SUMMATIVE TEST NO.1 Math 10 Second Quarter 2022-2023

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Madridejos, Cebu
Summative Test no. 1 in Math Grade 10-Second Q
Year & Section:_______Date:_____Score:____
Multiple Choice Test: Read/think for an answer.
Solve each item on scratch paper and write only
the letter of the correct answer to your answer 7. If you will draw the graph of y= x2(x-1). How will the
graph behave at the x-axis?
A. The graph crosses both (0,0) and (1,0).
1. WhIch of the following could be the value of n B. The graph crosses (0,0) and is tangent to the x-axis
in the equation f(x) = xn if f is a polynomial at (1,0).
function? C. The graph crosses (1,0) and is tangent to the x-axis
a. - 2 b. 3 c. 1/4 d. -108 at (0,0).
D. The graph is tangent to the x-axis at both (0,0) and
2. Which of the following is NOT a polynomial
function? 8. You are ask to graph f(x) = -x6 + x5 – 5x4 – x3 +
a . f ( x )=π c. f ( x )=−x + √ 5 x 3 3x2 – x using its properties. Which of these will be
−2 3 1
your graph?
b. f ( x )= x +1 d. f ( x )=x 5 −2 x 2
3. What is the leading coefficient of the
polynomial function f(x) = x – 2x3-4
a. -4 b. -2 c. 1 d. 3
4. How should the polynomial function f(x) =
1 9. Given that f(x) = 7 x-3n + x2 what value
x−x 2+ 11 x 4 +2 x 3 be written in standard form?
2 should be assigned to n to make f a function
1 of degree 7?
A. f(x) = 11x4 + 2x3 + x – x2
B. f(x) = -x2 + x + 2x3 + 11x4
2 10. If you were to choose from 2, 3, and 4,
1 which pair of values for a and n would you
C. f(x) = 11x4 + 2x3– x2 + x
2 consider so that y = axn could define the graph
1 below?
D. f(x)= x -x2+ 2x3 + 11x4
5. Which of the following function form
represents the given graph?

11. A car manufacturer determines that its

profit, P, in thousands of pesos, can be modeled
by the function P(x) = 0.001 25 x4 + x -3 , where x
represents the number of cars sold. What is the
6. Which of the following could be the graph of profit at x = 150?
y = x4 – 5x2 + 4? A. Php 75. 28 C. Php 3 000 000.00
B. Php 632,959.50 D.Php 10 125 297.00
12. Your friend Aaron Marielle asks your help in
drawing a rough sketch of the graph of
y = -(x2+1)(2x4-3) by means of the leading
Coefficient Test. How will you explain the
behavior of the graph?
A. The graph is falling to the left and rising to the
B. The graph is rising to both left and right.
C. The graph is rising to the left and falling to the
D. The graph is falling to both left and right.
13. Lein Andrei is tasked to choose from the
numbers -2, -1, 3, and 6 to form a polynomial
function in the form y = axn. What should he
assign too a and n so tha the function could define
the graph below?

14. Find the degree of polynomial

y = (x2-5)(x-1)2(x-2)3.
A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7
15. What is the end behaviors of the graph y = -x 3
+ 2x2 – 2x + 4?
A. Rises to the left, rises to the right
B. Falls to the left, rises to the right
C. Rises to the left, falls to the right
D. Falls to the left, falls to the right
For number 16- 20, Given y = x2(x2-5)(2x+3), find
the following
16. Leading term
17. End bahaviors
18. x -intercepts
19. Y- intercept
20. Number 0f turning points

Prepared by: Justiniano S. Salicio, Jr.

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