Ge Artapp

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CALANG, Nard Lester L.

BSED English 3A
GE ARTAPP – Art Appreciation
Matt Sinaca

Module 1 – Humanities and Art Appreciation: An Introduction

Let’s Get Started:

1. What is Art Appreciation?
- The art appreciation is the perception and comprehension of the aesthetics of the
art based on the context of the culture and its interaction towards the society. The
appreciation of art is explicable looking back to the past and in our history to
appreciate its beauty within the perspective of the artist through the art piece.

2. How do you determine whether a particular art is an original work of an artist?

- In order to determine whether a particular art is an original work of an artist is that
the art piece should undergo identification process through test and verification. The
identification process of the art would go through the verification of the artist’s
signature, historical documentation of the art, scientific evidence, and expert
judgement of the trained eye to inspect the art piece.

3. Does art always have a purpose and function? If is ceased its function, would it still be
considered as art?
- Art has a purpose and function based on the artist’s intention on creating the art
based on its utilization among his/her society. Even though the art has ceased its
purpose and function in the society of its creation, the piece is still considered an art
which can be appreciated throughout time as a legacy of humanity.

Let’s Do It:
Look around your house and identify a product of art. In the box below, paste a picture of art in
your household. Trace the beginnings of this item and identify what purpose and functions it
has played in history.

A painting of a colorful Deer in my sister’s

Deer in general are depicted as peaceful
creatures, The bible mentioned: “As the deer
pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul
for You, O God. My soul thirst for God, for the
living God. When shall I come and appear
before God?” according to the Psalm 42:1-2
NKJV. This verse conveys the desire for God’s
presence in our life as a living water in our
daily Christian life.
Match Column A with Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the box provided
before each item.

Column A Column B
o 1. It is the process of arranging elements in a way for you a. stone
to use your senses and emotions.
i 2. A science which is concerned of minerals and can be b. creation ideas
transformed into material types according to how they
g 3. It is composed of minerals and can be into material c. cultural
types according to how they formed.
n 4. It is an artist’s trait developed in the course of his life to d. photography
express his feelings.
m 5. It means “craftsmanship.” e. creation of materials
k 6. It refers to a person who engaged in one or more of any f. sculpture
of a broad spectrum of activities related to creating art
h 7. A process of art wherein a painter paints a picture from g. creation of forms
a scene where most people do not think beauty existed.
e 8. A phase of creating art in which the artist uses materials h. creativity
to give form to his idea.
a 9. It is a means of communication to the unknown being i. humanities
created and performed by the ancient people.
b 10. It is where the artists have developed different forms j. dance
to express the ideas they have worked.
l 11. It is a type of art that marks a two-dimensional k. artiste
f 12. It is a type of art that signifies a three- l. drawing
dimensional artwork.
j 13. It is an art form of rhythmic movement of the body. m. Arti
c 14. A function of art which expresses ideas and values. n. adoration
d 15. It is an art of creating images by recording radiation on o. art
a radiation-sensitive medium.

Post Test:
1. What is the importance of Humanities as a science of art?
- The significance of Humanities as the science of art is to have a foundational
understanding of the all-human culture, language, literature, philosophy and history
throughout time. Having a preconceived idea of the art and its origin through
Humanities would allow critiques and aficionados to think critically and creatively
towards the art piece. This would allow art to be appreciated comprehensively
beyond the naked eye but through the perspective of the science of Humanities.

2. How is a work of art produced by an artist? Discuss the process of production.

- A work of art is produced by an artist through a process of acquisition of idea from
an inspiration, drafting the execution of the idea, and executing the idea towards a
canvas. The acquisition of an idea from an inspiration is what drives artist passion to
create, it is the unconscious burst of creativity that draws out the artistic endeavors
of the artists. Drafting the execution of the idea is approach of envisioning the best
form of the manifestation of idea. The execution the idea towards a canvas is what
brings the idea to life as the manifestation of the artist’s inspiration.
3. Which of the following classification of art (Visual, Performing, Literary) do you think
you belong? Why?
- The classification of art that I belong would be the literary art. Literary art is best
form of art that I can produce since I am not well versed in the visual and performing
art forms. I am confident in my ability in literary art that creates output such as
essays, poems and stories which I have harnessed in my studies as an educator.

4. Why is art also called “High Culture”?

- Art is also depicted as “High Culture” which emphasizes human cultural objects as
subjects of aesthetic value. Art is considered high culture since appreciation of art
requires sophisticated knowledge and high level of skills in humanities which
encompasses educated and high class in the society. This depiction of art is
considered to be a stereotypical observation that is grounded on the fact that art
aficionados are usually people of high class, thus it is High Culture.

Module 2 – Aesthetics Arts and Crafts

Let’s Get Started:

1. What do you think is the relationship between Art and Crafts?

- Art is the expression of an idea from an inspiration that is considered to be
unstructured, limitless and amorphous piece of output. The Crafts is the physical
manifestation of the idea from an inspiration that is tangible, limited, and definite

2. Is Art a reflection of our values? Support your answer.

- Art is a reflection of our values, not just an expression of idea from an inspiration but
an expression of our thoughts, emotions, morals, and principles. An example of this
is the Spoliarium by Juan Luna which is considered a perspective of the dreadful
murder of General Luna. This art is not just a simple illustration of death but a
depiction of the morals and values against injustice, prejudice, and the worst in

3. Is artistic skill learned or natural?

- Art is innate or natural to human expression and is unique to each and every one.
The skill of expressing art is learned in many diverse output and techniques. Thus, an
artistic skill is both learned and natural to human expression.

4. What do you think are the needed materials in creating a functional work of art?
- Functional work of art is an output of aesthetics that is designed with a purpose, a
prime example of this is furniture. The needed materials in creating a functional
work or art must be highly versatile, rigid, and prevalent in our environment such as
wood, metal, and stone.
Let’s Do It:
Take a picture of any painting done by Filipino artist (you may copy from the internet). Explain
what that art is all about. Discuss its artistic design and composition.

- The artistic design and composition of the painting Spoliarium by Juan Luna are dark,
gruesome and realistic. The design of the painting emphasizes realistic proportions
of human body parts and the scene is portrayed by the artist is harmony and balance
to the movement of injustice, prejudice, and the worst in humanity.

Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast aesthetic arts and crafts.
Post Test:
In your own words, explain the different types of aesthetic art and crafts.

The different aesthetics of art and crafts are harmony, variety, balance, movement, emphasis,
proportion, rhythm, pattern, and repetition.

 Harmony – is the fusion of all the elements of the of the art that gives a sense of
cohesiveness and unity of parts as one complete output.
 Variety – is the utilization of designs catch the eye and draws the audience’s attention
towards the entire work of art.
 Balance - is the stability in the spectrum of colors, texture, and space in the art work
that conveys visual familiarity of the things seen in nature from the symmetrical,
asymmetrical, and radial distribution of elements within the art.
 Movement – is visual trail of the elements in art that creates a directional pattern such
as lines, strokes, edges, shapes and colors of the art work.
 Emphasis – is the visual highlight of contrasting colors that catches the audience’s
attention as to the artist intent message from the art work.
 Proportion – is the cohesiveness of the visual elements in sizes, amounts, and number
in relation towards the entire art work.
 Rhythm – is the direction within the art work that helps creates an organized movement
of repetitive visual element into a point of focus.
 Pattern – is the persisting element of design within the are work.
 Repetition - is the repetitive element of design that creates a cohesiveness to the entire

Module 3 – The Western Art History

Let’s Get Started:

Imagine yourself as an archeologist in an excavation site. You come across a hole and upon
further examination, the hole leads to a cave that has inscribed paintings on it. What images do
you see?

- In my imagination as an archeologist, I came across a hole and upon further

examination, the hole leads to a cave that has inscribed painting of an ancient
civilization. Images of their deities that they worship and blood sacrifices. These
ancient people exhibit an unknown language, and display and extensive knowledge
in agriculture and farming. The paintings inside the cave illustrates hunting practices
using knives, spears, bow, and arrows made from wood, bones, and obsidian stones.
Taking a closer inspection of these paintings made me realize that it was made from
dyes found in nature and blood.

Let’s Do It:
Imagine how the prehistoric people were able to make an artwork all over the caves. Make
your style of cave art using a stone as your working canvas and another stone as your medium
to create an artwork. Take a picture of your output and discuss your insights.

 Flat rock (any shape)
 Stones (with sharp edges)
 White Glue

1. Using a sharp-edged rock, scratch the flat rock with your desired design.
2. After designing your stone, put varnish utilizing a mixture of white glue diluted with
water to preserve your plan on it. Your design should imitate the character of a
prehistoric artwork.

Match Column A to B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the box provided before each

Column A Column B
o 1. It is a way to communicate beliefs and express ideas a. artifacts
about the human experience.
m 2. It refers to the time before written history. b. Pictographs
a 3. It is an archaeological material of small sculptures and c. Megalithic arts
paintings found in caves
n 4. It refers to rock carvings and engravings. d. Ceramics
b 5. This applies to pictorial imagery or symbols. e. Polychromy
g 6. This refers to totemic statues and ivory carvings. f. Pebble chopper
c 7. This relates to Petro forms or any other works g. sculpture
associated with the formation of stones.
k 8. It is a club shape and disks made by blowing paint onto h. Fresco
the wall in El Castillo cave.
d 9. They were hand shaped which produced cooking pots i. Bifacial
and jars.
l 10. They were religious texts embellished with vibrant j. Pitsa
colors which often featured the use of gold and silver.
f 11. It is a primordial cutting tool and considered as the k. Claviform
oldest type of device made by humans
i 12. This tool may be oval, triangular, or almond-shaped in l. Illuminated
form and characterized by axial symmetry. Manuscripts
h 13. It is a method of painting water-based pigments on a m. prehistory
freshly applied plaster usually on a wall surface.
j 14. It is known as the earliest panel painting during the n. Petroglyphs
Archaic period between 540 and 530 B.C.E.
e 15. It is the combination of the different colors especially o. Art
the brilliant one in an artistic manner.

Post Test:
1. How do you describe art as a cultural document?
- Art is generally considered as a form of self-expression of the artist throughout
history. Art can be described as a cultural document when it has a historical
significance in the human society, values, moral, beliefs, and practices.

2. In your own opinion, what are the purpose of art during ancient time in Europe?
- The purpose of art during ancient time in Europe is to look back at the ancient
human society relative to the current society. To perceive of the difficulty and
savagery of the ancient times would help us appreciate the development of the
civility of humanity in our current times.

3. Why was ancient arts mostly found in caves? What are their significant values?
- Most of the ancient arts found in caves because the ancient Paleolithic and
Mesolithic people lived in caves. The significance of these ancient arts are evidences
of ancient tools and paintings that depicts their living conditions during that time.

4. What is the importance of stone during Paleolithic period? Explain.

- The significance of stone during Paleolithic period made the human lives much
easier during that time. Stones were used as tools and weapons for hunting and

5. What art legacy do you like most during ancient Europe? Explain.
- The art legacy that I liked most during ancient Europe is the mosaics that was
preserved through time. These artistic mosaics are imperishable art works that are
made from colorful stones, pebbles and glass enamel that are cut in small cubes and
are formed on walls, floors, and ceilings.
Module 4 – The Filipino Art and Crafts

Let’s Get Started:

As a preliminary activity for the topic, compose a four-verse poem or song honoring the great
Philippine contemporary artist that were discussed in this lesson. You can write it in whatever
language of dialect you prefer and will let you share your online.

Let’s Do It:
 Create a masterpiece (drawing or song) which shows nationalism or promotion of a
Filipino traditional art.

 Name at least three festivals celebrated in your region/municipality/city. Enumerate the

different activities that are being showcased in these festivals and their importance.
 Bonok-Bonok Maradjaw Karadjaw Festival (September 10)
 Feast of St. Nicholas the Patron Saint of Surigao City
 Street dance parade
 Sakay-Sakay Abayan Festival (June 1)
 Feast of Virgen de la Paz y Buen Biaje the Patron Saint of Barangay Taft, Surigao
 Procession at sea by colorful motorboats, and bancas passing along the historic
Surigao Strait.
 Bilang-Bilang Abayan Festival (June 1)
 Feast of Virgen de la Paz y Buen Biaje of the Surigaonons

What are the arts/crafts found in Caraga Region particularly in Surigao del Norte? What will be
your contributions to keep it alive?
- The arts/crafts found in Surigao del Norte are the Balanghay or Balanghai mother
boat in Butuan is one of the Oldest Pre-Hispanic watercrafts in the Philippines, the
Kampilan single-edged sword and the golden crafts in Butuan. My contribution in
order to keep these arts/crafts alive is create awareness through social media and
promote them, to support and visit the museums within Caraga specially the Butuan
National Museum.

Post Test:
1. How do you describe the Indigenous arts in the Philippines?
- The Indigenous arts in the Philippines are inspired with animals in nature, mythical
creatures and deities such as buaya (crocodile), a bakunawa (Dragon) a kalaw
(hornbill), or a kakatua (cockatoo). These are arts/crafts are usually made from hard
wood, bamboo, metal and gold.

2. What makes Filipino arts distinct from other arts in the world?
- Filipino arts are distinct from other arts in the world because Philippine art has no
singular aesthetic and is rich in wide spectrum of artistic influence varies from the
indigenous to the Spanish influence.

3. If you are a Filipino artist, what kind of arts would you like to develop?
- As a Filipino artist, I would like to develop the art of blade making such as the
butterfly knives (Balisong), kampilan, kalis, kris, and others that are unique to the
Filipino culture. Developing the artistic emphasis on the blade specially the pummel
designs that can be promoted internationally.

4. What is GAMABA Awards?

- The GAMABA Awards or Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan is the National Living
Treasures Award that is recognized by the Philippine Government for artist’
contributions to the country's intangible cultural heritage.

5. Do you think “tattooing” as a form of art should be promoted? Why or why not?
- The art of “tattooing” in Philippines has been existing since pre-colonial era, it has a
rich influence as the indigenous tattoo practice know as “Batek”. In the nature of
artistic freedom and democracy in the Philippines, the tattoo art should be
supported and promoted under proper discretion of personal beliefs, values,
religion, sanitation, and legislation.

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