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B.E. (Civil)/Second Semester/Final Marks: 32
Full Marks: 80 /Pass
Time: 03:00 hrs.
BEG155cI: Building Construction (New far
own words as
in their
give their

Candidates are required to

as practicable.
each sub-question
marks. The marks allotted for
Al questions cary equal
is specified along its 5x16 80
Answer FIVE questions. building?
insulation in a
of thermal
1(a) What is the primary objective demolished and
rebuilt in
shown in Fig. (L) has to be
A wall in Fig.(R).
wall a s shown
order to have a leaner
and lighter
materials a r e a s
conductivity (k) of the
The value of thermal 1+7
follows: m ° h c e s b e s t a s = 3 1 . 0 K c a l . c m

brickowal =69.7. HC KelsSI h°C
mhC for
surface resistances
of the outside and inside
and the values


wall can be taken as 0.0515 kcal
U-Value achieved by
the n e w system
% reduction in the
Find the
are in cm).
dimensions in the figure
o n e . (All
over the old
Cament Plaster
Cement Plaster

Asbastos Cement
Brick Wall
Cement Plaster
Cement Plaster

1.5J10.05.0 1.5
building? List
inmsulation in a

What do you
understand by sound
(b) of a building. Explain the
noise in the occupants
few effects of achieve sound
insulation in building.
absorbents used
types of 1+3+4
antd. ...
of a building? Explain
2(a) What are the main requirements of roof
sketches to support your
your best threc roof coverings. Provide ..

(on the basis of method of

(b) List the various types of stairs
in which the floorT
(c) Plan a suitable stair for a residential building
floors is 3.0 m. The
to-floor height between successive
m e a s u r e m e n t of stair hall is 2.5 m
* 5.0 m. Also, provide thne
schematics of your design.
in a n
3(a) List some problems which are seen incurring
underpinning. 2+8
existing foundation with Sketches, explain
of typical doors and
(b) With neat sketches define the components
treatment at
4 (a) Why are in a building?
joints provided Explain joint
in external walls. 2+6
roof levels and
What do you understand temporary construction in building
sketches the, raking shores
technology? Explain with necessary
and flying shores.
What is cladding? What are the requirements of cladding?
5a) 1+2+5
with different types of cladding.
List the attributes of
(b) What do you understand by partition wall?
a n ideal partition wall.
With necessary figures explain brick
partitions and timber partitions.
Write short notes on any FOUR: 4x4 16
(a) Effects of moisture

(b) Water proofing

(c) Construction and expansion joints
(d) Wiring systemn
(e) Lifts and escalators
B.E. (Civil)/Second Semester/ Pinal
Time: 03:00 hrs. Marks: 32
Full Marks: 80 /Pass
BEG155CI: Building Construction (New Course)
as r
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words Ju
as practicable.

All questions carry equal marks. 7he marks allotted for eachsub-question
is Specfied along its side.
Answer FIVE questions.

1(a) Explain the four sources of moisture in building. Also explan

four way of moisture movement through building component
with remedial measure with figure.
b) Compute the U value for a R.C.C roof slab 12 cm thick, insulated

P with 7 cm thick foam plastic finished with 3 cm thick tiles on the

top and 1.5 cm thick cement plaster on the bottom. For root
1/fo=0.0515 and 1/f= 0.1710. Also k1, k2, k3, ka is 81.8, 136.4,
2.73, 69.7 (kcal cm/m2 h deg C) respectively. 8
2(a) Explain the methods of improving bearing capacity of soil. Write
about the types of shallow foundation with neat sketch. 3+5
(b) Draw a figure showing basic element of pitched roof. Explain four
types of single roofs with figure. 2+6
3(a) Define stair. Design a staircase for a private building for given
space of 4.5x5.5m with floor height 3.6. Assume necessary data
and draw a neat sketch to support the design. 2+6
(b) What are the points to be considered while locating doors and
windows? Explain in short the technical forms used to doors and
window. 4+4

4(a) Why expansion joints are needed in building? Explain the

treatment procedure for expansion joints in slab and wall with
figure. 3+5
(b) Explain four different method of formwork for excavation in
trenches with figure. 8
5(a) What is load bearing and non-load bearing cladding? Describe
the plastering procedure. 4+4
(2) services? Describe
are the &°neral principles of electrical 8
owhat managing electrical services.
the safety precar itions while numbers of
with 5
residential building
6la) Desig 1 a septic tank for a 5+3
users. Dimension the size in a neat plan.
systems of ventilation? Explain
owhat is ventilation and 2+2+4
essential factors of ventilation.

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