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To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter of recommendation regarding Ms. Morgan LeGrand. I have known

Morgan since August 2020. During that time, my daughter started attending the daycare that Morgan

was employed at. She was the lead teacher in the pre-school room for kids aged 3-5. My daughter was

only 2 ½ years old so I was nervous about having her with the big kids all day, but Morgan took my

daughter under her wing and helped transition her smoothly. She has always been so great with all the

kids, being able to adapt day by day and dealing with each student’s needs individually. Soon after my

daughter started at that daycare, I became a board member, getting to know the ins and outs of the

business more intricately. It was then I learned that Morgan was our go-to employee and has been for

the past three years. She was always highly spoken of by the other board members and was always our

most dependable teacher. She managed any challenge we threw at her, whether it was having too many

kids by herself or covering in the baby room last minute. She was always wonderful about every

situation and never complained. She showed up every day with a smile and gave all of her heart to the

kids continuously, until the daycare unfortunately had to close in late 2021.

My family respects Morgan so much, that she has babysat for us personally, multiple times at

our home. I am also a veteran high school teacher in a small-town South Dakota school, so I have seen

amazing teachers and I have seen poor teachers throughout my years. I am confident in saying that any

school would be lucky to have Morgan on their staff. I highly recommend Morgan LeGrand for

employment at your school. She will be such a positive asset to your district.


Alecia Erstad
HS Math
Lake Preston School

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