Biochem 2009

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Discuss :

1) Non-oxidative Deamination The - amino group of serine and threonine can be directly converted to NH3 without removal of hydrogen. This reaction is catalyzed by serine and threonine dehydratase which needs pyriodoxal phosphate as coenzyme. (page 140)

2) Mechanism of ammonia excretion by the kidney diagrammatically. Page 143 3) Inhibitors of respiratiory chain proper Site 1: between FeS and Q in complex 1. It is inhibited by BARBITURATES, PIERICIDIN A(ANTIBIOTIC) nad ROTENONE. Site 2 : between cytochrome b and cytochrome C1 in complex 3. It is inhibited by antimycine and dimercaprol. Site 3 : at cytochrome oxidase in complex 4. It is inhibited by hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide and cyanide. Site 4 : between succinate dehydrogenase and Q in complex 2. It is inhibited by carboxin. 4) Synthesis of fructose in seminal vesicle. D- Glucose is converted to D-sorbitol by aldose reductase. D-sorbitol is converted to D-fructose by sorbitol dehydrogenase. (page 56) 5) Synthesis of sugar of milk from glucose Page 58

Mention :

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Prove :

Phenylketonuria Albunism Primary hyperoxaluria Hartnup s disease Alkaptouria Homocystinuria type 1 Hereditary fructose intolerance Favism, hemolytic anemia.

That glycine is a non-essential ( by 3 ways ) : Page 152 a) From serine by serine hydroxymethyl transferase b) From CO2 and NH3 by glycine synthase c) From glyoxylate by transmission That it is glycine is a glucagonic amino acid : It forms serine which by serine dehydratase gives pyruvate. Discuss the role of glycine in the synthesis of : a) Energy rich compound (Pg 155) Guanidoacetate is first formed in the kidneys from arginine and glycine, then it is methylated to from creatine in liver. Creatine formed in the liver is transported by blood to muscles where it is phosphorylated to phosphocreatine (phosphagen). During rest (relaxed muscle), creatine is phosphorylated to store energy. In contracting muscle the reaction is reversed to supply ATP. b) Bile Salts (Pg 153) Cholyl- CoA Glychocholic Acid Sodium glycocholate




Discuss: 1) A) Synthesis (Page 161) and Fate (Page 162) of homocysteine

2) Conversion of glucose to serine and vice versa Synthesis if formed from the glycolytic intermediate, 3-phosphoglycerate. (page 16). Phosphoglycerate will form serine (page 158). Serine is converted to pyruvate by serine dehydratase thus it is a glucogenic amino acid. Pyruvate is converted glucose in the Cori Cycle (page 23). 3) Glycogenolysis and its hormonal regulation Glycogenolysis steps (page 50) and its hormonal regulation (page 53) 4) Oxidative pathway of HMS and mentions its metabolic importance. Oxidative pathway is irreversible, glucose-6-phosphate is converted to ribulpse-5-phosphate with production of two molecules of NADPH (pg 32). Metabolic importance : 1- Provides a way for oxidation of glucose by a mechanism other than CAC with no production of energy.

2- It provides the cell with R-5-P which is needed for nucleosides, nucleotides, nucleic acids and coenzyme biosynthesis. 3- It is the main generator of reduced CP 2 which is needed in the reduction biosynthesis.

5) Glycerol and lactate are glucogenic Glycerol : It is mobilized from adipose tissue. Two molecules of glycerol are utilized for production of one molecule of glucose in the liver and kidney in fasting or low CHO diet. Glycerol cannot be utilized in adipose tissue which lacks glycerol kinase. (page 43) Lactate : It diffuses out of active skeletal muscle or red cells, into the blood and is carried to the liver, where it is converted to glucose by gluconeogenic pathway. (page 43)

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