhere within a cooperating to feed their families… as far as they
labyrinthine Spanish cave system. know.

(GM NOTE: The truly knowledgeable are able to 7A. Where are the Weevils?
piece together a condensed narrative from the
Though used entirely for food farming now, it
pictures. Read the following to a player that dares
appears that at one time some of the fields on the
parse the ancient images: “A great warrior and a…
property were used for cotton crops. The stalks
witch woman, I guess? They fall in love. But they
remain withered where they were planted in
feared death as all do. They went to the Gods and…
previous seasons; some have sat so long that wild
parleyed? Communed? They would let Gods into the
cotton springs up between the rows. Characters
world if they could beat death.
with any experience in agriculture know this
makes no sense. Even if the Marches could afford to
So they agree, and there is much death among the
practice proper crop rotation (most can’t), leaving
people – indicated by the bloody palms. But the God
the stalks planted does nothing for soil recovery
killed the couple when it came into the world and…
and is in clear violation of Georgia quarantine
rebirthed them? Many times? And now the warrior
protocols. Boll weevils can still breed amongst
gives birth to the witch, and the witch gives birth to
dead stalks and leaving them after a harvest is an
the warrior. Forever.
invitation for the creatures to decimate every crop
for miles around. Yet Barefoot Crossing is one of the
And the pair of them, if they touch, give birth to the
few places in Georgia supposedly recovering from
God…but they don’t want to, I think. So they just keep
the infestation.
birthing each other, over and over, and then there
is nothing but the warrior and the witch. See? They
even drown out the bloody hands, the deaths of the
people. I think there aren’t even any people left to
Clue 6C
Wives of March - No Security
Investigating the dead fields closer, amateur 7C. Ancient Practices
botanists can see that there are absolutely no signs The volunteers at the March farm use archaic
of boll weevil infection amongst the fields. More practices. Rows are made by a horse-drawn plow,
startlingly, the cotton bolls are still full. No one ever not the shallow disc plows of recent invention.
harvested these cash crops; they were planted, Tractors are used rarely, if ever, instead opting for
cultivated, and left to rot. beasts of burden. Seeds are planted by hand. It
seems to be quite an adjustment for some of the
Anyone asked about the abandoned cotton crops sharecroppers used to more modern conveniences,
dotting the property doesn’t know anything about but such things are apparently forbidden on the
it. They’ve only ever seen the farm used for church premises.
food production since the Marches took over. They
claim it must have been Atkins that planted and 7D. Arcane Borders
abandoned the cotton, despite the fact that the
rotting plants couldn’t have stuck around since ’29. Those that spend an extensive amount of time
wandering the miles of empty farmland will notice
grid lines cut into the grass, criss-crossing the
7B. Duty Schedule
entire property. Nothing seems to grow on these
Characters that get inside the barn notice a thick perfectly straight mounds of dirt, and they aren’t
clipboard hanging from a nail. The sheaf of papers very practical compared to a fence as a means of
attached reads “Duty Schedule” at the top and separating property. There’s no explanation as to
contains an exhausting list of names. Players that why the grass doesn’t grow over them besides the
take the time to study the ream of dates and names possibility of salting the earth. At over two feet
discover that every member of the church appears across, it’s possible the lines operate as fire breaks,
at semi-regular intervals for years. It seems that but that seems a remarkably paranoid and labor-
members of the Unifying Word Revival dedicate intensive precaution considering the relatively
one out of every six days to farming for the church. barren fields.
While dates and times for each member are listed,
there are neither payroll records, crops sales Really curious investigators might get the urge to
receipts, nor share agreements. The people do dig beneath the dirt: perhaps some massive pipe
the work for no other pay than food to feed their could explain the grid of exposed earth? If they do
families, apparently dedicating the entirety of their so, PCs find an odd braid about six inches deep and
land to cotton production. In short, the Unifying in the center of the disruption. The braid appears to
Word Revival has transformed its congregation into be made of leather, hair, and raw cotton entwined
a socialist food collective, leaving the workers five together, and knots tie the materials together into
days a week to profit from their inexplicably pest- lines that stretch for miles.
free cash crops. How the Marches manage to pay
for all livestock, seed, and equipment required to While initially confusing, the buried braid gets
run such an operation remains a mystery. more disturbing the longer characters think about
it. What’s the purpose of the entire endeavor? How
At the back of the clipboard rests a separate list long would it take to create miles of such a braid
of contact information for all the workers. The and bury it? What kind of surveyor would map out
additional names of Annabelle Lee and Dave Carter the geometrical perfection required of the grid for
(Locations 8, p.31 and 9, p.34) appear in such a useless project? Why is all the hair brunette?
the contact list without ever showing up for a How long would it take to tie that much hair
scheduled shift. Those checking for the name of together? To grow it? What animal is that leather
Spratt won’t find an address, but the names of made out of?
Becky and Claudette Spratt show up a few times
before ceasing work a month ago.

7E. The Abandoned House Most horrifying of all, the body appears to have
The farmhouse of Thomas Atkins has been empty been bound postmortem. Braids of hair, leather,
ever since the sale of his burned property in 1929. and cotton lead from both wrists – their ends
Broken windows, peeling paint, and knee-high actually embed into the dead man’s veins surgically.
grass advertise the property’s abandonment. The Each oddly constructed tether buries itself into the
only thing that appears to have been maintained is earthen walls of the unfinished basement. Players
the new barbed-wire fence that has been installed familiar with the odd grid running throughout the
around the building. entire compound (Clue 7D, p.29) recognize
these weird restraints.
The interior is barren, but characters with
experience in tracking can tell it hasn’t been empty If characters keep their heads after seeing such a
all these years. Amongst the glass shards and grisly sight, they may notice the parcel resting in
animal droppings, drag marks can bee seen leading the opposite corner of the basement. On a pile of
towards the basement door. Characters that brave bloody rags rests a tin of boot black, a lighter, and
the lightless stairwell wish they hadn’t. Propped a flint knife. The chemicals in the tin haven’t dried
against one of the dirt walls sits a weeks-old rotting out and the lighter still works, so it appears as if
corpse. someone is regularly visiting the basement to use
these items.
Those with the stomach to overcome the stink can
investigate closer. The putrescent, bloated body (GM NOTE: Players have no way of knowing for
appears to be the freshest of several corpses. It certain that the body is that of Caiden Garrod until
rests on a pile of mummified flesh and human they visit the Hotel de Soto. Furthermore, take note of
skeletons. Forensics experts can tell that the whether or not characters were seen headed towards
methods of murder varied, but all victims appeared the abandoned house. The March family only keeps
to have died violent deaths with the latest corpse one member at the farm at any given time, and they
resulting from multiple stab wounds. Were it won’t risk an attack if they’re outnumbered. The
not for the bloodstains and necrotic excretions, more likely tactic would be to report to the rest of the
the victim would be wearing a very sharp suit. family and ambush PCs later.)
Otherwise, decay makes identification impossible
on the spot. 7F. Blood Sacrifice
Players might get the idea to stake out the
Fighting off the rats and roaches proves not to have abandoned farmhouse to see who returns to the
been worth it; the man carries no ID (the Marches crime scene. Those with knowledge of the occult
already took it). However, one of the rats gnawing might already recognize the workings of dark
at the man’s shoe leather has revealed something magic and realize that, with the approaching full
shiny. Hidden away in a hidden compartment moon, the mad culprit is likely to return soon.
within the heel rests a hotel key. The chain PCs that manage to stay hidden and observe are
identifies it as belonging to the Hotel de Soto, Rm. rewarded for such diligent detective work.
315 (Location 6, p.25).
Anyone on stakeout spots a lantern approaching
from the northwest at around 11 p.m. A hooded
figure riding a mule ambles towards the house,
dismounts, unlocks the gate, and enters. Along
with the lantern, the figure is carrying some sort of
parcel wrapped in cloth close to the chest.

Wives of March - No Security
The figure stays inside for a few moments. If If PCs still haven’t intervened or fled, Wilhelmina
allowed to exit without being disturbed, the figure reaches towards the infant. She places the babe
disrobes and can be recognized upon exit. Naked into the body cavity of the dead mule, finishes her
save for cloth undergarments, Wilhelmina March – incantation with a fierce cry, and dashes the lantern
the eldest March daughter – is recognizable in the against the ground. As the March’s savage daughter
lantern light. She’s painted her entire body with flees, the bone-dry field bursts into conflagration.
unrecognizable arcane symbols. In her left hand, The boll weevils don’t flee from the heat, burning
she holds the lantern; in her right, a flint knife. The with the stalks in the most unnatural manner. The
parcel turns out to be an infant child, asleep in a baby, terrifyingly, never screams.
sarong wrapped around her body. Equipped, the
savage lady returns to her mule and walks towards If Wilhelmina is captured or stopped, she’ll try and
the nearest abandoned cotton field. fight to the death. After all, there is nothing they
can do to her that won’t be explained away as the
Players can easily follow the strange young woman: depravity of the poor white girl’s murderers. In the
it’s far too late and secluded to expect company, and unlikely event she is captured, investigators can’t
she seems preoccupied with chanting something expect anything save unsettling taunts, though
in an incomprehensible language. Tailing her and her very presence is enough to indicate that the
the mule once they get to the dried cotton stalks March plantation is the origin of all this madness
becomes more problematic, but it’s still possible for (Location 12, p.40).
those that step lightly.
Rescuing the infant is equally unrewarding. The
Wilhelmina stamps out a perfect circle in the baby is just another male Companion, born off the
middle of the field and steers the mule to its center. books and sacrificed as no more than a magical
She lays down the swaddled infant and, fast as a pesticide. The horrible little thing just stares at
snake, lashes back to cut the mule’s throat with the them with its ancient eyes.
flint knife. The move is almost preternaturally fast
and kills the animal instantly in a spray of blood. (GM NOTE: GMs should feel free to introduce
The practiced ease of the movement is deeply unforeseen consequences if PCs tamper with the
unsettling to behold. magical spell. Side effects might be codified in some
systems, but keep in mind that the only arcane secret
As the animal collapses, Wilhelmina immediately the Companions haven’t had time to learn is the one
begins gutting the poor beast. She raises the that ends their pain. Perhaps cutting the braided
entrails to the full moon, now at its apex in the cord that segments the land releases the boll weevils
witching hour, and lets the offal rain down upon her and sends the burning little creatures flying like a
bare skin while continuing her inexplicable chant. swarm of sparks. Maybe ending the incantation early
The air hums with a dark energy and wind begins magically revives the mule and flays the sanity of
whipping towards the field from every direction. anyone forced to hear its undead bray.)

If characters have managed thus far to suppress 8. Carter House
their screams, the task grows harder as, seemingly
The Carters live on the outskirts of Savannah, too
from nowhere, thousands of boll weevils begin
close to town to run a farm. The “parents” are Mary
blanketing the field. The tiny insects crash into
Beth and David Carter. They have four children:
the stalks in a living downpour, lifted up on a
Virginia (15), Merle (13), George (9), and Lorraine
supernatural wind and carried farther than their
(4). When players arrive, Merle is playing jacks
wings could ever hope to fly. They writhe across
with Virginia on the porch, George is reading a
everything, but none fly up to leave. They seem held
book in a rocking chair, and Lorraine is walking her
in place by some invisible force.
doll down the steps. They somehow give the
impression that they could be found here at
any time of day. It could be four in the morning – 8C. Eerie Similarities
there would still be the jacks, the book, and the doll. Characters that first encountered the Carters at
the Unifying Word Revival suffer some cognitive
The children try to tell any visitors that their dissonance. It seems they mistook some of the
parents aren’t home, but David Carter can plainly Carter children as part of the Lee family, or perhaps
be seen drinking alone at the kitchen table. The some of the Lee family as Carter children. In fact,
kids will reluctantly retrieve him to speak to any even characters with photographic memories
visitors if pressed. Mrs. Carter can be seen through can’t recall exactly who was sitting with whom.
the window in the family room. She sits on the The children of the two families bear far more
sofa… just sort of staring straight ahead. resemblance to each other than to their parents.
If they hadn’t already, characters should begin to
8A. Squandered Wealth suspect the Lee family (Location 9, p.34).
The house could be nice – really nice. It has
electricity, spacious rooms, and tasteful decoration. 8D. Hair Dye Manufacture
It’s a better property than could be found anywhere If players manage to get upstairs, they’ll find the
but downtown Savannah, yet everything looks Carters to be living in a sty. Only one of the four
sullied by filth and neglect. The exterior paint rooms appears to be occupied by a bedroom, and
has mildewed and peeled. Fragments of a broken this is furnished with filthy mattresses that cover
vase in the hall have collected a thick layer of dust, the floor. The whole group sleeps on the floor
apparently abandoned where it fell. Clothes and together. Strange vats of liquids and bushels of
dirty plates lay strewn about. What does David various herbs take up every other available space.
Carter do that he can afford a place like this during Characters with backgrounds in chemistry or
such hard times? And how can he care so little for cosmetics recognize these strange concoctions as
it? hair dyes of various color. Each appears to be made
using an ancient herbal recipe, yet it’s prepared
8B. “Gifted” Children with a factory-like concern for volume. Bottles and
Wary characters notice that the games and boxes sit ready to ship the various dyes, but no
dalliances of the Carter children exhibit more labels are present. If they aren’t selling the stuff,
dedicated skill than is typically ascribed to what could possibly be the use of that much hair
grandmasters in other fields. Virginia and Merle dye?
seem caught in a war of perfection: each one
trades off grabbing all ten jacks with a lightning 8E. Mr. Carter’s House
fast sweep of the hand, neither ever commenting David Carter will not be pleased to see anyone
on the other’s superb reflexes. George can be visiting his home. Instead of the passive demeanor
caught reading some dusty tome in Latin behind displayed at church, the “patriarch” behaves like
his children’s book. Lorraine walks her doll down a drunken psychopath at home. He’ll immediately
the stairs with the predictable movements of a threaten characters with violence if they don’t
factory line. Upon closer inspection, it’s uncertain leave his property, angrily waving around a half-
if the little girl is putting the doll’s feet onto worn finished (and illegal) whisky bottle as he slurs
patches in the step’s paint or if the doll’s feet made threats. Attempts to calm him only stir his fury.
the worn patches through thousands of repetitions. The only thing that checks Carter’s irrational rage
This unnatural perfection seems only to grow more is his daughter, Lorraine. As conflict escalates, the
pronounced the more the character notices it, “young” girl tugs on Carter’s overalls and says,
seemingly increasing in intensity the longer visitors “Daddy, stop.”
keep asking questions.
The frenzied man reaches back to actually
backhand the four-year old, but the child’s
unearthly glare stops him mid-swing. With
Wives of March - No Security
a chilling certainty more fitting a monarch’s Soon enough Carter realized something was amiss:
execution sentence, the little girl continues: “Calm “Whenever I’d throw one of them a screw, they all
down, Daddy. You might get yourself hurt.” She then acted the same way. Laid there like a dead fish with
returns to silently playing with her doll. those hateful damn eyes. Never fought or nothing.
Took all the fun out it.” Dave is sure he’s fathered
This interaction between father and daughter calms numerous bastards with women of the March
the madman down, but it’s far from comforting. family and others, but he doesn’t know which
Carter is plainly not past hitting a child, but he children and doesn’t care to. While Lydia is the first
seems to back down more out of fear than shame. one to contact him, he’s lost track of how many
After a half-hearted apology, Dave begins poorly versions he’s taken to bed. Obviously, the Marches
feigning ignorance to all the PCs’ questions. The have something to do with Carter, even if he just
only thing that breaks his stonewalling is mention used them to concoct an unbelievable lie.
of Mary Beth. He refuses to let anyone speak to her
and the merest attempt is enough to set him off While Carter knows something is deeply abnormal
again. This time, nothing save a sound beating will about his situation, the stupid, misogynistic asshole
stop the crazed drunk. A physical confrontation has fooled himself into thinking he’s penetrated
begins (Clue 8F, next). the conspiracy of all women to control and destroy
men. He hates the Companions as he seems to hate
8F. Confrontation/ Carter’s Arrangement everything, but he begs the characters to let him go
Carter is an older man that drinks heavily and and not tell anyone what he’s told them. His fear
rarely labors. While a smack from his bottle of his secret wife is as total as his loathing for Her.
remains dangerous, he isn’t too hard to best in She knows magic, he claims, and can use it to do
combat. Once beaten, so long as he still lives, Carter terrible, abhorrent things.
pleads for mercy. He promises to tell PCs whatever
they want so long as they do so in a secluded place (GM NOTE: If PCs don’t take Carter far away to talk
“away from the children.” (as in getting in a car and leaving), the “children”
will eavesdrop. The Companions do not tolerate
Once alone, Carter spills everything he knows about betrayal by those coerced into their service. The
the Companions. He doesn’t know their origins, but children strike around the time Carter finishes his
he’s aware of their immortality and reproductive confession, each moving with a lightning grace
habits. In his halting, uneducated speech, he that would be the envy of professional soldiers
explains that his past run-ins with the law for (see Roleplaying Companions, p.7). They’ll
drinking and violence were what drew “Her” (it’s try to kill Carter first, then move to eliminate the
all he knows to call Her; she has no real name) to PCs. The older ones, Virginia and Merle, strike with
him in the first place. In exchange for getting him masterful martial arts techniques. Little George
out of jail for what would have been his last offense, fetches a cleaver from the kitchen. Lorraine, being
Carter would join Her extended family. He would the smallest, uses the distraction of battle to slowly
marry whomever they told him to and pretend to shift a chair underneath the phone. She intends to
raise some children. His payment would be all the warn the other cells of their blown cover and the
money he could ever spend and a chance to have PCs’ suspicions. Mary Beth, as always, remains in her
sex with Her or any of Her “daughters” whenever stupor on the couch.
he wished. Thus, Carter was released and married
to the catatonic Mary Beth, a woman’s whose mind The Companions will fight to the death. Surviving
is so broken by life with the Companions that she the encounter means killing the inhuman things that
lives in a perpetual state of shock. look exactly like children. No amount of knowledge
can rationalize the memory of such a monstrous act.
Those that survive might come to wish they hadn’t.)

9. Lee House treatments that the Carters can obviously afford.
Located on the easternmost edge of the expansive In fact, treatment for menopause is the only
March landholdings, the Lee household is a sensible reason to cultivate the plant at home. The
conspicuous jewel amongst an impoverished only woman possibly old enough to be having hot
setting. The house itself is beautiful, perfectly flashes is Annabelle, and she apparently had a
staged on a background of lush forest and green child no more than 2 months ago. This shouldn’t be
fields. Lee is a widow, left to raise four children on possible, and Annabelle has no explanation for it.
her own: Aletta (17), Clay (7), Dallas (5), and Ora (2
months). If players arrive at any time of day, Aletta 9C. Odd Sewing
will be found hanging laundry on the line. Clay and Anybody in view of the clothesline for a few
Dallas fence with toy swords. Ora sleeps in her crib moments notices something odd. Either Annabelle
as Annabelle bakes in the kitchen. If characters visit Lee has taken to doing other’s peoples washing, or
at night, the entire family can be found knitting the family operates some sort of textile operation
and sewing in the living room. Even the young boys on the premises. There is no consistency in the
participate with impressive skill. types of clothes Aletta is hanging up to dry. Some
are fancy evening gowns and suits, but there are
The children summon Annabelle to greet any also overalls and homespun dresses. Further
visitors. The woman behaves as graciously as investigation reveals sizes that match no one in the
one could want from a host, inviting characters Lee family. Most startlingly, a trained eye can see
inside for coffee. Ora, as an infant, is always at her many of the garments have been deceptively cut.
mother’s side, feigning sleep just as her mother Some use every trick in the book to be more sliming
feigns ignorance to every question asked. while others use distressed seams and billowing
fabric to make the wearer look huge. If characters
9A. Suspicious Opulence can get close enough, they’ll notice some of the
For being located in the middle of sharecropping dresses even have false breasts sewn into the bust.
land, the house is disconcertingly modern. Phone One such disguise bears a floral pattern familiar
and electric lines have been run out all the way to the dress Lydia March was wearing at Sunday
from the city, no doubt at great expense. The service (Location 12, p.40).
furniture is all brand-new or tastefully antique.
The interior looks as if it has been cleaned 9D. “Playing” War
professionally, devoid of the grime that comes with The boys fencing on the porch appear somewhat
a farmer’s life. In fact, it seems the wide-open fields bored with the game, lackadaisically touching
around the house are completely uncultivated. the sticks that serve at their imaginary blades.
One wonders what a widow like Annabelle could However, they never seem to grow tired enough to
possibly do to maintain such a lavish home. If it’s quit and find some other distraction. They remain
not farming, how did she come to live so far outside visible throughout the PCs’ conversations with
the city? What did her former husband do for a Annabelle, waging their fake duel just outside
living? the sitting room window. Every time a character
looks back the pair seem to grow more and more
9B. Barren enthusiastic in their play. They clash wooden
Medical experience or extensive knowledge of swords faster and faster, seeming to actually attack
horticulture enables characters to recognize the rather than intentionally clatter against each other
bugwort plants being cultivated in pots around like most boys playing swords. The tap tap tap of
the house. The herb is known for its ability to their conflict gets ever more frequent the longer
relieve hot flashes and fatigue, both symptoms characters take questioning Annabelle, the boys
of menopause. All folk remedies ascribed to the seemingly mirroring their mother’s nervousness.
plant, such as blood pressure and arthritis Eventually, the fake battle rises to such a pitch that
relief, have superior prescription drug witnesses grow unsettled by the impossible skill
Wives of March - No Security
of the little combatants. Only someone schooled in At this point, the Companions’ best chance of
fencing or other bladed weapons will recognize the survival is to kill the PCs, burn down the house, and
boys are doing ancient and deadly kata at speeds leave the fate of the Lee family a legend in Barefoot
that would be beyond even master swordsmen. Crossing. They’ll fight to the death to achieve this
end. Survival for the characters means killing what
9E. Confrontation/ No Mother of Mine looks like a 17 year-old girl and two young boys.
(GM NOTE: If PC’s don’t have enough intel yet to If characters manage to do this and don’t go mad
question Annabelle seriously, the Companions may from disgust, Annabelle suddenly snaps out of
not deem them a credible threat. In this instance, it. She rushes to the hallway, grabbing a packed
they’ll hold off the attack. The eternal couple won’t suitcase from underneath a loose floorboard. She
risk exposure on a mere possibility. The likelihood promises that she’ll tell everything if they can get
that players get put under surveillance (see The her on a bus out of town, her only other condition
Deformed, p.21) goes up substantially though.) being that they abandon Ora as they flee.

Annabelle is not a very good liar, but she has no If characters agree, Annabelle relates her sad story
truths she can provide. She’ll claim she doesn’t on the way to the Savannah bus station. She fell
know anything about March’s murder, Claudette in love with a man in Indiana, but he died of TB
Spratt, or Caiden Garrod. She can only suggest only a few years after the marriage. Starving and
that PCs must be mistaken when they bring up alone, she was saved by a brilliant young gentleman
inconsistencies in both her home and her past. beyond her imagining, so wealthy and full of
Each deflection is less convincing than the last, class as to be from a storybook. He was fluent in
and the frazzled woman is all but in tears, begging Italian despite his anglo features, and he loved her
characters to leave. instantly. They married and she had her first child.
Everything was going well until she had her second
If characters ask where Annabelle’s husband is at, child… which was the same child.
who fathered her children, what happened to Frank
Cipolla in St. Louis, or why she hasn’t reverted to Annabelle can’t rightly describe how she knew, but
her maiden name of Rosetti, the woman completely once she let her husband know her suspicions all
loses it. She begins wringing her hands, rocking the pretense of love stopped. He told her that if she
frantically, and repeating the phrase, “Mi dispiace.” breathed another word about the kids to anyone
The worldly recognize this as Italian for “I’m sorry” he’d see her back on the streets where he found
before Ora Lee begins crying. her. He said that if she didn’t want to give him more
children, he’d find others, but she’d still be their
Using the sleeping infant as both a spy and alarm, mother if she wanted to keep a roof over head.
the Companions now know that the characters
are too close to the truth. Clay and Dallas cease Over the years, Annabelle discovered much of how
their play and run to retrieve real blades from the the Companions’ relationship and reproduction
garden shed and kitchen. Meanwhile, Aletta dives works. She knows they are older than time, that
into battle with the intensity of a Viking berserker. each gives birth to the other, and that they hate
The 17 year-old is in peak physical condition and each other with intensity beyond imagining. Due
has more combat experience than an entire army. to the fierce restrictions on her travel, she even
Taking her on one-on-one is all but impossible for suspects they’ve imprisoned something terrible
even the hardiest of men. While she attacks with and unnatural in the plantation’s cellar (Clues
suicidal fervor, the boys will try to sneak in and 12D and 12E, p.42). While many times people
strike killing blows from behind. During all this too smart for their own good have caught the
chaos, Ora continues to cry and Annabelle cowers Companions’ trail, this is the first opportunity
on the floor in her continued panic. Annabelle has had to escape. Rather than be
dragged behind like a slave when the Marches
change their names and start over yet again,
she plans on getting free once and for all: “I’ll starve 10B. Forgotten Coin
to death or I’ll die alone as a fat, old woman. It It initially appears to be just another hole in the
doesn’t matter. Just so I don’t have to look those… rotting floorboards, but the sharp-eyed can notice
those things in the eyes any longer and pretend that the gap in the corner flooring is actually
they’re my children.” man-made. Somebody tore into the wood looking
for something. Considering the empty secret
Before parting for good, Annabelle reveals that compartment beneath, they must have found
the March family is the center of the Companion it. Really thorough characters find something
operations (Location 12, p.40). They find glinting in a crack at the bottom of the space. It’s a
it easier to do their work on a large scale when gold coin, seemingly lost in the shuffle to retrieve
one family elevates itself to a central status. She whatever other treasures rested there. If any
doesn’t know what happened to Dashell, but she players took skills related to history or antiquity,
suspects his attempts to get another “wife” went they recognize it as a Spanish doubloon minted in
wrong; she certainly wishes she had shot the man 1798. If the secret compartment had indeed been
that approached her all those years ago. Her final filled with them, it would have amounted to a small
warning before fleeing is to stay away from the fortune.
plantation. Whatever they keep in the basement,
even the Companions fear it. She can’t imagine 10C. Spratt’s Face
anything so terrible as it could scare the monsters
that enslaved her for so many years. The injuries on Spratt’s face are apparent the
instant she rises up from her drunken slumber.
The bruises are a few weeks old, but the purplish
10. Spratt Shack hue on one side of her face still conveys the savage
In a country ravished by poverty, the Spratt home beating she must have received. Becky Spratt
manages to somehow look more pitiful than most. lamely claims that she “fell” if anyone asks about
The one-room hut is surrounded on all sides by it. She’ll then try to redirect conversation towards
swamp. Those few patches of land not occupied by what people are doing in her home uninvited.
bog have refuse rotting atop them. The backyard is
occupied by a moonshine distillery that looks like 10D. Claudette’s Hangouts
it would cause its customers to go blind. The place
If asked about her daughter’s whereabouts or what
is a disgusting little hovel that could only house
happened on the night of Dashell March’s murder,
the most achingly impoverished trash. When PCs
Becky is honest: she doesn’t know. If she did, she’d
arrive, that trash is readily visible through the open
happily tell. She says the reason she joined the
door. Becky Spratt is passed out on her bed inside,
church is to make sure her hellion of a daughter
obese, surrounded by empty bottles, and snoring in
found Jesus.
her sweaty nightgown.
Last year, Claudette was catching rides into
10A. Signs of Forced Entry
Savannah with local men on some excuse or
What amounted for a lock – a leather thong hooked another. Becky couldn’t have given a damn what
between the door and frame – has been busted the girl did with her time until word got back
off by a sharp kick. The boot print is still visible that Claudette was going into the West Savannah
near the handle, but considering the general lack slums blues clubs (Location 11, p.38). Though
of maintenance on the property, there is no telling Becky has as much love for her daughter as “that
how long ago the damage was done. The broken lowdown bastard what left her to devil us all,” she
chair and table inside might have resulted from the wasn’t about to tolerate having the family name
same attack, or they might have been that way for “dragged through the mud” by the girl consorting
years. with “the negroes.”

Wives of March - No Security
Spratt took the girl “to get some Jesus” from than a pastor’s wife, especially one as successful
Reverend March that very week, but she imagines as March. Furthermore, Dashell would, of course,
it didn’t take Claudette long to go back to her sinful pay a sizable bride-price befitting a Southern
ways. The drunken hag claims she’d go looking for gentleman.
the teenager herself, but she’s a lady and won’t be
seen amongst such “low company.” Spratt agreed on the spot to the terms, but once
returned home, the dull-witted alcoholic couldn’t
10E. Confrontation/ The Dowry think of a way to break the scandalous news in such
Becky Spratt’s version of events – in addition to a way that would get her tomboy daughter to agree.
being racist, hypocritical, and generally abhorrent Always the product of her environment, Becky
to hear – doesn’t have much credibility. Some of eventually decided to let Claudette’s marriage start
the evidence in the woman’s own home contradicts off like hers had: one night of confused violence,
her statements, not to mention clues available at an unwanted pregnancy, and a lifetime of bondage.
numerous other locations. While willing to slander It was the girl’s own damn fault for disgracing her
her daughter all day long, Becky is unprepared mother, she rationalized.
to defend her own character. Pressuring her with
threats, intimidation, lies, or downright persistence One night, two hulking men Spratt had never seen
will cause Becky Spratt to break; she is nothing if before showed up to the shack to take Claudette to
not a coward. the March house (Location 12, p.40). Becky got
her in the truck with a lie about late-night “spiritual
Becky did force Claudette to attend the Unifying counseling.” Before they left, they unloaded an
Word Revival with her, but it was the first religious apple box filled with honest-to-god gold and told
observance Claudette had attended in her young her to keep her mouth shut.
life. Despite the hostility of many parishioners
towards the Spratt’s low-class lifestyle, the young That was the night of the murder. The next day,
girl actually managed to make friends. Jealous Becky was dragged into the police station to give
of her girl hogging all the attention, Becky was a confused statement. She did what she was told:
prepared never to attend again when she was she kept her mouth shut. By the time she got
approached by Lydia March. back home, the men from the previous night were
kicking in the door. They beat her savagely, took
Lydia confided in Becky: she had been diagnosed back the treasure, and encouraged her to find her
with cancer and would soon die. Lest the daughter lest she wanted to drown in her own
congregation grow distraught, this news had been swamp. Becky’s been looking ever since, at least
kept a secret from everyone outside the family. when she’s not drunk. The woman thinks she’s
However, Lydia truly believed in God’s will and his done nothing wrong; she found a rich husband for
order that she was to serve her husband, even in her daughter like every mother should, and the
death. The middle-aged woman admitted that she’d ungrateful brat has repaid her with suffering.
seen Dashell admiring young Becky from afar and
during their counseling sessions to cure her of her (GM NOTE: If players are familiar with the March
love of sinful music. Eager to see the love of her life will, they’ll know that Spratt’s version of events is
taken care of after her death, Lydia hoped Becky based off faulty information. March revised his will
could get Claudette to agree to marry Dashell after three months before the night of the shooting. If he’d
her passing. known his wife was dying of terminal cancer, he’d
have taken her name off the will altogether. But then
Of course, Claudette would find the idea repulsive why would Lydia approach Spratt? A public divorce
due to the preacher’s age and the fact he was still would destroy the church faster than a fire, and
happily married. But if Becky could convince her… Dashell couldn’t have married a second wife without
well, a mother couldn’t hope for a better match going to jail. The plot only makes sense if Lydia
was somehow planning to die suddenly and
wanted to keep the family assets from reverting to
the missing wife in Missouri while still avoiding the
lose of funds through probate taxes)

11. West Savannah Slums

The 50% urban unemployment rate of the
Depression looks downright rosy when
compounded by pervasive, institutionalized
racism. The colored residents of West Savannah
doggedly persist by maintaining the infrastructure
themselves and sharing what little they have. Signs
of crushing poverty dot every street, and few white
people ever dare show their faces there. To some
residents of the slums, this is the neighborhood’s
one great virtue.

11A. Bed-less ’24 Model TT

Alphonso Banks’ distinctive ride is the best method and consorting with a white woman will change
for learning his whereabouts. It’s parked near her tune very quickly. Allie has too many children
a cheap flophouse near the outskirts of town, and grandchildren that depend on her to risk that
only a few blocks away from the road that leads much trouble with the law. She says that Alphonso
to Barefoot Crossing. Finding the truck requires rented a room nearly a month ago. He’s late on
knowledge of its existence and hours spent the rent and about to get thrown out. There’s a
aimlessly wandering the streets. This task can be more reliable tenant that wants the room, and Mrs.
sped up if the character is familiar with the area or Turnbull isn’t sure why Banks rented it in the first
can enlist the help of locals. Characters accepted place; she knows for a fact that the Steel Puncher’s
in southern white society will find the task much, Ballroom always lets him stay in the spare room
much harder (see The Problem with History, upstairs when he comes into town to play. She
p.12). While they won’t be accosted, anyone urges characters to seek Alphonso there since he
questioned will lie or feign ignorance in an attempt only comes to her house to sleep, arriving late at
to get as far away from the interrogator as possible. night and leaving first thing in the morning.
Inquiries that are too obtuse might even tip Banks
off and cause him to flee. 11C. The Steel Puncher’s Ballroom
The Ballroom is the most popular speakeasy in the
11B. Flophouse Landlord slums. Though nightlife is never really hopping
Allie Turnbull rents out the spare rooms of her due to Prohibition, black men with a few dollars
house to supplement income. The occasional to spare can always go to the Steel Puncher to
renter and her laundry service are enough to keep escape with a sly beer, passable food, and some
the old grandmother from burdening her family, good music. The owner actually pays for musicians
but a merciful god would have let the woman to play (not much, but any compensation is a
retire years earlier. She’s keen to avoid cleaning rarity) so the place gets the best acts in the area.
the rooms if at all possible, but she plays if off as A chalkboard out front reads, “Country Large on
a reputation for maintaining guests’ privacy. As git-fiddle all night!” Anybody that asks the owner
such, Mrs. Turnbull will be loath to answer any for Country Large gets pointed to where the man
questions about Alphonso Banks or even admit is strumming guitar on a makeshift stage. Anybody
to having met him. However, mentioning that that asks for Alphonso Banks gets met with blank
he’s suspected of murdering a white pastor stares and shrugs. The owner is lying, of course,
and will continue to do so until he can find a way
Wives of March - No Security
to distract or detain the investigators. Once they’re been staying out of sight of her own volition and
obstructed from pursuit, he’ll yell for Alphonso to why Banks went through such pains to keep the
get the hell out of there and the chase is on. young girl hidden. The seclusion and blacked out
windows help conceal what would be interpreted
11D. “Country Large” Banks as race mixing or outright kidnapping by most men
The only person Alphonso is going to talk to of the South, regardless of Claudette’s testimony.
willingly is someone working for a radio station Alphonso would certainly be lynched if discovered,
or record company. He’s done some recordings along with every other black man the mob could lay
of popular country songs posing as a white man hands on.
before. The money for such gigs is good and sorely
needed at the moment. Otherwise, Alphonso flees For being the daughter of white trash like Becky
from anyone looking for him. Nobody is supposed Spratt, Claudette is remarkably progressive.
to know where he is, and the man reasonably She regards Alphonso as her savior and would
assumes investigators bring trouble. He’ll throw his happily start a romantic relationship with him if
guitar at any questioners and make a break for the he showed any interest. She loves blues music and
backdoor. jazz, dreaming of one day leaving that stupid hut
in the swamp for a big city like Chicago. She’s a bit
If Alphonso wins the foot chase, he’ll head back to of a rough-and-tumble tomboy, but the events that
his truck and try to get out of town. If he’s caught, occurred in Dashell March’s plantation home that
he can be interrogated. Once trapped, Banks spills night have shaken her to her core.
everything; the truth was too unreliable while he
still had his freedom, but he knows that he’s a dead Claudette never much cared for the church her
man once he’s brought in to the authorities. mother forced her to attend or intended to mend
her “wicked ways” of listening to “devil negro
Alphonso lives in Barefoot Crossing where he music.” She went along with the old hag because
owns a small stake. On nights when he can get a it was easier than fighting her. Claudette was out
gig, he’ll drive into to town to play guitar for some hunting one day when her mother bellowed to
extra money. He was headed to do just when he her. Men from the church were there; the reverend
almost struck a terrified Claudette Spratt as she had invited her to supper (Location 12, p.40).
sprinted across the road. The girl was spattered Claudette was going to change, but Becky said the
with blood and her dress was torn. Always a blues preacher didn’t care for putting on airs and she was
fan, she recognized Alphonso as “Country Large” fine in the dress she was wearing. Thus, Claudette
and begged him for help. She’d be killed if he didn’t went to the March house with a couple of shotgun
give her a ride. Against his better judgment, Banks shells still in her pocket.
agreed, and when he heard the girl’s story, he knew
he couldn’t let his responsibilities end there. There was no supper. Claudette was ushered
straight into the study where Mr. March waited.
When asked where Claudette is now, Alphonso He had a number of legal documents he needed
leads investigators back to the Steel Puncher’s her to sign and Mrs. March needed to take her
Ballroom. measurements. When Claudette asked what for,
Lydia responded that she had to be fit for her
wedding gown.
11E. Claudette Spratt’s Confession
Claudette Spratt has been holed up in the spare
room of the Steel Puncher’s Ballroom the entire
time. The reason Alphonso is renting a room with
Turnbull is so that he doesn’t have to share the
mattress with the young girl. It’s apparent by
looking around the untidy room that Claudette has
Becky hadn’t told her daughter she’d all but been of openness. This could mean tours of the home,
sold to Dashell March. She didn’t know about invitations to supper, and even sexual advances
Lydia’s supposed cancer, the bride-price, or any of in an attempt to bring the suspicious into the
it until that night, her drunken coward of a mother fold. The locations that follow are places that
just figuring everything would work out. Claudette family members will steer players away from. To
threw a fit. The Marches tried to calm her down, access the following rooms, characters need to get
then threatened her when that didn’t work. She’d free from March supervision through deception,
been bought and paid for, said Dashell. She’d seen distraction, or other means.
too much to be outside the family now. She was a
wife of March, until death bid her part. 12A. Office
The office looks somewhat bare since missing
Claudette tried to run, but March leapt over the a carpet and bookshelf that kept the furniture
table and struck her down “fast as a snake.” As she arrangement symmetrical. Both were removed
lay bleeding, Lydia March pulled the man off her after being splattered with the Reverend’s blood.
with some kind of crazy throw: “If that old woman There are still pockmarks in the walls where
has cancer, it must be the kind what makes you some buckshot missed, and a few drops of red
strong as a hell,” Claudette claims. The two began stubbornly remain on the floor. Otherwise, the
screaming at each other in a language Claudette library is mostly innocuous save its contents. The
had never heard before, and that’s when she book selection is exhaustive and varied. There are
glimpsed the shotgun mounted over the fireplace. texts in every Romance language and many others,
some appearing to be hundreds of years old. While
The pair was so engrossed in their screaming no one would have mistaken Dashell March for an
match that they didn’t notice Claudette until she idiot, the humble revival preacher has a library
already had the gun down and both barrels loaded. fitting a world-class scholar. A true academic
Dashell instantly made a move for her, still too recognizes that amassing such a collection would
fast and graceful for any middle-aged man of God. require more funds than it would take to buy the
Claudette gave him one barrel in the guts, held house itself many times over.
the other to keep the rest of the family at bay, and
sprinted away into the night. She found Alphonso,
12B. The Lost Masterpiece and the Hidden Room
and he’s been hiding her from the law, the March
family, and her own mother ever since. One of the things damaged in Claudette’s shotgun
blast is a painted wooden panel hanging behind
Dashell’s desk; one corner has been peppered with
12. March Plantation
buckshot and stained by blood. The panel depicts
The March home might be the most lavish house Christ’s resurrection, looks quite old, and utilizes a
in Georgia outside the governor’s mansion. gold background.
Apparently restored by the family itself, the home
is massive, spotless, and tastefully furnished True artists and historians have a small chance
throughout. It sports both indoor plumbing and of recognizing the piece, though the impossibility
electricity. Even with the extreme tithes from the of its existence makes such a realization
Unifying World Revival, there is no way to explain indistinguishable from hallucination. The panel is
the lavishness of the home. by famed Italian painter Duccio di Buoninsegna and
appears to be the missing panel from his Maesta
The family is keen to take investigators in once titled “Christ in Majesty.” The work has been lost
they learn about their interest in the murder. since the 14th century. To own a lost Buoninsegna
So long as they don’t know that the characters would mean wealth beyond imagining, but how
have discovered anything that can’t be explained could something so priceless and rare have made
away, the March clan will do everything to its way to a study in rural Georgia?
ingratiate itself and present the appearance
Wives of March - No Security
Regardless of the panel’s origins, characters Of the dozen cribs, five are occupied by infants
that stay focused on the main investigation see of both sexes and uncertain parentage. Their
something glint through one of the buckshot holes. names are nowhere to be seen, and their beds are
Examining the damaged masterpiece reveals the completely bare except for a single sheet. Some of
panel is removable; a recessed compartment the babies are young enough that to go without
hidden behind holds a small lever. Pulling this swaddling should send them into a fit, yet none of
causes one of the corner bookshelves to pop away the children cry. Two are even asleep.
from the wall and swing outwards, revealing a
door. Similarly, characters with experience in The babies can’t be seen over the sides of the
construction can figure out that the house is hiding crib, but as investigators edge closer they notice
secrets even without finding the lever merely by a reflection of moonlight glinting off the ceiling.
familiarizing themselves with the floor plan well There, amongst the rafters, a mirror has been
enough to compare it to the outside to the house. secured above each bed. Looking up, players can
see the babies without being necessarily noticed in
Behind the secret door lays a treasure trove of return. Aside from the two asleep, the three infants
information on the Companions’ operations. A are engaged in a strange activity. Each moves in
large chalkboard runs the length of the wall. It’s unison, holding up both hands and touching their
divided into twelve vertical columns, one for each thumbs to each finger in a cycle that concludes in
month of the year. Each column is filled with dates, making a fist. Simultaneously, each makes different
abbreviated locations, and either the letter ‘M’ shapes with their mouths, biting at the air with the
or ‘F’. A huge ledger sits near a bank of phones; same eerie uniformity.
it’s filled with the typical gender/month aliases
of the Companions, prearranged and crossed out The unnatural nature of the infants’ movements
with a date corresponding to one on the board. can be understood by anyone, and the unison is
Filing cabinets full of documents line the walls, downright supernatural. Those with a deeper
and those with the time to snoop can find records knowledge of child development can only hope to
of the March holdings brokered through Lloyd’s be more terrified. Babies grow stronger and gain
of London, the Swedish bank Garrod visited, and a muscle control through repetition. Similarly, this
dozen other financial institutions. neurological development is required for speech.
If a baby somehow possessed the discipline to
Investigators discovering this treasure trove of practice simple movements in time to the ticking
information suffer the terrible realization that clock, it could develop these skills much faster.
the strange events occurring in Barefoot Crossing But such a thing would mean those children were
are just the beginning of an organized worldwide possessed of adult minds.
If the characters get too close to the babies and
12C. Upstairs Nursery fall within their line of sight, all the Companion
Only one of the oddly modest bedrooms upstairs children begin screaming. The alarm brings every
remains locked. If opened, the intruders find a adult Companion within earshot to the room.
darkly lit nursery. At least a dozen cribs line the
room in neat rows. The exterior walls are decked
with changing stations and spare bottles. There
are no toys, and rather than murals of animals or
festive colors, the wallpaper in the room decays and
peels as if the place had been abandoned for years.
Whoever maintains this nursery obviously has
neither care for the babies’ entertainment nor any
desire to decorate.
12D. Root Cellar subject to one of their monologues, they have no
The root cellar is secured with a padlock and way of knowing for certain what is inside the vault.
only accessible from the outside. The steps lead Without the proper intelligence, opening the door
much deeper than is typical of Savannah’s boggy can be no more than a calculated risk; a wild hope
climate. There is no light inside the earthen walls, that whatever is kept inside is somehow better than
but lanterns hang from a nail near the entrance. the terrors they face outside. In actuality, the steel
The cellar has a concrete floor and leads forward vault contains one of the dark children from before
in a long corridor. The hallway is lined with thick reality that the Companions agreed to birth into the
wooden doors. Cells have been constructed and run world. The eternal couple keep it caged so that, in
underneath the entire property. Some beds inside the event that all of the copies are killed, someone
appear to have been abandoned for years, while will open the vault out of greed or curiosity. The hope
others have fresh bloodstains on the floor. All are is that when the creature murders everything in
equipped with manacles that have seen use in the its escape, the chaos will draw attention to the site.
past. Thus, the infant Companions will be rescued and save
themselves countless lives spent dying of exposure in
It’s unclear if this nightmare dungeon is a holdover whatever secluded place the abomination chooses
from the time of slavery or if it’s something the to make its lair. This insurance policy’s risk lies in
Marches had specially constructed. It runs into the the creature’s rage if it’s released before all the
earth for hundreds of yards, the hallway delving Companions are dead; it will not take kindly to being
deeper and deeper at slight decline. locked up by its servants.)

12E. Vault Describing The Un-Thing

Either the financial means of the March clan must The entities that existed before time made a deal
be truly unfathomable, or their dedication and skill with mankind only because they needed a medium
beyond human understanding. They’ve managed with which to translate themselves into flesh. Their
to construct, in secret, a massive bank vault in an very essence is the antithesis of physical existence,
underground chamber. The height dwarfs a tall but through the loins of the Companions they’ve
man and a cavernous space had to be dug out of formed a monstrous body capable of containing
the raw earth just to allow the door to swing open. them, at least partly. This means that the creature
A key rests on a tiny table off to the side, which locked in the vault fundamentally does not fit into
implies a question: what could possibly require so dimensional space, yet it has manifested regardless.
much steel yet remain so easy to unlock? The very act of perceiving it is innately wrong and
unnatural. Just looking at something so basically
Characters get all the answers they can hope unsuited for corporeality results in all sorts of side
for when the thing trapped inside senses their effects: nose-bleeding, nausea, vivid hallucinations,
presence and slams itself against the door. The madness. Essentially, the un-Thing is beyond
impact seems to shake the very ground itself. Dirt description.
and pebbles rain from the ceiling as the thing’s
muffled rage shakes the foundations of the earth. However, players want to be immersed in the game
Black, viscous liquid smelling of death leaks from and might not buy the GM shouting “words fail to
the doorframe. Whatever is imprisoned inside, it describe the thing killing you right now!” Consider
could be the only thing capable of defeating the reading one of the following descriptions instead.
Companions. However, if it’s released, characters The goal is to give players an idea of how their
that see the monstrous prisoner have no choice characters attempt, and ultimately fail, to make
except to run, go mad, or die. sense of the nightmare before them.

(GM NOTE: Unless characters have managed

to successfully interrogate a March or been
Wives of March - No Security

1. “You remember building a mud fort 4. “That night in the French Quarter, before
with your friends as a child. You used a the Temperance movement. Too much wine
pillowcase from the house to carry the and hot-blooded youth. It was all a blur
wet earth from the creek to your little except for that fortune-teller you dared each
castle. How your mother scolded you that other to visit right before sunrise. In the
night…. The thing before you has flesh like haze, her words still shine in your memory
the pillowcase. While it may have once undiminished. Gone were the vague
been shapely and pristine, the flesh is now predictions of marriage and happiness
stained and lumpy after carrying that which your friends scoffed at. She saw your cards
it was never designed to hold. Just like that and started screaming, wailing in some
pillowcase, wet filth seeps from between the language you’ve never heard before or since.
woven sinews. Sections cave in and expand You masqueraded your fear as skepticism
as the poorly suited contents shift inside. to match the scorn of your pals, but even
The pillowcase didn’t have so many teeth after you left she ran after you, screaming.
though, nor was it screaming.” Desperate to stop you from meeting
whatever she’d seen. And though you still
2. “It doesn’t have legs or arms or tentacles don’t understand a word of what she said,
or wings, but then it does. It alternates you’re certain her warning was about the
between bipedal, tripedal, quadrapedal…or thing in the vault.”
maybe it’s more like a centipede or snake,
perhaps the peristalsis of a swallowing
throat? Regardless, it’s kind of…rolling
towards you. All the appendages seem
vestigial until they push the cancerous mass
closer, but they somehow go back to looking
superfluous and tacked-on again. A bad joke
written in flesh that remains nonetheless

3. “You visited an asylum once. It was a limited

tour. You weren’t allowed to see the ones
they kept chained to the walls and hosed
down. You only heard them through the
ducts, in cells deep below, their screams
vented through the place like a gas. The
ones up top – on the ward they’d actually
allow outsiders to see – they sat there and
choked on that gas all day. You remember
thinking that each one was aware the
madness leaking from the walls would one
day send them to the basement cells too. As
you watched them, they angrily drew what
they imagined lurked down there, gashing
nonsensical scribblings into the paper while
they waited for the end in the common
room. This thing before you, it’s like those
drawings came alive.”

the iceberg. The murder of Caiden Garrod and
ENDGAME the events of the cotton field can level death-
penalty charges at certain family members. Even
There is no true victory scenario in The Wives of
the socialist overtones of the church’s farming
March. The Companions have superior numbers,
operation would be enough to spark some public
boundless experience, and all the time in the
outrage. Any raids on the plantation reveal
world. Their victory is mathematically inevitable.
numerous shady financial dealings, stolen artwork,
The most PCs can hope for is a futile attempt to
and a full-blown dungeon.
frustrate the immortal pair’s plan. There are a
number of ways PCs might slow the apocalyptic
The benefit of this route is that it leaves PCs in
breeding program, each with their own special
a relatively safe position; any open retaliation
risks and rewards.
is instantly going to throw more light on the
conspiracy and is therefore unlikely. It also
Cleanse allows the fallout from Barefoot Crossing to
Simple – burn it all down. Kill every March, Carter, ripple outwards to other cells in the conspiracy
and Lee. Destroy their hoarded antiquities and as investigators follow the paper trail and seize
treasures so nothing remains. The benefit of this financial assets. However, the leads will eventually
tactic is obvious: their plans won’t work if no one is run cold. The law is bound to rationalize some
alive to carry them out. Those clones that survive motive other than “magic immortal monster-
see their power structure crippled and are forced breeders” and call the case closed. Some
to start the coercion of a community all over again Companions will escape.
under new identities. If the tunnel in the Root
Cellar gets destroyed, even the un-Thing in the vault Expose
might be neutralized.
No amount of evidence will convince the public that
Lydia and Dashell March are two immortal souls
The downside of waging holy war is that the
seeking to bring about the apocalypse by tainting
warriors are unlikely to survive it. The Companions
the bloodlines of mankind with their clones. The
will levy their deadly military skill to destroy their
premise is too far-fetched and the Companions
foes, and even if PCs somehow triumph against all
are too subtle in their tactics. The only way to
odds, the only rewards waiting will be revulsion
expose the whole truth is to present humanity with
and condemnation. To society, they will appear as
something so terrifying that it can’t be denied. That
violent psychopaths guilty of murdering innocent
means releasing the un-Thing from the vault and
men, women, and children. Meanwhile, each
presenting it to the world.
dead Companion will be remembered as a martyr
killed for trying to help the community. No one
The monster from outside of space and time
will ever believe the real story, and the other cells
is unstoppable: it is a force of pure negation
of the Companions’ cult will continue operating
wearing a suit of skin. The betrayal of He and She
unhindered as the heroes flee from the law or await
will provoke the abomination’s bloody fury so
much so that eating its way through all the local
Companions won’t be enough to quench the rage.
Convict Before the vault creature knows satisfaction and
The March clan is guilty of countless crimes slinks off to some abandoned corner of the world
that leave mountains of evidence in their wake. to await the end with its brothers, it will rampage
If investigators can convince authorities to act through Barefoot Crossing, the city of Savannah,
despite the family’s political power, the combined and beyond. The death toll could reach into the
force of law and order can overwhelm even hundreds.
the Companions. Claudette’s sale into a
polygamous relationship is the tip of
Wives of March - No Security
The strength of this tactic is that no greater damage
can be done to the Companions. A global panic
about “The Savannah Massacre” will ensue, and
it won’t be hard to trace the creature’s path of
destruction back to the splintered remains of the
March plantation. Government agencies around the
world will investigate the cover identities and seek
to bring the entire conspiracy to justice. The public,
forever disillusioned, will revert to the superstition
and small-mindedness that kept the pair in check
for so many centuries. History will play out very
differently and the Companions will be hunted
everywhere they go.

But at what cost? Assuming that investigators

manage to escape the nightmare they let loose,
their minds will be blasted by witnessing a thing
abhorrent to the very fabric of reality. Recovering
from such trauma would be the work of years,
and the return to lucidity would only mean
realizing responsibility for countless deaths.
Sure, humanity’s survival might be dramatically
lengthened, but how can the “hero” really know
that for certain? And is such a thought comforting
when faced with a city full of widows and orphans?

PCs ignore the truth and deny the apocalyptic
family that grows around the world. They do the
job they were paid to do: finding a murderer,
helping the accused leave town, discrediting a
will, etc. Characters leave all the crazy stuff out of
reports, take their money, and move as far away as

Obviously, this plan is the safest and the sanest. The

Companions have no reason to strike at the PCs
because no real damage was done, and it’s not like
they could be truly stopped anyway. But the price
of this peace of mind is the damnation of soul. The
character becomes complicit in an ongoing atrocity,
tortured daily by the knowledge that every vaguely
familiar face in the crowd might be one of “them.”
The character’s cowardice has wedded them to the
family, helping them sow their evil through silence.

Flowchart of Clues and Locations

June 1935: Bryson Spring, CA
The town of Bryson Springs is located near the
Bryson Springs is a cosmic horror/mystery adventure
easternmost border of Southern California. By
set in the desert wastes of the post-Dust Bowl America.
the time the players enter into the story, the town
Three to six players take on the role of characters
has dwindled along with the railroad that saw it
unwittingly confronted with an ancient horror
founded. The only reason any population remains is
preying on a downtrodden populace. Thematically,
the location’s proximity to major roadways and the
the adventure juxtaposes the petty cruelty of mankind
Bryson Springs Ranch, a once successful orange grove
with an uncaring, enigmatic terror existing outside
that provided a living to the few remaining residents.
human perception.
However, even the stability of the ranch has been
thrown into question now that the blight affecting
This adventure starts with an overall description of
the rest of the country has sent its tendrils probing
the setting and plot for the GM’s use. Information
westward. The fields are dead, an entire year’s crop
for the players can be found in the gameplay section,
lost, and the people are left with nothing but their
the details of which should only be revealed to the
unanswered prayers for rain.
characters though roleplaying.
The hard times have left the Okies — refugees of
the Midwestern Dust Bowl —stranded without the
migrant work they bet their survival on. Unable
to move on without funds, the transients have
constructed a semi-permanent shantytown out of
found materials and their own cars.
Bryson Springs - No Security
The first stirrings of the WPA have built a concrete contacts could provide him and his sons some work.
washhouse in the middle of the encampment, but Luck was not on the Kelly’s side. All doors remained
otherwise there is no relief to be had from their closed, and the Kelly’s found themselves scrapping by
oppressive poverty. on daily work at the Bryson Ranch. Desperate, Paul
began selling off the last of the family’s possessions.
Otis Grangerford runs a gas station that supplies these He wrote an old acquaintance from his railroad days,
transients with what few goods they can afford until Liang Wang, to come appraise an ancient scroll he’d
they move on. Further away, the State police maintain acquired years ago while sifting through the belongings
a small substation, if only to stage periodic eviction of a member of his work crew, killed in an accident and
raids on the Hoover-town. Off the beaten path, an without an heir. It pained the old man to part with it;
abandoned ghost town persists in a valley cut into though unable to read a word of its writing, Paul had
the hills. It is no more than a strip of long derelict been known to gaze at the thing for hours in the night,
buildings, abandoned after rail traffic atrophied and admiring the way moonlight gleamed off the
left the town to its slow dwindling. ornately-carved jade handles.

The Fisher’s Scroll

Liang Wang, promised payment for a few hours
appraisal work by a foreman he worked for during his
first years in the country, traveled from San Francisco
Important Dates for the Setting with his daughter, Ye. Upon arriving at Bryson Springs,
• Prohibition 1920-1933 it quickly became apparent that Kelly would have no
• Dust Bowl 1930-36 means of paying for any services, but Liang lingered,
• FBI gets its name in ’35, shifts to anti-com- partly out of joy of seeing his old tormentor brought so
munist agenda in ‘36 low, and partly out of fascination for the strange scroll
• Herbert Hoover loses election in ‘33, FDR he presented.
takes power in ‘34
• Emergency Relief Act (WPA) passed on A sense of morbid curiosity turned into an extended
April 8th 1935 stay. Liang forced his daughter to sleep in the cab of
his truck as he spent hours pouring over the archaic
language of the scroll. Its stories were bizarre, its
writing sometimes nonsensical, its claims of heritage
impossibly old. But as Liang prepared a rough
translation with Paul Kelly watching over his shoulder,
GM INFORMATION the two men soon realized that there perceptions had
been forever altered by the words in the scroll.
The Kelly’s
They now saw the world as a sick puppet show, a
Operating on a tiny plot of New Mexico land, the poorly set stage production in which free will was a
Kelly’s had never imagined hardship quite so bad as the myth. Reality was no more than a child’s diorama, a
dustbowl. After suffering the death of family members shallow, dimensionless approximation of the terrible
and the loss of their farm, Paul “Pa” Kelly packed up truth. Mankind was but a game preserve, the sky a
his family and what few belongings they still possessed porous veil through which the Fisher of Men pulled his
and headed to California. Paul had originally made his unwitting prey.
stake there working on the railroad, and he hoped old

As the days passed, Liang saw nothing but horror than a healthy share of skepticism; hobos disappeared
in the scroll, dark truths that a human mind could in the middle of the night all the time, and he was all
never square itself with. Kelly, having been exposed too happy to have a few less to deal with.
subconsciously to the contagion within the scroll for
decades, saw a direct line to God and a way out of his Even Kraft learned something was up when he found
sorrows. He saw salvation in the nightmare. himself cleaning up two brutally mutilated corpses in a
single morning, both single men without families, both
The Terror Begins pulverized into unrecognizable heaps of broken bone.
One was found in the middle of desert, the other in
Anabelle Fabler had never given ear to Ryan Spelling’s the shattered remains of his shack, which appeared to
advances, especially not after Bryson let her father go have been bombed from on high. Something nefarious
but kept that pervert on the payroll. That’s why she was had definitely seeped into the Hooverville. As Buford
so stunned when he showed up out of the darkness dumped the corpses into a pauper’s grave outside his
as she returned from relieving herself in the barren station, he hoped the culprit would hurry up, move on
groves, claiming he was there to give her what she’d down the line, and become someone else’s problem.
always wanted. As he pinned her to the ground and
worked her skirt up, she wondered what she could The Dead Chinaman
have possible done to lead him on.
On the night everything boiled over, Buford Kraft
She managed to get out a scream before his hand was called out to the shantytown by Annabelle Fabler,
clamped down over her mouth. She saw two men in one of the transient girls. Her old man had gotten
the camp that might have heard her: one walked down himself beaten half-to-death by Ryan Spelling, one of
a makeshift street, carrying a gas lamp. The other was the few ranch hands still actually working for Bryson.
no more than a shadow, leaning against one of the She was crying rape and claiming the drunken old
trucks disinterestedly. sot was defending her honor. Then she started saying
something about men falling into the sky....
She rejoiced when she saw the lamp man start and
begin running towards her cries. Then the shadow As Buford dealt with Spelling at the ranch, apologizing
man moved, every part of it suddenly alive in wild, for all the trouble and false accusations, a god-awful
flailing motion towards the man’s light, its feet wail could be heard across the fields from the shanty-
skittering across the dust and made the sound of town. By the time he got there, some Chinese woman
chicken bones clicking together. The Samaritan was was screaming to high heaven, waving a bloody
struck, and then the two figures were falling, tumbling briefcase and keeping a horde of curious Okies from
end over end into the air, the gas lamp receding into entering the washhouse. She seemed grateful for
the night sky like an added star in the constellations Buford to arrive and allowed him to enter, though he
that she suddenly noticed were subtly wrong. couldn’t make out what she was so worked up about.

Spelling didn’t notice as he rutted atop his victim, not He soon found out.
even when Anabelle went stone still. The sick bastard
mistook her shift from disgust into maniac terror as When Buford had finished puking up his dinner, the
recognition of his prowess. Chinese was yelling at him, demanding he arrest “Kelly
and his monsters.” He had to threaten the woman with
The Wrong Lawman at the Wrong Time his nightstick before she shut up, driving her away even
as she vowed to bring real help in her broken English.
Over the course of the next few days, seven people When she was gone, Buford recovered himself, closed
in total went missing from the shantytown outside off the crime scene, and moved what few remains he
the Bryson Ranch property. The local law could gather into the shed at the station. Then he called
enforcement, Sheriff Buford Kraft, took reports it in. There was no hope of keeping this nonsense quiet
anymore. Bryson Springs was back on the map.
50 from grief-stricken family members with more
Bryson Springs - No Security

The Chosen Family
The family had been skeptical at first, but when he had
made them stop feeling hunger, they had begun to
listen. Then he’d gotten rid of the man that stole their
gasoline, then the others, each more satiating then the
last. He showed them the strings that pulled the world,
and they had finally understood. Now the heretic
chinaman was gone, and all there was left to do was
show their new god that his game had grown sick and
needed a cull.

List of NPC’s
Emil Bryson—Ranch Owner
Lydia Bryson—Emil’s 7-year-old daughter
Buford Kraft—Local state police
Liang Wang—San Franciscan laundry owner
murdered in WPA washhouse
Ye Wang—daughter of Liang Wang
Otis Grangerford—drunkard and owner of
Grangerford’s gas
Ryan Spelling—Sadistic ranch-hand for the
Annabelle Fabler—Abused Okie who
witnessed a strange event
Paul “Pa” Kelly—mad patriarch and servant Marionettes appear as such because reality has no code
of the Fisher of Men capable of representing them, so they manifest as a
Kelly Family (Ma, Tom, Jessup, Buela Mae, metaphor to their purpose: uncanny doppelgangers
and Edmund)—Cultists pantomiming human behavior, under the control of an
infinitely more complex being. They are no more than
the lures of the Fisher of Men, a dark, predatory god
existing outside space and time.

The Monster At a distance in low light, Marionettes resemble people

doing regular activities: sleeping, bending over a
Marionettes, or “Kuileixi Shi” car engine, leaning against a wall, etc. However, the
locations for these poses are wildly improbable and
The viewer’s eye seems to balk at the sight of them. At selected by an alien mind: sleeping in the middle of
close range, the air around these creatures seems to the street, bending over and inspecting a fencepost,
wave unnaturally, as if reality decided on their shape leaning on nothing, etc. Those unlucky enough to
at the last second. After a few eye-straining seconds, investigate this curiosity see the automaton spring into
their appearance seems to settle on that of a man-sized life, skittering forward on feet that barely touch the
artist’s perspective doll, limbs expertly carved from ground, limbs gyrating wildly as they attack.
wood and scored with crude, asymmetrical slashes
depicting features. This image is merely a desperate There is no way to be certain a Marionette is dangerous
approximation on the part of a human mind from afar unless one has cast the spell “See the Strings”
unequipped to understand such horrors. The from the Fisher Scroll. At that point, the location of the
Bryson Springs - No Security
creatures can be traced by the strings of fire dangling
down from inky-black vortexes in the sky. Killing your Players
Characters should be given a chance to run, disable,
Other signs of danger include craters where trees burn, or otherwise resist marionette attacks. They
have been uprooted from the ground, but no drag are, after all, servants of an enigmatic god and not
marks or footprints can be found in the dust and the the god itself. However, if a Marionette grabs some-
trunks are missing. These occur from failed “bites,” one, the character should only be able to focus on
where the marionette has run into a tree and ripped breaking the thing’s grip. If the character succeeds,
it into the sky, thinking it a victim. If out at night, give them 10 feet worth of fall damage for every turn
characters might also notice that the constellations they spent in the Marionette’s hooks. After a certain
above the grove resemble nothing ever before seen in amount of time, escape is effectively futile.
the night sky.
If the GM wants to make things really creepy, give
If attacked, there is little hope for survival save doomed characters a final choice. Once the pair
escape. Even then, marionettes are deceptively fast, reaches the upper atmosphere and the inky portal to
not so much running as hovering towards targets other realms, have the Marionette gesture to indicate
like bad puppetry. Should a character choose to fight, the character can go through or be let go. So what
death is almost certain. Firearms are as effective as is it? Plummet to certain death, or be sucked into the
they would be against a solid tree trunk. Chopping sky to visit some nightmare god beyond imagining?
instruments fair better, but few could get in more
than one swing with an axe before the thing was Characters choosing the latter should either just
upon them. Fire would work best, as the marionette cease to be in the game or receive an appropriately
still has the properties of dry wood despite being terrifying description of their demise. Perhaps the
wooden in metaphor only. Still, even if aflame, “Fisher of Men” is a mass of cancerous flesh the size
the creature need only grab its prey once before of a star, pulling in unwitting victims from thou-
being “reeled in,” flying up into the sky, carrying its sands of dimensions at once to plummet into its
screaming victim to the Fisher of Men. ravenous maws like meteors to Earth. Maybe human
senses aren’t even capable of perceiving their own
doom. The characters eyes could go blind at “the
smell” of a millennia’s worth of terrified death. The
skin could flash freeze as it “hears” the icy
symphony of deep space.

as Buford phones in a report; obviously, something
GAMEPLAY INFORMATION more sinister than the typical Okie menace is going on.
Since the WPA washhouse was the site of the murder,
Character Selection federal authorities could also be dispatched to take
care of the situation before the project is besmirched.
What type of character each player chooses is, of On the other side of the coin, the controversial nature
course, up to the players and the GM. However, certain of the WPA legislation and the social justice issues
types of characters lend themselves to the scenario involved with the Okies and Asian Americans would
better than others. There are three types of “hooks” likely attract journalists.
that can lead characters into the scenario: investigative,
personal, and happenstance. Here are some suggested Personal: Though the victims at Bryson Springs are
character concepts that work well with the soon forgotten by the society, their family and friends
plot and setting: might not be so accepting. Ye could secure the help of
a particularly skilled relative to find her father’s killer.
• State police investigating the murder of Liang Maybe another transient looking for work arrives at
Wang in the bathhouse camp to find the cousin he was expecting inexplicably
missing. Perhaps Mrs. Bryson, always more concerned
• FBI agents transporting a prisoner in a sensitive
with social issues than her husband, notices unrest
investigation and retasked with investigating an
among the unfortunates camped outside their
attack at one of the WPA’s new buildings
• Bank robbers being transported to Leavenworth
for holding until trial Happenstance: Though difficult to pull into a group
• Academics stranded en route to a conference due of cohesive players, horror is often at its best when it
to a car breakdown yanks unassuming people from their everyday lives.
• Relatives of the Wang’s seeking answers for Ye Perhaps an East coast professor finds himself stranded
• Socialist labor organizers trying to rally the and confronted with a terror un-hinted at in his years
transient population of study. A criminal in the midst of transfer could
suddenly find himself in a place far worse than prison,
• Ranch-hands seeking work at the Bryson Groves
or a Socialist might be confronted with an evil even
• Muckraking journalists investigating the missing greater than Capitalism.
persons or doing an interest piece on poverty and
• Wife or children of Emil Bryson, the ranch owner, LOCATIONS AND NPC’s
concerned about rumors she’s heard among the
house staff 1. Bryson Ranch

Plot Hooks The Bryson Ranch was once a thriving place. Modeled
in a hacienda style, the estate sprawls over several
Getting the players together and facing the same threat acres. Ivy crawls up adobe walls peaked with clay
is often the hardest part of any horror roleplaying tiled roofs. The two large courtyards were once used
game. The GM should make certain that players at to sort the massive orange harvest and now-empty
least know about Liang Wang’s death at the outset and bunkhouses could hold nearly a hundred workers at
have some plausible reason for going to the peak of the season. Nowadays, it appears as if the
Bryson Springs. blight that affected the land attacked the house as well.
The gardens are browning or sickly, the paint has come
Investigative: Direct inquiries into the nature of Liang chipping off the walls, and the staff has been reduced
Wang’s death are the easiest way to get PC’s involved. to a skeleton crew.
State law enforcement could get involved as soon

Bryson Springs - No Security
1a.The Main House If left to her own devices, Lydia will sing the following
The former prosperity of the region can be seen in song as she plays:
the ornate nature of the main house. Well-maintained
rooms are filled with fine furniture and artifacts of My hand goes right and you go left
the Bryson family’s frontier past. Taxidermy, painting, My hand goes left and you go right
and photographs hang from every wall. However, the I raise my hand and up you jump
whole estate has taken on a ghostly quality with the I lower my hand and you’re in the dumps
coming of the drought. With only a few maids, little
Lydia, and Emil Bryson himself living on the premise, I pull your strings and you must obey
the household is cloaked in an eerie silence. If you don’t like it, I don’t care
I sure hope I ain’t got strings up there.
Emil Bryson can be found in the main house. He’s I sure hope I ain’t got strings up there.
an older man but fit, sporting a greying handlebar
mustache. He dresses in jeans, boots, and a leather
vest. His fine white Stetson and string tie are the only 1c. Barn
clues to his status as the owner. Though ultimately Ryan Spelling and the other remaining ranch hands
a struggling businessman with a company to worry often play penny poker in the barn after hours atop
about, Emil has nothing but sympathy for the Okies an overturned industrial spool. He’s a handsome
camped nearby and wishes there was more he young man in a half-buttoned shirt and chaps,
could do to help. with a perpetual wry grin plastered across his face.
Spelling is considered a bit insufferable even by his
Emil knows very little of the terror that has recently fellow workers, but he’s good with the mules and
gripped the Hooverville outside his property. He’s indispensable to the ranch’s operation, even at the
aware that Buford Kraft was negotiating some kind reduced capacity. The old hands grin and bear it as
of trouble with Ryan Spelling the other night. Emil Spelling brags about his romantic conquests.
is curious as to what the commotion was; he doesn’t
particularly like that Spelling fellow, despite having Spelling has two favorite stories at the moment. The
kept him on for his skills as a jerkline skinner. He finds first concerns a graphic description of his romantic
the young man’s morals…questionable. conquest of Annabelle Fabler, who was “just begging
for it” as he claims. The second is an exaggerated,
But he has bigger things to worry about: his ranch heroic account of how he repelled a “yellow-bellied
is failing and his daughter is retreating further and ambush” by Anabelle’s father the previous night. The
further into her own world. He is happy to help older hands won’t support this last story, keen to knock
investigators any way he can. the young man down a peg by pointing out he merely
beat an old drunk up more for fun than protection.
1b.Courtyard The old men try to change the subject from his
Lydia Bryson can be found playing with her puppets boasting to the strange, missing trees uprooted from
in the courtyard, even in the dead of night. She’s been the orchard recently and their theories as to what’s
obsessed with putting on her little show in the past been happening.
few weeks. Her favorite doll is no more than a crudely
whittled totem carved from a dead orange tree. She Though certainly stupid, Spelling is not self-
claims she got it from “Mr. Kelly and the squinty-eyed destructive. As soon as he recognizes someone in
man” as they walked to the north of the ranch some authority other than Buford Kraft might know the
weeks earlier. When asked the doll’s name, she is only truth about his attack on Anabelle, he tries try to flee
be able to respond that it’s “the man that lives the area. If chased, he attempts to mount a horse and
in the groves.” lose any pursuers in the groves.

2. The Groves is a single, unoccupied cell and a desk. Otherwise,
the room is a disorganized mass of poorly kept files.
The Grove has been blighted by depleted soil and Outside, a shed houses lawn tools and whatever won’t
drought, though it remains a mystery how the Dust fit into the main building.
Bowl conditions reached so far West. Row after row
of dead trees cover acres of dusty ground that crunch Buford Kraft can be found here during his infrequent
with dead leaves at each step. Despite the desiccation, trips to the area. He is fat, pimpled, sweaty, and
a faint citrus smell still clings to the air. bursting out of his uniform. He carries a non-standard
issue “Judge” revolver low-slung on his hip, trying to
A Marionette can be found here, imitating a scarecrow. fulfill his fantasy of being an old West lawman. Though
Particularly perceptive characters might notice that considered a joke by the rest of the state police and
there is no need for a scarecrow in an orange grove. sent on errands to backwater holes like Bryson Springs,
The shadowy shape seems to track anyone passing by, Buford is keen to think himself as a king and the strip
shifting almost imperceptibly to face to the passerby. of highway his kingdom.
Anyone that comes within twenty feet of gets attacked.
Buford is happy to talk about the case, though
he refuses to see anything unusual about the
3. Grangerford’s Gas disappearances. He can’t help but admit Liang’s death
was unusual, but he can’t see getting too worked up
A dusty old building by highway 17, Grangerford’s
over a dead Chinease man and suspects the killer has
Gas is the only place within 50 miles to get supplies.
already moved on. He won’t mention the pulverized
The owner seems to know this and takes no care to
bodies in the pauper’s grave out back unless pressed,
maintain the property. The Hooverville is within
dimly aware that he should have reported those long
walking distance of the station, making it a frequent
victim of theft from the stranded transient population.

Otis Grangerford is likely to be the first character many 4.a: The Office
players meet. He wears overalls and a straw hat, has the Primarily filled with file cabinets, the building also has
barnacle nose of an alcoholic and an unkempt beard. a cramped desk and a small jail cell. Buford is likely
He eyes nearly everyone suspiciously and brandishes to imprison any characters that question his authority
a shotgun until certain they aren’t Okies out to scam without law enforcement credentials. This indefinite
him. detainment can be broken by other characters, or
perhaps by the Marionettes. The Kelly’s are no fan of
Otis is well aware of the problems in the shantytown; the law and would likely want to see Buford fed to
he’s heard the rumors and the screams in the night. He their new god.
worries most about Anabelle Fabler, a young Okie that
reminds him of his estranged daughter. Otis would 4.a.i: Office Clue: Missing Persons Reports
give candy to her younger siblings and chat with the Buford Kraft’s desk holds a number of half-finished
young girl on a daily basis until about a week ago reports for missing persons out of the Shantytown. It
when she stopped visiting. Otis is dissatisfied with appears the pig only filled out enough of each report
Buford Kraft’s police work and quick to gossip about get whichever distraught family member was in his
the officer’s penchant for beating the Okies without face out of the way. The disappearances occur at
actually doing anything to move them off the property. random dates over the last few weeks, seven in all. All
people describe similar incidents; the victim leaves to
talk to someone late at night. The person being talked
4. State Station #39 to moves out of sight. Victim follows…and is never
seen again.
A one-room jailhouse, this run-down, wooden shack is
little more than a storehouse for the state police’s
old documents and surplus equipment. There
Bryson Springs - No Security
4.b: The Shed 5.a. The Fablers
Liang Wang’s body had been kept in the equipment Annabelle Fabler spends her days tending to her
shed for two days, rotting and waiting for “experts” badly beaten father and the younger children in their
from the city. Buford lets any higher ranking officials tent on the orchard side of the camp. Her brothers
in, but the rusty padlock could be forced or picked. are perpetually out, hitching rides and looking for
work. She’s a slightly pudgy girl with brown hair and
Any character with a background in medicine can a homespun dress. She refuses to leave the side of
see that Liang died of a slow strangulation. Everyone her father and wrings her hands in constant anxiety.
can notice the horrific gouges covering every inch of Any attempts by men to get close to her are met with
his flesh, tearing his clothes to tatters. His wounds are hysterical outbursts of fear.
consistent with being dragged behind a horse or car,
but he obviously died inside the washhouse. 5.a.i: Annabelle’s Clue: The Account of the Rape
Anyone showing convincing empathy towards either
4.b.i: Shed Clue: Piece of Liang’s Notes Annabelle or her father’s condition is told about Ryan
A slip of paper can be found in one of his hands, Spelling’s sexual assault the previous week. Annabelle
available now that the rigor has let up. The torn slip blames herself for the fact that Buford did nothing
has a series of Chinese characters on it and a crude because she “lost control” and told him about “seeing
drawing of the Chinese “Kuileixi Shi,” a death totem things” during the attack. She also regrets telling her
used in ancient Chinese burials. The single, legible father about the attack, which caused him to seek
sentence translates into “We are all puppets!” revenge on Spelling and get badly beaten.

4.c: Pauper’s Grave If pressed, Annabelle reveals the “nonsense” that she
Perceptive investigators notice a large patch of told Kraft, recounting the first witnessed attack of the
disturbed earth behind the station. Those with Marionettes.
the clout to press Buford for answers can get an
explanation and exhume, or they could uncover 5.b. Ye Wang
the shallow grave themselves given enough time. After driving to the nearest phone to call for more
Underneath, they find the rotting corpses of two Okie help, Ye Wang returned to the Hooverville to wait for
men. more news on the investigation of her father’s death.
She shouts down any curious onlookers trying to enter
4.c.i: Grave Clue: Pulverized Bodies the cordoned off men’s side of the washhouse and
The dead men either escaped from the marionettes too harasses Buford Kraft for answers on a daily basis.
late or chose to fall rather than meet the Fisher of Men.
As such, their bodies are totally crushed, shattered Ye is happy to reveal everything she knows to any
and ruptured from a fall of hundreds of feet. In his party interested in helping. However, Liang was very
boundless idiocy, Buford just assumed they’d been protective and didn’t want his daughter mixing with
beaten to death, but it is obvious these men met an “the bums,” so she didn’t leave the makeshift camp of
extraordinary end. the family truck for the many days he was at the tent
city. She does know that he was working for a man
named Kelly and that his work was likely academic in
5. Hooverville
nature; he had been a scholar in the old country.
A ramshackle conglomeration of sheet metal, found
wood, and lived-in pick-up trucks, the Hooverville 5.b.i: Liang’s Briefcase
sprawls outwards from the Washhouse in random, After discovering her father’s corpse, Ye pried her
disjointed streets. Residents are extremely hostile father’s briefcase from his hand least it be stolen by the
towards strangers in their business, but otherwise keep Okies. She has yet to make any sense of the contents, as
to their miseries. she can speak but not read English. She is hesitant
to hand over the briefcase, but she allows
characters to look if she feels they are there to help. A final swath of characters. Translation is in American
The contents are as follows. phonetic alphabet. Marginalia afterwards reads: “More
Photograph: The crinkled, worn photograph shows
an unfurled scroll with Chinese symbols on it leaning Scrawled over the phonetic translation,“DO NOT
against a weathered, wood wall. The back reads: READ!” It’s followed by a few more characters, un-
“Old friend, require your expertise. Found this amongst
the trappings of our rail days and curiosity has bested A paperclip and torn scraps of paper indicate some of
me. You need not travel far as the Hardship forces us the pages are missing.
West. Will seek work in Bryson Springs, a day’s drive
from your home. Please visit soon to revisit better times. 5.b.ii: See the Strings
Payment provided for services rendered, of course. –K.” Reading the final section of phonetic gibberish alone
does nothing. However, speaking the syllables aloud
Partial Translation: Written in Liang’s uncertain hand, casts a powerful spell meant to reveal the true nature of
this is a partial translation of the scroll. reality.
Translated into phonetic spelling, the document is
called “Kuileixi Shi” next to the largest characters from Once cast, the character sees the “strings” attached
the scroll’s picture. The full translation is missing, but to and supposedly controlling every living thing.
it should read something like “Death’s Dolls.” Gossamer twine, barely visible, seems tied to limbs
of every person they meet, glinting in the light and
A note in the margin reads, “Claim Shang Dynasty? trailing into a vanishing point in the sky. The strings
Obvious fake. Still remarkable craftsmanship of Jade are always there, passing through ceilings and tree
scroll” cover as if made of no more than mist. Only the
character that read the syllables aloud can see this
Another margin note: phenomenon; all other characters think it madness or
“No mention of burial dolls yet. Gibberish.” a joke if told about it.

A swath of Chinese characters, followed by English As the spell progresses, the character can see a different
translation: “Consider the fish. He lives in darkness. type of strings at night, lines of force seemingly made
The ceiling to his house is soft, yet impenetrable. He of fire that arc into the night sky, a night sky that now
knows nothing of the sun, trees, grass, or air. He knows seems to have an end, a ceiling through which swirling
food, and food only, until one day he sees the lure. He black vortexes peek. These burning strings lead to the
does not know the ways of weaving line, the plants used marionettes and warn of their coming.
for colorful dyes, the strange art of lure making. He
cannot suspect the patient deceptions of men or their Characters under the effect of the spell increasingly
predatory motives. He cannot see a net. He knows food lose their grip on reality. Dimensions begin to appear
only, and knows it well. And so, though the lure seems false or hollow; buildings or mountains might startle
alien, offensive to his eyes, the fish sees food, for it is
the eye as suddenly two-dimensional, nothing more
all he can see. He bites, and he dies a death beyond histhan cardboard cut-outs. Paranoia is the logical
imagining.” conclusion; the character can do nothing but presume
everyone is under the control of some dark puppeteer
Another swath of characters, only partially translated: lurking behind the stars. While casting the spell can
“And such are we to it, the Fisher of Men (underlined certainly help one survive in Bryson Springs, the
with question marks), and we fall prey to our minds’ character under its influence certainly goes mad unless
own metaphors (again underlined with question marks)” the Fisher of Men’s influence of the area can be broken.

Bryson Springs - No Security
5.c: The Okies keep the puppets from reeling him into the sky until
Beaten down by hardships, the migrant workers morning. He was only partly right. The Marionette
are very reluctant to talk to anyone they don’t know hunting Liang entered the washhouse, grabbed him,
personally. However, certain methods of persuasion and began its ascent, slamming the locked pair into
(bribes) and types of people (blue-collar) can wrestle the concrete ceiling over and over again. Liang spent
information from them. Each Okie gives up a single the rest of the night being dragged about every surface
piece of information to a character successfully of the windowless room as the creature tried to find
questioning them. Role 1d6 and select a piece of gossip a way to open sky. His flesh was scoured from his
at random. bones by the rough stone. Literally every corner of
the washhouse is spotted with Liang’s blood and flesh,
1. Annabelle’s Fabler’s strange behavior even the ceiling.
2. Ryan Spelling’s sadism and perversion
3. The exploded shack and the crushed man found 6.a: Washhouse Clue: Forensics
amongst debris Anyone with the presence of mind to resist panic at the
4. Buford’s incompetence and frequent abuse of power site of Liang’s abattoir can learn some interesting facts
5. Odd, shadowy figures around the outskirts at night from the scene.
6. The shacks and vehicles being abandoned all
over camp The only place on the premise not soaked in blood
Knowledge of Buford’s missing person reports can get is a square on the ground where Liang’s briefcase
up to two pieces of relevant information from Okie landed. A crafty investigator might wonder where
family members for a successful persuasion check. the obstruction has disappeared. Anyone with a
rudimentary understanding of physics can tell there
5.d: The Kelly’s is no way anything could have thrown Liang against
Ma, Tom, Jessup, Buela Mae, and Edmund — all are the walls and ceiling hard enough to kill him without
disheveled and wearing home-spun. All have gone leaving a massive splatter. However, the blood is evenly
mad with the manipulations of their father. distributed throughout the room, with some spatters
marks on the floor from drips seeming to come from
The Kelly’s, at first, seem like any other reticent family on high. In fact, a keen eye can see a few of Liang’s
in the Hooverville. However, if they determine that fingernails embedded in the concrete at impossible
the players are after their father, they do anything they heights. The gore in the room must have taken hours
can to manipulate investigators into joining the family to spread, and the culprit is someone able to defy the
at the Old Ghost Town. They believe entirely in Paul law of gravity.
Kelly’s vision and seek to isolate and kill anyone after
their father. Each is armed with knives or hatchets. 7. Old Ghost Town
6. The Washhouse A dilapidated old western town abandoned after the
railway changed tracks — little is left of this settlement
Set in the center of the Hooverville, the washhouse save decrepit wooden frames along an abandoned
is one of the first uses of California’s WPA money. It main street. The town is surrounded on all sides by
is an unappealing, concrete bunker set over one of empty plains and desert. Cobwebs wave in the breeze
the springs. The building houses a number of toilets, across every window and entryway. There is a form
showers, and a trough for filling water buckets, all in huddled in a fetal position in the middle of the
the same room. Buford Kraft has roped off the men’s street — Kelly’s guardian Marionette.
side of the building.
7.a: The Abandoned Brothel
Knowing how the Marionettes worked and that Pa Kelly has been summoning the Marionettes from
Kelly would kill him for his betrayal, Liang fled to the basement of the old town brothel. Those
the washhouse in hopes that the stone ceiling would looking for him might recognize the building
as his base because of the attacking monstrosity.
More subtle adventurers see the disturbed dust on the
brothel door or the arcane Chinese symbols newly
carved on the walls.

In the dirt cellar, Kelly has set up a dark lair to his

Fisher of Men.

7.b: Paul Kelly

He has become disheveled and bloodshot. He’s shirtless
with suspenders on homespun trousers. He’s armed
with a double-barreled shotgun, hunting knife, and the
Fisher’s Scroll.

Pa’s plan is to show the Fisher of Men the poor

condition of his stock by continually culling them. He
feels that the Fisher will have to see this soon enough
and send back the rain and green days to his hunting
grounds. Kelly’s gone completely mad and uses his
family as acolytes in the mad rituals learned
from the scroll.

There is no spell in Kelly’s evil scroll to dismiss the
Fisher of Men. Destroying the scroll does nothing
either. If characters obtain the scroll’s translation
and can make sense of it, someone can summon a
Marionette to attack Kelly himself. If successful, the
plague ends once the madman is devoured by his dark
god. The caster of this spell must risk having his or her
mind torn asunder by forbidden knowledge, despite
any noble intentions.

Outside of obtaining the scroll, the only way to save

Bryson Springs is to overcome the Kelly family’s
defenses and kill Pa. Pa’s body must be completely
destroyed, both rendered dead and torn apart lest it
become a Marionette made of flesh. However, with his
avatar no longer putting chum in the waters, the Fisher
of Men recedes from time and space again.

Until these solutions are discovered, the dark

silhouettes continue their hunt, ranging ever wider to
feed the Fisher’s insatiable hunger.


The more forgiving northern climate meant plentiful
INTRODUCTION harvests, and while no one was rich, hardly anyone
Revelations is an apocalyptic horror scenario set in the went without work for very long.
small town of Toil, Illinois during the 1930’s. Three to
six players take on the role of the town’s police force Throughout America’s hardest years, Toil slowly grew
as they struggle with what appears to be the biblical from a collection of wooden huts into a bustling
end of days. Thematically, the scenario highlights the township. The farmers needed a central location
overwhelming hopelessness and despair brought on by where everyone could ship their harvest to the city,
a loss of faith. repair tractors, shop, and socialize. Industry came
next, and even a few Chicagoans fled the smoky city
This adventure starts with an overall description of the for the peace of the plains. Isolated on all sides by
setting and plot for the GM’s use. Information that the endless fields of beans from the misery wandering the
players can reveal through roleplaying can be found in rest of the nation, the town became an idyllic slice of
the gameplay section. Americana in a few short years. It was a good place for
picnics, for hard days of work and quiet nights with the
family. A good place to build a life.
1938: Toil, Illinois:
Soybeans helped the little settlement of Toil thrive But though the town escaped the economic turmoil
during the Great Depression while the rest of the gripping the nation, it harbored a terrible secret at its
nation dwindled around it. A number of industrial heart. Driven by shame and abuse, Toil’s fallen first
applications were discovered for soy oil in the previous son delved ever deeper into mysteries altogether too
decade, most notably for use in soaps. It was rare troubling and complex for his neighbors. After years
for any farmer in the area to have unsold crop. of isolation, the tortured young genius discovered
Revelations - No Security
something not meant for man. A force, simultaneously GM INFORMATION
holy and profane, that, once seen, evolved the ability
to return a gaze – an abyss that would stare back. A Gifted Child
Unknown to the simple folk of Toil, a secret god was
summoned: called down from their skies, raised from Even as Toil was spared the deprivations of the rest of
the fertile earth, and invoked from within their very the nation, the pessimism of the times had an effect
souls. on the populace. During the first few years of the
Depression, the townsfolk and local farmers found
And the thing’s very presence did smite the town and solace in a renewed faith. Reverend Yearta’s Abundant
all within it. Harvest Fellowship Church came to dominate the
community’s worship in these early years. The
Reverend’s positive message – that the continual faith
and work ethic of the townspeople had spared them
Disclaimer the economic blight – drew many a self-satisfied
This scenario pulls heavily from the Bible to parishioner. But the preaching of the father paled in
inspire its horrors. Acts of violence and terror comparison to that of the son.
depicted in the Old and New Testament – both
divine and hellish in origin –make up the vast Andrew Yearta, the minister’s young son, would have
majority of gameplay. Furthermore, this RPG been a prodigy in any occupation, and tending the
module is firmly rooted in Lovecraftian horror, flock was no different. The boy first gave testament
which by its very nature blasphemes against at the age of seven, and by the time he was eleven
every traditional faith simultaneously. It could be he was giving full-blown Sunday sermons. In truth,
argued that the collapse of mankind’s entire belief the theological density of his analysis would have
system is the central theme of Lovecraft’s fiction, been difficult for an experienced biblical scholar to
and this scenario chooses to emphasize that follow, not to mention a congregation of simple bean
aspect rather than any specific tentacle-sprouting farmers. In spite of difficult content, crowds from
monstrosity. every surrounding county flocked to experience the
disconnect between the boy’s small stature and the
The author wishes to point out that Revelations is sophistication of his preaching. People felt the only
by no means meant as an attack on Christianity, explanation for his skill was divine selection, and
Judaism, or any other faith. First and foremost, the elder Yearta was content to let them believe. The
the goal is to provide a scary and novel scenario father’s collection plates were as filled with offerings as
for horror RPG fans. If Revelations has any his heart was with pride.
broader point to make beyond “have fun,” it is
only that Biblical literalism steals much of the Forbidden Fruit
poetry and meaning from an enlightening text.
No other criticism is intended. By the time Andrew was 16, he was co-pastor of
Abundant Harvest. Though not nearly as adept at
If you or members of your gaming group find any glad-handing parishioners as his father, the teenager’s
of these topics uncomfortable, please do not play generosity and faith were unquestionable. People
Revelations. Hebanon Games has many other tolerated his awkward and shy demeanor as a side-
frightening and fun games available. effect of being touched by God, and the sense of
family tradition attendants felt seeing the Yearta clan
For those interested, all quoted verse is from the maintain the church with such unity overcame any
King James Bible, Cambridge Edition. reservations about the boy’s shiftiness.

All of that changed when Andrew volunteered to help

watch over the ailing Buella Sewell.

Diagnosed with stomach cancer, Adrew was tasked Andrew fared even worse. The boy punished himself
with helping Mary Sewell, her shut-in daughter, watch more harshly than his father ever could, though it
over the woman’s final days. Reverend Yearta the elder didn’t stop the old man from trying. The boy thought
had to speak at a convention in Chicago that week, himself damned forever to hell, and Reverend Yearta
and it was thought that the substitution would better would not even let the boy make confession to the
prepare Andrew for taking more responsibility for the townspeople whose faith he had defiled. On a lark,
congregation. some months earlier Andrew had written an essay to
an obscure German divinity college, inquiring about a
Buella Sewell had done too good a job in life protecting specific biblical interpretation in the Book of Numbers.
her daughter’s reputation. Convinced that Mary The school had been so impressed they offered the
was born “a filthy whore” (her pet name for the girl young genius a full scholarship, and he was sent away
since she caught her playing doctor with a neighbor across the ocean, more in exile than triumph.
boy), Buella had kept her daughter a prisoner in her
home for nearly all of the girl’s 26 years. The mother’s Recalling the Deserter God
religious fervor sprawled into madness, and in addition
to driving her husband away, it created a self-fulfilling The college Andrew Yearta attended would have been
prophecy. infamous for the monk-like devotion demanded
of its students if it weren’t so isolated in the Black
Andrew Yearta, handsome and slim, was the first man Forest. Built in the former von Meinhoff estate, little
that had been allowed in the Sewell home in nearly was known about the school save its penchant for
a decade. Both victims of social isolation, repressed producing odd, if not totally heretical, theological
youth, and domineering parents, Andrew and Mary texts.
could have had a lovely courtship had their needs not
been so starved. Alone in the house for days, a nosey While there, Andrew Yearta made the devotion of
neighbor finally stumbled in on the pair as they were… even the most dogmatic staff seem like debauchery.
engaged, as much wrapped up in each other as the He barely ate. He never left his rooms save for study
inevitability of their sin. or organized prayer. He made no friends and spoke to
no one save the librarians, and even then to only ask
The neighbor had been bringing over a pie in for obscure texts. His whole life seemed psychotically,
attempt to alleviate the morbidity of the young pair’s feverishly devoted to redemption, and the scholarly
deathwatch. When she checked on Buella as the young work for his degree seemed performed as an
couple frantically tried to cloth themselves, she found afterthought, albeit flawlessly. His only problem, aside
the elder Sewell dead, seeming to have chosen to expire from being disconcerting to the staff and students, was
at the moment that would maximize her daughter’s an obsession with self-flagellation that saw him in the
shame. infirmary many times.

The scandal burned through the town like wildfire. Honestly grateful to be rid of him, the school sent
Reverend Yearta came home to find his congregation Andrew back home in ’37. Now a young man, the
torn asunder by gossip. Mary was all but formally returned son didn’t even speak to his parents upon
shunned from the community, denying the young re-entering his home. He merely walked upstairs with
woman the freedom she’d hoped could be found his trunks of books, went into his old room, and shut
in her mother’s death. In the years that followed, the door. The Reverend, who had been geared up for
the repressed girl hardened into a fierce cynic and a confrontation, found himself baffled. Andrew had
holed up alone in her house. She wore the whispered practically snuck back into town. Unwilling to rekindle
jeer of “whore” with pride now, making it a point the gossip by throwing the young man out, Andrew’s
to cuss out every back-talker encountered and flirt father let him stay.
indiscriminately with no other purpose besides
sparking the town’s ire.

Revelations - No Security
Alone in his room and finally free from distraction, Metaphor is the only sacred incantation, the single
Andrew pored over what he’d begun studying at the working alchemy, and the truest form of magic.
college, what he now regarded as the last hope for The primacy of the Subject over the Object is made
mankind’s salvation. In his madness and despair, the concrete in its two-part ritual. The figurative links do
boy had convinced himself that God had abandoned not make existence, but they are its animating force,
his people; he called it “Deserter Theology.” The sins the circulatory system of a universe reserved for those
against God’s nature so offended the Lord that, in with the burden of being able to perceive it.
despair, He ceased even punishing the wicked. There
was no more salvation to be had, just as the divine Seen this way, life itself is a metaphor. Inanimate
wrath that once rained so quickly from the skies had materials – oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
dried up after biblical times. The parental love that sent calcium, phosphorus – are linked and linked and
down the flood was expended, and now God merely conflated until there is a man. That which IS NOT,
washed his hands of mankind, allowing them to save suddenly IS. The many become one.
or damn themselves. Andrew had damned himself
through his lust, and he could never find forgiveness Language itself is metaphor, a gestating confusion of
for his sin in a world devoid of divinity, a void he felt concept and sound. And our minds are built entirely
he’d personally created through his ingratitude. God on this fruitful misunderstanding, each complex idea
did not hate Andrew; he ignored him, ceased to exist stacked on a foundation of simpler precepts. Cognition
for him, leaving him alone with his self-loathing. is a byproduct of our linguistics, of our ability to
substitute the simple for the complex and vice versa.
So the young man set his genius intellect to finding a Thus every consciousness balances atop an upside-
way to make God manifest in the world again, to bring down pyramid, the infinite complexity of every
his Truth back into the world, reanimating both His thought – reality itself – balanced on a teetering base
wrath and His mercy. Andrew hoped to save his soul of simpler connections, telescoping endlessly towards
by saving everyone on Earth, but the only messenger some unperceivable base concept. And at the tip of this
capable of relaying a message to the Deserter God was semantic spear lives Noought-Iss.
another God.
“Lives” is the wrong word, for it is alive and dead all at
In a book by the last heir of the von Meinhoff family, once. It exists only in transition, and all words are the
forgotten dusty and neglected in the library of the wrong words. It is the link, the connection, the vehicle
castle-turned-divinity college, Andrew found his between all things and that which is one thing. It is an
answers. He would use the forbidden knowledge of unthinking, unfeeling, natural force in the universe
the universe’s new ruler to bring about the return of and, as all things of that nature, it is perceived by
biblical Truth. Andrew would infuriate his God back mankind as a God.
into existence by worshipping something so abhorrent
it escaped the notice of even the most brutal pagans. Being the bearer of this perception, Noought-Iss knows
itself to be a deity, as much it can know anything in
Thus, in an attempt to save his own soul, Andrew its quantum collapse between consciousness and
Yearta made Earth a living Hell. mindlessness, existence and non-existence. And it
knows Gods may hear prayers.
The Monster: Noought-Iss
Klaus von Meinhoff, a German linguist in the early
Metaphor – the assertion that two unlike subjects 1800s, recognized Noought-Iss as the primary catalyst
are, at least partially, the same – is an act of pure will of existence. A genius of the first order, Klaus was
given voice. It simultaneously creates and negates fluent in an untold number of languages and familiar
the existence of those caught in its eye. It shapes our with the canons of every great civilization’s recorded
understanding and that understanding shapes the literature. From his family’s castle, he used his vast
world, is in turn understood anew, and loops back estate and nobility to obtain texts for study and
again. worked at cataloguing them seemingly all the
hours of the day. He reportedly never slept, and his What’s Happening?
every brush with other academics ended in unsettling
social disaster. His genius was pure and total, and thus Andrew has used what von Meinhoff called the
was his madness. “Objective Tongue” to bind Noought-Iss to his will.
Rather than serving as the bridge between all that IS
Klaus’s only publication was The Binding of Noought- NOT and all that IS, he has performed a sick, profane
Iss with the Objective Tongue: A Study in the Semantic ritual that focused Noought-Iss on a single copy of the
Hierarchy of Base Instantiation. As dense academically King James Bible. His insane hope is that Noought-
as it was sacrilegious, the book went completely Iss will then rewrite his “Deserter God” back into
ignored save for bookstores near the castle that were existence and save the doomed souls of mankind.
forced to carry the title out of respect for the family’s
nobility. Eventually, von Meinhoff died (presumably), But Andrew’s understanding of von Meinhoff ’s work
and his legacy remained as a few dusty tomes forgotten is incomplete at best, and he’s greatly underestimated
in the space between bookshelves. the inadequacy of human language to convey
true meaning. Noought-Iss doesn’t so much make
No one guessed that the book contained the true reality as it composes reality, and like a creature with
language, instructions for speaking metaphor in its chromosomes suddenly cut out of its DNA, existence
purest form. Von Meinhoff had discovered a way is sick and malformed while it follows instructions
to express the basest concept, bypassing the endless written in an inexact human language. The thing
hierarchy of semantic connections and accessing that exists in the barrier between existence and void
the root of meaning. How a mortal came to discover now finds itself in the position of arbiter, forced
this information was lost to history along with von into consciousness and made to decide what can no
Meinhoff himself. Perhaps he was the greatest linguist longer exist and how that which remains must be
to ever have lived. Perhaps the God demanded a transformed.
Noought-Iss is not meant for this task. Its intellect (if
Though this language would be a profound tool for it even has any) is cold and alien; it gives no priority
philosophical thought, it is far more dangerous than to the survival of mankind. It has no understanding
anyone could have predicted. The language doesn’t of historical context, subjective interpretation, or
just bypass the animating metaphor; it accesses inter-textuality. Every line of the Bible is now being
and changes it. Noought-Iss, as the title suggests, is used as the code for a new reality, applied literally and
“bound” to the will of the subject. Thus, what IS and IS without any regard for possible contradictions. The
NOT becomes the will of a singular mind rather than a incongruities are tearing existence apart, and the world
vast, unknowable cosmic force. is faring no better than Noought-Iss in the violent
Mortal minds cannot hold the entirety of existence in
their thoughts, not to mention express it completely in Perhaps even the animating force of the universe has
any language. Klaus von Meinhoff himself claimed that its limits, or maybe the Vehicle has come to perceive
to use such power would be apocalyptic and rewrite itself as God and exhibits wrath towards a blasphemer’s
the very laws of reality. Andrew Yearta knew this…and tampering. It’s even possible that the will of Andrew
used it anyway. Yearta could have been so malignantly hateful that it
infected the god he called down. Regardless, Noought-
Iss’ chaotic, bloody application of the new reality is
causing existence itself to collapse, and death will seem
a minor problem if the old order cannot be restored in

Revelations - No Security

The Acts
Act One: The populace is generally aware that something weird is going on. There’s a palpable sense of
unease in the air, and strange occurrences are popping up all over town. However, reactions are mixed:
while some NPCs may have already started to lose it, most are actively seeking a rational explanation for
whatever they are seeing. Some might even be amused. There isn’t any reason to panic yet.

Act Two: Something is wrong. Very wrong. The phenomena are growing increasingly sinister, and their
biblical nature has been recognized by the more religious townfolk. Power is out, people are dying, and the
only apparent explanation as to why is less than comforting. Panic takes hold. NPCs become focused on
taking shelter, finding loved ones, or escaping the town.

Act Three: It’s the end of days. Cosmic alterations occur all over the town. The populace is aware that escape
from Toil is impossible. Survival itself is impossible. The only hope is salvation, and opinions on how to
achieve that are… mixed. NPCs resort to religious mania, insanity, mob rule, and worse. It seems that the
faster madness takes hold, the faster the changes keep occurring. Chaos reigns.

Act Four: Movement to Act Four should wait until all the PCs are dead, insane, or otherwise moments
away incapacitation. The disturbance has gone on too long. Things fall apart. Reality itself fractures under
the stress, resembling neither the Bible nor anything else in the realm of human experience. The universe
ceases to be. GMs are encouraged to take as much poetic license as they wish in describing this event, but as
characters are erased from having ever existed at all, the game can merely end with a fade to black (though,
it should be noted, black as a color and concept is also erased.)



Characters are all members of the Toil City Police
Advice for Using Revelations department. Though a small town, the farming
community employs a number of peacekeepers due to
This scenario is uniquely structured. GMs should be their agricultural wealth and the need to keep hobos
familiar with the whole scenario before running the “moving down the road.”
game and convey the information in the following
section to their players at the outset. As law officers, PCs will be vested with some authority
to control the situation as it unfolds, a car to get
Embrace your Destruction: Revelations is a meat- around, and a radio to inform them about the plot
grinder. Groups that like beating the “bad guys” hooks. Encourage players to come up with reasons
and winning against impossible odds should look their characters have for living in Toil, how they came
elsewhere. This scenario is apocalyptic. No one will to police work, and what family members they have
win; at best, some might survive. If the group likes to living in the area. They could even elect a superior to
play characters that are thrown into a nightmare and give orders.
utterly destroyed by it, then this will be great fun!
The mechanical side of character creation, of course,
Groups might want to make some backup characters, depends on the rules system chosen to run Revelations,
just so everyone can continue having fun once all the but here are a few guidelines to follow anyway: firstly,
screaming and dying starts. encourage players to avoid builds not in keeping with
the time period. In terms of gear, allow anything that
Accept your Ignorance: The atmosphere of the seems plausible (machine guns and dynamite won’t
scenario is one of escalating, unstoppable doom. There help them anyway). If the rules system has a mechanic
is a mystery to solve. Players will have the possibility for tracking mental health, GM’s might mention that
of ending the threat, but the narrative by no means keeping characters sane will likely be more important
depends on this investigation’s completion, or even its than making sure they can shoot or lift weights. Lastly,
discovery. If players pick up on the right thread and players might find it useful to give their characters
follow it towards salvation, it will only be by chance or some knowledge of history or Christian theology to
the GM’s mercy. Expect no such handholding from the supplement their own understanding of biblical verse.
scenario itself; the apocalypse plays no favorites.

Enjoy your Fall: The locations within the Toil

(page 69) are fixed, but what can be found there
changes depending on how long the event has been
going on. Each location has three Acts, and the
changes grow increasingly severe with each one. There
is no set guideline for what location the PCs should
visit first or when the GM should move to the next
Act. The dispatches at the start of each location can be
read aloud for the players to pick from, or the GM can
ask them to pick a random number between 1 and 14,
starting them off with that scene. Escalate according to
narrative convenience, or just cycle through the scenes
in order until players move locations and start over. In
terms of narrative, it doesn’t really matter so long as
characters are never allowed to get comfortable.

Revelations - No Security
Opener: Alright, boys. I hope you had a big breakfast
Initial Dispatches because I ain’t never seen it so busy out there since
that Hooverville popped up on Route 9. The phones
Winifred Deandria is the kindly old widow that ringing off the hook and people is acting foolish all
dispatches for the Toil City Police Department. over. It’s gonna be a long day…
Initially given the work more out of pity than ability
(the last of her family died almost a decade ago and the
The Leowen Bridge
car radios were thought to be no more than a passing
fad that would keep her occupied), she has proven Cora Sulliven says there’s a bunch of boys loitering and
quite reliable over the years. Winifred hasn’t taken a playing in traffic on the bridge. It’s probably them same
single sick day in two years, she regularly bakes for what was playing hooky the other day. Head out there
the officers, and her cat Rufus is a source of morale for and run them off before one of ‘em gets himself hurt.
prisoners and officers alike.
J & P’s Lunch Counter
The kindly woman will serve as the character’s link That ol’ gossip Jessie Mae got herself all in a tizzy about
to information about what is going on about town. In Jenny and Penny again. She called me just a second ago
fact, Winifred is the party’s only reliable source as to saying they done poisoned her! Can you believe that?
what’s happening, and it’s her voice the GM should Better get down there before she causes another scene
adopt when dispatching players on initial calls around like last Fall.
the map.
Silverbranch Tap Room
The directions Mrs. Deandria gives sending officers
to each location are understandably vague; so many Mr. Jeffery, god bless him, says that Tugger’s “doing
panicked reports of impossible things are coming in something sick” to his nephew down at the Tap Room.
that she can’t manage much more than an address I don’t know… sound like he might be hitting the poor
before moving on to the next. She doesn’t have much child again.
time to answer questions either, between talking on the
phone and tying up the radio with dispatches to other Toil City Hall
officers. Mayor Ford is having a conniption! He says the Ag.
Fair depends on y’all getting down there quick-like.
What follows are the initial dispatches that can I’ll be blasted if I could make out what he was saying
lead PCs to each location on the map. For through all them curse words.
additional dispatches Mrs. Deandria provides
later in the scenario, see location 15 Toil Public School
(Damned Dispatches, p. 88).
Doc Coughlin says he needs your help with a patient
he was called out to see at the school. Sounded serious.

Abundant Harvest Fellowship Church

Now what is the world coming to? Reverend Yearta
called in to say someone has broken in and vandalized
the church. All my lands… kids these days… I swear.

Tennant Funeral Home and Cemetery mercy Buella didn’t live the to see that girl become so
Morgan called to report in some sort of insect lowdown. Anyway, suppose we got to respond.
infestation. I couldn’t really hear too well; we got a bad
connection. Anyway, not sure what y’all are supposed The Common
to do about it, but he always was so mousy. You might That professor from up in Chicago called saying you
go out there to calm his nerves. got to come see his work for “post-tear-ity,” whatever
that means. I don’t care for bookish men myself but he
Toil Dump & Incinerator seems the nice sort. Maybe pull over if you’re driving
Sawyer said he needed a ride into to town to see the by the Common.
doctor. I guess that ol’ wreck of a truck of his finally
gave up the ghost. Be a dear and go get him; nice man 0. Off the Map (Route 9)
hauled off that busted chiffarobe for me last week and
he seemed in powerful need.
Acts One-Three: Revelations 7:1
and Psalms 104:5
Brown Grocer’s “And after these things I saw four angels standing on the
four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the
This ain’t a crime but I figured I’d pass it along. My
earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor
girlfriend Penny called me just now and said Brown
on the sea, nor on any tree.”
is having a penny sale on bread. A penny for a fresh
loaf! Can you believe that! I’d head down and stock up
“Who laid the foundations of the earth, that it should
myself if I could keep the darn phone on the hook.
not be removed forever.”
Handy Dandy Agricultural Supplies Getting out of town is going to seem like the obvious
Handy Dandy foreman called. Said someone broke in choice at some point. The only major road leading in
last night and planted a tree? Not sure what law that and out of Toil is Route 9. The NPCs are eventually
breaks, but I suppose that’s why they give you boys the going to load up their trucks and flee down the
guns! highway. Regardless of whether they head North or
South, the problem with that plan is that they no
Masonic Lodge longer exist on the same planet.
Mrs. Wyrick says there’s some sort of problem going
on back at the Masonic lodge. She said, “You got to The Earth is now flat, and it is very, very small.
see to believe it.” Well, I’ll take her word for it. I ain’t Initially, the border just appears as unseasonable fog.
walking over there with these old knees. Oblivious characters find out too late that the fog is
really a suspended cloudbank rolling across an endless
horizon. The town of Toil has been literally cut off,
Yearta Residence and trying to leave only results in sailing off the edge
The Reverend’s wife was in absolute hysterics when of the Earth and into the incomprehensible void that
she called awhile ago. I couldn’t make hide nor hair of stretches forever.
what she was saying through all the tears, but she said
she weren’t in danger so I told her to just hold on and Players investigating the edge discover how hopeless
that help was on the way. the situation is. The land itself has been sliced out
from the rest of the planet, the edge a 90-degree drop
Sewell Residence past amputated pipes and truncated stone sliced with
Now you know I ain’t got no patience for the hussy, but surgical precision. This makes a perfect square around
that Mary Sewell is moaning about her persecution the town, and each of the four corners rests on an
again. Said someone done dumped a load of frogs in enormous pillar that pierces endlessly downwards
her house? You believe that? The gall to accuse through the yawning abyss.
someone of such a thing… I swear. It’s a
Revelations - No Security
Each corner is guarded by a silhouette of pure light, If they’ve yet to be retrieved, the axe heads sink as
radiant wings outstretched and at attention with a the creek takes a purplish hue. The water has turned
flaming sword. These angels do not speak, and they to wine: brackish, muddy wine. The novelty of the
may not be harmed. They merely watch the humans floating metal is replaced by unease. This phenomenon
struggling beneath them with maddening eyes made of is obviously biblical, though certainly not a bad omen.
pure starlight, distant and disinterested.
Act Three: Psalm 105:29
Staring into the abyss is not healthy for anyone’s
“He turned their waters into blood, and slew their fish.”
mindset, and seeing one of the pillar guardians is
somehow worse. The edge of the world is the ultimate
As the wine suddenly transforms into a river of blood
precipice, and like tourists atop a high building, the
and tangles of dead wildlife float through the town, the
insane urge to leap off may be too persistent and strong
evil portents of the day’s events become apparent to
to resist.
even the most oblivious residents.

1.The Leowen Bridge 2. J & P’s Lunch Counter

Act One: 2nd Kings 6:5-6 Act One: Psalm 102:9
“But as one was cutting down a tree, the axe head fell
“For I have eaten ashes like bread, and mingled my
into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for
drink with weeping”
it was borrowed. And the man of God said, Where did
it fall? And he showed him the place. And he cut down a
Jenny and Penny run the only restaurant in town. The
stick, and cast it in there; and the iron did float.”
“sisters” (actually barely-closeted lovers) always have a
packed house, but a strange occurrence has driven all
A group of children are “loitering” on the bridge,
but the most stalwart customers from the place.
excitedly shouting and pointing at some sticks poking
out of Vermillion Creek. When questioned, they reveal
Jessie Mae Lynnwood, the town busy body and general
that they were playing Cowboys and Indians when
gossip-monger, has filed an official complaint against
Johnny dropped his Dad’s old hatchet in the water.
the restaurant. This is not the first time she’s been after
Before the tears could start, the hatchet’s handle rose
Jenny and Penny (she constantly calls the police to
up out of the water, seemingly swimming against the
their house for “disturbances” in hopes they’ll catch
them living in sin), but this time there are witnesses.
The boys are now running back and forth between
Mrs. Lynnwood’s food has turned to ash in her
the bridge and their homes, dropping every bladed
mouth, quite literally. As characters arrive, they can
garden instrument they can find into the water. Players
see the soot still staining her chin as the woman
that swim out to the “sticks” (really handles) will find
sobs on the corner. The dissatisfied customer claims
that only the axe heads are floating and resisting the
this is some trick being played on her by the “vile
current. Every knife, garden shear, and rake has sunk
fornicators” inside. Penny and Jenny, though nervous
to the bottom… despite being made of the same metal
and infuriated by Mrs. Lynnwood’s now very public
as the axe heads.
accusations, have no idea what is going on. They point
to Mrs. Lynnwood’s sandwich where it still sits on her
Act Two: John 2:9 plate, noting that there are no ashes on it. The pair is
“When the steward of the feast had tasted the water that eager to cooperate, and they’re offering free lunch to
was made wine, and knew not from where it was: (but everyone on account of all the fuss.
the servants who drew the water knew;) the steward of
the feast called the bridegroom.”

Revelations - No Security
Any character that eats Mrs. Lynnwood’s bread will Act Three: Genesis 19:24
find that the phrase “turned to ash in their mouths” “Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon
can have far less poetic meanings, or they can simply Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of
wait for one of the concerned diners to go back to their heaven;”
meal. Anybody who eats the transforming bread will
be fine after some spitting, but they’ll find afterwards The restaurant lies abandoned as chaos grips the streets
that they can’t stop themselves from crying, constantly, of Toil. Penny and Jenny have hung up a laughable “Be
regardless of their mood. Back Tomorrow!” sign on the door before leaving their
livelihood for the looters.
Act Two: Revelation 8:7
“The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and It’s for the best. The punishment for a town allowing
fire mingled with blood, and they were cast on the earth: the “sinful” love of people like Jenny and Penny has a
and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green precedent. Heralded only by the brief whiff of rotten
grass was burnt up.” eggs, the restaurant is bombed out by a huge streak of
fire falling from the sky. The destruction is fierce and
Penny, on her way to fetch more ice for the total, as if a meteor hurled from the other side of the
complimentary drinks the restaurant is offering to its galaxy has targeted the building.
perturbed clients, opens the icebox door to an eruption
of flames and blood. She is quite badly burned and Any characters standing inside or near the restaurant
trying to recover in the kitchen to avoid spooking would be lucky to survive the explosive blast, and even
more customers with her screams. Players can witness then disfiguring burns would be unavoidable. The
this first-hand if they’re on-site, or they can arrive to fiery rain continues even after the initial strike, falling
help after a panicked Jenny calls dispatch. indiscriminately amongst the rest of the block and
turning every building into an inferno.
After calming the poor woman down, players can see
that the icebox appears to have melted from the inside. All characters must flee the localized hellstorm if they
It somehow turned into a kiln despite being filled with wish to survive, but any escape is temporary. So long
ice, and the warped metal walls are caked with blood as the event continues, the brimstone rain will slowly
from an uncertain source. continue to expand until all of Toil is engulfed in
flames… though it is unlikely anyone will be left alive
Though far from the fire, it appears all the vegetation by the time things go so far.
in the alley out back has burned as well. As characters
investigate, more shouts can be heard from inside the 3. Silverbranch Tap Room
restaurant. When they return to the lunch counter,
every glass of iced tea in the place is now boiling, Act One: Ephesians 6:5
the ice inside suddenly turned to fire. The glasses “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and
eventually break from the heat, spilling a bloody froth fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.“
onto the ground.
Were it not for Mark Jeffery’s kind heart, the Toil PD
Those few customers still around after the ashy bread might never have known there was a problem at the
take this as a cue to leave in a frenzied, panicked local bar. Mark called from his home to report that
stampede out the door. Unless players can keep the Tugger, the owner of the Silverbranch, was being
crowd calm, a few people will be trampled in the exceptionally cruel to Jacob Rich, his young nephew
exodus. that works for him.

Tugger has a history of abusing Jacob, sometimes take a nap in Main Street before coming back to work
even going so far as to hit the boy when he’s indulged there.” As Jacob breaks free from the police, he sprints
in too much of his own stock, but he’s never received to do just that. Players must race to prevent an insane
much punishment beyond a night in the drunk tank. tragedy as the boy tries to get himself run over.
As a 16-year-old orphan working for room and board,
Jacob doesn’t have much choice but to put up with the Act Two: Malachi 2:3
man; it’s the only work he’s likely to get from the only
“Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung on
family he has. But according to Jeffery, Tugger’s abusive
your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one
attitude took a turn for the worse in a way he can’t
shall take you away with it.”
quite describe. He just got out of there and called the
Abasi al Atrash is a fish out of water. An Egyptian
Muslim, he has travelled to America to oversee the
When players arrive, Jacob is inside the bar doing
shipment of a large amount of soy oil extract to his
handstands while the bar’s early patrons laugh and jeer.
country. Employed at a British multinational, he is
His face is bright red from all the blood rushing to his
in charge of developing a soap production operation
face, but he won’t stop despite the tears rolling down
in Egypt, and the soy oil is to be the first industrial
his face. If players stop the sick little show, Tugger will
shipment of their agreement.
claim innocence. He just asked him to do it; he didn’t
force anything.
Abasi, though capable of some English, can understand
very little about what is happening. He arrived from
Apparently, Jacob had bumped into Tugger in the
Chicago to find that the shipment at Handy Dandy
kitchen while he was cooking early in the day. Tugger,
Agricultural Supplies delayed. The factory’s owner sent
abusive as always, had told the boy to stick his own
him to wait at the bar with a few foremen, not realizing
hand in the fire next time before bumping him. He
that Muslims don’t drink. There, Abasi watches the
did… for five long seconds. It wasn’t until Tugger
odd tortures of Jacob Rich, perplexed by this strange
smelled burning flesh that he pulled his nephew’s hand
cultural practice. But nothing compares to the
away. He claims that the boy wouldn’t seek medical
confusion to come.
attention but instead begged to stay and finish the shift.
Suddenly and without warning, Abasi falls to the
In fact, Jacob will do anything Tugger tells him. The
ground screaming. His face and his untouched plate
young man agrees with Tugger’s story 100%, and he
of food have suddenly become covered in dung. Flies
seems eager for the police to leave so he can continue
swarm him, and the poor man doubles over as a pool
serving his “master.” The handstand thing appears to
of blood spreads outward from his lap. Panicked and
have just been a test of this newfound obedience, one
confused, a pained Abasi tries to lock himself in the
of many in the last few hours. The bar patrons have
bathroom to hide his shame. Few are willing to touch
been entertaining themselves with these bar tricks for
the screaming man covered in shit, but players that
the last few hours; asking the boy to drink filthy beer
manage to stop him will find him inconsolable. What
remainders and play five-finger filet just to see if it
little English he had goes forgotten with the pain.
would work. Had the players not arrived when they
Locked in the bathroom, Abasi will barricade the door
and refuse all entry. He only mutters frantically in his
own language.
Jacob Rich’s fanatical devotion to his uncle is
inexplicable. He refers to Tugger only as ‘master” and
Anyone capable of speaking Arabic can hear the man
leaps to perform his every command. At the same
praying to Allah through the door. It appears Abasi is a
time, an unmistakable look of terror haunts the boy’s
very well-educated man, and he has read the religious
eyes. The only way to stop the behavior is to separate
texts of his business partners. He references Malachai
Tugger and Jacob. Tugger will not take this interference
2:3 whilst asking the heavens what he did to deserve
well, blaming the boy’s “shenanigans” of course.
such suffering.
He off-handedly remarks that Jacob “Should
Revelations - No Security
Act Three: Exodus 11, Exodus 12 and strange collection of symptoms couldn’t jump
Eventually, the murmurings in the bathroom stop. If species so completely. More traditional investigators
any characters or shell-shocked NPCs haven’t fled the canvassing the crowd notice that Elmer Hanson, the
bar yet, they can knock down the door to find Abasi nearest farmer to the town and yearly favorite at the
al Atrash dead by incomprehensible means. Seeing his competition, is nowhere to be found. While this is
dung and blood covered body is enough to make most suspect, it could just mean he didn’t make the regional
men retch, but those stout enough can search his body this year.
for clues. They won’t find much save his wallet. Family
photos reveal that Abasi was the oldest of five siblings. Eventually, Mayor Ford gets the officers’ attention
The firstborn. again. The agonized braying of the livestock is
becoming too obvious to hide and some quarantine
measures need to be taken. In short, he wants officers
4. Toil City Hall to put the animals down. He’s arranged an impromptu
Act One: Exodus 9:1–7 shooting backstop off Park Street. He wants some
officers to entertain the crowd with a marksmanship
The Toil City Hall hosts the regional area’s Agricultural
competition while one poor bastard uses the gunfire
Fair Finals. Farmers from all around journey to the
to mask the creatures’ euthanasia. While this might
front lawn and courthouse steps to compete for prizes
prevent the onlookers’ discovery and panic, it certainly
like “Largest Pumpkin” and “Best Goat.” Local wives
disquiets the character in charge of the slaughter.
set up stands and sell baked goods. The kids have fun
with carnival games and a small petting zoo.
Act Two: Psalm 90:3
That’s on a normal year – today, all the animals are “You turn men back to dust, saying, ‘Return to dust, O
suspiciously absent and stay locked in their trailers. sons of men.’”
All the livestock competitions have been delayed for
hours, and the spokesmen for the WPA Agricultural It starts slowly. The Mayor takes the grandstand and
Committee desperately stalls for time at the tries to explain the cancelled events when a puff of
grandstand. smoke erupts from a spot in the crowd, as if someone
had walked through an old campfire. Then there’s
Mayor Lenard Ford is the one who called. Once police another, and another, this time accompanied by a
arrive, the impatient bureaucrat hurriedly trundles frenzied grandmother that screams and claws her
behind the building to where the trailers are parked. hands madly through the dirt.
He points the officers towards the slates in a closed
trailer for a horse named Daisy… or what remains of Mayor Ford gives up the microphone stand to go
her. suppress this new rabble-rouser. As the WPA rep.
moves to take over, he suddenly freezes mid-step, tips
The animal is frightful to look at – frothing at the forward on his momentum, and falls, disintegrating
mouth, shaking, covered in running sores, bloodshot into a million particles of dust on the stage.
eyes rolling in panic. Every other animal at the fair
suffers equally, and they seem to worsen by the There is a stunned beat, then panic erupts. As chaos
second. Mayor Ford is furious and wants the officers to spreads, so does the metamorphosis. Everywhere,
forsake all other calls until the “poisoner” is found. He random people are instantaneously crumbling into
threatens the job of anyone leaving, regardless of the dust before their loved ones’ eyes. Others are turning
excuse. into solid pillars of salt. The screams are deafening.

Investigating the animals’ food and water reveals Players present for the massacre face two threats:
no contagion of any kind, and characters with being trampled and going mad. The people remain
medical experience note that the affliction facing the understandably inconsolable, and the only hope
creatures makes no biological sense. Such a potent is to seek shelter or get out of the way. In games
with a sanity mechanic, GMs should treat irrevocable When the doctor arrived, Ms. Weber was already
madness the same as death. Rather than take control of hysterical in the hallway, crying and desperately
the character as an NPC, turn characters that lose their clasping her hands over her mouth. While the
grip on reality into dust. Coming unhinged merely principal tried to comfort her, the children in the
speeds the process of reality’s revision. classroom were running amok. They were having
sliding contests across the floor, running and slipping
Act Three: Deuteronomy 28:53 on a thin layer of moisture of unknown origin.
“And you shall eat the fruit of your own body, the flesh of
Dr. Coughlin insists that the players quarantine the
your sons and of your daughters, which the LORD your
school to contain an outbreak of whatever it is Ms.
God has given you, in the siege, and in the distress, with
Weber has. He assures them it is airborne and that if it
which your enemies shall distress you.”
is infectious, it is likely the officers should be isolated
too. If asked to describe the symptoms, the doctor
Mayor Ford has lost it, but he’s already started
finds himself incapable. Suspicious characters can
campaigning for the leadership of a new post-
press the doctor, at which point he suggests they enter
apocalyptic tribe. Ford and those that hold up in the
the storage room and see for themselves.
City Hall have convinced themselves that they are
under siege by the Lord’s Will (and aren’t entirely
Alone in the storage room, Ms. Weber’s hands remain
wrong). As they try to secure foodstuffs for the
glued to her mouth. Attempts to get her to speak
upcoming deprivation before sealing themselves in
are met with frantic headshakes, but Coughlin can
the courthouse, their frenzied minds have been co-
cajole her into speaking, urging her just to repeat
opted by the force at work. Armed with knives and
what she was talking about in class when the illness
improvised weapons, they are trying to force the
manifested. When Ms. Weber starts shakily reciting
terrified children fleeing from the bloody Leowen
the multiplication tables, characters witness a thick
Bridge (Location 1, p.72) into the City Hall before
stream of mist spew from her mouth. The pressure
barricading the doors.
isn’t dangerous, nor does it obscure her words, but the
dew comes out with more consistent force than can be
The boys are smart enough to struggle against their
provided by human lungs.
crazed elders, but they’re being overpowered and
slowly dragged up the steps. God knows what will
Ms. Weber has no idea what is happening. Dr.
happen to them if the players can’t stop Mayor Ford
Coughlin doesn’t know where all the moisture is
and his cronies, though his continual muttering of
coming from either, and he fears the condition could
“The flesh of the sons and the daughters” doesn’t breed
cause deadly dehydration if it goes untreated.

Act Two: Exodus 8:17

5. Toil Public School
“And they did so; for Aaron stretched out his hand with
Act One: Deuteronomy 32:2 his rod, and smote the dust of the earth, and it became
“My teaching shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil lice in man, and in beast; all the dust of the land became
as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and lice throughout all the land of Egypt.”
as the showers upon the grass”
Whether the quarantine has been enacted or the
Dr. Dylan Coughlin, the local physician, called in for police have just arrived, the origin of Ms. Weber’s
help from the office of Toil Public Schools. He’s seeing rain of words increasingly appears supernatural when
one of the teachers, Wendy Ann Weber, for a serious the playground’s sandbox inexplicably, instantly
medical condition. When officers arrive, Dr. Coughlin transforms into a swarm of blood-sucking lice.
briefs them on the situation while escorting them Unfortunately, there is a class using the recess yard at
towards the storage closet where he’s secluded the the time.
Revelations - No Security
Characters wishing to save the thrashing children
from the lice pit may do so if they have the fortitude. Bearing Bad News
Plucking kids from the swarm will be sickening, and
the sheer number of the creatures (one for every grain If players know about the goings on at the Yearta
of sand) causes damage as long as the officers are Residence (Location 12, p.85), they can
amongst the writhing mound. inform/question the patriarch at his church. If
told about the death of his son, the elder will be
Eventually, the insects will disperse from the box. The genuinely grieved and ask his wife be brought
quarantine, if players created it, now seems quaint. to him at church. He’s ignorant of all other
Many students and teachers flee to their homes. details save his son’s previous scandal and exile
to the divinity school (which, in lieu of the boy’s
Act Three: Matthew 15-18 and Others death, he finally seems regretful for). Aside
from pointing out young Andrew’s strange new
“Lord, have mercy on my son: for he is epileptic, and is proclivities, the old man won’t be very useful, less
very ill: for often he falls into the fire, and often into the so as grief and the frightening new portents of
water. And I brought him to your disciples, and they the “prank” continue to assert themselves at the
could not cure him. Then Jesus answered and said, O church.
faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be
with you? How long shall I endure you? Bring him here
to me. And Jesus rebuked the demon; and he departed
out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour.”

Seventh grader Lyle Winstrom has suffered from

epilepsy for most of his life. His mother hasn’t yet
come to pick him up, delayed by the insanity outside.
In keeping with the biblical reality insinuating itself,
Lyle’s condition suddenly stops being neurological and
starts being demonic.

The creature that was formerly Lyle Winstrom cannot

be saved by mortal hands. He is possessed by a
demonic spirit that only a Son of God can exorcise.
The creature is in keeping with its other descriptions
(Mark 5: 1-15, Luke 8:27-39, etc) and therefore
possesses supernatural strength, wields the powers of a
wizard, encourages self-mutilation, and takes joy in the
slaughter of innocents. It cannot be reasoned with and
only wishes to destroy.

The effectiveness of firearms against a demon thrall

is obviously neglected in the texts, so it up to the GM
if the creature can even be harmed. Regardless, the
demon presents serious danger, and attacking a child
– even a fire-eyed, blood-soaked one shooting hellfire
from its hands – won’t be easy.

6. Abundant Harvest Fellowship Church More disturbing than the regurgitation is the palpable
urge everyone feels to put the pulsating letters in
Act One: Matthew 26-28 their mouths. It takes serious willpower to resist this
“And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed compulsion, and those failing a check find themselves
it, and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, psychologically damaged by the act of resistance. Of
Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave course, resisting the urge isn’t nearly as distressing as
thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink you all of it; succumbing to it.
For this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed
for many for the remission of sins.” Act Three: John 6:53
“Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
Reverend Yearta the elder called in a break-in that he’s Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his
just discovered at the church. As it is early afternoon, blood, you have no life in you.”
there is no one in the building save the pastor.
The sacrament and the words continually expelled
It appears that in the night the sacrament was swapped by Yearta prove too tempting for the ever-increasing
with a grisly substitute. The bread now pulses and is numbers of frenzied worshippers. As they rave about
covered with a pale, sweaty skin. Cutting it causes an the end of days, they clamor to rip chunks from the
escape of nauseating gas and a spurt of what appears to living bread and guzzle bottles of blood. Those unable
be blood. The bread has been made flesh – impossible to reach seem to be literally wasting away on the spot,
flesh from no animal in existence. Checking the wine doing what they can to subsist off the bloody Aramaic
bottles reveals that they have been replaced with blood. littering the floor around the Reverend. If unable to
reach either, those that have already succumb to the
Yearta regards this as a sick, blasphemous prank, but desire to eat risk starvation and death within minutes
the news about his son (see Bearing Bad News p.77) without the sacrament. All present seem to realize this
may lead him to more fantastical explanations. instinctually despite their repulsion and confusion.

Act Two: Jer. 15:16 The urge to join in “communion” can still be resisted,
“Your words were found, and I did eat them; and your but preventing anyone else from participating in
word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of my heart: for the horrific sacrament leads to violence. Regardless,
I am called by your name, O LORD God of hosts.” players should exit the scene quickly; it’s too terrifying
to behold for long and stay sane.
A few patrons seek comfort in the church as events
outside grow increasingly distressing. Reverend Yearta, 7. Tennant Funeral Home and Cemetery
either out of duty or self-solace, is ministering to the
flock. But as he does, a distressing cough enters his Act One: Judges 14:8
voice and soon prevents him from speech. “And after a time he returned to take her, and he turned
aside to see the carcass of the lion: and, behold, there was
Eventually, amongst much blood and bile, Yearta pukes a swarm of bees and honey in the carcass of the lion.”
up a number of fleshy bits in odd shapes. The giblets
are sheathed in the same pallid flesh as the sacrament Morgan Tennant waits for the police outside his parlor,
and pulse in the same vein-y, disgusting manner. flustered and wringing his hands. The dispatch says
Especially educated characters might recognize the only that there has been “an insect attack,” but Tennant
bits as characters from the Aramaic alphabet. Superbly explains that when he opened a coffin for a prepared
knowledgeable officers could spell out the chapter viewing there was an explosion of bees from within.
and verse Yearta quoted before coughing up He’s baffled as to what to do, but he urges officers to
the fleshy label. stay outside lest they get stung.

Revelations - No Security
Officers entering the building can avoid serious life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for
stings merely by moving cautiously so long as they foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.”
don’t disturb any other coffins. Bees infest every dead In short, assaulting the undead army is a good way to
body in the place, writhing around like maggots and get torn apart.
secreting honey. All three of the bodies awaiting burial
in the parlor are subject to a literal instance of this 8. Toil Dump & Incinerator
same unfortunate translation of the Aramaic word for
“fly.” Act One: Exodus 9:10
“And they took ashes of the furnace, and stood before
Act Two: Exodus 9:13–35 Pharaoh; and Moses sprinkled it up toward heaven; and
Outside the bee-infested funeral parlor, an it became boils breaking forth with sores upon man, and
unseasonable storm strikes the cemetery without upon beast.”
warning. Initially just exceptionally thunderous, when
the hail starts – in the middle of a bright summer’s Sawyer Harris doesn’t get much company out at the
day – it’s extremely disconcerting. The storm seems dump, and he’s fine with that. The notorious town
centered around the cemetery, excluding the rest of the malcontent runs the city’s only garbage truck, and
town at uncannily sharp angles. The unsettling storm he’s constantly sorting through the mounds for bits
graduates into a life-threatening hazard the longer it he can sell as scrap or burn in his cobbled together
goes on, the mystery hail growing larger and falling incinerator.
hard enough to chip headstones. Anybody caught in
the maelstrom for long could be seriously injured or Officers arriving at the scene may discover the cause of
killed. Sawyer’s distress long before reaching his tiny shack.
Any character caught outside at the dump should face
some test of their luck, either using game mechanics,
Act Three: Ezekiel 37:1-10
a coin-flip, or paper-rock-scissors with other players
The nuances of Ezekiel’s prophetic vision for the Jewish present. The loser finds their character hissing in pain
people seem lost on entities existing beyond space and as a painful boil breaks out on their face. The running
time. Rather than using death as a symbol for captivity sore appears almost instantly and seems as if it’s been
and resurrection as a representation of the homeland’s infected for weeks. Standing outside trying to find
restoration through faith, the dead in Tennant the source of the outbreak only leads to more lesions.
Cemetery literally reassemble themselves from bones Every fleck of ash from the incinerator that lands on
and claw themselves out of the earth. flesh aggravates another boil, and standing outside for
too long causes serious health problems.
The sight of this is horrifying beyond words. The
skeletal and half-rotted remains of every beloved The only shelter is Sawyer’s little shack. The garbage
family member to ever die in Toil bursts from the earth man hides there, bed-ridden and writhing in pain.
at once, staring at the living with hollow eye sockets He’s horribly disfigured by swollen, pus-filled wounds
and agape jaws. Those witnessing the army of dead risk that cover every inch of his exposed skin. The sheets
madness, but thankfully the corpses present no other are soaked through with his sickening excretions,
threat. The animate remains seem content to march and he’s delirious with pain. The ailing Sawyer is as
east, towards Jerusalem, and ignore anything in their filthy as ever, but the ash of the incinerator that once
path. perpetually covered him has been replaced by blood
and infectious run-off.
Realizing their peaceful nature in the wake of such a
shock may be difficult for any characters and NPCs in
the area. Harming skeletons is a terrible idea, for they
have been united through resurrection under the same
faith that follows Exodus 21:23-25: “But if there is any
further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for
Characters can stop the poisonous soot flying from 9. Brown Grocer’s
the still active incinerator merely by dousing the
flame. Doing so safely requires covering every inch of Act One: Mark 6:41
exposed skin from the ash floating out of the chimney. “And when he had taken the five loaves and the two
This is easily done with a sheet when approaching the fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and broke
fire, but dealing with blowback of ash from throwing the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before
water on the flames could potentially leave an officer in them; and the two fishes divided he among them all.”
as bad a state as Mr. Harris.
Clyde Brown of Brown Grocer’s has nothing to report;
Act Two: Exodus 8:20–30 the call came in from the customers themselves. The
The flies of the town dump, always numerous, see “deal on bread” everyone seems so excited about
their numbers swell from an uncertain source. The air is about all that could be called a disturbance, but
is suddenly black with the swarm, and the buzzing is investigating further reveals something far more
deafening. While not harmful, standing amongst the sinister is afoot.
filthy maelstrom causes the skin to crawl, figuratively
and literally. If the incinerator is still spewing ash, or When first confronted, Clyde can say nothing about
if the exposed characters received boils previously, his penny loaves save a lame joke that his prices must
the creatures won’t hesitate to lay their young in the be “criminal.” If further pressed, he’ll reveal that his
festering wounds. While not lethal, it is disgusting sale is the direct result of an unexpected overstock. The
beyond words, and the itching can prove a distraction bread seems fine, and tasting it causes no ill effects.
for the rest of the game. However, taking a loaf off the shelf and putting it back
proves problematic… because there is another loaf in
its place.
Act Three: Leviticus 10:1-20
As things worsen, many in the community desperately No matter how many loaves are removed from the
try to appease the angry God heaping miseries upon shelf, the second the character looks away, the shelf is
them. In a panic, a few have come to the dump to completely restocked. While amusing at first, seeing
perform a sin offering to the Lord. A few dozen are the mystery bread pile up quickly becomes scary. It’s
milling around the fly maelstrom, dragging panicked just wrong. Clyde seems unaffected; he’s convinced this
goats, steer, and even family pets towards the is a miracle bestowed upon his business as a reward for
incinerator. his faith.

If not stopped, the mob will slit the throats of all the Players looking for the other half of the famous
creatures in a blasphemously inadequate parody of the meal combination will be sore pressed to find it. The
offering. However, there is no ritual butcher present, landlocked town doesn’t have much in the way of
nor is their an alter. The offerings are unauthorized, fish outside of canned tuna, and taking a tin off the
and the text makes clear punishments for such an shelf doesn’t prompt anything unnatural. Opening
offense: death by fire. As the first animal is thrown into the lid and consuming the contents, however, proves
the furnace’s flames, the whole crowd spontaneously impossible; there is always more tuna in the can.
combusts, silently collapsing as the very oxygen in Overturning the can be downright dangerous. An
their lungs is burned away. endless tide of canned tuna pours forth and won’t stop
until the can is turned upright. If not righted, a single
can of tuna easily could drown everyone in the store in
dead fish.

Revelations - No Security
Act Two: Psalm 137:9 flame, or other illumination even makes a dent in the
“Happy shall he be, that takes and dashes your little ones black.
against the stones.”
Even though they’re in no physical danger from the
John Kaywood moves people out of his path as if darkness, the panic of refugees hiding in the store can
an invisible cowcatcher preceded him. He brings a still be deadly. Mere seconds earlier daylight shone
reminder of the world’s cruelty into a room like a outside, but now the already horrified crowd in Brown
cloying stink, and it’s all people can do to keep from Grocers thinks itself suddenly stricken blind. People
crossing the street to avoid his gaze. scream and attempt to flee in all directions at once,
bashing into each other and knocking over shelves.
John’s wife, Laura, is dead, along with their first child. Calming the frenzied herd is impossible; it is difficult
The infant’s name wasn’t even known before the poor enough just to avoid getting crushed. The officers’
woman tripped down her porch steps while carrying only hope is to recall the path outside. Once free of
the unfortunate babe. The guilt proved too much for the front door, they find the sunlight restored. The
her, and she put the shotgun in her mouth the first day display windows of the store merely look blacked out,
John went back to work. He’s a hollow, joyless man, revealing nothing of the terror happening within.
unable to hold down a job but kept alive by church
donations. He’s shopping for whiskey in the store when 10. Handy Dandy Agricultural Supplies
something odd happens: he begins to laugh.
Act One: Revelations 22:2
He laughs hysterically, tears of joy streaming down “In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the
his face. Nothing appears to prompt it, and he ignores river, was there the tree of life, which bore twelve manner
any questions. While disconcerting in its own right, of fruit, and yielded its fruit every month: and the leaves
the mad cackling is doubly terrifying to anyone aware of the tree were for the healing of the nations.”
of John’s history in town. He starts moving down the
aisles, stumbling in his spastic fits of laughter, towards Handy Dandy produces a number of products, but
Regina Rossini… and her young daughter in the their main venture is refining the soybean crops into
stroller. oil for soap. The men of the factory compose the
majority of the town’s male population, and in nice
John is just a man, but he’s gone completely mad by weather they are prone to eat lunch at the fleet of
order of the gods. Some small part of his brain can still picnic tables outside rather than the sweltering heat of
register a threat or a pointed gun as a reason to stop, the interior.
but it will merely prompt a wild-eyed explanation as he
holds the infant over his head: he’s just trying to make Today, they found a tree in the middle of the lunch
Regina happy. Happy like him and his wife. spot. It’s massive, easily hundreds of years old, and sits
rooted by the river in a spot that was empty just that
Officers on the scene, regardless of whether they put morning.
Kaywood down before bearing witness to his insane
crime, can look forward to many sleepless nights. If No one seems to be anything but amused by the prank.
John succeeds and they see Regina’s reaction – the The only reason Jason Compton called the police at
same insane laughter following at the sight of her all was to report someone trespassing on company
child’s murder – they may never sleep again. property. The tree is too clever to piss anyone off.
The ground around the trunk remains completely
Act Three: Exodus 10:21–29 undisturbed, as if the thing had always been growing
at that spot. The thing is too massive to lift by hand, yet
Darkness floods through the store as if released from the bark and leaves bear no mark of heavy machinery.
a dam, an intangible ink that fills the store in a matter Most astonishingly, the species of the plant is
of seconds. While characters can pass through it and completely unidentifiable. Even its fruit is alien;
breathe, the darkness is absolutely total: no flashlight,
each of the twelve pieces hanging from the branches it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the
is unique, not matching any of its brothers in color, ground, and stamped upon them.”
shape, or texture.
The picnic grounds and factory interior have been
Tasting the fruit is anti-climactic in most instances. reduced to blood-soaked, scattered mess by the bear
It tastes okay, but not much is distinguishable by its attacks. Mangled bodies lay where they fell; all the
flavor. If a character has received injuries in either workers have fled. Then night falls, inexplicably early
body or mind, eating the fruit magically restores them by a number of hours.
to peak condition. The Tree of Life has the same effect
on any NPCs that taste of the fruit. However, there Any characters present witness a goat walk over the
are only twelve fruits to go around. The tree grows no horizon. It has four horns, but otherwise appears to
more, no matter how urgent the need. be a normal, healthy goat. The creature stares intently
with its square pupils, but there seems nothing
Act Two: 2 Kings 2:23-24 threatening about it until a fifth horn begins growing
from its head…
“And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed
them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth
And grows. And grows.
two she-bears out of the wood, and tore forty and two of
the youths.”
The horn reaches impossibly far into the night sky,
growing upwards even as it branches off in a 90 degree
Unable to do much about the strange tree, workers
angle (pointing south and east). The goat, despite the
resume their meal. Jim Flannigan, one of the older
impossible weight, remains staring and chewing its
men on the crew, steals one of Cory Cusik’s ham
cud. As its head moves, so does the horn shooting
sandwiches. This type of hazing is typical for new guys
upwards in the vanishing distance. The odd right
at Handy Dandy. Cory is used to it at this point; as the
angle of the thing oscillates wildly across the night sky,
other men laugh, he just shakes his head and mutters,
making an odd tinkling sound and seeming to erase
“Goddamn you, Jim” under his breath.
the very heavens.
Then there are bears.
The goat begins stamping its hoof as snow starts to fall.
But it’s not snow; it’s the stars themselves. They remain
There just ARE bears. Two gigantic grizzlies appear out
small, all sense of perspective lost, and they hit the
of nowhere and start mauling Jim Flannigan to death.
ground with tiny puffs of smoke. The goat stamps on
And they just keep killing from there, chasing down
one of the eerily beautiful specks as it falls near him,
the fleeing workers, bashing down the doors to the
then resumes chewing its cud…
building if they try to take shelter.
…and staring, always staring with its dead eyes.
Whether they see the sandwich theft that causes the

massacre or arrive with the attack in process, officers
will have no choice but to kill the animals. There are
only 38 men on the workforce (with the exception of
a traumatized Cory Cusick, who seems ignored by the
creatures). They won’t stop until 42 men are dead, and
the grizzlies don’t care if the PCs join that number.

Act Three: Daniel 8:9-10

“And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which
waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward
the east, and toward the pleasant land. And it
waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and
Revelations - No Security
Act Two: Deuteronomy 32:42
Yearta’s Stash “I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword
shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain
If players have discovered Andrew’s room and the
and of the captives, from the heads of the leaders of the
Masonic key hidden within, they learn that it fits
none of the locks in the building. While searching
for what the key might fit into, perceptive
Officers with keen ears can hear a crunching sound
characters notice locusts crawling in and out of a
coming from the locked office near the back of the
panel on the wall. Experimenting reveals a secret
lodge. Alternately, those with an eye for detail notice
passage leading to a basement door. The key opens
that one of the wall decorations in the lobby remains
this door.
suspiciously free from locusts: a Native American
headdress and bow flanked with crossed arrows.
It appears the basement is only used for Masonic
rituals, and rarely at that. A single set of footprints
Opening up the office reveals a greenish-red stain on
can be seen amongst the dust, traversing back and
the wall surrounding a mounted Masonic sword. Used
forth between the door and a set of cabinets. Inside
in induction ceremonies, the dull blade’s only purpose
rests a grisly sight: bloody clothes, a chemistry set
is to be placed over the initiate’s breast during rites, but
with vials of all sorts of strange, hallucinogenic
now it appears to be repelling locusts somehow. Those
drugs, and a large, bloody knife with a pair of
wise enough to observe the sword before grabbing it
amputated eyelids displayed on the blade. Andrew
find out why.
must have come to this unused space to prepare for
whatever horrific crime he committed.
When one of the bugs crawls too near, the sword
bends in its mount, metal whipping outwards like a
Left behind is a map of town. On it, Hanson Farm
frog’s tongue. The folds of steel at the edge open and
is circled multiple times. A note in Andrew’s
close around the insects, actually chewing them before
handwriting reads, “Best spot. Isolated and
coming to rest again on the wall. The sword doesn’t
westernmost – toward the End of the Day.”
merely slice flesh; it consumes it.

11. Masonic Lodge The arrows in the lobby operate similarly, though they
do not bend to capture prey. Any locust crawling over
Act One: Exodus 10:1–20
the heads finds itself suddenly cut in half despite a
Amanda Wyrick, the woman paid to clean up the lodge complete lack of force or leverage. Characters that can
the day before meeting, placed the call to the police. keep their wits about them after witnessing such a sight
She opened the door to find the building infested will notice that the bug’s fluids seem to be absorbed
with locusts. While a little shaken and confused, she by the stone arrowhead. The truly adventurous can get
merely closed the lodge and walked home to phone close enough to hear the slurping sound.

Investigating officers aren’t in danger of anything save

bafflement. The insects cover every single surface of
the lodge and practically deafen with their buzzing.
Despite best efforts there is no way to tell how they
got inside the building. The lodge was open for lunch
yesterday and no Masons reported seeing anything
unusual. There is no way such a horde could have
been bred in such a time, and there is no dirt from
which the bugs could have been unearthed. All doors
and windows are closed tight. It seems the locusts just
suddenly appeared out of nowhere…
As the sword and arrows suffer from the same Though powerful, the weapons are equally dangerous
transubstantiation affecting the rest of the town, they to their users. The sword will seek to eat flesh
make for extremely powerful weapons if a character whenever it is unsheathed. If there are no enemies
has the archaic skills necessary to wield them. If the around the blade will whip around, seeking to feast
sword sinks into flesh of any kind, it sticks and begin on the wielder’s arms and face. Likewise, if the arrows
chewing along its entire length. Anything struck with are launched at anything save a living target, they will
the blade not strong enough to dislodge the writhing redirect and sink into the closest living thing they can
steel faces a very agonizing, horrific death. In contrast, find, even if that is the man behind the bow. Despite
the arrows drink blood, and they will find a way to the risks, when faced with the other nightmares
drunkenly fly to a source no matter how they are roaming Toil, the unreal armaments may be the only
aimed. The vampiric bolts, if not removed, will leave hope of survival.
their target a desiccated corpse in a matter of seconds.

The Deserter God

Though made unique by madness and the linguistics of Klauss von Meinhoff, Andrew Yearta’s theology can
best be described as “deicide.” The writings in his room reveal the musings of an atheist that finds nothing
but despair in a directionless universe. In fact, the young man regarded the Bible as a completely accurate
historical text. It’s not that God never existed; mankind destroyed God. The continued sin and corruption
of humans (specifically Andrew’s lust) made the Lord realize the futility of another flood. As such, the
human race was damned completely in the worst way possible: they were ignored. Rather than show his
love through a rebuke of fire and brimstone, God wiped himself from existence, removing his love from the
universe. Andrew, in his insanity, feels that his tryst with Mary Sewell was the exact sin that destroyed all
mankind’s chance of salvation.

As the slayer of God, Andrew regarded it as his duty to become the prophet of His resurrection.
When he discovered Noought-Iss in von Meinhoff ’s obscure tome (see The Monster: Noought-Iss,
p.65), he saw his chance. Andrew’s scribbled notes are unclear about his feelings towards the monster of
meanings. Sometimes he believed Noought-Iss to be the devil that replaced God in his absence. Other times
he believed von Meinhoff ’s claims that the creature always existed, rationalizing that God would have the
power to wipe his existence from all time once He existed again. Regardless, Andrew saw the ancient force
as his chance to rescue mankind from an uncaring, meaningless universe.

By binding Noought-Iss and rewiring the basic metaphor of reality (that which IS NOT will BE), Andrew
planned to either infuriate his God back into existence through his blasphemous gall, or to mold the
mindless Noought-Iss into his Judeo-Christian deity. The young man didn’t care which or whether it led
to his death and damnation. He didn’t even pause to consider von Meinhoff ’s own warnings about the
possibilities of unmaking reality itself. The boy’s shame was pathological and pervasive, and it combined
with his genius to make a volatile mixture indeed.

Though reading von Meinhoff ’s text itself requires fluent German, there is enough in Andrew’s journals
to figure out the basics of the ritual he performed. Binding Noought-Iss requires a sentient creature to
maintain a supreme focus on the new center of perception, ignoring all earthly distractions, and maintain
that perception through the transition back from IS to IS NOT.

It’s uncertain how the ritual was completed (see ENDGAME, p.90), but investigators can find an odd-
looking key hidden in the back cover of von Meinhoff ’s book. Smart characters will recognize a Masonic
symbol etched into the head (see Yearta’s Stash, p.83)
Revelations - No Security
Act Three: Peter 5:8 Most importantly, why? (The answer: apparently not
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, even the harbinger of this biblical apocalypse would
as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may know that the punishment for his disbelief would be so
devour” swift and literal).

The sight of the lion alone poses a serious threat. It Mrs. Yearta is too distraught to be of much use. She
just appears in the dining room of the lodge, blank can reveal that her son recently returned from a
space one second and snarling predator the next. divinity school in Germany, though she can’t recall
The contortions the human mind has to make when the name (no one can, oddly enough…). She suspects
perceiving this manifestation would drive most mad. he was depressed because he rarely left his room and
never allowed anyone inside. Earlier that morning,
Aside from unholy red eyes and a maw seemingly filled he had stormed through the front door practically
with flames, the creature is just a lion. This is far from dancing with manic joy. Mrs. Yearta hadn’t even
comforting because “the devil” seeks to devour them known her son was out, but there he stood, crying
quite literally. It’s up to GMs discretion whether or not tears of joy and saying it was time to celebrate. Next
firearms have an effect on the beast. The sword is the thing she knew, he’d popped open a bottle of wine,
most effective weapon against the hellish creature, but took a long pull, and was convulsing on the floor.
the arrows will miss or sink into the flesh of any nearby
humans; they are too “drunk with blood” and therefore Though utterly confused, Mrs. Yearta casts suspicion
not “sober” enough to harm the devil. If officers are not on Mary Sewell for the poisoning. “That harlot has
present when the hell lion manifests or fail to destroy always been plotting to destroy my sweet boy!” the
it, it breaks out of the lodge and roams the town woman screams. Beyond that information though,
looking for more victims, perhaps even attacking PCs Andrew’s mother is just a mousy minister’s wife
at other locations. without much to contribute. She will fall into a stunned
silence, leaving to inform her husband of their son’s
death at the church, if allowed.
12. Yearta Residence
Act One -Three: Deuteronomy 32:33 Players that kick open the door to Andrew’s room find
it wallpapered in his madness. Obscure diagrams and
“Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel
notes hastily scrawled in multiple languages cover the
venom of asps.”
walls and collect in corners. A special place amongst
the academic refuse is reserved for an ancient leather-
Mrs. Yearta is in hysterics when characters arrive. She’s
bound volume entitled Die Bindung von Noought-Iss
discovered her son dead in the kitchen, collapsed with
durch die Objektive Sprach: Eine Studie herein der
a bottle of wine in his hand.
Semantische Hierarchie der Basis-Auspragung (The
Binding of Noought-Iss with the Objective Tongue: A
The young man’s face is contorted in agony, his
Study in the Semantic Hierarchy of Base Instantiation).
mouth surrounded by black veins and tongue already
beginning to rot. He bleeds out of his eyes and nose.
Those fluent in German can spend time studying the
The blood still runs and won’t congeal, yet there is
tome to discover reality’s master and how it came to
dried blood under the fingernails. Characters with
be tamed (see The Monster: Noought-Iss, p.65 and
exceptional medical skills discover that death resulted
ENDGAME, p.90). Others without the language
from ingesting some toxin that has both anti-coagulant
necessary can still find an odd key squirreled away
and necrotic properties. If there is a character around
between the covers with a Masonic symbol etched on
with biological knowledge, they realize that the best
the head (see Location 11, p.83 and Yearta’s Stash,
bet for that type of substance is the venom of exotic
p.83). English-reading characters can eventually
snakes. But how would someone in Illinois be able to
sift through young Andrew’s notes and learn a vague
extract enough snake venom to fill a wine bottle, and
paraphrase of Noought-Iss’ powers and
how would they get it inside without popping the cork?
what the madman hoped to accomplish with it (see with her sexuality than most other women.
The Deserter God, p. 84/ The Monster: Noought-
Iss, p. 65). Whatever the language, at least one The reason Mary thinks the frogs have something
character must dedicate some time to studying the to do with Andrew’s return is her interaction with
dense academic language of Andrew’s notes and source him the other day. Walking to work, she encountered
material. As the ideas and implications grow more Andrew carrying a bag down the street. Wanting to
complex, the researchers risk the same maddening rekindle the old flame and see if “the wine got better
implications that destroyed the boy’s mind. with age,” she ran to catch up with him. Upon seeing
her, Andrew grew terrifically, almost violently agitated.
(GM NOTE: As Andrew Yearta’s room is the only He buried his hands in his pocket and demanded she
hope for fully understanding the insanity gripping keep away from him. He claimed that he was urgently
Toil, characters staying behind to research are given needed at the Masonic lodge and sprinted away from
refuge from more biblical atrocities. However, GMs are her.
encouraged to keep the readers in contact with the party
through the police car’s radio. Additionally, it’s a good Mary knew this to be a lie because Freemason
touch to throw in the occasional panicked, blood-soaked meetings were never scheduled for that time of day.
citizen running down the street to keep the sense of She suspects Andrew’s sexual repression took control
dread escalating. Even just having the bushes in the front at the sight of her. In Mary’s own words, “If anyone
yard burst spontaneously into flame can let the group’s can spot the handiwork of an overbearing bitch
researcher know that they need to read faster.) of a mother, it’s me.” She suspects Mrs. Yearta had
something to do with the frogs after her Momma’s boy
13. Sewell Residence came crying home.

Act One: Exodus 8:1–8:15 Act Two: Psalm 12:3

Mary’s house is covered in frogs and she’s pissed. Long “The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the
ago branded the town whore (characters native to Toil tongue that speaks proud things”
will have heard the story about her deflowering the
Reverend Yearta’s son), she is convinced that this is a Still fuming about the frogs infesting her house, Mary
new brand of ostracism by the petty townsfolk. She Sewell mutters under her breath about her hatred of
demands they be found, prosecuted for breaking into the Toil townsfolk: “Every town’s got to have a whore.
her home, and fined for all the frog shit she’s going to Do they care I was locked up until I was 26? That I
have to clean up. loved Andrew? Naw. Town just needs a slut for all its
husbands to court at night and spit on after Sunday
There appears to be no sign of forced entry, though: service. So they pick the sexiest ass in town and…”
just frogs hopping over every surface of the house.
Mary claims she came home from getting groceries Mary’s rant is cut short when her tongue and lips fall
and they were everywhere, but it’s unclear how so from her face.
many frogs could be transported in such a short time.
The woman launches into an unintelligible, choking
Mary thinks that the return of Andrew Yearta is the scream as blood suddenly comes gushing from her
cause of her newfound bullying. She’ll relate their face. Depending on their fortitude, officers may be too
initial meeting through her mother’s hospice, the stunned to help. Mary’s lips and tongue simply fell off:
unfortunate end to their love affair, and Andrew’s there was no assailant, no sign, no noise. It was as if the
subsequent exile (see Forbidden Fruit, p.63). In air itself decided to disfigure her.
fact, she’s very forthcoming about her sexual relations
in general and flirty with all the policemen. In her
middle age, she’s taken on the label of town slut
willingly as a form of rebellion, and she’s far freer

Revelations - No Security
If Mary is to survive, characters need to keep Mary 14. ‘The Common’
from choking on her own blood and stitch the stump
of her tongue. Doing so under surgical conditions Act One: Leviticus 11:20-22
wouldn’t be easy, and the agonized woman thrashing “All winged insects that creep, going upon all fours, shall
around a frog-infested living room isn’t going to make be an abomination unto you.”
things easier. Untrained characters can only hope to
have the woman die in their arms, and that is still a The wildlife living in and around Vermillion Creek
serious risk for officers with medical experience. has attracted a number of biologists from the Chicago
universities in recent years. Dr. Cody Wallace is the
But Mary can be saved from bleeding out…for now. latest scientist taking a sabbatical in the town, and
he’s called the police because he needs a witness to the
Act Three: Zechariah 14:12 greatest discovery of his career.
“And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will
strike all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Aside from the very excited little naturalist, the
Their flesh shall rot away while they stand upon their Common ground at the park appears perfectly normal
feet, and their eyes shall rot away in their sockets, and upon PC’s arrival: the elderly stroll, couples picnic,
their tongue shall rot away in their mouths.” dogs fetch balls. Dr. Wallace, however, practically
shakes with excitement. He demands that the police
Understandably, Mary Sewell’s interactions with the come to his car and officially confirm “the find of the
Yearta family have left her without faith. She views her century.”
very existence as a rebellion against the sanctimonious
busy-bodies at church that ruined her life with scandal. Wallace’s trunk is filled with glass specimen jars
At many time over the years, her refusal to kowtow to containing insects of all types: grasshoppers, flies,
their gossip and ostracism has led to physical conflict. beetles, etc. The species are all quite mundane and
It’s uncertain whether these spats or some other abundant in the area, but Wallace insists there is
altercation placed her in the path of Zechariah 14:12. something remarkable about the creatures. He refuses
The characters will never know. to tell the officers though, as he insists that even their
untrained eyes should be enough for “independent
Whether she is already dead or merely unconscious confirmation.”
from blood loss, her life-long fight against the holy
finally exacts a terrible, final price. Her body stands up Indeed, no special skill is necessary to notice
from wherever it rests, opens eyes and mouth wide, something very off about the creatures. The insects are
and begins to rot on the spot. Her eyes pool into blood all missing two legs. The very definitional portion of
and drip down her face. The stump in her already their anatomy is gone – not amputated, but seemingly
bloody mouth turns black and decomposes in seconds. never formed. Every insect in the jars has only four
Her very skin peels away until only a sickening pile of legs, and time spent combing the grass around the
gristle collects on the floor. Common reveals the same for every other “insect” in
the area.
Witnessing this is mind-shatteringly scary, more so if
the standing Mrs. Sewell was already dead. Wallace is thrilled when characters confirm his
discovery of the mass mutation. He insists the officers
fill out an official report at once and phone the
university to get his colleagues to Toil immediately.
The bookish little man, his genius verified, continues
feverously collecting specimens.

Act Two: Genesis 2:7 Park attendees don’t have much time to process these
“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the terrifying events before an otherworldly wind whips
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; through the field. The force of the gale is equal to that
and man became a living soul.” of a tornado, but it’s impossibly directed downwards,
blowing hats, picnic blankets, and leaves down and
The Common remains the center of town life even outwards from the center of the park. Standing up
during the destruction of Toil. As the event moves into against the sudden maelstrom is hard enough, and
Act Two, a confluence of other horrors begins bleeding characters should be hard pressed to make out what
out towards the folks exposed on the idyllic greens. occurs at the center of the storm. Those that do see it
The pained braying of animals and horrified screaming may wish they hadn’t.
can be heard coming from somewhere on Park Street
(Location 4, p.75). A mass of customers seems to In the middle of the park, dust swirls together with
be fleeing the restaurant across the street (Location 2, what appears to be agency. The particles form the
p.72) and an odd purplish hue seems to be creeping shape of a man, then solidify, impossibly transforming
up Vermillion Creek (Location 1, p.72). into actual flesh. As the storm winds finally dissipate,
it seems that it is only because the naked man is
breathing them all in. Just as the storm dissolves
completely, the naked man turns and walks towards
the East, disappearing into a copse of impossibly tall
trees that, seconds earlier, didn’t exist.

Damned Dispatches
“Boys, Gabby Candy pulled some scrap wood out of “Calling all cars. Calling all cars. The fellas over
the trash last week for a soap box car he was making at the bowling alley done got their blood up and
for his son. If y’all are going by that way, be a dear invaded the row houses across the way. Now, they’re
and burn his house down, will ya? Make sure to killing all the married women and children like
bar the door good first; remember the code say he’s good boys, but there’s apparently some fuss about
got to go along with all his possessions. God bless.” dividing the virgins equally. Get on over there and
(Joshua 7:15) sort them out before there’s a real tussle.” (Judges
5:30 and Numbers 31:7-18)
“Calling all cars. Calling all cars. We got a tip “Awww, now before y’all start fussing at me, know
over the wire that Mordachai Sanford called the I ain’t gossiping over here. We got reports that
score of last week’s ball game against Shelby Creek Cheyanne Rica been fooling around with that
dead on. He’s been spotted sleeping on a couch Owen Virgil character outside matrimony. They’re
in his basement. Head on over there and kill the huddling together in the crawlspace underneath
fortuneteller.” (Leviticus 20:27) Owen’s house at the moment, saying goodbye to
each other and sobbing and such. Let’s play this by
“Gentlemen, I got an easy one for you. Max Evron the book, go by there, and make your swords drunk
and his boy just broke into the Harner place and with their blood. Good hunting.” (Leviticus 20:10)
raped his kin. Now Max the elder already did for
Mrs. Harner and her husband—so you can save “Well, gosh darn it—here I was thinking we were
yourself some stones there—but Max Jr. done went gonna get through this little spat. It appears that Fox
and left little Missy Harner alive. Now they got to get Kunneman lives out by Route 9 still believes in his
hitched. Can one of y’all go out there and officiate pagan gods. That’s technically still in city limits, so
the wedding? Don’t forget to make Max give up his we’re going to have to burn the town to the ground.
50 pieces of silver for the dowry.” It’s been a pleasure working with you fine young
(Deuteronomy 22:28-29) men.” (Deuteronomy 13:13-19).
Revelations - No Security
Witnessing such a miracle was never meant for human 15. Toil Police Station
eyes, and seeing it will be too much for many minds to
bear. Any NPCs still in the area flee in panic, and the There isn’t much to see at the Toil Police Station: a
PCs will be hard pressed to resist doing the same. couple of desks, a filing cabinet, some wastebaskets.
It’s where the officers keep the guns they never use, the
Attempting to follow the man into the forest is jail cells never occupied, and the huge car radio system
fruitless. Any character that does so simply gets lost most feel the county wasted money on. Mrs. Deandria
in the mysterious new trees until they pop out of and her cat Rufus are about the most interesting thing
the forest near the same place where they entered. It present, and the attention of the officers is certainly
appears that wherever the man of dust went, no one being drawn elsewhere. Considering the panic
else is granted entry. spreading about town, PCs shouldn’t be spending
much time there.
Act Three: Genesis 2:17 With her switchboard lighting up, Mrs. Deandria
“But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you refuses to leave her post in a time of crisis; she will
shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat thereof you continue dispatching around the clock for the officers.
shall surely die.” But beyond directing them to locations she can’t be of
any help as to what is actually happening. When things
To the East, on the outskirts of the mysterious new begin to turn increasingly bleak, power and phone
forest that cropped up (perhaps in front of the PC’s service fails, making it impossible for the widow to
very eyes), a massive tree has sprouted near the river. contribute even in her small way. Or at least it should
It’s huge and radiantly healthy, covered in fruit of some make it impossible.
indeterminate type. Though seemingly hundreds of
years old, no tree stood there even a few hours before. As the situation around town grows out of control
(sometime around Act Two), GMs should shift
Eating one of the glistening red fruits is possible, Winifred’s role from friendly advisor to inescapable
but inexplicably foreboding. As this is the Tree of voice of terror. Increasingly, Winifred will dispatch
Knowledge, anyone eating of the fruit will get just officers to incidents she couldn’t possibly know about,
that: knowledge. Of everything. All at once. The either because they would never have been reported
omnipotence provided by the fruit is mind-meltingly or no phones remain operational. Equally impossible
powerful and utterly deadly. Characters eating of the is the continued operation of the radio, which should
fruit are doomed to a writhing, poisonous death on the have gone silent as power started failing across town.
ground, but they will learn all about Andrew Yearta,
Noought-Iss, and how to stop what is happening Despite her typically polite and cheery tone Mrs.
around town. Essentially the player is granted access to Deandria’s advice for these new infractions of law
all GM information about the plot, and then told that grows increasingly biblical. The accompanying list
they are very soon to die. What remains to be seen is if provides some examples of unsettling communiqués
eater of the forbidden fruit will be able to convey this that can come in over the radio (see Damned
information to someone else before dying in agony Dispatches p.88).
from internal hemorrhaging and madness.
Any attempt to clarify Winifred’s crazed dispatches is
met with radio silence or confused questioning: “What
dispatch?” She doesn’t remember saying anything,
or she was on the phone taking another complaint.
Actually responding to the incidents end up with the
“lawbreakers” long gone or the events never having
happened at all.

Trying to confront Winifred’s unorthodox messages in Hanson’s hands and back have been lashed to a post,
person is problematic. The characters find the doors even his forehead bound unmoving against the wood.
and windows to the police station barricaded from the His eyelids have been cut off and his torn sleeves flutter
inside when they return to check on the old lady. If to reveal track marks where Yearta injected him with
they manage to break in, they’ll find nothing but Rufus strange experimental compounds over the course of
the cat grooming himself on the floor. Any prisoners days. The dirt and walls around him are scrawled with
left in the cells are dead, blown apart by a shotgun all manner of nonsense in white paint, unintelligible
before Winifred left for parts unknown. words written in unrecognizable characters. The dead
man’s glazed stare focuses across the barn to a sick
When characters leave the station again, Winifred altar made out of his family’s corpses. Disemboweled
continues her dispatches from the ether until the radio and dismembered, Elmer’s wife and children have been
is completely destroyed; not even unplugging the unit arranged into concentric circles around what appears
stops the haunting orders. The effects of hearing the at first to be a miniature tornado. In the eye of the
disembodied voice politely demand biblical justice storm, somehow contained by the human remains, a
certainly doesn’t help the officers’ already threatened single leather bound book appears to float.
The dead innocents served Yearta less as a sacrifice
and more as a symbol, a representation of all his
ENDGAME: THE HANSON victim’s worldly concerns. Elmer was kept in a drugged
FARM fugue state for days, forced to literally overlook the
butchering of his family, his perception used to lash
The ritual theorized in von Meinhoff ’s writing uses Noought-Iss to the Earth. By the time he passed away
perception – which both fuels and results from from endless tortures, his perception had been shaped
Noought-Iss’ existence – to convey new rules for reality and focused by Andrew’s strange manipulation of the
and “bind” the force to someone’s will. By anchoring objective tongue. His death made the object of his
the god to a single person’s perspective using the mad unblinking gaze the new foundation for reality – a
German’s “objective tongue,” the basic metaphor of copy of the King’s James Bible.
the univers (that which IS NOT, IS) can be rewritten
by reversing the semantic flow enabling that very Even if characters recover from the grisly sight, gazing
perception (that which IS, IS NOT). The roles of upon Yearta’s mad work sears the mind. The Bible
Subject and Object are temporarily reversed, and the appears to swirl in the vortex, but at the same times it
result is a new reality. blinks into the shimmering text of the word “book” or
“truth.” The words written in the wind just as suddenly
Though described in abstract, academic terms, translate into hundreds of other languages, shriek the
von Meinhoff ’s proposed linguistic experiment is sound of those words, expand into verses that whip
disgustingly brutal in practice. Elmer Hanson’s family around, a dizzying flurry of language, sound, and raw
was unfortunate enough to be chosen by Andrew meaning. Beholding the thing as it sprawls into every
Yearta to enact the profane ceremony. realm of perception simultaneously is maddening, and
approaching the bloody nexus just makes things worse.
Players directed to Hanson’s farm by Yearta’s notes Characters can feel their skin turn into the mere idea
(see Yearta’s Stash, p.83) find the farmhouse empty. of skin. Each outstretched finger becomes the word
Overturned furniture and a kicked in door point to “finger,” letters curling away and being ripped into
a struggle. Blood-spattered tracks lead out the back the maelstrom surrounding the book. To reach into
of the house towards the barn. Inside waits a sight the circle flays the body and mind at once, and there
capable of turning a man’s hair white. is no hope for any who dare to physically touch the
nothingness that is Noought-Iss.

Revelations - No Security
But something must be done. Reality cannot withstand Will the officers drive to the man’s home and murder
the complications of a 66 chapter long code of him in cold blood for sins never committed? Will they
directions, or perhaps Noought-Iss doesn’t wish it to. If allow him to live, despite his responsibility for erasing
anyone is to survive, the Bible must be dislodged and their noble friend’s very existence? What if he tries to
the base metaphor returned to its natural state. Only do it again?
someone willing to sacrifice body, sanity, and soul can
reach into the vortex and rip the book free. Those that remain carry a terrible burden. Their
perception anchors reality itself, but what happens
If one of the characters makes the sacrifice, witnessing to existence after their deaths remains a terrifying
the horrific unmaking of a noble friend is just the uncertainty. Memories of a hero’s death and a
beginning of the survivors’ problems. With the book holocaust survived hound them through a world
wrenched free, the storm spills outward, free from the that has forgotten. Each must play warden to a mass
cage made by Andrew Yearta’s sick attempt at salvation. murderer that committed no crime, forced to choose
Noought-Iss expands to encompass all again, and between carrying out his richly deserved execution or
as the events of the last day could not be under the keeping him under surveillance for the rest of his life;
natural order, they suddenly, never were. each haunted by ceaseless paranoia regardless.

Survivors wake from the discombobulating unraveling These unlucky few live out the rest of their days in
lying in Elmer Hanson’s barn. There is no mutilated silence, cut off forever from the understanding of loved
man tied to a post, no pile of dismembered corpses. ones. They’re trapped in the hopeless, cold universe
The Hansons are alive in the house, about to sit down Andrew Yearta so feared, each certain the only
to supper and confused about why the police are there. salvation from despair lay in madness.
Toil itself is fine: free of both fire and plague. Everyone
that died screaming moments earlier is completely
fine and ignorant. All are alive and safe except the
character that removed the book. All traces of the hero
have been erased. There are no records of the character
having ever existed, and the mention of a name to
former loved ones will only prompt quizzical looks.

But as with Yearta’s attempt, the quick application

of a new reality is sporadic and incomplete. The
survivors’ memories and scars remain; they remember
everything. It was, after all, their perception of the
book’s removal that allowed order to be restored. They
must bear witness, but the indignity of knowing that
Andrew Yearta sits alive and well in his room might be
too heavy a burden.



INTRODUCTION 1931: Chicago, IL
Two years into the recession and it seems not even
The Red Tower is a complex supernatural mystery set
illicit economies can survive. Al Capone has been
in the Chicago meatpacking district during the tumul-
arrested, and the big fish is dragging huge sections of
tuous months after the fall of Al Capone. Three to six
his underworld infrastructure down with him. Nitti
players play members of various urban factions that
is attempting to solidify power with the remaining
discover a monstrous threat worming its way through
members of the family, but in the tense months follow-
city’s heart. Thematically, the adventure confronts the
ing Capone’s indictment, a new successor is far from
characters’ prejudices involving politics and class with
a terror antithetical to life itself. It can be completed in
one or two sessions, depending on the level of detail
With every lowlife in town desperate to clamor higher
employed by the GM and the style of play.
up the pecking order, the politics of the city are fol-
lowing suit. The mob’s decapitation took a number of
This adventure starts with an overall description of
corrupt officials down as well, and power vacuums in
the setting and plot for the GM’s use. Information the
the bureaucracy have civil servants on both the state
players can reveal through roleplaying can be found in
and federal levels trying to become the next Eliot Ness.
the gameplay section.
The Treasury Department’s Bureau of Investigation is
cleaning out the last of Capone’s operation, hoping to
squeeze one last big bust out of the Capone ledgers.
The FDA, galvanized by recent scandals involving un-
regulated remedies, has reorganized and is attempting
to boost its PR by re-slaying its first dragon:
THE RED TOWER - No Security
the Chicago Meatpacking Industry. Finally, with the
police officials on Capone’s payroll out of the job, GM INFORMATION
there’s finally room for a good cop to advance in the
department. The Wayward Son
The regular folks—all they ever do is suffer. The bread- Andrew Chambliss, heir to an American food process-
lines are longer than ever. That recovery they keep ing empire and a fortune in French agricultural hold-
talking about is nowhere in sight. The immigrants keep ings, wanted nothing to do with the family business.
coming, and the locals keep fleecing them until they It’s not that he found it distasteful; frankly, the hulla-
get conned in turn. Where everyone else sees nothing baloo about “worker exploitation” fell as dead to his
but misery and doom, the socialists see an opportuni- ears as the braying of the cattle in his father’s yards. Put
ty. The soil of Chicago’s slums is ripe for revolution; it simply, the whole business was beneath him. His was
needs only those willing to fertilize it. And for some, an intellect molded by the finest tutors money could
the Reds are actually starting to make some sense. buy and forged in the most exclusive European univer-
They’re certainly getting all the right people angry. sities. His destiny lay in academia, much to his father’s
obvious disappointment.
Yet beneath the city in turmoil, something very old
lurks. Something worse. Waiting. Eating. A few of In the late 1800’s, when one of father’s business ac-
Chicago’s unluckiest are about to discover just how quaintances managed to buy the ruins of a lost civili-
much harder times can get. zation from the South Americans for pennies on the
acre, Andrew practically packed his bags overnight. He
finally had his chance to distinguish himself as a man
of science, and his father would be rid of his insuffer-
able embarrassment of a son for a time. Who knew?
Father Chambliss wondered if the harsh jungle expedi-
Important Dates for the Setting tion might not finally exorcise the boy’s bookish nature
1894: Edward Herbert Thompson purchases and return him ready to take over the family business.
the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza for American
exploration. The Well of Souls
1906: Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle scan-
dalizes Roosevelt into food regulation. The guides had been lowering the last of his team into
1930: The Communist Party of the USA the sacrificial well when the rope snapped. One of the
begins actively recruiting from the downtrod- men died instantly, but the other screamed for what
den of the Great Depression. seemed like hours in the shadowy dark of the stone pit,
1930: The Food, Drug, and Insecticide Orga- both legs shattered. Andrew tried his best to ignore the
nization shortens name to FDA. cries as the indigenous dealt with their own. He busied
1930-31: Muckracking journalists begin himself with the strange passages shooting off in every
advocating for “prescription-only” drugs and direction. Why fashion tunnels in the bowels of the
consumer product oversight earth for a mound of festering sacrifices? He ordered
1931: Al Capone is convicted of income tax the servants still on the surface back to camp for more
evasion and sentenced to 11 years. line; there were plenty of passages and enough lamps
1932: Frank Nitti begins to solidify his control to keep them occupied exploring until the other half of
over the Chicago crime families. expedition returned.
1919-1933: The Volestead Act, prohibiting the
sale of alcohol, is in effect.

A Forgotten Hell As Borkowski clubbed one to death with a stone,
Andrew spent what were surely his last moments
They knew something was wrong when they returned frantically reading the pictographs his flame had illu-
to camp to find the dead Indian’s body missing. Sus- minated. He screamed a dead language in the throes
picions of some sort of prank vanished as they heard of maddening terror, failing to be distracted from his
the screams of the injured man echoing in the distant fugue even as the creature screamed the lost tongue
tunnels. back to him. He remained undeterred even as his voice
reached inhuman volumes, shaking the very stones
They began picking them off one by one, skeletal of the ruin apart. As the roof collapsed and tropical
figures scarcely distinguishable from the mounds of sunlight flooded the cursed chamber, a shriek as old as
human bones that clogged the stone arteries running millennia tore through the air and was gone.
underneath the jungle. They were starved, dessicated
things, older than the very dirt which caked them. The creatures retreated away from the two battered
Long eons had passed since they’d eaten anything men, heads bowed. Whatever presence had lived in—
beyond the odd fallen animal. The ecstatic hoots of become—the ruin, the piercing rays of light had given
their feasts echoed through the passages as the ex- it a death delayed to the tune of centuries. As Borkow-
pedition would inevitably leave another one of their ski gibbered softly to himself and cradled his many
number behind, fleeing deeper into the nightmare. wounds, Andrew Chambliss laughed. He’d killed a god
and would now take its place.
After a few hours, only Chambliss and his appointed
manservant, Borkowski, survived. The big Pole had Homecoming
slain one of the things with a shovel and now wore
its corpse as some sort of misguided camouflage or The two survivors from the doomed expedition to
trophy. Though equally lost to madness, the young heir South America sparked a brief wildfire of specula-
retreated to his mind, using the only remaining lamp tion amongst Chicago’s upper classes. The city’s upper
to study the odd carvings that seemed to dully glow on crust wanted to hear tales of mysterious savages and
the walls. They were in a form of pictograph similar to El Dorado. When Chambliss and his famed manser-
something he’d been forced to transcribe for a profes- vant never manifested at the auspicious parties held
sor in graduate school. They beckoned the pair to some in honor of their return, fame quickly curdled into
center, and Andrew followed, rushing towards his infamy.
death with an ecstatic joy never before imagined in his
dull days of parlor talk. When Cotton Chambliss died suddenly of a mysteri-
ous illness, public opinion all but doomed the Cham-
Ascending the Throne bliss fortune at the hands of its eccentric heir. However,
Andrew wasted no time consolidating his company.
Borkowski fought like one of them now, his mind His lay-off of workers proved to be prodigious, even
completely gone and replaced with the same sickening by Chicago meat-baron standards. His new, indus-
animal guile and bloodied teeth as the things hunting trialized production model was rumored to be state-
them through the bone-clogged caves. Each monster of-the-art, so much so that all construction work and
seemed fatter now, somehow sleeker and faster with modifications done to the packing plant were carried
the digested grease of their companions. The pair of out at night and under strict guard. The company even
men made their last stand in the ruins themselves, ceased trade on the markets, presumably restructuring
completely enclosed within the lightless pyramid they for a big debut. All of Chicago’s upper-crust held its
had ascended into. The inky insides seemed to teem breath in anticipation.
with membranous, alien life. Translucent sacs spewed
forth inexplicable artifacts, foul odors, and whispers. And kept holding it. For years. For decades. People
scoffed. They pretended they had predicted it would
turn out like this all the time. They moved on. They
forgot. They died.
THE RED TOWER - No Security
But Chambliss Meatpacking Plant remains, proudly
sticking out of the city like an inoperable tumor. List of NPCs
Obvious, yet unnoticeable, it remains operational in Clyde Hannity – leader of the local meatpacker’s
ways beyond human understanding, and the mad heir union
resides over a kingdom altogether more concerned Franklin Pearson – Editor-in-chief of The
with slaughter than all its competition combined. Worker and socialist
Eddy Chapa – missing journalist for The Worker
The Business Model Special Agent Alexander Whittemer –in charge
of Capone case follow-up
Borkowski and his mad progeny maintain the re-
Dr. Philbert Cannes – chief chemist in charge of
mainders of Chambliss Meatpacking, buying diseased
FDA inspection
and lame cattle with the liquidated fortune and what
little they can scam from the locals. When the herds Paulie “Roach” Alegretti – missing mobster and
arrive, they’re funneled straight from the stockcars into former Capone associate
the Cattle Tunnels, supposedly heading towards the Guissippi “The Hen” Gallo – upstart mobster
factory for processing. looking to rise
Cyryl Borkowski– patriarch and head of the Bor-
But there is no slaughterhouse at Chambliss Meatpack- kowski lending scheme
ing anymore, or at least not in the traditional sense. Henryk Borkowski – giant foreman of the
Like the temple the doomed expedition made it’s final Chambliss stockyard crew
stand in, the red brick of the plant has been complete-
Jacek Borkowski –boy that runs messages from
ly sealed to contain the malignant spirit of Andrew
Chambliss Meatpacking to the tunnels in the
Chambliss, elevated by dark magic into an incorporeal
Paulie’s Poolroom
god. The tunnels beneath the factory were what Cham-
bliss spent huge swaths of his fortune improving before Isabella Borkowski – girl that runs messages
entering his un-death. They sprawl in a seemingly from Paulie’s Poolroom to the Stockyards
endless tangle of lightless, confusing passages through Lydia Carmody – current resident of the former
which terrified steer stampede endlessly, starving and Chambliss estate
terrified. Andrew Chambliss – reclusive heir and owner of
the Chambliss meatpacking factory
When the animals are exhausted by frothing terror Cham-Vi Juntan – nightmare creatures feasting
or trampled, then the Cham-Vi Juntan creep in. The within the cattle tunnels
pestilent creatures feed on the near dead, growing fat
off a wealth of meat their forebears in the sacrificial Finally, the Cham-Vi Juntan feast and live amongst de-
well could never dream off. Meanwhile, the horror and cade-old piles of rotten meat and offal, drunk off the
pain felt in the animal’s death throes echo through the parasitic bounty of their new master…and protecting
labyrinth towards Chambliss’s gigantic mausoleum, him from any human unlucky enough to fall into his
sustaining the immortality of the presence trapped diseased, stone veins.
there with pure blood and death.

In short, Chambliss Meatpacking is no longer a busi-

ness so much as an ecosystem. An insane cult of
brainwashed immigrants buys and feeds cattle into the
tunnels. Once there, the maze of passages secretly in-
festing the city chokes, cripples, and kills the panicked
steer. Their mass deaths feed the dark energy required
by Chambliss’s new existence.

The Monsters: Andrew Chambliss The Monsters: Cham-VI Juntan
What Andrew Chambliss discovered in the jungle was Not much is known about the carrion beasts that haunt
a form of death magic that attracted the same ghoulish Chambliss’s stock tunnels; they are so reclusive and
beasts who came to wipe out his companions. He mas- deadly as to have avoided even the attention of myth.
tered it. He studied it until it dominated his thoughts. Though equipped with powerful jaws and claws fitting
Then he used it to launch himself into godhood. that of wild animals, the creatures express enough in-
telligence to avoid detection, strategize, and, of course,
Andrew’s “business plan” was one of self-destruc- find more food sources. It is unsure if the beasts are
tion. He sold off and reduced the family’s holdings to immortal, if they turn other creatures into them-
a minimum, selling literally everything not directly selves, or if they propagate throughout the centuries
useful to the meatpacking business. The goal was to by inbreeding. Whatever the case, they can always be
provide the Chambliss meatpacking plant with an found where the death magic Chambliss discovered is
operating fund that would last as long as possible. practiced. The constant, steady supply of rotting meat
Borkowski, the other mad survivor of the doomed necessary to maintain the spell insures their symbiosis,
expedition, would run the day-to-day necessities, his and they act as a de facto immune system for whatever
mind long ago too damaged to resist his master’s new dark soul dares to launch itself to godhood.
powers. The Pole’s descendants, brainwashed into their
father’s mad religion, continue to fund and operate the The deadly expedition in South America ran into eons-
Chambliss factory’s secret operation starved, desiccated versions of these creatures. Even
having long ago eaten the last bones of the ancient
In 1907, when arrangements were made, Chambliss sacrifices, the skeletal creatures could revive them-
had himself sealed inside the red brick building that selves long enough to kill. Only Chambliss’s quick
once housed his father’s business. The factory had long study of the forbidden magic contained in the carvings
hollowed out a series of tunnels beneath the site for saved him, or perhaps the creatures merely recognized
the transfer of cattle, and these Andrew prepared using another monster…one capable of providing the pre-
the dark rituals he learned. The tunnels became his cious meat.
new circulatory system, the bricks and mortar his new
flesh. Slowly, Andrew Chambliss killed himself using Upon completion of the deadly rites, the Cham-Vi
the secret arts, his soul expanding to fill the perverted Juntan migrated to their new master, trickling north-
cathedral he’d built to his new immortality. ward along the dark pathways humanity rather not see.
In Chambliss’s new sanctum, they could feast endlessly.
Over the decades, the Borkowski family has fed By ’31, the creatures have grown fat off years of rancid
countless scores of sick, terrified animals into the cow flesh. They are now bloated and covered in foul
tunnels, leaving them to starve and perish in agony. excretions of all sorts, even going so far as to take on
The siphoned life energy from living things now feeds characteristics of the dead cows. The food has revived
whatever Chambliss has become, fueling the building’s them of their senses enough to reveal the dark whis-
impenetrable glamour, his eyeless perception, and the perings of their new master.
invisible knives he uses to slaughter those who betray
his cult. However, despite their ability to follow basic orders,
they remain territorial, predatory beasts. They are no
But it isn’t only abstract death that feeds Chambliss’s less quick and deadly for their new size. They won’t
testament to madness. The creatures from beneath the hesitate to kill intruders and add more flesh to the
jungle eventually sensed the power of their new death piles. While unprepared for the threat of modern fire-
god, and they have come to feast on his leftovers. arms, the Cham-Vi Juntan are armed with their very
food source; they hide amongst the piles of festering
dead and wield discarded horns and ribs like knives.

THE RED TOWER - No Security
Character Selection
Ultimately, the only responsibility a player’s character
has is to be fun to play as and fun to play with. What-
ever concept a group agrees will serve that purpose
should work fine. However, it should be noted that this
scenario makes two assumptions: horror games are
more fun for players when the characters are scared,
and characters get scared when their mundane reality
gets upset. If characters are to fit in with the setting of
1931 Chicago, they might consider joining with one
of the four factions already tied into the plot: socialist,
blue collar, government, and criminal. Here are some
suggested character concepts that work well with this

• Reporters for The Worker sent to track down

their missing co-worker, Eddy Chapa
• Pro-union thugs tasked with putting enough of
a scare into the socialists to stop their inflam-
matory rhetoric
• Bureau of Investigation Agents (early FBI) can-
vassing the Meatpacking District for associates
of Capone mentioned in his ledger
• FDA chemists and investigators cooperating
with the Treasury Department to leverage
slaughterhouse owners
• Chicago cops seeking to assist/disrupt the
federal investigations
• Soldiers in Guissipi Gallo’s crew out looking for
the missing capo, Paulie Alegretti
• Mobsters in the employ for Frank Nitti sent to
take down Gallo’s upstart crew
• Members of a protection racket hired to break
up the socialist, pro-union rallies taking place
in the district

Plot Hooks crew to find Alegritti while the rest of his boys throw
in with the established Union leaders; the Reds are
The question implicit in The Red Tower is “how hor- stirring up trouble and need to be knocked down a peg
rific do things get before people abandon petty differ- before the dues start drying up.
ences and band together for survival?” Since all the
factions described in the scenario are at odds, it may Each faction has a number of places where it makes
seem difficult to get players together and involved in sense for their characters to start investigating. The
the same plot. Below are some tips for GM on how to GM can start the game with each player receiving
get even the most confrontational PC’s headed in the orders from the respective NPC’s located there. Con-
right direction. versely, if it seems like it will be exceptionally difficult
to get the PC’s interacting, the game could start in
Socialist: Eddy Chapa, one of The Worker’s best media res at the Consumer Rights Rally (Location 0
muckrackers, has gone missing in the midst of under- p.103), an event in which the whole neighborhood
cover investigation. It’s possible that he has just fallen will have a stake.
out of contact in order to maintain his cover, but Eddy
is the newspaper’s most dedicated writer, even gar-
nering some mainstream re-prints. Employees of the
paper are dispatched to try and find him.
NPC’s in The Red Tower utilize dark magic. Some of
these spells are available to PC’s that sufficiently under-
Blue-Collar: For those players wishing to play the
stand their instructions. For casting these rites, GM’s
everyman, one of the major set-pieces in the scenario
are encouraged to utilize whatever magic mechanics
is a Consumer Rights Rally. Blue-collar workers with
their system favors, or they might treat casting the
leftist political leanings attend to support the cause.
spell as a simple skill check. Regardless of how it is put
Anti-progressive hardliners fearing what the Commu-
into practice in the system, here are the effects of the
nists might do to their beloved Union would just as
available spells found in The Red Tower.
likely be in attendance, jeering at the speakers.

Government: Bureau of Investigation agents (precur- Perceptive Glamour

sors to the FBI) are in the area rounding up the small
fish left behind in Capone’s ledger. The meatpacking This spell is only available to the powerful sorcerer
district paid the boss a lot of protection money, and Andrew Chambliss and only in use on the Chambliss
the feds will be canvassing the slaughterhouses for Meatpacking Plant. In short, the massive red brick
persons of interest to question. The newly reorganized building dominating the middle of the district is seen
FDA is assisting, pressuring the owners with surprise but not noticed. No one knows anything about it, few
inspections and trying to establish a reputation. These have any desire to learn more, and fewer still are able
teams could work together as a single unit or separate- to learn more. All paths of traffic bend away from the
ly. Both will be interested in attending the Consumer building and no one thinks to questions it. Onlookers
Rights Rally. After all, between the product complaints that manage to notice the building constantly have the
and the slaughterhouse owners seeking to break up the perception of being at “the back” and are almost always
demonstration, it proves to be a target-rich environ- content with the assumption that there must be an
ment. entrance “on the other side.”

Criminal: Guissipi Gallo is raving for the blood of

Paulie Alegritti; the mobster went missing weeks ago
and is suspected of turning rat. Though a small timer,
“The Hen” Gallo seems to have got it in his head that
he’s taking over Chicago. He won’t accept such disre-
spect so early in his reign. He dispatches half his

THE RED TOWER - No Security
Sharp Breeze Banishment
As it is fueled by powerful death magic and requires a This spell can be learned in the course of play (Clue
totem of the victim, this spell can only be preformed 11A, p.111). If used inside The Red Tower (Loca-
on members of the Borkowski family. In a sign of tion 13, p.113), it can destroy the immortal presence
loyalty, all Borkowski children give their baby teeth to of Andrew Chambliss once and for all. The ritual is
their dark master. These teeth are stored by Chambliss complex and requires a number of props in addition to
in his sickening inner chamber, providing a magical complex chanting. Players wishing to attempt the spell
link to his servants. His consciousness sees their every will need to collect a chicken foot, salt, candles, and
action, and if displeased, may take retribution. specific blends of incense before the ritual can be done.
The rite takes a number of uninterrupted minutes to
To an onlooker, the traitorous Borkowki will seem to complete. Once finished, an unearthly scream an-
freeze and go silent. Then, with a violent spasm, the nounces the spirit’s demise as the tomb—in this case,
victim will levitate a few inches off the ground before Chambliss Meatpacking Plant—is torn asunder by
beginning to bleed from a number of mysterious cuts. unseen forces.
Despite the assistance of any bystanders, those caught
in the spell are slashed hundreds of times by some in- Becoming the Godhead
visible blade, unable to even scream as their vital blood
vessels are sliced open. The victim bleeds out for a few This spell can also be learned in the course of play
short moments before collapsing into a pool of his or (Clue 9A, p.111). Though similar to banishment in
her own blood, dead as they hit the ground. Need- that it destroys Andrew Chambliss if performed in his
less to say, witnessing this kind of attack is extremely sanctuary (Location 13, p.113), the spell is simpler
stressful. and more dangerous. The ritual only requires concen-
trated chanting for a number of moments. However,
Summon Cham-Vi Juntan completing the rite essentially recreates the cause of
Chambliss’s own madness. Characters casting this spell
This spell is used by the child messengers of the Bor- will become unrepentantly evil and insane, determined
kowski’s to contact the devilish creatures living un- to build themselves a temple so that they might be im-
derneath the city. The spell is very simple and can be mortalized with death magic and rotting flesh.
learned from a set of notes the children have set in
their shoebox (Clue 7E, p.108) at Paulie’s Poolroom
(Location 7, p.107). Those casting the spell must
be underground, chant a few simple phrases, and cut
their left hand, letting the blood seep into the dirt. This
wound causes minor damage and gets aggravated, no
matter how small or what was used to make the cut.
Shortly after the spell’s completion, a Cham-Vi Juntan
will arrive. However, the creatures are not stupid.
Unless the summoner has orders from Chambliss or
dead meat as an offering, the would-be magician will
only end up getting attacked.

Location and Clues Flowchart

Location and Clues Flowchart

Some clues in The Red Tower only provide players with information or a scary moment, but others can lead char-
acters to another location. This chart connects each location to the clues found there and points to where each can
lead. Use this page as a playmat to keep track of where players stand in the story.

THE RED TOWER - No Security
With the proper skill, PC’s working for the govern-
LOCATIONS AND NPC’s ment may notice that no one at the Rally works for the
large red factory in the East. Faded letters painted on
0. Consumer Rights Rally the brick declare it the Chambliss Meatpacking Plant
(Location 1, p.103). Nobody seems to work there
The Rally is being held on the loading docks of an or knows anyone who works there, though some of
abandoned warehouse. The crumbling brick and the Polish immigrants mutter the name “Borkowski”
boarded-up windows have been covered with posters before spitting in the dirt.
for Socialist party candidates in the next election.
Volunteers man the front gates passing out soup and 0C. Criminal Agitators
sandwiches to men on the way home from their shifts Clyde Hannity, head of the predominantly white Meat-
in the slaughterhouses: “Come for the food; stay for packers Union, dislikes the Socialist agenda intensely.
the revolution!” A full day’s ticket of speakers is lined The party makes the same promises of worker’s rights
up, would-be insurrectionists headlining for a gallery as his organization without charging a dime in dues,
of atrocities: girls blinded by a line of mascara, boys and they even let Blacks join their ranks. Hannity
poisoned by lead toys, widows of husbands killed by has used his mob ties to call in a group of agitators to
snake-oil remedies. Depending on the speaker, the harass and intimidate speakers at the Rally.
crowd wavers between scornful indifference and righ-
teous indignation. Perceptive characters notice that these cat-callers are
unusually well-dressed to be stockyard men. Their con-
0A. Socialist Questioning stant jeers and cries of “We’ve already got us a Union,
Members of the socialist party ask anyone who will ya Bolshevik sissy!” are enough to arouse suspicion of
listen about the whereabouts of Eddy Chapa. The the local Union HQ.
famed muckraker has been missing for weeks in
pursuit of what he called “the next Jungle,” an ambi- Any mention of Franco “Roach” Alegretti overheard by
tious undercover operation meant to expose further these men is likely to arouse their interest. They might
corruption in the city’s livestock industry. Workers in very well tail the person in question to see if they know
the stockyards will merely be asked if they’ve seen a where the mobster is hiding.
man fitting his description. Criminal and government
agents may well be accused of murdering or arresting 1. Chambliss Meatpacking
him. Regardless, PC’s will be aware of Eddy Chapa’s
disappearance as a possible line of inquiry. Chambliss Meatpacking looms huge over the factories
and stockyards of the district. Though not the biggest
0B. Government Questioning building in the area, it seems to be visible from nearly
FDA and Bureau agents casually mingle with the anywhere in the neighborhood. But visibility isn’t the
crowd, trying to find the whereabouts of certain same as actually being seen. Those staring up at the
persons listed in Capone’s ledgers as working in the massive edifice often find the sun forcing them to look
Meatpacking District. Paulie “Roach” Alegretti is for the shade, or a sudden gust of wind blowing grit
chief among their concerns, and agents will ask all the into their eyes. The few determined enough to stare at
blue-collar attendees where they work and with whom. the red brick building find it even more infuriating to
The largely-immigrant population remains extremely get to. All roads seem to cut away from it, and every
distrustful of the feds, but they’ll at least reveal where side seems closed off with litter, fences and under-
they are employed. Nobody seems to have seen the brush. PC’s always seem to be on the backside of the
man they are most interested in: Paulie “The Roach” building, the entrance apparently hundreds of yards
Alegretti, away across a dizzying tangle of side streets. In fact,
characters trying to find a way into the building should
find the act disconcerting and stressful. As if in a
bad dream, no amount of speed or navigation
gets them any closer to their destination. This is the some of the characters have Mayan overtones.
effect of the Perceptive Glamour Chambliss has cast on
the building (see “Spells,” p.100). 2. The Worker Offices (Socialist HQ)
1A. No Doors/ No Windows The “Offices” of The Worker are really just a series of
Characters that circumnavigate the entire facility will three low-rent apartments with holes knocked through
find that there are, in fact, no entrances to the building. the shared walls. Franklin Pearson lives and works
Every door, window, and loading dock has been sealed there. His commitment to the socialist cause is total;
off in brick…for many decades judging by the color he feels that the Depression has placed the American
of the mortar. This is a stressful realization; it makes public mere weeks away from revolution and is deter-
no sense for even an abandoned building to be sealed mined to get the scoop when it happens. This delusion
so completely. The only entrance to the place must be feeds into another: the idea that The Worker has any
underground, and this realization effectively breaks the kind of serious readership that would give a damn
Perceptive Glamour (see “Spells,” p.100) about the disappearance of Eddy Chapa. Still, Eddy
was a friend and a pretty good reporter. His co-work-
1B. Follow Jacek Borkowski ers want to make sure he is okay, and Franklin wants
everybody searching for him after helping out at the
Jacek Borkowski loiters around the outside of the
Consumer Rights Rally.
building, closer to the fence than anyone else. Jacek
is a young boy covered in filth and tattered clothes.
He’s often throwing rocks at stray dogs or just deject- 2A. Eddy Chapa’s Address Book
edly kicking at the dust in vacant lots. He’s impossibly Eddy’s desk contains his address book. Besides his own
laconic, meeting every question posed to him with apartment, none of the addresses are labeled. Players
silence or a lie. find it open on the last page; the freshness of the ink
seems to indicate these are his latest entries. Relevant
Perceptive investigators notice Jacek slip away down a addresses the investigators can glean from the book are
hidden path in the underbrush and through the barbed as follows.
wire fence guarding the building. Those stealthy
enough to follow unseen can witness a strange ritual. • Eddy’s own apartment (Location 3, p.104)
Jacek runs to the westernmost corner of the building • A house outside of town (Location 9, p.110)
and places both hands and head against the lodestone, • A house located in the Meatpacking District’s
as if the normally spastic young boy has been put in slums (Location 11, p.111)
time out. Then, after a number of minutes, he backs • The Municipal Building (Location 5, p.105)
away from the wall just as a brick—falling seemingly
from nowhere—smacks against the mud where he 3. Eddy Chapa’s Apartment
once stood. The boy then grabs the brick and runs off.
Eddy Chapa rented out a room in slum house on the
Characters shadowing Jacek will find he leads them to outskirts of the Stockyards. When players arrive, they
Paulie’s Poolroom (Location 7, p.107) can see that the door is just barely on its hinges after
being kicked in. Eddy’s downtrodden neighbors have
1C. The Brick little to say about the break-in, but they are equally
The brick that fell from the roof is covered on all sides unlikely to complain if anyone enters to investigate.
by strange script. It is scrawled in a gummy, black
material. Each character is remarkably ornate picto- 3A.Ransacked belongings
graph, depicting something that can only be described Eddy’s meager possessions have been destroyed. The
as abstract. Though there is no way to make out what mattress lies gutted, the furniture reduced to kindling,
the script says, an academic character or someone and all the books shredded. Muddy boot prints dot the
sufficiently invested in research can discover floor, and big holes in the wall denote the rage of the
THE RED TOWER - No Security
intruders. Characters with any kind of forensic skills Clyde Hannity likes the status quo and fears the change
can notice that the damage was done with some sort of promised by the Socialists. With the hard times seem-
large hammer rather than hands and feet. ingly without end, too many of his work crews are
mumbling about fair wages and human rights. He
3B. Hidden Notes intends to call in services for all those years of protec-
tion money he’s paid up on. Clyde can be found in the
Those perceptive or clever enough might notice that
Union Hall, organizing agitators to heckle at the rally
there is no bathroom in Eddy’s two tiny rooms. Down
and drinking illegal hooch with a group of bruisers
the hall sits the community restroom used by all the
ready to break up the gathering the second they feel it
renters, and a quick search reveals a folder hidden
gets “out of hand.”
behind the toilet. Inside are Eddy’s notes on his inves-
4A. Due Records
• A series of call numbers at the local library Anyone with access to the Union’s back office can
(Location 8, p.109) sneak a look at the organization’s records. The Local
• A brochure written in Polish and English, 215 has a well-documented presence in the city, and it
advertising cheap property rental. It includes a appears as if every cannery, slaughterhouse, cattle yard,
mailing address (Location 10, p.110) and rail station has members in the Union…everyone
• A number of interview transcripts and transla- except Chambliss Meatpacking.
tions detailing how immigrant workers in the
meatpacking district were scammed of all their 4B. Brute Squad Truck
possessions in a predatory lending scheme led
Out back is a big flatbed, waiting in case the boys
by Henryk Borkowski. When rent would shoot
need to get over to the rally and bust it up. In addi-
up without warning, each family was greeted
tion to bats and other improvised weapons, the cab is
by a charity organization called Chambliss
filled with copies of The Worker, an issue featuring a
Charities. The charity, owned by the Chambliss
cover story by Eddy Chapa. There are also a number
Meatpacking Plant, was just another loan in
of socialist armbands and crude imitations of protest
disguise. Eventually, the poor families would
signs. It appears the brute squad intends to discredit
have all their property seized and were left to
the group as dangerous anarchists after their drunken
starve in the streets. Notes made in Chapa’s
attack on the rally.
home remind him to research the Chambliss
holdings at the Municipal Building (Location
5, p.105) 4C. Complaints about the Borokowski lend-
ing scheme
4. Union Headquarters (Blue-Collar HQ) The message board in the Hall is overflowing with
push-pinned notes long ignored. Those that actually
Clyde Hannity is the “elected” leader of the Meatpack- take time to read the messages will find that a number
er’s Local 215. He can often be found in the Headquar- of pleas in half-understood English beg for help with
ters building, which is really more of a clubhouse than the “Borkowskis” and something called Chambliss
a functioning union office. The members of the 215 are Charities. One particular note even claims to know
uniformly white, and nearly all are mid-level man- where these thieves live (Location 11, p.111).
agement in the slaughterhouses and railyards. These
foremen have grown fat off years of corruption, deep in
the pockets of both the owners and the mob. They long
ago sold their manipulative power over an uneducated,
poverty-stricken workforce to the highest bidders.

5. Municipal Building (Government HQ) Finally, it appears every business operating in the
district was paying money to Capone. The only dis-
Located downtown, this recently refurbished office crepancy is a blotted out name in the ledger with no
building is a far cry from the dirt streets and stench financial annotations next to it. The only legible part
of the Meatpacking District. The Great Depression are “—ss” sticking out from the scratched out word. A
seems very far away from the marble floor and art cross-reference of buildings in the area can reveal that
deco design of the lobby. In temporary offices upstairs, Chambliss Meatpacking Plant is all that fits
Special Agent Alexander Whittemer and Dr. Philbert (Location 1, p.103)
Cannes are spearheading investigations in the area.
5B. Chambliss’s Meatpacking Records
Agent Whittemer is directing his agents to look for a Investigators with the wherewithal to check the city tax
capo named Paulie “Roach” Alegritti. The capo went records will find that, alarmingly, Chambliss Meat-
missing before he could be swept up in the arrests, and packing has not paid income tax since 1907. There are
without his testimony it will be impossible to prosecute other tax records, paid on time and as early as possible
the otherwise “legitimate” businessmen listed in the every year, but the company claims not to have done
ledger. Wittemer suggests checking out the socialist anything except spend money for nearly two decades.
Rally to see if the mobster has laid low with a job in the Even that spending is odd, as records claim only two
factories. expenditures: something called Chambliss Charities
(Location 11, p.111), and the purchase of livestock.
Dr. Cannes is assisting Whittemer reluctantly; he hates
burdening his inspection crews with useless G-men. Any characters that discover this information will be
But the FDA provides a way into to every warehouse, perplexed by the sheer enormity of the oversight. The
stockyard, and factory in the District that might be absence of an audit all these years is, quite simply,
hiding Alegretti. Dr. Cannes will feel better about the magical.
deception if his teams can uncover some big code
violations to feed to the press. The good doctor wants 5C. Borkowski’s Property
the newly reorganized FDA to get some good head-
lines, and he can think of no better way than to renew Cross-referencing the address listed for Chambliss
the outrage the founded the department: health viola- Charities reveals a house listed to one Cyryl Borkow-
tions in the notoriously corrupt Chicago Meatpacking ski. Cyryl also owns the deeds on a number of resi-
District. He urges his chemists to find any infraction dential properties scattered throughout the district.
they can to offer the press and suggests attending the Curiously, none of these houses are claimed as rental
Consumer Rights Rally as a motivational exercise. properties, but no attempt has ever been made to sell
them either.
5A. Capone’s Records
5D: Bill of Sale for Chambliss Estate
Capone’s records list Alegritti as the chokepoint for
most protection money being funneled out of the Looking up the Chambliss name in property records
Meatpacking District. The only money “the Roach” will show that in 1906 the family sold off a number of
received that didn’t funnel back to the big boss was the diversified business interests, keeping only the meat-
capo’s cut. Part of this cut went to something called packing plant. The last thing to be sold was a large res-
“P.P’s Room.” Asking around could reveal this to be idential property located outside the city, sold to one
Paulie’s Poolroom (Location 7, p.107). Sachs Carmody. The file containing the Bill of Sale is
filed under “Chambliss Estate.” It appears as if Andrew
One other mobster was gathering money in the area Chambliss hasn’t lived in his ancestral home for almost
(Guissipi “the Hen” Gallo) but it appears he was fairly two decades (Location 9, p.110).
small time. There’s no information in the ledger that
hints to his wherebouts, but asking the right gang-
ster reveals his shop. (Location 6, p.107)
THE RED TOWER - No Security
5E. FDA Inspection Records 6B. Marda Alegretti
Calling the headquarters in Washington can reveal Marda, Alegretti’s beleaguered wife, is being held
a startling truth: Chambliss Meatpacking has never captive by Gallo. While not restrained, the poor
been inspected. Ever. Since the inception of the agency, woman looks pretty bad; deep bags hang under her
the facilities haven’t been checked for health, labor, eyes, her hair is frazzled, and she’s never out of some
or building codes. Chambliss Meatpacking isn’t even gangster’s sight. She’s as furious with Gallo as she is
listed as a product provider in any of the FDA files. scared. She insists she doesn’t know anything about
Alegretti’s whereabouts. He never involved her in his
Discovering this information can be stressful for any affairs, and their marriage was a sham. She insists he
researcher. How can a gigantic building, in plain sight stayed out all hours of the night and day, even after the
of everyone for miles around, never have received a Capone heat forced him to shut down his poolroom.
single bit of scrutiny for all those years? A crafty character might infer from this that Paulie’s
Poolroom isn’t as closed as it seems
6. Boardwalk (Criminal HQ) (Location 7, below).

Guissippi “The Hen” Gallo was always a small-time 7. Paulie’s Poolroom

hood. His participation in the operations running
around the Meatpacking District had more to do with Paulie “Roach” Alegretti laundered his money through
geography than any degree of skill. Paulie “Roach” a low-rent basement poolroom located along one of
Alegretti was spread too thin by how much ground his the main thoroughfares between the stockyards and
goons had to cover making collections, so Gallo got to the meatpacker neighborhoods. For a number of years,
pick up the scraps. In the golden days, Gallo kept his he used the operation to provide working men bathtub
mouth shut and paid his dues, infuriated by his subser- whiskey and illegal gambling. As it was listed on the
vience but not quite dumb enough to think he could Capone ledgers, the business was closed soon after the
survive doing something about it. arrests began. Law enforcement assumed the mobsters
had skipped town…incorrectly.
With Capone gone, Gallo’s inferiority complex has
become a full-blown delusion of grandeur. He’s fooled Jacek Borkowski can be followed to this location, or
himself into thinking the other capos are going to look he might pop in at the GM’s discretion. Ever since
to him for leadership, and he’s got enough manpower the mobsters’ demise, the mad Poles have been using
to make a nuisance. From his hideout from the back of the location to communicate with their underground
a shooting gallery game booth, The Hen tries to solidi- counter-parts: the Cham-Vi Juntan. In return, the mad
fy his power. First order of business: he’s convinced the ghouls ferry their master’s business orders to the Bor-
rest of the family that the missing capo, Paulie Alegret- kowski’s via the child messengers.
ti, has turned into a witness for the prosecution. He’s
sent a few members of the gang out to find the missing
7A. False Panel
mobster while he stays behind to tend to business.
It’s not hard to pry open the boards blocking the pool-
room’s door, but all characters find is a large basement
6A. Orders to meet Clyde Hannity
with outlines on the floor where the three billiards
The leader of the local Meatpacker’s Union paid pro- tables would have stood. Perceptive characters notice
tection money to Alegretti in the old days. With the that these outlines don’t make much sense; the place
Capone case upsetting things, Gallo has snatched the could have easily fit more tables if it would have ar-
contract from underneath his old mentor. The Hen is ranged them differently. Careful investigation reveals
ordering all his underlings to report to Clyde Hannity the space remained open for the false panel leading to
at the Consumer Rights Rally (Location 0, p. 103). the speakeasy in back.
While they’re breaking up the Red protest, they’re to
look for any signs of Alegretti at the rally.

7B. Speakeasy Massacre However, the passage intersects with a much larger
The Speakeasy was never much: a long hallway, a tunnel after a short distance. This is where Alegretti
blacked-out basement window, three small rooms broke into The Cattle Tunnels and met his doom
for drinking and gambling. The fourth room, which (Location 11, p.111).
originally housed the boiler for the now-abandoned
building upstairs, was converted into a dance floor. Characters with a light source notice huge, inhuman
That is, until Capone went down. Alegretti apparently footprints in the dirt.
saw the opportunity to fill the gap in the market and
turned the closed poolroom into a distillery. In the 7E. Shoebox of Spell Notes (Summon Cham-
weeks since the mobster’s disappearance, the distillery Vi Juntan) and Receipts
has leaked, leaving an inch of stagnant booze rotting In the shoebox located in the corner of the hallway,
the dance floor. Investigators are immediately met with there are two sets of the documents. The first, written
the stench of yeast, mildewed hops, and something far on ancient paper and with a crude understanding of
worse. phonetics, relay the instructions for Summoning a
member of the Cham-Vi Juntan. Characters that pass
In the hallway, bloody handprints and drag marks a test for understanding the instructions can perform
coat the wallpaper, trailing into the first room on the the spell if they are willing to pay the cost in their own
left. Inside, a dead mobster is collapsed in the corner blood (see “Spells”, p.100). However, characters
behind an overturned poker table. He’s been dead unprepared for the sight of the ghastly creature and
for weeks. One had holds a nearly spent Thompson without anything to offer (dead meat or the brick from
machine gun; the other clutches the grey intestines Clue 1C, p.104) will soon find themselves in conflict
loosed from a savage, animal gash across his belly. with the creature.
Those brave enough to rifle through a dead man’s
pockets find the ID of Paulie Alegretti The box also contains hundreds of haphazardly orga-
nized receipts. All the slips come from the Stockyards
7C. Footsteps in Dust and date back decades. It appears that Chambliss
Alegretti appears to have died almost a month ago. Meatpacking has been buying cattle all this time.
Aside from his bloodstains, it appears that the speak- Financially adept or otherwise academically inclined
easy has been abandoned since then. At the end of the characters notice that the receipts make little sense
hall, there are two sets of footprints in the accumulated from a business standpoint. The amount of cattle pur-
dust. Both enter through the basement window and chased and the haphazard intervals could not sustain
are child-sized. One pair leads into the last room (the a major meatpacking business. However, there is far
same one the blood trail originates from), whereas the more cattle purchased than could ever be justified for
other stops at a small shoebox. The pair leading into personal or family consumtion. The grade of the meat
the room is Jacek’s route to the underground from the is also rock-bottom; many of the animals were sold at a
Chambliss Meatpacking Plant; the shoebox footprints discount on account of being diseased or lame.
are Isabella’s tracks from the shoebox to the Stockyards
(Location 10, p.110). 7F. Following Jacek Borkowski
If Jacek was followed from Chambliss Meatpacking
7D. Tunnel Breakthrough (Location 1, p.103) and stealthy characters con-
The last room in the hallway has had the floor torn up tinue to make their checks, investigators can witness
and replaced with a ladder leading into a dirt tunnel. Jacek’s job for the Borkowski family. After entering
Characters with criminal backgrounds will understand the abandoned poolroom through the basement
that these escape tunnels are standard practice for window, Jacek goes into the tunnel entrance. Once he
urban bootlegging operations. climbs down the ladder, the boy performs the ritual to
summon the Cham-Vi Juntan (see “Spells”, p.100).

THE RED TOWER - No Security
The creature’s arrival is announced only by its labored already in possession of clue 3B “Hidden Notes,”
breathing. It will stick to the shadows. Jacek puts p.105 need not make any checks to discover the
down the brick (Clue 1C, p.104) and sees it quickly following information.
snatched away by a bloated, clawed hand. The hand
then inches from the shadows, placing a scrap of crude 8A. Chambliss Expedition Records
leather with “50 head. Two weeks,” scrawled in some
Notes from the university and newspaper reports can
disgusting ink. Jacek, who is obviously shaken despite
piece together some of what happened on the Cham-
the routine of the experience, hurriedly deposits the
bliss expedition in 1905. Andrew, against the wishes
scrap of leather on the shoebox before scrambling back
of his father, continued his anthropological studies
to his post by Chambliss Meatpacking.
by mounting a study of ruins located on the South
American land purchased by a family friend. There are
7G. Following Isabella Borkowski accounts of the expedition reporting back for resupply
If players hide themselves and stake out the ruined once. They reported nothing but the most predict-
speakeasy, they can glimpse the other Borkowski able finds. A few weeks later, over half the expedition
child at work. Isabella Borkowski will eventually slip members were dead after a disastrous descent into
in through the basement window, deposit the latest a sacrificial well. The only survivors that saw what
receipt into the shoebox, and leave with the scrap of happened were Andrew Chambliss and his hired man,
leather on top. Following the little girl leads back to the Cyryl Borkowski. They reported that nearly twenty
Stockyards (Location 10, p.110). men died in a “climbing accident.”

7H. Interrogating Either Child 8B. Chambliss Newspaper Clippings

If either child is approached or detects a tail, they will Clippings compiled and organized by Eddy Chapa
do absolutely everything in their power to get away. detail Andrew Chambliss’s decline upon his return
Characters that catch one of the Borkowski children to Chicago. A number of news stories mention the
can question them effectively, provided they have the “mysterious, laconic” new demeanor of the handsome
skill. Both kids will be very reluctant to reveal any young heir upon his return. Others discuss his father’s
information about the family, but fear of their captors suddenly ailing health and the family’s uncommon
can loosen their tongues about the lending scheme, seclusion. The majority of the articles are from the
the creatures underneath their feet, and why they business section and concern the company’s mass sell-
love (or have been brainwashed to think they do) Mr. off of infrastructure and extensive, secretive construc-
Chambliss so much. Still, both children will be abso- tion projects. Shortly after the last editorial theorizing
lutely terrified and panicked at the thought of retalia- as to how the meatpackers might be restructuring, all
tion from “the boss,” especially if questioned near the news about the family falls silent.
tunnel entrance.
8C. Sister Novak
At the game master’s discretion, Chambliss should cast
Characters looking into the above clues will be asked
Sharp Breeze (see “Spells,” p.100) on his traitorous
by librarians if they should call for Sister Novak. The
subjects. Seeing the Borkowski child levitated and bled
clerks recognize the information Eddy Chapa had
out by invisible blades should shatter the minds of all
been looking over and assume that any investigators
but the most hardy characters.
pouring over the same text must also work for his
paper. Eddy was using the services of Sister Novak to
8. The Public Library translate the Slavic languages spoken by many of his
interview subjects.
Though containing no vital NPC’s, no one should ever
neglect the power of research. There are a number Sister Novak volunteers at the library on a regular basis
of useful clues that can be gleaned from researching and can easily be found during operation hours.
Chambliss at the local library. Note that investigators She’ll happily talk about what she discussed with
Mr. Chapa and his interview subjects; she is concerned manuscript in the place. Seeing this strange sight
for everyone’s well-being. Sister Novak can reveal the damages the calm of all but the hardiest souls.
entire predatory lending scheme run by Cyryl Bor-
kowski (Clue 3B, p.105). Sufficiently persuasive The spell requires no more than a simple chant, repeat-
characters can convince the Sister to reveal something ed a number of times. However, its effect is the same
she left out of her translation to the reporter. A few as when Chambliss first uttered the words in the ruins
of the victims had figured out where the Borkowski of the temple. Any character casting the spell in the
family lived (Location 11, p.111) but did not wish presence of the Cham-Vi Juntan will become their new
it revealed because of superstitious fears that the family master, taking Chambliss’s place and losing their mind
would “curse” them. in the process (see “Spells,” p.100)

9. The Former Chambliss Estate 10. The Stockyards

Lydia Carmody is an upper-crust widow living in The Stockyards are rented out by every major slaugh-
the mansion outside of town formerly owned by the terhouse and meatpacking operation in the city. Cattle
Chambliss family. Her husband, Sachs Carmody, are unloaded from the rail yards, then organized into
bought the home for their family at a substantial the proper corral before heading to their final destina-
discount in 1906. Sachs has been dead for a number tion. Finding the area of the massive complex dedicat-
of years and Lydia will be thrilled to have to have ed to Chambliss will be difficult without at least some
company, even the suspicious, investigative type. prior knowledge.
However, Lydia is an old-money snob with easily of-
fended sensibilities. Characters in her home would be The Borkowski’s operate near the edge of the yards,
wise to indulge in small talk and behave if they don’t an inopportune placement for getting their cattle to
want her calling the police. processing. Surprisingly, they have a cattle tunnel: a
specially constructed underground chute that funnels
9A. Hidden Attic animals towards their killing floor in the district.
Henryk Borkowski can be found directing the work of
Lydia will reveal what little she can remember about
the male family members around the cattle tunnel. He’s
the previous occupants. Though her husband had all
a gigantic, middle-aged man with an inscrutable ex-
the dealings with the family, she recalls how the house
pression. He constantly carries a bloody sledgehammer
was laid out when she first bought it and can lead char-
he uses to euthanize cattle too sick to walk…among
acters to Andrew Chambliss’s old rooms. Perceptive
other things.
players notice that the copper ceiling is oddly shaped
in one corner of the room, thus discovering the hidden
attic in the mansion. 10A. Borkowski Behavior
In addition to being related, the work crew at the
9B. Death Magic (Become the Godhead) Chambliss yard act very strangely. Socially attuned
characters can notice that it’s more than the fact many
Above Andrew’s rooms hides the stiflingly hot, dark
of them don’t speak the language: the men seem in-
attic where he performed his dark magic upon return-
stantly suspicious of any passerby, they’re unnecessar-
ing from South America. The rafters are uniformly
ily cruel to the animals, and each seems communicate
carved with insane, indecipherable symbols, and
almost entirely in subtle gestures and looks. Some of
odd figurations map themselves to the floor in dull
the work crew are far too old to be working, and others
blue paint. Dusty tomes and unreadable scribbling
are unusually young. A few have twitches or mumble
lay scattered about, organized into nests by decades
inaudibly to themselves. All is not right with the Bor-
worth of squirrels and other vermin. Oddly though,
all the animals are dead. Every pigeon, squirrel, rat,
moth, and roach lies dead and mummified, curled in
concentric patterns around the only untouched

THE RED TOWER - No Security
10B. Sick Cattle 11A. Cyryl’s Room and Spellbook (Banish-
The cattle being taken from the trains by the Cham- ment)
bliss crew are barely alive. The majority of the animals Cyryl Borkowski, no longer the mountainous man that
are undersized, stringy, and starved. A few hobble fought off horrors in the jungle, rots bed-ridden in an
forward on three legs or bleed from open wounds. No upstairs room. The second he sees anyone that is not of
food inspector or farmer would ever deem these dis- his family open the door to his room, he will open fire
eased creatures fit for consumption, and no owner in with the revolver kept on his night stand. The first five
his right mind would ever invest in such sickly meat. bullets are for any fool standing in the doorframe; the
last is for himself.
10C. Tunnel Entrance
The entrance to the Cattle Tunnel is unusually secure: If Cyryl’s suicide isn’t enough to induce terror in the
the doors are heavily reinforced and festooned with players, his notes might do the job. In a journal behind
locks. It would be foolish to leave an entrance into a Cyryl’s pillow, the mad man documented the past two
major factory unguarded, but these doors appear to decades in a pidgin of Polish and English. Characters
keep things inside. capable of reading the documents can get an outline
of the terrors Cyryl fought in the South American
The Borkowskis, especially the imposing Henryk, will tunnels. They can read descriptions of his constant
discourage any investigators from investigating the op- nightmares from those days, his fears that the monsters
eration. However, any players that overpower, sneak, or would devour the world. Eventually, they can discov-
rush into the open chute will quickly find themselves er that Chambliss earned Cyryl’s life-long loyalty by
locked inside (Location 12, p.112). The laughs of promising to keep the monsters contained, locked into
the Borkowski’s will be the only explanation as to why. slavery so long as Cyryl followed his orders. Finally,
characters with enough time can suffer through
reading about the years of indoctrination, depravity,
11. The Borkowski House and murder Borkowski subjected his family to in order
to create Chambliss’s mad cult.
The Borkowski House looks no different than the tene-
ment properties they rent to Irish, Russian, and Polish However, it appears that the former servant did not
immigrants come to work in the Meatpacking District. completely trust his dark master. On the last page,
It is perhaps even less well-maintained, with tiling Cyryl relays instructions for a spell to banish Cham-
falling off the roof and an unkempt lawn. The house’s bliss, to be used if he ever fell under the influence of
nondescript appearance might be why the family the beasts (see “Spells,” p.100). Oddly enough, the
so easily scams the poor workers with their lending spell’s instructions are written in multiple languages,
scheme; by all outward appearance, they are merely as if Cyryl were very concerned for the document’s
another family struggling to get by. readability upon his death.

A collection of wives and daughters maintain the 11B. Tunnel Entrance

homestead while the men work in the Stockyards.
An entrance to the tunnel system beneath the city can
The undisputed master of the house is ancient Cyryl
be found in the house’s basement. The path was dug by
Borkowski, who rules the home from his bed on
the family themselves and is extremely claustrophobic,
the second floor. Cyryl will order the family to deny
but it will eventually lead characters to the system of
entry to any and all visitors. All attempts to gain entry
cattle tunnels.
will be met with force. Fanatical older women attack
intruders with knives if they dare enter uninvited. If an
incursion comes at night, any able-bodied Borkowski 11C. Eddy Chapa’s Body
men join in on the attack. Eddy Chapa has been beaten to death with sledge-
hammers and festers in the Borkowski’s basement
next to a number of other corpses. It seems that
Chapa was killed for his investigations, but the other Navigating the Tunnels
bodies are harder to identify. Characters with the right Travelling through The Cattle Tunnels should be like
social connections or familiar with Sister Novak (Clue navigating a nightmare. Each tunnel courses with
8C, p.109) can identify a few victims of the Borkow- the magical energy of a million sacrifices and hidden
ski lending scheme that wouldn’t let it go. The corpses threats. Getting through will not be easy.
appear to be arranged next to the tunnel entrance like
some sort of psychotic offering. When players move through the tunnels, the GM
should conduct the game in turns and tell everyone
11D. Financial Records how many successful “movement tokens” are required
A thorough search of the house reveals years upon before reaching the center hinted at by the glowing
years of financial records. Cyryl and his spawn have blue runes (Location 13, p.112). At the end of each
kept the Chambliss Meatpacking Company existing turn, the GM should consult the following table, either
on paper for years. They also own the rental properties picking what comes next or rolling a d10 at random.
and the Chambliss Charities front organization that
tightened the financial noose around their victims. At this point, there are a number of options. Things
Passable accountants realize that the money accrued in could be as simple as making the characters roll some
the lending scheme was meant to off-set the dwindling sort of Navigation skill for each turn and providing
money left behind by the Chambliss sell-off. Disturb- tokens for success. For a longer game, GM’s might only
ingly, nearly every penny went towards the “operation” allow players to move towards the center on repeated
or purchasing more cattle; the Borkowski’s spent their numbers. For example, the second time a 2 is rolled
entire lives in abject poverty. would count for a movement token. To really challenge
the group, require that players roll all their successful
turns in a row, starting over each time the group is led
12. The Cattle Tunnels astray.
Taken by itself, the near total darkness of the cattle
Regardless of how the threats are arranged, any con-
tunnels would be enough to drive a man mad. But the
frontations with the Cham-Vi Juntan should be as psy-
few glimmers of light provided make things so much
chologically damaging as they are deadly. GM’s should
adjust other threats and impediments according to
how challenging they wish the game to be.
Intersections seem to split into infinite, identical
options. Echoes confuse the ears at the same time a
choking stink fills the air. Man-made corridors can 13. The Red Tower
expand into awe-inspiring caverns before suddenly
dwindling down to narrow slits in the earth. Entire Characters that reach the center of the maze find an
passages are clogged to the ceiling with the rotten, oddly beautiful sight: a massive, circular basin with
poisonous remains of dead cattle, buzzing with flies. an ornately carved dome up top. Here, all the runes
Others only rattle with a carpet of bones. scrawled in blue phosphorescent paint converge,
meeting in a nexus of four blood stained pillars with
Every passage pulses with eerie blue light radiating off chains attached. The chains themselves hum with the
the grotesque symbols painted on the walls. Though same eerie azure glow as they dangle from a hole some
each design seems to point towards some central twenty feet upwards.
location, using them to navigate the labyrinth is infuri-
atingly difficult. If the characters have somehow avoided contact with
the Cham-Vi Juntan, they will not be able to continue
to do so. The creatures will defend this inner sanctum
to the death, and desperate adventures must choose
between fighting their way back into the tunnels or
attempting to climb the chains to safety.
THE RED TOWER - No Security
Those that flee upwards won’t be pursued, but
they will finally find themselves inside the
d10 Random Encounters Chambliss Meatpacking Plant. The once-busy
1: The tunnel is completely empty and without threat. Gain
a token. killing floor and cannery has been completely
2: Strange sounds (chittering, a baby crying, wet slaps, etc) cleared out; even players with access to a light
lead characters astray, losing a token. source will find inky darkness cloying to them
3. Characters come across a tunnel clogged with mounds in the cavernous space. The interior has been
of dead cows. If they do not cross, they lose a successful converted into some sickening cross between
token. If they do climb over the piles, they are attacked by a tomb and womb. Sickly, grey flesh clings to
a Cham-Vi Juntan hidden amongst the carcasses. Those every surface with an almost fungal consis-
that survive or escape gain a token. tency, black veins languidly pumping some
4. Characters discover the remains of a man who appears viscous fluid into strange organs. Pustules of
to have been eaten alive. While horrifying to behold, his
flesh pop open with a fetid hiss when charac-
hand encloses a useful item. Gain a token.
5. A series of dizzying intersections bewilders the travelers. ters go past, offering up strange artifacts that
Players must either all lose a successful turn or make a skill are simultaneously alive and rotting: ashen
check. Anyone failing the check becomes separated from lumps in the shape of faces, miniature caskets
the party. No tokens can be gained, even for successful made of bone, perfect heart-shaped lockets
checks. that bleed pitch when opened. Whispers fill the
6. Characters come across a tunnel clogged with mounds darkness, and characters constantly feel some-
of dead cows. If they do not cross, they lose a token. If they thing skittering across their skin.
do climb over the piles, they find that the stacked corpses
nearly reach the ceiling. Characters must make a check to Staying sane inside Chambliss’s living mon-
squirm through before succumbing to disgust, wretched ument is a moment-by-moment struggle.
stench, or clouds of flies. Failed checks result in items lost
Retreat is not an option; Cham-Vi Juntan
in haste, damage, panic, or suffocation.
7. The tunnel is carpeted in skeletons. Falling could cause guard the only exit. At this point, players must
severe puncture wounds. The clatter of the dry bones either defeat Chambliss, become him, go incur-
accompanying every footstep is maddeningly loud. While ably mad, or face the ravenous hunger of the
it may or may not attract unwanted attention, the noise is creatures below.
enough to damage any character’s composure.
8. Stampede! Driven mad by starvation, thirst, and terror,
a herd of cows barrel down the tunnel in a panicked sprint.
Characters should make checks to sense the danger and
flee from it. Those caught in the stampede suffer severe
damage. Everyone loses a token.
9. This tunnel goes so deep it touches on the water table.
An underwater river is eroding the floor into precarious
ledges. Traversing the area is extremely dangerous. If
players turn back, they will lose a token. Those that risk
the crossing can gain two tokens at once, but failed checks
send characters into the current to be swept away and
10. Characters come across a massive antechamber where
the dozens of Cham-Vi Juntan are feasting. It is a challenge
just to remain sane after seeing such a horrific, disgusting
sight, and now players must decide what to do about it.
Going back costs a token, whereas forging ahead can earn
three tokens. Getting through the feasting ground requires
a number of checks in order to avoid detection. Those
discovered by the Cham-Vi Juntan must either try to lose
them in the tunnels or engage in a nearly hopeless combat
with the monsters.

There are few “victory” scenarios in The Red Tower;
the game is meant to present groups with a confusing
web of human intrigue that leads them into an incom-
prehensible terror. However, there are a few ways to
survive the ordeal and defeat the monsters festering
underneath Chicago.

Characters that found the Banishment spell located in

Cyryl Borkowski’s room (Clue 11A, p.111) may use
the spell to destroy Chambliss’s presence once inside
the Meatpacking Plant. The ritual will take time, and
players not involved with the casting will likely have to
defend a final onslaught of the Cham-Vi Juntan as they
scramble up the chains to defend their god. If success-
ful, the spell causes horrific gales to tear through the
interior of the building, winds so strong they punch
holes through the bricks and start a collapse. The
Cham-Vi Juntan will flee in terror, and any surviving
characters must make checks to escape collapsing
chunks of the ceiling and walls.

Similarly, characters that have discovered the Become

the Godhead spell in Chambliss’s old home (Clue 9B,
p.110) can save themselves from the dark magic and
nightmare creatures by doing what Andrew Chambliss
did in 1906: taking over. Again, any characters not in-
volved in the casting will have to defend against a final
attack from the Cham-Vi Juntan. If the caster is suc-
cessful, Andrew Chambliss’s ghostly presence quietly to this brute victory is uncertain. It is up to the GM
dissipates and the Cham-Vi Juntan stop their assault, whether they quietly slink back into the shadows or go
bowing to the caster before slinking into the darkness. on a kill-crazy rampage through the city streets.
Physical death can be avoided by this route, but the
person in charge of the spell will have become incur- If all the characters flee or die, the status quo will
ably insane, obsessed with killing themselves to erect a continue in Chicago until the Borkowski’s money dries
new temple of flesh elsewhere. In a sense, this solution up. With the cattle unavailable, who knows what new
merely defers the hellish ecosystem of the Cham-Vi depravities Chambliss and his minions will concoct to
Juntan to another time and place. feed their insatiable hunger for death?

Finally, characters always have the option of blowing

the damn place up. Whether breached from the inside
with explosives or from outside with heavy machinery,
Chambliss’s ghost can’t survive the cleansing presence
of sunlight. Destroying the Meatpacking Plant will end
the dark god, but how the Cham-Vi Juntan will react

Without End

The Fall Without End

INTRODUCTION 1931: North Peak of Mount McKinely:
Mount McKinely—from base to peak, it’s the tallest
The Fall Without End is a cosmic/survival horror sce-
mountain on land, and 3rd highest point above sea
nario focused on a summit attempt on the north peak
level on the entire earth. At 20,320 feet tall, its twin
of Mount Mckinely. Set in 1931, three to six charac-
peaks dominate the horizon for much of the Alaskan
ters take on the roles of alpinists attempting to win a
wilderness, prompting the natives to call it Denali,
mountaineering prize offered by the U.S. Government.
meaning “the tall one.”
Midway through the expedition, things go horribly
and inexplicably wrong. Thematically, the scenario
In 1910, the Sourdough expedition, staffed exclusively
simulates the unpredictability and despair of survival
with local alpinists, claimed the prize of First Ascent.
situations by burdening characters in the midst of an
They’d climbed the dreaded Wickersham’s Wall, a sheer
already dire situation with an unimaginable threat.
face of rocks and ice infamous for spewing forth ava-
lanches without warning. They claimed to have staked
This adventure starts with an overall description of
a pole with their flag atop the North Summit.
the setting and plot for the GM’s use. Information the
players can reveal through roleplaying can be found in
An attempt to confirm the climb by looking down
the gameplay section.
from the taller South Summit failed in 1912. This Park-
er-Browne expedition turned back mere yards away
from the summit on account of an incoming storm.
Remarks about Parker’s cowardice were short-lived
though; the very day the group arrived back in camp,
an earthquake struck the area and shook tons of rock
The Fall WIthout End - No Security
and ice from the mountain in deadly waves. One year trying to scare their resented American visitors, or is
later, Stuck and Karstans conquered the South Peak there some truth to the curse of Denali’s North Peak?
from which Browne had been forced to retreat. They Perhaps something lurks up there, older than land’s
claimed to have seen the Sourdough’s pole through owners, older than the mountain itself….
their binoculars.

In the dozen summits of the South Peak after Stuck GM INFORMATION

and Karstans, not one expedition saw the pole on the
adjacent peak.
List of NPCs
Nearly twenty years later, the Sourdough expedition
is considered highly dubious amongst mountaineers. “Coot” – owner of the Denali Trading Post,
Their names have been stricken from the record books, scornful of the climber’s chances
and the 1928 Olympic Committee declared a success- Yuri Clevchynko – old frontiersmen claiming to
ful climb of the North Peak grounds for medal consid- have been part of the Parker-Browne expedition
eration. The North Summit of the greatest mountain in Booker Hamlin – director of the documentary
America remains untamed, or at least it is convenient film crew set to record the climber’s homecom-
to think so…. ing
Macey Sly – put-upon newspaper reporter sent
The American government has seized on the oppor- to document the attempt
tunity. They need new “Lingburgh’s” in these trying Ted Carpenter – treasury department employ-
times, daring adventurers unafraid to tackle the great- ee charged with monitoring the expedition and
est obstacles and capable of inspiring a demoralized awarding the prize
nation. Quietly, a large sum of tax money has been Kyle O’Shaughnessy – local boy in charge of
funneled to the “McKinley or Bust” project. Local maintaining base camp
lodging has been reserved, a film crew has been hired, The Hutchison Brothers – three local brothers
and the big newspapers stand ready to print photos of attempting to beat the players to the top
the new American heroes as soon as they descend.

The first to the top can expect fortune as well as fame.

Rumors of a massive cash prize for First Ascent have The Monster: Vertiginous Horrors
been quietly circulating amongst the alpinist com-
munity for months, with a bonus offered for anyone “Vertiginous Horror” is as specific a name that can be
mad enough to drag a weighty camera to the peak devised for these creatures. They have no earthly cor-
for a photo op. The prize is enough to last any family ollaries and exist entirely outside our biosphere. They
through the hard times, and for some desperate climb- evolved on another planet, and their presence on our
ers, Wickersham’s Wall might prove as much a test of plane of existence is infrequent and little understood.
financial survival as physical.
The bridge which links the human world and their
All is prepared as the climbing teams await the start of own is inexplicable and intermittent (Location 10,
their expedition at the Denali Trading Post, enjoying a p.130). It’s opening is announced with all sorts of
lavish send-off amongst the government handlers and strange weather phenomenon—sudden fogs, violent
journalists. The locals have never seen such decadence earthquakes, blinding snow—and coincides with no
hauled so far into the wilderness, and their contempt known environmental cycle or star chart. The opening
for the spectacle is as palpable as their need of the gov- blinks into existence on the interior of Denali (among
ernment’s funds. other places), hovering in the middle of the deep
crevice scored into the side of Wickersham’s Wall. The
The old frontiersmen scoff at the tourists, whispering portal itself is a black pool atop a hollowed, trun-
prophecies of doom and damnation. Are they merely cated pyramid with obsidian sides whose origin
is anyone’s guess. The stone is so smooth and 117
The Monster: Vertiginous Horrors
hard so as to provide the creatures no purchase once found in nightmares. They eat and crawl, eat and crawl,
they burst forth from the brackish water. The worm- mindlessly. Perpetually.
like Horrors are left to scramble for a grip on the side
of the crevice or crash into bloody heaps a kilometer “Gotcha” Gaming
below. Those that survive remain crawling atop the
alien mountain, forced to find whatever sustenance The horror in The Fall Without End depends on the
they can in the arid heights until they starve or are idea that, despite the fact each character is knowingly
called home by some unknown force. entering a survival situation, they are completely un-
prepared for what terrors they are about to face. There
The creatures themselves are roughly 9 feet in length are two ways to get players in the proper mindset for
and shaped like grubs as wide as tree trunks. They this type of play.
are armed on both sides with identical mouths that
can distend outwards with sucking proboscis ringed
Option 1 : Lie
with hundreds of teeth—much like a leech. The dual
mouths are lined with three dexterous arms ending in When asked why the film From Dusk til Dawn shifted
bone-hard talons strong enough to anchor in stone. so suddenly from a noir thriller to a goofy monster
The things have no eyes, and the means by which they movie, Quentin Tarintino famously quipped that
navigate the world is a mystery. the characters didn’t expect the vampires to show up
either. Braver GM’s might try to adopt this philoso-
Both in their world and our own, Vertiginous Horrors phy. If not playing with a rules set blatantly known for
exist exclusively at high elevation and on the steep- horror, sneakier GM’s might claim they want to try a
est slope possible. They move exclusively by folding mountain climbing scenario because watching Touch-
themselves end-over-end. One mouth will bite into the ing the Void or reading Into Thin Air inspired them.
rock face, securing the creature’s weight by clamping The bafflement of the players will inform their role-
into the stone with its powerful jaws and talon-tipped playing when giant, extra-dimensional creatures try to
appendages. Then, the creature will contract the other eat them. Of course, this tactic requires a lot of trust
end of it’s meaty body either up or down, bite the rock between the gaming group, and a lot of exploitation
face with its other jaw, and let go of the original anchor of that trust by the GM. If it is even remotely possi-
before repeating the process. ble some players might get pissed to come back from
the bathroom and suddenly find their characters in a
The creatures are lightning fast vertical climbers, different genre, do not lie about the horrific nature of
rolling up sheer rock faces as if unconstrained by the scenario.
gravity. They are greatly slowed when moving hor-
izontally, having to resort to an up/down zig-zag Option 2: Focus on Character Motivations
pattern due to limited horizontal flexibility. On less This is a sound idea for any gaming group, regardless
steep slopes or flat ground, Vertiginous Horrors are of whether or not the GM decides to be truthful. A
quite clumsy, but their yawning maws still make them safer option for getting players invested in mundane
dangerous. competition before all hell breaks loose is to make sure
their characters have a serious desire to win. Spend
On whatever world that harbors these nightmares, it some time talking with each player before beginning.
appears there are only two directions worth going: up Why does your character want to be the first to the
and down. Whatever they eat, they appear to swallow top? Do they need the money from the prize? Does it
whole, dragging the prey into a meaty tube with row fulfill a lifelong dream of Olympic gold? Do they want
after row of clawing teeth. Cold and wind and scrap- to stick it to their former climbing partner on another
ping stone have no effect on their health. If they have team? If characters have an explicit motivation for
gender, it is unclear what distinguishes it. If they breed, winning the prize of First Ascent, the contrast with the
they must give birth through the same mouths they cosmic horror portion of the scenario will be all the
eat, defecate, and move with. In short, Vertigi- more dramatically interesting.
nous Horrors have the biological efficiency only
The Fall WIthout End - No Security
Playing in Pairs:
Optional Rule: NPC Belay
Advanced mountaineering is almost always done in
pairs. Groups of three or more are sometimes used, but
that typically just means there are merely more people In games that the GM plans to make especially
to hold the rope beneath the lead climber. Until they deadly or in groups that do not cooperate well,
were discontinued around WWII, Olympic medals in NPC belay climbers are an option.
mountain climbing were often awarded in groups of
two rather than to individuals, and the history of the In this instance, each player would be essentially
sport’s greats is one of successful partnerships. controlling two characters: the lead climber of
the team, and the belay climber of the player to
As a result of this, no player can attempt The Fall his or her right. The belay climber need not be
Without End solo. A climber attempting to summit given stats yet, but each should have a fleshed out
Mount McKinely alone would be considered suicid- backstory detailing why he is partnered with the
al by the governmental backers, and other climbers other character and what their motivation for the
would likely view the madman as a dangerous liability climb is.
placing everyone’s lives in danger. If one of the players
insists on soloing to the top, allow it only if that players This way, each player gets to compete individu-
knows that a single failed climb check means plum- ally for the prize and boss his belay NPC around,
meting to certain death (and that’s before anything but the player doesn’t have to talk to himself
truly horrific happens). when speaking to his partner because the NPC is
controlled by the person next to him. The player
So players need to find a partner(s) before playing and also doesn’t lose the chance for some interest-
decide how their characters came to climb together. ing roleplaying with his partner as they attempt
The bond of trust between climbing partners is said the climb. The GM gets a helpless NPC to use as
to be deeper than that of family; at multiple points cannon fodder for the monsters, and players have
throughout any climb, the life of one is literally in the a spare to take over in case their first character
hands of the other. In terms of gameplay, this also leads goes plummeting into an abyss or down a mon-
to an interesting dynamic; each pair starts the game ster’s gullet.
in perfect cooperation, but their goal is to beat all the
other players to the top. The downside of this rule is that when combat
comes around, certain players might try to exploit
their second half into becoming a mind-con-
Standard Climbing Procedure trolled kamikaze. Belay’s can also find themselves
in the position to “cut the rope:” letting a climber
Once players have partnered up, it would be a good in an unrecoverable position fall to his doom in
idea to inform them of the basic structure of team order to save the one member of the pary. Con-
climbing. Essentially, one is going to have to climb sidering the competition between teams, is this
Lead and the other Belay, or they are going to have to a decision the person in charge of an NPC Belay
take turns. can be trusted to make in character? If the group
is sophisticated enough to avoid this type of
Lead climbers pave the way. They largely determine the meta-gaming, the optional NPC belay rule can
route of ascent and are the first to encounter any new help create a more brutal, uncompromising horror
obstacles. It is their job to secure anchor points and game while generously providing players with an
cut holds into the ice. They have no rope to assist their “extra life.” If the temptation will prove too great,
ascent, but they are kept somewhat safe from falls by leave it out and have players climb in two’s or
the rope attached to their belay partner and the anchor three’s.
points below. Even with this limited insurance, any fall
could be potentially disastrous. A “Lead Fall” means
that the top climber will fall the distance to his last plies. This is made all the more difficult by the constant
anchor point—plus whatever slack is left in the rope— falling rock and ice caused by the Lead’s scrambling
before the line goes taut. If too much momentum is for footholds. Most importantly, the Belay’s duty is to
built up, the anchor points could give way, even up operate as a counterweight preventing a falling Lead
to the point where the Belay climber is pulled off the from plummeting into the void. The ability of a Belay
mountain as well. As a Lead, one missed handhold can to hold on for a few more seconds has saved many an
mean the death of the whole team. expedition.

The Belay climber (or “belay slave,” as they are some-

times called), climbs beneath the Lead. Going is easier GAMEPLAY INFORMA-
for a belay climber: they have a taut rope for support,
pre-cut handholds, and a tested route upwards.
However, Belay climbers are far from freeloaders.
Their instructions can be vital for the survival of their Character Creation
partner, as they are sometimes afforded a much more
strategic view of the rock face than the man above Since all the PCs in The Fall Without End are expe-
them. Belays are in charge of spooling up spent line so rienced alpinists, their character sheets will be very
the pair doesn’t run out of rope midway through an similar regardless of the system used. Every PC needs
ascent, and the easier nature of their climb means they to be capable in all mountaineering skills if they’re to
are typically given the responsibility of carrying sup- have any hope of surviving even the early stages of the
scenario. However, the basic premise is that of a moun-

Climber Terminology First Ascent: the term for the first successful, con-
firmed summit of a mountain.
Adze: a thin blade perpendicular to the handle on Free Climb: climbing without rope or other protec-
an ice axe that can be used for chopping footholds. tive assistance.
Anchor: An arrangement of one or (usually) more Harness: a canvas webbing device worn around the
pieces of gear set up to support the weight of a belay waist and thighs designed to allow a person to safely
or top rope. hang suspended in the air
Belay: to protect a roped climber from falling by Haul bag: a larger, unwieldy bag in which supplies
passing the rope through, or around, any type of and equipment are stored
friction enhancing belay device. In the 30’s, the Hold: any place to temporarily cling, grip, jam,
device was most often the belayer’s hips. press, or stand in the process of climbing.
“Belay off ”: called by a climber to confirm that a Ice Axe: an ice climber’s primary tool. This hard-
belay has been removed from the climbing rope. Es- ened pick can be used to cut holds out of ice and
sentially, “don’t fall, because the rope isn’t attached.” rock or as a short walking stick. In desperate situa-
“Belay on”: called by the climber to confirm belay tions, it can sometimes arrest slides and falls down
has been (re)applied to climbing rope. Essentially, icy slopes.
“rope is back on, but please don’t fall anyway.” Lead Climbing: a form of climbing in which the
Belay Slave: someone continually placed into belay climber places anchors and attaches the belay rope
duty rather than climbing Lead. as they climb.
Bivouac: camping overnight in the midst of an Lead Fall: a fall while lead climbing, meaning the
ascent, sometimes in nothing more than a hammock climber will fall at least the distance back to his last
made of rope. anchor, plus any slack and rope stretch.
Carabiner: metal rings with screw-shut gates, used Pendulum: Swinging on a taut rope to reach the
with anchors. Usually oval or roughly D shaped. next hold in a traverse.
Crampons: metal spikes attached to boots for in- Piton: a metal spike hammered into a crack or seam
creased traction on snow and ice. in the rock and used as an anchor point
Deck: the bottom of the mountain
The Fall WIthout End - No Security
tain climbing contest, so the race to the top won’t be all
that interesting if all the characters have the exact same Example Character Creation:
stats and skills. Frank and Doug want to role up “The Dynamic
Ducoti Brothers”, a pair of circus acrobats with
When making characters, GM’s should give players a mountaineering experience seeking to cash in on
list of skills organized into the following three cate- the government bounty being offered for summit-
gories. The exact skills listed will vary depending on ing McKinely. The players come up with back­
the system used. Alternately, the GM can abstract the stories and buy a few skills to flesh out each
various techniques of each set into a single skill of the character’s personality, but now it is time to
same name. For the purposes of suggesting skill checks purchase climbing skills.
at specific locations, this scenario will use the abstrac-
tion strategy. Doug decides that his character, Giuseppe, is the
younger and smaller of the two. He’s a bit of a
Instinct: show off and decides he wants to climb Lead. To
Spotting the hold, predicting a change in the weather, maximize his chances, Doug takes the Ascension
planning an efficient route, packing enough supplies, category as his Exceptional skill set. This gives
hearing the creak of an impending avalanche—this him roughly an 80% chance to succeed on any
skill set entails all aspects of situational awareness and skill check the GM listed in that category. Doug
preparedness that help a mountaineer get up and down also wants to make sure Giuseppe can stand
alive. whatever the mountain has to throw at him, so
Endurance is taken at the Proficient level. Finally,
Ascension: his player figures Giuseppe is a bit too hot-head-
ed for the Instinct skills, meaning it is left as the
These skills determine how good the player is at doing
Adequate set. Chances to succeed in that category
the physical work of climbing. How fast are they? How
are better than the average non-climber, but not
far can they jump? How far can they stretch to reach
by much
that next hold? How strong are their limbs?
Frank, wanting to compliment his climbing part-
Endurance: ner’s abilities, makes his character the stable, older
No climber can survive ascending one of the largest brother type. Iago Ducati is a much more cautious
peaks in the world without a hefty amount of Endur- climber than his sibling, so he takes Instinct at
ance. Skills in this category determine a character’s Exceptional level in the hopes he can warn of any
resistance to cold, exhaustion, and despair as the climb danger. As he will be climbing Belay and might
progresses. need to hold onto the mountain for both men in
an emergency, he takes Endurance as his Pro-
ficient set. Finally, Frank gives Iago Ascension
skills at Adequate because he figures the character
It is up to GMs to decide which skills will fit into each would rely on his younger brother’s trailblazing to
category or if abstraction is the better option. Further- ease the way.
more, the GM has to decide at what level all the skills
in that category will operate. Obviously, much of this
is dependant upon the system used. It is suggested the This “yahtzee’d” version of character creation will allow
all the skills within each group be set at one of three characters some personalization options while still en-
levels: Exceptional, Proficient, and Adequate. GM’s suring a chance of survival (however slim that chance
might think of these levels as an 80%, 70%, and 60% may be). Furthermore, the prioritization of skill sets
chance to succeed on tests, respectively. Alter ratings as will make the competitive portion of the game more
seen fit. interesting and allow for more dynamic team builds.

Plot Hooks (Getting Character’s Together) 1. Denali Trading Post
Characters should start at the Denali Trading Post the The Denali Trading Post is shoulder to shoulder with
night before heading up to establish base camp. This people. Local loggers and trappers have come from
gives characters a chance to interact with each other in miles around to see the spectacle of a Hollywood
a casual setting, dream about the prize money, ques- movie crew, journalists, and the brave explorers. The
tion government sponsors, and pose for a few pictures. tiny log cabin is crammed to bursting with the send
Locals can also provide a bit of the mountain’s history off party Ted Carpenter insisted on throwing at great
and current events. expense. The booze and food is more for the press
than the athletes, as Ted is keen to remind his climbers
After reaching base camp, it is generally assumed that between the forced smiles of countless photo ops. The
players are going to split up in an attempt to gain the government has paid handsomely for this little adven-
lead. This is fine. Once they discover what lurks near ture, and it will not be pleased unless a noble Ameri-
the summit, they’ll be eager to get back together soon can hero that can restore consumer confidence walks
enough. off that mountain.

“Coot” couldn’t be less pleased with the affair, despite

LOCATIONS AND NPC’s the money he’s making off the spectacle. He hates all
these outsiders traipsing about his store, and any time
GM Map versus Handout one of the locals scoffs at the outsiders’ chances, he
can’t help but snicker and righteously spit tobacco juice
The flowchart on page 134 is a map for GM use. This in agreement. Curmudgeon that he is, “Coot” will be-
page provides a helpful reference as to the mountain’s grudgingly respect any character he deems sufficiently
geographic features, the difficulty of traversing them, tough. He might be persuaded to sell some last minute
what threats might be found there, and other locations pitons and provisions to such men. A really persuasive
accessible from that position. Though players can be tough guy can coax the old man into revealing a secret
informed of this information through play once they that only the locals know: the Hutchison brothers,
arrive at a location, they should not be allowed to see three local boys who have climbed on Denali their
the GM version of the map until after the scenario is whole lives, are damned if they’re going to let some
complete. government pets take away the honor of First Ascent
from Alaskan men. They mean to beat the govern-
The handout for players is located on page 133 and is ment’s men to the top, and they have a one-day head
meant to represent a hand-drawn map torn from an start. It’s already night; any hope of catching up will
alpinist’s journal. Players are encouraged to look at have to wait until daybreak.
this handout whenever they please so as to plan the
fastest route to the top. However, they should be aware Yuri Clevchynko would be at the trading post regard-
that their information about the route up Wickersh- less of the proceedings taking place around him; it is,
am’s Wall is possibly inaccurate due to a lack of proper after all, the place where supply trucks drop off the
survey, untested navigational routes, local supposition Canadian booze. The leathery drunk is the closest
confused as fact, decreased visibility above the cloud thing Coot has to a friend and regular. Those curious
line, and a number of other factors (like the extra-di- enough to make small talk with the old Russian find
mensional portals and hellish nightmare creatures, for that he claims to have climbed Denali many times in
instance). his youth, once with Russian army buddies and many
more times after he went native. He even claims to
When setting up scenes, the GM should describe each have been a guide on the Parker-Browne expedition’s
portion of the mountain in such a way that highlights failed attempt up the South Summit. Clevchynko
the differences between the reality of the situation warns anyone who will listen that Parker, fearing
and the map. criticism, left Yuri off the expedition’s records because

The Fall WIthout End - No Security
he refused to lie about what happened. The Russian
claims that more than a storm contributed to the Objective versus Subjective Danger
team’s decision to turn back. The group said weather Mountain climbing is an insanely dangerous sport.
had been acting strangely for weeks, baffling all Mount McKinely alone has a documented kill count of
almanac predictions. They’d found strange drop- over 100 climbers as of 2012. Alpinists are aware of this
pings far above the tree line from no animal anyone danger, even drawn to it, but they think of it in different
could identify, as well as bloodstains on the stone terms.
and carvings made by no human tool. A mist of
“otherworldly” persistence obscured their view Mountaineering is divided into objective and subjective
throughout the entire trip, and each night at camp danger. Objective dangers are threats presented by the
the men swore they could hear a sound like crunch- mountain itself: avalanche, rock fall, temperature. Sub-
ing gravel in the dark. The men near hysterics, jective dangers rest on the individual climber: fatigue,
Parker turned back only a few kilometers away from equipment failure, unpredictable weather. In short,
the summit. The man found himself vindicated by objective dangers are considered when plotting a route,
the freak earthquake that struck upon the expedi- but the only defense against subjective danger is training
tion’s return and immediately set about swearing and luck. Estimations of objective dangers for each area
his men to secrecy about the fear that really caused are listed on the player map, and the actual danger level
their return down the mountain. of each is on the GM map.

If prompted, Yuri claims to know nothing about the In game terms, any failed climbing check should have
Hutichison brothers and denies any attempt to scare negative, possibly even deadly, consequences. Failed
the climbers away from their attempt. Clevchynko checks in areas of heightened objective dangers will
will not tolerate accusations of dishonesty; he’s had have more extreme consequences. For instance, missing
his fill of that over the years, and quietly returns to a handhold on a gentle snow slope is less severe than
his drink rather than argue with fools. missing one while trying to mount the overhang over a
bottomless chasm.
Macey Sly disintrestedly goes about the tiny party,
gathering quotations and asking the minimum Areas with higher levels of objective danger might
number of questions. Her annoyance at being also require more frequent skill checks or checks with
dragged out to the wilderness to cover a silly pub- a higher difficulty rating. The differences between
licity stunt is palpable. If any climbers point out her extreme, high, medium, and low danger zones are up to
unprofessionalism, she’ll be keen to defend herself; the GM and largely dependent upon the dice mechan-
she does recognize the men are legitimately risking ic used. Regardless of how difficult the climb is made,
their lives due to her long-term interest (romantic?) GM’s should exercise discretion when doling out con-
in alpinists. She thinks the Sourdough expedition’s sequences. The Fall Without End is designed to be an
claim for First Ascent is legitimate and that this a short scenario where death lurks on every ledge, but
whole thing is a ridiculous spectacle meant to dis- dashing a character’s brains out on the rocks with two
tract the public from corruption on Wall Street and hours left to play might not make a very fun experience
Capitol Hill. Climbers who are honest about their for that player. Failed checks could mean slowed ascent,
motivations for the climb, be it the prize money or lost equipment, increased exposure, or dramatic near
the glory, can earn her respect, and perhaps even a misses. Save death for a climactic moment or a series of
date when they get back down the mountain. unfortunate rolls.

Conversely, if climbers risk a dangerous route and

succeed, feel free to reward their bravery with speedier
times or bonuses on future rolls. These characters are
adrenaline junkies, after all.

Booker Hamlin pesters PC’s throughout the entire If the players know about the Hutchisons already,
event, lining up imaginary shots and snapping flash O’Shaughnessy improvises in his panic to aide his
bulbs. He’s convinced his choice for shooting the doc- friends’ chances. He suggests the expedition let him
umentary footage is based on his artistic vision, not set up camp by himself so that the mountaineers can
the fact that he comes cheap and is dumb enough to immediately start their ascent. It will mean bivouack-
drag his equipment into the Alaskan wilderness. Any ing (camping) on the side of the mountain midway
discussion inevitably leads to romanticizing the climb- through the climb once darkness falls, but it’s the only
er’s struggle against the mountain, the motif of man chance to catch up to the locals. If players agree to this,
against nature, the refusal of the American character to Kyle will wait until they are out of sight before leaving
submit to blah blah blah… with their stored equipment. Though just a mild
inconvenience if the climb goes successfully, injured
The scene ends when characters have had their fill of or exhausted climbers returning to find their tents
the conversation and head to bed. The march towards gone might not survive a march all the way back to the
basecamp starts in the morning. Denali Trading Post.

2. Base Camp If O’Shaugnessy is caught in either plan, he’ll admit

his deceit and retreat back to the trading post without
Base Camp is to be set up the following morning. As much fight. Whether characters decide to forge ahead
it is merely a hike to a basin where the camp is set up, or stay the night, the mountaineering skill checks
GM’s should treat this scene solely as a roleplaying begin after characters depart from Base Camp.
opportunity. Players can get to know each other on
the trek, or they can use the opportunity to intimidate 3A.”Knife’s Ridge”
their competition.
Approach to Wickersham’s Wall is from the Peters
Kyle O’Shaughnessy is the local teen hired to maintain Glacier, but the valley surrounding the ice field can
the base camp in the absence of the climbers and the be traversed as well. The western edge of the glacier
only NPC accompanying them. Perceptive characters is known as “Knife’s Ridge” and constitutes a massive
might notice that O’Shaughnessy is feigning his loyalty shale cliff that steeply rises above the crevices of the
to the expedition and actually quite resentful of the glacier. Crossing the ridge requires walking across
characters. The boy is a friend of the Hutchison broth- the narrow spine of the shale pile. The loose, jagged
ers, and he’s decided to do whatever he can to sabotage shale and narrow ridge prevent icing, so this is typ-
the expedition to ensure their success. Those aware of ically considered the safest, fastest path to the wall.
the Hutchison brothers and suspicious of O’Shaugh- However, it is rarely travelled; the massive overhanging
nessy’s demeanor can try to intimidate him into telling rock face directly above this approach is considered
the truth. impassible and requires a lot of extra vertical climbing
to navigate around. “Knife’s Ridge” is not without its
If O’Shaughnessy is undetected, he’ll try to do one of dangers. Rogue winds can strike from the West and
blow climbers from their narrow perch, and the loose
two things: sabotage equipment or dismantle camp.
shale covering the rock face makes falls damaging and
His first priority will be gaining access to the climbers’
difficult to arrest.
haul bags. The original plan is to set up base camp,
relax for the remainder of the evening, and head out at
Climbers travelling along the Ridge will see a figure
first light. Once players sleep, O’Shaughnessy plans to
approaching from further ahead. Upon closer inspec-
remove non-essential equipment from as many back- tion, it appears to be a climber in extreme distress. The
packs as he can, stealing sleeping bags, extra rope, and man is horribly frostbitten and blood-soaked from
food. His intent is not to kill, merely to force the more lacerations across his chest and face. Coat in tatters,
experienced climbers to turn back so that the Hutchi- he hunches and mumbles to himself, feeling his way
son’s cannot be overcome. forward with an ice axe. Climbers with good Instincts
will recognize a man suffering from snow blindness.
The Fall WIthout End - No Security
The man doesn’t respond to any greetings, merely is streaked with frozen blood.
blindly continuing his desperate stumble down the
mountain. When he comes within a few feet of the 3B. Peter’s Glacier
climbers, they become visible as blurry shapes and the
man enters a blind, feral panic. This is a combat: the The glacier is cross-hatched with deep crevasses in the
hysterical climber is armed with an ice axe, and the ice that could break men’s legs or necks. Getting across
narrow path prevents players from ganging up on him. means winding around atop the ice slabs and avoiding
However, he is severely injured and nearly blind, so unstable snow bridges. Failing to tell the difference
even inexperienced fighters should have a chance to between ice and a snow bridge can mean plummeting
best him. straight down as the packed powder gives way, possibly
even dragging the flat-footed Belay in afterwards.
If players can grapple him to the ground without
falling down the shale pile, the crazed man can be Good Instinct is necessary to tell when a snow bridge
knocked unconscious. This, of course, complicates is safe. For heightened suspense, GM’s might roll these
matters for the players; dragging the man back to base checks in secret and tell players whether a bridge
camp will eat an entire day’s worth of time. Taken back seems safe depending on the result. Recovering from
to base camp, the man can be revived enough to rave a snow bridge fall requires an Ascension check from
madly about “worms eating the mountain” and ask, the falling climber and an Endurance check from the
“Where’s Josh? Did they get Josh?” Beyond that, the Belay. This recovery takes time and slows a team down.
man’s mind is irreparably broken. Especially reckless teams can try to shave time off their
glacier trek by making an Ascension check to leap
If players can’t knock him out, the climber will keep across a crevasse rather than finding a bridge. Failing
attacking until killed or the players flee. Successful this kind of check would be a very bad idea; a missed
attacks against the assailant will either gut him with an leap would mean not only a fall, but a hard slam into
ice axe or send him on a fatal tumble down the shale both crevice walls.
embankment. Victory should be damaging to the at-
tacking character’s psyche; this outdoor adventure has
turned into a brutal murder in a matter of seconds. 3C. Snow Slope
Whether subdued or killed, the climber drops a nearly
empty haul bag monogrammed with “P. Hutchison.” It The other side of Peters Glacier is dominated by a
snow slope. While much easier going than the glacier
itself and free from the falling danger of the shale em-
Isolation bankment, this slope is where the Wickersham’s Wall
As soon as players pick separate paths, they can approach gains its infamy for avalanche danger.
no longer communicate with each other. Separate
routes are too far away for any communication to Players foolhardy enough to try this approach must
be heard; even shouts are snatched away by the deal with an avalanche sweeping down from the peak
mountain winds. Climbing partners and groups of the slope and towards the glacier itself. As a snow
along the same route can speak to each other, but avalanche and not one composed of ice and rock, there
only if no one is significantly ahead of the other. is little chance of the collapse killing anyone outright,
Even visual communication between routes is in- but the event can still be potentially deadly. Instinct
effective. If other climbing teams are even in sight, checks can recognize the tell-tale creak of snow about
they remain no more than indistinct shapes on the to give way and allow climbers a chance to prepare.
horizon. Giving up the competition and regroup- Climbers that anchor themselves can weather the tide
ing for safety is a major dramatic choice later in and make Endurance or Ascension check to dig them-
the scenario, and the isolation of a separate route selves out. Failed checks mean the buried climbers take
should be apparent to other players at that point damage from suffocation and cold.
in the adventure.

If climbers are caught unaware, they will be swept A mountaineer with good Instinct recognizes two
down the slope towards the glacier. They must make things before mantling onto the wall. Firstly, there
an Endurance check to arrest their slide with an ice seems to be a section of oddly colored rocks near the
axe. If successful, they stop and must make the checks base of the cliff to the East. Secondly, the beginnings
to dig out listed above. If failed, the momentum of one of a fissure are visible high up the rock face, just below
climber drags the other down too, even if that climber the cloud line. This fissure isn’t listed in any surveys of
already braced or stopped his personal slide. Both the mountain, and there is no telling how far up it runs
climbers must then make Endurance checks for one past the mist.
last chance to arrest their momentum. Anyone failing
this check reaches the bottom of the snow slope and Investigating the oddly covered rocks reveals them to
slides into a crevasse, taking serious falling damage. In be painted in a splatter of frozen blood. Nearby is the
addition, they must make the same checks to dig out of shockingly mutilated corpse of a fellow climber. Those
the snow listed above least more damage be accrued. that can keep their head after seeing such a sight can
Finally, any climbers in a crevasse must rescue them- make an Instinct check to discover that the state of the
selves by picking holds into the ice and climbing out, body can’t be blamed on a fall alone. One entire arm
severely delaying the ascent. is missing, and the head is connected by no more than
a string of tissue. It looks like the poor bastard was
4A. Skirting the Overhang passed through a meat grinder before being dropped
off the mountain. Anyone with a stomach strong
Due to its elevation, the Knife’s Ridge meets Wickersh- enough to search through the pockets finds a few spare
am’s Wall mid-way up, saving alpinists a few hundred pitons and some mittens monogrammed with “C.
feet of vertical climb. However, directly above is a huge Hutchison.”
overhang at least 10 meters long. It would require a
Lead climber to travel that distance hand-over-hand 5A. The Overhang
across ice-glazed rock before pulling themselves up
to the vertical face. Then, the Belay would have to Mounting the overhang requires a series of three in-
perform the same impressive feat, or the Lead would creasingly difficult tests for a lead climber. Firstly, the
have to plant an anchor of sufficient strength to allow character must make an Ascension check to gain pur-
the belay to swing out into the void and climb the rope. chase on the icy ceiling. Next, the climber must make
The route is rumored to be impassible, and the hun- an Endurance test to keep their grip, then another
dreds of yards worth of horizontal shimmying required Ascension check. Finally, the Lead must succeed in
to skirt the overhang negates any benefits of taking the Instinct, Ascension, and Endurance to find a safe hold
Knife’s Ridge. across the lip of the overhang and muscle over it. The
Belay climber can make the Instinct check at the last
With a successful Instinct check, climbers under the minute if the lead fails; the lower perspective provides
overhang recognize that if a climber could mount it, a better view of what lies beyond the Lead’s vision.
the time saved would be immense. Climbing teams If any of these checks fail, a Lead fall occurs. At that
must decide if gaining such a lead is worth the risk. point, both climbers better pray the Belay set good
Either way, the lead must make at least one Ascension anchors (Instinct) or can hold on (Endurance). Even if
disaster is averted, the prevention of a deadly fall only
check to get them to their destination.
means that the lead climber gets to smack against the
rock face…hard.
4B. Mantling the Wall
If a Lead manages those three checks, they are con-
Wickersham’s Wall presents a stark end to both Peters sidered safely perched on a ledge above the overhang.
Glacier and its parallel snow slope. The climb doesn’t If they don’t want the Belay climber to have to go
initially seem too daunting, but reports say that the av- through the same process, they can make an Instinct
alanche danger and truly difficult climbing doesn’t check to secure an anchor strong enough to support
start until nearer the cloud line. the partner’s full weight on the rope.
The Fall WIthout End - No Security
While waiting for the Belay to catch up, the Lead
hears a strange crunching sound from above and feels Bivouacking
the tinkle of gravel. Looking up, the first Vertiginous If players decided to rush through setting up base
Horror comes thrashing out of the cloud line, bar- camp and get straight to the climbing, it should
reling down at the Lead climber like some gigantic be getting too dark to continue around the time
hookworm. The creature’s goal is simple: consume the they reach locations 5A and 5B. Night climbing is
climber in its free jaw. nearly impossible, making it necessary to bivouac.
This involves securing oneself to the side of the
If the climber manages to stay sane at the sight of the mountain via a harness and trying to get some
thing, the GM can present them with options. The sleep while perched on whatever narrow ledge is
climber can try and fight the thing off with an ice available.
axe, risking consumption for every round the Horror
survives. If a hit is scored with the axe, the climber can Getting through the night requires Endurance
leap from the wall, dragging the wiggling thing into checks against exhaustion and cold. Each failed
the void before letting go of the handle. At this point, check costs a climber’s health. If Kyle O’Shaugh-
the anchors set by the Belay would be the only thing nessy stole supplies, three Endurance checks are
keeping the humans from a certain death as well. required for each climber. If players have had
nothing stolen or lost but both fail an Instinct
Finally, the Lead could attempt to climb back down the check, two Endurance checks are required. If
overhang, essentially reversing the checks made to get someone succeeds an Instinct test, the climbers
up there in the first place (this matter could be further are well-prepared and only make one Endurance
complicated by a very confused Belay climber trying check for the night.
to head up at the same time). Though flexible, the
Vertiginous Horror has trouble bending itself into the Bivouacking is made all the more uncomfortable
complete circle required to get a grip on the overhang’s by the odd sound of crunching gravel echoing up
“ceiling.” In its zealous pursuit of prey, it may lose its and down the mountainside. Climbers unfortu-
grip and fall to the jagged rocks below. nate enough to have already encountered the Ver-
tiginous Horrors will recognize this as the sound
Particularly evil GM’s could say that as its jaw is ripped of freakish jaws biting into stone. The creatures
from the mountain side, the Vertiginous Horror slices are patrolling up and down the rock face, blindly
the anchor rope amidst its thrashing. searching for prey in the dark. At any moment,
one could roll itself onto the camp and devour a
Surviving climbers might choose to head back at this climber, or bite through a rope and send a sleep-
point, but doing so would require difficult climbing ing mountaineer tumbling to his death. Even
checks to get off the cliff face, or extremely difficult those lucky enough to avoid such a grisly fate risk
checks to get under the overhang. For those that going mad with fear. It’s gonna be a long night.
skipped setting up base camp, night is falling as well.
Even if they could get off the mountain, it would just As it is a means to build tension, night should
mean sacrificing the other climbers to whatever that fall at a dramatically convenient time for the
“thing” was without so much as a warning. GM. After a group at 5A has faced a Vertiginous
Horror, but before the teams at 5B run into a
From this stage, a mountaineer can either ascend to horde of them would be an opportune time, for
Parker’s Rebuff, an ice slope within view of the South instance.
Summit that has never been climbed, or move side-
ways towards a massive fissure. An Instinct role will
reveal that weather is going to come in from the South,
buffeting Parker’s Rebuff with a storm. Crossing the
fissure, while dangerous, would provide shelter from
the winds to come.
5B. Wickersham’s Wall the mountain’s side. Black, sharp obsidian stone marks
the inside of the crack as if it had been burned there.
Wickersham’s Wall is dangerous due to the length of its Crawling inside it would cut ropes and hands to pieces,
sheer vertical ascent and the risk of avalanche. Ascen- and it’s a good 25 yards to the other side. Players are
sion checks are dangerous and frequent. Belay climbers faced with a choice: face certain death in the jaws of
don’t have to make these checks due to the stabiliz- the monsters, attempt a risky maneuver called a Pen-
ing rope, but they have the added danger of rock fall dulum Traverse, or cut their ropes and try free-climb-
sparked by the Lead’s movements. Every so often, large ing up and away from the Horrors.
stones come pouring down from the weak footholds of
the Lead. The Belay climber must either make an As- Free-climbing is insanely dangerous—one missed hold
cension check to dodge out of the way or take damage. means death—but it greatly speeds up the laborious
process of anchor and belay climbing. It is the only
Midway up the wall, an odd sound like the crunch of chance for characters to stay on Wickersham’s Wall and
gravel can be heard. Tiny pebbles start drizzling down outpace the monsters, hopefully finding respite on the
from somewhere above in the mist. Rock fall might ice slope of Sourdough’s Deceit
even threaten the Lead climber, dislodged by some
unknown source. Players choosing to use the fissure as a stop-gap for the
beasts should look to location 6 (below) for a descrip-
Instincts can lead climbers to an odd gleam in the tion of that process.
rock. Nearby, strange circular impressions can be
found on the cliff face, concentric rings made from 6. Pendulum Traverse
hundreds of triangular cuts. The gleam is from an ice
axe still embedded in the stone, a hand still clinging to A Pendulum Traverse is a difficult maneuver at the best
it, dangling an arm. The etching in the handle reads “C. of times, not to mention when being pursued by car-
Hutchison.” nivorous monsters. Whether players are approaching
from the Overhang or Wickersham’s Wall, the process
As climbers approach the mists of the cloud line, the is the same.
first Vertiginous Horror slinks into view. Followed by a
second. Third… A Lead climbs high up on the fissure and plants the
securest anchor possible (Instinct check). He then puts
If climbers can suppress their revulsion long enough to his full weight on the rope and prays the point holds.
maintain a level-head, they can make an Instinct roll. The Belay then puts their full weight on the rope, using
Success recognizes the descending doom. The things the Lead as a counter-weight. The lower climber begins
are huge and headed towards them almost as fast as running back and forth across the rock face, building
men fall. Since they have the high ground, there is no momentum. The Belay then leaps into the void, hoping
way to out-climb or outfight the things. Traversing to reach the other side.
sideways is the only hope.
Swinging across the fissure is an Ascension check.
The way to the right leads to a sharp corner and the Failing the check means the jumper slams against the
void. Left towards the fissure is the only option, but as rock face on the return, taking damage. The climber
long as the climbers make a simple Ascension check above will also have to make an Endurance check to
they can outpace the creatures. The things don’t seem hold on. Once the leap is successful, the Belay then
well-adapted to moving sideways, only able to do so climbs up the other side of the fissure to the same
by stagger-stepping with their mouths in a movement altitude as the Lead and inserts an anchor of their own.
reminiscent of parallel parking. The Lead then removes the anchor, respools the rope,
climbs down to alleviate strain on the line, and makes
Once reaching the fissure, team’s can finally get a the swing.
look at the massive scar inexplicably running up

The Fall WIthout End - No Security
A second jumper in a rush (for instance, because he’s 7B. Sourdough’s Deceit
about to be eaten?) can cut the rope to the original
anchor, falling until the remaining line snaps taut and Sourdough’s Deceit is far steeper than its parallel path,
sends him hurtling to the other side. If the secured Parker’s Rebuff. As such, the Horrors have a much
partner can hold on (Endurance) and the anchor easier going than climbers. Mountaineers unfortu-
holds (Instinct) AND the crazy man can grab on after nate enough to be in this position will find themselves
smacking face first into a cliff (Ascension), it just might trapped on both sides with monsters ascending Wick-
work. If this risky maneuver fails or the monsters grab ersham’s Wall below and rolling down the ice slope
hold of one of the climbers, the dead weight of the sus- above. The only glimmer of hope is a strange blue glow
pended/eaten climber will inevitably break the anchor near the summit (Location 8, p.130) that appears free
and pull both men to their doom. In this instance, both of the creatures, but there a lot of teeth between here
men will certainly die unless the top climber makes and there.
the hard choice and cuts the rope. If players take this
option, the GM should allow enough time for the char- An Instinct check reveals a slim hope of survival. The
acters to make an appropriately cool final exchange. ice slope faces the sun, causing a cycle of melting and
Needless to say, a climber pragmatic enough to kill refreezing that makes the Wickersham route so dan-
his best friend to survive is not going to be mentally gerous in the first place. A climber mad enough to
healthy anytime soon thereafter. rush at the descending Vertiginous Horrors and go
chopping with his ice axe might trigger a hard slab
7A. Parker’s Rebuff avalanche.

Parker’s Rebuff is actually comparatively safe from Hard slab avalanches occur when entire sheets of
both climbing hazards and otherworldly nightmares. jagged ice break free of the mountainside and begin
The slope is gradual and snowy, making it difficult for sliding. The friction of the moving sheets and the
the Vertiginous Horrors to maneuver. Still, moving sudden absence of decades old ice causes even more
around the area is no less dangerous. There are dozens sheets to fall until a cascade of gigantic ice sheets
of the creatures laboriously trying to reach their prey rumbles downwards. In many ways, this event is a
by wrenching themselves upright, wavering like a climber’s worst nightmare. The sheets are so massive
hollow, tentacled tower of meat, then crashing forward and move so quickly they can easily cut a man in
and repeating the process. It is a horrific sight, as if the half…but the same could be said of a horrific mon-
mountain sprouted a fleshy forest with a need to eat. strosity.

So long as characters can keep moving, the real danger Players should be given an opportunity to survive such
is the incoming storm front. The abrasive, whiteout a desperate maneuver. How this is done is up to the
gales—combined with the high altitude and panicked GM’s discretion. Perhaps it is a simple as coming up
fear—creates a murderous environment. At this point, with the idea in the first place, or maybe an Ascension
it takes successful Endurance checks just to incur check is required to maneuver out of the way in time.
minor health damage. Failed checks cause serious Games focusing on the true desperation of a survival
damage such as fingers, noses, and eyelashes lost to scenario might use some mechanic approximating
frostbite. Anyone losing all their health points due to blind luck to see whether or not house-sized sheets of
these checks falls from exhaustion, unable to contin-
ice pulverize the characters.
ue. Unless their partner is willing to take risk more
damage in an attempt to drag them to shelter, they’ll
If the tactic succeeds, all the Vertiginous Horrors on
have to be left to the Vertiginous Horrors.
Sourdough’s Deceit go sliding off the peak of Wicker-
sham’s Wall. Though some Horrors still climbing the
The only respite from the storm is a strange blue glow
in the distance (Location 8, p.130). The summit lies sheer face below likely survived the icy collapse, they
above that point, offering little solace in lieu of the are too delayed to catch up. Shielded by the mountain
monstrosities around it. from the incoming storm, climbers are left to

hobble towards the strange blue glow above at hunger, and exhaustion. If the players succeed, they
whatever pace they can manage. make it to a place suitable for bivouac and can descend
the rest of the way without incident the following
8. Strange Crevice morning.

Scorched and surrounded by melted stone, the cave 10. Portal Chamber
cut into the side of the summit appears to have been
recently blasted there by lightning or some sort of The strange crevasse empties down into a bizarre, inex-
inexplicable volcanic activity. The stone is still slightly plicable chamber. The same jagged stone surrounds an
warm to the touch despite the icy maelstrom, and it is obsidian obelisk in the shape of a truncated pyramid,
unclear whether the blue glow from the cave is reflect- topped with a becalmed pool of what appears to be
ing off of the glassy, blackened stones or coming from motor oil. The thing appears to be resting atop some
the rocks themselves. sort of pillar, but climbing downwards reveals that it is
hovering in midair. The fourth wall of the chamber is
In the narrow confines of the cavern, GMs can throw open to the air; this is the top of the fissure that makes
a single Vertiginous Horror at the climbers. The rela- up the Pendulum Traverse (Location 6, p.128).
tively flat ground and the narrow confines should give
characters a chance to slay one of the things with ice The three walls surrounding the pyramid teem with
axes. If the climbers are already barely alive, feel free to Vertiginous Horrors. The creatures fight for position
leave the cave hauntingly vacant. on the walls, stabbing each other with their claws,
ripping junks from rivals with their distended jaws.
At the end of the hallway of melted stone, a narrow The wet thumping of the falling worms punctuates the
chimney descends into the heart of the mountain. The constant gravel-crunch as the things cling to the walls.
climb down is easy (especially if a rope is sacrificed Some find escape by shuffling out of the fissure and
to tie off up top), and a glimmer of light can be seen to Denali’s exterior. Others try to crawl blindly across
emanating from the bottom of the shaft. the ceiling where the characters hang. These unlucky
creatures break off stalactites with their weight and go
9. Summit crashing into the slick obsidian sides of the pyramid
before sliding into the abyss.
Those with the determination (or insanity) to per-
severe despite being attacked by monstrosities from Upon entering, the origin of the creatures becomes
another dimension can reach the summit. There, they clear. One of the giant worm things comes crashing
will find a blazing snowstorm obscuring any scenic out of the black pool, arching into the air like a leaping
vista that may have rewarded them. The last Hutchison whale before smacking into the glassy obsidian sides. If
brother is there, frozen in a pool of blood from his own it’s lucky, the thing will grab a clear spot on the fissure’s
raggedly-sliced wrists and staring blankly to the West. sides and arrest itself. If it’s not, it goes falling into the
In his lap rests a wooden pole with the tatters of a flag black to be dashed on the rocks far below.
frozen to it, a final insult from the North Summit actu-
ally conquered twenty years previously. The Sourdough There is no way to climb on the fissure’s walls without
expedition told the truth; the whole venture was for getting eaten by the Vertiginous Horrors. The only
nothing. chance to descend this route is the strange obelisk
itself. By tying on another rope to one secured atop the
Buffeted by the storm, climbers face a choice: they chimney, climbers can descend and perch atop the lip
can descend their original route and try to seek refuge of the black pool. Any rope used this way will have to
from the creatures in the oddly glowing cave, or they be sacrificed. To determine if the climbers have enough
can risk the winter winds by descending the opposite rope to descend from the floating obelisk after giving
face. Doing the latter should require a number of up so much line, have players roll an Instinct check to
Endurance checks with health lost to frostbite, determine how well they packed. Characters can still
The Fall WIthout End - No Security
proceed even if they don’t have the line; they just have
to save the rope by leaping into inky waters of the pool
(Location 11, below).

Once balanced on the pool’s edge, climbers will find

that there is nowhere to tie off. In order to descend
without touching the ravenous walls, one character will
have to sacrifice himself by staying behind as a count-
er-weight. Alternately, they could swim to the bottom
of the pool and see if there is anything to secure the
rope to under the water…(Location 11, below).

Once a rope is secured, characters can safely descend

the shaft (though the Vertiginous Horrors snapping at
them from all sides is certainly disconcerting). Near
the bottom, the fissure narrows to the point where the
things cannot maneuver. To reach fresh air, climbers
need only scale the mounds of still twitching Horrors
killed in the fall from the portal. Getting outside
means a safe descent from the mountain starting from
Wickersham’s Wall (Location 5B, p.128), though at
this point death would likely be a mercy.

11. ?????
Entering the pool instantly causes characters to sink,
drifting through a disorienting, bottomless void. Just as
their breath is about to fail, they burst through a new
surface rather than settling to the floor. After reorient-
ing, a hellish new world on the other side insinuates

Another truncated pyramid of black obsidian hovers

beneath them, holding the inky pool that spans two re-
alities. Above, a canyon of unimaginable heights rises.
Out-of-place stars and too many moons shine through
a narrow slit as the immense canyon walls assault the

The entire gorge is completely obscured by a blanket Surviving characters stumble back to the Denali
of Vertiginous Horrors fastened to the canyon walls Trading Post broken men, covered in blood and sweat,
in crowded, fleshy braids. They writhe on every side, faces horribly mutilated by frostbite, raving insane
biting at each other for purchase. One creature falls off stories about impossible worms that no one will ever
just so another can vomit out wriggling spawn in its see again. Those characters that somehow manage
place. In both directions, the cliffs are lined with the the whole ordeal unscathed are just up for criminal
monsters, so much so that there is a constant rain of charges; who would ever believe the Hutchison’s were
gigantic, screaming worms plummeting into the abyss. eaten by monsters?
Those that land in the pool find themselves on Denali.
Those that don’t, fall…seemingly forever. A GM that manages to get a lone survivor back to
camp—barely alive and completely crazy—will be
Witnessing the origin of the Horrors is enough to truly aligned with the scenario’s themes of survival and
flay most men’s minds. Those strong enough to hold cosmic horror. Ideally, The Fall Without End finishes
themselves together for a few moments longer notice up like many other horror scenarios begin: a crazy,
crude carvings of the creatures at the four corners of scarred old man rants and raves exposition disguised
the pool. A rope can be tied to these and strung across as madness in a bar, warning a new set of doomed
the inexplicable nexus between worlds, thus saving an protagonists about the monsters….
otherwise stranded Belay climber.

Whether or not anyone wants to be saved after seeing

the hell that waits on the bottom of the pool is another
question entirely.

After characters reach the summit or make their escape
via the Portal Chamber, GMs should handwave much
of the descent. Though climbing down is often one of
the more dangerous aspects of mountaineering, it will
reek of anti-climax after fighting otherworldly demons
atop a wintery peak. Furthermore, even for the most
sadistic of gamers, killing the players for a single failed
climb check after they’ve conquered a mountain and
murdered hell beasts with their bare hands is just a
bullshit move. If dice must be rolled, make the checks
fast and quickly transition from scene to scene.

That said, The Fall Without End stays pure to its roots
in cosmic horror: survivors’ lives should be very nearly
shattered in the aftermath. There is no hope of ever
discovering exactly what the hell just happened. Incur
health penalties for failed checks on the descent until
the characters are barely alive, especially if O’Shaugh-
nessy made off with the supplies at Base Camp
(Location 2, p.124).


Special Thanks to all Our Backers!
Aaron Achartz Colin HPLustcraft
Aideneus Colin Mills Ian
Alexander Lucard corwin elmore Ian Sandford
Alex Dingle Cousin Artaud IcecreamJones
Alex W. Craig Mansfield Iehmann
Alistair Warmingon Cruxisv IrishWristwatch
Allan Wilson Cynical Felidae Jacob Trewe
Allen Bartley daegan7 Jake
Andrew Baswell Daniel Lawall James Anderson
Andrew Deller Dan Jensen James Haughton
Andrew Salmons David Bagdan James M. Yager
Andrew White David Basta James Schrecengost
Anthony Florea David Cooper Jason De Luna
Anthony Marchiafava David Farnell Jeb Dale
Antoine Bertier David Jenks Jeff Dixon
Austin Stanley David Tibbles jeremy gilland
Barac Baker Wiley davrion Jmxeisky
Beej Dennis Schmolk Joe Christensen
Ben Hesketh Derrick Keplinger John Billings
Benjamin Wenham Devin Doherty John D
Ben McFarland DisOrd3r Jon P Nilson
Ben W. Bell Drew Huntley Joseph Lockett
Black Kestrel Ed Kowalczewski Joshua
Bob Ed Possing Joshua Cameron
Brandon Eduardo Chaves Julien
Brandon Landry Eric Jussi Kenkkila
Brendan Whalen Eric McKinney Justin
Breon Halling Evan Justin Lee
Brett 1324 Evan G. Colon Katrina E
Brian Holmberg fantomas Ken Labbe
Brian Lavelle Filthy Monkey Kevin Maynard
Bryan Condon Fridrik Bjarnason Klivian
Bryant Durrell Garth Elliott Kornel
Cairnryan Mower gigglestick KP
Canageek Gilbert Isla Kyle ‘Klee’ Baker
Casidhe Gil Osterweil Kyle Moss
Chad Herrmann Glenn LbSand Productions
Charles Gordon Wiley Levi Gustafsson
chris Greg Stolze Liam Watts
Chris Hamann Griffin D. Morgan Lisa Padol
Chris Miles Grubnash Lucas Schreiber
Chris Woodward Heine Stick Luke Pendo
Ciara Evangelista Herman Duyker M. Sean Molley
Claes Svensson Herrigold Marcelo Duarte Ferrari
Marcelo Martins De Oliveira Robert Kukuchka Vincent Ecuyer
Marcus Bone Robert Melcic vUksi
Marcus Rush Roberto Mandrioli Wesley E. Marshall
Mark Kadas Robert Stroh Will Clark
Matt Campen Rob Rasmussen Will Hutchins
Matt Evans Runester William
Maurice Strubel Ryan Lacson William Dovan
Maxwell Kielt Ryan Mannix William Lee
MazZ SageNytell Xopher Martin
mdames Sam Condon Yuri
mhawthorne1710 Sam Graebner Zed
Michael Binnie Sam Johnson
Michael Fadden Sam Stickwood-Hanink
Michael Franklin Sascha Bornhorst
Mike Scott
Mike Scott Catron
Mike Lowrey Scott Glancy
Mokari Scribbleykins
Morten Kjeldseth Pettersen Sean
Mrmistofales Sean O’Loughlin
Natb Sean Whittaker
Nathan Sebastian
Nathan Olmstead Shannon Bell
Nathan Ryder Shawn Riley-Rau
Necrodancer shemjaza
Nitemare17 Sid Wood
Norb Sky DeBoever
Olthar Sleet
Omar Amador Sparky1479
Oren Geshuri Stacey Chancellor
Owlglass Steve Dempsey
paranoius Steve J. Moore
Parenon Steven DeBirk
Pat Harrigan Stewart Robertson
Patrick Stuart Dollar
Patrick Gingrich Susan
Paul Tadanori
Paul Echeverri templar72
Peter Cruise Thaddeus Stoklasa
Phil Garrad Theron
Philip Reed Tim Betz
Pierre-jean Espi Timothy Brandis
Pospishnyi Olexandr Tim White
R. Silva TopographicOceans
revnye Ty Davis
Richard Reynolds Tyler Good
Richard Starr Ulzgoroth
Robert unboundsheep
Robert Biddle Victor Rhodes
Robert Clark Vincent


This systemless horror scenario originally appeared as a reward for backers of the No Security kickstarter. Set in La-
fontaine, MO after an apocolyptic ice storm cripples the city, players take on the roles of first responders to the crisis.
But what happens when those trained to respond to danger are confronted with a terror beyond imagining? What is
preying on the citizens of Lafontaine besides the weather? Will the PCs be able to overcome the threat with decisive
action, or will they doom everyone in their panic?

Readers are warned that Lover in the Ice emphasizes body horror and, as such, is intended exclusively for mature

Base Raiders: Every superhero and villain disappeared a year ago. Some of their secret labs, headquarters, and lairs
were found, but many more remain hidden. Treasures, unique artifacts, and secret knowledge can be found in the bases,
prizes worth risking death from the traps and guardians left behind. A new class of ‘base raiders’ emerged to find and
loot the abandoned bases. The secrets of gaining superpowers spread when base raiders sold, traded, or gave away
what they found. Now, anyone brave or foolish enough to find the black market can buy a knockoff super soldier drug
or magical artifact to use in their own quest to become more than human. The superhumans of today are not enforcers of
an old status quo. They are visionaries, madmen, idealists, fanatics, heroes, villains, and base raiders. Join their ranks.
Change yourself. Change the world. Base Raiders is a complete FATE role playing game. It features:

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more powers, but how will they interact with your existing ones?
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Zombies of the World brilliantly documents that evolution has led to a wide variety of species. Few outside the scien-
tific community even realize that creatures like the Egyptian Mummy (Mortifera mumia aegyptus) are actually zombies.
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Role Playing Public Radio is a podcast that looks at role playing games with humor and insight. Our mission is to
make gaming more fun, whether it is celebrating a legendary session or making fun of dysfunctional games. If you have
ever slain a gazebo by mistake, looted the body of a sass mouthed NPC, or died screaming in Call of Cthulhu, RPPR is
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RPPR Actual Play is a weekly podcast of our tabletop role playing game sessions. We play a wide variety of RPGs,
from popular classics like Dungeons and Dragons and Call of Cthulhu to recent hits like Monsters and Other Childish
Things and Eclipse Phase. Some of our episodes are stand-alone scenarios but we also feature multiple campaigns last-
ing dozens of sessions. Give us a listen if you want to hear a great gaming crew fight evil, try outrageous plans to save
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