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LS: 21

MA2001D Mathematics III: Lecture 21


Instructor: Vibhuti Arora

Department of Mathematics
National Institute of Technology Calicut

1 2022-10-7, 18.42 Vibhuti Arora LS: 21

LS: 21

1 Population and Samples

2 Sampling Distribution

3 Sampling Distribution of the mean

2 2022-10-7, 18.42 Vibhuti Arora LS: 21

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Population and Samples

The statistician is primarily concerned with the analysis of

numerical data.
In statistics, data plays an essential role in deciding the
validity of the outcome.

3 2022-10-7, 18.42 Vibhuti Arora LS: 21

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Population and Samples

Population is collection of all items of interest to our study. We usually
denote it by N. The number of individuals in a population is called the
population size.

The population size can be finite or infinite.

The population of a study might be
If there are 950 students in the institute "A" that we classified
according to blood type, we say that we have a population of
size 950.
Patients in the hospital are the population.
The number of tech startups in India since the year 2018.

4 2022-10-7, 18.42 Vibhuti Arora LS: 21

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Population and Samples

We want to make a survey of the job prospects of the students
studying in the NIT Calicut.
If a company wanted to know whether most of its 50,000
customers were satisfied with the company’s service last year.
Population: Hard to define, Hard to observe, Expensive, Time
In attempting to determine the average length of life of a certain
brand of light bulb.
• It is impossible and impractical to test all such bulbs.

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Population and Samples

For larger population, we can use sample to represent parts of

the population.

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Population and Samples

In a shop we assess the quality of wheat or any other by taking a
handful of it from the bag and then decide to purchase it or not.

The sample is a finite subset of the population that best represents
the whole population. The number of individuals in a sample is called
the sample size.

The process of collecting information from sample is refer to
sampling. In other words, procedure by which some members of the
population are selected as representatives of the entire population.

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Population and Samples

All students in a class.

Top 10 students in the same class.

All the people who have the ID proofs is the population

A group of people who only have voter id with them is the sample.

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Population and Samples


Less time consuming.

Sometimes it’s simply not possible to study the whole
population due to its size or inaccessibility.
Helps to collect vital information more quickly.
It cuts costs; enumeration of total population is much more
costly than the sample studies.
From the administrative point of view also sampling
becomes easier, because it involves less staff, equipment
Sampling gives nearest accurate results.

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Population and Samples


Sampling is not feasible where knowledge about each

element is needed.
Since choice of sampling method is a judgmental task,
there exist chances of biasness as per the mindset of
person who chooses it.
Selection of proper size of samples is a difficult job.

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Population and Samples

To eliminate any possibility of bias in the sampling procedure, it

is desirable to choose a random sample in the sense that the
observation are made independently and at random.

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Population and Samples

In this case the sample units are selected at random. A random

sample is one in which each unit of population has an equal
chance of being included in it.
Random Sample
A set of observations X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn constitutes a random
sample of size n from the population if
Each Xi is a random variable having the same distribution
as the population.
These n random variables are independent.

The simplest method, which is normally used, is the lottery


12 2022-10-7, 18.42 Vibhuti Arora LS: 21

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Population and Samples

A parameter (population parameter) is a number describing a
whole population (e.g., population mean, median, SD, etc.)

A statistic is a number describing a sample (e.g., sample

The difference between a statistic and a parameter is that

statistics describe a sample. A parameter describes an entire

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Sampling Distribution

Sampling distribution
A sampling distribution is a distribution of all of the possible
values of a sample statistic for a given size sample selected
from population.

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Sampling Distribution of the mean

Sample Mean
If X1 , X2 , . . . , Xn represent a random sample of size n, then the sample
mean is denoted by X, defined by statistic

X1 + · · · + Xn
X= .

Sampling Distribution of the mean

The probability distribution of a sample mean X is called sampling
Distribution of the mean.

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Sampling Distribution of the mean

Sampling error
A sampling error is the difference between a population parameter
and a sample statistic.

The sampling error is inherent and unavoidable in any and every

sampling scheme.
Sampling errors happen even when you use a randomly
selected sample.
This is because random samples are not identical to the
population in terms of numerical measures like means and
standard deviations.

The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of a statistic is

known as its Standard error (S.E.).

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Sampling Distribution of the mean

If X is the mean of a random sample of size n taken from a
normal population with mean µ and variance σ 2 ; then
X ∼ N(µ, σ 2 /n).

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Sampling Distribution of the mean

Now we look at the situation when the population is NOT known

to be normal.
If a random sample of size n is taken from a population having
the mean µ and the variance σ 2 ; then the sample mean X is a
random variable whose distribution has the mean µ and
variance σ 2 /n.

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Sampling Distribution of the mean

The sample mean X is also a random variable. Thus we can compute

E(X1 ) + E(X2 ) + · · · + E(Xn )

E(X) = by linearity of expectation,
and since E(Xi ) = E(X), we have

E(X) = = E(X) = µ.

Variance of X

Var(X) σ 2
V(X) = = .
n n

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– End –

20 2022-10-7, 18.42 Vibhuti Arora LS: 21

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