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PART 1 – Semiotic Analysis

Write your signified to the following signifiers. Provide brief details about your
given signified.

Watch Simplest form of a planner, for fashion,
shows how important time is for the
owner, time-conscious person, a
Book Source of knowledge, good for cognitive
aspect of the reader, informative, hobby,
an open world of animation
Cellphone Communication, Freedom of Speech, Self-
expression tool, Memory Saver tool,
photography, Game Playing
Car Adventure, transportation, Bonding,
Dream, Convenience and Comfortability,
Travel, Business and Job purposes
Stapler School and Office Supply, Compiling Tool,
Reports and Activities
Lamplight Hope, Converts darkness to light, Night
Ball pen Written Communication, Signature,
School and Office tool, Self Expression
tool by writing diaries, take down notes
Comb To be presentable, self esteem, look
*As a woman, our hair is one of the
assests to be beautiful that’s why a comb
is an everyday weapon.
Computer Source of knowledge, Game Playing,
Making reports, Media, Work, School, etc.
Tools In case of emergency, Multitools, Self
PART 2 – I- Instrumental, S- Symbolic, A- Affective
__I__ 1. Buying a condo unit is cheaper than using the car to go to school.
__S__ 2. Buying a laptop to make your classmates think that you are as well-off as they are.
__A__ 3. Taking the car on a road trip will make the journey to Laoag more enjoyable than
taking the plane.
__S__ 4. Buying a car to show other people that you can afford to buy one.
__A__ 5. Buying the expensive bag because it is an original Prada.
__I__ 6. Buying a mobile phone to communicate with family anytime.
__A__ 7. Getting a diploma for recognition and sense of accomplishment.
__I__ 8. Getting a diploma because it can be a way to earn big.
__A__ 9. Walking the dog to the park because it allows you to meet other people.
__S__ 10. Buying the latest model of mobile phone to show others how cool you are.

1. List down 8 items that you recently bought for yourself.
-Food groceries, shampoo, soap, conditioner, dress for Oath Taking, Slippers, nail polish,
2. Identify which of the items in your lists are needs and which are wants.
Food Groceries Nail Polish
Shampoo Earring
Dress for Oath Taking
3. In your list, cross out 3 items that you think you can live without. Explain why you
think you can live without them.
- Dress for Oath Taking, Nail Polish, Earring. I can live without all this because honestly
speaking, I am not a materialistic person and I only bought this a week ago in
preparation for the upcoming Induction and Oath Taking because I am elected as a
Cluster 2 Representative and we have a motif and attire that we need to follow. Now
that I have a baby, I never buy such things that I don’t really need because my miracle
son is now my priority and I am more happier when I am buying my son’s needs and
4. After explaining, cross out another 3 items, then explain why you think you can still do
without them.
- Shampoo, Conditioner and Slippers. Although these things are everyday needs, I think
they are less important than the foods and slippers. I think they are considered as
secondary to our basic needs.
5. From the two items left in your list, cross out 1 more item, which you think is less
important. Explain why.
- Soap. My basis in this activity is what I needed the most up to the least thing that I
need. Of course, I would rather choose to eliminate the soap than the food groceries
because food is the most basic need of a person. We can’t survive without it. It is our
source of life and/or strength.

Why is it important to distinguish between needs and wants?
Needs and wants are the things we tend buy every day or occasionally. We put
monetary budget for it so we can purchase this things.
Back when I was 20-25 years old, I don’t do budgeting in a right way. I always buy those
things that I want. But when I became a mother, my view of life changed in an instant. My
way of living became better and better. I can now group my wants and needs accordingly
and nobody taught me how to do that. The power of being a mother has come out on its
own and made me who I am now. I can now say that I am a responsible woman who knows
my priorities.
It is very important to know what the difference between needs and wants is in order
for us to know what should be the priority and what is not, what should be given more
importance and what comes first.

What insights do you gain from the activity?
This activity helped me conceptualize every single thing that I see and buy. I also
realized that I really have changed my aspect of life from the moment that I had my
baby. I can now say that I know more about myself and I can say that I am very proud of
how I changed for the better and how I grow more.

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