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Adolescence and Social Behavior ● Achievement becomes a more These stages are border-less and

In order for us to have a clear central theme of the child’s world flowing, not strictly fixed and
understanding on how a person and self-control increases. definite. An adolescent may
develops, let’s take a look at these experience intimacy issues (young
two developmental theories that Adolescence adulthood) or may still be struggling
focuses on family process and ● 10-12 years old to 18-22 years old with his identity confusion
psychosocial development. ● Begins with rapid physical changes (adolescence).
(dramatic gains in height in weight,
John Santrock’s 8 Developmental changes in body contour, (STAGE- AGE- CONFLICT- FAVORABLE
Stages and development of sexual RESULTS-UNFAVORABLE RESULTS-
According to John Santrock there are characteristics such as enlargement INFLUENCE)
8 developmental stages in a life span of breasts, development of pubic
development. His research focuses and facial hair, deepening of voice) Infancy
on family processes and children ● Pursuit of independence & identity ●Birth to 18 months
psychosocial development. The are prominent ●Trust vs. Mistrust
following are the stages of ● Thought is more logical, abstract & ●being able to trust others when
development: idealistic primary caregiver (parents/mother)
● More time is spent outside family was able to provide love, care, and
Prenatal Period attention
● Development happens quickly Early Adulthood ●Mistrusting or withdrawal
during this stage ● Late teens or early 20s to 30s ● Parents
(tremendous growth from a single ● Time of establishing personal &
cell to an organism complete with economic Early Childhood
brain and behavioral capabilities) independence, career development, ●18 months to 3 years old
● Time between conception and selecting a mate, ●Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
birth learning to live with someone in an ●develop self-control physical skills
● Divided into 3 stages: -germinal - intimate way, starting a with independence while not losing
embryonic –fetal family & rearing child. self-esteem
●compulsive self-restraint or
Infancy Middle Adulthood compliance
● Birth to 18-24 months ● 40 to 60 years old time of ●Parents
● Time of extreme dependence on expanding personal &
adults social involvement & responsibility Late Childhood
● Many psychological activities are ● Assisting next generation in ●3 years old to 5 years old
just beginning (language, symbolic becoming competent & ●Initiative vs. Guilt
thought, sensory-motor mature individuals, reaching & ●learns that being purposeful and
coordination & social learning) maintaining satisfaction in a assertive can affect the
career environment; develops a sense of
Early Childhood purpose
● End of infancy to 5-6 years old Late Adulthood ●when using too much power and
(pre-school years-grade 1) ● 60s and above control, might experience
● Young children learn to ● Time for adjustment to decreasing disapproval resulting in lack of self-
become more self- sufficient and strength and health, life review, confidence and feelings of guilt; fear
care for themselves, develop school retirement and adjustment to new of being wrongly judged
readiness skills and spend many social roles. ●Parents and Teachers
hours in play with peers
Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial School Age
Middle & Late Childhood Developmental Stages ● 6 to 12 years old
● 6-11 years old (elementary school According to Erik Erikson, an ●Industry vs. Inferiority
years) individual’s life and development ●develops a sense of competence
● Fundamental skills of reading, may be divided into eight stages and perseverance; learns how to
writing, and arithmetic are mastered each with different conflicts or crises cope with the demands of school
● Child is formally exposed to larger that must be resolved. Failure to and environment
world and its culture resolve the conflict will subsequently
affect future stages.
●loss of hope; withdrawal from ● Community 5. They become inclined towards the
peers and school; a sense of idea of becoming very self-conscious
mediocrity and feelings of Adolescence: Identity vs. Role and ego-centric.
inferiority Confusion 6. The reckless behavior of
● Parents and Teachers Identity is the concept of an adolescents is sometimes attributed
individual about himself and is often to the development of their brains
Adolescence referred to as “self-identity”, molded since their ability to make plans and
●12 to 20 years old through various interactive see the consequences of their
●Identity vs. Role Confusion experiences around himself, such as actions are not yet fully
●develops a sense of Self and their family and community, and his developed.
identity; plans to actualize one's responses in terms of thinking, 7. Experimentation is a common
abilities; develops the ability to stay attitude, and behavior to external activity for adolescents as they
true to oneself stimuli. Role oftentimes forms part search for their identity.
●weak sense of self; feelings of of his self-identity, such as birth 8. They often express their
confusion, indecisiveness, and anti- order in the family, the nature of independence and assert their
social behavior work, occupation, or title, and unique selves through their clothing
●Teachers and Significant Others academic and social standing. and fashion styles.
Identity is also influenced by how 9. Searching for social groups with
Young Adulthood others perceive an individual. common interests have been their
●20 to 25 years old way to validate their chosen identity.
● Intimacy vs. Isolation Role Confusion is the negation of 10. Socialization among male and
●develops a strong need for love, self-identity, in a sense that there is female adolescents occurs in this
commitment, and affection; the confusion over one’s self- concept or phase, most especially that we are in
need for intimate loving the absence or lack of such a a digital era through online
relationships; commitment; concept. Role confusion affects an platforms.
develops strong relationships individual’s relationship with others 11. Sexual experimentation also
●impersonal, weak relationships; because there is no clear definition happens in this stage. However, due
avoidance of relationships, career, of what he is and how he relates to to their underdeveloped cognitive
or lifestyle commitments; isolation others. and affective capacities and
and loneliness education of the matter, this
●Friends Changes during Adolescence experimentation sometimes ends up
The adolescent's physiological in a disaster.
Adulthood transitioning is very pronounced at
●25 to 60 years old this stage. These are some of the LESSON 5: DEVELOPMENT STAGES
●Generativity vs. Stagnation changes experienced in IN THE MIDDLE AND LATE
●creates and nurtures things that Adolescence: ADOLESCENCE
would outlast them; creativity, 1. Puberty kicks in and is fueled by
legacy, a feeling of usefulness, the hormonal changes that are TERMS:
accomplishment, and concern for occurring and pushing the ● Beatnik movement - a media
others adolescent toward sexual stereotype prevalent throughout the
●shallow involvement in the world; maturation. late 1940s, 1950s to mid-1960s that
pessimism; self-indulgence; lack of 2. Cognitive growth among displayed the more superficial
interests and commitments adolescents is usually marked by the aspects of the Beat Generation
●Community way they can comprehend abstract literary movement of the late 1940s
concepts, such as freedom and and early to mid-1950s;
Maturity / Old Age human rights. ● Hippie movement - also spelled
●60 years old to death 3. Beliefs about morality, religion, hippy, member, during the 1960s
● Integrity vs. Despair and politics are also starting to and 1970s, of a countercultural
● sense of fulfillment and evolve. movement that rejected the mores
accomplishment; wisdom; 4. They begin to ask questions about of mainstream American life. The
acceptance of uniqueness and the status quo, about the way things movement originated on college
worth; acceptance of death happen, and usually counter campuses in the United States,
● sense of loss and contempt for questions or situations with the although it spread to other
others; may result in bitterness, challenging question of, “why not?” countries, including Canada and
regret, and despair Britain.
● Millennial - anyone born between Skills and Tasks Appropriate for ● Interpret and express them and
1981 and 1996 (ages 24 to 39 in Middle and Late Adolescence discern the necessary actions; being
2020) According to the American culture, able to detach themselves from
● Selfie - an image that includes there are ten (10) developmental emotions/emotional situations if
oneself (often with another person tasks expected of adolescents: ever the need arises.
or as part of a group) and is taken 1. Adjust to sexually maturing 7. Form friendships that are
by oneself using a digital camera bodies and feelings mutually close and supportive
especially for posting on social ● Being aware of the bodily changes, ● Adolescents should be able to
networks managing sexual feelings, engaging form positive and healthy
Adolescence and Social Behavior in healthy sexual behaviors; relationships as their perspective on
“Every culture has a representation establishing sexual identity and human relations widen; as peer
of how their adolescent population developing skills for romantic sexual influence is very influential in this
behaved over the decades.” relationships. age, it should drive adolescents
2. Develop and apply abstract toward productive relationships.
Look at this timeline: thinking skills 8. Establish key aspects of identity
●1950s - In United States, the term ● Effectively understand and ● Develop their healthy self-concept
“teenage rebellion” was popularized coordinate abstract ideas, thinking that reflects the uniqueness of the
with the beatnik movement at its out possibilities, trying out theories, individual in contrast with
forefront. Filipino teenagers copied planning, reflecting on how and others, family, and the bigger
their American counterparts. It was what they are thinking, and coming community.
the era of the “Lo-Waist Gang”, out with own philosophies. 9. Meeting the demands of
where actors wore tight fitting jeans 3. Develop and apply new increasingly mature roles and
and pompadour hairstyles slopped perspective on human relationships responsibilities
with pomade. ● Developing compassion and ● The emerging adult must be able
●1960s and 1970s - It was the hippie empathy, as well as being able to to acquire the skills and knowledge
movement and the flower power look at matters from a different as well as other competencies to be
that became the trademark of the perspective. able to handle the increasingly
generation of adolescents and young 4. Develop and apply new coping difficult roles and responsibilities
adults. The use of psychedelic drugs skills such as decision-making, expected to be given to the
and other hypnotic substances were problem-solving, and conflict adolescent.
popular. Filipino teenagers by that resolution 10. Renegotiate relationships with
time were amid the political turmoil ● Develop new thinking capabilities adults in parenting roles
that dominated the Philippines and capacity which allow for more ● Since the age of adolescence is the
before and during martial law. creative solutions and applications of time wherein the individual moves
●1980s to early 2000s- Towards the knowledge as well as handling from dependency to independence,
new millennium, adolescents born conflicts; ability to see the individuals should be able to
from these years became known as consequences of their actions and communicate their changing needs
the “millennials”. This generation think of the future. and preferences to their parents or
was born in the midst of a great 5. Identify meaningful moral guardians so as not to cause conflict;
technology boom; hence, they were standards, values, and belief this is not pronounced in the
also referred to as “digital natives” systems Philippines.
versus the previous generation who ● Due to an adolescent’s idealism,
were referred to as “digital they start to develop their principles, According to the Filipino context,
immigrants”, having migrated from values, and virtues as well as a belief there are 14 developmental tasks for
non-digital to digital technology. system that directs their actions. Filipino adolescents:
●2000 to present - Today, a social 6. Understand and express more 1. Developing occupational skills
phenomenon has taken over the complex emotional experiences ● Skills that can help the adolescent
world today and it is called the ● Being able to identify and develop responsibility for future
“selfie” phenomenon. This created understand the emotions arising tasks, jobs, and responsibilities.
an impact on the way young people from certain situations happening 2. Self-reliance
see themselves. The development of around them or they are involved in; ● The ability to be able to determine
the adolescent’s identity today is as adolescents become more aware one’s skills, capabilities, and
being influences and molded by of and affected by the emotions competencies; this leads to being
technology. and feelings they are experiencing,
they should be able to
able to rely on oneself for certain ● Since belongingness is very development.
tasks rather than rely on others important to adolescents, they find ● Attitude - refers to a set of
indiscriminately. it hard to assert their individuality emotions, beliefs, and behaviors
3. Ability to manage their finances out of fear that they might not be toward a particular object, person,
● Be able to determine their “needs” accepted by their peers; as the thing, or event. Attitudes are often
and “wants” and be able to prioritize thought that they need to the result of experience or
whatever is deemed important. please others lessen, so do their upbringing, and they can have a
4. Social responsibility desire to be able to please others powerful influence over behavior.
● Adolescents should be able to see just so that they can belong in ● Behavior - the actions that an
themselves as a part of a the group. organism uses to adjust to and live
community; they should be able to 11. Learning how media and within its environment and how one
see beyond themselves and see the advertising are trying to influence acts or conducts oneself, especially
bigger picture, taking into their thinking and feeling toward others.
consideration other people and ● As adolescents become more open ● Self-esteem - refers to an
the community in general. to ideologies, they tend to be easily individual's sense of his or her value
5. Mature work orientation affected and influenced by the things or worth, or the extent to which a
● Develop pride and excellence in around them as well as what they person values, approves of,
their tasks and not settle for less. see and hear; they need to be aware appreciates, prizes, or likes him or
6. Personal responsibility how different things can influence herself.
● Adolescents should be able to take their thoughts and feelings and in ● Relationship - any association
and handle whatever the general, how they develop. between persons, amounting to
repercussions and consequences of 12. Becoming aware, critical, and mutual familiarity, mutual
their actions are; this is taking involved with social issues awareness of one another's
responsibility for all decisions and ● Adolescents should be aware of identities, and meaningful
actions and not blaming them and formulate their own opinions understanding of their relations to
on others. regarding the social issues in one another.
7. Positive attitude toward work their community; however, aside ● Belongingness - the human
● This means looking at their work from this they should also do emotional need to be an accepted
as an expression of love to something about it, thus being member of a group.
themselves, others, and the involved. ● Roles - a set of connected
community; on that mindset, the 13. Embracing a healthy lifestyle behaviors, rights, obligations, beliefs,
attitude becomes positive as one ● Being aware of the food they eat and norms as conceptualized by
would not settle for anything and engaging in physical activities; people in a social situation. It is an
less if it pertains and would affect adolescents should be able to define expected or free or continuously
themselves. their meaning of health, and this changing behavior and may have a
8. Being courageous in standing up would direct what their lifestyle given individual social status or
and being different from their would be. social position.
friends 14. Developing spirituality ● Values – a person's principles or
● Adolescents have a strong drive ● Discovering and determining what standards of behavior; one's
towards social belongingness, and gives their life and experiences judgment of what is important in
this becomes a major force for meaning; as principles, life.
their actions while this is important, consciousness, values, virtues, and ● Belief - generally defined as
they should be able to stand up for perspectives are being developed, convictions that things held in the
their own identity, opinions, and the meaning to their life is slowly mind are true.
preferences, not necessarily being being defined and adolescence is
ruled by the decision of the mob or tasked. Physiological Development
group. Challenges
9. Developing self-esteem LESSON 5: THE CHALLENGES OF
● Learning to understand, accept MIDDLE AND LATE ADOLESCENCE *Concern for Body Image
and appreciate oneself as a unique ● Adolescence – the period of There is a strong inclination for
person, avoiding comparing transition between childhood and teenagers, particularly those in
oneself to others. adulthood. Children who are middle adolescence, to be conscious
10. Being true to oneself and entering adolescence are going of their physical image or body
avoiding the tendency to please through many changes in physical, figure. Body image is a person’s
others intellectual, personality, and social perception of the physical aspects of
the self. It is how one perceives the problems. Teenagers who become hours-for them to function
self in terms of the physical self- the subject of ridicule by their peers efficiently. Most teenagers,
projected to other people through are more likely to suffer from however, do not get enough sleep.
the body. This physical perception emotional disturbances. As a
about the self is associated with the consequence, they begin to acquire Sleep disorders found among teens
teens’ self-esteem and choice of poor self-esteem, in addition, they include daytime sleepiness, sleep
lifestyle. Their perception about suffer from anxiety, depression, and apnea, or difficulty in breathing
their body creates either positive or obsessive-compulsive disorder. while sleeping, narcolepsy, fatigue,
negative feelings, which then headache, stomach problems, and
redound to either high or less self- ●Eating Disorders are psychological insomnia.
esteem. This also leads to good or conditions characterized by having
bad eating habits and physical extreme disturbances in eating ●Insomnia refers to the trouble a
activities. The adolescents’ habits. Experts link this type of person experiences in falling or
perception of their physical disorder to family relationships, staying asleep. This is because the
attributes is prompted by many psychological factors, and genetics. brain works naturally late at night or
environmental influences, including The three more popular types of this late in the morning during
social media, attitudes of peers, condition are anorexia nervosa, adolescence. Also, the internal
current fad, and fashion trends. bulimia nervosa, binge-eating biological clock of the body, or what
disorder. is termed as the circadian rhythm is
According to the Raising Children changed to a later time. This
Network, with the Center for ●Anorexia Nervosa- This type of modification in the internal body
Adolescent Health (2015), some eating disorder is characterized by clock may be due to the production
teens have a tendency to be refusal to eat. Teenagers who have of the brain hormone melatonin that
unhappy about their physical image this type of disorder sees themselves happens late at night compared with
and are in danger of acquiring a bad as overweight even though they are kids and adults. There are also
physical image if they: skinny. They believe that their sense instances when young people use
● Have a physical defect or of value lies in their body image. their mobile devices in bed. The
incapacity They fear gaining weight so they bright light from these devices
● Feel pressure from family or friend exercise a lot or some may even causes the disruption of the
who annoy or mock them about starve to death. circadian rhythm making it difficult
their looks for teens to fall asleep. Other
● Have a different look or heavier ●Bulimia Nervosa- This is a type of modifications in teenagers’ body
weight compared with the “ideal” eating disorder characterized by clock may be stress and physical
shapes adored by people or eating excessive amounts of food discomfort.
propagated by the media and consequentially purging the
● Feel anxious about how others body through vomiting, exercising, ●Narcolepsy is a type of sleep
perceive their physical appearance or using laxatives and diuretics. syndrome characterized by excessive
● Have poor self-esteem sleepiness during the day and
● Would like to have a perfect body ●Binge-eating disorder- This eating disruption of sleep at night. This
image disorder is characterized by frequent disorder usually happens between
● Have bouts of depression because episodes of out-of-control eating. It the ages of nine and eighteen. The
of their looks is quite similar to bulimia but people daytime drowsiness or inappropriate
● Belong to a group, club, or who have this disorder do not purge times of sleepiness may happen
organization that emphasizes a their bodies of excess calories. during class, while conversing with
certain body type someone or during relaxing
*Irregularity in Sleep patterns moments. Because of narcolepsy,
*Excessive Body Fat or Obesity According to the National Sleep some young people suffer from poor
Foundation, adolescents tend to performance in school, which then
●Obesity is a body condition sleep late at night and wake up late results in low grades.
characterized by having too much in the morning. This implies that it ●Sleep apnea is a type of sleep
body fat. If not properly addressed, may be natural for teenagers to disorder characterized by brief
obesity can cause major problems, experience difficulty in sleeping early interruptions of breathing during
including heart problems, in the evening. These young people sleep. It is derived from the Greek
hypertension, sleeping difficulties, usually need a considerable number word apnea, which means “want to
breathing problems, and emotional of hours of sleep-about 8 to 10
breath.” The common type of sleep simultaneously as the heightened crisis to refer to a series of internal
apnea is the level of self-awareness, uniqueness, contradictions associated with the
so-called obstructive sleep apnea. and critical thinking. The need for eight stages of development. Young
This happens when air cannot flow approval happens at about the same people in the early to middle
into or out of the individual’s nose or time early adolescents experience adolescence experience the first
mouth despite continuous effort to family conflicts, in particular with predicament pertinent to the crisis
breathe. their parents. As professor of of identity versus role confusion.
psychology Laurence Steinberg This difficulty describes effort to
*Cognitive Development Challenges (1993) puts it, close associations, seek a balance between forming a
●Thinking, Learning, and Problem coherence, and agreement with the distinct self and still being accepted
Solving peer group heightens at the ages of by others.
The theories of clinical psychologist twelve to fourteen. When adolescents are able to
Jean Piaget provided a rich source One component of identity overcome this challenge, they will
of information regarding the altering achievement as identified by Erikson have a strong appreciation of their
nature of the mental processing is the so called “fidelity” (Kroger unique self and individual identity
during the transition from childhood 1989) Adolescents usually and will be able to present this “self”
to adolescence. Piaget illustrated experiment with various roles and to others. As a result, they learn to
how young people in the phase of value systems until they are able to become confidents and be well -
adolescence develop the ability to attain fidelity. Through this, the rounded individuals who can
contemplate rationally and develop sociopolitical responsibility, spontaneously mingle with other
conceptually (1955). In the words of discover an ideal person to look up people without the fear of losing
Daniel Keating adolescence brings to to, or adhere to a social principle their distinct self and identity. On
fore the “attainment of a more fully without obeying others blindly. the other hand, if they fail and feel
conscious, self-directed, and self- anxious about their identity, they
regulating mind.” ●Learning through Success and will become socially aloof and
Failure lacking in emotional maturity.
●Interpersonal Perspective Taking According to Piaget, part of the The second crisis, according to
During the middle and late stages of cognitive transition of childhood into Erikson, is the crisis of intimacy
their cognitive development, adolescence is the development versus isolation. This occurs between
adolescents acquire mutual from “concrete operations” to the period of late adolescence and
understanding that can be felt by “formal operations”. During the early adulthood. This predicament
sincerely providing and being middle and late adolescence, describes the conflict to find a
thoughtful for a person. This idea teenagers are able to deal with solution to the mutual nature of
was well described by psychologist ideas, concepts, and abstract closeness such as giving and
Robert Selman in his 2003 work, The theories. However, it takes time receiving love and support from
Promotion of Social Awareness from them to acquire needed others. Erikson argues that when the
which he based on the research of confidence to use these skills. There individual successfully navigates the
psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg and are times they may make mistakes in difficulty, there are greater chances
others intended to present a better their judgement. This is part of the to survive with the
awareness of young people’s social challenge of the learning process for confidence to establish mutual
and moral thinking processes. adolescents. relationships. The inability to resolve
Selman delved deeper into the the conflict leaves a person isolated
development of perspective-taking *Psychosocial Development and lonely without social support.
skills, also known as “interpersonal Challenges
understanding” throughout its ●Increase in Intensity of Emotions
progression to appreciate how ●Searching for Identity The transition from childhood to
changes in mental processes in Young people continually seek adulthood is a period of turbulence
interpersonal perspective influence answers to questions such as who and stress. Constant adjustments
relationships. they are and where they fit in the to physiological and social changes
world. This search can be influenced can cause adolescents to display
●Idealism and Commitment to by their family, school, gender, peer inappropriate mood swings and
Social Causes group, and cultural background. emotional outbursts. Their tolerance
The sense of idealism among According to Erikson, young people for change is indeed out to a test.
adolescents develops must resolve two life “crises” during
adolescence. He utilized the word
reasons for substance abuse are adolescence stage that whatever
●Peak of Parent-Child Control curiosity, peer pressure, rebellion, they do may have moral and legal
Disagreements and relief from unpleasant repercussions.
At this stage, adolescents begin to emotions. The substances used by
conceive their idea of “ideal” some teens include tobacco, liquor, LESSON 6: COPING WITH STRESS IN
parents who are in contrast to their contact cement, diet pills, or MIDDLE AND LATE ADOLESCENCE
own parents. There is an evident over-the-counter prescription drugs. ● Stressors - things, situations, or
intermittent seeking and rejection of Some teenagers use prohibited even people that triggers stress.
parental support. This seemingly drugs such as marijuana, LSD, ● Hormones - a product of the
stormy relationship between parents cocaine, methamphetamine, or activity of the cells that go around
and adolescents normally springs ecstasy. The use of these substances through our body fluids (such as
from the need of teens to search for may be classified as abuse when a blood)
freedom, away from their parents’ person continues to use them to the ● Adrenal Gland - a group of cells
conventional rules. point of causing serious problems located in the kidney that secretes
●Peer group as Focal Point of such as family conflicts, peer hormones responsible for
Interest isolation, school expulsion. A few stimulating a fight-or-flight reaction
Adolescents regard their peer group teenagers become mentally or of the body including increased
as their primary means of social physically addicted to these heart rate and respiration
support, buffering the “separation” substances and it can even lead (sweating).
process from their parents. They people to commit crimes. ● Cortisol - steroid hormones, it
consider their peers as “everybody” helps us regulate stress within the
who defines “everything.” *Spiritual and Moral Development body. It is made in the adrenal
Adolescents at this stage continue to Challenges glands.
experiment with new roles and ●Moral Reasoning and Decision ● Norepinephrine - a hormone that
identities. They also engage in risk- Making helps keep blood pressure at a
taking activities bolstered by their During the middle and late constant level, especially if it falls
persistent sense of invulnerability adolescence, teenagers are faced too low. (Cambridge Dictionary)
and immortality. with the challenge concerning moral ● Pre-frontal cortex - a part of the
decision making. Taking off from the brain responsible for controlling our
●Sexual interest, Curiosity, contribution of Piaget, Kohlberg response to dangerous, frightening
Experimentation, and Partnerships contends that the ability to provide or challenging situations.
According to Adolescent Parenting moral reason becomes more
author Angela Oswalt (2015), views complicated and distinguished DEFINING STRESS
about romance vary between through the years. He asserts that by A reaction of the mind and body to a
genders. Females are more the age of thirteen, the teenagers’ stimulus that disturbs the well-being,
concerned about the consequences rational thinking develops to state of calm, or equilibrium of a
of sexual activity than males so they embrace reciprocal considerations. person. Small and sporadic amounts
begin to research more about They acquire the ability to of stress can be helpful and
pregnancy and birth control. appreciate other people’s beneficial to individuals, while
There are teenagers who try to experiences, which widens their excessive amounts of stress
engage in sexual activity out of concepts of moral principles sustained over a lengthy period of
curiosity. Others do not and concerning other individuals and the time can be destructive to both
cannot draw the line between distinct aspects of various situations. physical and mental health.
wanting to have sex and just fooling
around. As Oswalt further explains, ●Considering Moral Implications STRESS AS STIMULUS, RESPONSE
teenagers in certain instances and Consequences of Actions AND RELATIONAL
experiment with sexual behaviors With cognitive and moral As a stimulus, stress is caused by
and unprotected sexual acts but still development, middle and late situations that may be life
claim that they maintain sexual adolescents go through an threatening or life-changing, such as
abstinence. These sexual activities increasing level of maturity. They separation, moving into a new
oftentimes leas to unwanted begin to consider the moral home, or having a new job. These
pregnancies, abortion, or early implications and possible events and situations are called
marriages. consequences of their actions. Most stressors.
significantly, they realize when they Stress as a response is the way the
●Substance abuse reach the age of majority in the late body reacts to challenging situations.
These are the interactions between the entrance exams to whatever
the hormones, glands and nervous school or university, and the course COPING WITH STRESS
system. that they will choose. Coping is very important mechanism
● The adrenal gland drives the 3. Separation Anxiety in dealing with stress. It can be
production of cortisol or the “stress High school graduation, to some, problem-focused, when remedies or
hormone”. It enables the person’s means a temporary ending or solutions are thought of to change
body to produce the energy it needs separation from some of their the situation to lessen the stress, or
to gear it toward action. friends. There is a possible situation emotion-focused, when the
● Production of norepinephrine that they may go to other place to objective is to lessen the emotional
triggers the body’s reaction, such as study or to move to other schools. impact caused by the stressful
an increased heart rate, higher blood 4. College Life situation. Coping can be a
pressure, and respiration, to prepare The idea of being by themselves in a combination of both problem-
the body for action. new school in college and meeting focused and emotion-focused:
● The adolescent’s physical response and adjusting to new people is ● Conduct creative imagery of the
to stress is faster that of an adult another cause of stress. The problem
because the part of the adolescent’s unfamiliarity of a new environment ● Seek group or social support
brain, the prefrontal cortex-assesses can bring stress to adolescents as ● Get into relaxation activities
danger and directs action during they set their foot in college. ● Create a situation where you can
stress – is not yet developed. 5. Romantic Relationships or the feel more relaxed
● Prolonged or chronic situations Lack of it ● Learn to manage your time
that involve both cortisol and Adolescents tend to feel awkward ● Eat properly
norepinephrine will eventually affect when they are not in a special ● Seek spiritual growth through
the body to wear down fast and can relationship with someone. prayer and meditation
cause fatigue, aging and illness Somehow, having an intimate ● Have a worthwhile hobby
caused by low immune system. relationship is a status symbol that ● Watch movie with friends
Stress as relational means that a says one is good looking, interesting, ● Have a nice, quiet walk
person takes a step back to look at and attractive. ● Assess your stressors and then
the situation that is causing the 6. Family Demands and adjust to the expectations
stress and assesses it. It allows the Expectations ● Believe in yourself
person to weigh the relevance or For some, family ties can be a
irrelevance of the situation. stressor. Since the adolescent is still LESSON 7: THE POWERS OF MIND-
learning and yearning for THE WHOLE BRAIN THEORY
HEALTHY STRESS independence and autonomy, ● Hemisphere - one of two half of
Short and sporadic stress can propel parents may not be ready to sphere, therefore, cerebral
a person to a necessary action. relinquish control over their “baby”. hemisphere refers to one of the
These stresses can motivate, This where conflicts set in. sides of the brain
energize and spur an action. Bad 7. Health Concerns ● Cerebral - a word relating to the
stress can be transformed Health problems may run a gamut of cerebrum, the largest section of the
depending on how an individual varieties, such as unwanted brain. It could also be relating to the
assesses the situation, pregnancy, HIV and other sexually intellect, e.g. Cerebral mode or
transmitted diseases, unhealthy Intellectual mode
STRESSORS lifestyles such as poor eating and ● Cerebral cortex - a wrinkled
1. School Demands and sleeping habits that often lead to a surface of the cerebrum, with a
Expectations lifetime disease, and so on. brownish-gray color consisting of
Quizzes and tests, home works and 8. Demands of Social Life nerve tissues and fibers, that
projects, oral recitation, quarterly Forming groups or joining one makes functions mainly for coordination of
and final exams, and grades most an adolescent feel safe and secure our senses and movements
especially, epitomize the kind of because to be a part of one social ● Neocortex - a region in the brain
stressors adolescents have when it group is an affirmation that they are said to be unique in mammals. In
comes to studying. acceptable to others. humans, it is said to be responsible
2. Selecting a School, College 9. Bullying for our rationality or reasoning
Course, or Career Being bullied in school can be very ability.
A high school student who just stressful and may cause emotional ● Reptilian - a word description
graduated face more demanding and psychological trauma to the related to the characteristics of a
challenges and the first of these are individual experiencing it. reptile, or something treacherous or
aggressive. In the context of our brain and how it works. These are hemisphere, and the lower left and
lesson, the reptilian cortex will mean some studies conducted on the brain right limbic halves. He is regarded as
as the portion of the brain that often starts with an attempt to the “Father of Brain Dominance
responsible for sensing danger, understand a brain-related disease Technology”.
aggressiveness control, and survival or malfunction:
instincts Herrmann Brain Dominance
● Limbic System - a group of 1. Paul Broca conducted a study on Instrument (HBDI)
structures below the cerebral cortex the language and left- right brain developed a 120-question survey
that are concerned especially with specialization on a patient who had instrument that measured the
emotion and motivation problems with language then preference strengths of the four
● Theory - a scientifically acceptable theorized that language functions quadrants. This is very useful in
general principle or body of reside in the left side of the brain. identifying occupational profiles.
principles offered to explain a He was not trying to differentiate
Phenomenon 2. Split Brain Theory - Dr. Roger the functions of the quadrants and
Sperry conducted a study for how the brain works. Instead, he is
Some fun facts about your brain: epilepsy (1981 Nobel Prize for pointing out the preferences of
● The brain can’t feel pain. It Physiology or Medicine). He styles in thinking. This means using
interprets pain signals sent to it, but explained that the left and right side one’s strength while allowing the
it does not feel pain. of the brain has different functions. weaker styles to grow stronger
● People don’t know that when they The left hemisphere of the brain is through regular use and practice.
practice and learn new things, parts for tasks that are more intuitive, In the illustrations below, we will see
of their brain change and get larger a creative, and synthesizing; these four different thinking styles,
lot like muscles do when they while the right hemisphere of the and how and when these are
exercise. brain was for functions such as most useful and effective.
● The brain of a human contains analytical, logical, reasoning, and Analytical Learner
approximately one hundred billion critical thinking. -Logical, factual, critical, technical,
neurons. 3. Triune Brain Theory - Dr. Paul quantitative, abstract, impersonal.
● Cholesterol is key to learning and MacLean came up with a theory that -Preferred activities are collecting
memory. However, high cholesterol identified three distinct parts of the data, listening to informational
has different effects depending on Brain – Neocortex, Limbic System, lectures, reading textbooks, judging
your age and other factors. and Reptilian Cortex ideas based on facts, criteria, and
● About 75 percent of the brain is ● Neocortex or the rational brain – logical reasoning.
made up of water. This means that intellectual tasks (language, -Reponses well to technical or
dehydration, even in small amounts, planning, abstraction, and financial information, theories,
can have a negative effect on the perception) charts and graphs, formal approach,
brain functions. ● Limbic System or the intermediate data-heavy content.
● Inhalants, such as glue, paint, brain – motivation, and emotion -Vulnerabilities are too focused, may
gasoline and aerosols, destroy the (feeding, reproductive miss synergistic opportunities, favors
outer lining of nerve cells and make behavior, and parental behavior) individuals vs. group work, tends to
them unable to communicate with ● Reptilian Cortex or the primitive place facts over people, problems
one another. brain – controls the self-preservation with delegating.
● Studies have found that marijuana and aggressive behavior of -Typical occupations are CEO of
use hinders memory, learning, humans similar to the survival technical organizations, stock market
judgment and reaction times, instincts of the animals broker, chemist, computer
while steroids cause aggression and 4. Brain Dominance Theory - programmer, finance manager.
violent mood swings. American creative researcher and
● Scientists have found that drug author, Ned Herrmann studied Sequential Learner
destroys neurons that make that the human body does not -Conservative, structured, organized,
serotonin, a chemical crucial in function equally. People normally detailed, planned
controlling sleep, violence, mood have a more dominant body part. He -Preferred activities are following
swings and sexual urges. extended his theory to the brain directions, repetitive detailed
which he concluded that the brain homework problems, time
Scientists, medical doctors, has four parts – upper left and right management, and schedules,
psychologists, and psychiatrists have planning and organizing.
always been fascinated with. The
-Responses well to agendas, goals repetitive tasks, difficulty in ✔ As you come across new
and objectives, simple graphs and prioritizing. information, link it into the mind
presentation a stickler for time, step- -Typical occupations are artist, map appropriately.
by-step procedures before entertainer, musician, entrepreneur,
concluding strategic planner, creative writer, WAYS WE CAN USE MIND MAPS
-Vulnerabilities are reluctant to film director. EFFECTIVELY:
changes tend to miss the bigger ✔ Use single words or simple
picture, does not miss the bigger MIND MAPPING phrases
picture, does not appreciate -A diagram developed by Tony Buzan ✔ Print words
innovative ideas, avoids dynamic -used to represent ideas or ✔ Use color and shapes to separate
situations. information branching from a central different ideas
-Typical Occupations are technical keyword or idea and used as an aid ✔ Use symbols and Images
manager, operations manager, in study, organization, problem- ✔ Use color and shapes to separate
bookkeeper, drill sergeant, solving, decision making, and different ideas
supervisory nurse, construction writing. ✔ Use symbols and Images
engineer -a useful visual tool that helps in ✔ Use cross-linkages
linking together concepts and
Interpersonal Learner information
-emotional, spiritual, feeling, -interconnection and interrelation of
sensory, kinesthetic these are clearly laid out and easily
-preferred activities are listening to accessible to help in problem-
and sharing, looking for personal solving and for reference and
meaning, sensory input, teamwork, review.
win-win situations. -useful during brainstorming
-responses well to create and free- sessions, making decisions,
flowing activities, experiential organizing information, simplifying
activities like music and art, people complex ideas, note-taking, and
centered activities, and discussions even for personal use.
-vulnerabilities are dislike for routine
and structured activities, tendency CHARACTERISTICS OF A MIND MAP:
to be impulsive and emotional, often ✔ The center image represents the
misses out on details. main idea, subject, or focus.
-typical occupations are marketing, ✔ The main branches radiate from
sales, real estate, elementary school the central image.
teacher, social worker, counselor, ✔ The branches comprise a key
secretary image or word drawn or printed on
its line.
Imaginative Learner ✔ Twigs represent lesser topics.
-visual, holistic, intuitive, innovative, ✔ The branches form a connected
conceptual nodal structure.
-preferred activities are looking at
the big picture, taking initiative, STEPS IN CREATING BASIC MIND
simulations, visual aids, appreciate MAPS:
the beauty of the problem, ✔ Write the title of the subject you
brainstorming, visionary are exploring in the center of the
-responses well to fun activities, page and draw a circle around it.
humor, future-oriented activities, ✔ Draw lines out the center circle to
experimentation, thought- label major subject matters about
provoking, and challenging your topic.
questions, visuals ✔ Draw additional lines that will
-Vulnerabilities can be impractical, connect to the lines to the major
tend to overlook details, may tend to topics.
procrastinate especially if they do ✔ For individual facts or ideas, draw
not like what they’re doing like lines out from the appropriate
heading line and label them.

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