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Lab # 8

In this lab, we will capture packets using Wireshark software from your wireless LAN.

Install wireshark from

Open Wireshark and choose Wireless Network Connection

You can stop capturing packets by clicking the Stop icon.

In order to filter only TCP packets, type “tcp” and press Enter. Click one of the packets. You will see the
packet’s details as below. (Remember we call “TCP packets” as ”TCP segmentsé).

For any packet, click on IP and TCP header fields and fill the fields in the header files shown below with
the data from the captured packet.

What is the destination port number in TCP? Which application is that port number used for?

TCP header
IPv4 header


Open the “tcp-ethernal-trace-1” file with Wireshark. It is prerecorded data exchange between a client
and server.

Select Analyze->Enabled Protocols, then uncheck HTTP box, so that we can only see TCP exchanges.

Then it should look like this.

What is the sequence number of the TCP SYN segment that is used to initiate the TCP connection? How
SYN segment is differentiated from other TCP segments? (SYN message is first step of connection
What is the length of first 6 TCP segments?
What is the advertised window size by the receiver?
3) TCP Congestion Control

Select Statistics->TCP Stream Graph-> Time-Sequence-Graph(Stevens). Wireshark will plot the

time-sequence graph for the recorded traffic. Each dot is the TCP segment sent.

Identify at which time TCP slow start begins and ends.

Explain what happens after slow start?

Can you calculate the throughout and RTT for this transmission?

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