Understanding The Self

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HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE 1. It has been called “the silent killer” and can lead to heart disease,
high blood pressure, chest pain, and an irregular heartbeat.

PERSONALITY 2. It encompasses moods, attitudes, and opinions that is most evident in

interactions with others and can be explained through a range of factors such as: Genetics,
Environment impacts/influences Individual experiences.

HEREDITY 3. The sum of all biological processes by which particular characteristics are
transmitted from parents to their offspring.

PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT 4. This is about building your capacities, nurturing your talent,
enhancing new skill sets, working on your weaknesses, and transforming them into strengths.

ANXIETY 5. It is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical

changes like increased blood pressure.

RESTRAINED INTROVERTS 6. They think before they act. They move at a slightly slower pace,
making sure every action is intentional and thought through.

THINKING INTROVERTS 7. They don’t share the aversion to social events, but they tend to get
lost in their own thoughts. They’re introspective, thoughtful, and self-reflective.

SOCIAL INTROVERTS 8. This is most closely resembling the common understanding of

introversion. They prefer to be alone or to socialize with small groups instead of large ones,
however they are not shy and don’t feel anxious around others.

INTROVERT 9. They seek out solitude because they tend to feel awkward or self-conscious
around others. They also tend to ruminate on things that might have or could have gone wrong
when they are alone.

CULTURE 10. It has been called "the way of life for an entire society." As such, it includes codes
of manners, dress, language, religion, rituals, art.

ID 11. This is Responsible for basic human instincts, natural urges, and natural temperaments.

It is located completely in the unconscious mind.

SUPEREGO12. This Section responsible for morality and applying pride and guilt. It is in both
the conscious and unconscious mind.

EGO 13. Also referred to as the self, it helps the Id obtain what is wants by applying judgement.
It is in both the conscious and unconscious mind.
DEPRESSION 14. It is a disorder that negatively affects how you think, act and feel. also
decreases people’s ability to function mainly at work, school, and at home.

EXTROVERT15. It describes as on aspect of a personality dimension that is characterized by an

outgoing and expressive pattern of behavior and social interaction.


1. How would you summarize The BIG 5 TRAITS Model of Personality Theory?
The Big 5 Traits Model of Personality Theory which are also known as the Five-Factor Model, is a
personality theory that says that personality is composed of five core factors known as the
OCEAN which stands for openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and
neuroticism. These five core factors are the traits of personality that a person may have.


The Kohlberg’s 6 Stages of Moral Development is divided into six different stages: The
Obedience and punishment; Individualism and exchange; developing good interpersonal
relationships; maintaining social order; social contract and individual rights; and lastly the
Universal Principles. This theory of personality development is centered on the growth of a
moral thought of a person. The theory believes that the moral development of the person
depends on how this different of their life are met or fulfilled.

3. Upon knowing the four great topics presented by four groups in our Midterm period what is
your takeaway,
What is the best lesson you’ve learn that can be applied as your life time learning(s)?

My takeaway upon knowing the four great topics that was presented and discussed by four
groups in our Midterm period is to simply be the real you. Accept and embrace the real you.
Just as what the group 4 says that you don’t have to be someone else so that other people will
going to like or appreciate you because the person who leaves a mark or create an impact in
this world is not those people who pretend to be the person, they are not but those people who
made a difference by simply being themselves. One of the Blessed in the Catholic Church,
Blessed Carlo says, “All are born as originals, but many dies as a photocopy”. We are created by
God to be his original masterpiece but we end up a ourselves to be a photocopy of others due
to the peer pressure that demands conformity to a secular standard largely driven by the media.

The best lesson that I’ve learn from the presentation and discussion that I can be applied as
my life time learning is that it taught me to be more understanding not only on myself why I am
like this but also toward others as well. There are things that we see other people that we think
that we already know them which in fact it is just the superficial of wider and beautiful version
within. Be appreciative and value the different kind of personality and uniqueness of every

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