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Describe the present situation, problems, struggles, issues and needs of the different sectors of

Philippine society most especially in Barangay 654 Intramuros Manila :

Women - Over ten million Filipino women are still poor, with rural and indigenous women being the
most vulnerable. Maternal mortality and access to reproductive health care are two of the country's
most critical issues. Every day, eleven women die from pregnancy and childbirth-related reasons.
This kind of problem is not impossible for the women in the Barangay 654.
Children (street, CICL, drug trade, etc.) - Nowadays, children are one of the most vulnerable ones.
They are sometimes used and forced into some illegal and inhuman activities by some adults or even
worst, by their parents. In the Philippines, children make up nearly half of the population. The
government faces a challenging problem in providing enough resources to children to safeguard their
rights, given the country's rapid population rise. Children can be active participants in societal change
since they are social actors. In terms of implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the
Philippines has made tremendous progress. Nonetheless, children face tremendous obstacles due to
poverty and political violence.

Youth (teenage pregnancy, education, etc.) - Regardless of the situations in which they find
themselves, young people are still developing persons with unique needs and rights. They are
vulnerable as well as competent. Dr. Jose Rizal, one of our country's national heroes, declared more
than a century ago that the youth are the "fair hope of the fatherland." Indeed, the country's future
leaders and citizens, today's kids will determine how well the country will face decades from now.
Young people are not merely passive participants who are continually influenced by outside forces.
High self-esteem, an essential factor of subjective well-being, is one of the Filipino youth's numerous
adaptive features. The contemporary Filipino young also exhibit a strong sense of control over their
surroundings. Even in the face of enormous challenges, where the logical outcome appears to be the
development of apathy and hopelessness, some adolescents show resiliency.

Elderly - In the Philippines, the number of elderly persons is quickly increasing, outpacing
population growth. We can also state that while Barangay 654 has fewer elders, the demand for
health services is increasing as the population ages. Due to the aging of the immune system, older
adults suffer from both degenerative and communicable diseases. Our country also has The
Philippine Plan of Action for Senior Citizens, which intends to promote active aging in senior
citizens by emphasizing preventive and promotional aspects of health in communities and making
health services accessible, inexpensive, and available at all times.

Workers - The condition of Filipino workers in our country is not ideal, and as time passes, their
chances of finding a suitable and financially secure job in the Philippines appear to be dwindling.
Some individuals in Barangay 654, for example, are unemployed despite their ability to work due to
a lack of skills and learning. It's also because the most of job prospects in the Philippines demand a
lot of labor, but the money you earn never appears to be enough to cover all of your needs.

Indigenous people - The Philippine government did establish institutions to ensure that indigenous
peoples' rights and cultures are respected. The state is required to "defend the rights of indigenous
cultural communities to their ancestral lands to maintain their economic, social, and cultural well-
being," according to the present Philippine Constitution. For many indigenous tribes in the
Philippines, the land is life. It is not real estate with a deed that can be traded or sold, but rather a
family home and source of income that has been passed down the centuries. It is their past, which
they have defended against colonial authority for centuries and will continue to fight for the sake of
their livelihood. It is now up to the Filipino people to decide whether they would succeed this time.

Persons with disability - However, from the perspective of a legislator, our comparatively modern
society is not entirely indifferent to the situation of PWDs. The well-being of PWDs is addressed in
many Republic Acts, Batas Pambansa, Presidential Decrees, Administrative Orders, proclamations,
ordinances, circulars, and memoranda. These many laws are all aimed at improving the welfare of
people with disabilities and integrating accessibility into public settings. In practice, there are still
challenges that PWDs face on a daily basis, not to mention societal impediments. There are ramps
that are too steep or too small for wheelchair users, PWD parking spaces that are swiped by the able-
bodied, PWD restrooms that are locked, elevator buttons and signs without Braille markings, non-
audible pedestrian crossings, and so on.

Peasants - The Philippines is the deadliest country in the world for people asserting
their right to land and resources. As a site of land struggles, killings and
harassment of peasants and land activists are perpetuated by the government and
security forces. 

Street families/homeless
Informal settlers
Filipino Family: overseas, transnational,
Internally displaced people, solo parents, teen parenting, grand parenting
LGBT Community
People in conflict-affected communities
Transnational families
Human trafficking
Protection issues in post-disasters (i.e. women & children friendly spaces)
Social Welfare and Social Protection

High – Knees (1 STEP DRILL) – In doing this drill, your starting position is on the top side of the
shoe with both your feet standing in the same place. Next, you`re gonna hop through the spaces of
the shoes using only 1 foot going onto the sides of every space. You`re gonna start hopping on the
left side for the first space then, right foot on the second space, and go on until you finish the hurdle.
When you reach the finish you`ll walk back to the starting point and repeat the hurdle 1 more time.

High Knees (2-step Drill) – This is an easy drill to follow. You will stand at the starting point and
then hop with both feet landing simultaneously on the spaces in between shoes. Repeat the process
until you reach the last pair of shoes. In the end, you`ll walk back to start and repeat the process one
more time.

Side Steps Lateral -

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