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I’d like to introduce the person who is very kindful. She is a student from my school.

She is also come

from china just like me. I think we are good friends but actually we only have one chance to

I’d like to introduce a very kind girl who is from my school. She is also from China, just like me, but
she’s one year younger than me so we don’t have the same classes. Although we only hung out
once, we have talked a lot online, so I reckon we are good friends.

I met her at school although we met … we made an appointment to have brunch together. I have to
say I really enjoy the time spent with her. I think she is one of the most polite person I have met.

I met her at school. We had a mutual friend who was my neighbour. I came across them at school
and my neighbour introduced her to me. A couple of weeks later, we went out on a friend date to
have brunch. I really enjoyed the time spent with her and because of the date, I think she is one of
the politest people I have met.

After the brunch, we went to a café. Actually I cant drink any drink with milk and she is very … help
me to order what I can drink. I’m very grateful to the behaviour of her and it’s really help me a lot.

So on that day, we went to a café together. As I couldn’t drink anything with milk, it took me a while
to decide what drink I could order. She didn’t complain at all. Instead, she was so helpful and patient
because she changed milk to soy for my coffee and also taught me how to pronounce soy in
Japanese. At that time, my Japanese wasn’t that good so what she did for me was so helpful. I’m still
very grateful for what she did on that day and that’s why I think she is so courteous and considerate.

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Well, I would like to introduce a charity founded in China called Alipayfoundation. It’s a valuable
charity to help underprivileged people, especially children. And it has so many small ways to do
charity work which caught my attention when I first knew it. For instance, providing good education
to poor children, reversing desertification. I have used it for a long time and I am so proud that it has
already become a good habit. This charity positively encourages every person who uses an app
called Alipay to share their love. You may have heard of Alipay which is popular not only in China but
also in the world.

Well, I think it’s significant for people to give to charity or get involved in some ways. I reckon it is
one of our responsibilities that we need to help others who need help. If we do that, the world will
become a better place. And also, helping others contributes to keeping good mental health for

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