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An investigation to determine whether

the preferred vehicle bought is Honda
or Toyota.
Table of Contents

Topic and Introduction…………………………………………………………………... 2

Method of Data Collection ……………………………………………………………… 3

Presentation of Data …………………………………………………………………..... 4 – 6

Analysis of Data …………………………………………………………………………. 7

Discussion of Finding ………………………………………………………………….. 8

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………... 9


Jamaicans have always fancied two particular branded motor vehicles, Honda and Toyota to

be used for both domestic and commercial purposes. The purpose of this paper is to

determine which of the two most popular branded vehicles, Honda and Toyota, are preferred

by Jamaicans.

The owners and operators of Elad Auto Dealer Limited, as part of their marketing plan, need

to determine which segment of the market they should focus on in selling their motor

vehicles. The study will also determine the reasons for the choice of vehicle and the

preference of the various demographics within the society. The findings of the research will

assist Elad Auto Dealer Limited in their marketing strategy by targeting specific niches to sell

their products.

The main mathematical methods that will be used include percentage calculation and



In order to effectively answer the questions, the researcher will be conducting a survey by

way of a questionnaire that will be issued among a sample of known drivers within the

Mandeville community. A total of 40 questionnaires will be distributed electronically to

participants within the Mandeville region who will be required to complete and submit within

one week.

The survey will seek to determine the following:

 The Vehicle of choice.

 The purpose of use whether domestic, commercial or both

 The reasons for purchasing the vehicle of choice whether economic, efficiency,

durability, reliability, style or other

The researcher will seek the assistance of family members and friends to distribute the

questionnaires and to follow up with the participants for the completed forms.


The table below shows the data collected that indicates the respondent’s preference of motor

vehicle, whether Honda motor vehicle or Toyota motor vehicle. It also indicates that some

respondents prefer other vehicles.

Respondents Other Reason for

Gender Honda Toyota Vehicle Preferance
Cost, durability and
Female   1   resale value
Female   1   Reliability
Male 1     Style
Female   1   Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Male 1     Resale value
Male 1     Style
Female 1     Reliability
Female   1   Reliability
Female 1     Cost
Female   1   Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Male 1     Reliability
Male 1     Style
Male 1     Reliability
Female 1     Style
Male   1   Reliability
Male   1   Reliability
Male 1     Cost
Female   1   Reliability
Male   1   Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Female   1   Reliability
Male   1   Reliability
Female     1 Reliability
Female     1 Reliability
Female   1   Reliability
Male   1   Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Female 1     Reliability
Male 1     Reliability

Male   1   Reliability
Male   1   Reliability
Female   1   Reliability
Female   1    
Female 1     Style
Female   1   Reliability
Total 20 18 2  

The table below differentiate the male’s preference versus the female’s preference of motor


Respondents Honda Toyota Vehicle
Male 8 7 0
Female 12 11 2
Total 20 18 2

The pie chart below shows the gender of the respondents.

The pie chart below indicates the preferred vehicle of the respondents.

The pie chart below illustrates the reasons the respondents preferred their vehicle of choice.


Out of the 40 questionnaires that were administered to determine whether the preferred

vehicle bought was Honda or Toyota, 62.5% were female and 37.5% were male. 50% of the

respondents preferred Honda, 45% Toyota and 5% selected other. It was also proven that the

majority of the people that choose Honda were females and the reason for this was because

they found the vehicle more reliable. Out of the 40 responses 76.9% said it was reliable and

only 12.8% said they preferred it for style, while a smaller percentage selected the vehicle of

their choice taking into consideration cost, resale value and durability.

The Data also indicate that most male preferred Honda over Toyota, out of the 15 males who

participated, 7 indicated Toyota and the 8 selected Honda. The data also shows that some

females preferred neither of the two vehicle type.


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