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Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 9 (2002) 37-44

Ultrasound-assisted extraction of water-soluble polysaccharides

from the roots of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.)
Z. Hrom'adkov'a a, A. Ebringerov'a a,*
, P. Valachovi~c b

Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dubravska Cesta 9, 842 38 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Drug Research Institute Modra, 900 01 Modra, Slovak Republic
Received 6 November 2000; received in revised form 12 February 2001

The insoluble plant residues, obtained after preparation of medicinal tinctures from the roots of valerian ( Valeriana officinalis L.)
by classical and ultrasound-assisted extraction with aqueous ethanol in a pilot plant, were subsequently treated with hot water
to isolate the accessible polysaccharide cell wall components. At almost equal amounts of the hot-water extractable material, the
yields of the recovered polysaccharides were lower in the ultrasonical experiment. This is due to the fact that a part of
accessible poly- saccharides were already solubilised by the aqueous ethanol and recoverable from the medicinal tincture. Therefore,
the net yield of extracted polysaccharides was enhanced in the ultrasonical procedure. This fact as well as the sugar composition
and structural features of the isolated polysaccharides suggest that ultrasonication have attacked the integrity of cell walls,
released and degraded its most accessible polysaccharides (pectic polysaccharides and starch) and increased also the
extractibility of its less accessible components - xylan, mannan and glucan. The water-soluble polysaccharide fractions from
both the conventional and ultrasoni- cal experiments exhibit significant immunostimulatory activities in mitogenic and
comitogenic thymocyte tests. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Extraction; Ultrasound; Polysaccharides; Valerian; Valeriana officinalis; lmmunostimulatory activity

1. Introduction increased component extraction was achieved in a

shorter time, particularly, in the case of sage. The
Ultrasonical treatment is well established in the pro- mechano- chemical effect of ultrasound is believed to
cessing of plant materials, particularly, for extracting accelerate the extraction of organic compounds from
low molecular substances [1-4]. Few reports have docu- plant materials due to disruption of cell walls and
mented also its viability in improving pectin techno- enhanced mass transfer of the cell contents [10]. This
logy [5] and extracting plant polysaccharides such as was recently [11] docu- mented by the increased
the immunologically active xylan from corn cobs [6,7] extractibility of water-soluble polysaccharides from the
and gum-like heteroxylan from corn hulls [8] without ethanol-insoluble plant residue of sage obtained from the
observation of substantial changes in the functional ultrasound-assisted process in comparison to that from
properties of the mentioned biopolymers. the classical extraction.
Herbal tinctures are often employed in medical treat- The aim of this study was to compare the yield,
ments. Their commercial production is time-consuming com- position and properties of water-extractable
and, therefore, not very effective. A comparative study polysac- charides of the ethanol-insoluble plant residues
of the yield and composition of aqueous ethanol extracts obtained by the classical and ultrasound-assisted
obtained from the herbs-sage and valerian by conven- preparation of medicinal tinctures from the roots of
tional and ultrasound-assisted method have shown a valerian.
more efficient extraction using the later method [9]. An
2. Experimental
Corresponding author. Tel.: +421-75941-0284; fax: +421-75941-
2.1. Materials
E-mail address: (A. Ebringerov'a).
Air-dried roots of valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.)
were crushed to a particle size of 2-3 mm and used for
1350-4177/02/$ - see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Pll: S 1350 - 4177 ( 01 ) 00093 - 1
38 Z. 2rom 'dkov ' et al. 3 4ltrasonics Sonochemistry 9 520026 37844

the preparation of medicinal tincture by classical and

Biospher 1000 + 300 columns using a commercial in-
optimised ultrasound-assisted extraction methods as
previously described [9]. Both classical and strument (Laboratorn'1 P~r'1stroje, Praha, Czech
ultrasonical experiments were performed in the pilot Repub- lic) with Rl- and UV254-detectors. The columns
plant of the drug factory Mediplant (Modra, Slovakia) were calibrated with pullulan standards P10-P800
using iden- tical conditions to those used for industrial (Shodex Standard P-82, Macherey-Nagel, Germany).
purposes (cylindrical shaped glass extractor, bath size The immunostimulatory activity of the polysaccha-
of 56 l, height of 85 cm and diameter of 29 cm, rides was determined by mitogenic and comitogenic in
intervals of circulation, flow rate). The crushed roots vitro tests using rat thymocytes and phytohaemaggluti-
were loaded into the percolator and 60% aqueous nin (PHA) as described in detail in a previous paper [8].
ethanol was added at the solid-liquid ratio of 1:6.7. A
ceramic perforated plate was laid on the top of the 2.3. Large-scale hot water extraction of the plant residue
plant material. The circulation of solvent was achieved
using a peristaltic pump operating for 8 h per day The hot water extraction of the plant residue from the
(short mode [9]). The rest of the day, extraction classical and ultrasonical experiments was performed
proceeded at static macera- tion conditions. The according to the scheme in Fig. 1 in the same device as
extraction process was carried out for three days, then used for the medicinal tincture preparations in the pilot
the tincture was separated off. The ultrasound-assisted plant of the Mediplant factory. The air-dry material (2.5
extraction was performed in a same device and at the kg) was treated for 3 h with 30 l of hot distilled water
same conditions used for the classical extraction. thermostated at 62 ± 5°C. Then, the hot water extract
Ultrasound was applied for 2 h at the be- ginning of
each extraction day. The remaining plant residues (HWE) was let to flow out through a gauze-protected
from both experiments were dried on air and used as tap located bellow the bottom of the extractor. The yield
the starting material in the presented study. Zymosan, of the extracted material was determined by lyophilisa-
a particulate yeast �-glucan was purchased from tion of an aliquot volume of HWE. The polysaccharide
Likospol Ltd. (Bratislava, Slovakia). component of HWE was separated by dialysis in a cel-
lophane bag as the non-dialysable portion and recov-
The ultrasound disintegrator USD 600 (Ultragen ered by lyophilisation (fraction P1). From an other
Nitra, Slovak Republic) operating at a frequency of aliquot of HWE, polysaccharides were precipitated with
20 kHz with input power of 600 W and ultrasound in- ethanol (1:3, v/v), separated by decantation and dialysed
tensity of about 1 W/cm2. The immersion stainless steel from distilled water. The non-dialysable portion was
transducer was of the horn-type with the height of 79 cm separated into the soluble (ws-P2) and insoluble (wis-P2)
and diameter of 5 cm. subfractions by centrifugation and lyophilised.
2.2. Methods
2.4. Isolation of polysaccharides from the medicinal
Moisture content was determined by drying at
105°C to constant mass. All yields and composition
analyses were calculated on moisture-free basis. The tincture (1000 ml) was exhaustively dialysed
Methods used for qualitative (paper chromatography) against distilled water and then the non-dialysable por-
and quantitative (gas-liquid chromatography) analysis tion was separated by centrifugation and lyophilised
of sugars in form of their corresponding alditol yielding fraction TP.
trifluoroacetates have been described in previous The codes ""c"" and ""u"" were used in the text to sign
papers [12,13]. Protein was calculated from the polysaccharide fractions obtained by the classical and
nitrogen content (%N x 6.25) as- sayed using an ultrasonical experiments, respectively.
elemental analyser model 240 (Perkin- Elmer).
FT-lR spectra were measured in KBr pellets (2 mg
sample/200 mg KBr) using a Nicolet-Magna 750 3. Results and discussion
spec- trophotometer operating at 4 cm -1 resolution.
NMR spectra in D20 were recorded at 40°C on a FT- 3.1. Effect of ultrasonication on the extractibility of
NMR AVANCE DPX-300 Bruker spectrometer valerian root polysaccharides
(75.46 MHz) equipped with a selective excitation unit
and gradient enhanced spectroscopy kit (GRASP) for The plant residues, remaining after the classical and
generation of Z-gradients up to 50 G/cm in a 5 mm ultrasound-assisted extraction of valerian roots by
inverse probe. The two-dimensional NMR experiments aqueous ethanol for three days, were treated with hot
were performed using Bruker software XWlN/NMR water according to the scheme in Fig. 1 with the aim
version 1.3 on a Silicon Graphics lNDY Computer extract polysaccharide components. The yield of the
system. The mole- cular properties were characterised HWE material was about the same in the classical and
by HPGPC on GM
Z. 2rom 'dkov' et al. 3 4ltrasonics Sonochemistry 9 520026 37844 39

Fig. 1. lsolation scheme of polysaccharides from valerian roots with and without application of ultrasound during the preparation of ethanolic
medicinal tincture.

ultrasonical experiments representing 11.9% and 11.5%, during the first day of extraction and insignificant ones
respectively, of the dry plant residue. From HWE, after three-days extraction used in the present study.
polysaccharide fractions P1 and P2 were isolated by ln order to look for possible polysaccharide losses,
dialysis and by ethanol precipitation with subsequent the medicinal tinctures (MT) obtained by both proce-
dialysis, respectively. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the yields dures from valerian roots after three days of extraction
of the polysaccharides separated by the two different were subjected to dialysis which is able to separate
isolation techniques were lower in the ultrasonical ex- polymeric material from the tincture. As shown in Fig.
periment. This is opposite to the results reported for the 3, the tinctures from the ultrasonical and classical ex-
plant residue of sage treated under similar extraction traction procedures differ in their dry mass content,
conditions [11], where both the yields of HWE and ex- being 8.6 and 7.5 g/100 ml, respectively. Dialysis of MT
tracted polysaccharides were higher in the ultrasonical yielded the non-dialysable polymeric fraction (TP)
experiment. which again was higher in the case of the ultrasonical
Note that lesser effects of ultrasonication at the experiment, i.e. 5.8% versus 4.8%, related to the dry
same matter of the tinctures. This clearly indicates that some
experimental conditions have been already reported for polymeric material had been already dissolved in the
the medicinal tincture preparations from valerian roots 60% aqueous ethanol, particularly in the case of the
in comparison to those reported in the case of sage [9]. ultrasonic experiment. The analytical data in Table 1
However, significant yield differences were found only
40 Z. 2rom' dkov ' et al. 3 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 9 520026

Fig. 2. Yields (related to the dry plant residue) of the HWE and
polysaccharide fractions, separated from the extract by dialysis (P1) Fig. 3. Effect of ultrasonication on the (a) dry mass of the medicine
and by ethanol precipitation with subsequent dialysis (P2), for the tincture (MT) and (b) yield of the polymeric fraction (TP), separated
classical and ultrasound-assisted extraction procedure. P2 represents from the tincture by dialysis, for the classical and ultrasound-
the sum of subfractions ws-P2 and wis-P2. The inserted numbers in- assisted extraction procedure. The inserted numbers indicate the
dicate the polysaccharide yields in percent related to the dry mass protein con- tent in %.
content of HWE.

Fig. 2 further demonstrates that the yield of poly-

show that the polymeric fraction from the classical ex- saccharides from both experiments depends also on the
periment (TP/c) contains about equal amounts of pro- used isolation method. The ethanol precipitation with
tein and polysaccharides, whereas that from the subsequent dialysis yielded nearly a twice higher amount
ultrasonical experiment (TP/u) was entirely composed of (fraction P2) when compared to that obtained by direct
polysaccharides, accompanied with only ~ 5% of pro- dialysis of the hot water extract (fraction P1). Very
tein. The obtained results suggest that due to the me- probably, some low molecular mass substances were co-
chanochemical effect of ultrasonication on the plant cell precipitated with the polysaccharides by ethanol and
walls, a part of the polysaccharide components became resist in the precipitate during the following dialysis
highly accessible and/or more depolymerised and thus step.
soluble in 60% aqueous ethanol. This fact can explain Further evidence of cell wall disruption by ultraso-
the unexpected lower yield of polysaccharides released nication was derived from the chemical composition of
by the subsequent hot water extraction of the ethanol- the isolated polymeric fractions (Table 1) and their
insoluble plant residue in the case of the ultrasonic ex- structural features. Due to the higher proportion of
periment. Therefore, it is to conclude that the net yield polysaccharides solubilised in the medicinal tincture
of extractable polysaccharides was enhanced by the from the ultrasonical experiment, the protein content of
ultrasonical treatment. its polymeric fraction, TP/u, is much lower than in the

Table 1
Analytical data of polysaccharide fractions isolated from the plant residue of Valeriana roots obtained after classical and ultrasound-assisted ex-
traction with aqueous ethanol
Fraction Yield%a Neutral sugar composition (mole%) GalA%
Rha Ara Xyl Man Glc Gal m.r.b
Classical extraction
TP 44.7 21.2c 13.2 5.2 16.6 28.9 14.8 0.49
P1 nd 5.8 29.9 6.5 9.1 38.2 10.5 2.67 ++
ws-P2 8.3 3.0 36.1 3.5 4.2 20.6 32.7 1.01 28e
wis-P2 1.3 6.5 24.9 7.1 8.5 27.0 26.1 0.66 +
Ultrasound-assisted extraction
TP 4.2 9.6c 29.1 8.5 9.0 34.5 9.2 2.68 ++
P1 nd 14.5c 11.8 8.2 21.2 31.8 12.6 0.64 ++
ws-P2 10.3 8.3 26.2 3.4 8.5 18.3 35.3 0.61 32e
wis-P2 1.1 8.5 17.4 12.2 15.8 23.9 22.4 0.43 +
Related to the ethanol-insoluble plant residue.
Mole ratio.
Contains minor amounts of fructose.
GalA, D -galacturonic acid estimated by paper chromatography.
GalA, D -galacturonic acid estimated by alkalimetric titration.
Z. 2rom 'dkov ' et al. 3 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 9 520026 41
case of that from the classical experiment, TP/c. ln ac-
cord, the neutral sugar composition of TP/u is similar to
that of the HWE polysaccharides, P1/c, from the clas-
sical experiment. Also, an arabinose-rich component
appeared in the hot water extract only in the case of the
classical procedure (P1/c), whereas it was already solu-
bilised in the medicinal tincture from the ultrasonical
procedure (TP/u).
ln contrast, great similarities are in sugar composi-
tion of the ethanol-precipitated fractions (ws-P2) from
both experiments. Both contain mainly galactose, ara-
binose, and rhamnose comprising 60-70% of the neutral
sugars, besides of glucose, mannose and galacturonic
acid. Xylose and mannose, typical constituents of the
less accessible cell wall polysaccharide components of
herbal plants [14], are accumulated in both water-
insoluble subfractions (Table 1) and appear in higher
amounts in that from the ultrasonical experiment. This
is in accord with differences in the solubility of these
fractions. Whereas, ~90% of P2/c is water soluble, it
was only 60% in the case of P2/u due to the presence of
the insoluble xylan and mannan components. These
results are a further support of the mechanochemical Fig. 4. FT-lR spectra of the aqueous ethanol-soluble fractions (1) TP/
attack of ultrasound on cell walls. c and (2) TP/u, and HWE fractions (3) ws-P2/c and (4) ws-P2/u ob-
tained from the classical (c) and ultrasonical (u) experiments.

3.2. Effect of ultrasonication on the structural and correlation NMR technique - HSTC, the several signals
biological active properties of isolated valerian polysac- in the anomeric region and some of other signals could
charides be tentatively identified (Table 2) by comparison with
spectral data reported for various plant polysaccha-
rides [17-24]. A group of 13C-NMR signals are seen at
Certain absorption bands in the 1200-1000 cm-1 of b 110.1, 108.3-108.0, 104.6-104.0, 101.4, 101.0, and
the FT-lR spectrum of biopolymers [15] can be used 100.3-99.9. The first two were assigned to the anomeric
for an approximate identification of polysaccharides in carbons of terminal o-L -arabinofuranose residues con-
plant materials when combined with chemical analysis nected with galactan and arabinan, respectively. The
data. As seen in Fig. 4, the absorption bands of further signals are assignable to C-1 of terminal and
proteins at 1660 cm-1 (amide l) and 1550 cm-1 (amide 3,6-linked �-D -galactopyranose, et-L -rhamnopyranose,
ll) are more pronounced in the FT-lR spectrum of 4,6-linked et-D-glucopyranose, and 4-linked et-D -galac-
TP/c than in that of TP/u, what is in accord with the turonic acid units, respectively. The results suggest the
high protein content of the former fraction (Table 1). presence of 3,5-arabinan and arabino-3,6-galactan (type
The spectrum of TP/u contains, in addition, absorption ll) connected with pectin molecules, and starch-like et-
bands at 3002, 2950, 2920, 2850, 1740, and 1710 cm- glucan as the main polysaccharide components. The
, indicative of lipids [16]. The FT-lR spectra of the pectin is partially methylesterfied (degree of esterifica-
ws-P2 subfraction from both experiments show a tion ~33%) and 0-acetylated (0Me:0Ac ~ 3.6:1) as
similar pattern in accord with their similar sugar estimated from the signal areas of the corresponding
composition. They contain ab- sorption bands typical carbon atom resonances (Table 2).
of pectin (polygalacturonan) at 1730 cm-1 v(C00H), The molecular properties of the aqueous ethanol- and
1145 cm-1 v(C-0-C), 1100, 1048 water-soluble fractions are shown in Table 3. 0nly
and 1019 cm-1 attributed to v(C-0H), v(C-C) and minor differences were found in the molar mass distri-
ring bution of the corresponding ws-P2 fractions from the
vibrations. The dominating band at 1078 cm -1 is indi- classical and ultrasonical experiments. However, a low
cative of arabino-3,6-galactan type ll, present in pectic molar mass was estimated in the case of the TP fraction
polysaccharides [14]. However, the other characteristic isolated from the medicinal tincture of the ultrasonical
bands at 1034, 1043 and 1156 cm -1 attributed to man- experiment. The results confirm that ultrasonication
have not only attacked the integrity of the cell walls
nan, xylan, and starch are overlapped by the vibrations rendering their components more accessible to extrac-
of the prevailing pectic polysaccharides. tion, but have also caused their depolymerisation into
The 13C-NMR spectra of both ws-P2 subfractions fragments of lower molar mass soluble in hot water and
had similar spectral patterns and that from the ultra- even aqueous ethanol.
sound experiment is shown in Fig. 5. Using the
42 Z. 2rom 'dkov ' et al. 3 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 9 520026

Fig. 5. 13C-NMR spectrum (in D20) of ws-P2/u and inserted is the anomeric region of its HSQC-NMR spectrum. A, et-L-arabinofuranose; GaA,
D-galactopuranosyl uronic acid; Ga, �-D-galactopyranose; G, et-D -glucopyranose; R, et-L -rhamnopyranose.

Table 2 date have not been investigated. Using the mitogenic

C/1H-NMR (in D20) cross-peaks from the HSQC spectrum of ws-
P2 of the ultrasonical experiment
Chemical shifts b (ppm) Assignments
13 1
174.8 C-6 et-GalpA
171.7 C-6 methylesterified et-GalpA
110.1 5.23 C-1 terminal et-Araf--- Gal,
108.3 5.08 C-1 terminal et-Araf--- Ara,
5-linked et-Araf
3,5-linked et-Araf
108.0 5.10 C-1
104.6 4.63 C-1 terminal �-Galp
104.0 4.50 C-1 3,6-linked �-Galp
101.5 4.91 C-1 et-Rhap
101.0 4.98 C-1 4,6-linked et-Glcp
110.3-99.9 5.12-5.0 C-1 4-linked et-GalpA
84.8 4.12 C-4 terminal et-Araf
83.6 4.28 C-3 3,5-linked et-Araf
83.0 4.24 C-4 3,5-linked et-Araf
82.2 4.12 C-2 terminal et-Araf
82.0 3.86 C-3 3,6-linked �-Galp
79.8 4.45 C-4 4-linked et-GalpA
77.7 3.94 C-3 terminal et-Araf
72.7 4.73 C-5 4-linked et-GalpA
71.6 5.14 C-5 methylesterified et-GalpA
53.9 3.80 CH3 methyl ester group
21.5 2.08 CH3 acetyl group
17.9 1.28 C-6 et-Rhap

As a lot of herbs were reported, during the last de-

cade, to contain various biologically active polysaccha-
rides [24-26], it was of interest to test for such activity
the ws-polysaccharide fractions of valerian, which up to
Z. 2rom 'dkov ' et al. 3 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 9 520026 41
and comitogenic in vitro thymocyte
37844 tests, the
immuno- stimulatory activity of the ws-P2
subfractions from both classical and ultrasonical
experiments was compared to that of the commercial
immunomodulator Zymosan, a baker"s yeast �-
glucan. Both fractions showed almost the same
response in these tests. As illustrated for ws-P2/ u in
Fig. 6, the direct mitogenic activity was comparable to
that of Zymosan. But the comitogenic activity was
substantially higher in comparison to Zymosan and
was similar to that previously reported for the water-
soluble polysaccharide fractions isolated from sage
with and without application of ultrasound [27].

. onclusions

The application of ultrasound during the preparation

of medicine tincture from valerian roots had not only a
positive effect on the extraction yield [9] but affected
also the extractibility and yield of HWE
polysaccharides. A considerable amount of easy-
extractable pectic poly- saccharides and starch was
released already during the ultrasound-assisted aqueous
ethanol extraction of the roots. Consequently, the yield
of the HWE polysac- charides was lower in the case of
the ultrasonical ex- periment.
This fact as well as the sugar composition and
structural features of the isolated polysaccharides sug-
gest that ultrasonication have attacked the integrity of
cell walls, released and degraded its most accessible
polysaccharides (pectic polysaccharides) and increased
also the extractibility of its less accessible
44 Z. 2rom 'dkov ' et al. 3 Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 9 520026
Table 3
Molecular properties of polysaccharide fractions isolated from the Valeriana roots
Fraction Molar mass distributiona Peak lll
Peak l Peak ll Mw
b b
Mw Area % Mw Area %
Classical extraction
P1 >500,000 3 8,000 97
ws-P2 38,000 17 20,500 45 ~5,000
Ultrasound-assisted extraction
~5,000 100
ws-P2 34,000 19 21,500 55 ~5,000
Measured on GM Biospher columns calibrated with pullulan standards P5-P800.
Calculated from the peak areas of the Rl-detected chromatogram.

This work was supported by the Slovak grant agency
VEGA (Project no. 2/7138) and the Slovak Academy of
Science (C0ST action). The authors thank Dr. J.
Alfo. ldi and Dr. E. Machov 'a, both from the lnstitute
of Chemistry of SAS, for the NMR and HPGPC mea-

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