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MCT/MST Formative Observation Report Form

The MST (Mentor School Teacher) and the MCT (Mentor College Teacher) will use this form to formally
observe the pre-service teacher’s performance and to give formative feedback based on the selected
teaching competencies.

Pre-service Moudhi Mohammed Pre-service teacher

teacher name: ID:

MCT name: Paul Leslie Course code: EPC 4906

MST name: Sumayya Moosa Placement School: Al Narjes

Subject: Math Date: 27 Oct 2022

Professional Dispositions

Integrity and professional growth

• Demonstrates integrity in all interactions and situations
• Participates in professional communities
• Shares professional learning with colleagues
• Uses action research and literature to inform teaching decisions
• Acts upon professional development plan
• Makes informed instructional decisions based on continuous reflection upon past experiences, present
instructional situations, and future instructional goals

From last time:

Moudhi, as always I found you to be a great presence in the classroom. You presented your lesson and
materials very thoroughly and you were very well planned.

You managed my visit very well and I can see you are in total control of the class and your assistants. You
have created an active learning environment, and you are clearly in charge.

I can see you manage the whole class, table by table and individual students. You have great energy and
focus on your students.

I am impressed and now a ‘fan’ of your teaching style.

This time - again, a firm but teacher-like control of the class. Your interactions are very professional and it
has been a pleasure to come out and see you.

It seems that the students were pretty good. Do you feel that your expectations are reasonable for the

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Areas for improvement:

Keep on keeping on!

Planning for Teaching & Learning

Homeroom teaching
• Shows interest and initiative to know each child within and beyond the classroom
• Provides day-to-day pastoral care and guidance
• Supports holistic development across domains (cognitive, physical, social, emotional and language)
• Collaborates with families to support children’s development and learning
• Maintains nurturing classroom routines

From last time:

Please see the plan for comments - very clean and well done. I realize you work from a group lesson plan
made with the other Grade 1 teachers. So, next time, we can just work from that one.

This time - are you working from another plan? We did discuss this last time and your plan is very
streamlined this time so how did that go?

Areas for improvement:


Managing Teaching & Learning

Teacher presence
• Uses body language (posture, walk the room while talking, make eye contact, and smile), voice (pauses,
voice variations, and tempo) and positions effectively to generate excitement and an active learning
classroom environment
• Demonstrates awareness of individual child needs and the group dynamic
• Addresses students’ academic and emotional needs while being resourceful about anticipating
• Develops authentic relationships with students that breed confidence and respect throughout the
classroom, allowing for risk taking
• Challenges students to move beyond their comfort zone and supports them through open-ended
• Shows consistent receptivity to the current classroom climate and flexibility to change
• Connects abstract ideas to practical activities that generate enthusiasm and creativity
• Displays and models confidence, self-control, kindness, and positive attitude towards learning
• Speaks with energy and passion for higher student engagement
• Makes use of the classroom space by moving around while interacting with students

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From last time:

Very well controlled! The students were engaged and you were able to keep them focused very well.

You seem to be working with the classroom assistants as well. I was impressed with the energy of the
students they were totally focused on their work, and that is all up to you to achieve. Well done.

This time, the students again know you, remembered me and all is good. You are able to keep the class
moving along at a brisk pace.

Areas for improvement:

No comments! The class is moving along at a great pace and they are all fully engaged.

Implementing Learning

Flexibility and adaptability in context (reflection in action)

• Reviews teaching and learning practices and adapts them as appropriate for the Early Childhood context
• Considers adopting new high impact teaching and learning practices appropriate for the Early Childhood
• Assesses how teaching accommodates students’ needs and abilities at different stages of development
• Values teachable moments and adjusts teaching accordingly

From last time:

The lesson itself went very well. It was well planned and the implementation was fine. They knew what to
do and got it done.

You are moving around the groups with great effectiveness and just pushing them along. Great work!

You were a marvel of efficiency. I like the ‘get on with it’ approach.

This time, you worked through the counting and line numbering with great alacrity. It was motivating and
very fast paced. They seemed to be competent and were able to keep up with you.

Areas for improvement:


Assessing Learning

Records as evidence of learning for reporting to stakeholders

• Collects and analyses data from different sources (e.g., observations and running records
of learners’ performance, parental input, learners’ work samples)

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• Records and interprets progress against the developmental and learning goals
• Maintains records of learners’ progress in a systematic way using learner portfolios

From last time:

Lots of opportunity to see how and what they are doing. Lots of questions and assessing their progress
and performance.

You showed me your records from your research as well. That seems to be going very well and I can see
how you have made some improvements to your record keeping for the research project.

This time, you continue to ask great questions and you have them produce a lot of written work. As you
went around, I noted that you were able to check their work and give extension activities to those who
had finished early.

Areas for improvement:

I love the whiteboards. How do you ensure that all students are keeping up?


Reflecting on dispositions, PDP development, self-improvement, and importance of education

• Demonstrates the ability to make informed professional decisions based on continuous reflection of
their knowledge, skills, beliefs, and attitudes
• Attends to the intellectual, emotional, and ethical aspects of the profession
• Writes reflections on own professional dispositions
• Composes reflections on the importance of education
• Plans next step actions for professional development based on reflections
• Develops action plans to address areas for improvement based on self-reflection
• Reflects on progress against the personally generated action plans

From last time:

Much better than before. Their behaviour was excellent. The timing was excellent.

This time: They were so out of control. Hyper.

Areas for improvement:

Trying the new bell

Action Plan (Objectives, actions, implementation timeline, resources):

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From last time;

 making thinking visible

o Well done with the board instructions
 How do you be strict and ‘run a tight ship’ but do so while seeming relaxed
o Really great balance of strict, but relaxed now.

Last time

 Implementing a great interdisciplinary approach.

How is the interdisciplinary approach working?


 Starts with the anthem

 Day the day date and counts the students
o Uses counting sticks to count the students
 Does some addition on the white boards
 Shows the number line
o Some kerfluffle - students get an upbraiding
 Sound loud crying and yelling in the hallway - must be disturbing the students
 Finish the demo
 Move to tables.
o Moving between tables very efficiently. Supporting and adapting the activities.
o Some extension activities

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