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Detailed lesson plan in English 5

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:
a. Fill out forms accurately.
b. Appreciate the importance of filling out the forms acutely.
c. Participate in group activity.
II. Subject Matter
a. Topic: Filling out Forms Accurately (school forms, deposit slips, and withdrawal
b. References: English 5 Quarter 1- Module 1
c. Materials: pictures, PowerPoint,forms
III. Procedure
Semi- Detailed lesson plan in English 5


I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:

a. Fill out forms accurately.

b. Appreciate the importance of filling out the forms acutely.

c. Participate in group activity.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Filling out Forms Accurately (, deposit slips, and withdrawal slips)

b. References: English 5 Quarter 1- Module 1

c. Materials: pictures, PowerPoint, forms

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Good morning, class!
To start our class may I request Cherry Ann to
lead the prayer?
Okay, before you seat can you please take the
pieces of paper under your chairs.
2. Checking of attendance
Ok now settle down, is there any absent today?
Okay very good!
Before we start what should we do while are
having our class discussion?
Very good I hope that you will follow those
standards, are we clear?
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Good morning, class!
To start our class may I request Cherry Ann to
lead the prayer?
Okay, before you seat can you please take the
pieces of paper under your chairs.
2. Checking of attendance
Ok now settle down, is there any absent today?

Okay very good!

Before we start what should we do while are
having our class discussion?
Very good I hope that you will follow those
standards, are we clear?
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Good morning, class!
To start our class may I request Cherry Ann to
lead the prayer?
Okay, before you seat can you please take the
pieces of paper under your chairs.
2. Checking of attendance
Ok now settle down, is there any absent today?

Okay very good!

Before we start what should we do while are
having our class discussion?
Very good I hope that you will follow those
standards, are we clear?

A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Good morning, class!
To start our class may I request Cherry Ann to
lead the prayer?
Okay, before you seat can you please take the
pieces of paper under your chairs.
2. Checking of attendance
Ok now settle down, is there any absent today?
Okay very good!
Before we start what should we do while are
having our class discussion?
Very good I hope that you will follow those
standards, are we clear?
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Good morning, class!
To start our class may I request Cherry Ann to
lead the prayer?
Okay, before you seat can you please take the
pieces of paper under your chairs.
2. Checking of attendance
Ok now settle down, is there any absent today?

Okay very good!

Before we start what should we do while are
having our class discussion?
Very good I hope that you will follow those
standards, are we clear?
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Good morning, class!
To start our class may I request Cherry Ann to
lead the prayer?
Okay, before you seat can you please take the
pieces of paper under your chairs.
2. Checking of attendance
Ok now settle down, is there any absent today?

Okay very good!

Before we start what should we do while are
having our class discussion?
Very good I hope that you will follow those
standards, are we clear?
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance
Now I show some pictures, and tell me what
you think these pictures all about.
 Now I show some pictures, and tell me what you think these pictures all about?

Students Answer: It is a different kind of form teachers

1. It is cash deposit slip
2. Withdrawal slip
3. School form
The teacher will ask
Who wants to share what is our last lesson in English?

The teacher will ask
What are the forms that you can see in these places?
Directions: Match the forms to its right place.
E. Presentation
Teacher’s Question: Based on our activity, what do you think is our topic for today?
Student Answer: The different types of forms

F. Discussion
The Teacher will say
 Before we go further on our lesson, we will have a little task this called “FILL ME OUT”


Directions: Get your pen and paper and fill out the form below. Complete it by using the possible
answers found in the box. You will only have 3 minutes to fill out the form.

 Are you done answering?
 Again, what kind of form did you answer? ( Student Personal Information Form)
 Now, What will you write for the name? ( Royce L. Cabrera)
 Why you write Royce L. Cabrera in the name and not Mrs. Arlyn Robles? ( It is because it
should be write as my teachers name)
 How about for grade and section? ( Grade V- Maagap)
 Now, what will you write for age and sex? ( 10 yrs old and Male)
 How about the Ruparan, Digos City? Where should we write it? ( In the Address)
 How about for birthday? (November 3, 2012)
 How about for country? ( Philippines)
 Lastly, the Ruparan Elementary School should be written in School.

here are a lot of forms that you may encounter

in your daily lives, as you enter offices, schools
banks and others. You will need to fill out a
here are a lot of forms that you may encounter
in your daily lives, as you enter offices, schools
banks and others. You will need to fill out a

here are a lot of forms that you may encounter

in your daily lives, as you enter offices, schools
banks and others. You will need to fill out a
There are a lot of forms that you may encounter in your daily lives, as you enter offices, schools
banks and others. You will need to fill out a form.
 In your own opinion what is form? ((For me it is a document that may question you personal
 A form is a document with questions on it and spaces mark where you should write the
answers. Form usually asks you to give details about yourself. And can sometimes contain a
serial number or barcode.
 Forms are uses in various institutions such as schools, banks, offices, hospital and company.
There are many different kinds of forms but our focus for today is about the deposit slip,
withdrawal slip and school form.
 What is a deposit slip? ( Deposit slip is a small paper form that a person includes with bank
deposit to show, how much money he or she is putting in the bank account )
 Now to fill out deposit slip. Please read the steps.
1. First, write your name and bank
account number
2. Then, supply additional details,
such a transaction date and any
branch information required.
3. List the cash amount beak down of
your deposit and the total amount
4. Affix your signature over printed
name found in the lower part of the
1. First, write your name and bank
account number
2. Then, supply additional details,
such a transaction date and any
branch information required.
3. List the cash amount beak down of
your deposit and the total amount
4. Affix your signature over printed
name found in the lower part of the
1. First, write your name and bank account number
2. Then, supply additional details, such a transaction date and any branch
information required.
3. List the cash amount beak down of your deposit and the total amount thereafter.
4. Affix your signature over printed name found in the lower part of the form.
Next let’s move on to the next one what is
withdrawal slip
 Next let’s move on to the next one what is withdrawal slip? ( Withdrawal slip- is
a small
withdrawal slip- is a small paper
form which has to be filled out before
making a withdrawal money from a ban
Paper form which has to be filled out before making a with drawal money from a bank.

 1. First, write your name and the date.

2. Then, write the desired amount of tour withdrawal in words and figures.
3. Finally, affix your signature on the signature line found on the form, but do this only
until the bank teller can witness your signing it

 Lastly the school form, who among you here had already filled up a school form? ( Me
 Yes all of you are already know how to fill out a school form. Now what are the
things that written in a school form? (the students complete name, school, LRN, birthday,
complete address and his/educational back ground)
Now, since you know already how to fill out forms accurately. I want you to group
yourselves in to two groups. For we will have our group activity. Before we start what should we do
while we are having our group activity?
1. participate in group activity
2. respect your classmates/group mates
3. follow the directions/instructions


Directions: Do the instructions given in each group.

Group 1 activity:
Directions: Fill out the withdrawal slip using the suggested information found in the box.
Group 2 activity:
Directions: You have a savings bank account and you want to put an amount of the 2,000
pesos into it, with the following cash breakdown: two, five hundred-peso bill and ten, one
hundred-peso bills. Using the bank account number 0344-5555-22, complete a cash deposit slip.
Fill out the form provided you

G. Generalization
 Now let’s review, what is our lesson for today? (Filling out Forms Accurately (school forms,
deposit slips, and withdrawal slips)
 Why it is important to know how to write a form accurately? (To arrive a correct
information and to fulfill what is ask in a form
H. Values Integrations
IV. Evaluation

Direction: Read the selection about Ana and her Grandma; help your friend, Ana by completing
the withdrawal slip for her grandma. Use the form provided to you.
Direction: Read the selection about Ana and her Grandma; help your friend, Ana by completing
the withdrawal slip for her grandma. Use the form provided to you.
Direction: Read the selection about Ana and her Grandma; help your friend, Ana by completing
the withdrawal slip for her grandma. Use the form provided to you.

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