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Teaching Work Sample Unit

Name: Morgan LeGrand

Unit title: Vocabulary
School District/School: Harrisburg South Middle School
Grade level: 6th Grade

Unit Goal(s), Objectives (I can statement) & Assessments

● Assessment Used: Google Forms Assessment
● Analysis: When looking at the data from the pre-assessment, there were words that some students previously knew, and some words that were
new to the learners. Some learners felt that this was “easy” but some learners struggled, which was expected as some of the introduced
vocabulary words were more complex/new to them. The data was very spread out, that showed me each of the learners could use instruction,
whether it was direct instruction or more of a review. Graph and Data is laid out on page 37 of this document.

Unit Goal(s)/Standard(s)
● Unit Goal: Engage students in actively thinking about word meanings
● Unit Goal: How we can use words in different situations & the relationship among words
● Essential Questions:
○ What strategies and resources do I use to figure out unknown vocabulary?
○ Do I understand the words I am learning?
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing
flexibly from a range of strategies.
○ a. Use context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
○ b. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audience, auditory,
audible, etc.).
○ c. Consult reference materials, both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its precise meaning or
its part of speech.
○ d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase.
Day 1
● Objective/I can statement: I can work on and complete a pre-assessment, I can identify the importance of understanding vocabulary words
and their meanings, I can operate through important resources; such as Quizlet.
● Formative Assessment: Google Forms Assessment
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: I will use this data from the pre-assessment to plan out where learners might need extra support
on specific vocabulary words and their meanings. I will use this data to determine what learners already know, and what type of instruction
works best for each learner.
Day 2:
● Objective/I can statement: I can look at and understand the meaning of at least 4 vocabulary words.
● Formative Assessment: Graphic Organizer & Observations
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: I will use the data from the formative assessments to see if learners are understanding the
meanings of the vocabulary words. I will also use this data to see where I may need extra instruction for this lesson, as well as adding a
recovery lesson.
Day 3:
● Objective/I can statement: I can show my understanding of at least 4 vocabulary words through my writing.
● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through their discussions they have in class, and by reading their writing on the
photo that includes at least 4 of the vocabulary words we have discussed. I will know students have an understanding of these words if they
can successfully apply the words to their writing in a way that makes sense
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: I will use this data to see learners' understanding of the meaning of specific vocabulary words,
and to check for understanding if their sentences make sense using the vocabulary words.
Day 4:
● Objective/I can statement: I can have discussions with my classmates and understand new meanings of words. I can use clues from the text to
infer the meaning of at least 3 words from our vocabulary list. I can play a review game responsibly.
● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through their discussions, q&a responses, and engagement. I will also observe their
responses to the Blooket we will play as a class. I will check for understanding with each of these learners and see where learners might need
additional or adjusted instruction.
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: I can use the blooket responses, engagement, discussions and responses to see where learners
might need extra focus on the vocabulary words and their meanings, as well as to see what learners may be exceeding expectations.
Day 5:
● Objective/I can statement: I can research and teach at least 2 vocabulary words and their meanings to my classmates.
● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners with their participation in their groups, their discussions, and I will observe them
during their presentations.
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: I will be able to check for understanding if learners are participating and sharing their
discussions/thoughts with their partners. If their presentation follows the directions and meets expectations, I will be aware that they are
understanding the focus of the lesson and understanding the vocabulary words and their definitions.
Day 6:
● Objective/I can statement: I can successfully show my understanding about vocabulary words through creating a social media page.
● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through their work on the vocabulary social media strategy templates. I will check
for understanding if they can successfully show me they understood their specific words, and completed the entire template.
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: Learner’s completion of the social media template and their ability to complete the required
tasks will allow me to check for understanding on specific learners, where intervention may be needed, and checking if learners are
understanding the vocabulary meanings.
Day 7:
● Objective/I can statement: I can work together with a partner to identify different prefixes, suffixes, and/or root words in our vocabulary
words, as well as their meanings.
● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through observations and their ability to show their understanding of root words in
our vocabulary words. I will assess their understanding through them identifying root words as well as the origin of that root and the meaning.
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: This will show me learners progress on root words, as well as their understanding of looking at
different parts of a word and those meanings to identify the full meaning of specific words. My observations will allow me to identify which
learners may still need assistance on certain vocabulary words and their meanings, as well as if others are progressing through this unit.
Day 8:
● Objective/I can statement: I can take a post-assessment and successfully show my understanding regarding specific vocabulary words and
their meanings that I have learned throughout this unit.
● Formative Assessment: Observations
● My Rationale for my Formative Assessments: Through my observations, I will understand what learners may need extra review on the
meanings of these words, prior to taking the post-assessment.

Summative Assessment
● Assessment Used: Used the same assessment as pre-assessment to measure students growth and understanding throughout the unit. (Google
Forms Assessment)
● If learners do not receive a passing score on the post-assessment, they will be required to write the definitions of the words they missed as
well as writing the word a sentence that shows their understanding of the words.

Lesson Plan #1: Introducing Quizlet & Vocabulary Words

Date: 10/13/22
Time: 46 Minute Class Periods (1,2,3,6,7)

Reflection from prior lesson

● Students seem to be engaged with the content, and show us that they want to learn. Students have been focusing on
researching important people and events regarding the Civil Rights Movement. We will be introducing the learners to a new book
titled, “The Watsons Go to Birmingham.” For this unit plan, I will be introducing vocabulary and discussing their meanings that will
be seen and heard throughout our reading of the text.
● Once in a while students get talkative and energetic within the classroom, so we have management strategies implemented,
such as, “Show me 5” or Clapping in a sequence and they copy the clap. Learners are aware that these things mean voices off,
bodies facing me, and eyes are on me. Another resource I am going to introduce throughout this unit is a resource called
Classroom Zen. When I have this resource on the board, learners will be expected to be silent and working individually. This
resource sets a timer and the timer restarts each time the noise level gets above a certain noise decibel. If learners don’t restart
the timer throughout the expected time, the class will receive tickets to place in a bucket and have a chance to get drawn for a

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 6.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
○ I want students to get a deeper understanding of new vocabulary words and look at words they will be introduced to while
reading a new book.

Lesson Objective(s)

● ALL of the students will work on a pre-assessment and complete it

● The students will understand the importance of knowing vocabulary words and their definitions (25).
● The students will identify at least 2 important resources; such as Quizlet and Blooket.
○ Formative Assessment
Materials Needed 

● Google Forms QR Code

● IPads
● Quizlet QR Code
● Vocabulary Graphic Organizers (Share on Canvas with learners)

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA second period every day. There
are four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they
do not attend this English class.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess the students with this first lesson by using a pre-assessment. This pre-assessment will
show me where each learner is prior to teaching the unit on specific vocabulary words that will be introduced to learners throughout
reading our informational text.

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (4 Minutes)  
● As students come into the classroom, I will welcome students and prompt them to sit quietly at their desks and think about the
puzzle (bell-ringer) on the white board in the back corner of the classroom. When they have a guess, they will sit quietly with
their hands raised. I will take attendance as they are solving the puzzle.
● Prior to beginning the lesson, I will introduce the resource “Classroom Zen” to the learners, which will identify when they are
being too noisy.
● I will have a learner read the I can statement on the board.
○ getting attention: Brain Teaser (backwards somersault - tluasremos)
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Ask students “why is it important to know words and understand their
○ Talk about when they have read a story and didn’t know the words or their meanings- ask students how it affected their
■ Understanding vocabulary words and being familiar with their meanings helps us comprehend what we read better.
■ “Readers are not able to understand what they are reading without knowing what most of the words mean.”
○ creating a need to know: We need to know the importance of words and their meanings. Knowing the vocabulary words and
their meanings will help us when we read Watson’s.
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will work on a pre-assessment on vocabulary words and their definitions, we
will also look at Quizlet to look at the different vocabulary we will see when reading Watson’s and their definitions.

● Content Delivery (35 Minutes; whole class instruction delivery & individual work time)  

○ Pre-Assessment, Quizlet, time to study/look over new vocabulary words.

○ We will take the pre-assessment on google forms. This is 25 questions and is multiple choice or true or false. Students will
take this pre-assessment individually.
○ When learners are done with their pre-assessment, the expectation for them will be to open Quizlet and to look over the
vocab words and their definitions while other learners complete the pre-assessment.
● Before taking the pre-assessment, I will go through logging into Quizlet and signing into our class (Rock/Markley ELA 22-23). I will
display the QR Code to enter the Quizlet on the Promethean board. This QR code will take them directly to the class vocabulary set.
When learners complete their pre-assessment, I will encourage them to get comfortable with Quizlet, and prompt them to begin
looking at the vocabulary set.
● Voice level will be at zero when taking the pre-assessment and looking over Quizlet until each learner completes the

● Closure (7 minutes)

○ I will check in with learners to ensure each learner is completed with the pre-assessment, and has signed into the quizlet
class/vocabulary set.
○ I will then introduce the procedure for lining up quietly and knowing when to line up in our classroom.
○ Procedural Lesson - How to line up quietly without distracting others, and to understand when the appropriate time to line up
is (regarding my signals and cues).
● I think this lesson will go well and the procedure introduction will go well. It may be a little chaotic introducing this to the learners but
I will introduce it in an accountability free environment so learners will have time to practice the procedure. Learners will have a calm
class period to introduce themselves to the words in our vocabulary unit as well as familiarize themselves with the vocabulary words
we will see.

B. Assessments Used
● Formative Assessment
○ Google Forms Pre-Assessment
● This pre-assessment will show me where each learner is at in their understanding of vocabulary words, what I need to focus on
throughout the unit, and how I can assist these learners to achieve growth in their understanding of vocabulary words and their

C. Differentiated Instruction

● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations

○ For students with special needs or not meeting expectations, I will encourage them to use headphones and the text to
speech feature on their ipads when using Quizlet.
○ Small group instruction
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations, I will have them continue to build their knowledge on the vocabulary words by studying
the definitions and using the “test” or “learn” feature on Quizlet. Since today is an introduction, students who complete all
the tasks may focus on their research.
● Language Support
○ For language support, the learners will be encouraged to use headphones and have the words and definitions read to
them on their ipads when using Quizlet.
○ Small group instruction if necessary
○ I will read each quiz question aloud to these learners if wanted in a quiet area.
○ I will assist in translating the English form to the Spanish form for one of our English Language Learners.

D.  Resources
(Classroom Management)
(Google Forms)
Lesson Plan #2: Vocabulary words & Graphic Organizer
Date: 10/18
Time: 26 Minute Class Period (5 Class Periods)

Reflection from prior lesson

● The previous lesson was an introductory lesson to vocabulary, as well as completing a pre-assessment. After looking at the data
from the pre-assessment, the students seemed to understand the focus words and their meanings. Students were on task, and if
voices got too loud I would do three claps and learners would repeat after me, or I would tell learners to “show me 5” which
directs learners to show 5, voices are off, and eyes are on me. If it takes a little longer for learners to notice, I will tell students to
hold 5 fingers in the air if they can hear me, then count down to 0 getting quieter each time.
● To dig deeper into the vocabulary words, for this lesson we will look at the parts of speech of these words, focus on each
definition, and create sentences that contain these words/show learners understanding of each word.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 6.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
● 6.L.6 Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather
vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
○ I want students to comprehend and be able to verbalize the meaning of juvenile, hostile, incapable, and emulate.
○ I want students to understand the parts of speech these vocabulary words are.
○ I want students to speak and write sentences that contain each vocabulary word.
○ I want students to identify words similar and different from the focus vocabulary words.

Lesson Objective(s)

● The students will understand the meaning and parts of speech of four different vocabulary words.
● The students will write at least 2 sentences each containing the vocabulary words.
○ Formative Assessment

Materials Needed 
● Graphic Organizer - distributed through Canvas.
● Quizlet QR Code
● Timer - 30 Second Timer
● Timer - 3 Minute Timer
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA second period every day. There
are four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they
do not attend this English class.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess the learners by checking their understanding as they discuss with the class and
fill out their graphic organizers. I will also formatively assess the learners by listening to their conversations, and checking for
understanding while they create two sentences that contain each word.
● Activating Prior Knowledge: Students have seen these words before from the pre-assessment, and I will ask if they have seen
them or heard of them prior to this lesson. Students know the different parts of speech as well.
● Scaffolding: As we discuss the different vocabulary words together, I will gradually release responsibility to learners by having
them discuss with their classmates, then by having students practice on their own to show their understanding of the words and
their meanings by filling out the vocabulary graphic organizer.

A.  The Lesson 

We are going to the library for this lesson. Students will come into the classroom, and we will take attendance, then walk to the library.

● Introduction (5 minutes)
○ getting attention: Custom Wordle (Bell-Ringer) (I will use one of the words we will be discussing today; Juvenile)
○ I will set a timer for 3 minutes. If we cannot solve the wordle within this timeframe we will move on.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: I will ask students what they know about the words we are looking at today,
if they know what they mean, what they think they mean and If they have seen them anywhere.
○ creating a need to know: We need to know these vocabulary words and their meanings so when we see them in our
readings we are able to comprehend what we are reading.
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will focus on the vocabulary words juvenile, hostile, incapable, and emulate.
We will understand the meanings of these words, discuss the parts of speech, and create sentences that contain these words
within them.
● Content Delivery (20 Minutes, Whole Group instruction, individual work, small group instruction) 
○ To begin, learners will have their ipads out and will scan the QR code to get into the Quizlet vocabulary set. I will tell learners
that we are looking at the first four words today.
○ I will have students discuss with a partner (turn & talk) about what part of speech they think each of the words are. After each
word discussion, I will bring students' attention back to me to discuss their thoughts.
i. To gather students' attention, I will set a timer for 30 seconds and when the timer is done I will have students ‘show me
5’ to get learners back on task.
ii. Facing towards me
iii. Voices off
○ We will talk about as a whole class what part of speech the word is and why.
i. “How did you figure out what part of speech this word was?”
○ We will discuss the meaning of the words as a class.
i. “If we are confused about a word we see when we are reading, what are some ways we can try to figure out the
○ In partners, we will think of sentences that contain the word in them.
● After the whole class discussion, I will prompt learners to go onto Canvas, on MT: 3, and they will find Watson's Vocabulary Graphic
Organizers. I will then tell learners that after each vocabulary lesson, we will have time to work on these.
● I will prompt learners who may need extra assistance to come sit in a small group with me. If students are confident in the words
and their meanings, they will work individually to complete the four graphic organizers.
○ I will go through expectations and state that voice level will be at zero while we are working on these.
● I will give students the cue to begin. Students will get about 10 minutes to work on these.
● Closure (1 minute)
○ As a closure I will ask students to share some of their sentences that they created on their graphic organizers.
● Students will then have the rest of the class period to check-out books and independently read in the library.

I think this lesson will be a good, calm introduction to our vocabulary unit and the vocabulary words we will see. We will be in a different
environment so learners may get excited, but we will show that we know the expectations for being in the library. The only thing that
might be an issue is receiving 100% participation, so I may include turn & talks as well as writing our answers on white boards if

B. Assessments Used
● Formative Assessment: Graphic Organizer & Observations

○ As students work on the graphic organizers I will walk around to observe their understanding from today's lesson. I will
also observe and listen to students' discussions, responses, and engagement from the class period to understand if
students were engaged, if they understood the lesson, or if I need to adjust my lesson so students can successfully
understand the meanings of these words.
C. Differentiated Instruction

● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations

○ For students with special needs or not meeting expectations, when learners fill out the graphic organizer, I will offer a
small group to sit at the carpet/in a small group with me for extra instruction and guidance while filling out the organizers.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations, I will have them look at the list of vocabulary words and begin identifying their parts of
speech, meanings, and creating sentences that contain those words.
● Language Support
○ For English Language Learners, I focused on a smaller amount of words to assess them on. As we are going through
these vocabulary words as a class, I will ask these learners to sit in a small group with me and we will work on them
together. I will also prompt these learners to look up images for each of the words.
D.  Resources
Graphic Organizer Template
Google Slides Presentation: Watson's Vocabulary
Lesson Plan #3: Vocabulary
Date: 10/21/2022
Time: 46 Minute Class Periods - 5 Class periods

Reflection from prior lesson

The last lesson we focused on four different vocabulary words. We will continue to focus on the meanings of the vocabulary
words that we are focusing on in this unit. The learners were very engaged with discussing the meanings of the vocabulary words on
Tuesday. It was a very calm lesson so I wanted to include a more exciting and engaging activity for this lesson on vocabulary. During
the last lesson, students were on task, participated in discussion, and completed the required tasks.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 6.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
● 6.W.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose,
and audience.
○ I want the students to understand the meaning of different vocabulary words and to be able to apply them in different
contexts; such as writing about a prompt.

Lesson Objective(s)

● Learners will understand the meaning of four new vocabulary words.

● Learners will review the meaning of the vocabulary words we have discussed thus far.
● Learners will answer questions correctly regarding vocabulary words and their meanings.
● Learners will write 5-7 sentences about an image that includes at least 4 of the 8 vocabulary words we have discussed.
● Learners will write for different tasks, purposes, and audiences for short or long periods of time.

Materials Needed 

● Basketball hoop
● Ball
● Buzzer
● Vocabulary Graphic Organizers - distributed through Canvas
● Photo for Writing Prompt
● Learners will need their ipads
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA sixth period every day. There are
four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they do
not attend this English class.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

Activating Prior Knowledge: To activate prior knowledge, I will ask learners if they have seen/heard of the words we will be discussing
today. We have also discussed four vocabulary words prior to this lesson so learners will have previous knowledge on those words for
the “basketball”/review game.
Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through their discussions they have in class, and by reading their writing on
the photo that includes at least 4 of the vocabulary words we have discussed. I will know students have an understanding of these
words if they can successfully apply the words to their writing in a way that makes sense.

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (5 Minutes)
○ getting attention: For a bell-ringer, I will have a custom wordle over one of the words we will talk about today.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: I will ask learners if they have seen any of the focus words before today. I
will ask learners where, and if they know what any of them mean.
○ creating a need to know: We need to know and understand the meaning of these words so we can comprehend what we
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will be able to identify the meanings of five new words. We will be able to
follow directions, and we will write (5-7) sentences about a photo prompt that includes at least 4 of our vocabulary words.

● Content Delivery (38 Minutes, Large Group Instruction & Individual Work Time)
● To begin content delivery, I will remind students about the graphic organizers and to continue to fill them out as we go through
and introduce new words.
● I will go around and ask learners about each of the words we will be discussing today - I will write the definitions down as we
discuss them.
i. Ask :
- “Does anyone know the meaning of these words?”
- “Have you seen any of these words before?”
I will have the list of words and their definitions on the wall for learners to reference while we play our review game and while we write.

For the first activity, I will have an image displayed on the board. Learners will use this as an “exit ticket.”
○ I will tell learners that they need to write a short (5-7) sentences about the image displayed. I will instruct learners to create
their own story about what the image is depicting. I will tell learners that they can make up a story about what they think
happened, what is going on in the image, or frankly anything they want to write about that relates to the image, but they need
to include vocabulary words. They will need to use at least 4 of the vocabulary words we have discussed in their writing.
○ Image for writing prompt linked here
○ I will give learners 15 minutes to write then we will move on.
● After we discuss the new vocabulary words and write; I will go over expectations for our basketball/review game with the learners.
● Staying in our seats unless it is our time to go up, calm reactions, no shouting, playing fairly & respecting the room, classmates
and the teacher(s).
○ I will tell them that the teams will be split halfway between the desks.
○ One person from each team will come to the front and I will ask them a question regarding a vocabulary word we have
○ Learners must WAIT until I am finished with the question to buzz in. If they hit the buzzer too early, the other team will get
to attempt to answer the question.
○ The learner who wants to answer the question will buzz the buzzer; if they get it right that team gets a point.
■ They will get a chance to shoot a ball into the basket - if they make it, that team will receive another point.
○ If the first learner is incorrect, the question will go to the other team. If they get the question correct - they will earn a point
and have a chance to shoot the ball into the basket for an extra point.
○ The team with the most points at the end of the game wins & will get mints for the team.
● Questions for basketball/Game linked here
● If learners are struggling to follow expectations I will have them go onto Quizlet and study the vocabulary set for the remaining
time we would play the review game. (We will stop playing the review game at 10:30 to have time to write - I will set an alarm as
a reminder).
● Closure (3 Minutes)
○ I will have students volunteer to share their writing for the rest of the class period.
○ As students are exiting the classroom, I will collect their writing, and I will also remind students to continue to fill out their
graphic organizers.
● I think this lesson will go well as learners have completed a story writing prompt prior to this lesson. The review game may get a little
wild and chaotic but I will set my expectations with the learners prior to playing it. If learners cannot handle the review game then I
will have them study and review the vocabulary words independently.

B. Assessments Used
Formative Assessment:
I will formatively assess the learners through observing their discussions, engagement with the activities, and answers to the review
game. I will also assess learners on their photo writing prompt. I will check for student understanding by identifying if learners were able
to write 5-7 sentences that contain at least four of the vocabulary words we have discussed, using them in sentences successfully and
in a meaningful way.
● Observations
● Photo writing prompt
C. Differentiated Instruction
● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations
○ For students with special needs or not meeting expectations I will prompt them to “call on a friend” during the basketball
review game if needed. I will also guide them with their writing by having them speak their thoughts to me and I write it; or
encourage them to talk into the microphone on their ipads.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations, I will prompt them to write more complex sentences and to include 3 more vocabulary
words in their writing.
● Language Support
○ For ELLs I will prompt them to use their specific vocabulary words they have been reviewing, and only require them to use
one vocabulary word in their writing.
D.  Resources
Lesson Plan #4: Vocabulary & Blooket Review
Date: 10/25/2022
Time: 26 Minutes (5 class periods)

Reflection from prior lesson

● The last vocabulary lesson we discussed four new vocabulary words and their meanings. In three of the classes we did a
basketball review, and in two of the classes we created our own review over the words and their meanings.
● I did have to set firm expectations for this class period since it was a more “exciting” and energetic lesson. Learners understood
and followed the expectations; I also reminded them a couple of times throughout the lesson.
● Students were engaged and seemed to enjoy the lesson.
○ There were a couple of issues with the basketball review game - so I had learner's move onto Quizlet.
● Lately, sixth period has been a little more talkative and it is more difficult for me to quiet them down and get them focused. This is
the class in which we have learners on IEPs and ELLs come. For this class period, I am going to have learners sit at different
desks by passing out notecards and learners will sit at the matching drawing that is on the desk as well as their notecard.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 6.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
● 6.RI.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical
○ I want students to apply their understanding of vocabulary words to the text we are reading.
○ I want students to make inferences about words and their meanings by using clues from the text we are reading.

Lesson Objective(s)

● Learners will be able to identify the meaning of four new vocabulary words, out of our 25.
● Learners will play Blooket respectfully & responsibly.
● Learners will show their understanding of the vocabulary words through the Blooket review.

Materials Needed 

● Blooket
● Ipads
● Vocabulary Chart
● Graphic Organizers - distributed to learners through Canvas

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA sixth period every day. There are
four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they do
not attend this English class.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through Q&A discussion and the Blooket review.
Activating Prior Knowledge: I will activate prior knowledge by relating this lesson back to the book we are reading; “The Watsons Go to
Birmingham” and vocabulary words we have read from the book.

A.  The Lesson 

Prior to this lesson, learners will spend the first half of the class listening and discussing chapter 5 from “The Watsons Go to
Birmingham.” We will wrap our understanding and learning around this text as we go through discussing the vocabulary.

● Introduction (3 minutes)

○ getting attention: Learners will write a sentence or think of a sentence that contains one of the vocabulary words we have
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Learners have been reading “The Watsons Go to Birmingham” and they
have been identifying vocabulary words. We will discuss the vocabulary words that we have read about in the book thus far.
○ creating a need to know: We need to know how to infer the meaning of words. This helps us when we are confused about a
word we have just seen and we can use the text around it to make an inference about the word.
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will focus on four new words and we will play Blooket responsibly and
● Content Delivery (19 Minutes, Whole-Class Instruction & Individual Work Time)   
○ To begin content delivery, I will introduce the next four vocabulary words we are going to be discussing.
○ I will ask learners where they have seen these words; or if in our novel they can find sentences that include these words.
i. We will infer the meanings of these words as a class through sample examples from our text, “The Watsons Go to
ii. Examples from our text include:
- “If, instead of trying to intimidate your young brother, you would emulate him and use that mind of yours, perhaps
you’d find things much easier” (Curtis, P. 24).
- “This guy was real desperate for a friend because even though I wouldn’t say much back to him he kept jabbering
away at me all through class” (Curtis, P. 33).
- “. . . I will burn not just one finger, I will burn your entire hand, then send you to juvenile home!” (Curtis, P. 49).

After discussing the vocabulary words and their meanings, and finding different examples from our text, I will tell learners that we are
going to play a Blooket that relates to these vocabulary words.
○ Prior to instructing learners to take their ipads out, we will go over the expectations.
○ I will tell learners that they will be playing this individually, and if they are unable to remain calm, we will change to
independent reading time and/or looking over Quizlet.
i. Learners will have calm voices, calm bodies, and be respectful to their classmates, teachers, and materials in the
● Closure (4 minutes) 
○ Share our sentences from our bell-ringer
○ Discuss and review outloud the vocabulary words we have discussed thus far.
○ Line up procedure
i. Pack things up when they hear the cue
ii. Sit back quietly in their desks
iii. I will dismiss them by desks - whoever is sitting quietly showing me they are ready to be dismissed
○ As an exit ticket, I will ask learners to give me the definition of one vocabulary word.
● I think this lesson will go well as learners get very excited to play Blooket, and I can use it as an incentive prior to playing it. I also
think it will go well as it will give learners a chance to practice using context clues through our reading. If learners cannot play
Blooket respectfully, I will have them do independent studying on Quizlet.

B. Assessments Used

● Formative Assessment
○ I will formatively assess learners through their discussions, q&a responses, and engagement. I will also observe their
responses to the Blooket we will play as a class. I will check for understanding with each of these learners and see where
learners might need additional or adjusted instruction.
C. Differentiated Instruction

● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations

○ For students with special needs or not meeting expectations, I will encourage them to participate within the review game &
I will increase my proximity around these learners to ensure they are engaged with the review game and are
understanding the meaning of these words.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations, I will encourage them to study and familiarize themselves with more words and look
ahead through the text to find more of our vocabulary words as well as making inferences about the meanings.
● Language Support
○ Since there is a lot more group work & less individual work during this lesson I will have the ELLs participate within the
review game & I will increase my proximity around these learners to ensure they are engaged with the review game and
are understanding the meanings of these words.
D.  Resources
Graphic Organizer Template
Lesson Plan #5: Vocabulary Teaching/Presentations
Date: 11/1/2022
Time: 40 Minutes (5 periods throughout the day)

Reflection from prior lesson

● The last lesson we looked at and found vocabulary words through our novel we had been reading. We also played a Booket
review. Learners love playing Blooket so that was a great way to engage learners and have some fun while learning and
reviewing more meanings of the words. It was also fun to find words in the book and use context clues while looking at these
words to figure out their meanings.
● Learners have been struggling with choosing wise spots to sit; they are seeming to get more distracted with their classmates, so
I have been assigning seats using notecards with an image on them - and learners will find the matching paper with a drawing.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● K.SL.6 Speak audibly and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly 
● 6.SL.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts, audience, and tasks, using feedback from self and others and demonstrating
command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
○ I want the learners to be able to show their understanding of the vocabulary words by presenting their understanding to
other learners.
○ I want the learners to actively know how to describe a word and its meaning.

Lesson Objective(s)

● Learners will identify and understand the meanings of four vocabulary words.
● Learners will present their assigned vocabulary word to their classmates.
● Learners will find 2 antonyms and 2 synonyms for their assigned vocabulary word.

Materials Needed 

● Google Slides - one learner will share the presentation with their group and they will all contribute.
● Ipads
● Grouping Cards (for seats)

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA sixth period every day. There are
four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they do
not attend this English class.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through observations of their engagement, contributions to the group, and
understanding of the vocabulary words (how they present it to others).
Modeling: I will create a slide of a word to model what will be expected of group members. Example linked here.

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (5 minutes)
○ getting attention: DOL Sentence (the mom said to the boy you better clean your room before you go to the park) - Learners
will find the errors in this sentence and fix it.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Learners have been reading “The Watsons Go to Birmingham” and they
have been identifying vocabulary words. We will discuss the vocabulary words that we have read about in the book thus far.
○ creating a need to know: We need to understand the meanings of vocabulary words and be able to describe and tell about
these words to others.
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will show our understanding of vocabulary words by teaching about it to my
● Content Delivery (30 minutes, Whole-Group & Small-Group Instruction)

○ To begin content delivery, I will have a reader read the “I Can” statement on the board.
i. The “I Can” statement will say, “I can apply my understanding to an assigned vocabulary word and teach it to my
○ I will tell learners that today, they will be working in groups to make a presentation over an assigned vocabulary word.
i. Learners will already be in their groups from when I handed them the grouping cards.
○ I will then go through my example; to model the expectations for the learners, what their presentations may look like & what
they should include in them.
○ Learners will be instructed to assign each group member a role in their learning, but each of them should talk when they
present their information to the class.
○ I will instruct learners that they must have these 5 requirements in their slides:
i. Color/visual
ii. A definition of their word
iii. 2 antonyms
iv. 2 synonyms
v. A sentence that includes the word (I will encourage learners to attempt to find a sentence from our book, “The
Watsons Go to Birmingham” that uses one of our vocabulary words).
○ I will give learners 15 minutes to complete their presentation.
i. I will set a timer for this.
○ During work time, I will walk around, assist with learners, ask them guided questions, and conference about how they might
teach this to their classmates.
○ When the 15 minutes is up, I will instruct students that it is time to clean up, and get prepared for them to teach their word
and its meaning.
i. I will set a timer for 1 minute. When the 1 minute is up, learners will be at their desks, ready to present, their area will
be clean, and their voices will be off.
○ Before calling up the first group to present/teach, I will go over expectations for how we behave when others are presenting.
i. Learners voices will be off
ii. Learners eyes will be on the presenter
iii. There will be no distractions on the learners’ desks (i.e. pencils, ipads, etc…)
○ I will have the promethean board ready for learners to connect to share their presentations. One learner will do this from each
○ After learners present, I will give others the opportunity to provide feedback, as well as ask any questions.

● Closure (5 Minutes)  
○ As a closure, we will discuss the presentations, and go over the vocabulary words we talked about today and their meanings.
○ Lineup Procedure
i. Pack things up when they hear the cue
ii. Sit back down quietly in their desks
iii. I will dismiss them by desks - whoever is sitting quietly showing me they are ready to be dismissed
○ I will ask learners to tell me a word, a definition, or an antonym or synonym as they leave the classroom.

● I think this lesson will go well since learners enjoy working in groups. If working in groups becomes a problem, we will move to doing
this as individual work time.

B. Assessments Used
● Formative Assessment
○ I will formatively assess learners with their participation in their groups, their discussions, and I will observe them during
their presentations.
C. Differentiated Instruction
● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations
○ For students with special needs or not meeting expectations, I will ensure to group them with those exceeding
○ I will encourage those not meeting expectations to communicate with their group members
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations, I will group them with ELLs or with those not meeting expectations, and will prompt
them to guide these learners.
● Language Support
○ For ELLs, I will group them with learners exceeding expectations.
○ I will have one group member use google translate for our spanish learner.
D.  Resources
Google Slides
Lesson Plan #6: Vocabulary Social Media Pages
Date: 11/4/2022
Time: 46 Minutes (5 Class Periods)

Reflection from prior lesson

● The last lesson we focused on creating “lessons” over our vocabulary words and presenting them to the class. There were quite
a few distractions, and not a lot of learners were on task towards the end of the day. For this reason, I will be implementing
assigned seats. Learners with the same words on their notecard will sit at the desk that has that matching word.
● Learners seemed engaged with the lesson, and they engaged in class discussion as well as providing feedback for their
classmates' presentations after redirection.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 6.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
● 6.RI.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical
○ I want learners to be able to look at a word and apply their understanding to the word in multiple ways.

Lesson Objective(s)

● The learners will show their understanding of at least one of our focus vocabulary words (25).

Materials Needed 

● Vocab Social Media Strategy - distributed to learners through Canvas 

● Ipads
● Notecards & correlating images on tables (to change seating for learners)
● Vocab Social Media Strategy Template
● Translated version of the Vocab Social Media Strategy Template
● Blooket QR Code

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA sixth period every day. There are
four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they do
not attend this English class.
● Learners have been more energetic and talkative in class, so I have implemented a seating arrangement, as well as continued to
use classroom management strategies such as nonverbal redirection, clapping 5 times and learners clapping back, or countind
down from 5.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess the learners through their engagement with the task, their successful completion of the
task, and observations through the class period.
Model: I will model what is expected of learners prior to having them do it on their own. I will show them what their final work will look

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (5 Minutes)

○ getting attention: Riddle - “I am always in front of you but cannot be seen. What am I?” - The Future
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Learners have been reading “The Watsons Go to Birmingham” and they
have been identifying vocabulary words. We will discuss the vocabulary words that we have read about in the book thus far.
○ creating a need to know: We need to understand the meanings of vocabulary words and be able to describe the meanings
of these words. We also need to know how to show a deeper understanding of these words.
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will use our knowledge on vocabulary words to deepen our knowledge and
understanding of its meaning.
● Content Delivery (30 minutes, Whole Group Instruction & Individual Work Time) 
○ I will assign each learner a vocabulary word as they are doing the bell-ringer. I will have these words written on note cards.
○ As the learners get to their seats, I will prompt them to look at the riddle and try to solve it as I am taking attendance.
i. Learners' voices should be off, bodies in their seats, and waiting patiently.
○ After I take attendance and we attempt to solve the riddle, I will bring everyone to the carpet. Learners will not need anything,
and I will count down from 5. I will tell learners when I get to zero that bodies will be calm and on the carpet, voices will be off,
and we will be ready to learn.
i. I will have the social media google template pulled up on the Promethean board to model my example for learners.
○ We will talk through my example, as well as have the learners provide feedback for my example.
○ Learners will work independently on this template.
i. The template provides directions.
1. In the “About” section, learners will write the definition of their word.
2. In the “Friends” section, learners will correctly use their word in a sentence.
3. Learners will put three example photos in the “Photos” section.
4. “Examples” of where the vocabulary word can be found in the “real world”
5. A “Makes Me Think of…” section where learners will note what the vocabulary word makes them think of.
ii. After we walk through my example as a class, I will instruct learners to go back to their desks quietly and get started
on their Social Media page.
1. Learners can find the template on their Canvas
2. Learners will be working individually so voice level should be at a 1 or 2 while working.
iii. I will tell learners to add color to their poster as we will share them at the end of class (learners will have the option to
iv. If learners get done before we start sharing, they will be prompted to independently read, work on ELA, or review the
Watsons Vocabulary Blooket.

● Closure (11 Minutes) 

○ We will share our social media posters to the class and provide feedback (I will have learners volunteer if they would like to
share.) - they will just share their google slides with me so I can easily pull it up on the promethean board.
○ Line-up procedure
i. Pack things up when they hear the cue
ii. Sit back down quietly in their desks
iii. I will dismiss them by desks - whoever is sitting quietly showing me they are ready to be dismissed
○ I will ask learners to tell me a word, a definition, or an antonym or synonym as they leave the classroom if we have
extra/remaining time.

● I think this lesson will go well. Learners always seem to be interested in using their creative skills. It might be a little crazy since it is
a Friday, but I will use positive reinforcements for learners to remind them that it is time to learn.

B. Assessments Used
● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through their work on the vocabulary social media strategy templates. I
will check for understanding if they can successfully show me they understood their specific words, and completed the entire
C. Differentiated Instruction

● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations

○ For students with special needs or not meeting expectations, I will ensure that I am walking around the classroom and
guiding them in the right direction. I will also model what their finished project should look like prior to having them begin
on their own.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations, I will prompt them to create another template with a different word.
● Language Support
○ For the ELLs in my class, I will write specific words on a notecard for them and hand them out. The ELLs are focusing on
10 specific words for this unit.
○ I translated the slides/activity into spanish for one of our learners.
○ Vocab Social Media Strategy - translated  
D.  Resources
The Science by Mrs. Ellis
Lesson Plan #7: Vocabulary prefixes & suffixes
Date: 11/8/2022
Time: 46 Minute Class Periods (5 class periods)

Reflection from prior lesson

● The last lesson learners created their own social media profiles for a word. Learners seemed to enjoy this lesson & activity.
Learners related their understanding of these words to real-world examples as well as telling me what this word makes them
think of. This was a great activity to gather a deeper meaning of our focus vocabulary words throughout this unit.
● Learners were engaged and worked hard. They worked independently and quietly and got the task completed.
● I used a couple of redirections such as “show me 5” as well as positive reinforcements.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 6.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
○ b. Use common, grade-appropriate Greek or Latin affixes and roots as clues to the meaning of a word (e.g., audience,
auditory, audible, etc.).
● 6.RI.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical
○ I want the learners to break apart our focus vocabulary words to discover their meanings in a deeper way.

Lesson Objective(s)

● Learners will identify roots, prefixes, and suffixes, (or add them) in at least 5 of our 25 focus vocabulary words.
● Learners will identify the meanings of the 10 root words they identify in our vocabulary words.

Materials Needed 

● ipads
● Example template:
● Watsons Vocabulary Blooket
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA sixth period every day. There are
four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they do
not attend this English class.

Connection(s) to Research & Theory

Modeling: I will model what will be expected of learners during whole-group instruction. I will explicitly show learners how to complete
the activity before they begin on their own.
Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through their understanding and observations of discussions, as well as their
pulling out roots, prefixes, and suffixes and completing the task.

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (10 minutes)
○ getting attention: Independent Read & work on bookmark
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Learners have been working on root words and defining them since the
beginning of the year. I will ask learners what they know about root words and how we can use them to identify the meaning
of a word.
○ “Root words can help you to break down large, new words into smaller units to discover their meanings. Learning just one
root word can help you understand several words in English.”
○ “A root can be any part of a word that carries meaning: the beginning, middle or end. Prefixes, bases, and suffixes are
types of roots. The prefix appears at the beginning of a word, the base in the middle and the suffix at the end.”
○ Roots are words or groups of letters that can form other words. Most roots must be combined with a prefix, a suffix, or
another word to have a meaning.
■ EX: Telescope (Tele: far away)
○ A prefix is one or more syllables added to the beginning of a word to form a new word.
■ EX: Rename (Re: again)
○ A suffix is one or more syllables added to a word to form a new word
■ EX: Hopeless (Less: without)
○ I will then ask learners to share some of the roots they have discussed/they know and their meanings.
○ creating a need to know: I will tell learners that we need to know how to pull out roots from our words to be able to quickly
identify the meaning of other words, as well as to help us know the definitions of the words we are focusing on in a deeper
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will identify roots in our vocabulary words and define the roots.
● Content Delivery (33 minutes, Whole-Class Instruction & Small-Group, Partner, and/or Independent Work Time)
○ I will bring learners to the carpet after I take attendance and after we discuss what the agenda is for the day.
i. I will count down from 5, learners will be on the carpet ready to learn when I get to zero.
1. I know learners are ready to learn when they are facing me, their voices are off, and their bodies are calm.
○ "Prefix or Suffix?" by The Bazillions - To begin our lesson, I will play this video as a review and/or instructional method for
○ We will look at our vocabulary list as a whole class and choose two-three words to find the prefix, root, and suffix of as a
○ I will pull up the resource we will use on the promethean board.
i. I will ask learners if they have any idea what the prefix, suffix, or root of the words are, and if they know their
ii. We will go through these together.
1. I will tell learners that if a word does not have a prefix or a suffix, they can add a prefix or a suffix to that word to
form a new word, but to state the new definition (using the provided resources).
○ After looking up the bases, prefixes, and suffixes and finding the meaning of them, I will let learners know that they will be
using 10 more of our vocabulary words to find the bases, prefixes, and suffixes of these words, as well as identifying their
origin and meanings.
i. I will have a template for learners to use on Canvas.
○ I will tell learners that they can work with a partner if desired.
○ Learners will also have the opportunity to sit at the carpet with me and work through the ipractice together.
○ When learners complete this task, they will be instructed to turn this in on paper to the front of the room.
i. If they work with a partner, only one of them will need to submit this, but they need to ensure both of their names are
on the paper.
○ The expectation will be that learners' voice level will be a 2 or 3 (since some of them may be working with partners) and that
they will be on task.
○ I have created a vocabulary word crossword puzzle for learners to have the option to work on this as well.
○ Once learners complete this task they will have choices on what to work on:
i. Independent read & bookmark
ii. Missing ELA work
iii. Watsons Vocabulary Blooket
iv. NoRedInk
● Closure (3 minutes)

○ As a closure, I will ask learners to share some of the roots, prefixes, and suffixes they found.
○ I will ask them to share the origin and the meaning of them.
○ We will do the lineup procedure:
i. Pack things up when they hear the cue
ii. Sit back down quietly in their desks
iii. I will dismiss them by desks - whoever is sitting quietly showing me they are ready to be dismissed
○ I will ask learners to tell me a word, a definition, a root word, or an antonym or synonym as they leave the classroom if we
have extra/remaining time.

I think this lesson will go well as learners are familiar with root words. It might become a distraction in larger class periods working with
partners, so I will remind learners to be responsible for their learning and respectful of their classmates. If it becomes a problem we will
move this to independent work time.

B. Assessments Used

● Formative Assessment: I will formatively assess learners through observations and their ability to show their understanding of
root words in our vocabulary words. I will assess their understanding through them identifying root words as well as the origin of
that root and the meaning.
C. Differentiated Instruction

● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations

○ For those with special needs or not meeting expectations, I will encourage learners to stay at the carpet and I will work
with them in a small group for extra adjusted instruction.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations, I will prompt them to look at more than 5 vocabulary words and their roots. I will also
encourage them to walk around and assist their classmates with this task if needed.
● Language Support
○ For ELLS, I will have them look at only 10 vocabulary words that myself and their EL teacher have picked out for them.
They will work as a small group with their EL teacher, or they can stay on the carpet with me to pull out roots from the
words and look at the definition of those roots.
D.  Resources
Lesson Plan #8: Vocabulary Post Assessment
Date: 11/10/2022
Time: 20 Minutes (5 Class Periods)

Reflection from prior lesson

The last lesson learners were very engaged and worked well together. They seemed to be interested in the prefix/suffix/root words as
well as finding them in our vocabulary words. This was a great lesson to apply our knowledge on root words and connect it to our
current topics.

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards 

● 6.L.3 Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
● 6.L.4 Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and
content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
○ I want students to show and apply their knowledge and understanding of the vocabulary words they were introduced to
while reading “The Watsons Go to Birmingham” by taking a quiz.

Lesson Objective(s)

● I can apply my understanding and knowledge of Watsons 25 vocabulary words through completing a quiz.

Materials Needed 

● Google Forms Post Assessment

● ELL/Special Education Post Assessment
● Ipads

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics

● Contextual factors vary for each class period as learners choose what time they come to each class throughout the day.
● The classes are very energetic and talkative, there are around 97 students on our sixth grade team. There are a total of 48 girls
and 49 boys. Student’s get restless - so it is important to not keep students at the carpet for the whole time, we like to get them
up and moving. There are six English Language Learners on our team and they come to ELA sixth period every day. There are
four students on 504 plans on the team, 22 learners on IEPs and eight students on IEPs who are on our team; however, they do
not attend this English class.
Connection(s) to Research & Theory
Activating Prior Knowledge: We have been learning about these words for about 4 weeks, so we will talk about connections we can
make, where we have seen these words, and what learners know about their meanings.
Summative Assessment: This will be a summative assessment over our whole unit. Learners will take this quiz and show me what they
understood through this unit or where they may need extra instruction.

A.  The Lesson 

● Introduction (2 minutes)
○ getting attention: Anagrams - Learners will rearrange the letters in words to form a new word. The words I will have on the
promethean board will be: race, gainly, heart, fried, and listen. I will have learners work on these as I am taking attendance,
and will quickly have them give me their ideas/answers to these anagrams.
○ relating to past experience and/or knowledge: Learners have spent 4 weeks working on and reading the class novel; “The
Watsons Go to Birmingham.”
○ creating a need to know: We need to be able to show our understanding of the vocabulary words we worked on throughout
our Watsons unit. It is important for us to understand these words as we read our book so we are familiar with their meanings
and can apply them to other topics in our learning.
○ sharing objective, in general terms: Today we will show our understanding and knowledge over Watsons vocabulary words
by taking a quiz.
● Content Delivery (16 minutes, Individual Work Time)

○ After discussing the bell-ringer, I will tell learners that we are going to be taking a quiz over The Watsons Go to Birmingham
vocabulary words.
○ learners will scan the QR Code to the Google Forms Post Assessment.
○ I will tell learners that they can find the quiz on Canvas under MT 3: WGTB imaster: Vocab Quiz (I will also have this written
on the board).
○ I will tell learners that it will be quiet, they will complete the quiz, and will work on the imaster chapter questions from the
novel when they complete the vocabulary quiz.
○ When it is quiet and learners show me they are ready to begin, I will tell them to “go green” and they may begin the quiz.

● Closure (2 minutes) 

○ As a closure, we will talk about the quiz and go over any words learners may have forgotten/misused.
○ Lineup Procedure
1. Pack things up when they hear the cue
2. Sit back down quietly in their desks
3. I will dismiss them by desks - whoever is sitting quietly showing me they are ready to be dismissed
I think this lesson will go well as learners have been preparing for this quiz for about a week now. I will set firm expectations so learners
know what they need to be doing.

B. Assessments Used

● Summative Assessment: I will use the data I receive from the post assessment to see learners' understanding of the tasks and
activities we have done throughout this unit. I will see learners' understanding of the vocabulary words and their meanings.
○ Post-Assessment
C. Differentiated Instruction

● Adaptations for students with special needs or not meeting expectations

○ For students with special needs or not meeting expectations, I have made accommodations for them by having them use
10 of the 25 words for their quiz.
● Adaptations for those exceeding expectations
○ For those exceeding expectations,
● Language Support
○ For ELLs, I collaborated with the EL Teacher and we chose 10 words to focus on for this unit for the ELLs, rather than 25.
Learners will take the post-assessment with 10 words.
D.  Resources
Google Forms
Pre-Assessment Data:

Score of 9: 1 Student
Score of 10: 2 Students
Score of 11: 1 Student
Score of 12: 2 Students
Score of 13: 6 Students
Score of 15: 4 Students
Score of 16: 8 Students
Score of 17: 12 Students
Score of 18: 15 Students
Score of 19: 12 Students
Score of 20: 12 Students
Score of 21: 5 Students
Score of 22: 3 Students
Score of 23: 4 Students
Score of 23: 2 Students
Post-Assessment Data:

Score of 11: 2 students

Score of 15: 1 students
Score of 16: 3 students
Score of 17: 3 students
Score of 18: 4 students
Score of 19: 9 students
Score of 20: 11 students
Score of 21: 8 students
Score of 22: 16 students
Score of 23: 14 students
Score of 24: 6 students
Score of 25: 7 students
Pre-Assessment & Post-Assessment Data Compared

● After looking at this data, more students scored higher on the post-assessment than the pre-assessment. This shows me that my instruction
was successful, however, some learners still did not receive passing scores, so that shows me that I should have included more direct
instruction to those learners that were not meeting expectations as I formatively assessed them.
● For the future, I would recommend more direct explicit instruction for all learners, rather than more group work. I would also focus on small
groups so I am able to assess and check for understanding in a more personable way, rather than attempting to assess around 98 learners
at a time.
● If students received a score of 17 or lower, they had to then look at the words they missed, write their definitions, as well as write a sentence
that includes the vocabulary word that shows their understanding of the word.
Student Work Samples

Learners were instructed to look at an image and write a story that pertains to the image. The expectations were to write 5-7 sentences
including at least 3 of the vocabulary words we had discussed.

Vocab Word Presentation

Attached is a presentation of learners' work. For this activity we were in groups and chose a vocabulary word to research, find the
definition for, choose an image, write 2 antonyms and 2 synonyms, and some (1 or 2) sentences that include their chosen vocabulary
word. Learners then presented their slides to their classmates.

For another activity, learners created their own “social media” pages to introduce a vocabulary word. Learners were required to define
the word, find an image that uses the word as an example, what this word makes the learners think of, and to find an example of this
word and how it may be used in the real world. Below are examples of some of the learners work:

One thing I noticed some learners struggled with, was writing sentences that included a specific vocabulary word that showed their
understanding of the definition of that word. Something I could have done - time willing - would have been to create small groups based
on my assessments of these learners and focus on words that small groups may not understand, as well as writing our own sentences
that included the word in a correct way.
Sample Report/Letter
Dear parents,

Your learners have been working immensely throughout our vocabulary unit, and I am writing to let you know how hard they worked,

as well as the importance of this unit. The past couple of weeks, we have been reading “The Watsons Go to Birmingham.” As we read, we noticed

many words that we had never seen before, or didn’t know the meaning of, ultimately limiting our comprehension of what was occurring throughout

the book. That is how we got started with this vocabulary unit. We focused on words that were unfamiliar to us, and completed different tasks and

activities individually as well as a class. Some things we worked on were “teaching” these definitions to our classmates through presentations, using

photo writing prompts and using at least three vocabulary words within our writing, as well as making inferences about the meanings of these words

through using context clues from our novel.

I am writing this letter to ask you to continuously encourage your learner to identify and understand the meanings of unknown or unfamiliar

words. This is not only vital for success in the education setting, but especially for our reading. If learners keep reading right past a word that they do

not know the meaning to, their comprehension and understanding of the text will be drastically limited. Vocabulary is such an important part in our

lives and is used almost daily; so let’s keep encouraging our learners to be vocabulary masters!


Ms. LeGrand
Scoring Rubric
Teaching Work Sample Criteria Not Met Teaching Work Sample Criteria Met
Does Not Meet Expectations Emerging Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Significant discrepancies from criteria Some components do not meet All criteria met- product components Exemplary work- product
0 criteria complete exceeds expectations
1 2 3

*Teacher candidates must receive a minimum score of 2 in all categories. If the teacher candidate receives a 0 or 1 in any section, the candidate
must correct and resubmit the section for reevaluation.

Contextual Factors Information regarding community/school district, school, classroom, and student characteristics Score(s):

3 Exemplary work: exceeds expectations in all or most project requirements; includes original or unique components that evidence
original thinking; high-quality professional product

2 This section includes information regarding understanding the characteristics of the:

community, school district and school factors
classroom and student characteristics
instructional implications for the above

1 The teacher candidate appears to understand the requirements, but the response is incomplete and/or incorrect in some way.

0 The teacher candidate does not appear to understand the requirements and makes little or no attempt to respond.

Goals, Objectives, and Goals and objectives based on the unit of study (generally 1-2 weeks in length), vary in kind and length but Score(s):
Assessments include concept attainment, application of knowledge and skills, and gathering of data (assessment) to CT:
demonstrate skills US:

3 Exemplary work: exceeds expectations in all or most project requirements; includes original or unique components that evidence
original thinking; high-quality professional product

2 This section includes:

unit plan which includes goals based on assessment of students’ current level of performance
goals and objectives consistent with district and state standards, goals, and benchmarks
objectives which describe expected actions or behaviors and conditions under which students will meet the objectives
objectives which are expressed in observable and measurable terms
appropriate number of objectives per lesson (usually 2-5) which are linked to state content standards
Pre-assessment, formative assessment, post-assessment
Assessments aligned properly to objectives
Samples of student work

1 The teacher candidate appears to understand the requirements, but the response is incomplete and/or incorrect in some way.

0 The teacher candidate does not appear to understand the requirements and makes little or no attempt to respond.

Lesson Plans Daily lesson plans to accomplish the learning goals for the identified group(s) of students Score(s):

3 Exemplary work: exceeds expectations in all or most project requirements; includes original or unique components that evidence
original thinking; high-quality professional product

2 Daily lesson plans identify/include the following:

reflection for each lesson at beginning of next days’ lesson and in the reflection log
contextual factors/learner characteristics
goals and objectives aligned to state standards
an appropriate and organized selection of instructional materials and equipment
content delivery
an estimation of the time required for each part of the lesson
enough details for a substitute teacher
adaptations and modifications for students with special needs
appropriate adjustment based on reflection of previous lesson(s)
technology embedded in the lesson as a natural part of the instruction

1 The teacher candidate appears to understand the requirements, but the response is incomplete and/or incorrect in some way.

0 The teacher candidate does not appear to understand the requirements and makes little or no attempt to respond.

Data Data related to learning gains or lack thereof resulting from instruction, analyzed for each student, Score(s):
Analysis/Summary and summarized in relation to students’ level of knowledge prior to instruction and including CT:
planning for future instruction. Also, samples of reporting progress to parents or guardians and US:
3 Exemplary work: exceeds expectations in all or most project requirements; includes original or unique components that evidence
original thinking; high-quality professional product

2 This section includes:

analyzed data from pre-, on-going and post-assessment for individuals and the class
summarized data on student achievement in relationship to instructional objectives
recommendations for future instructions are written from analysis of all data
a sample report describing unit and over-all results or a sample letter to student’s parents/guardians describing results
student work samples from throughout unit

1 The teacher candidate appears to understand the requirements, but the response is incomplete and/or incorrect in some way.

0 The teacher candidate does not appear to understand the requirements and makes little or no attempt to respond.

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