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IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following definitions write the correct term/ words needed. Wrong Spelling Wrong.
1. Goleman (2005) came up with his own clusters of emotional intelligence, namely:
Self-awareness -one line meaning?
Self-management - -one line meaning?
Social awareness -one line meaning?
Relationship management -one line meaning?
2. Emotional regulation is defined as an attempt to influence emotion. This can be applied in interacting with the self and with
3. Cognitive reappraisal. It involves the evaluation of the situation prior to making personal, subjective valuations about it.
4. Behavioral/overt strategies entail engagement in observable activities, such as behavioral avoidance
5. Suppression. It involves denial and masking of facial expressions to hide one’s current emotional state
6. Cognitive/covert strategies include experiential avoidance (avoidance of thoughts and feelings judged to be painful),
7. For Bar-on (1997), it is “an array of non-cognitive abilities, competencies, and skills that influence one’s ability to succeed in
coping with environmental demands and pressures.”
8. According to Mayer, Salovey, and Caruso (2004), it’s one’s ability to understand emotion and for them to contribute in how
one perceives the environment he or she is in.
9. For Goleman (1998), it is the” capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those others, for motivating ourselves, and for
managing emotions effectively in ourselves and others.”
10. According to Albert Bandura, self-efficacy can be developed through the following:
Mastery experience. Accomplishing simple tasks that lead to more complex tasks.
Social modelling. Observing an identifiable model who accomplishes the task.
Improving physical and emotional states. Being relaxed and calm before pursuing a challenging task.
Verbal persuasion. Providing encouragement and feedback during the accomplishment of a challenging task.

11. Puchalski spirituality is the aspect of the self that is associated to an individual’s process of seeking and express in meaning
and how he or she is connected to the self, to others, to the moment and to everything else that composes his/her environment,
including the sacred and significant.
12. Beauregard and O’Leary spirituality are any experience that is thought to bring the experiencer in contact with the divine; it
is not just any experience that feels meaningful.
13. Sinnott spirituality is also posited as the individual’s personal relation to the sacred or transcendent, a relation that then
informs other relationships and the meaning of one’s own life.
14. Religiosity is defined as the adherence to a belief system and practices associated with a tradition in which there is
agreement about what is believed and practiced.
15. John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

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