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The time of experience in the special theory is defined as equal to all the times in

which the special relativity principle is valid in nature. Time cannot be defined by a
specific duration and therefore time is a non-physical construct. In the theory, it is
demonstrated that any alteration in the way we perceive the passage of time must be
accompanied by a change in the properties of space. The theory is not about space,
but about time itself. Time is not the reason for all phenomena in nature. Space and
time are not the substance of reality. Space and time are simply the primary tools that
describe what happens in the universe.

Time is a universal pattern of measurements, which exists as the fundamental

principle of physical theory. At least, this is what the special theory of relativity claims.
Time is a universal pattern of measurements, which exists as the fundamental
principle of physical theory. At least, this is what the special theory of relativity claims.

Time travel in popular culture has been around for a while. But for the first time in
history, we have a theory to back it up. In 1905, Albert Einstein published a paper
about the theory of special relativity that changed the way we understand space and
time. This paper opened a door to understanding the universe, and also gave us a way
to travel through time like never before.
The theory of relativity was first proposed by Albert Einstein in 1905 and is considered
the most important scientific theory of the 20th century. The theory of relativity has
thrown into doubt what is real and what is not, and poses some questions that have
been discussed since its inception. The theory of relativity suggests that time travel is
Well, this is a pretty simple thing to understand. I mean, you have already learned
about the concept of relativity, right? So why would you be confused about how time
travel would work?

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