Arjaypp22-Understanding Culture

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Philo 100 2B

8:00am - 9:30am TTH

Understanding Culture & Values

DIRECTIONS: This activity is meant for the students to understand the Filipino culture
and values. Create two (2) columns. On the left you write the culture, values and
practices of the Filipinos. On the right, you give/share your comment should these
practices need to be continued (if existing, revived (if no longer practiced), stopped (if
you feel that it's not beneficial), and proposed (if you feel there's a need to practice). You
write at least twenty (20) culture and practices of Filipinos.

Below, after all your remarks write your reflection on what have you learned in this
activity, and how it helps you better understand our Filipino culture and values better.

1. Amor Proprio (loving Oneself) I believe “Amor Proprio” up to this day is

still practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it
is beneficial because it encourages free
thinking which leads to better
competition and better competition is
great for economic development in the

2. Awa (Compassion for Others) I believe “Awa” up to this day is still

practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it is
beneficial, but with a twist, for the reason
that compassion for others helps the
unfortunate. However, too much
compassion is also detrimental to society
because it will result in passivity. The
people who are accustomed to relying on
other people are no longer working for
themselves. Thus, it became a problem for
society. Moderation is key.

3. Bahala na (Let go & let god) I believe “Bahala na” up to this day is still
practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it is
beneficial in moderation, for the reason
that letting go and letting god take care of
the things you cannot control is always a
wise decision. The problem is, Filipinos
are susceptible to mediocrity due to the
fact that they don’t try harder and just
allow laziness to supersedes dedication.
Moreover, Hiding it with the statement
(Bahala nas lord) but in reality its just

4. Bayanihan (We are heroes t o each I believe “Bayanihan” up to this day is still
other) practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it is
beneficial for the reason that being
someone else's hero is just pure bliss. By
unconditionally offering help to others, it
leads to a happier and healthier country.

5. Hospitality (Be our guests) I believe “Hospitality” up to this day is still

practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it is
beneficial because it gives best
experience, it gives quality of service,
hence it is better for the economic
progress of the country. As the old saying
goes “We serve, not because we get paid,
but because we want to give and add

6. Delicadeza (We value our I believe “Delicadeza” up to this day is still

reputation) practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I also believe it is
very beneficial and I’m extremely
saddened, for it is almost a lost art; with
the majority of modern generations
influenced by the media from all over the
world, we are losing our sense of delicacy.
Adults, teens and even our children are no
longer safe from the influenced by the
media. Thus, nowadays you see adults
fighting with a teenager; nowadays you
see old people disrespected; nowadays
you see parents disrespected by their
very own children’s, and ultimately
nowadays our women are no longer ours
but for everyone to experience. If I may
say, losing our delicacy is like losing our
identity as Filipinos. I believe that is
something we should avoid.

7. Makapamilya (Family first and last) I believe “Makapamilya” up to this day is

still practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it
is beneficial because it encourages a
culture of loyalty. Filipinos are willing to
sacrifice prestige and even happiness for
the sake of family. When someone is loyal
to his/her family, you get a loyal citizen of
the Philippines.

8. Kasiyahan (Joy & Humor) I believe “Kasiyahan” up to this day is still

practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it is
beneficial for the reason that a joyful
country regardless of its difficulties, will
survive the most challenging task. It is
such a superpower to smile even in the
most challenging situations. To find joy &
humor is to be human.
9. Kagalingan (We pursue excellence) I believe “Kagalingan” up to this day is still
practiced by Filipinos. I also believe it is
beneficial for the reason that to pursue
excellence is not only good for the
individual but also for the country as a

10. Karangalan (We value honor) I believe “Karangalan” up to this day is still
practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who does something great does not only
honor himself but those who surround
him. The problem is Filipinos are slowly
losing its honor and pride to the country
instead of honesty and transparency of
governance. It’s the complete opposite,
more like dishonesty and secrecy.
Where’s honor in that?

11. Katapatan (Sincerity and loyalty) I believe “Karangalan” up to this day is still
practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who does something great does not only
honor himself but those who surround
him. The problem is Filipinos are slowly
losing its honor and pride to the country
instead of honesty and transparency of
governance. It’s the complete opposite,
more like dishonesty and secrecy.
Where’s honor in that?

12. Kusang-Palo (We Take initiative) I believe “Kusang-palo” is no longer

practiced by Filipinos. I always believe it is
beneficial for the reason that the best
time to fix things is when they are not yet
broken. Becoming proactive means, we
have to get things ready before they are
needed. However, nowadays it is very
common for Filipinos to procrastinate. As
my mom put it “Huwaton pa ma kidlatan
una mo lihok”

13. Maagap (Promptness is best) I believe “Maagap” is no longer practiced

by Filipinos. I always believe it is
beneficial for the reason that daig ng
taong maagap ang taongg masipag.
Filipinos are hardworking people. But
more than hard work, they value
promptness. They go to the rice fields
before sunrise. They go to the sea before
the cock crows. However, nowadays it is
very common for Filipinos to be late at
work, school and even eating breakfast.

14. Magalang (Respectful) I believe “Magalang” up to this day is still

practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who is respectful towards others is
respectful to his/her country. However,
nowadays it is fairly common to witness
disrespectful behavior. Just very recently,
I saw someone verbally abuse his/her
elder; just very recently, I saw husband
and wife fighting among each other in
front of their children. Where's respect in

15. Magpasalamat (Being grateful) I believe “Magpasalamat” up to this day is

still practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who is grateful is such a good influence
on his/her surrounding. However,
nowadays it is fairly common to witness
ungrateful behavior. We have upper class,
middle class, lower class people.
Regardless of status, you will witness
ungrateful towards the blessing bestowed
upon them. You have Upper class who
have everything but still feel it is not
enough. You have the middle class who is
given a leverage of opportunity but still
disregards it and succumbs to addiction.
You have the lower class who can’t be
grateful and just complain all the time.

16. Pananampalataya (Faith in Supreme I believe “Pananampalataya” up to this day

Being) is still practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who has faith in a supreme being is
faithful. However, nowadays it is fairly
common to witness infidelity.
Unfaithfulness is very common across all
age groups. By being unfaithful, we are
diverging from our very own culture; that
is, to have faith.

17. Malikhain (Creativity) I believe “Malikhain” up to this day is still

practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who is Creative is an asset of the country.
However, nowadays due to the influence
of social media such as tiktok, instead of
being creative in a sense that is useful,
nowadays, people just try to be creative
for entertainment purpose, to gain
popularity and selfish recognition.

18. Mapamaraan (Resourcefulness) I believe “Mapamaraan” up to this day is

still practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who is resourceful is an asset to the
country. However, nowadays, due to the
convenience of the internet, instead of
being resourceful in a sense that is unique
to the individual, nowadays, people just
google all questions and every answer to
everything there is.

19. Masikap (Diligent Worker) I believe “Masikap” up to this day is still

practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who is a diligent worker is an asset to the
country. However, nowadays, due to the
convenience of the contemporary world,
instead of being diligent in a sense that is
unique to the individual, nowadays,
people just rely on all the available

20. Matino (Sensible) I believe “Matino” up to this day is still

practiced by Filipinos, but not to the
extent where it used to. I always believe it
is beneficial for the reason that someone
who is sensible is an asset to the country.
However, nowadays, Filipinos are no
longer that sensible because of not acting
to the accepted principles. He does the
opposite, which compromises the
integrity and the welfare of the people.
Judges are no longer fair and just. They
favor anyone with connections and
money. Students no longer pay attention
to their studies. Teachers are no longer
models for students. Most often, our
leaders are incompetent and corrupt.

As I completed this task, I had a realization that Filipino values influence how I live. I’m
saddened to realize that some values are no longer practiced by us Filipinos. I learned
that to the aforementioned values, I give more significance to some values than others.
Even so, it enlightened me to think when working with my fellow Filipinos, it is beneficial
to consider the values that influence us to make decisions for ourselves and others.


Menguin, J. (2022, October 6). 29 Filipino Values : Cultural Beliefs That Shape Our

Actions. Jef Menguin.

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