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Jason Immanuel

2501987343 – LC11

2. What is the problem domain?

A problem domain is an area of expertise or application that must be investigated to
solve a problem. A problem domain is simply focusing on the topics that interest you
while excluding everything else.

12. What is an attribute, an identifier or key, and a compound attribute?

An attribute is a data entity descriptor (Object). A Customer (object) has a name, for
example (attribute). As a result, while attributes are nouns, they are descriptor or
qualifier nouns. An identifier, also known as a key, is an attribute that can be used to
uniquely identify a specific object. A compound attribute is one that is made up of "sub-
attributes" or components, such as a street, city, state, and postal code.

17. What is multiplicity, and what is the other term used by traditional analysts and
database analysts?
It is a count of the number of links in an association between two objects from different
classes. Cardinality is a term used in traditional analysis.

26. What does a domain model class diagram show about system requirements, and
how is it different from an ERD?
A domain model depicts the classes, or things, as well as their relationships and
constraints. These are the system requirements that must be incorporated into the
database. The problem domain classes are the domain classes and are "persistent,"
meaning they must be stored in a database. An ERD is not the same as a domain
model. To model specific real-world conditions, an ERD is not as powerful as a domain

34. What is a whole-part relationship, and why does it show multiplicity?

A whole-part relationship in which one class is a subset of another class. It can have
multiplicity constraints, which allow multiple part-classes to belong to a single whole

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