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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
a. Describe the environmental problems in the Philippines
b. Analyze the impact of the environmental problems on people’s health

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Health
Main Topic: Environmental Problems in the Philippines
Reference: Physical Education and Health, Grade 9. Page 242 - 252
Material: Visual aids, video clips and power point presentation

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Class, let us stand for our prayer. (One student will lead the prayer.)
Anyone who wants to lead the

1. Greetings
Good Morning Ma’am!
Good Morning class!

2. Classroom Management
Kindly pick up the pieces of (Students will pick up the pieces of paper
paper under your chair and and arrange their chairs.)
check your alignment.
Thank you ma’am.
You may now take your seat.

3. Checking of Attendance
Ms. Secretary, may I know No one is absent today ma’am.
who is absent today?

Very good! I’m glad that all of you are

present today.
B. Review
Who can recall the topic that we
discussed last meeting?

Last meeting, we discussed about the

community health problems

Very good!
What are the community health problems
that we experience? 1. Water supply
2. Water-borne and communicable
3. Natural disasters
4. Overpopulated areas
5. Human excreta and Sewage


C. Motivation

Before we formally begin our discussion

today, let us have
some activity first and let us call it
“Memory Lane”
Can you recall the typhoons that hit the
different regions of the country in years or
decades ago? Match the typhoons with (The students will answer the activity)
the places they affected


Yolanda – tacloban
Sendong – Cagayan de oro
Pablo – Compostela valley
CEBU SENDONG Ruping – Cebu
Ondoy – Manila
Typhoons: URING
1. Can
prevent typhoons
from happening?
2. How can we prepare against this
natural phenomenon?
3. How can you relate the effects of
these phenomena from human
activities? (the students will answer)
1. Actually no, because this is a
natural phenomenon. However, we
can prepare for its ocurence in the
near future, to lessen its adverse
effects on the community.
2. We can be prepared in this natural
phenomenon by being ready. Like
we should had an emergency kit
and communication devices and
we should know where is the
safest place that we can go in
case this natural phnomenon
Excellent! Class, based on your activity, 3. Natural disasters are a naturally
what do you think is our topic for today? occurring event that effect or
causes damage to human life, but
human activity can increase their
frequency and intensity.

D. Lesson Proper
This lesson will make you aware of the Ma’am! I think our lesson for today
most pressing problems of environment is all about Environmental Problems in
today and their effects on people’s health the Philippines

1. Flashflood

Flashflood is a sudden flood of great

volume, usually caused by a heavy rain.
Illegal logging is another factor believed
to have contributed to the staggering
death toll in the cities of Iligan and
Effect of flashflood Cagayan de Oro during Sendong 2011.
- Causes of diseases such as Many victims were swept away by huge
Cholera and other water borne logs that rolled down denuded mountains
diseases facing the two cities.
- Loss of life
- Contamination of drinking water
- Destruction of Sewage System
- Destruction of dams and
destruction of levees

2. Illegal Mining

Illegal mining is defined as the extraction

of valuable minerals or other geological
materials from earth from the earth from
Effect of Illegal Mining an ore body, lode, vein, seam, or reef,
- Water poisoning of all the living which forms the mineralized package of
things in it economic interest to the miner in the
- Destruction of beautiful coral reefs absence of land rights, mining license,
- Bareness of land exploration or mineral transportation
permit or of any document that could
legitimate the ongoing operations.

3. Soil Erosion

Soil Erosion happens when soil and rock

are moved from one place to another by
wind. Water, and gravity.

Causes of soil Erosion

- Deforestation
- Building of Roads
- Agriculture
- Urbanization
- Mining
Effects of Soil Erosion
- From oil tankers with equipment
- Unproductive use of farmland
- Difficulty in raising of livestock
- From nature and human activities
- Silting of artificial lakes
on land
- Loss of soil vegetation which
- From water sports
causes climate changes
- From drilling works carried out in
the sea
4. Coral reef Degradation

Effect of coral reef Degradation

Coral reef Degradation is a significant
- Loss of edible reef fish problem throughout the world. It has been
acknowledging that 27% of the world’s
- Reduction of species diversity and
reef have been affected. Gardener (2003)
richness - 11% has been completely lost
- Alteration in the size structure of
- 16% has been damaged
target species

Pollution means any alteration of the

physical, chemical, and biological
properties of water, air and/or land

AIR POLLUTION – means any alteration

of the physical, chemical, and biological
properties of the atmospheric air.


alteration of the physical, chemical,
biological or radiological properties of a
body of water resulting in the impairment
of its purity or quality.

NOISE POLLUTION – is the excessive

sound that causes hearing loss, stress,
fatigue, irritability, tension, headaches,
and highblood pressure.

E. Generalization SOIL POLLUTION is chiefly caused by

To sum up the ideas or lesson that we chemicals in pesticides, such as poisons
have discuss about the environmental that are used to kill agricultural pests like
issues in the Philippines, what can you insects and herbicides that are used to
say or you learned today? get rid of weeds.
Soil pollution results from:

One factor that emerge issues in our

Very good! environment is the causes of human
So, did you understand our lesson actions. We could learn on something we
for today? never imagine what we have used to
before. The ideas of resulting
Well done class! environmental issues such as
Do you have any questions? deforestation, pollution, climate change,
depicts on societal problems we face at
the present. It start on ourselves, it
depends on how we rely on our natural
Nice! I am pleased with your
participation. Now let’s have a
group activity for your
performance/output for today’s
Yes Ma’am!
Are you ready

None, Ma’am

IV. Evaluation

Sum it up

Environmental Problems Effects on the Effects on the People’s

Environment Health
Soil Erosion
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Oil Spill
Coral Reef Degradation
Illegal Mining

V. Assignment:

Make a poster about the damage caused by typoon YOLANDA in some parts of the
Visayas Region

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