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Institute of Teacher Education

4A’s Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in English (Grade 9) Prepared
by: Carlo Calumba

OBJECTIVE: What to learn?

At the end of the lesson, students shall be able to:
● Define and describe the different literary devices.
● Identify literary devices in a text sample.
● Construct meaningful sentences using different literary devices.

Welcome to Lesson 1!
Literary devices add creativity to stories and put a layer of meaning to narratives.
Learning about literary devices is important because writers use them to enhance their
works and create emotional impact. For writers, their understanding and tactical use of
these devices help them express themselves clearly and meaningfully. For readers,
these help them get immersed in the story by how writers employ artistry in the use of
literary devices in their works.
In this lesson you are able to will you learn more about the different literary
devices and how they are used to create meaningful sentences

ACTIVITY: Arrange Me, Match Me!

Read and study the statements below. Give the meaning of each line.

1. Love is like a rose.

2. She cried a river of tears.
3. Break a leg!
4. He has the lion’s heart.
5. The end is the beginning.

Address: Davao del NorteState College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341

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Institute of Teacher Education

Answer the following questions.
1. What have you observed from the statements above?
2. Do you find it difficult to find the meaning of the statements?
3. Is it important to read between the lines?


Literary devices are specific language techniques writers use to create clear,
interesting, and memorable text. In contrast, figurative language uses figures of speech
to make the content more persuasive or greater impact. Figurative language uses
figures of speech such as metaphors, similes, or an oxymoron to make the message
more meaningful.

Types of literary terms and devices

❖ Alliteration
Repeated consonant sound at the beginning of the words or within words. It is also used
to establish mood and rhythm in a story; true alliteration has three words beginning with
the same sound (two words beginning with the same sound would be called alliterative).
Examples: bucking bronco, miserable morning, bed, bath, and beyond

❖ Allusion
a reference in one story to a well-known character or event from another story, history,
or place.
Examples: the rise of the baseball team from last place to rest was a real Cinderella
story; at times teachers need the wisdom of Solomon to make decisions.

❖ Hyperbole
Obvious exaggeration which is not meant to be taken literally.

Address: Davao del NorteState College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341

Tadeco Road, New Visayas h
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81 Email:
Institute of Teacher Education
Examples: I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse.

❖ Irony
The contrast between the expected outcome and the actual way things turn out.

In the book Holes, no one in the courtroom believes that Stanley Yelnats is innocent.
Once he gets to Camp Green Lake, he lies about coming to the crime, but then no one
there believes he is guilty! He just can’t seem to win.

❖ Metaphor
A suggested comparison between two unlike things in order to point out a similarity; a
metaphor DOES NOT use the word like, as, or then. Examples: He was a statue,
waiting to hear the news.

❖ Onomatopoeia
Words that imitate, or sound like, the actions they describe.
bang, slurp, ping, slam, hiss, squish

❖ Paradox
A statement that reveals a kind of truth although at first, it seems to be self-contradictory
and untrue.
Examples: Save money by spending it. In this example, the statement is absolutely
selfcontradictory because saving and spending are two different things. This means that
you can save money by making investments in a house or stocks.

❖ Oxymoron
It is the two opposite terms.

Address: Davao del NorteState College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341

Tadeco Road, New Visayas h
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81 Email:
Institute of Teacher Education
Examples: Only choice.
In this, only choice means “the best choice” it is part of an oxymoron because the word
“only” refers to one sole thing. She was a mother hen, trying to take care of everyone
around her.

❖ Personification
Is when a writer gives human qualities to animals or objects.
My car drank the gasoline in one gulp.
The cat laughed.
The newspaper headline glared at me.

❖ Simile
A comparison between two unlike things, using like, as, or than in the comparison.
Examples: He ran like a cat, lightly and quietly. Her blue mood passed as quickly as an
afternoon rain shower.

❖ Imagery
Is when a writer invokes the five senses.

The smell reminded him of rotting tomatoes.
The fence was uneven, like baby teeth growing awkwardly in.

1. Taste
The familiar tang of his grandmother’s cranberry sauce reminded him of his youth.
2. Sound
The concert was so loud that her ears rang for days a reward.

Address: Davao del NorteState College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341

Tadeco Road, New Visayas h
Panabo City, Davao del Norte 05
81 Email:
Institute of Teacher Education
3. Sight
The sunset was the most gorgeous they’d ever seen; the clouds were edged with pink
and gold.

4. Smell
After eating the curry, his breath reeked.

5. Touch
The tree bark was rough against her skin.

❖ Symbolism
Is using an object or action that means something more than its literal meaning.

Pink - the fight against breast cancer.
The Statue of Liberty – freedom.

❖ Idiom
Is an expression with a meaning different from the literal meaning of the words.
- Examples:
I got cold feet before my speech.

❖ Euphemism
Is a polite word or phrase used in place of one that may be too direct, unpleasant, or
pass away = die vertically challenged = short tooted
= farted my boss gave me the green light =my boss
said yes draw the curtains =close the curtains

Address: Davao del NorteState College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341

Tadeco Road, New Visayas h
Panabo City, Davao del Norte 05
81 Email:
Institute of Teacher Education

❖ Cliché
Is an expression that has lost its power or originality from overuse.

Let's touch base.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Don't put all of your eggs in one basket.

❖ Pun
Is a humorous play on words, often involving double meaning.
- Examples:
When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds.
A man stole a case of soap from the corner store.
He made a clean getaway.

APPLICATION: Paper and Pen

Congratulations on finishing the abstraction. If you have understood the lessons

well, prepare now your paper and pen for an application task. Create meaningful
sentences with the use of at least five (5) literary devices from the discussion above.
You have all the freedom to utilize any literary devices you want for this task. Identify
what devices you use upon making.

Address: Davao del NorteState College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341

Tadeco Road, New Visayas h
Panabo City, Davao del Norte 05
81 Email:
Institute of Teacher Education

Congratulations on completing this lesson and tasks! You are now ready for the next
lesson. Good luck! 😊

Address: Davao del NorteState College Tel. No.: (084) 628-6341

Tadeco Road, New Visayas h
Panabo City, Davao del Norte 05
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