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Feriduddin AYDIN

‫دار العِ رَب للطباعة والنشر‬

Al-Ibar Publishing
İstanbul - 2022

As a writer, I communicate a lot with my readers. One of them asked me for detailed
information about "how to act in the face of the religious and intellectual chaos that is
prevalent today." I agree with him; yes, today there are religious and sectarian wars that
threaten the peace of humanity. These wars take place intensely, especially in the
Middle East, and they destroy material and moral values.

It is very interesting that power and propaganda centers base these wars on purely
political and ideological reasons. Such claims are purposeful and misleading. On the
contrary, the main reason for these wars is religious. Societies and groups with different
religions and sects attack each other because of their differences in belief. However, the
causes of these conflicts and fights are distorted by power and propaganda centers.
These wars are shown as clashes of opposing ideologies, and are sometimes described
as conflicts of interest. It is hardly mentioned that these wars are taking place mainly
for religious reasons.

Of course, there are self-interested and ideological conflicts. However, there are mainly
religious reasons behind these conflicts. In fact, most people are hostile to others and
want to harm them, because they do not share their beliefs. Here in the letter, we will
draw attention to this reason in particular. However, I must emphasize here that; All
this is actually nothing but a war between polytheism and tawhid. Therefore, while
informing one of my muwahhid reader like myself, I have often advised the muwahhid
minority in Turkey to be very careful in facing the polytheists' challenges against Islam.
I hope my tips will be useful to all readers.



Essalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.

As a supplement to what we talked about in our conversation the other day, I would
like to convey some of my opinions and recommendations to you. I hope that will be

I have been observing the inadequacy of your group in terms of knowledge for a long
time. This gap is evident when we examine your website. Especially your verbal
narrations (videos) in the broadcasts are the products of a very ordinary and simple
logic; Even if they are faultless, they lack wisdom and literary depth; they are far from
impressing the educated public; They will never be taken seriously by polytheists with
scientific knowledge; On the contrary, your videos will be the subject of their sarcastic
criticism… This backwardness and mediocrity will always prevent the group from
opening up. Therefore, in order to be worthy of the supreme hanif religion that
prioritizes knowledge and skill, you need to equip yourself as a sincere community as
soon as possible, with a heartfelt connection to Islam in the Qur'an and fighting for it.
In particular, you must fight against the opinion spread by the polytheists that you are
a marginal group, and you must be convincing. I believe we agree on this point. In our
last conversation, I had given you some advices on this matter; I even had you
photographed the covers of some of the books I chose from my library. These resources
are numerous. It will be very useful and beneficial to have the essentials of these in
your library. Although I feel sick, I ask Allah for Tevfik, both for you and for myself
as I try to write these lines by reconsidering this issue - and detailing my
recommendations below.


In order to serve the great Islamic cause, you must first attach great importance to
knowledge and skill. You must have versatile sources of information. As soon as
possible, you should create a rich infrastructure in this regard. Because when you are
an enlightened group and equipped in various branches of science, then you can explain
and clarify people the secrets of life and the facts of the universe more quickly. And
you can more easily silence the enemies of truth. At the same time, you can develop
more rational and effective strategies for this purpose. Thus, you can influence larger
communities and correct those who are on the wrong and baseless path (with Allah's
help) with less effort. Therefore, without wasting time, you should seriously strive for
the education of your friends. First of all, you should pay attention to the information
and advice that I will list below:

You must train at least one sociologist and one historical researcher. As a matter of fact,
there is no historian-sociologist in Turkey who can use Arabic and Persian as spoken
and written languages! These friends you will raise should specialize as theorists and
guides. Your group should first consult these mentors in order to get the information
they need. You must act immediately for this. The mother tongue of these candidates
must be Turkish. Because they will be working in Turkey. It is very difficult to gain the
ability of Turkish literary expression to native speakers of Arabic, Kurdish and
Zazaki!!! Another important point is: It is essential that these friends must have learned
Arabic (since their childhood days), Persian, English and, if possible, Kurdish (very
good as a second, third, fourth and fifth language). I suggest that you read my work
titled TERCÜME TEKNİKLERİ "Translation Techniques" carefully. In order for them
to be as well equipped as possible, these friends need to receive a special education.
Despite my health problems, I would like to try to guide them as much as I can. Of
course, your friends who will be selected to be experts in the fields of history and
sociology must have the ability to produce literary works in Turkish. Candidates; For
example, should be preferred among those with a natural oratorical character such as
Bülent Arınç, Erkan Mumcu, Mehmet Pamak and Yılmaz Karakoyunlu. A modest
library of resources with quality classified information programs should be prepared
for these fellows. A copy of the following books should be kept in this library:

1) Türkiye Sosyal Tarihinde İslâm’ın Macerası/Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yaşar Ocak

2) Türkler, Türkiye ve İslâm/ Prof. Dr. Ahmet Yaşar Ocak
3) Türkiye’de Tarihin Saptırılması Sürecinde Türk Sufiliğine Bakışlar/ Prof.
Dr. Ahmet Yaşar Ocak
4) Hurafeler ve Mitler/Süreyya Su.
5) Türk Edebiyatında İlk Mutasavvıflar/Ord. Prof. Dr. Fuad Köprülü
6) Mitoloji ile İnanç Arasında/Dr. Şinasi Gündüz.
7) Tanrının Kural Tanımaz Kulları/Prof. Dr. Ahmet T. Karamustafa
8) İslâm’ın Pavlusları (Felsefî Tasavvuf)/Saadettin MERDİN
9) İslâm Pavlusları (Paralel Din)/ Saadettin MERDİN
10) Kamizm, Şamanizm/Dr. Yaşar Kalafat.

About Islam with its qualities within the borders of the Qur'an; Likewise, the most
reliable sources containing information about the first Islamic Society are those written
especially until the end of the third century Hijri. Among these, we can give the names
of the works and authors most trusted by scholars as follows:

.‫) كتاب املغازي‬.‫م‬768/.‫ه‬151 .‫* حممد بن إسحاق بن يسار املطليب (ت‬

.‫) كتاب املغازي‬.‫ م‬823 -747/.‫ هـ‬207 - 130( ‫* حممد بن عمر الواقدي السهمي األسلمي‬
.‫) السرية النبوية‬.‫ م‬828/.‫ هـ‬213 .‫* أبو حممد عبد امللك بن هشام املعافري احلمريي (ت‬
.‫) كتاب املعارف؛ كتاب اإلمامة والسياسة‬.‫م‬889/828/.‫ه‬276-213( ،‫* عبد هللا بن مسلم بن قتيبة الدينوري‬
.‫ فتوح البلدان‬،‫) أنساب األشراف‬.‫م‬892/.‫ه‬279 .‫* أمحد بن حيىي بن جابر بن داود البالذري (ت‬
. ‫) األخبار الطوال‬.‫م‬894/.‫ه‬281 .‫* أبو حنيفة أمحد بن داود الدينوري (ت‬
.‫) اتريخ اليعقويب‬.‫م‬905/.‫ه‬292 .‫* أمحد بن أيب يعقوب بن جعفر بن وهب بن واضح (ت‬
.‫) اتريخ الرسل وامللوك‬.‫م‬923-839/.‫ه‬310-224( ‫* أبو جعفر حممد بن جرير الطَبي‬
‫) مروج الذهب ومعادن اجلوهر؛ كتاب أخبار‬.‫م‬957-896/.‫ ه‬346-285( ‫* أبو احلسن علي بن احلسني بن علي املسعودي‬
.‫الزمان؛ الكتاب األوسط؛ كتاب التنبيه واإلشراف‬

Make sure these resources are in your library. Sociologists and historians in your group
should make use of the original Arabic sources of these sources. Turkish sociologists
and historians try to benefit only from the translations of these sources. Therefore, their
information cannot be trusted.

1) In order to make your activities attractive, you must have a website that your
broadcasts in Arabic and English should be given a broad scope on

* Articles in Arabic and English should be published on this site.

* My Encyclopedic Arabic dictionary can be published here.
* Likewise, my book “The Language of Revelation” can be published here.
* Arabic language and literature education can be given for a fee.
* Quran Commentaries and Sunnah sources can be published
* By emphasizing the avoidance of violence frequently, wisdom-based Irshad and Islah
programs can be broadcast on Tawhid subjects.

2) An appropriate commercial organization for guidance services should be established.

But this project must not have any purpose other than trade!
You should know very well the exploiters of conscience, the fascists, the pro-American,
the pro-Western, the Sabbataists, the Kamalists, the supporters of Muawiya, the
exploiters of the Ahl al-Bayt, the pro-Israel, the pagans and the force users. To avoid
their evil, your group should never engage in arguments or conflicts with these
destructive circles. You should have as much accurate information as possible about
the destructive activities of insidious organizations such as Racists, Naqshbandis,
Nurists, Freemasons, Baha'is, all Batini groups and Kamalists. Do not forget that most
of these organizations are organized and directed by the «Deep state» and intelligence
agencies. Also; Terrorist organizations such as PKK, Feto, Dhkpc, İbda-C, Daish
supporters and Hezbollah were also organized by the "Deep State". Military coups,
tortures, lynchings, unsolved murders; It was also organized by the «Deep state»
(through the Gladio, counter-guerrilla, Jitem, Western Working Group and Ergenekon
organizations). real history recorded all these events in detail. Very interesting
strategies have been followed in these activities. All these events took place mainly
between the sectarians (tarikatçılar) and the Kamalists. In these centuries-old fights, the
aim was to keep Müslümanlik alive and strong against Islam! For this purpose, the
secularist-Sufi alliance against Islam has been strengthened by constantly producing
slogans and enemies. The recent attempt of a Naqshbandi mullah from Pontus to
provoke the secularists against the Salafis has somewhat deciphered this implicit
alliance. This mullah was arrested years ago by the Judiciary affiliated with the
Fattoushi gang (on charges of prostitution) The mystical, religious and political
formations (in Turkey) just mentioned have thus gained immunity against Islam and
have become fierce and militant just like terrorist organizations. This is why Fascists,
Nakşibendis, Nurcu groups, Kemalists (also some of them hiding behind Muaviye and
some of them behind Ali bin Ebitalib (r)) are the most dangerous groups in Turkey.
Especially Sunni Muslumans hiding behind Muawiya are much more dangerous than
Muslumans hiding behind Ali! These six anarchist groups make up terrible slanders
about Muwahhid believers and try to disgrace them in their media. They are completely
devoid of knowledge, wisdom, fairness, faith and morality. They do not hesitate to
lynch innocent people. They are sadistic and cruel.

In the past, power was entirely in the hands of the Kamalists. At that time they were
scaring these three groups; They were putting the mystics, Musluman religious and
Muwahhid belivers in the same category, applying pressure, and punishing them
heavily with excuses they made up. They constantly insulted them as "round-bearded",
"puritans", and "reactionaries". They were making up crimes against Muslims by
having the statues of Mustafa Kemal broken with the hands of the mentally ill. This
fashion has passed and has no effect nowadays. Today, using all the possibilities of
technology and offering new interpretations of the laws, they are planning plots against
the muwahhid believers in a more systematic way. For example, the Naqshbandis and
secularists describe the believers as ugly and savages, claiming the Muwahhid believers
are sympathizers of al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and the terrorist Daish organization.

In this connection, I need to emphasize an important fact; Some of the aforementioned

groups adhere to the religion called "Muslummanlik". Strengthening the Muslumanlik,
as a religion of terror, chaos and brutality, means eliminating all traces of the great
Islam, and that is one of their common goals. therefore; Let's try to draw attention, at
every opportunity, that Islam and Muslumanlik are two completely separate religions.
Let us emphasize on every occasion that we are not Muslumans, but Muslims and
Muwahhid believers. Let's train our tongues to use these terms correctly. It won't be
easy. Because 800 years ago, a crypto team called "Hâcegan" prepared and
implemented this project. A cult spy organization, which has been the continuation of
this team since then, is constantly trying to spread it and make it ossified in minds.
Today, universities are encouraged for students to prepare undergraduate and doctoral
theses on this subject, and "academic support" is given to National Turkish
Muslumanlik! I suggest you carefully examine these fake doctoral theses and especially
the book “Türk’ün İnancı” written by Namık Kemal Zeybek. If we do not get used to
using the correct words instead of the distorted words, we will fall into the contradiction
of repeating the big mistake of Ali Bardakoğlu, The former President of Religious
Affairs of Türkey, as in the document presented below. Here is that famous document:

Bardakoğlu says in the above document: “The religion we live in now has nothing to
do with Muslumanlik; Because Muslumans have become pagans who worship their
sheikhs or political leaders.”

But if Bardakoglu had said his words in this way, he would have stated the truth.

“The religion we live in now has nothing to do with İslam; Because Muslumans have
become pagans who worship their sheikhs or political leaders.”

4) Never enter into arguments with ideological groups, especially the fascists, the
Naqshbandis and the Kamalists. All three groups are very dangerous. First they try to
blackmail you into anarchic events; then they want you to be crushed and convicted by
the police and the judiciary. The media, which is engaged in the regime, also supports
these three groups. Find only the faults of the polytheist-Muslumans; do not insult them
or their gods. Allah forbade this behavior. Look. al-An'aam / 1081 But you must
successfully tell the world the Contradictions in which they swim; You must expose
their ignorance, superstition and intolerance down to the last detail and disgrace them.
Show them to the world in academic articles. Thus, the secrets and dangers common to
all polytheists will be revealed. In this way, you will lay down all their disgrace without

]108 :‫ [األنعام‬:‫ك رزيَّـنَّا لِ ُك ِل أ َُّم ٍة رع رمل ُره ْم ُُثَّ إِ رَل ررّبِِ ْم رم ْرِجعُ ُه ْم فرـيُـنرـبِئُـ ُه ْم ِِبرا ركانُوا يرـ ْع رملُو رن‬
‫اَّللر رع ْد ًوا بِغر ِْري ِعلْ ٍم رك رذلِ ر‬
َّ ‫سبُّوا‬ َِّ ‫ون‬
ُ ‫اَّلل فرـير‬
ِ ‫ ورَل ترسبُّوا الَّ ِذين ي ْدعُو رن ِمن ُد‬1
ْ ‫رر‬ ُ ‫ر‬
Do not insult what they invoke besides Allah or they will insult Allah spitefully out of ignorance. This
is how We have made each people’s deeds appealing to them. Then to their Lord is their return, and He
will inform them of what they used to do. (al-An'aam/108)
provoking them. I tried to set an example – taking risks – with my work titled “Is the
Religion in the Qur'an Islam or Muslumanlik?”. You must be very wary of the
provocateurs, intelligence agents and criminals and gangs charged with creating
mayhem. Avoid falling into the trap of those who ask the question "where are your
from?" While traveling in Turkey (until you reach the last stop), you will be asked this
question many times. It is not possible to encounter such widespread skepticism even
in a country governed by the most brutal regime in the world. Most of the people who
ask this seemingly harmless and innocent question are actually trying to spy on you to
find out your beliefs and political orientation, and whether you are of their race or speak
another language in the area where you live! If they find out that you are a muwahhid
person, a believer and a Muslim (not a Musluman) you may be in trouble!

5) Kemalists and Naqshbandis have been attacking each other for a century. They fight
every day, even in parliament. However, this fight is reflected to the public as if it is
between the government and the opposition. There are many similar sociological
pictures in Turkey that mislead the public. In the atmosphere of political turmoil, the
public is so misled that hardly anyone other than honest political analysts can discover
the background of these deceptive images. Such a false curtain has been drawn over
this political chaos scene that no one can realize that this constant fight is basically a
century-long war between the Naqshbandis and the Kemalists. Both sides insult each
other. They continue this fight with all its horror and all its ugliness. You should draw
lessons from this scene; Note that these two groups are both Muslumans and they are
allied against Islam! So let's remember how dangerous a religion Muslumanlik is.

Since you are a Muslim and a mu'min in the great Islam, you should be very grateful to
Allah. you should know; In order for the outside world not to notice the terror, chaos
and massacres created by the "Muslumanlik" religion in the Middle East, Muslumans
are trying to spread "Islamophobia" with the support of Israel-Crusader cooperation. In
fact, it is not reflected to the public that it is "Muslumanophobia". Let's not be heedless
of this. In fact, “Islamophobia” is a fabrication of Muslumans, not of the West. It is a
slander against Islam. Because the religion that the world is complaining about is
Muslumanlik (Muslumanism), not Islam. For this reason, the real name of the hatred
aroused against Islam is "muslimophobia". Let's try to announce this correction to the
whole world.

6) The fascists, the Naqshbandis, and the Kemalists are trying to show the world the
Muwahhid believings minority in Turkey that they are followers of the Taliban,
Hezbollah, Wahhabis, Al Qaeda, and the Daish, to classify them as terrorists and
intimidate them using all their means. All our brothers and sisters of tawhid in Turkey
must be very careful in order to frustrate the efforts of these three dark camps (Fascists,
Naqshbandis and Kemalists). We all need accurate and versatile information and a
fresh consciousness in order to see this terrible picture in Turkey clearly. My dear
brother, knowledge is light, enlightenment, noor, life and a tool for guidance…
Comprehensive, high quality and versatile information supported by documents and
culture is a lifeline. This is called "universal knowledge". We can only escape from the
whirlpool of our century by holding on to this tool (with the help of Allah). It is not
enough to just believe in knowledge, love it and have its resources. At the same time,
it is necessary to obtain it, to be enlightened as much as possible by swimming in it, to
reach scientific knowledge and to rely on Allah. I think you will take my advices into
account on this matter. Please try to understand me! I leave you in Allah's safety.
Feriduddin AYDIN
21 November 20232

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