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Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2YA


Coverage for Final: mhGAP Programme
• Mental Health Global Action Program (mhGAP) - A WHO programme, launched in 2008, to scale up care for
• Public Health Laws MNS disorders.
• Culture, Values and Practices in relation to Health Care of - Asserts that, with proper care, psychosocial assistance and
Individual and Family medication, tens of millions of people could be treated for
• New Technologies Related to Public Health Electronic depression, psychoses, and epilepsy, prevented from suicide,
Information and begin to lead normal lives – even where resources are
• Nursing Core Values as a Community Health Nurse scarce.
- Focus is to increase non-specialist care, including non-
MENTAL HEALTH GAP ACTION specialized health care, to address the unmet needs of people
- Mental health promotion with priority MNS conditions.
Mental Health • Staff not specialized in mental health or neurology:
- Refers to a state of well-being in which the individual realizes o General physicians, family physicians, nurses.
one's own abilities and potentials, scopes adequately with the o First points of contact and outpatient care.
normal stresses of life, displays resilience in the face of o First level referral centers.
extreme life events, works productively and fruitfully, and can o Community health workers. (Local adaptation)
make a positive contribution to the community Context for scaling up community mental health services in the
- No matter what is stress of life kakayanin mo magiging Philippines
resilience ka
• Type a – strict and competitive (possible na laging
nadadala sa gulo)
• Type b – relax
• Type ab – flexible (alam kung saan ilulugar yung ugali
and mga successful)
Mental health gap
- Mental, neurological and substance use (MNS) conditions
account for 13% of the global burden of disease.
• Epilepsy – part of neurologic problem
• Substances: drugs are also affecting are behaviour
- Yet between 75–90% of individuals with MNS conditions do
not receive the treatment they require although effective o Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) have
treatment exists. received increasing attention from public health actors in the
- This represents the mental health treatment gap: past 15 years. Current data indicate that 450 million people
• Hindi nakaka kuha ng treatment kasi mahal. worldwide are suffering from mental health or behavioral
• In the family they not knowledgeable enough about the disorders. In recent years, the public health focus has been on
condition of mental illness (sasabihin nila nag dadrama the burden caused by the disease rather
• Stigma – parating naiisip na sila lagi nasisisi or ayaw % RHUs with staff trained on mhGAP in the Philippines
sakanila. (As of May 15, 2017)
• Maliit lang ang percentage ng mga nagta-trabaho sa % RHUs, cities +
Regional Remarks
mental health field municipalities
Ilocos Norte, Pangasinan,
Region 1 Data not available
La Union
Region 2 Data not available Batanes, Cagayan Valley
Region 3 24% (28/116)
Region 4A 43% (62/143)
Region 4B 92% (67/73)
Region 5 Data not available Camarines Sur, Albay
Region 6 80% (109/136)
Region 7 Data not available Estimated 70%
Region 8 100% (143/143)
Region 9 Data not available Zamboanga City
o May risk sa pagtatrabaho dito – pwede tayong saktan nila Region 10 Data not available Cagayan de Oro
o Proper way how to deal with them: Region 11 Data not available All provinces covered
• Pag sya ay very violent, wag kang haharap saknya, Region 12 56% (27/50)
kailangan nasa gilid ka lang. (iniisip kasi nila kaaway nila Region 13 Data not available
ung kaharap nila)
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CAR 91% (70/77) - Patience, trust, and a good relationship with the person is
ARMM 34% (40/118) Tawitawi, Lanao del Sur essential to identifying depression. Use effective
NCR Data not available communication skills to understand what is happening to them
o The table shows the percent of municipalities and cities where - Contributing factors:
a rural health unit or a city health office has a doctor and/or • Biological
nurse trained on the identification, assessment, and • Social – nawalan ng trabaho, dito pumapasok yung mga
management of persons with MNS conditions through the stress point
mhGAP. This means that persons with MNS disorders can • Psychological
now seek consultation at the rural health unit or city health - For example, explain that people who have gone through
office. adverse life events (unemployment, bereavement,
o In places where data is not available, the provinces where psychological trauma) are likely to develop depression.
mhGAP training has been conducted are indicated. However, - Their depression can, in turn, lead to the person experiencing
we do not have the data of exact number of primary care more stress and dysfunction (such as social isolation,
personnel trained. indecisiveness, fatigue, irritability, aches and pains), thus
o This is an important development because in places where worsening the person’s life situation and the depression itself.
there are no specialists, guidance designates, or guidance - Biological factors may contribute to a person developing
counselors can refer to primary care doctors. depression, such as a person with a family history of
mhGAP Priority Health Conditions - Depression is the length of time that a person experiences the
1) Depression (DEP) symptoms is one of the distinctions between depression and
2) Psychoses (PSY) general low mood.
3) Epilepsy (EPI) - When identifying depression, it is important to consider both:
4) Child and adolescent mental and behavioral disorders (CMH)
• The duration of the symptoms – symptoms must be
5) Dementia (DEM)
present for at least two weeks.
6) Disorders due to substance use (SUB)
7) Self-harm/suicide (SUI) • The effect on daily functioning.
8) Other significant mental health complaints (OTH) - Low mood is normal and transient; many people can
Seven good reasons for integrating mental health into non- experience low mood from time to time. Depression lasts
specialized health care longer and has a profound impact on a person’s ability to
1) Burden of mental disorders is great. function in everyday life.
2) Mental and physical health problems are interwoven.
3) The treatment gap for mental disorders is enormous.
4) Enhance access to mental health care.
5) Promote respect of human rights.
6) It is affordable and cost-effective.
7) Generates good health outcomes.

Overview of Priority MNS Conditions

- Core symptoms of depression:
• Persistent depressed mood.
• Markedly diminished interest in or pleasure from
activities that used to be interesting and pleasurable.
- Common presentations of depression:
• Multiple persistent physical symptoms with no clear cause
• Low energy
• Fatigue o The prevalence rates stated in the slide: It is estimated that
• Sleep problems (sleeping too much or too little) more than 322 million people worldwide suffer from
• Anxiety depression, resulting in a prevalence rate of 4.4% in the
• Significant change in appetite or weight (gain or loss) general community and accounting for 10–20% of people who
• Beliefs of worthlessness attend primary health-care clinics.
• Excessive guilt o There is at least a 10% prevalence rate of depression amongst
• Indecisiveness women who have given birth. This is called post-partum
• Restlessness/agitation depression
• Hopelessness Prevalence of depression in people with physical diseases
• Suicidal thoughts and acts (Philippines)
- Depression may not always be obvious - Depression among the medically ill is 31%; anxiety, 36%
- The person often does not know about their condition. (Batar MI. Prevalence of depression and anxiety among the
- It is not always necessary to use the term depression to explain medically ill in selected out-patient clinics in the Philippines.
what they are experiencing; rather use their own words and 2013)
their own descriptions to make it easier for them. - With COPD: 31.37% (Sue Kimberly M. Tan et al., 2015)
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- With cancer: 22% (Que JC et al., 2013) - After the convulsion: fatigue, drowsiness, sleepiness,
- With lung TB: 16.8% (Masumoto S, 2014) confusion, abnormal behavior, headache, muscle ache,
Average prevalence of depression in people with physical weakness on one part of the body.
diseases (70 countries)

Child & Adolescent Mental & Behavior Disorder (CMH)

- Child/Adolescent Being Seen for Physical Complaints or a
General Health Assessment of:
• Problem with development, emotion or behavior (e.g.
inattention, over-activity, repeated defiant, disobedient or
aggressive behavior)
• Risk factors such as malnutrition, abuse & / or neglect,
frequent illness, chronic disease (e.g. HIV/AIDS or
• Relationship between depression and physical health is history of difficulty birth)
particularly important to focus on in nonspecialized health - Career with Concern about Child/Adolescent:
settings. • Difficulty keeping up with peers or carrying out activity
• Physical conditions can often manifest themselves first, and, if considered normal for age
health-care providers only focus on the physical symptoms, • Behavior (eg. Too active, aggressive, having frequent & /
the real cause of the problem may go undetected. or severe tantrums, wanting to be alone too much,
• Findings on the slide. the prevalence of: Co-occurring refusing to do regular activity or go to school
conditions such as diabetes, TB, HIV/AIDS, cancer, - Teachers with Concerns About Child Adolescent
hypertension, myocardial infarction. • Easily distracted, disruptive in class, often getting into
• Research has also shown that depression can: Predispose trouble, difficulty completing schoolwork
people to other conditions, e.g., myocardial infarctions. - Community Health or Social Health Worker w/ Concern about
• Depression can also reduce adherence to treatment for chronic Child Adolescent:
diseases including HIV and TB. • Rule or law-breaking behavior, physical aggression at
Strategies to Reduce Stress home or in school.
• You can use effective communication skills to deliver Dementia
psychosocial interventions to everyone with depression - Para sa mga matatanda (nananakit, maikli ang pasensya)
including: - Decline or problem with memory (severe forgetfulness) and
- Psychoeducation for the person and their career/ family. orientation (awareness of time, pace and person
- Strategies to reduce stress and strengthen social support. - Mood or behavior problems such as apathy (appearing
- Promoting functioning in daily activities. uninterested or irritability)
• May people with depression benefit from brief psychological - Loss of emotional control (easily upset, irritable or tearful)
interventions if available. - Difficulty in carrying out usual work, domestic or social
• Many people with depression benefit from being prescribed activities
antidepressants that need to be continued at least 9-12 months
after the resolution of symptoms. Disorder Due to Substance Use
• Special populations to consider are children, adolescents and - Appearing affected by alcohol/other substance (e.g.) smell of
women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. alcohol, slurred speech, sedated, erratic behavior
- S/s: acute behavioral effects, withdrawal features or effects of
Psychoses prolonged use
- Marked behavioral disturbances neglecting usual - Deterioration of social functioning (i.e., difficulties at work or
responsibilities related to work, school, domestic and other home, unkempt appearance)
social responsibilities - Signs of chronic liver disease (abdominal liver enzymes)
- Agitated, aggressive behavior; decreased or increased jaundiced (yellow) skin & eyes, palpable & tender liver edge
- Fixed false belief that is not shared by others in the pt / client’s (in early liver disease), ascites (distended abdomen is filled
culture with fluid, spider nevus (spider-like blood vessels visible on
- Hearing voices, seeing things that are not there. (makikita the surface of the skin) & altered mental status (hepatic
natin sakanila, laging gumagalaw ung bibig nila) encephalopathy).
- Lack of realization that he / she is having mental health - Problems with balance, walking, coordinated movements and
problem nystagmus
- NOTE: All persons presenting to health care facilities should
be there asked about their tobacco & alcohol use
- Convulsive movement or fits / seizures
- Incidental findings, macrocytic anemia, low platelet counts
- During the convulsion: lack of consciousness or impaired
elevated mean corpuscular volume (MCV)
consciousness, stiffness, rigidity, tongue bite, incontinence of
- Emergency presentation due to substance withdrawal,
urine / feces, injury
overdose, or intoxication. Person may appear sedated,
overstimulated, agitated, anxious or confused

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- Persons with disorder due to substance use may not report any
problems with substance use. Look for:
• Recurrent request for psychoactive medications including
• Injuries
• Infections associated with intravenous drug use (HIV/AIS,
Hepatitis C)

Self – Harm/ Suicide

- Extreme hopelessness and despair
- Current thoughts, plan or act of suicide or history of thought
Emergency presentation Condition to consider
Act of self-harm with signs of
poisoning or intoxication, bleeding
Medically serious act of
from self-inflicted wound, loss of
consciousness and/ or extreme
EX. Integration of Mental Health into the Educational System. -
current thoughts, plan, or act of ensure integration of mental health into the educational system, as
self-harm or suicide, or history of follows:
thoughts, plan, or act of self-harm Imminent risk of self- • Age-appropriate content pertaining to mental health
or suicide in a person who is harm/ suicide integrated into curriculum at all educational levels; and
extremely agitated, violent, • Psychiatry and neurology shall be required subjects in all
distressed or lacks communication. medical and allied health courses, including post-graduate
Acute of convulsion with loss of courses in health.
consciousness or impaired Epilepsy
consciousness Mental Health Services
Continuous convulsion Status epilepticus Mental Health Services at the Community Level
Agitated and/ or aggressive - Responsive primary mental health services shall be developed
behavior & integrated as part of the basic health services at appropriate
Smell of alcohol on the breath level of care, particularly at the city, municipal, & barangay
slurred speech uninhibited level.
behavior; disturbance in the level Acute alcohol intoxication - Every local government unit (LGU) and academic institution
of consciousness, cognition, shall: create own program in accordance with the general
perception, affect or behavior. guidelines set by the Philippine Council for Mental Health
Tremor in hands, sweating, Community-based Mental Health Care Facilities
vomiting, increased pulse and BP, Alcohol withdrawal / - National goverment through DOH shall fund establishment,
agitation, headache, nausea, alcohol withdrawal assist in operation of community-based mental health care
anxiety; seizure and confusion in delirium facilities in provinces, cities & cluster of municipalities in
severe cases. entire country based on needs of population, to provide mental
Unresponsive or minimally health care services, & enhance rights-based approach to
Sedative overdose or
responsive, slow respiratory rate, mental health care
pinpoint pupils. - Each community-based mental health care facility shall have:
Dilated pupils, excited, racing • Adequate room, office, or clinic
throughts, disordered thinking, • Complement mental health professionals, allied
strange behavior, recent use of professionals, support staff, trained barangay health
Acute stimulant
cocaine or other stimulants, workers (BHWs) volunteer, family members of patients or
intoxication or overdose
increased pulse and BP, service users
aggressive, erratic or violent • Basic equipment, supplies, adequate stock of medicines
behavior appropriate at that level.

R.A 11036 – the Philippine Mental Health Act

- An Act Establishing a national mental health policy
for the purpose of enhancing the delivery of integrated mental
health services, promoting and protecting the rights of persons
utilizing psychiatric, neurological and psychosocial health
services, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes.

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Essential care and practice

Primary health care

- Community Mental Health Services – can be provided in day

centers, rehabilitation services, hospital diversion programs,
mobile crisis team, therapeutic and residential supervised
services, group homes, assistance to families and other support General Principles
service. A. Use effective communication skills
B. Promote respect and dignity
Mental Health Professional - These principles AIM to promote respect for the privacy
- Refers to a medical doctor, psychologist, nurse, social worker of people seeking care for MNS conditions, foster good
or any other appropriately trained and qualified person with relationships between health-care providers, service users
specific skills relevant to the provision of mental health and their careers and ensure that care is provided in a non-
services. judgmental, non-stigmatizing and supportive environment.
Capacity Building of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs) Essential Clinical of Health Mental Practice
- DOH is responsible for disseminating info & provide training A. Assess physical health
programs to LGUs. B. Conduct a MNS assessment
- LGUs with technical assistance from DOH is responsible for C. Manage MNS conditions
training of BHWs & barangay volunteers on promotion of
mental health. PUBLIC HEALTH LAW
- DOH will aid LGUs with medical supplies, equipment needed The Scope of Public Health Law
by BHWs to carry out their functions effectively. - Public health nurses must practice within the scope of public
Upgrading of Local Hospitals & Health Care Facilities health law as defined by their respective state.
- LGU – establish or upgrade hospitals & facilities to be able to - Public health law typically includes certain public health
provide mental health services & to address psychiatric interventions of a legal nature.
- Those in GIDA shall have same level of access & shall not be R.A. 7160 Local Government Code
neglected – home visits or mobile health care clinic - Devolution of powers, functions, and responsibilities to the
Voluntary Submission of Drug Dependent to Confinement, local government both rural & urban.
treatment & Rehabilitation - The Code aims to transform LGU into self- reliant
- Persons who avail of voluntary submission provision & communities & active partners in attainment of national goals
persons shall undergo examination for mental health thru’ more responsive & accountable local government
conditions. if found to have mental health conditions, shall be structure instituted
covered by the provision of this Act. - System of decentralization
Creation of DOH Mental Health Division. • DOH handles tertiary hospitals
- Creation of Mental Health Division in DOH, under Disease • Governor handles district and provincial hospital
Prevention & Control Bureau • Mayor handles health center.
- Staffed by qualified mental health specialists - Composition of LHB: Provincial Level
- It shall implement the National Mental Health Program 1) Governor- chair
2) Provincial Health Officer – vice chairman
3) Chairman, Committee on Health of Sangguniang
4) DOH representative
5) NGO representative
- Composition of LHB: City and Municipal Level
1) Mayor – chair
2) MHO – vice chair (pinakamataas na doctor sa health
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3) Chairman, Committee on Health of Sangguniang Bayan • Possession of Equipment, Instrument, Apparatus and Other
4) DOH representative Paraphernalia for Dangerous Drugs During Parties, Social
5) NGO representative (Depende kung sino i-invite nila as Gatherings or Meetings.
representative, Ex. Senior citizen, kabataan) • Use of Dangerous Drugs
- Effective Local Health System Depends on: • Cultivation or Culture of Plants Classified as Dangerous Drugs
1) The LGU’s financial capability (some mayor may be or are Sources Thereof.
operating a specific service while the others not) • Maintenance and Keeping of Original Records of Transactions
2) A dynamic and responsive political leadership on Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and
3) Community empowerment Essential Chemicals.
- Hence, each province, city and municipality have a Local • Unnecessary/ unlawful Prescription of Dangerous Drugs and
Health Board (LHB) which is mandated to propose annual others
budgetary allocations for the operation and maintenance of
their own health facilities. P.D. No. 651
- Requires all health workers shall identify & encourage
R.A. 2382 Philippine Medical Act. registration of all births within 30 days following delivery.
- The practice of medicine in the country. - Kung sino nagpaanak saknya, sya magaasikaso ng birth
- Objectives – This Act provides for and shall govern certificate.
standardization and regulation of medical education. - All babies born in hospitals, maternity clinics, private homes,
- Examination for registration of physicians; and or elsewhere w/in prd starting from January 1, 1974, up to date
- Supervision, control, and regulation of the practice of when this becomes effective, irrespective of the nationality,
medicine in the Philippines. race, culture, religion or belief of parents, whether mo. is
R.A. 1082 Rural Health Act. permanent resident or transient in Philippines, & whose births
- Created the 1st 81 Rural Health Units. have not yet been registered must be reported for registration
- Amended by RA 1891; more physicians, dentists, nurses, in the office of local civil registrar of place of birth by
midwives, and sanitary inspectors will live in the rural areas physician, nurse, midwife, hilot, or hospital or clinic
where they are assigned to raise the health conditions of barrio administrator who attended the birth or in default thereof, by
people, hence help decrease the high incidence of preventable either parent or resp. member of family or relative, or any
diseases. person who has knowledge of birth of individual child.
- kung saan ka naka distino na area doon ka din maninirahan - Example: si nanay nanganak sa caloocan, nakatira si nanay sa
Valenzuela, pagkapanganak nya sa caloocan, lumipat na sila
R.A. 6425 Dangerous Drugs Act sa Pampanga. Saan mag paparehistro si nanay? = Caloocan
- Sale, administration, delivery, distribution and transportation
of prohibited drugs is punishable by law. P.D. No. 996
- Under this Act, Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) remains as the - Requires the compulsory immunization of all children below 8
policymaking and strategy-formulating body in planning and yrs. of age against the 6 childhood immunizable diseases.
formulation of policies and program on drug prevention and - Expanded Program on Immunization
control. R.A. 8749 – Clean Air Act of 2000
- under President Estrada - known as Philippine Clean Air Act, is a comprehensive air
R.A. 9165 New Dangerous Drug Act of 2002 quality management policy and prog. which aims to achieve &
- Comprehensive dangerous drugs act maintain healthy air for all Filipinos.
- It is the policy of the State to safeguard integrity of its territory R.A. 10152
& well-being of citizenry particularly youth, from harmful - Providing for mandatory basic immunization services for
effects of dangerous drugs on physical/ mental well-being, to infants & children, repealing for the purpose of presidential
defend against acts or omissions detrimental to development decree no. 996, as amended
&preservation. - Mandatory Infants and Children Health Immunization Act
- State needs to enhance further the efficacy of law against - Penta-Hib
dangerous drugs, it being one of today's more serious social - MMR
Unlawful P.D. No. 825
• Importation of Dangerous Drugs and/or Controlled Precursors - Provides penalty for improper disposal of garbage.
and Essential Chemicals.
• Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, P.D. No. 856 – Code on Sanitation
Distribution and Transportation of Dangerous Drugs and/or - Provides for control of all factors in man’s environment that
Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals. affect health including quality of water, food, milk, insects,
animal carriers, transmitters of disease, sanitary & recreation
• Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort.
facilities, noise, pollution & control of nuisance
• Possession of Dangerous Drugs – nilalagay sa mga teddy bear
saka eshi ship sa iba’t-ibang bansa or di kaya sinasama sa mga R. A. 8749 – Clean Air Act of 2000
gatas - A comprehensive air quality management policy and program
• Possession of Dangerous Drugs During Parties, Social which aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for all
Gatherings or Meetings Filipinos.

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R.A 6758 family planning program, who shall perform family planning
Compensation and Position Classification Act of 1989 duties in addition to their regular duties.
- Standardizes the salary of government employees including - Private entities or individual duly accredited by Commission
nursing personnel. on Population engaged in family planning activities may also
- State to provide equal pay for substantially equal work and to be impressed into service.
base differences in pay upon substantive differences in duties
& resp, & qualification requirement of the positions. In, due P.D. NO. 79 National Policy on Population, creating
regard shall be given to, among others, prevailing rates in the Commission on Population
private sector for comparable work. - Defines, objectives, duties, and functions of POPCOM
- Ang tinutukoy ng popcom ay teenage pregnancy.
R.A. 6675 – Generics Act of 1988 - Govt. declares for purpose of furthering national development,
- Promotes, requires, ensures production of adequate supply, increasing share of each Filipino in fruits of economic
distribution, use, acceptance of drugs & medicines identified progress & meeting grave social & economic challenge of
by their generic name. high rate of population growth, a national program of family
planning involving both public and private sectors which
R.A. 6713 – Code of Conduct and Ethical respect the religious beliefs and values of the individuals
- Standards of Public Officials and Employees involved shall be undertaken.
- Policy of state to promote high standards of ethics in public
office. RA 4073 – Liberalizing the Treatment of Leprosy
- Public officials & employees shall always - accountable to - Advocates home treatment for leprosy. (nakakahawa ito)
people, discharges duties w/utmost resp., integrity, - Persons afflicted with leprosy not to be segregated.
competence & loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead - Except when certified by Secretary of Health or his authorized
modest lives uphold public interest over personal interest. representatives that the stage of disease requires institutional
treatment, no persons afflicted with leprosy shall be confined
R.A. 7305 – Magna Carta for Public Health Workers in a leprosarium
- Aims to promote, improve social, economic well-being of
health workers, living/ working cond. & terms of employment; Letter of Instruction No. 949
to develop skills & capabilities in order that they will be more - Legal basis of PHC dated OCT. 19, 1979
responsive & better equipped to deliver health projects & - Promotes development of health programs on the community
programs; and encourage those w/proper qualifications & level
excellent abilities to join & remain in govt. service.
A.O. No. 2005-0014 – National Policies on Infant and Young
R.A. 7277 – Magna Carta for PWD’s Child Feeding:
- Provides their rehabilitation, self-development and self- - All newborns be breastfeed w/in 1 hr after birth
reliance and integration into the mainstream of society - Be exclusively breastfeed for 6 mons.
- Kailangan pa din natin sila tulungan. Hal. Bigyan ng chance to - Given timely, adequate & safe complementary foods
work like computerized works ganun we want to improve their - Breastfeeding be continued up to 2 yrs. & beyond
social condition kaya bawal na silang e kulong lang sa bahay
EO 51- Phil. Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes
R.A. 8423 - The Code applies to the marketing, & practices related to the
- Created the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative ff. products:
Health Care • Breastmilk substitutes, infant formula; other milk
- Connected with the herbal medicine. products, foods & beverages, including bottle-fed
- Policy of State to improve quality and delivery of health care complementary foods,
services to Filipino people through development of traditional • when marketed or represented to be suitable, w/ or w/o
& alternative health care & integration into the national health modification, for use as a partial or total replacement of
care delivery system. breastmilk, feeding bottles & teats.
- State to seek legally workable basis by w/c indigenous • Also applies to their quality &availability, & to info.
societies would own their knowledge of traditional medicine. concerning their use.
When knowledge is used by outsiders, the indigenous societies
can require permitted users to acknowledge its source & R.A. 7600 – Rooming in and Breastfeeding Act of 1992
demand a share of any financial return that may come from its - Standard procedures to be followed for rooming-in &
authorized commercial use. breastfeeding in all private & govt. health institutions.
- provisions are made for complicated births. The right of the
P.D. No. 965 mother to breastfeed & right of infant to receive breast milk is
Decree Requiring Applicant for Marriage License to Receive expressed, mothers may exercise their right to bottle feed after
Instructions on Family Planning & Responsible Parenthood being fully informed of benefits of breastfeeding & by
- Requires applicants for marriage license to receive instructions expressing their intention to formula feed in writing.
on family planning and responsible parenthood.
- Created in every city & municipality an Office of Family
Planning to be headed by the city or municipal health officer.
- Assisted by city or rural health nurse, members of city /RHU,
& other personnel from the diff. agencies of govt involved in

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R.A. 8976 – Food Fortification Law - Collect service fees not greater than prescribed by
Objectives: DOH; limited to expenses in collecting, processing of
1) To provide basis for the need for a fortification program blood.
in the Philippines: The Micronutrient Malnutrition - Blood collected from healthy voluntary donors only.
Problem food • Walking blood donors – in areas where there may be
2) To discuss various types fortification of food strategies inadequate blood banking facilities, the walking blood
3) To provide an update on the current situation of food donor concept shall be encouraged. RHU, BRGY. GOVT
fortification in the Philippines HOSP – always keep list of qualified voluntary blood
donors with blood typing.
• Promotion in school – benefits of voluntary blood
donation require.
• Professional education – DOH, professional organization.
Example: PNA are encouraged to conduct for their
respective members; part of continuing education, training
on rational use of blood/ blood products; plus, the merits
of voluntary blood donation.
• Establishment of blood services network – established
in every province, city nationwide headed by DOH,
coordinated with PNRC. Collection of blood in
community (schools, business enterprises, brgy, military

A.O. No. 2006- 0015 Proclamation No. 1021

- Defines the Implementing guidelines on Hepatitis B - Annual celebration of World Blood Donor Day every 14th of
Immunization for Infants June
- Included HBV vaccination in its Expanded Program of - July of every year is “Blood Donors Month” by former
Immunization (EPI) since 2006 President Fidel V. Ramos
- To acknowledge blood donors of their noble act of saving
R.A. 7846 lives through their gift of blood.
- Mandates Compulsory Hepatitis B Immunization among - National Voluntary Blood Services Program (NVBSP) Blood
infants and children less than 8 yrs old. Donation
- You can donate blood if you…
R.A. 2029 • Are in good health
- Mandates Liver Cancer and Hepatitis B Awareness Month Act • Are between 16- 65 years old (16-17 need parent consent)
(February Heart Month). • Weigh at least 110 pounds
• Have a blood pressure between systolic 90-160 mmHg,
A.O. No. 2006-0012 Diastolic: 60-100 mmHg; and
- Specifies the Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of
• Pass the physical and health history assessment.
E.O. 51 or Milk Code, Relevant International Agreements, Blood Donation
Penalizing Violations thereof and for other purposes. Will donating blood make a person weak?
- No, it will not make you weak. Donating 450cc will not cause
CHN LAWS any ill effects or weakness. The human body has the capacity
Republic Act No. 7719 to compensate with the new fluid volume. Further, the bone
National Blood Services Act of 1994
marrow is stimulated to produce new blood cells which in turn
- Promotes voluntary blood donation to provide sufficient makes the blood forming organs function more effectively.
supply of safe blood and to regulate blood banks. Can a person who has tattoo or body piercing still donate
- This act aims to inculcate public awareness that blood blood?
donation is a humanitarian act. - If the tattooing procedure or the piercing was done a year ago,
- Regulation of Blood Sciences – Unlawful to establish, operate
he/she may donate. This is also applicable to acupuncture, and
a blood bank/center unless registered/licensed by DOH
other procedures involving needles.
- In emergencies, blood collection, transfusion under How long will it take to donate blood?
responsibility of physician is allowed in hospital w/o such - whole process of blood donation, from the registration up to
license the recovery, takes an average of 30 minutes.
- Phase-out of Commercial Blood Banks - The blood extraction will take about 5-10 minutes. The blood
- Upgrading of Services and Facilities. – All blood banks/
volume will start replenishing within 24 hours. Theoretically,
centers shall provide preventive health services - education, by the end of the month, the body will have the blood status
counselling on blood transfusion transmissible diseases. before the blood donation.
- hospital etc. to establish voluntary blood donation programs. Will I contract disease through blood donation?
• Non-profit operation - No, we use sterile, disposable needles and syringes.
- Blood banks/ centers shall operate on non-profit basis. • Blood bank/center – lab/institution with capability to recruit,
screen blood donors, collect, process, store, transport & issue

J.A.K.E 8 of 20

blood for transfusion & provide information education on Child sexual abuse
blood transfusion transmissible diseases. - It is the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement,
• Blood collection unit – institution/facility authorized by DOH or coercion of child to engage in, or assist another person to
to recruit and screen donors and collect blood. engage in sexual intercourse or lasciviousness conduct or the
• Voluntary blood donor – one who donates blood on one’s molestation or prostitution of, or the commission of incestuous
own volition or initiative and without monetary compensation. acts, on, a child.
• Blood transfusion transmissible diseases – diseases which Child exploitation
may be transmitted as a result of blood transfusion, including - It is hiring, employment, persuasion, inducement, or coercion
AIDS, Hepatitis-B, Malaria and Syphilis of child to perform in obscene exhibitions and incident shows,
whether live on video or film, or to pose or act as a model in
R.A 7610 obscene or pornographic materials, or to sell or distribute said
- An act providing for stronger deterrence and special protection materials.
against child abuse, exploitation, and discrimination,
providing penalties for its violation and for other purposes. Republic Act No. 9208 “The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of
- “Social Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation, 2003
and Discrimination Act.” Trafficking in Persons
• It is hereby declared to be the policy of the state to a) Recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of
provide special protection to children from all firms of persons
abuse, neglect, cruelty exploitation, and discrimination, • With or without consent or knowledge
and other conditions, prejudicial their development. • Within or across national borders
• Provide sanctions for their commission and carry out a b) The recruitment, transportation, transfer involves:
program for prevention and deterrence of and crisis • Threat or use of force
intervention in situations of child abuse, exploitation, and • Fraud or deceit
discrimination. • Violence
• The stae shall intervene on behalf of the child when the • Coercion
parent, guardian, teacher, or person having care or • Intimidation
custody of the child fails or is unable to protect the child • Abuse of power or of position
against abuse, exploitation and discrimination or when • Taking advantage of the vulnerability of a person
such acts against the child are committed by the said • The giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve
parent, guardian, teacher or person having care and the consent of a person having control over another
custody of the same. person.
• Shall be the policy of the State to protect and rehabilitate c) The recruitment, harboring, transportation, or receipt of a
children gravely threatened or endangered by person is for the purpose of:
circumstances which affect or will affect their survival • Prostitution
and normal development and over which they have no • Other forms of sexual exploitation
control. • Forced labor or services
- Child who is below 18 y/o or one who is over 18 y/o but who
• Slavery/ servitude
cannot take care of himself fully because of: physical or
• Removal and sale of organs
mental disability or condition.
Child abuse
Trafficking in persons Human smuggling
- is any act which inflicts physical or psychological injury,
cruelty to or the neglect, sexual abuse of, or which exploits, a • Usually involves coercion
• Usually does n at involve
child. • Characterized by
- Cruelty is word or action that degrades or demeans dignity of subsequent exploitation
• Character1ized by facilitating,
child as a human being. after the illegal entry of a
for a fee, the illegal entry of a
Is discipline administered by a parent or legal guardian on a person into a foreign
person into a foreign country
child considered cruelty? country
• Considered a migration
- No, if it is reasonably administered & moderate in degree and • Considered a human
does not cause physical or psychological injury. rights issue
What physical injury is considered as child abuse?
- Causes severe injury or serious bodily harm to child, ex What acts constitute qualified trafficking?
lacerations, fractured bones, burns or internal injuries. • When the trafficked person is a child
What psychological injury is considered as child abuse? • When adoption is affected through RA 8043 for the purpose of
- Harms child's psychological or intellectual functions. trafficking
Exhibited by severe anxiety, depression, withdrawal or • When crime is committed by a syndicate or in a large scale.
outward aggressive behavior or combination • When the offender is an ascendant, parent, sibling, guardian,
Child neglect or a person who exercises authority over a trafficked person or
- Failure of parent/guardian to provide, for reasons other than when offense is committed by a public officer or employee
poverty, adequate food, clothing, shelter, basic education, or Qualified Trafficking in persons
medical care; seriously endanger physical, mental, social and • When the trafficked person is recruited to engage in
emotional growth, development of child. prostitution with any member of the military

J.A.K.E 9 of 20

• When the offender is a member of the military or law products to be sold/distributed to or purchased by persons
enforcement agencies under 18 years of age”
• When the trafficked person dies, becomes insane, suffers
mutilation, or is afflicted with HIV-AIDS. R.A. 10643 Graphic Health Warnings Law
Who are criminally liable for trafficking in persons? - Regulate packaging and labeling of tobacco products.
- Any person, natural or juridical, who commits any offense - Graphic Health Warnings – refer to the photographic image
under R.A. 9208 may be punished for trafficking acts. printed on the tobacco product package which accurately
depicts the hazards of tobacco use and is accompanied by
Before R.A. 9255 textual warning related to the picture.
- Took effect, an illegitimate child shall carry its mother’s last Children's Emergency Relief & Protection Act of 2016
name (while the middle name field is left blank) until the (R.A. No. 10821)
biological parents marry and the child is subsequently - Mandates the provision of emergency relief and protection for
legitimated. With the amendment of Article176 (of R.A.209), children before, during, and after disaster and other emergency
single mothers (and fathers) now have the option to have the situations.
child carry the biological father’s last name in their birth - priority is the children when it comes to any disasters
- This Revised IRR shall apply to all illegitimate children born Children's Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015 (Republic Act
on or after 19 March 2004, the effectivity of R.A. No. 9255. 10666)
This includes all unregistered births and registered births - Not be allowed to drive a motorcycle with a small child on
under the surname of the mother. board.
- If an illegitimate child, carrying his mother’s maiden last name, - Preventive approach will secure the safety of passengers,
wants to start using his father’s last name, he needs to execute especially children.
a document, private or public, where he is recognized by his Children’s Safety on Motorcycles Act of 2015
father as his child - Children are banned from riding motorcycles unless they can
comfortably reach the foot peg, wrap their arms around the
Presidential Decree No. 603 Dec 10, 1974 driver, and wear a protective helmet
THE CHILD AND YOUTH WELFARE CODE 1) Dapat nakasuot ng standard protectice helmet ang bata
Rights of the child 2) Ang kamay ng bata ay dapat abot ng bewang ng
1) Every child is endowed with the dignity and worth of a human motorcycle driver
being 3) Dapat abot ng bata ang motorcycle foot peg
2) Every child has the right to a wholesome family life that will
provide him with love, etc. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law of 2012
3) Right to well-rounded development of his personality to the (Republic Act No. 10354)
end that he may become happy etc. - A is a law in the Philippines, which guarantees universal
4) Right to balanced diet, adequate clothing, sufficient shelter, access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual
proper medical attention, etc. education, and maternal care.
5) Right to be brought up in an atmosphere of morality - Responsible parenthood refers to the will and ability of a
6) Right to an education parent to respond to the needs and aspirations of the family
7) Right to full opportunities for safe & wholesome recreation & and children.
activities - A shared responsibility between parents
8) Right to protection against exploitation, improper influences, - Desired number of children, spacing and timing of their
hazards children
9) Right to live in community, society that offer environment free - Reproductive Health (RH) refers to the state of complete
from pernicious influences physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the
10) Right to care, assistance, protection of State, particularly when absence of disease or infirmity, in all matters relating to the
parents or guardians fail or are unable to provide him reproductive system and to its functions and processes.
11) Right to efficient & honest govt that will deepen his faith in
democracy Disaster Risk Reduction Management
12) Right to grow up as free individual, in atmosphere of peace, R.A 10121: The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
understanding, tolerance, universal brotherhood, and with Management Act of 2010
determination to contribute his share in building of a better • Salient Points RA 10121
world • Section 12: Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Office (LDRRMO)
Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 ( RA 9211) • There shall be established LDRRMO in every province, city
- law regulating smoking in public places, tobacco advertising, and municipality, and a barangay disaster risk reduction and
promotion & sponsorship, sales restrictions, among other management committee (BRRRMC) in every barangay
- Minimum Age Sales - unlawful if minor Sale of Tobacco Paradigm Shift
Products Within School Perimeters. – is prohibited w/in 100 P.D 1565
meters - top down and centralized disaster management
- Signage – “Sale/distribution to or purchase by minors of - disasters as merely a function of physical hazards
Tobacco product is unlawful” or “It is lawful for tobacco - focus on disaster response and anticipation

J.A.K.E 10 of 20

R.A 10121 - “An act granting mandatory national health insurance program
- bottom-up and particularly disaster risk reduction of PhilHealth for all senior citizens”.
- disaster mainly a reflection of people’s vulnerability
- integrated approach to genuine social and human development Laws on Notifiable Disease / R.A. 3573
to reduce disaster risk - Law on Reporting Communicable Disease
- Notifiable disease refers to a disease that, by legal
Violence Against Women requirements, must be reported to the public health authorities
Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004 Cerebrospinal fever Typhoid/ enteric fever
Republic Act 9262
Chicken pox Tuberculosis
- Violence against women & their children
Diphtheria Infectious hepatitis
- refers to any act or series of acts committed by any person
Leprosy Epidemic influenza
against woman who is his wife, former wife, or against a
Cholera Whooping cough
woman with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating
Measles Virus encephalitis
relationship, or with whom he has a common child, or against
her child whether legitimate or illegitimate, within or without Plague Hemorrhagic fever
the family abode, which result in or is likely to result in Rabies Malaria
physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering, or economic Scarlet fever Tetanus
abuse including threats of such acts, battery, assault, coercion, Smallpox Poliomyelitis
harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. Dengue AIDS
- Paglapatan lang ng kamay ang bata or yung asawa pwede ng Ministry Circular No. 2 of 1986
ipa barangay para malakad at mag take ng action ang Law na - includes AIDS as notifiable disease
ito R.A. 11332
- Forms of Violence: Physical, Sexual, Psychological - Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health
Events of Public Concern
Act on Cheaper Medicine - Establishment of Epidemiology and. Surveillance Units.
(R.A. 9502 of 2008, the Cheaper Medicines Act) - Public health emergency refers to an occurrence or imminent
- intended to achieve universally accessible & cheaper, quality threat of an illness or health condition that
medicines by pursuing an effective competition policy in - Declaration of Epidemic or Public Health Emergency –
pharmaceutical sector. Secretary of Health have authority to declare epidemics of
- The President subsequently issued an executive order national and/or international concern
requiring maximum retail prices for a number of drugs. - Provincial, city or municipal health offices may only declare a
- President has also been given the power to impose price disease outbreak within their respective localities -with
ceilings on various drugs based on recommendations from the evidence
Health Secretary National Health Insurance Act (RA NO. 7875)
Seniors Citizen Law - Establishing Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
- Republic Act 7432 – An Act to Maximize the contribution of - Health insurance program for all Filipinos
Senior Citizen to Nation Bldg., Grant benefits & Special - Dependent - The legal dependents of a member are:
Privileges & for other purposes • legitimate spouse who is not a member.
Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003. (RA 9257) • below 21 y/o of age -unmarried & unemployed legitimate,
- An Act Granting Additional Benefits and Privileges to Senior legitimated, illegitimate, acknowledged children as
Citizen Amending for the purpose R.A No. 7432 grant of: appearing in birth certificate; legally adopted or
- 20% discount from all establishments. Ex restaurant stepchildren
- 20%discount on admission fees. Ex. theaters • children 21 y/o or above but suffering from congenital
- exemption from the payment of individual income taxes if disability or disability acquired that is totally dependent
salary below poverty line on member
- exemption from training fees for socioeconomic programs • parents 60 y/o or above w/ monthly income below amt
Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003 determined by PhilHealth
- Grant of: • Benefit Package - Services that the Program offers to its
• free medical. dental service, diagnostic, lab fees etc members
• 20% discount in fare Ex. domestic air, sea - Guiding principles:
• 20% discount in public railways, skyways, bus fare a) Allocation of National Resources for Health – to give
• educational assistance to senior citizens priority to health
• continuance of the same benefits, privileges given by b) Universality – coverage: entire population
• the GSIS, SSS & PAG-IBIG c) Equity – uniform basic benefits
• retirement benefits of retirees regularly review d) Responsiveness – meet needs for personal health services
at various stages of member's life
• special discount as issued by DTI, DA
e) Social Solidarity – Community spirit; Risk sharing among
• express lane
income grps, age grps, & persons w/ diff. health status, &
Republic Act No. 10642 residing in diff. geographic areas
- All senior citizens are mandatorily covered by the Philippine f) Effectiveness – Balance economical use of resources with
Health Insurance Corporation quality of care

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g) Innovation – Adapt to changes in med. tech, health Humoral Balances that Influence Filipino Health Perception
service, health org. etc. • Rapid shifts from “hot” to “cold” lead to illness
h) Devolution – Implemented in consultation w/ LGU; • “Warm” environment is essential for maintaining optimal
policy directions by National Government health
i) Fiduciary Responsibility – provide stewardship, funds, • Cold drinks or cooling foods should be avoided in the morning
management, & maintenance of reserves • An overheated body is vulnerable to disease; a heated body
j) Informed Choice – members choose from accredited can get “shocked”
health care providers • When cooled quickly, it can cause illness
k) Maximum Community Participation – shall build on • A layer of fat maintains warmth, protecting the body’s vital
existing community initiatives for its org. & human energy
resource requests
• Imbalance from worry and overwork create stress and illness
l) Compulsory Coverage – All citizens shall be required to
• Emotional restraint is a key element in restoring balance
enroll in PhilHealth; to avoid selection & social inequity;
• A sense of balance imparts increased body awareness
m) Cost Sharing – ensure costs borne by members are fair,
(Adapted from Becker, 2003)
equitable charges of care providers reasonable
n) Professional Responsibility of Health Care Providers – Health Beliefs and Behaviors: theories of illness
assure health care providers are responsible, accountable Mystical Causes
in all dealings w/ PhilHealth & members - Are often attributed to experiences or behaviors such as
o) Public Health Services – Resp for providing public health ancestral retribution for unfinished tasks or obligations.
services for all groups (women, children, indigenous - Some believe that the soul goes out from the body and
people, displaced communities, etc) wanders, a phenomenon known as Bangungot, or that having
p) Quality of Services – promote improvement of health nightmares after a heavy meal may result in death.
services through quality assurance at all levels of health Naturalistic causes
service delivery. - Include a host of factors ranging from natural forces (thunder,
q) Cost Containment – incorporate features of cost lightning, drafts, etc.) to excessive stress, food and drug
containment in its design & operations incompatibility, infection, or familial susceptibility.
r) Care for the Indigent – govt. shall provide basic package Personalistic causes
of needed personal health services to indigents through - Are associated with social punishment or retribution from
premium subsidy, or through direct service provision until supernatural forces such as evil spirit, witch (Manga ga mud)
such time that the program is fully implemented. or sorcerer (mangkukulam).
- The forces cast these spells on people if they are jealous or
PHILIPPINE CULTURE, VALUES, AND PRACTICES feel disliked. Witch doctors (Herbularyo) or priests are asked
IN RELATION TO HEALTH CARE OF to counteract and cast out these evil forces through the use of
INDIVIDUAL AND FAMILY prayers, incantations, medicinal herbs and plants.
Coping style - For protection the healer may recommend using holy oils, or
- Coping styles is common among elderly Filipino in times of wearing religious objects, amulets, or talismans (anting anting).
illness or crisis include: • Filipino families greatly influence patients’ decisions
• Patience and Endurance (Tiyaga): the ability to tolerate about health care. Patients subjugate personal needs and
uncertain situations. tend to go along with the demands of a more authoritative
• Flexibility (Lakas ng Loob): being respectful and honest family figure in order to maintain group harmony.
with oneself. • Before seeking professional help, Filipino older adults
• Humor (Tatawanan ang problema): the capacity to tend to manage their illnesses by self-monitoring of
laugh at oneself in times of adversity. symptoms, ascertaining possible causes, determining the
• Fatalistic Resignation (Bahala Na): the view that illness severity and threat to functional capacity, and considering
and suffering are the unavoidable and predestined will of the financial and emotional burden to the family.
God, in which the patient, family members and even the
physician should not interfere. Health Beliefs and Behaviors: basic logic of health and illness
- Seeking medical advice from family members or friends who • The basic logic of health and illness consists of prevention
are health professionals is also a common practice among (avoiding inappropriate behavior that leads to imbalance) and
Filipino older adults and their family members, especially if curing (restoring balance); it is a system oriented to
severe somatic symptoms arise. moderation.
• Parallel to this holistic belief system is the understanding of
Health Beliefs and Behaviors: Indigenous Health Beliefs modern medicine with its own basic logic and principles for
- This concept is central to Filipino self-care practices and is treating certain types of diseases.
applied to all social relationships and encounters.
- Health is thought to be a result of balance, while illness due to Health Promotion/Treatment Concepts:
humoral pathology and stress is usually the result of some • Flushing – The body is thought to be a vessel or container that
imbalance. collects and eliminates impurities through physiological
- Rapid shifts from “hot” to “cold” cause illness and disorder. processes such as sweating, vomiting, expelling gas, or having
an appropriate volume of menstrual bleeding.

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• Heating – Adapts the concept of balanced between “hot” and • Showering salt over the threshold of the front door of your
“cold” to prevent occurrence of illness and disorders. new house can help you and your family ward off sickness.
• Protection – Safeguards the body’s boundaries from outside - Some Filipinos still practice this pamahiin because they
influences such as supernatural and natural force. believe it’s “better to be safe than sorry.” Spreading salt
can’t protect you from getting sick but having a healthy
Response to Illness diet and taking multivitamins to boost immunity will!
• Filipino older adults tend to cope with illness with the help of
family and friends, and by faith in God. Values of Filipino Nurse
• Complete cure or even the slightest improvement in a malady Work ethic
or illness is viewed as a miracle. - As a group, Filipino nurses are well liked because they are
• Filipino families greatly influence patients’ decisions about hardworking. They place high value on responsibility and
health care. seldom complain. “Many [Filipino nurses] work nights,
• Patients subjugate personal needs and tend to go along with holidays and/or overtime. So, during this time of nursing
the demands of a more authoritative family figure in order to shortage, one can rely on a Filipino nurse to volunteer to cover
maintain group harmony. the shift”.
- It is not unusual to find Filipino nurses who work two jobs.
Health Superstitions The financial rewards, job security, and personal advancement
• Get rid of a hiccup by placing a short thread wet with that U.S. jobs provide to Filipino nurses are valued.
saliva on the forehead. Spirituality
- Several factors can cause hiccups, including swallowing - Filipino nurses are very religious people. There is a deep faith
air and eating or drinking too much or too fast. in God that is reflected in the expression of bahala na “it is up
- Bite on a slice of lemon, slowly sip ice-cold water while to God” or “leave it to God.”
placing gentle pressure on your nose as you swallow or - This tends to be incorrectly equated with an expression of
hold your breath for a short time. fatalism and a passive acceptance of or resignation to fate.
• By showing fondness or affection when meeting a baby for Bahala na may also apply to acceptance of illness or malady.
the first time, you may cause the baby to feel uneasy or Sensitivity
make the baby cry non-stop which is commonly referred to - Unmarried Filipino nurses’ recoil at the question, “Are you
as "nausog. pregnant?” when they go for a medical checkup. Because the
- To avoid passing the negative energy and cure the infant Philippine society considers sexual relationships not to occur
of usog, superstition practice says you must dab your outside of marriage, it seems odd to them that they would be
saliva on the baby’s forehead or abdomen. Often, most questioned, although they are aware that this is part of a
people would also greet the child by saying “pwera usog” routine health assessment. Filipinos are generally sensitive and
meaning for protection from the hex. equally sensitive to the feelings of others, so they try to find a
• Hitting the sack right after a shower is believed to cause way to say things diplomatically.
blindness and insanity. Interpersonal Relationships
- Rubbing wet hair against your pillow can cause hair - Filipinos are generally quiet. Very conservative families do
damage or breakage. The friction will also lead to you not allow their younger members to join the conversation of
having to deal with a bad hair day the next morning. adults without an invitation.
• Washing sweaty hands can lead to spasmodic hands or - They are sometimes hesitant to articulate their views,
pasma. especially if it is different from the majority, as it might
- Hand tremors, sweaty hands, numbness, and pain in the indicate discordance with the team or group.
hands are symptoms that are often related to diabetes - Engaging in arguments, especially with someone who is older
mellitus, thyroid dysfunction and nervous system or holds an authority position, is considered uncivilized.
dysfunction. Filipinos also have difficulty turning down requests from
• Not patting your sweat dry with a towel can cause you to supervisors to whom they feel obligated.
get pneumonia. Respect and Reverence
- Many Filipinos believe this superstition in fear of - One’s position in society, professional achievements, and age
suffering from this serious lung disease. Although, like carry a lot of weight in the Philippine society.
most pamahiins, there is no scientific basis for this - Physicians, lawyers, priests, engineers, teachers, and nurses
particular belief. are among the well-respected professionals in the Philippines.
• Stepping over a child will stunt his or her growth. Hence, their opinion is generally accepted without question.
- As we all know, the growth of a child depends on various - Filipino values and traditions provide a framework for conduct
factors that influence development, including nutrition, and mode of communication. Because of a high regard for the
genes, sex, hormones, and socioeconomic status. elderly and authority, Filipinos tend not to oppose or
contradict other views for fear of embarrassing the other party.
• Frog urine causes warts.
- “Filipinos generally are neither assertive nor aggressive and
- The myth is rooted in frogs having bumps on their skin
may often appear guarded or reticent. Nurses often
that looks like warts. While some may believe this
misunderstand this need for passivity and do not appreciate the
superstition, warts are actually brought about by viruses
culturally induced motivation to maintain harmonious balance
that cause an overproduction of keratin.
between man and nature”
- Warts – virus, skin to skin

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Modesty - Filipino nurses normally use home remedies such as liniments

- Filipino nurses find it uncomfortable to accept even a well- and topical ointments and manage pain before seeking medical
deserved compliment. care or while under medical treatment.
- For example, if someone gives a complement like, “Your dress - Health care providers need to probe more into the cause and
is beautiful!” the answer might be, “Not really. I bought it degree of pain from Filipino patients to elicit more information.
cheap.” Or if someone says, “You are so knowledgeable,” the The elderly group, in particular, is unlikely to complain about
answer might be, “Not really, I just happen to know it.” Yet their pain because they do not want to have extra burdens
they are proud of their accomplishments in a sort of quiet way. being imposed on caregivers.
As a result, many have culture-based barriers to marketing Privacy
themselves. - Filipinos are mostly reserved and private people. As patients,
Language they may not readily reveal their personal and health
- Respect is integrated in the Filipino language. Reference to the information. Women in particular are sensitive to touching
elderly is the use of the third person. Hence, when spoken to another individual as well as being touched.
assertively in a direct way, Filipinos feel offended. - “Young female service providers should practice discretion
- There is no gender differentiation in the Filipino language. with regard to touching older Filipino male patients such as
Although they are fully aware of the male and female genders, laying one’s hand on the patient’s hand or shoulder to reassure
their native language is what hinders them from precisely comfort in moments of distress”.
using him or her in spoken English. Frequently, this leads to
confusion. Responses to Mental Illness:
Close Family Ties Devastating shame (Hiya)
- Filipino nurses have strong family ties. While in the United - Sensitivity to criticism (Amor Propio)
States, their close friends become their family members. As a - Common Perceptions of Filipinos about Mental Illness
result, they perpetuate the cultural burden (as a downside) thus - Unwillingness to accept having mental illness, which leads to
making it more difficult and taking them longer to assimilate the avoidance of needed mental health services due to fear of
into the mainstream culture of their adopted country. They being ridiculed
tend to eat the same food and mingle with individuals of the - Involvement of other coping resources such as reliance on
same ethnic background. family and friends or indigenous healers, and dependence on
religion which can diminish the need for mental health
Health beliefs, behaviors, and practices: services
Preventive Health - Prioritizing of financial and environmental needs which
- Because most of their time is devoted to work, going for preclude the need for mental health services
preventive health checkups takes a backseat. Yet, one may - Limited awareness of mental health services resulting in
hear a Filipino extolling the importance of preventive health to limiting access
her patients or clients. - Difficulty in utilizing mental health services during usual
- Filipino nurses have a tendency to self-diagnose, self-medicate, hours because of the unavailability of working adult family
and seek alternative therapies. In rural areas in the Philippines, members
people go for Hilot for relief of pain and aches instead of - Mental illness connotes a weak spirit, and may be attributed to
seeking medical attention. divine retribution as a consequence of personal and ancestral
- In an alternative context, Hilot may refer to a practitioner or transgression
the practice of chiropractic manipulation and massage for the - Lack of culturally oriented mental health services
diagnosis and treatment of musculoligamentous and - Health Beliefs and Behaviors: Indigenous Health Beliefs
musculoskeletal ailments. Concept of Balance (Timbang)
Home Remedies - This concept is central to Filipino self-care practices and is
- Three concepts underlie Filipino American health beliefs and applied to all social relationships and encounters.
practices: flushing, heating, and protection. Each identifies a - According to this principle, health is thought to be a result of
basic process used to promote good health. balance, while illness due to humoral pathology and stress is
- Flushing keeps the body free from debris, heating maintains a usually the result of some imbalance.
balanced internal temperature, and protection guards the body - Rapid shifts from “hot” to “cold” cause illness and disorder.
from outside influences. Although Western and scientific Illustrated below are a range of humoral balances that
concepts are similar, Filipino theories are founded on different influence Filipino health perceptions:
premises.  Rapid shifts from “hot” to “cold” lead to illness
- Flushing is based on the notion that the body is a container  “Warm” environment is essential for maintaining optimal
that collects impurities, heating means that hot and cold health C
qualities must be balanced in the body, and protection involves  old drinks or cooling foods should be avoided in the
safeguarding the body’s boundaries from supernatural as well morning
as natural forces.  An overheated body is vulnerable to disease; a heated
Pain Tolerance body can get “shocked”
- Filipino nurses have a high tolerance to pain.  When cooled quickly, it can cause illness
- For example, one of the author’s sisters has severe arthritis,  A layer of fat maintains warmth, protecting the body’s
yet she continues to do housework regardless of her pain. vital energy
 Imbalance from worry and overwork create stress and
J.A.K.E 14 of 20

 Emotional restraint is a key element in restoring balance PSP PACS

 A sense of balance imparts increased body awareness - A complete imaging solution with a variety of functions and
 Health Beliefs and Behaviors: Theories of Illness extreme precision.
 Physical and mental health and illness are viewed HR+Payroll System
holistically as an equilibrium model. In contrast, other - An all-inclusive employee data management system that best
explanatory models may include mystical, personalistic fits your hospital facility.
and naturalistic causes of illness or disease Document Management system
- Xray’s are computerized
ELECTRONIC INFORMATION Community Health Information & Tracking
Description of eHealth System (CHITS)
- the use of information and communication technologies for - One of the pioneering EMR developed in 2004 by the
health (WHO) University of the Philippines -Manila.
- eHealth is a means to ensure “right health provided to - The relevant customized forms based on DOH and Philhealth
right person at right place & time in secure, electronic form to programs in
optimize quality & efficiency of health care delivery, research, - CHITS were organized into modules for easier workflow
educ. & knowledge integration.
- Ex. The data of the patient is in the electronic form - first implemented at Dr. Elvira Manaloto-Lagrosa Health
Center Pasay, City (May 10, 2004)
- CHITS is now implemented in 208 sites
- This is used in health centers and it is an open source wala na
kasing folder per family dahil mahirap i-update palagi

Health Information Management Systems in Public Health: Wireless Access for Health EMR (WAH EMT)
System Developer & Key Information - The current WAH group expanded the CHITS with new
BizBox modules such as the Synchronized Patients Alerts via SMS,
- A set of web-based for various health care institutions such as Mobile Midwife and the statistics aggregator.
hospitals and rural health units. - Example meron ditong informations related sa problem ng
PhilHealth eClaims Portal patient
- A comprehensive browser-based solution for your PhilHealth eHealth TABLET for Informed Decision Making of LGU’s
eClaims processing. (eHatid)
- Makikita dito kung updated ba ung bayad nung patient - Key product features of eHatid: EMR software application for
- Makita niya ung philheath niya mobile android devices, dashboard, and a Mayor-Doctor
- Pwede rin mag pa member sa phil health Communication as a channel for decision making and sharing
Electronic health Records of health-related information.
- Paperless patient charting allowing for a faster access to - Masasabi agad ni doctor kay mayor kung maraming may sakit,
clinical records. lagnat at ubo.
Queque Management System Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
- Manage patient queque for a better patient experience - software application for mobile android devices
- Maayos ang waiting area kapag may ganito - Key product features of eHatid: dashboard, Mayor-Doctor
Our solutions Communication
- Easy to use applications to boost your operations
Hospital information system
- Effectively manage medical and business operations using an
end-to-end solution
HER – Cloud Telemedicine
- Boost patient care by managing online consultations anytime
and anywhere
- Set and administer online appointments from your finger • Encode, edit, and search patient data
Document Management System • Generate reports for decision making purposes of lgus and
- A digital and secure document storage for your medical files. agencies

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• Profiling of philhealth members and dependents

• Works offline
• Designed for mobile devices

Event-based Surveillance and Response System (ESR)

- Online health event surveillance reporting system. It involves
reporting all health events (existing or rare) that raise concern,
fear, alarm in community which may have known, suspected
or possible impact on human health. National Health Data
- Kung sino ung naka assign mag report dapat ireport na niya - Tuberculosis (ITIS)
- Injuries/kontra paputok (ONEISS)
- Hospital statistical report (OHSRS)
- Chronic non-communical diseases like: cancer, diabetes,
stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, coronary
artery disease (UDRS)
- Anti-microbial resistance stewardship program and others.
Benefits of Ihomis
• Quick access
• Reduces time
• Lessens paper-based transactions
• Generates hospital reports
- Mag papadala na ng tao • Maintenance, paid free by DOH
- Kailangan na ba ipa-ospital na Integrated Tuberculosis Information System (IT IS)
- Has a case management module that captures patient’s
demographic profile, TB examination record and treatment
- Makikita kung nababawasan or nadaragdagan ang mga TB
• Case holding
• Treatment outcomes
Integrated Hospital Operations and Management Information • Laboratory examinations
System (iHomis) • FOA
- It has modules for the following areas in the hospital:
admitting, outpatient, emergency room, billing and cashier,
nursing, pharmacy, dietary, laboratory and radiology.

Features of iHOMIS
• Admitting System Mag-Ina (Maternal and Neonatal Telereferral System (MInTS)
• Outpatient Dept, System - A web-based maternal and neonatal telereferral system. It
• Emergency Room System enables lying-in clinics to electronically send referrals requests
• Billing System when pregnant mothers and newborns need to be transferred to
• Cashiering System a higher care facility.
• Medical Records Systems National Rabies Information System
• Nursing Service System - It allows animal bite treatment center to capture bite patient
• Pharmacy System records and generate reports for submission to program
• Dietary System managers at all levels of the health system.
Revenue Centers Systems like: Philhealth eClaims System
• Laboratory and Rodiology - A web-based facility developed by Philhealth for claim
• Philhealth Claims Systems reimbursement transactions.
• Membership Verification
• Claims Processing
• Status Monitoring
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Philippine Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response

(PIDSR) System
- Indicator reporting based system of priority diseases or
syndromes and conditions such as Acute Viral Hepatitis,
Dengue, Cholera, Malaria, Measles and Acute Encephalitis
among others.
- Used in disease na pinababantayan ng DOH

Report within 24 hours

- Suspected Polio Secured Health Information Network Exchange (SHINE)
- Adverse Event Following Immunization (AEFI) - It also has referral features and an SMS reminder facility for
- Anthrax scheduled visits/ appointments
- Human Avian influenza - Example patient is for follow up visit may mag me-message sa
- Measles kanila.
- Meningococcal Disease SegWorks Integrated Health Management System (SegIHMS)
- Neonatal Tetanus - A suite hospital and community electronic health information
- Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning system
- Kaya nyang pag sama-samahin lahat ng data ng mga branches
- Rabies
ng isang hospital
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
PHIC E-Claims Systems
- in order to improve operational efficiency in insurance health
claims processing, PhilHealth has outsourced the electronic
processing insurance claims to various Health information
Technology Providers (HITPs)
- Segworks is one of the 6 accredited HITPs in the country
today. It has developed two e-Claims systems that provide
secure electronic e-Clain services to various hospitals.
Embedded E-Claims System
- Segworks Hospital information System (SegHIS) has an
embedded e-Claims module that is integrated into its
workflow. Embedded e-claim allows for a seamless and fraud-
free processing of health insurance claims automatically upon
patient discharge from the hospital.
Stand Alone Managed -Claims System (SAM-e)
- SAMe is stand-alone managed e-claims system designed for
hospitals or clinics with or without a hospital system. The e-
claims systems-supports membership verification status of
patient. electronic submission of insurance claims and
supporting documents and monitoring of submitted claims it
enables hospitals in quickly encode and send health insurance
claims to Philhealth electronically.

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Other Complimentary Healthcare Solution Services Philippines was signatory to the 58th Health Assembly
Segworks Rural Health Information System (SegRHIS) Resolution
- SegRHIS is web-based Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and • Reach communities, vulnerable groups, with eHealth services
rural health information management system designed to appropriate to their needs.
automate the operation of rural health centers. It has a patient • Mobilize multi-sectoral collaboration to determine evidence-
management, module, medical services, module, laboratory based eHealth standards & norms & to share the knowledge of
services module, inventory module, and with built-in ID 10 cost-effective models, ensuring quality, safety & ethical
coding functionality. standards & respect principles of confidentiality of info,
Segworks Management Health Information System (SegMHIS) privacy, equity & equality.
- This is an EMR and health information management system • Build on closer collaboration with private and non-profit
sectors in ICTs.
for both Rural Health Units/Centers and hospitals which
• Draw long-term strategic plan for developing & implementing
allows a central unit to consolidate electronically and
ehealth services in health sectors
manually uploaded data for Integrated reporting. This is
• Devp. infrastructure for ICTs for health to promote equitable,
particularly useful for local government units managing
affordable & universal access.
several rural health centers and hospitals. This can also be
• Establish, implement national electronic public-health
used by a healthcare company managing the operation of information systems & to improve, by means of info. the
multiple hospitals. capacity for surveillance, rapid response to, disease & public-
Segworks Public Health Information System (SegPHIS) health emergencies.
- Segworks developed the Public. Health information System • Est. national centres & networks of excellence for eHealth best
(PHIS) automates: (a) the collection of public health data by practice, policy coordination, tech. support for health-care
the midwife at the village or barangay level; (b) the operation delivery, service improvement, info. to citizens, capacity
and collection of public health data of Rural Health Centers. building & surveillance.
with an EMR system; and (o) systematic aggregation and eHealth Vision
reporting public health data at the datacenter level. The system - By 2020 eHealth will enable widespread access to health care
is person-based which improves the traceability and accuracy services, health information, securely share & exchange
of data. It runs on any platform using open source and web- patients’ info. in support to a safer, quality health care, more
based technologies. equitable & responsive health system for all Filipino people by
transforming the way info. is used to plan, manage, deliver &
Telemedicine monitor health services.
- DOH implementation Development of Philippines eHealth Strategic Framework and
- for remote and underserved areas and vulnerable populations
- brief history: HOD & DOST are jointly managing PH eHealth
(selected pilot areas)
Strategic Framework and Plan. July 2013: a joint national
- through National Telehealth Center, National Institute for
eHealth governance structure was formed Sept. 2013
Health, UP Manila
- DOH & DOST w/ guidance of WHO, crafted PH eHealth
Surveillance in Post Extreme Emergencies and Disasters
Strategic Framework and Plan (PeHSFP)
- DOH developed and implemented mobile technology - PeHSFP is our roadmap to how we will use IT for healthcare
in country
solutions in reporting cases through the Health Emergency
Management Staff’s w/ support from WHO
International Commitments Key Strategic Guiding Principles
World Summit on Information Society wherein the - in development of PeHSFP are:
Philippines is a signatory: 1. eHealth must serve of client
- Strengthen, expand ICT-based initiatives for medical & 2. collaboration and partnerships w/ health care stakeholders
humanitarian assistance in disasters & emergencies 3. users involved at all phases of development and
- Alert, monitor & control spread of Communicable Disease, implementation
through improvement of common information systems. 4. entities that started eHealth must be recognized – so as not to
- Promote devp of international standards - exchange of health constraint continuing advancements and gain support
data, taking consideration to privacy 5. human resource made available by building capability to
- Encourage adoption of ICTs to improve & extend health care implement the eHealth agenda
& health info. systems to remote & underserved areas & 6. strategic approach in term of phases for more focus,
vulnerable populations. judiciously, efficient use of resource
- Promote collaborative efforts of govt, planners, health 7. must be aligned or harmonized w/out controlling HC providers
professional & other agencies w/ international organizations
to implement local ehealth solutions. (kaya tinuro na sa atin
for creating reliable, timely, high quality, affordable health
ung coding at standards na pang international)
care & health info. systems & for promoting continuous
medical training, educ & research 8. must comply to relevant laws and regulations
- Facilitate access to world's medical knowledge & locally- 9. Investments must be made on areas that deliver greatest
relevant content resources for strengthening public health benefits to health consumers, health care providers, and
research and prevention programs. healthcare managers; and ensure no duplication in terms of
J.A.K.E 18 of 20

time, effort and resources. (kung ano ung pipiliin ni mayor

kailangan naka depende un sa analysis niya)

eHealth Components
Required services and applications to enable
widespread access to health care services,
eHealth health information, health reports, health
Solution care activities, and securely share and
exchange patient’s information in support to
health system goals.
Infrastructure includes physical technology Terminologies
& software platforms, services & • Interoperability - Extent to which systems and devices can
Infrastructure applications to support health information exchange data & interpret that shared data
exchange. Ex.High-speed data connectivity, • Department of Science and Technology - A government
computers & mobile devices agency mandated to provide central direction, leadership and
Workforce or manpower to develop, operate coordination of scientific and technological efforts and ensure
or implement the national eHealth that the results there from are geared and utilized m areas of
environment such as the health workers who maximum economic and social benefits for the people
will be using eHealth in their line of works • Republic Act 8792 or the e-Commerce Act of 2000 - mandates
(meron ng mga hinire) all government agencies to transact government business and
Strategy & Develops, operates and sustains the national performs government functions using electronic data messages
Investment eHealth vision. and electronic documents.
Directs, coordinates eHealth activities at all
levels like hospitals & health care providers NURSING CORE VALUES AS A
Legislation, Formulation of required legislations, COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSE
Policy & policies, compliance to support attainment Mission
Compliance of eHealth vision. - The National League for Nursing promotes excellence in
Promotes, enables exchange of health info nursing education to build a strong and diverse nursing work
across geographical & health sector force to advance the health of our nation and the global
Standard & boundaries through use of common community.
Interoperability standards on data structure, terminologies, 1) Caring
& messaging. (dapat kayang intindihin ng 2) Diversity
international language) 3) Integrity
Philippines’ Health Technology Assessment Council (HTAC) 4) Excellence
• HTAC, created by the Universal Health Care Law, is a group 5) Human dignity
of experts tasked with the unique role of reviewing any health 6) Autonomy
technology, including vaccines and medicines, to be used for 7) Altruism
public health programs 8) Social justice
• Administrative Order No. 2020-0041 NEW Caring
IMPLEMENTING GUIDELINES - A culture of caring, as a fundamental part of the nursing
• Ino-audit niya ung use of medicine, vaccines using technology profession, characterizes our concern and consideration for the
etc. whole person, our commitment to the common good, and our
outreach to those who are vulnerable.
- All organizational activities are managed in a participative and
person-centered way, demonstrating an ability to understand
the needs of others and a commitment to act always in the best
interests of all stakeholders.
- A culture of integrity is evident when organizational principles
of open communication, ethical decision-making, and humility
are encouraged, expected, and demonstrated consistently.
- Not only is doing the right thing simply how we do business,
but our actions reveal our commitment to truth telling and to
how we always see ourselves from the perspective of others in
a larger community.

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Diversity Legal Basis

- A culture of inclusive excellence encompasses many identities, - RA 9173 Article VI Sec. 28
influenced by the intersections of race, ethnicity, gender, - A 7164 Article V Sec. 27
sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical • The Possible Entrepreneurship and Job Options for Medical
abilities, religious and political beliefs, or other ideologies. Practitioners
- It also addresses behaviors across academic and health
Academic Sector Job Opportunities/Job Options
enterprises. Differences affect innovation so we must work to
- Teachers/ professors
understand both ourselves and one another.
- Clinical instructors for nurses
- Academic research assistants
- A culture of excellence reflects a commitment to continuous
- Field coordinators
growth, improvement, and understanding.
- It is a culture where transformation is embraced, and the status Health Sector Job Opportunities/Job Options
quo and mediocrity are not tolerated. - Part time RHU/hospital nurses
- Manage/operate birthing centers
Human Dignity - Manage/operate care homes for elderly differently abled
- Can be thought of as an individual's sense of self-worth and persons and other patients needing chronic care
self-respect. It can encompass many things, including the right - Part time or fulltime private nurses (in the homes of patients
to fill basic needs, like food, shelter, and personal safety. who can afford to pay)
- In the health care environment, human dignity is more focused - Medical Representative for drug stores/companies
on aspects of privacy, respect, and autonomy - Medical Research Consultants/Assistants
- Technical Assistance Consultants/Providers
Autonomy Business Sector Opportunities/Job Option
- Professional autonomy means having the authority to make - Transcription services (international) and engage in other non-
decisions and the freedom to act in accordance with one's nursing related enterprise
professional knowledge base. - Business Plan
- Relevance to clinical practice: To gain autonomous practice, - Manage Nurses’ Clinic
nurses must be competent and have the courage to take charge - Medical Transcription Services
in situations where they are responsible. - Tourism Health Care Services
- Ex: ayaw magpa vaccine, ang gnagawa nlng natin ay - Outsourcing Primary Healthcare
pinapabayaan nlng sila - Health care training management
- Review center
Altruism - hospice, domiciliary and health care facilities
- Concern for the welfare and wellbeing of others. - Public health advocacy
- Advocacy - Home HC services
- In professional practice, altruism is reflected by the nurse's - Emergency medical services
concern and advocacy for the welfare of patients, other nurses, - Wellness and fitness management
and health care providers - Medical mission
- Periodic physical examination
Social Justice
Sources of Revenue
- Social justice is a core nursing value and the foundation of
public health nursing. • Senators and Congressman
- Social justice implies that there is a fair and equitable • Requiring Long Term Care
distribution of benefits and burdens in a society. • Government Units
- Social justice ideology requires nursing students to uphold • Health Maintenance Organizations
moral, legal, and humanistic principles related to health • Elderly (Home for the Aged)
• Local and Foreign Donors
Project Entrepreneurs’ - Reduce the cost of quality HC
- Initiative of Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) - Employment opportunities for RN’s
- Introduces home healthcare industry in the Philippines - Achieve millennium development goal on maternal and child
- Framework: FOURmula one for health health
Collaborating Agencies
4 Elements
• Good governance
• Health financing
• Health regulation • UPCN
• Health service delivery • PRC-BON
Goals • PNA
• Better Health Outcome • DTI
• Equitable Healthcare Financing Same lang ung topic ng lecture at RLE ah! Mag review maigiii.
• More responsive health care system Goood luckkk Future Nurses 😊😊 – Aki
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