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Highly organized, specialized team

Awareness of the Meaning of Group Games games, Ex. Basketball, volleyball, etc.
and Team Games, Essential Features of Group 2. Minor team games usually lead up
Games and Classifications of Group Games games.
• A game is an activity or sport usually a. basketball type
involving skill, knowledge or chance, in b. tennis type
which you follow x fixed rules and try to win c. football types
against an opponent or to solve a puzzle, a d. hockey
wonderful game of football, a playful game
of hide and seek, a videogame or a game in FACTORS IN THE SELECTION OF GROUP GAMES
one particular occasion in which a game is & COMMON FORMATION OF GROUP GAMES
played. • Factors In The Selection Of Group Games
1. Age
• Games of low organization which can be 3. Facilities
played by a large numbers of students in 4. Equipment
the gymnasium or play-ground and which 5. Ability of the students
are athletic in nature. 6. Season of the year
• Common Formation Of Group Games
1. In games, there are constant and deliberate 2. Zigzag
interference by one's opponents. 3. Double Circle
2. Games are full of unexpected situations, 4. File or Column
strategies and deceptions. 5. Single circle
3. Games are filled with opportunities and 6. Lead or class
emergencies calling for the choice on 7. Scatter or All over the field
manner of the attack.
CLASSIFICATION OF GROUP GAMES • One system for classifying sports is as
(from the standpoint of the objective and follows, based more on the sport's aim
movements of players) than on the actual mechanics. The
• Goal Games examples given are intended to he
- Competition centers around, getting illustrative, rather than comprehensive.
position of or reaching a goal or a base. Opponent
• Tag Games • Combat (wrestling, Judo, karate, boxing,
- Most tag games are dramatization of fencing, tae kwon do...)
hunting and warfare. The main activities • Court (tennis, shuttlecock sport,
being chasing or flight ending is capture badminton, volleyball, squash, table
or escape. Capture is usually indicated tennis...)
by tagging, touching with the hand or • Team (baseball, American football,
hitting with a thrown object. basketball, hockey, football
• Team Games (soccer),Gaelic football[1] lacrosse,
- These athletic games where an cricket, netball, rugby, croquet,
organized group plays as a unit against cheerleading ...)
another similarly organized group Achievement
• Games of Personal Combat • Target (archery, shooting, dart...)
- Examples: Boxing, wrestling, judo, • Display (gymnastics, bodybuilding,
karate etc equestrianism, diving...)
• Strength (weight-lifting, triple jump,
• In a team game, the various members • Endurance (running, cycling, swimming,
forget individual distinctions and blend triathlon, orienteering, cross-country
these individualities into a unit and play skiing...)
the game for a common victory. It
requires group consciousness, loyalty, SPORTS THAT FALL INTO MULTIPLE
and leadership. CATEGORIES
• Bowling and survival became regulated activities
• Curling done for pleasure or competition on an
• Darts increasing scale, for example hunting,
• Fishing fishing, and horticulture. The Industrial
• Golf Revolution and mass production
• Stock car racing brought increased leisure which
allowed increases in spectator sports,
HISTORY OF SPORT less elitism in sports, and greater
• The development of sports throughout accessibility. These trends continued
history teaches us a great deal about with the advent of mass media and
social changes, and about the nature of global communication. Professionalism
sport itself. became prevalent, further adding to the
• There are many modern discoveries in increase in sport's popularity. Not only
France, Africa, and Australia of cave art has professionalism helped increase the
(see, for example, Lascaux) from popularity of sports, but additionally
prehistory which provide evidence of the need to have fun and take a break
ritual ceremonial behavior. Some of from a hectic workday or to relieve
these sources date from over 30,000 unwanted stress, as with any profession
years ago, as established by carbon
dating. Although there is scant direct TEAM SPORTS
evidence of sport from these sources, it • Team sport refers to sports which are
is reasonable to extrapolate that there practiced between opposing teams,
was some activity at these times where the players interact directly and
resembling sport. simultaneously between them to
• There are artifacts and structures which achieve the objective, such as football
suggest that Chinese people engaged in (in its various forms), cricket, baseball,
activities which meet our definition of handball, hockey, basketball or
sport as early as 4000 BC. Gymnastics volleyball. The term is used to
appears to have been a popular sport in distinguish itself from individual sports
China's past. Monuments to the which are based on one-on-one direct
Pharaohs indicate that a range of sports confrontation (such as most racquet
were well developed and regulated sports, boxing or Martial arts) or timed
several thousands of years ago, races (such as athletics or swimming),
including swimming and fishing. Other • Most team sports involve a ball or other
sports included javelin throwing, high object. In some sports such as football,
jump, and wrestling. Ancient Persian basketball or hockey, the teams
sports such as the traditional Iranian contend for possession of the object,
martial art of Zourkhaneh had a close which must be passed through some
connection to the warfare skills. Among sort of goal; in other sports, such as
other sports which originate in Persia volleyball, the teams pass the object
are polo and jousting. back and forth in an attempt to place it
• A wide range of sports were already in contact with a certain area of the
established at the time of the Ancient playing field or court. Baseball, as well
Greece. Wrestling, running, boxing, as similar sports which use a bat to
javelin, discus throwing, and chariot strike at the ball, is relatively unique in
racing were prevalent. This suggests that the team playing defense controls
that the military culture of Greece was the ball, with the team attempting to
an influence on the development of its score trying to propel the ball away
sports and vice versa. The Olympic from themselves while the players
Games were held every four years in themselves attempt to reach a specified
Ancient Greece, at a small village in goal. Relay and pairs events are not
Pelopponisos called Olympia. considered team sports.
• Sport has been increasingly organized
and regulated from the time of the SPORTSMANSHIP
Ancient Olympics up to the present • Sportsmanship is defined as "conduct
century. Activities necessary for food and attitude considered as befitting
participants, including a sense of fair COMPARE SPORTSMANSHIP WITH
play, courtesy toward teammates and GAMESMANSHIP
opponents, a striving spirit, and grace in • Violence in sports involves crossing the
losing." line between fair competition and
• It is interesting that the motivation for intentional aggressive violence.
sport is often an elusive element. For Athletes, coaches, fans, and parents
example, beginners in sailing are often sometimes unleash violent behavior on
told that dinghy racing is a good means people or property, in misguided shows
to sharpen the learner's sailing skills. of loyalty, dominance, anger, or
However, it often emerges that skills celebration.
are honed to increase racing
• and achievements in competition, SPORT
rather than the converse. • The entertainment aspect of sport,
Sportsmanship expresses an aspiration together with the spread of mass media
or ethos that the activity will be and increased leisure time, has led to
enjoyed for its own sake. The well- professionalism in sport. This has
known sentiment by sports journalist resulted in some conflict, where the
Grantland Rice that its not that you won paycheck can be seen as more
or lost but how you played the game," important than recreational aspects: or
and the Modern Olympic creed where the sport is changed simply to
expressed by its founder Pierre de make it more profitable and popular
Coubertin: "The most important thing . . therefore losing some of the traditions
. is not winning but taking part" are valued by some.
typical expressions of this sentiment. • The entertainment aspect also means
• But often the pressures of competition that sportsmen and women are often
or an obsession with individual elevated to celebrity status, or in some
achievement - as well as the intrusion cases near-god-like. The successful
of technology - can all work against execution of a sport requires the
enjoyment and fair play by participants. consensus agreement of the
People responsible for leisure activities participants on a set of rules for fair
often seek recognition and competition. This has led to the control
respectability as sports by joining sports of each sport through a regulatory body
federations such as the IOC, or by to define what methods of competition
forming their own regulatory body. In are acceptable and what are considered
this way sports evolve from leisure cheating.
activity to more formal sports: relatively
recent newcomers are BMX cycling, ART AND SPORT
snowboarding, wrestling, etc. Some of • Sport has many affinities with art. Ice
these activities have been popular but skating and Tai chi, for example, are
unmodified pursuits in various forms for sports that come close to artistic
different lengths of time. Indeed, the spectacles in themselves: to watch
formal regulation of sport is a relatively these activities comes close to the
modern and increasing development. experience of spectating at a ballet.
• Sportsmanship, within any given game, Similarly, there are other activities that
is how each competitor acts before, have elements of sport and art in their
during, and after the competition. Not execution, such as performance art,
only is it important to have good artistic gymnastics, Bodybuilding,
sportsmanship if one wins, but also if Parkour, Yoga, dressage, etc. Perhaps
one loses. For example, in football it is the best example is Bull-fighting, which
considered sportsmanlike to kick the in Spain is reported in the arts pages of
ball out of play to allow treatment for newspapers.
an injured player on the other side. • The fact that art is so close to sport in
Reciprocally, the other team is expected some situations is probably related to
to return the ball from the throw-in. the nature of sport. The definition of
"sport" above put forward the idea of
an activity pursued riot just for the
usual purposes, for example, running
not simply to get places, but running for
its own sake, running as well as we can.
• This is similar to a common view of
aesthetic value, which is seen as
something over and above the strictly
functional value coming from an
object's normal use. So an aesthetically
pleasing car is one which doesn't just
get from A to B, but which impresses us
with its grace, poise, and charisma. In
the same way, a sporting performance
such as jumping doesn't just impress us
as being an effective way to avoid
obstacles or to get across streams. It
impresses us because of the ability,
skill, and style which is shown.
• Art and sport were probably more
clearly linked at the time of Ancient
Greece, when gymnastics and
calisthenics invoked admiration and
aesthetic appreciation for the physical
build, prowess and 'arete' displayed by
participants. The modern term 'art' as
skill, is related to this ancient Greek
term 'arete'. The closeness of art and
sport in these times was revealed by
the nature of the Olympic Games
which, as we have seen, were
celebrations of both sporting and
artistic achievements, poetry, sculpture
and architecture.

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