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1. Article section in the 1986 institution that is connected to the

importance of life?

a. 12
b. 15
c. 2
d. 4

2. Theory that states that a new human person exists immediately

upon conception.

a. theory of delayed animation

b. theory of immediate hominization

3. Where does the first 8 days of the reproductive process?

a. Placenta
b. Abdomen
c. umbilical cord
d. fallopian tube

4. A viewpoint in abortion that states that abortion is always legal.

a. conservative viewpoint
b. liberal viewpoint
c. moderate viewpoint

5. What movement/ position disapproves of abortion and supports the

teachings of the Vatican II council's Pastoral Constitution of the
church? (identification)

● pro- life position/ prolife movement

6. What reason does this statement "It prevents the births of terribly
malformed, also known as defective, children. This refers to abortions
performed based on fetal indications, also known as selective
abortions." fall into?

a. personal reason
b. social reason
c. fetal reason

7. Physical effect of abortion.

a. weight loss
b. nightmare
c. Frustration thwarted maternal instinct
d. guilt

8. Who gave alternative ways in pro life movement?

a. Cullen
b. Francis
c. Shannon
d. Nicholson

9. Involves scraping the lining and removing uterine contents to

prevent implantation. (identification)

● curettage

10. True or False: Abortion is already practiced during the Ancient Greece.

● True
Group 7

8.1 The Need to Redefine Death

1. Which of the following is not a reason to remove life-prolonging

machines for people determined as dead?
a. to be able to use these life support machines for patients who have better
chances of survival
b. to avoid paying the numerous expenses to be incurred
c. To prolong the life of the life support machines
d. to eliminate the suffering of the dying individual

2. Why is there a need to redefine death?

a. to know or to be able to determine the éxact point in time when a
person is dead.
b. To modernize the meaning of death
c. For people to understand the real meaning of death in simpler terms
d. Because death is always perceived with negative connotations

8.2 Several Definitions of Death

3. “It
gives and animates form to the body and makes a human
with rationality and freedom”
a. Physiological Definition
b. Cellular Definition
c. Brain Death Definition
d. Religious Definition

4. Healthprofessionals can determine death or irreversible loss of

circulatory and respiratory function by the use of
e. Both
f. Neither
g. EGG
h. ECG

8.4 Attitudes Towards Death

5. “Wala nang halaga ang aking buhay, kamatayan na lang ang aking
a. Cognitive Attitude
b. Affective Attitude
c. Behavioral Attitude
d. Negative Attitude
6. Indicates how dying individuals think about death
a. Cognitive Attitude
b. Affective Attitude
c. Behavioral Attitude
d. Positive Attitude

8.5 Several Views of Death

7. Which German existentialist stated that unless and until one dies,
one's life is not yet complete, hence, his concept of man as
a. Karl Jaspers
b. Martin Heidegger
c. John Paul Sartre
d. Gabriel Marcel

8. Which Russian theologian stated that only death can give meaning
to life, without death, life would be meaningless because meaning is
bound up with the end.
a. Joseph Volotsky
b. Alexander Men
c. Albert Einstein
d. Nikolai Berdyaev

8.6 Application of Ethical Theories

9. He stated that brain-related criteria are reasonable for

determining death in conjunction with euthanasia and organ
a. William David Ross
b. John Rawls
c. Joseph Fletcher
d. Immanuel Kant

10. Itis immoral to remove life support from terminally ill patients.
Donation of transplantable vital organs contributes to the
utilitarian principle at least with informed consent.

a. Only the 1st statement is correct

b. Only the 2nd statement is correct
c. Both statements are correct
d. Both statements are incorrect
Contraception and Sterilization Quiz

1. It is the prevention of union of male sperm cells and female egg cell.
● Contraception

2. When was the RA 10354 or "Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health

Act of 2012" enacted?
● December 21, 2012

3. A method similar to withdrawal is called?

● coitus reservatus

4. A dome-shaped latex rubber membrane, and it is called a cervical cap or

intracervical pessary.
● Diaphragm

5. It is a type of Sterilization that is need of a removal of reproductive organ.

● Therapeutic sterilization

6. It is a type of contraception in the sense that it prevents conception, not by just

using positive artificial methods.
● Sterilization

7. This is a combination of the temperature method and mucus method with the
other symptoms of pain or cervical changes.
● Sympto-thermal method

8. This method is used to indicate the time of ovulation.

● Temperature Method
9. The vas deferens are cut off and tied so that the sperm coming from the testicles
cannot pass through.
● Vasectomy

10. This device does not prevent ovulation, nor does it prevent conception; but it can
discontinue pregnancy.
● Intrauterine Device (IUD)

1. A technological process whereby a duplicate of an organism is

produced by replacing the nucleus of an unfertilized ovum with the
nucleus of the organism;s somatic cell.
A. Transplantation
B. Sex change operation
C. Cloning

2. A biomedical technique whereby a fertilized ovum is implanted into

the uterus of another woman who will carry the baby to term, either
as a favor or for a fee.
A. Transsexual
B. Surrogacy
C. Sex change operation

3. The fusion of generative cells done in the laboratory, also known as

“test-tube fertilization”
A. Sex change operation
B. Surrogacy
C. In Vitro Fertilization

4. An individual who has both male and female exernal sexual organs
at birth, biologically belonging to one of the two sexes.
A. Transsexual
B. Hermaphrodite
C. Sex selection

5. The introduction of human design, order, or arrangement into the

formation of new genetic combinations in order to produce desired
A. Genetic engineering
B. Genetic testing
C. Genetic Control
6. A prenatal procedure which is used to visualize various parts of a
fetus, thereby detecting anatomical abnormalities in the developing
A. Amniocentesis
B. Fetoscope

7. It is also known as Genetic Selection, this procedure goes hand in hand

with genetic testing.
A. Genetic control
B. Genetic Testing
C. Genetic Screening

8. A minor surgical operation involving insertion of a needle-like

instrument into the egg sac, This is first extracted from a female and
frozen at a low temperature.
A. Sex selection
B. Amniocentesis
C. Laparoscopy

9. Transplantation from one individual to another for the same species.

A. Homograft
B. Autograft
C. Isograft

10.It refers to biochemical studies or chromosomal analyses for the

purpose of detecting genetic diseases.
A. Genetic Engineering
B. Sex selection
C. Genetic testing

1.) Correlative of right.

A. Moral
B. Duty
C. Justice
D. Obligation

2.) Magna Carta for a person with birth deformities?

A. R.A 7277
B. Senate Bill No. 812

3.) Type of birth deformity related to a problem with how a body part or body
system works or functions.
A. Structural Deformity
B. Functional/developmental birth deformities

4.) MORSE:
Right to Privacy and Confidentiality
1. public health and safety so demand
2. mental or physical condition is in controversy
3. truthful and substantial explanation
4. patient waives this right

A. Only 1 from the choices is correct

B. Only 2 from the choices are correct
C. Only 3 from the choices are correct
D. All choices are correct
E. None of the choices are correct

5.) Moral judgements must be made within the context of the entirety of the
situation and that all normative features of a situation must be viewed as a
A. Christianity
B. Ross Ethical Principle
C. Situational Ethics
D. Categorical Imperative
6.) Also known as congenital abnormalities, congenital disorders or congenital
A. Chromosomal problems
B. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
C. Genetic disorders
D. Birth Deformities/Defects

7.) Patients' rights are absolute

A. True
B. False

8.) Regards the rights to informed consent as morally legitimate

A. Natural Law Ethics
B. Rawl’s Principles
C. Utilitarianism
D. Kant’s Ethical Principle

9.) MORSE:
Right to Appropriate Medical Care and Humane Treatment
1. Human dignity
2. Integrity
3. Culture
4. Convictions

A. Only 1 from the choices is correct

B. Only 2 from the choices are correct
C. Only 3 from the choices are correct
D. All choices are correct
E. None of the choices are correct

10.) In emergency cases, these patients don't require an informed consent,

I. Blind
II. Comatose
III. Illiterate

A. I only C. I, II, and III

B. I and II D. All of the choices are incorrect
1. Do situational ethics agree with AI?
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe

2. Based on Karl's principle of autonomy, the decision of a childless couple

for Artificial Insemination should be __________ and _________
A. mindful ; preserved
B. thorough ; patient
C. mutual ; voluntary

3. A technique in which the semen is acquired from a donor other than the
A. Artificial Insemination
B. Homologous Insemination
C. Heterologous Insemination

4. A technique in which the semen is obtained from the husband himself

A. Homologous Insemination
B. Heterologous Insemination
C. Artificial Insemination

5. What is Active Euthanasia?

A. Terminally ill-individual personally decide to terminate their life by
administering painless procedures.
B. Terminally ill-individual personally decide to terminate their life by
administering without procedures.
C. Terminally ill patient allowed to expire upon the request of immediate family
members or its attending physician

6. Realistic, practical, and beneficial is what type of theory?

A. Rawl's concept
B. Ross's ethical principle
C. Pragmatic theory

7. It's a male fertility issue characterized by a low sperm count

A. Oligospermia
B. Azoospermia
C. Aspermia
8. Means there’s no sperm in a man’s ejaculate. Its causes include a
blockage along the reproductive tract, hormonal problems, ejaculation
problems or issues with testicular structure or function
A. Oligospermia
B. Azoospermia
C. Aspermia

9. For T. Gary Williams, euthanasia performed for self-interest is

considered morally right?
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe

10. Based on James Rachels' view, it is morally right if the physician will
perform euthanasia to end the terrible agony of the patient. However,
the physician has an ulterior motive and will gain a large inheritance.
A. True
B. False
C. Maybe
Group 3

The Moral Issue of Suicide, Behavioral Control, and Claim to Health Care

1. A set of criteria that must be formulated based on the social worth of

people who would be saved.
a. Medical Individualism
b. Social Commitment
c. Calculus of Utilities
d. None of the above

2. To kill oneself is contrary to the__?

a. None of the given answers
b. Suicide
c. Divine Will
d. Self-murder

3. It is the procedure used to treat depression-anxiety states, obsessional

neurosis that have not responded to other treatments.
a. Cingulotractomy
b. Lobotomy
c. Amygdalotomy
d. Thalamotomy

4. The one who study on specific psychotropic agents

a. Neurosurgeon
b. Chemotechnologies
c. Psychotherapist
d. Physician

5. Tell us not only what we ought to do, but also why we do things that in
some instances may appear counterintuitive to what we think an ethical
decision would be.
a. Normative Ethics
b. Applied Ethics
c. None of the given answers
d. Meta Ethics
6. This bill contains unique medical codes detailing the care administered
during a patient visit.
a. Individualistic
b. Claim to health care
c. Medical Individualism
d. Social Commitment

7. The procedure in which parts of the amygdaloid body (an

almond-shaped mass of gray matter in the limbic structure of the brain)
are destroyed in a carefully controlled manner.
a. Lobotomy
b. Amygdalotomy
c. Thalamotomy
d. Cingulotractomy

8. The technical process of cutting into or across a lobe of the brain,

especially in order to modify or eliminate some functions associated
with a mental disorder.
a. Lobotomy
b. Amygdalotomy
c. Thalamotomy
d. Cingulotractomy

9. It is the procedure in which parts of the thalamus (the chief center for
transmission of sensory impulses to the cerebral cortex) are surgically
severed or destroyed.
a. Lobotomy
b. Amygdalotomy
c. Thalamotomy
d. Cingulotractomy

10.It is a type of chemotechnology in which chemical drugs are used for

behavioral control.
a. ESB
b. Chemotherapy
c. Psychotherapy
d. Aversion Therapy

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