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and blood supply. -10 m
1. Explain in detail eyelid anatomy along with nerve
2. Layers of eyelids. -5m
3.Anatomy of upper eyelid with diagram. -5m
4. Glands of eyelid-5m
5. Structure at medial canthus- 5m

1. Explain about parts of conjunctiva
2. Write a note on glands of conjunctiva.-5m
3. Microscopic structure of conjunctiva

lacrimal system and tear drainage.-10 m
1.Explain the normal and applied anatomy of
2. Anatomy of lacrimal system. -5m
3. Describe and draw the lacrimal apparatus.-5m
4. Explain the various functions and composition
of tear film.-5m
5. Note on lacrimal glands-5m

anatomy of extra ocular muscles with nerve supply
and blood supply. -10m
1. Describe the muscles. -10 m
2. Give the physiology of actions of extra ocular
3. Levator palpebrae superioris. -5m
4. Superior orbital fissure.-5m

1. Layers of cornea and factors which maintain corneal transparency. -10 m
2. Maintenance of corneal transparency. -10m
3. Anatomy of cornea.-5m
4. Diagram of corneal structure and function. -5m
5. Explain the layers and function of corneal epithelium.-5m
6. Explain about the layers of cornea. -5m
7. What is the importance of corneal layers-5m

1. Why is sclera opaque in structure give reason-5m
2. Write a short note on special regions of sclera.-5m

1. Explain in detail the uveal anatomy.-10m
2. Explain the anatomy of uvea. -5m
3. Structure of choroid and its blood supply -5m
4. Parts of uvea with nerve supply-5m
5. Write a short note on structure and function of cilliary body- 5m
6. Write a note on physiological functions of uvea-5m
7. Explain anatomy of aqueous outflow system -10m

the functions of retina. -10m
1. Explain the anatomy of retina and add a note on

2. Layers of retina. -5m

3. Write short note on maculae lutea.-5m
4. Draw a fundus picture of human eye-1Om
5. Write a note on photoreceptors -5m
of blood retinal barrier- 5m
6. Discuss the structure and clinical significance
7. Describe on second layer of retina-10mm
8. Blood supplyto retina-5m

anterior chamber. Add a note on aqueous
1.Describe the anatomy of the angle of ocular -10m
secretion and maintenance of
intra pressure.
circulation and drainage of the aqueous humour with
2. Explain about the secretion,
appropriate diagram.-10m
humour. -5m
3. Formation of aqueous -5m
maintenance of intra ocular pressure.
4. Explain about
of angle of anterior chamber-10m
5.write about gonioscopic appearance of vitreous humour.-5m
attachments of vitreous and physiological properties
6. Describe the

10. PUPIL/
and pupillary reflexes. -10m
1. Visual acuity
2.Measurement of afferent pupillary
3. What are
efferent pupillary defect- 5m


1. Draw a diagram of the crystalline lens and discuss about its anatomy. -10m
2. Structure of lens. -5m
3. Draw the structure of crystalline lens with diagram -5m
4. What are age related changes in crystalline lens -5m

1. Describe bones forming the orbit, orbital contents and applied anatomy of the orbit. -10m
2. Surgical spaces of orbit.-5m
3. Write short notes on Cavernous sinus. -5m
4. Explain in detail about orbital anatomy. -5m
.Apex of orbit -5m
6. Orbital walls -5m


1. Anatomy of 3rd cranial nerve -10m
2. Explain about facial nerve paralysis and its signs and symptoms. -5m
3. Write a short note on Facial nerve palsy, types and clinical features -5m
4.write about optic nerve anatomy-10m
5. Course branches and relations of 3 rd cranial nerve-5m
6. Note on trochlear nerve-5m
7. Explain about sixth cranial nerve- 5m
and explain on ophthalmic devision of 5 th cranial
8. Write about trigeminal nerve


1.Explain in detail about the visual pathway. about the course of the visual fibers.-10m
2. Draw a diagram of visual pathway. Explain
3.. Visual pathway and lesions of visual chaisma-5m
4. what are field defects oflesions optic


1. Write in detail about development ofeye with diagram-10 m

vision? -1Om
1.What are theories of colour
the vision defects?-10m
2. How will you test for colour
3. Electro retinogram -10m
4.. Theories of colour vision. -5m
5. Photochemistry of retina. -5m
6. Physiology of accommodation. -5m
7. Pupillary reflex. -5mm
8. Binocular vision. -5m
of retina). -5m
Diagram of visual cycle (photochemistry
10. Accommodation. -5m -5m
innervations? Explain with example.
11. What is Sherrington's law of reciprocal
12.Write in detail about visually evoked potential. uses.-5m
Write about its component and
13. What is electroretinogram?
14. What is "Simultaneous Macular perception"?
Explain with example. -5m
and its use and importance.
15. Explain about Schimer's test
16. Entoptic phenomenon-5m
17.Tests for binocular single vision -5m
18. Herring's law ofequal innervation-5m
19. Dark adaptation.-5m
of presbyopia.-5m
20.what is presbyopia? Describe the causes and management
of accommodation and convergence.-5m
21. Describe test for measurement of near point
22. Write about four kinds of visual perception.-5m
dioptric power of
visual acuity -5m mechanism to increase
23. Factors effecting the possible
What are
24. What is
vision -10m
eye-5m of binocular
binocular vision and grades
25. Write about significance-5m
triad? Write it's
26. What is near reflex
27. Explain about tear film dynamics
28. What are tear film e)
contralateral synergists
29. Test for tear film dynamics-5m antagonists d)
the terms: a) agonist b) synergists c)
30. Explain
contralateral antagonists. -5m
binocular eye
31. What are monocular and
32. Note on phototransduction-5m
movements -10m
33. Physiology of eyelid

ShortAnswers:(10 x2 =20)

medial and lateral wall of orbit.

1. Name the bones forming
2. Describe the tear film.
3. Name the parts of uveal fissure.
4. Name the structures passing
through superior orbital
the eye ball and its adnexa.
5. Name the cranial nerves supplying
6. What is entoptic phenomenon?
7. What is electro oculogram? corneal transparency.
8. Name the factors involved
in the maintenance of
of eye.
structures derived from ectoderm in the development
9. Name the
10. Tests for lacrimal
11. Tear film and its
12. Muscles of Iris.
13. ERG and Electroculogram.
orbital walls.
14. Name bones forming
15. Layers of Eyelid.
16. Name the pupillary
17. Blepharospasm.
18. Presbyopia.
19. Contents of orbit.
20. Angle of Anterior
21. Muscles of eyelids.
22. Anomalies of color
23. Abnormal pupillary
24. Grades of binocular single
of lacrimal apparatus.
25. Draw and name the parts
26. Intraocular muscles.
27. Physiology of
28. Parts of uvea with nerve supply.
29. Layers of cornea.
30. Muscles of eyelids
31. Layers of cornea
32. Parts of optic nerve
33.Yoke muscles
34. Aqueous humour components
35.. Macula
36. Lens
37. Levator palpebrae superiosis /LPS muscie
38. Endothelial pump mechanism
39. Where is the Sphincter pupillae muscle located? What are its action and nerve supply?
What is Rhodopsin? What is its role in the visual cycle?
41. List the clinical feature seen in 3rd nerve palsy.
42. Write a few sentences about Snellen's chart.
43.What are the various tests to test the Colour vision?
44. What are the types of vergences?
45. What is the Nerve supply of following muscles: Medial Rectus, Superior Oblique,
Lateral Rectus.
46. Explain Fusion with an example.
47. What is 'Regurgitation test'? What is its significance?
Muller's muscle.
48. Write the actions of: Orbicularis oculi, Levator palpebrae superioris,
49. Horner's syndrome
50. Assessment of Diplopia
51. Vitreous humour
52. Embryology of lens
53. Orbicularis oculi
54. Layers of retina
ocular pressure
55. Measurement of intra
56. Write about cavernous
57. What is macula lutea?
58. Explain light adaptation.
59. Factors affecting visual acuity.
60.Write about Superior orbital
lacrimal excretory function.
61. List the tests to a s s e s s
62. Explainvision assessment in
63. What is dark adaptation?
resolution acuity test.
64. Give examples for
contrast sensitivity.
65. Factors affecting
colour attributes?
66. What are the normal
67.. 3 causes for hyperlacrimation. fissure.
structures passing through superior orbital
68. Name the ball and its adnexa.
cranial nerves supplying the eye
69. Name the
70. Parts of ciliary boay.
structure of rod cell.
71. Draw and name
72. Name the parts of

iris and their actions.

73. Name muscles of
74. Minimum visual angle
75. Pilca semilunaries
76. Limbus.
77.field of vision
78. Rods and cones
79. Cloquets cannal
0. Miosis and
81. What is myopia
82. Name the layers of cornea which can regenerate itself.
83. Name the abnormalities of pupillary reaction.
84. Corneal endothelium
85. Structure of Lid margin
86. Tenons capsule
87. Achromatopsia
88. Conjunctival fornice
89. Ora serrata with diagram
90. Agonist and antagonists.
91. Mention the structure of eye derived from surface ectoderm.

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