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LESSION 41 08:10:17


Memory Verse: John 9:4 “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it
is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”

Texts: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Isaiah 6:8

As long as we are busy here and there we cannot successfully carry out the order
of our King and Commander. Our commission is to go and sensitise the men and
women on the life’s highways to the danger of their condition. We must search
every nook and cranny to gather in as many souls as we can before the close of
day. Every believer should remember that there is a time to do this work. Time
is running out. And yet, Christ is calling still. “So those servants went out into
the highways” (Mathew 22:10).

Servants of the heavenly King must, in obedience to God’s command, go. They
must go to the children and tell them about the risen Saviour. They ought to
labour among the youth to keep them from corruption. We have to refocus men
and women whose hearts have been sold Mammon; go to the hospitals and
minister physical and spiritual healing to the sick, speak to the hopeless and
helpless and show them the great help and the bright hope in Christ, the Lamb of
God. They must let all men on the highways of life know that by the grace of
God, all is now ready.

The evangelism field is wide. The possibilities are immense. As God’s

commissioned servants plunge into the field, they can rest assured and rejoice in
the Saviour’s promise that says, “and lo l am with you always, even unto the end
of the world,” The founding fathers of the Christian faith who went in obedience
to God’s command had great success. If we go to the highways today, the same
risen Saviour will accompany us and the same experience that the early
believers had will be ours. Do you want to see God’s hand and power upon you?
Then, get up, gird up your loins, go out to the field sand declare to the world the
gospel full and free.


MON. 1 Kings 17 1 Kings 18
TUS. 1 Kin gs 19 1 Kings 20
WED. 1 Kings 21 1 Kings 22
THUR. 2 Kings 1 2 Kings 2
FRI. 2 Kings 3 2 Kings 4
SAT. 2 Kings 5 2 Kings 6
SUN. 2 Kings 7 2 Kings 8

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